Alternative Stories

Chapter 19 Humanity Or Survival

(Why won't they just stop screaming?) I muttered with an annoyed shake of my head as I glanced at those currently trapped here against their will.

[I know you mortals are weak of mind but that was a rhetorical question, right?] Goldy asked in return with what I guessed was a "what the fuck do you think" look.

(Yes, yes it was...) I sighed as I glanced around my new home.

The whole area was now far more homie to me, a fact that confused me greatly. I don't really know why but even though it would have definitely creeped me out before all this happened I now found it kind of...I don't know...calming maybe? The whole place was now absolutely covered in hive resin yet it didn't bother me at all, actually the black substance covered most of the surrounding surfaces and it was even helping in supporting my now rather massive size.

I honestly was surprised at just how okay I was with being here, it was like a strange tension in the back of my mind that I hadn't noticed was there until it finally disappeared. I suppose my odd acceptance of all this can be another thing that is caused by my new form and instincts.

Talking about my new body, it would seem that my overall unwillingness to transform into a queen all this time has actually been slowing down the process of my transformation, a fact that somewhat intrigued me. I figured this out because the moment I actually wanted it to happen the speed in which it all went down accelerated rather dramatically. 

As for the giant egg factory attached to my body now, or the ovipositor as it's also called, well, it felt odd to say the least. It felt like it was a part of me but also not a part of me, it was kind of like a prosthetic limb in a strange way. My tail was actually somewhat merged within it, acting kind of like a support structure or spinal cord. I actually don't know where the hive resin came from that was holding me in place, it had seemingly grown out of me alongside my new appendage.

With all this said and done I have no idea how I actually did any of it. The acceleration of my transformation as well as the creation of my ovipositor, both of these processes had been so instinctual that it was almost like I had just willed it to happen. I could explain to you how it happened visually sure but actually explaining to you how it all work biologically, well, I have no fucking idea.

Anyway, my current position was not an ideal one, in fact I was rather disturbed by what was currently happening. I will admit however that it definitely was not as "traumatic" as I was expecting it to be but that didn't mean I enjoyed it either.

(This feels so damn weird.) I muttered as a slight shiver ran down my spine, it was a reaction to the rather odd sensation I was currently feeling. 

Surprisingly however, once the egg was...well, born I immediately felt a connection to it as a new mental link opened up between us. My Hive Dominance Gift had activated and immediately connected me to the facehugger inside of said egg seemingly without any kind of resistance on its end.

[Congratulations ma'am! It's a girl!] Goldy cheered and I legit felt like killing myself out of embarrassment at that moment.

(Oh fuck you...) I hissed but stopped momentarily when a sudden realization hit me. (You better not be recording this you bastard!)

[Calm down honey, stress isn't good for the babies after all.] Oh god, someone just kill me please.

(I hate you, I hate you so fucking much.)

[Those are just the hormones talking darling.] He said while not even trying to hide his cackling laughter.

And so it continued like this for a while, Goldy eventually ran out of jokes and mocking remarks thankfully but that didn't stop him from snickering every now and then just to annoy me. Anyway, just like before my Gift would activate every time and connect me to my...the new born facehuggers.

(Why does my Gift keep on activating on its own without my instructions? Also will this take up all of my indoctrination slots?) I asked in a futile attempt to distract myself from my current activities.

Goldy to his credit stopped laughing and explained it to me seriously. [If the creature was born a part of your hive mind, or your species version of a hive mind anyway, your Gift will activate and immediately connect to it.] He paused for a second to let me absorb that peace of information before continuing on. [As for your other question, no. Your indoctrination slots or whatever you want to call them are meant for beings that weren't born from you or another member of your hive mind.]

(So...if I indoctrinate two humans and they end up having a kid, that kid will then also be a part of my hive mind without filling up my overall limit?) I asked with some genuine interest.


(That's actually pretty good information, thanks for telling me I guess.)

[You're welcome.] He mused but quickly did a one eighty and completely ruined the moment. [So then...when's the baby shower?]

(I take back all the good things I have ever said about you.)

[I'm devastated, truly.]

