Alternative Stories

Chapter 10 Plan Of Action

Three weeks, three god damn fucking weeks, that's how long I've been here, that's how long I've been forced to deal with all this shit. Things had been mixed, the plan I had cooked up was going well all things considered, however the scientists and researchers had started more of their experiments. Thankfully, they hadn't forced me to fight anymore of my kind but they had begun more...invasive tests.

They knock me out, they trapped me in different rooms with synthetics and test subjects to see how I'd react, they filled the room I was in with various gasses and chemicals, they shocked me, they burnt me, all in an attempt to see what would happen, to see how far they could push me. As time went on I felt more and more hollow, my humanity was still there but it was slipping away through my claws and...and I don't know, I just didn't know how long I would be able to keep this up. Thankfully, they didn't do anything that could put my life at risk, mostly because my value to them had increased and at this point I was pretty much unreplaceable.

I was getting desperate if I was being honest, not only because I knew a xenomorph outbreak would happen and I'd probably die at that point but also because I was getting bigger. I was growing and not slowly either, when I asked Goldy about it he explained that it was because I was a new strain without a hive. More specifically however I didn't have a queen, so my body's natural functions were slowly turning me into one and that was a massive problem.

Thankfully though I was currently only a little bit bigger than a warrior but I could already feel my exoskeleton straining as my body continued to grow unchecked. I'd probably start my transformation into a praetorian relatively soon and a queen within a few days or maybe less if things continued how they currently were going.

This all meant one thing, I was now on an even shorter time limit than I had originally expected, I really needed off this station. The problem was that if I got any bigger my plan would no longer work, in fact for my plan to work I needed to be small enough to fit through the vents at the very least.

Fortunately for me all the pieces I needed were already gathered, I just needed to have them put into their proper places to finally get everything finished. Roseanne had actually been of a great help to me as well, helping find suitable candidates for indoctrination.

Surprisingly most marines had a better mental defense then I expected them to have, in fact researches and other such staff were much easier to indoctrinate when compared to them. Thinking back on it now, this actually makes sense to me, researchers already had a strange fascination with xenomorphs and were not nearly as...courageous as your average marines. Marines on the other hand occasionally fight against xenomorphs and are much stronger willed considering all the shit they have seen without a piece of bulletproof glass protecting them. 

Anyway, I currently had fifteen subjugated individuals. Five marines, four scientists, two members of the maintenance staff, three engineers from the weapons department and one section director who just so happened to know the entrance codes to several important and restricted facilities.

For the past couple of weeks I hadn't just been indoctrinating people however, no, I have been memorizing the layout of the whole station, even the ventilation shafts. Everything was so close to completion but there was one major problem, it seemed that I may have gotten the attention of some rather unsightly individuals.

[That will probably end up complicating things.] Goldy hummed, sounding a little surprised.

That confused me, didn't he make this place? Why would he be surprised? (You didn't know this would happen?)

I could practically feel him shrugging before going on to say. [I may have created the trial, however I only created the framework for it. Even though these people may not be the originals and are only copies of their true selves they are fully sentient beings, they can still make their own decisions as individuals. This world's overall story can change on a whim if you're not careful with your actions.] He muttered before chuckling somewhat. [But hey, isn't that the fun of any story? The feeling of never knowing what will happen next.]

(Fair enough.) I said while completely ignoring that last part. (But anyway, you're right, it looks like I'll need to speed things up after all before they arrive.)

Apparently, according to what I had learnt, it would seem that the higher ups of Weyland Yutani had taken an interest in me. Now this would normally be fine but the problem is that they are currently in the process of sending a small group of ships to pick me up and move me to another more secure site for further testing.

(If they move me to another location it'll be nearly impossible for me to actually complete this trial and get out of here.) I couldn't let that happen, I refused to be stuck here for however long xenomorphs may live for. (Thankfully I'm almost done with setting things up.)

[Indeed, your thralls have already placed and set up all of the necessary explosives you had created for your little plan to work.]

(Progress!) I yelled sarcastically. 

[Although I must ask, how can you be sure those bombs won't be discovered before you are ready?]

(I've made sure to hide them the best that I could, however at this point I can only hope, hope they don't get found, hope that they actually even work and go off when I need them to.)

[Either way I must say, the plan you cooked up is interesting to say the least but I never expected you to be so destructive.] He chuckled with an almost sadistic glee.

(Well...) I sighed while taking a moment to think of a response. (We all give into our more destructive nature when we're backed into a corner and faced with imminent suffering. Humans think we are above all that because of our ability to rationalize and grasp the bigger picture but we're not, not even close. After all when we are faced with a decision, one between suffering or not suffering most will pick to protect themselves even if it causes others pain as a result of said decision. In fact, just like animals we are slaves to our instincts and need to survive...)

I sighed half heartedly before quickly adding with a far off look. (Actually that's why I find insects like ants and bees so interesting. A single ant is always willing to sacrifice itself for the greater survival of the colony without even the tiniest amount of hesitation or self preservation.)

[...That was a rant and a half]

(S-sorry.) I coughed while trying to hide my embarrassment.

(A-anyway, as things are now I was already on a time limit with my possible metamorphosis coming along, so adding this on as well isn't really much of a bother to me at the moment.) I muttered while trying to change the subject of conversation.

(As for the explosives, well, they could have been better to be honest but it's fine.) I mused in contemplation. (Because they were made from random miscellaneous crap their destructive power won't be all that great on their own, however that shouldn't really be much of a problem concerning our targets in question.)

[So when do you plan to begin?]

(If all things go as I hope...tomorrow.)

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