All Heavens and Myriad Realms System

Chapter 661

Chapter 661:

Chen Muyang said strangely: “My method of cultivating immortals is a bit special.”

Seeing his appearance, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were even more curious, and they heard Chen Muyang say: “The inheritance of immortality that I got came from a sect called the Huajian School, which pays attention to the harmony of yin and yang, and the union between male and female monks is a Taoist companion. , through the double cultivation of the avenue of longevity. If the dual cultivation is explained in more simple and easy-to-understand words, it is ML.”

The two girls immediately blushed.

“Brother Muyang, do you already have a Taoist companion?”

Chen Muyang shook his head and said: “Not yet, if there is a Taoist companion, with my qualifications, I have now advanced to the realm of Refining God and Returning to the Void, with a lifespan of more than three thousand years.”

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were silent, the shock to them was too great.

Speaking of the two of them, one is level five and the other is level four, they are also top experts in Academy City, but they only have a hundred years of lifespan, and as time goes by, they will get older and older, and eventually they will become rickety. Goosebumps, lost teeth, cloudy eyes, and chaotic thinking.

Perhaps thinking of the same scene, the two girls shook their heads vigorously at the same time, trying to erase that scene from their minds.

“By the way, Brother Muyang, you said that power is only a by-product of longevity, so what kind of power do you have?”

Chen Muyang smiled and said: “That’s a lot, such as talismans, spells, instruments, medicinal herbs, magical powers, etc. There are thousands of spells, involving yin and yang, five elements, time, space, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, flesh and blood, Bones, souls, etc. I know Mikoto, you are a Level 5 Electric Shocker, and can control lightning freely, but did you know that you only control the most common lightning, and the more advanced ones are Zixiao Shenlei, Zhu Xie Shenlei, Large and small five elements of thunder, tribulation thunder, void **** thunder, etc., each of which is more powerful than the natural thunder and lightning you control.”

Chapter 707 How Magical and Powerful Immortal Cultivation is

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were speechless when they heard the Thunder’s name spit out from Chen Muyang’s mouth.

Suddenly thinking of something, Misaka Mikoto asked, “Brother Muyang, do you know these thunder methods?”

Chen Muyang said: “I know the big and small Five Elements Thunder, Zhe Xie Shenlei and Zixiao Shenlei. I can’t control the tribulation thunder, and I have only seen the Void Shenlei. That kind of power is unbelievable.”

Misaka Mikoto suddenly said in surprise: “Then can you show me?”

Chen Muyang stretched out his hand, and electric lights shot out from his five fingers, converging into a golden thunderball in the palm of his hand.

“This is Zhe Xie Shenlei, which has the strongest damage to demons and ghosts.”

As an electric shocker, Misaka Mikoto has the deepest sense of lightning. She can clearly sense the terrifying power contained in this golden lightning ball.

The golden thunderball quickly shrank until it disappeared, and then five-color electric arcs lit up on Chen Muyang’s fingers, and the arcs skyrocketed rapidly, turning into five electric snakes swaying.

“This is the small five-element thunder method, namely Yimu thunder method, Dinghuo thunder method, Jitu thunder method, Xinjin thunder method and Guishui thunder method. Their advanced versions are the big five elements thunder method, the large and small five elements spirit thunder method, and the large and small five elements. Immortal Thunder and the Great and Small Five Elements Divine Thunder.”

The thunder and lightning on Chen Muyang’s fingers were constantly changing, and the terrifying power made Misaka Mikoto almost unbelievable.

“Next is Zixiao Divine Thunder.” As Chen Muyang’s words sounded, a purple thunder light appeared in his palm.

“How can there be such a terrifying thunder and lightning!” Misaka Mikoto felt the terrifying and destructive power contained in it, and suddenly stood up. The lightning that I am usually proud of, compared with this purple lightning, is like an egg compared to alloy steel, which is not at the same level at all.

“Is this the power of a cultivator? It’s just a by-product of longevity, and it’s so terrifying!” Shirai Kuroko’s eyes lit up.

Chen Muyang took out a jade bottle and put it on the table, and said, “There are five exorcism pills in this jade bottle. After taking it, it can instantly cure any kind of disease. This is also the power of a cultivator.”

“Even a terminal illness can be cured in an instant?” This is too incredible.

“That’s right, including the so-called terminal illness. In the eyes of cultivators, the human body is the most mysterious in the world and contains infinite potential. Cultivation is to activate these potentials, so as to achieve a strong self, control various magical powers, and finally obtain The purpose of immortality.”

Baijing Heizi asked with great interest, “Brother Muyang, can you immortal cultivators use the power of space?”

