Alternative Stories

Chapter 23 Hive Management

It took me quite a while to finally come up with an answer, after all the ideas swimming around my head were quite mind blowing. To put it simply, I was rather taken aback at the thought of potentially owning something as large as an actual planet to say the very least. Despite this however I quickly put it all aside for now, in the end I had more important things to worry about and all of that could be left for the future.

(One last thing before I answer though.) I muttered while slowly rubbing the smooth dome part of my head. (This new variable that you are adding in won't be some kind of giant eldritch horror or other such dangerous thing that I can't handle at the moment, right?)

[Of course not.] Goldy gasped, he kind of sounded somewhat offended by the statement. [First, I will only pick something that exists within this universe to add into the trial. And secondly, well, it wouldn't be any fun if you stood no chance of succeeding after all.]

(...Okay...okay fine...)

[Hmmm?] I could only sigh at the excited tone in Goldy's voice.

(I accept, I accept your damn condition.) I muttered in annoyance.

[Good good good, very good, good.] I really do hate him when he gets like this. [This will be very entertaining.]

(For you maybe.) I grumbled before letting out another long sigh of irritation. (So when is this new variable or whatever you want to call it going to show up?)

[Not telling.] He chuckled smugly and I felt what little patience I had left slowly slipping away.

(Can you at least tell me if it's happening in the next couple of days? weeks? Months? Years? Give me a vague timeframe at the very least.) I hissed while trying my best to keep my cool and composure, I knew that for a fact that if I didn't he would more than likely end up enjoying this even more, and if that happened I'd never get an answer out of him. (How long do you expect me to wait here?!)

[Fine fine, I guess that I could let go of a little information for you just this once...] He moped, apparently he really didn't want to tell me, probably because it would somewhat ruin his fun, not that I actually cared. [It will happen within the month at the very least.]

(That's the best I'm gonna get, isn't it?) I sighed and I could feel him grin in response.

[Pretty much.] 

(You know what, whatever, let's just move on from this already.) I groaned inwardly while deciding that ending this conversation here was probably for the best.

With that said I turned my attention towards the greater whole of the hive. (I have far more important things to do then argue with your cryptic ass.)

[My ass is absolutely magnificent I'll have you know.] Goldy hummed proudly, however I was rather quick to rebuke that little comment.

(I really doubt that.)

[Is that a bet? I have several mesmerizing yet disturbing pictures that can prove it if you're interested in that kind of thing.]

(Nope, I'm done with your bullshit for today.) I mused in frustration, all while I mentally attempted to block out his voice to the best of my current ability. (I have work to do so keep your ass to yourself and shut up.)


With that done and out of the way for now I focused on the main task at hand, a task that I was actually looking forward to quite a bit to be honest. Anyway, I turned my attention to my hive as well as the steadily growing numbers of my forces that were slowly advancing deeper and deeper into the tunnels that surrounded us. 

Looking through the vision of my children I began to take note of everything that I could, I needed to get a full grasp of what I was working with after all. Anyway, my overall goal for now was to mostly just organize my assets and streamline what my forces were doing as much as currently possible. The first thing I did however was to break my drones and warriors into groups of varying sizes, all so that I could more easily give them more precise tasks and instructions. For example, guarding key areas of the nest, patrolling unclaimed regions that we plan on expanding towards, spreading the hive resin and so on.  

I also took this time to select several secluded places where eggs and hosts could be stored away from me, after all I really didn't want to have to keep on watching as the people I used as host slowly died as they begged and screamed for help. It definitely wasn't a fun experience the first time and honestly, well, I'd rather not have to deal with that again. However, I must say it was morbidly fascinating to watch as the dead bodies began to be almost absorbed and broken down by the hive resin that surrounded them.

One of the last tasks I set for them to do was to create several dozen blind spots, basically I had my xenos move boxes and other such things they could find out of various places of the hive and into the tunnels and spaces that were far more open, places were they may end up being more easily spotted. Doing this would hopefully help my drones and warriors hide and stay out of sight, at least until the hive resin has been spread out more. However the primary point of doing this was that it would give my facehuggers more areas to lay in ambush when the time comes to release them on mass, after all those little jump scaring bastards had proven time and time again how good they were at taking out unsuspecting individuals and stupid scientists as well as equally stupid explorers.

Additionally I had them block off some of the stairways and old elevators that led up to the surface, after all I didn't want people just walking into the deeper parts of my nest. Of course I also made sure my xenos could still pass through unimpeded, no need to limit their movement after all.

[Don't you seem relaxed.] Goldy said, his words pulling my overall focus away for my work. He was somewhat right in a way, I actually hadn't even noticed that I had begun to lightly hum to myself while this was all going on.

(It's the first time since I arrived here that I can just sit back, lower my guard and relax. I can finally focus and get lost in something that is both productive and actually enjoyable, something that doesn't involve mind control, plotting for murder or, well, just plain murder.) I sighed, I was honestly feeling far less tense and stressed then I had been previously.

[That's fair I suppose.]

I had to admit, watching them work and hunt was rather fun in a way, like having an ant farm, well, an ant farm that was way bigger and slightly more disturbing. In fact as I watched them more and more the comparison became far more noticeable, the only real difference was the somewhat strange rts like feeling that I was getting from all of this.

Anyway, things continued to move along, in fact I was so engrossed in managing the hive as a whole that I barely noticed when my xenomorphs walked in dragging the people that Ashley, Connor and the other three had so graciously betrayed. The thugs who were with my xenos at the time weren't here as I had given them another mission beforehand. Anyway, I had my new captives restrained and knocked out, I wouldn't be using them as hosts for now like I had originally planned on doing, instead I decided to just indoctrinate them into the hive mind, after all they were far more intelligent than most of the prisoners on this world.

(Things are going faster than I expected them to.) I finally said after a while of silence.

I could feel Goldy shrug at that. [If your race has anything going for them it's their absurd growth and reproduction speed, they're a lot like a virus to be honest.]

(That's true I suppose.) I didn't even try and rebuke that last part.

[So what's next on your list of wacky adventures?] He chuckled, causing me to rub my head in thought.

(Expand...I'm going to expand my reach into the entirety of these underground railway tunnels...)

Hearing that he seemed to get rather excited to say the least. [I don't think that our neighbours would take too kindly to you "commandeering" their rightfully earned land.]

(I know that already, I just don't care anymore.) I hissed much to his growing enthusiasm.

[Then what are you gonna do about them? If you don't mind me asking that is.] 

(You already know the answer, so why do you even need to ask?) I muttered with a shake of my head.

Hearing my response he simply smiled from what I could tell. [It's more fun to hear you say it aloud.]

I groaned at that, he was being a prick again but I just answered him anyway. (It's time for us to massively increase our recruitment drive and finally rid this place of the infestation that's taken root in it.)

[It's about fucking time.]

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