(Whatever...) I huffed but suddenly stopped any and all movement as I noticed something. (I really don't want to watch this...) I muttered as I felt one of the huggers begin to stir from its slumber.

[I don't get why your being so sensitive about it, face fucking is a completely natural thing.] He said while trying to imitate a wise sage.

(I d-don't...I don't even know how to respond to that...) I admitted with a slightly appalled look on my face.

Getting rid of that rather disgusting image I returned back to the main topic at hand. (Can't you just remove my memories as a human so that the events that are bound to happen don't horrify and disgust me as much.)

[I could, I could most definitely do that...but no.] Goldy yawned with what I was guessing was a shrug.

That caused me to hiss in irritation before continuing the conversation. (Why?)

[Because Chaos has forbidden me to do such things and I can't go against their commands.]

(Again, why?) I asked slightly more annoyed this time.

[It's simple really, taking away such memories would deprive you of your original personality.] He hummed with a tired sigh. [It could also affect your free will, and that is the main problem now isn't it, after all Chaos does love, well, chaos. And hey, what's more chaotic than free will and differing ideals between sentient beings.]

(Great...just great...) I sighed as I watched the egg slowly open like a flower before a small hand-like creature crawled its way out. (Now I have to sit here and watch as the little nightmare fulfills its one and only purpose in life before it's inevitable death, yay...) I breathed out with a tone that definitely wasn't at all sarcastic.

To my confusion however the facehugger didn't immediately fulfill its namesake, instead it sent an odd feeling through the link that connected us, almost like it was asking for permission to complete it's only purpose in life. I was a little stunned for a long moment before finally realizing that I was subconsciously commanding it to not face hug some poor bastard without even noticing that I was doing it.

Breathing out heavily as I attempted to focus on the task at hand. (It's time to choose I guess...)

[Your humanity or your survival, which path will you walk down?] Goldy asked and for once I didn't sense any kind of amusement or judgment in his voice.

(...Can you remove the instincts I'm feeling?) I asked after a second of thought. (If I'm making this choice I want to make it as me, not me and something else.)

[Very well...] I felt the xenomorph part of my new mind drift away for a moment, vanishing as if it hadn't ever been there and damn, I've never felt so much mental strain.

It was like most of my human emotions had been blocked behind a dam and it had just been cracked open, I honestly started shaking slightly like I was having some kind of seizure. Thankfully I was able to stabilize myself after some time of clawing my way out of the still growing pit of negative feelings that permeated my whole mind. I was still a complete mess mind you and boy did I feel like absolute shit right now but at least I could now think somewhat properly in the face of all of this.

(O-okay...okay...) I slowly breathed in and out letting my body relax as I fought desperately to keep my metaphorical head above the sea of emotions that threaten to consume me.

It was honestly a miserable experience that took quite some time to come down from but eventually I did manage it. (Okay...I think...I th-think I'm alright...) I sighed as I thought about everything that had happened up until this point.

(I...I...god...I really have become a monster haven't I?) I asked but no one answered me no matter how long I waited for a response... 

It was then that I finally made my decision. <<Do it...just get it over with...>> I said heavily and my order was carried out almost immediately.

The next couple of seconds were rather horrifying for the people strapped to the walls and other such surfaces. The ones that couldn't see me or what was happening were temporarily confused as to why those that could see what was going on were completely freaking the hell out, that confusion only lasted for a second however. 

They of course were suddenly hit with realization when my new...offspring suddenly jumped forward and latched itself onto the face of the closest person to it. They really started to scream and struggle after that, unfortunately their efforts were completely useless at this point.

[You made the righ-] Goldy tried to console me but I immediately stopped him before he could finish.

(Don't...just...just don't.) I sighed as I felt my xenomorph side return, a fact that I almost welcomed at this point.

It was then that I felt the urge again and like an automated factory line my body started pumping out more and more eggs. It was only now that I truly realized how thankful I was for my Hive Possession Gift. Sadly for the people trapped here their lives would be pretty miserable for the next few hours as it was around this time that more of the eggs began to open as their contents began to pull themselves out and into the open.

(This is going to be a long day...)

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