Alternative Stories

Chapter 12 Break Out

I sat, watched and waited as things progressed as my plans began to unfold around the station one after another. In the observation room five figures lingered as they checked their equipment, readying themselves for the upcoming tests. Unfortunately for them things wouldn't continue to be so peaceful, in fact things were about to get very hectic for them.

"Where is everyone today?" A blond haired man asked as he tapped away at a console.

The guy next to him shrugged without really seeming to care all that much at all. "No idea."

[They don't know what is coming, how very amusing.] Goldy mused but I ignored him.

"Creepy..." A short woman muttered as I turned my head in her direction.


"It''s almost like it's looking at me."

"Don't be ridiculous, and even if it was, why would it be looking at you? You're not exactly a looker." The guy that said that chuckled to himself as the words left his mouth.

"I guess..." She muttered before seemingly realizing what exactly he had just said. "Hey!"

(It's started...) I hummed solemnly just as I felt the first of many explosions shake the station.

"What was that?!" A man wearing glasses yelped in surprise.

"Why is the station shaking?!" One of them shouted as he stumbled slightly.

No one really had an answer to that until someone asked something that sent a shiver through all of them. "A-are we under attack or something?" 

" that...that can't be what's going on, r-right?" One of them attempted to make an argument against that little theory.

"Y-yeah, who would b-be attacking this place?" They tried to sound confident but the station shook again shattering what little courage they had.

(Scared huh, well, you don't have to worry about that, after all you won't have to be afraid for much longer now.) I mused as the door that connected the observation room to the rest of the station opened.

"Marines?" One of the researchers asked as the two soldiers that had been guarding outside walked in unannounced.

"What's going on out there?" Someone asked but the two didn't answer, they just stood and waited for a moment.

<<Do it now.>> I muttered and the two marines immediately pointed their guns forward.

"W-wait, wh-what are yo-?" He didn't even get to finish before he was gunned down without any mercy, all of the others soon followed suit as well.



"Please sto-!" 

The lot of them screamed as the two marines mowed them down without any hesitation, their crimson blood splattering against the observation window causing me to sigh coldly. The sound of gunfire and screams for mercy echoing through the halls would have probably gotten far more attention if everything in the rest of the station wasn't already a complete mess right now.

The moment the gun fire ended however the marines moved to the door blocking me from freedom and opened it. They were met with me, my grimm looking form towering over them yet they showed no fear, in fact they seemed almost excited to be in my presence.

"Be free my queen."

(I don't like how obsessed they are with me, it's like I have my own cult or something.) I sighed as I tried my best to ignore that somewhat fanatical look in their eyes.

[If you continue on the path you're currently going down at the moment that might very well happen as time goes on.]

Not really knowing how I felt about that or even how to respond I simply sighed. (Whatever, a problem for future me to deal with I guess.)

(Anyway, it's finally time to get out of here.) I thought as I quickly made my way outside, thankfully however there was no one around to see me at the moment.

Before leaving however I sent one last message to the two behind me without looking back. <<You know your missions, go now and complete them.>>

"Yes my queen."

Ignoring them I began to move. (I have to get to the ventilation shafts and out of sight of any possible dangers.) I mused to myself as I used the knowledge I had gathered to find the specific entrance I needed.

[It appears your explosives are working as planned.] Goldy chuckled as we moved, we could hear several echoing cries and loud explosions off in the distance.

(They were never gonna do much damage on their own, I knew that from the very start, so I thought it would be best to hide them in places that would cause multiple chain reactions.) I explained with a slight shrug.

[It seems to have had the intended effect then.]

I had my few thralls hide the said secretly made explosives in certain places that would cause more damage in the long run. For example, the inside of the armoury surrounded by several boxes of grenades, inside of the security room to destroy any kind of surveillance systems, I had even had some put near the containment rooms of the other xenomorphs, the ones that were furthest away from me of course.

[And it succeeded rather...explosively in fact.]

(Was that a pun?) I paused for a second and asked.

[You disapprove?]

(Hell no! I love puns, they're great and I don't care what anyone says.) With that said I made my way through the already planned out root that I had memorized beforehand, a root that was now very much on fire and filled with copious amounts of smoke.

(The vent I need should be I trailed off somewhat as I turned a corner, the sight before me was not a good one.

The vent shaft that I had been looking for was there wasn't the only thing at the other end of the hallway. Standing at the other side, obscured slightly by ash and flames were two figures covered in futuristic tactical armor and armed with rather deadly looking guns. 

Surprisingly though I couldn't really sense them beforehand, in fact I only noticed them when they came into visual range and I was about to find out why this was the case. "Xenomorph bio form detected."

(Wha?) I muttered a little taken aback.


(Oh shit!) I yelled while quickly jumping out of the way of a hail of bullets that nearly turned me into swiss cheese.

Not staying still for a moment I leaped from wall to wall in an attempt to get closer to my robotic aggressors. Of course they didn't make it easier for me, in fact I felt several bullets whizz past and even scrape painfully against my exoskeleton. The weapons they held were rather deadly but fortunately the large amounts of smoke from the raging flames below helped cover my approach enough for me to close the distance between us.

"Target heavily obscured." One of them announced as it tried to shoot me off of the ceiling.

"Analyzing..." the second one hummed mechanically before seemingly coming up with something to help with their inability to hit me. "Optimal solution found." With that said they both began firing far more randomly making it much harder for me to predict their shots and dodge out of the way.

Thankfully by this point I was in range of the two, so I jumped out from the smoke tackling one of them to the ground before jumping forward once more. I had actually moved out of the way just in time, in fact I would have probably been dead if I hadn't because the one still standing opened fire at where I had just been a moment ago. Unfortunately for the shooter however that meant that they accidentally ended up hitting their now downed ally, the one who was still alive on the ground but now filled with various bullet holes and leaking milky white blood across the floor.

Landing on the back wall close to the ventilation shaft I quickly moved towards it while the two below me were momentarily distracted. I had no intention of fighting them, I didn't have time to mess around with them after all. There were way to many things that could potentially go wrong the longer that I stayed in one place, the other xenomorphs could end up finding me, I could run out of time and the station could crash before I have time to escape, more marines or synthetics may hear the commotion and come to help kill me. Long story short, I couldn't stay here.

Grabbing the metal grate covering the ventilation shaft I pulled with enough force to rip it off of the wall before throwing it down at the asshole below who was now aiming its gun up towards me. The grate slammed into its head sending its stumbling back for a moment and allowing me to quickly slip myself into the relatively cramped vent just in time to avoid several bullets meant for my back.

(That went way better than I was expecting it to.) I muttered as I scrambled further into the vent.

[Very well executed, would you like to see an instant replay?] Goldy offered, causing me to pause for a moment.

(You recorded all of that?) I was a little surprised but quickly got over it, I was finally getting somewhat used to his antics after all this time.

[Yes, would you like to see?]

(...Maybe later...)

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