Alternative Stories

Chapter 1 I’m A What?!

It had all happened so abruptly, so suddenly. The ground shook so violently and everything just came crashing down around me. My legs were crushed under the rubble and something metallic, possibly a pipe or something pierced straight through my back, through my spine and out of my chest. I couldn't feel any pain though, everything was just...just numb.

I never expected something like this to happen, in fact it all happened so quickly that I hadn't even had any time to really process it. My mind did catch up though, after all I couldn't block them out, the muffled screams and yells for help I mean. I could hear them, all of them, they were echoing out from between the gaps in the rubble. I listened to them, I just listened and hoped, hoped that someone would save them, save me... Some of them went quiet after a while though...I...I knew that I'd probably be joining them soon if nothing changed.

"I...ah...he-help..." I tried to speak, to say something, anything that possibly could have been heard by a rescue team but I couldn't...I just...I just couldn't. The blood that continued to fill my lungs and mouth made speech of any kind incredibly difficult.

It was hopeless. I was slipping away and I knew it, how could I not know it. It was getting harder and harder for me to breathe, to stay awake. My mind became heavy and unfocused, filled with fog. I couldn't even feel the lower half of my body anymore, I'd probably be paralyzed from the chest down even if I somehow survived this ordeal.

Unbeknownst to me however, something had actually heard my plea for help or...or maybe I was just lucky. At the time I thought it was just some kind of near death hallucination, I mean who could blame me considering the situation I was currently in.

Anyway, as I lay there dying something appeared in front of me, something strange. I could barely make it out clearly but it looked like a ball of golden light, it seemed to flicker in and out of existence as it floated there. Oddly enough though, after a second of silence a male voice came from it, low and calm yet also slightly mechanical.

[Interesting...let's see here.] As it spoke I felt a warm soothing feelings spread all over my body, I was still definitely dying but the process seemed to have slowed somewhat. [Yes, you will do nicely.]

[A possible candidate has been found. Do I have permission to begin the trial?] It said before pausing as if waiting for an answer I couldn't hear.

[Permission has been granted.]

[Now generating both a suitable scenario as well as the ideal vessel from key traits and memories of the candidate.] I didn't understand what was going on or what it was talking about, all I could do was sit and wait as my consciousness slowly dimmed.

[Process complete]

[Transferring consciousness now.] That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

That's where my life should have ended, that's where I should have died but somehow, by some miracle I didn't. I don't know how long it took but eventually I woke up and, well, I definitely wasn't where I should have been.

Where I found myself was not a hospital or even the least I don't think this was the afterlife, I'd honestly be somewhat disappointed if it was. Anyway, where I found myself was dark, completely pitch black even. It was cramped and uncomfortably moist, there was also a constant thumping noise that was rather annoying to say the least.

I tried moving around in an attempt to feel my surroundings but almost immediately I froze in both confusion and shock. As I started moving the thumping noise had begun to increase in frequency, however I didn't stop because of that, no, I stopped because of something far more alarming. My body didn't move how I wanted it to, it didn't feel like my body at all, in fact it didn't even feel like a human body let alone my own.

(What's happening? What am I?) I didn't understand, my mind was frantic and confused, I was panicking.

Thankfully it seemed I'd get my answers even if I didn't like them. [You are currently the second life stage of the living bio weapon that is more commonly known as a Xenomorph.] 

(What?! What the hell do you mean?!) The voice I had just heard was the same as the one that I remember hearing before my apparent death, and what's more odd was that it came from within my own head. ( are you in my head?)

[You have been saved from death in a sense. As to why, that is because you have been selected for the opportunity to become an Alternative.] I had no idea what this voice, what "he" was talking about but he continued before I could ask. [As for how I am speaking to you at this moment in time miss Carmen, well, that is quite simple. I am currently projecting my thoughts into your mind through a kind of telepathy.]


[Are you alright?] He sounded somewhat concerned, however his slightly robotic tone took away from that a bit.

(Just give me a minute.) I was currently attempting to calm myself down to the best of my ability, at least enough to actually think somewhat properly.

(Okay, can you explain what happened to me and what is going on as simply as possible)

[Very well. To start things off, you died. You were killed when the building you were in collapsed because of an earthquake that struck the area you were in.] That I remembered, it was pretty hard to forget something like that after all. [Before you died however something got lucky, really fucking lucky if I'm being honest.] I don't know why but I don't exactly feel very lucky at the moment.

[After some deliberation it was decided that you would be given the opportunity to become an Alternative. However, you must prove yourself worthy and as such you were brought here to be tested by yours truly. Congratulations by the way.]

