Althea: The Legendary Saintess [Shoujo]

Chapter 117: Goddesses

Someone is calling me...

As my consciousness slowly comes into focus, I open my eyes.

"Where... Where am I? I was just talking with Ciel in my room, wasn't I?"

The place looked familiar. All around me, chamomile flowers bloomed in abundance, and the sky above was a clear blue. Yes, this was the otherworld where Ciel had once slumbered.

"But how did I get here? Am I sleepwalking?"

Rising in confusion, I heard soft laughter behind me.

"Not sleepwalking... But since this is the world of dreams, you aren't entirely wrong."

Turning towards the voice, I saw a beautiful woman with jet-black hair and dark eyes, someone I recognized.

"A dream? This is the world of dreams? And... Goddess?"

"Yes, that's right. It's been a while... although in your world, only two days have passed. I'm relieved your friend has awakened safely. I could visit your dream tonight thanks to his help."

Her smile, accompanied by her gentle tone, made her seem like a young girl compared to the dream I had a few days ago.

"With Ciel's help...?"

"Yes. As I mentioned before, I wanted to tell you about a way to save the Maiden of Dusk. Besides, aren’t you a bit stuck on something right now?"

"Stuck... Yes, I need to know how to escape from here without being detected."

"My, what a daring maiden you are. But I know, thanks to the fairies, that you can do it easily now."

"Easily? I mean without a forceful breakthrough? Though I did consider that as a last resort..."

"You don't need to resort to that. You already possess all the necessary items. It seems someone is quite determined to make you the Maiden of Dusk this time."

"The one who chooses the maiden is the god Saul, The Sol, right?"

"Yes, the Maiden of Dusk is chosen by him. The Maiden of Dawn, however, is different... It's rare for him to be so fixated, though."


"Yes... Didn't you recently acquire a magical book, just for you?"

"Oh, yes."

"That book is why he's so obsessed. But that's not important. As his wife, I simply support his wishes... Open that book, and it will solve your escape problem."

So that book was special. I understood I needed to use it, but how could merely opening it solve everything? As I pondered, she continued.

"Since time is short, let's move forward. Once you escape your room, you need to reach your kingdom, right?"

"Royal Grand Central?"

"Yes, that's it. Once you reach there, seek the 'Rainbow Magic Stone.'"

"Rainbow Magic Stone? But aren't magic stones usually a single attribute color? Red, blue, yellow, green, and so on... I thought there were only those seven."

At my question, she shook her finger side to side.

"You're right, there are seven colors. But a stone containing all seven exists. That's the 'Rainbow Magic Stone.' It's likely a national treasure stored in a treasury."

A national treasure of such a level being kept secret made sense, albeit astonishing.

"What do I need such a precious stone for?"

"You'll use it as a medium for prayers. The past Maidens of Dusk lost their lives because they gave all their magic to the Maidens of Dawn for prayers."

"I know that..."

"When the two maidens begin the ritual, the magic of the Maiden of Dusk gets siphoned off for the prayers of the Maiden of Dawn. Even when not praying, as long as they’re together, the magic slowly drains away. Unlike other magic, the magic given for prayers doesn’t recover with rest. The Maiden of Dusk's life depends on dispelling the darkness before all her magic is gone... It's almost a gamble for her."


"It may be a gamble, but ideally, the Maiden of Dawn should be able to pray with her own magic. However, it's always been insufficient, requiring the aid of someone else. That hasn't changed since the beginning. I'm sorry for all the previous Maidens of Dusk, for not being able to change the Sun Goddess's mind."

"The beginning? What do you mean?"

"The Sun Goddess never had much magic. Initially, it was fine because she had her counterpart, who controlled the sun. But when he transformed into a sword to protect the world, her magic alone wasn't enough. Despite countless reminders, she liked being protected by him and us... Ultimately..."

"Wasn't there a way to choose someone with enough magic?"

"If we did that, this world would fall into darkness, taken by the demons. I want to protect this world he loved. Knowing my feelings, he made sure the Maiden of Dusk was born with high magic. But the Sun Goddess loved being protected by him more than anything else. To her, maidens are meant to be protected, and that’s paramount."

"Needing to be protected means having less magic by a special attribute...?"

"Exactly. To maintain the balance and protect this world, the Maiden of Dawn’s magic was kept low. It’s a sad irony, but the sacrifice of the Maiden of Dusk ensures the continuation of light."

Clair and Stella nodded in agreement.

"I realized it too," Stella began, "finding a way for the Maiden of Dusk to not have to sacrifice all her magic for the prayer. And finally, I found it. The answer lies in the transformation of your magic."