She herself is a fourth-level space transfer ability, and can instantly transfer items that she touches under the weight limit to a distance. Her current limit is to transfer a 130.7 kg object to a distance of 81.5 meters.

Chen Muyang took out two delicate silk pockets the size of their palms and handed them to them, “You drop a drop of blood on them.”

In order to understand the curiosity in their happiness, the two girls obediently dripped blood on the silk pocket. The blood was instantly absorbed by the silk pocket. They immediately sensed a cube space with a side length of ten meters.

“This is a storage bag. The principle is to create a micro-dimensional space inside the pocket that is independent of the real world. Through the storage bag, it is connected to the real world. There is a vacuum space without time passing, because it is independent of the real world. Therefore, the items will lose their weight after they are put in. Of course, they cannot contain living things, otherwise they will definitely be dead bodies when they are taken out. These two storage bags will be given to you.”

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko were surprised and at the same time felt wrong.

“Is there really no problem in giving us such a precious thing?” Although Misaka Mikoto said that, her little hand had already grasped the storage bag. It is estimated that anyone who dared to rob her would have to endure her thunder and lightning.

Chen Muyang smiled and said: “This is what I made by myself. What is precious or not? I have a good relationship with the two of you. Since you call me Brother Muyang, I can’t be stingy as a brother, so let’s take it as a greeting. ”

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko snickered secretly in their hearts. Fortunately, they changed their words before, otherwise, they might not be able to get such a magical thing.

Chen Muyang also sent them some medicinal herbs to heal their injuries and diseases, as well as various delicious snacks and candies. Put things in the storage bag, don’t worry about breaking, you can take them out and eat at any time.

Now they call brother even sweeter…

“I opened a shop in Academy City and listened to the lonely people. You guys will come to play often in the future, just treat this as my home, and I won’t charge you.” Chen Muyang stretched out his hand and slapped them.

Instead of resisting or getting angry, Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko narrowed their eyes and enjoyed Chen Muyang’s touch.

After that, the two girls really came to Chen Muyang’s store every day, and temporarily served as waiters when there were many people.

The two of them are very popular in Academy City, especially Misaka Mikoto. Seeing that they often come and go in this store, it really attracts many students and teachers to come.

Academy City is also secretly investigating Chen Muyang, which naturally cannot be hidden from Chen Muyang, but Chen Muyang is not afraid of their investigation, so he simply ignores it.

July 12.

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko ran into the store. Shirai Kuroko sat down next to Chen Muyang and exclaimed, “I’m saved, it’s still cool and comfortable here, Brother Muyang. Brother Muyang, I want to eat ice cream!”

Chen Muyang touched her head and smiled, “Okay, I’ll do it for you.”

In fact, they had ice cream in their storage bags, she was just looking for an opportunity to act coquettish to Chen Muyang.

Made two large servings of ice cream for them, and the two girls ate them bluntly, with happy expressions all over their faces.

“Brother Muyang, just half an hour ago, Senior Sister cured a person’s terminal illness with an exorcism pill.” Heizi Baijing said excitedly.

It turned out that Misaka Mikoto had a female classmate named Sakai Reiko. Just in the morning, Sakai Reiko was diagnosed with cancer. She had advanced brain cancer. Even with the medical level of Academy City, she did not dare to use a knife in her brain. Operation.

Just when Sakai Reiko was desperate, Misaka Mikoto gave her an elixir, and after vomiting and diarrhea, Sakai Reiko felt much more relaxed. Going to the hospital for examination, the malignant tumor in the brain has disappeared!

If there is no clear examination record, the doctor almost thinks he has misdiagnosed.

However, Reiko Sakai promised Misaka Mikoto not to say it, so no matter how the hospital asked, she said she didn’t know, but she suddenly had diarrhea and ran belly, and then it was so inexplicable and wonderful.

Chapter 708 The first woman, Shirai Kuroko, succeeded!

Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko’s doubts completely disappeared from the miraculous effect of the exorcism and disease-repelling pill.

You must know that Academy City’s technology and medicine are fifty years ahead of the outside world. Some terminal illnesses from the outside world can be treated in Academy City, while terminal illnesses in Academy City are truly terminal illnesses.

Cancer, also in different types, brain cancer is really a different kind of cancer than other cancers because it develops in the brain. The brain is the center of the human body and the most mysterious part.

So far, the technology of Academy City has not fully analyzed the human body, let alone the more mysterious brain.

But the exorcism and dispelling pill is so miraculous, after taking it, it can not only cure any disease in the body, but also eliminate some impurities in the body, so as to strengthen the body and prolong life.

Reiko Sakai is also lucky and has a good relationship with Misaka Mikoto, who happens to have the exorcism and disease-repelling pill sent by Chen Muyang.

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