(And why am I a...what did you say I was again?) I ask not knowing if I had heard him correctly or not.

[You are currently the second life stage of a race you may know as a Xenomorph]

(A Chestburster?!) I knew what a Xenomorph was, who the hell didn't know what they were? I just never expected to become one. (Why?!)

[After analyzing your memories I found that you were compatible with several species, however I believe this one would be the most suitable and most interesting.]

(Are you calling me a parasite?) I scoffed, feeling greatly offended.

[No, I am referring to your fascination with insects and collectives, more specifically eusocial insects and hive mind type races.] He quickly explained but it didn't help at all.

(Well sure, I always found that kind of stuff interesting and all but that didn't mean I wanted to become a parasitic alien that acts more like some kind of disease or cancer then an actual living being!) I yelled, I could feel anger boil up inside of me but I tried my best to keep calm for now.

He didn't respond for a second but eventually he did. [We apologize for our assumption, however now that the trial has started it cannot be stopped until completion or failure.] His voice had actually become much more robotic, like an answering machine.

(Did you just play a recorded message?!) I asked dumbfounded before letting out a sigh. (Do I even get a choice in the matter?)

[We once again apologize for the inconvenience, however you do not have a choice.] Once again his voice sounded like a recorded message but this time I just ignored it.

(What the hell is the trial about anyway?!)

This time when he spoke his voice sounded normal again. [The trial is to test whether you are worthy or not of becoming an Alternative.]

(And what, pray tell, is an Alternative?) I asked while trying even harder to suppress the frustrated feeling that had begun welling up inside of me.

[Alternatives are beings created by the Entity Of Chaos. They were created for the sole purpose of spreading chaos across the vastness of existence, be that through evil or through good intentions, it doesn't matter either way. In the end, so long as the fates of the worlds that they visit change to some degree it doesn't matter to the concept that is Chaos.] He paused to give me a second to process that before continuing. [The job of Alternatives is simple, it is to change the fates and stories of worlds as well as the individuals that live in said worlds. Even if those changes may be negative or positive it doesn't matter what so ever, in the end Chaos finds entertainment in any changes that are created no matter how small they may be.]

(Like in those stories where characters get reincarnated and can travel between different dimensions and universes?) I asked, sounding a little more interested.

[In a sense, yes.]

(And what about this universe?) His answer to this question would shock me to my core.

[This universe is nothing but a copy, it was created for the sole purpose of testing you.] If it was currently possible my jaw would have hit the floor.

( copied an entire universe just to give me a test...?) I stuttered out in complete disbelief, yet I for some reason believed him completely when he said this.

[Correct.] I swear he sounded smug for a second there.

(Okay just...just give me a second to process this.) I mumbled as I took a moment to organize my thoughts. (If this is a test then how do I complete it?)

He began by saying this. [You are a new strain, an abomination that was rejected by even the mother that birthed you! If not for human intervention you would have been killed before you even had a chance to grow.]

(I'd rather not be called an abomination but go on.)

[This new body of yours is destined to die. Its fate is to be torn apart, ripped limb from limb by its would-be siblings when a Xenomorph outbreak takes place in the future and infests the space station that you are currently inside of.] That was a little alarming but he continued before I could ask anything. [As such your mission is relatively simple, all things considered. Prove that you weren't a mistake, prove that your strain is stronger than the original, kill the queen of the hive that cast you aside and thought to exterminate you.] He finished explaining, however I was a little confused about a few things though.

(So I'm like the red Xenomorphs from that one comic?)

[Correct, however you are purple not red, well, more violet then purple but you get my point.] I actually liked violet so that was fine by me.

(And do I have to kill the queen myself or can I just blow up the station with her still on it?)

[The target can be eliminated however you see fit. Although, you should know that more rewards will be given to you the more chaos and change that you create.] He explained, he sounded like a teacher showing his students how to solve a problem. [Basically, you can kill the target straight away if you so desire but the rewards will be rather minimal to say the least, however if you change the fate of many beings along the way while also causing quite a lot of havoc, Chaos itself will be pleased with you and your reward will be increased dramatically.]

(Final question, how exactly do I fail the test?) I could already somewhat guess the answer to this but decided to just ask anyway.

[Simply put, the failure condition is death.] Yep, I knew it. [And as you currently do not have any kind of protection from Chaos, death is very much permanent. You only have one chance to prove yourself, so don't go and fail because as you may already know death is not exactly pleasant.]


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