"My magic...?"

"Yes. In terms of magic power, there’s not much difference between you and the previous maidens. The difference is in the physical body. You know that having a strong body enhances the quality of your magic, right? The previous maidens' prayer magic was transparent. But as your body grew stronger, your magic changed from transparent to rainbow-colored. This rainbow magic allows resonance with the 'Rainbow Magic Stone'."

"Rainbow magic?"

I had learned that a well-trained body enhances magic quality in the academy and heard it from the Pope and the Headmaster during the re-evaluation. But I had never heard of rainbow magic. And the idea that my transparent magic had transformed into rainbow magic was entirely new to me.

Puzzled, I asked Stella for clarification.

"Yes, your transparent magic has turned into rainbow magic. During the re-evaluation, I saw it for the first time. Seeing your magic reminded me of what he said about the 'Rainbow Magic Stone.' It's incredibly rare and can resonate with magic, allowing it to be transferred to another person with the same stone. This transfer is only effective for a specific period when the same spell is chanted. You don't need to perform the prayer in the same place; as long as you pray at the designated time through the stone, the Maiden of Dawn will receive sufficient magic. This way, the Maiden of Dusk's magic is only drawn during the prayer, allowing for longer prayers and eliminating the risk of losing her life."

"Eliminating the risk? So, it's not certain?"

Sensing the uncertainty in her words, I probed further.

"Exactly. It's not certain. No one has ever had their transparent magic transform into rainbow magic before, so there’s no proof. Moreover, to perform this, two 'Rainbow Magic Stones' are needed, one for each maiden."

"Two national treasures... If we can't get both, will I face the same fate as the previous maidens?"

"According to what we know, yes. However, the treasure vault of the successor kingdom of your kingdom should have the stones. The issue is whether they'll let you use them."

"So, I need to convince the king to give me the 'Rainbow Magic Stone'?"

Meeting my gaze, Stella nodded.

"By the way... is there any other way to obtain the 'Rainbow Magic Stone' apart from the treasury?"

"I hadn't considered that. I was focused on the one in the treasury... I'm sorry. I'll start looking into it now. I promise to find a way and inform you through your friend."

The 'Rainbow Magic Stone,' essential to save myself from sacrificing my life for the prayer.

The king is kind-hearted, but would he really hand over such a precious national treasure based on uncertain information? If not, I would find another way. I had the strength to do so.

As I stood there in silence, deep in thought, Stella spoke up.

"I'm sorry I can't guarantee anything. The Maiden of Dusk has always been burdened, suffering in the shadows..."

The goddess wore a remorseful expression, her head slightly bowed. Given the situation, it was understandable. Even if I managed to obtain the magic stone, my chances of survival were only around 80%, and the likelihood of actually acquiring the stone was uncertain.


I called out, trying to muster a reassuring smile despite my doubts.

"It’s alright. I’ve made my decision to face the fate of the Maiden of Dusk, knowing there's a possibility. And besides, you’ll be helping me, won't you?"

At my words, Stella nodded vigorously.

"In that case, I’ll prove it. I’ll show that your belief in this possibility is correct. I'm greedy like that. I don’t want to just save myself; I want to find a way for everyone to be happy. If it means fighting for that, then I’ll do it."

Stella stared at me, wide-eyed, before breaking into a light laugh.

"Hehe, you seem so obedient, but you're quite strong-willed. How reassuring."

With a gentle smile, she spoke, and I responded with an equally warm smile.

"Well, if we're talking appearances, you’re stunning and divine—almost intimidating—but you’re actually very approachable. You’re comforting, in a way."

"Perhaps it’s because I’m the goddess of the night. The darkness can be daunting, but it also brings comfort..."

We both laughed at that.

"Well, it’s time."

After our laughter subsided, Stella released my hand and stood up.

"Althea, remember what we discussed here when you wake up. It could be the key to your survival... And then, follow your instincts."


"Good morning, Lady Althea."

Laila's voice woke me as she drew back the curtains.

"Good morning, Laila."

I looked out at the still-dark sky, recalling the oddly realistic dream.

"I’ll prepare your clothes. Please wash your face first."

Moving efficiently, Laila set about her tasks. As I stepped out of bed, a chamomile flower fell to the floor. Hastily, I picked it up and tucked it discreetly under the bed.

After washing up and getting dressed, I headed to the dormitory dining hall.

It was a dream, but not just a dream—a 'dream' that was real. The chamomile flower proved it.

As I ate breakfast, I silently reflected on the dream. From a distance, Laila watched me intently, her gaze thoughtful.

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