Alternative Stories

Chapter 38 The Hunters

                    _ _ _ 3rd person pov_ _ _

"Hey, boss?"

"What?" The Leader Of The Night's Hands sighed in annoyance.

"Did you hear that?"

"God damn it..." Hearing the question he couldn't help but hiss as a feeling of irritation overtook him.

The Night's Hands had left the city not too long before the Fall, as the idiots had started calling the event, and boy had they been lucky to do so. Several fragmented groups from different gangs had met up with them not too long ago, each of them telling stories of violent monsters hunting and dragging off anyone they could find. 

It was around this time that people started to get rather paranoid, it didn't help that they had already lost people to the wildlife and the things hidden in the underbrush. Of course there were still people who laughed and denied the claims but they quickly changed their tone, especially when a severely wounded survivor appeared out of nowhere while dragging the cut off tail of something that seemed both organic and mechanical behind him. The acidic green blood leaking from it made all the stories that they had all heard seem far, far more real than any of them was truly expecting.

"For the last time, no!" He growled while standing up from his seat in the middle of their makeshift camp. "I don't hear anything other then your constant fucking whining."

"S-sorry boss..."

"I don't need your damn apologies." He announced while slapping the fool in question across the back of the head. "All I need is for you to shut the fuck up for five bloody minutes."

(God...I'm really getting fed up with all of this fucking shit.) He thought to himself, honestly being the leader of this band of idiots was getting less and less appealing to him by the second.

He was about to continue taking out his anger on the annoying bastard but stopped when something caught his attention. "Huh?"

It started with silence, the creatures hidden within the forest had all suddenly stopped making any noise at all, even the tiny insect-like creatures that were commonly found buzzing overhead had vanished without a trace. The screaming began soon after that, it came from the very edge of the camp, close to the wall that they had put together with whatever they could find laying around. Unfortunately however, the screams quickly began to spread like wildfire throughout the edges of the camp, slowly they were getting closer and closer as gunshots went off in the distance.

The thugs closer to the center didn't just stand still however, most turned to run of course but some curious and dumb ones moved forward to find out what the hell was going on. When they arrived at the source of the screaming they were met with quite the scene indeed. Men being ripped apart by some kind of invisible entities, others were sliced in half by what appeared to be some kind of sharp throwing discs or impaled through the torso by spear-like things. In fact one guy was pinned against the ground by some kind of razor sharp net that rapidly tightened around his body causing him to scream in agony. 

For a moment they were completely lost for words, they didn't even understand how to comprehend what they were seeing let alone describe it. Thankfully they were snapped out of their daze as a figure ran towards them rather frantically, a figure who was missing an arm and had a look of pure terror on his face.

"Help me pleas-!" Was all he managed to get out before his torso exploded in blue light.

"What the fuck?!"

"Oh hell no!"

"Fuck this, RUN!"

Unfortunately for all of them there was no escape, they couldn't even really see what the hell it was that was attacking them if the wild and panicked gunshots were anything to go by. In fact the bullets being fired were so random and uncontrolled that the so-called leader of these thugs took a round straight to the back as he turned to run away, a fact that caused him to trip and roll to the ground as burning pain spread out from the now open wound.

The man in question could only watch as his people were torn apart one by one, he could only lay there in pain as the power that he had so hoped to retain was shattered before his eyes. The worst part was that he hadn't even caught a damn glimpse of who the hell had done all of this, after all he had been one of the first people to turn around and run for it, not that this fact had actually ended up saving him of course.

"" He whispered as his vision grew dark.

As for their attackers, well, they didn't stick around for long as they had only accidentally stumbled across this place while moving towards their true destination. Unfortunately they had found no worthy prey among these pyode amedha, however the true battle would come soon, a battle against something they both feared and hated. Soon they would face a true monstrosity that should never have existed, an Abomination.

                       _ _ _Carmen Pov_ _ _

(They're almost here...) I hummed as one of my children watched from afar while making sure to keep out of view of the hunters.

[Seems like it.] Goldy mused, he honestly sounded rather entertained by the whole thing, not that this fact surprised me but still.

(Unfortunately they got to them before I could.) I sighed in annoyance at the fact. (So many potential hosts are going to waste.) At this point that's all they were to me, just hosts that I could use to grow my numbers and nothing more.

