Alternative Stories

Chapter 34 Reinforcement

            _ _ _3rd Person Pov_ _ _

The fact that Carmen had fled the battlefield with her prize didn't go unnoticed, the other six members of the hunting party of course tried to give chase but were met with a horde of violet Xenomorphs that were now fully focused on slowing the Yautja down at any cost. Of course they were also being attacked by the normal black variant as well, a fact that made their jobs even more difficult as they cut their way through the sea of black and purple.

As for the humans, well, for the most part they left the group of incredibly advanced aliens alone, after all they were still getting attacked by the black Xenomorphs as well. However though, there was one human who kept shooting at them from a pretty far off distance, the hunters were able to avoid these attacks for the most part but one of them had their plasma caster blown off.

After some time the group of six did manage to break away, not before killing dozens of xenos as they fled and gathering one or two trophies along their way as well. Of course, with this new group of mysterious hunters now gone things quickly returned to how they were before they had so abruptly arrived. What was left of the two Xenomorph factions now went back to tearing each other to pieces, although some of the violet ones had ended up leaving however, mostly to chase after the Yautjas.

And while all this was happening the humans were still desperately attempting to survive the best they could. "Aaaaaah!" One of the marines screamed as a Xenomorph jumped on him and began ripping into him.

His comrades quickly attempted to pull the thing off of him, a task they achieved but not before he was mauled to death. "Damn it!" One of his friends yelled in rage when he saw the mangled body before him.

"Die you fucking bastard!" The other screamed as gun fire ripped through the xeno's exposed body.

Unfortunately that Xenomorph was soon replaced by five more, then ten, then twenty, in fact the number of black xenomorphs was increasing rather rapidly. Ever since the appearance of the purple variants more and more of them have begun pouring in from different directions. Up until this point it had been a slow but steady stream but now, now it was looking more and more like an unending flood.

"Shit..." The director cursed to himself, he could see his men getting pushed back inch by inch as more and more Xenomorphs pushed their way forward by the second.

"Sir...sir we can't hold out much longer." One of the men behind him muttered.

"I know that..."

(Where the fuck are those damn reinforcement?) He didn't know if anyone had heard his message or not but he had to keep hoping, mostly because the other possibility terrified him to no end. (We can't be the only ones left, right?) 

"What is that?" Someone suddenly said, pulling his attention back to reality.

Glancing around he noticed several people pointing upwards, a fact that quickly caused him to look up as well. "Huh?"

In that moment something caused the clouds to part, something rather massive and metallic looking. As a dark shadow descended over the battlefield everything seemed to stop, even some of the Xenomorphs had glanced upwards at the hovering object above them.


"Is that what I think it is?"

"Well damn, we might just survive this mess after all."

Ignoring the chatter from those around him, only one thought came to his mind. (We're saved...)

"Sir, they are broadcasting a message." Someone yelled excitedly causing the detector to immediately shout back at them.

"Patch it through then!"

"This is Captain Elliott Terra of the Perseus, I am currently broadcasting on all open frequencies." A male voice came over the radio as the star ship floated above the battlefield. "We came for a simple pickup and retrieval mission, however it would seem that we have arrived to quite the party indeed."

               _ _ _Carmen Pov_ _ _

It didn't take me all that long to reach a safe distance from my opposition, once I did though I ordered my children that were still alive and fighting to begin pulling back if at all possible. Eventually after dragging the unconscious preddy boy for what felt like several miles a group of xenos that I had called over from the main hive showed up to give me a hand.

(Wakey wakey rise and shine.) I muttered while slapping the bastard awake.

After a few slaps to the face the Yautja finally woke up only to be met with the sight of myself and something else looking down at him. (Hey there.) I hummed motioning to the thing sitting on my shoulder. (Say hello to my little friend.) 

The Yautja of course didn't just sit there and do nothing but it didn't really have much time to react as the facehugger jumped off of my shoulder and grappled onto its face. Maybe it wasn't able to react in time because of the fatigue it felt, maybe it was because of the disorientation from just waking up after getting it's head slammed into the ground multiple times, or maybe, just maybe it couldn't react because of the xenomorphs that were currently holding its limbs in place. Either way though the result was the same no matter the reason, my little friend got to fulfill its life's purpose and the Yautja Was once again plunged into unconsciousness.

[You know, you didn't have to wake it up just for that, in fact you could have just done it while it was unconscious.] Goldy muttered, a little taken back at my actions.

That was true, however I was in a resentful mood currently. (I know, I was just feeling a little bit vengeful after all of that bullshit.)

[Let me guess, you were pissed off because one of them shot your head off while you were distracted?]

(I wasn't distracted!) I yelped in an attempt to defend myself, an attempt that failed I might add.

[Whatever you say.]

With all that out of the way and done with, I return to my original body, not before telling my Xenos to be careful with the Yautja however, especially its remaining equipment that I plan on storing away once they return. Of course I also took this time to send more squads of Xenomorphs out that way to lay in ambush for the hunters that are sure to be following not far behind.

(Anyway, the rest of the hunting party should end up arriving in two days or so, more if they really take their sweet time dealing with all of the ambushes I'll soon have set up and waiting for them.) I hummed to myself.

[Why are you even trying to get the preds to come after you? You could just kill them before they arrive here after all.] Goldy asked, causing me to shrug.

(Isn't it obvious?) 

[You don't want the other hive getting their hands on a Predalien?] He guessed, causing me to nod my head in response.

(That's one reason yes, additionally getting that upgrade to my Gift would also be a great help as well.) I explained, although those weren't the only reasons why. (But the main reason is because what I really want is their technology.)

[And what exactly will you do if they end up blowing themselves up? You do realize that it will probably level the whole city you're in, or at least a large chunk of it if those bombs go off all at once?]

(Well, that's one of the reasons I'm setting up several ambushes along their path, I'm hoping that the xenomorphs will be able to destroy said devices while they are fighting the Yautja.) I mused while rubbing the smooth top part of my head. (Of course though I still need to think of an actual proper plan for when they actually arrive however.)

[You haven't thought of one yet?] Goldy asked somewhat mockingly.

(I'm not fucking Batman!) I hissed in annoyance. (I don't have a contingency plan for everything.)


(But...but I should be able to think of something before they actually get here.) I sighed knowing full well that getting pissed at him wouldn't solve anything, mostly because he would just find it hilarious. (Thankfully however, I have my first few flocks of flyers that should be really for combat soon, a fact that should be of great help in dealing with them...)

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