Alternative Stories

Chapter 41 Upgrade

                 _ _ _Darook Pov_ _ _

I just...I just couldn't struggle any more, I could feel the beast slowly but surely burrowing into my mind. I don't understand how or why but my thoughts, my very consciousness was being assaulted, invaded. It felt as if hundreds of carnivorous worms were crawling around inside my skull taking bites out of my mind and replacing it with something else. It was, it was a feeling that simple words could not describe.

At first I had resisted, I had fought against the tide that crashed against my mind with all my might and will, however the enemy was persistent, constant in its never ending attacks against me. It started by probing my mind bit by bit, wearing me down with slow yet precised and surgical attacks, and once I was mentally drained it began its assault in earnest.

I tried to break free of my restraints but no matter how hard I thrashed they would not shatter, the fact that my eyes as well as a large amount of my head had been covered didn't help the situation at all either. If only I still had my equipment I'd be able to escape with ease but unfortunately everything that could have helped me seemed to have been taken away long ago.

It was only now that I truly understood how different these creatures were in comparison to their original counterparts, sadly I was being given plenty of time to think on that fact. Additionally, I didn't even know how long this battle of will had been going on for, it could have been second, minutes, hours, days,  I had completely lost track of time at this point.

As the time ticked by however, my desire to break free was slowly dissipating. I didn't know if it was because of my exhaustion or something else but I found myself oddly still as some ethereal voice seemed to whisper in the back of my mind. I tried to fight the temptation to give in but as more time passed, as fighting became less and less appealing to me, I found myself asking various questions.

Why was I fighting this? Why was I struggling to break free again? Why would I want to leave this place? These were the questions that now filled my mind, some part of me tried to scream and give an answer to them but I could barely hear it anymore.

<<Submit to me, follow my will.>> A voice that was so familiar yet so foreign to me echoed beep within my mind. 

Somehow I could understand the words being spoken to me, a fact that should have confused me but didn't. These words, this language, it was the one spoken from the mouths of the pyode amedha. It was a language that I did not know or care to learn and yet I understood the words perfectly. 

<< you...c-command...>>

                _ _ _Carmen Pov_ _ _

(Finally...) I huffed while trying to shake off the mental fatigue I was feeling currently. (Finally done...)

The process of taking control of a Yautja's mind was far more tedious and difficult when compared to doing the same with a human. Honestly it was like trying to break down a steel wall with a somewhat sturdy stick. I mean yeah, I managed it but damn, was it fucking draining to pull off.

(How long did that take?) I had honestly kind of lost track of time, after all I barely needed to sleep anymore.

[About four days give or take.] Goldy hummed with what I guessed was a shrug.

(Four days!) I yelped rather taken aback by the information. (But that was just one of them!)

[Well, that was your fault for working so slowly.] 

(I wanted to see if taking my time would minimize the side effects of forcefully taking over them.) I grumbled in annoyance.

[At least it seems to have worked somewhat.] The ass said in a rather sarcastic manner. [Anyway, back to work with you, after all there are still four more to go.]

(Four? Wasn't there five of them left after thi-oh right.) I stopped myself when I suddenly remembered what happened.

[Yeah, that guy who has a mask that is kind of like Shredder, he took one hell of a beating even before falling into that pit you created and getting his head nearly crushed under several dozen rocks.]


It was unfortunate but I had to use the poor bastard as a host mostly because he was already close to death anyway, at least he probably wouldn't feel anything considering the massive concussion he probably has right now. As for the pit, well, you can thank Jonas for that, honestly I was rather surprised at how quickly he was able to turn some broken down trash I had laying around as well as some of that white crap those maggot things make into a rather effective explosive.

[Now back to work with you, after all I'm not giving you that reward until you have completely subdued all of them.] Goldy chuckled much to my irritation.

(You really are a prick.)

Things actually went faster than I was expecting them to, mostly because I noticed something after some tests and experimentation on my part, it turns out that indoctrinating individuals is much easier when they're knocked out or just asleep. Additionally, it also helps minimize the side effects of said indoctrination, mostly because their minds are less likely to fight back while unconscious. Of course it still took me around three days of constant work to finally finish but hey, it worked out better than expected to be honest.

(That took way too bloody long...) I grumbled as I finally finished dominating the remaining preds.

[Yay! Great job on taking away their free will, you're such a good person.] Goldy cheered causing me to flinch slightly.

(I really, really hate you.)

[Come on little Carman, no need to be so uptight.] He joked but I ignored him, at least until he tried to speak up once more. [Or should I be calling yo-?] 

(Don't.) I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get a reaction out of me, however I refused to let him finish that fucking sentence.

[Alright alright, it was just a joke, no need to bring out the "scary" voice.] He mused not sounding sorry at all.

I would have clawed out his fucking tongue if I actually could but for now I just begrudgingly let it go. (There are some things you shouldn't "joke" about...)

[Whatever you say.] Goldy hummed uncaring of my anger.

(Now...where the hell is my reward?) I hissed while trying to change the subject.

[Oh right.] He muttered before seemingly clapping his hands, or whatever appendages he had, together. [Here you go.]

A second later I felt a large amount of information pour into my head, it wasn't as bad as when I first got my Gifts but it was still disorienting. (That...that still feels fucking weird...) I grumbled while looking at the information that appeared in front of me.

[//Name: Hive Dominance. 

//Type: Growth 

//Rank: 2

//Grade: C


Effect 1: Creates a hive mind like network that the user is fully connected to and in control of. Allows for the slow indoctrination of non hive mind members as well as better control over naturally born hive members. Telepathic communication between the user and indoctrinated individuals is also possible. Current limit of indoctrinated individuals: 100/300.

Effect 2: LOCKED.

Effect 3: LOCKED.

//Notes: The higher the individual's will and mental strength compared to the user's the harder it is to succeed with the subjugation, in fact it is very possible for someone to completely stop the domination attempt with enough mental fortitude.]

(It went up by three times what it was before...) I hummed in thought.

[Seems like it.]

(More than I was expecting to be honest.) I muttered to myself. (If that stays the same for every rank up I wonder what it'll be once it is maxed out.)

[It should be somewhere billion, four hundred and thirty four million, eight hundred and ninety thousand, seven hundred.] Goldy yawned with a bored tone. [That is if you don't somehow manage to increase its grade and therefore its overall max rank.]

(Damn...) To say that this information surprised me would be an understatement. (I didn't expect you to be someone who was good at math...)

[The fact you said that with such honesty kind of hurts me you know...] He admitted but I didn't really care.

Instead my focus was on something else he just mentioned. (Wait, I can increase the grade of my Gift as well?)

[Nooooooo~ of course not.] He chuckled, causing me to growl in annoyance.

(Go jump off of a cliff...)

[Maybe I will!] He huffed while pretending to be upset.

(You do that.) I muttered, giving him a blank look.

[Anyway, what now?] He asked and I could only shake my head at the sudden shift in conversation.

(Simple, I need to prepare a few things before shit hits the fan and the final battle begins.) I answer with an annoyed hum.

[Go on…]

(Well, first things first, I need to deal with that ship in orbit.)

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