[Haven't you gotten rather heartless.] Goldy pointed out with a slight chuckle.

(And who's fault is that exactly?) I asked rather coldly and with a slight edge in my voice.

Goldy of course didn't seem fazed by this at all however. [They grow up so fast.]

(Go fuck yourself.)

[Sure, you wanna watch me?] 

Deciding against adding more fuel to the fire I just decided to change the subject. (Anyway, they should be here by daybreak at the most, if not sooner.)

[Got any ideas as to what you're gonna do before they get here?] Goldy asked, not really caring about my attempt to change the previous line of conversation.

(Honestly...I think I'm just gonna go for a walk.) I mused with a shrug much to his confusion.


I wasn't joking, in fact after all of this preparation and planning I just...just wanted to take my mind off of it all for a bit without having to constantly worry about what comes next. And so I did as I said, I possessed one of my Xenomorphs and started walking in a random direction.

I walked through the hive just observing my surroundings as well as the oddly beautiful design of the hive resin that covered the walls and floors. If I was my old self I would have probably found this place rather creepy and uncomfortable to put it mildly but now? Now I found it rather calming and relaxing, it made me feel rather secure, safe even. It was strange to say the least and most would more than likely call me completely crazy for thinking like this and they'd probably be right about that, however I barely even registered that fact anymore as I've just stopped caring about it.

Moving on though, I continued my little exploration deeper into my hive. I occasionally saw one or two of my children curled up against a wall resting, waiting for an order from their queen or for something foreign to the hive to disturb them. I walked past numerous chambers filled with dozens upon dozens of Ovomorphs and watched as Facehuggers scuttled from crevice to crevice in an attempt to stay hidden from view. I even witnessed several Chestbursters going through their metamorphosis into drones while Praetorians led groups of Xenomorphs throughout the hive on patrol.

Overall it was peaceful, despite the grim view outsiders would probably have of this place things weren't so black and white. Maybe it was my somewhat degrading mental state or maybe it was because of my unique point of view but I found myself genuinely relaxed in a place filled to the brim with creatures most would consider monstrous, if not nightmarish.

[So...have you had any interesting conversations lately?]

(Really? Are you so desperate for attention that you've resorted to small talk?) I asked with the closest thing to a blank look I could give. (Also you're literally in my head twenty four seven, so you should already know the answer to that.)

Goldy could only grumble at that before going on to ask. [What about your new minions? How are they?]

(Still getting used to the hive mind, Jonas has even started trying to communicate with some of my children, not that they are paying him any mind.) I answered with a slight shrug.

[Oh...OH!] The sudden excited tone in his voice made me a little nervous, I'm not gonna lie. [You mind if I take control of one of your xenos real quick?]

(You can do that?) I mused somewhat surprised but  quickly shook said surprise off when I remembered that this guy could create an entire universe with relative ease.

[Only if you let me, normally I could do it even without your permission, however not only are the trial rules preventing me without your confirmation but they also make it so that I can't assist you in combat or any other significant way.] He explained, causing me to nod in understanding.

(Will it get you out of my head for a bit?) Was my only real question after hearing that.

[Unfortunately yes, I know you must be absolutely devastated by the fact.]

(Fine, but don't mess up my plans or do anything that I wouldn't allow, you know, like attacking my Xenomorphs or killing anyone under my care.)

[I would never, I just want to release some of my boredom by messing with a certain mortal a little.] He chuckled as I felt a weight leave my mind, a weight that I hadn't even realized was there to begin with.

Now I don't want this to sound perverted or anything but not having that idiot constantly yapping inside my head was rather...euphoric to say the least. Honestly it was the first time in either of my two lives where I just sat and enjoyed the silence around me in such a tranquil way, and could you really blame me? Goldy may be helpful at times, in fact I probably would have completely lost my mind if I had no one to talk too at the beginning of this whole mess, however that didn't take away from the fact that he was an annoying fucking asshole that never seemed to know when to shut the hell up.

(Finally...some actual fucking silence.) I muttered as I enjoyed the now much more pleasant atmosphere. (Let's just enjoy this while it lasts.)

(Hmmm?) Before I could get too relaxed however something suddenly got my attention, something that made me smile to myself. (Oh lucky me...)

(It seems my enemy's worst fear has finally come into existence...)

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