Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

10. Heathens

Sam: "Talk to me, tell me what you love!"

Me: "I love you fucking me! Please don't stop!" I screamed at him, Sam grumbled in satisfaction at my reply and smiled, but his look quickly changed to that of one of concentration.

Sam: "I'm gonna cum..." He said, as his thrusting started turning more into pounding, I stroked the side of his face with one hand as I could feel my own orgasm coming to it's peak,

Me: "Cum for me, fill me up again... Please..." I begged and as if on command he shuddered as he thrust in twice more and I felt him explode inside of me with a gutteral growl...

I woke up with gasp my head launching from the pillow. My body was shaking in pleasure and breathing heavily, something was inside me! I quickly pulled myself off my front... 'oh...' I thought to myself at the realisation of what it was... I had been playing with myself in my sleep and my arm had gone numb where I had been laying on it for some time clearly. I had been enjoying myself quite a bit it seems as well, because as I removed my finger from myself, even in the dim light, I could see I was soaked... But thinking about it, could have been Sam's earlier mess as well. I growled in annoyance, rolled over to the step at the side of the pit bed and head butt it 3 times, holding my head on it on the third time with my eyes closed,

Me: "What is happening to me?" I asked myself in a whisper... 'did a part of me love what happened yesterday?? and wanted more?!... if and when I become human again, will I become bi? Or even gay?? No no... the thought of a woman is still a massive turn on... I should be fine there at least.' My internal discussion was distracted however by the sound of sharp intakes of breaths and sniffing, the sound of sobbing... I looked up around the dimly lit room and couldn't see anyone. I rolled my eyes, gave a small sigh and pulled myself out of bed and into the main room, over by the main double door entrance was Sam, crying into his arms. I leant back against the door frame out of sight and sighed again, wondering if he was even worth my concern... I gave in,

Me: "What do YOU have to cry about?..." His head pulled up from his arms suddenly in shock, laying his eyes on me, clearly not realising I was up and watching him. His gaze then dropped to the floor and sniffed again but didn't answer. I gave him a few more moments to reply but he didn't. "...Just do it quietly then yeah?" I turned around and went back to bed, not giving it a second thought.


'WAKE UP' the irritating message flashed in my head again, I growled as I slowly opened my eyes, as far as I could remember I slept solid other than being awoken by that nightmare and Sam, but it didn't feel like I had slept at all. I pulled my head from the pillow, looking subtly out of the pit to just catch Sam heading of through the door. 'Good... Fuck off' I thought as I rolled over, intending to get back to sleep. My eyes were closed for about 5 minutes, but all I could think about though was the burning desire down below, the need for attention, although this time I knew it this need was not something I feel I could satisfy on my own... I cast my mind back to that 'nightmare' I had during the night, how excited and wet it had made me in my sleep... my subconscious mind betraying my old male self with the feelings of being fuller and stretched out, followed by being filled... 'oh my god what is wrong with me?... I AM ACTUALLY MISSING BEING USED!' I sniffed and rubbed my filling eyes as they started to tear up yet again... I don't think I've ever been so conflicted in my life, on one hand, going by yesterday, I was repulsed by the experience, but on the other hand, the other side of me, which seemed to be taking over and winning, was begging for more. I was pulled back to reality as 2 messages flash up in my head 'D-24 GET UP!' and 'PROCEED TO BREAKFAST'

Me: "GRRR!" I vocalised, pissed off, as I pulled myself up from the bed, quickly done my business and cleaned myself up and reluctantly headed for breakfast. I entered the dining hall and spotted Sam, D12 and D42 sat together. '42 saw me, nudged '12, she looked to him then followed his gesture to me and her eyes widened at the sight of me. I turned away and found a side of another table unoccupied and sat down, my name appeared on the display and my breakfast was released... Good at least they saw that yesterday's punishment was adequate, missing a day's worth of food meant I was famished. I was about to take a bite when someone sat next to me, putting their tray down next to mine and taking a seat.

D12: "Will you tell me what's happened?" '12 asked directly at me.

Me: "Hasn't Sam told you?" I replied shortly, not looking up at her taking my first bite.

D12: "He's being... A bit quiet... and weird. A bit like you to be honest, what's happened?"

Me: "I don't want to talk about it..."

D12: "Alex..."

Me: "I'm eating..."

D12: "ALEX!?"

I paused thinking back to yesterday with Sam completely ignoring every begging request and demand I gave him, the only real 'friend' I counted and he turned against me. I thought to hold back the tears, but it wasn't working well, my eyes filled up. Earlier I wanted it again but now this feeling?... I don't know... These feminine emotions were getting tiring, but I resisted well to succumbing to a complete break down.

D12: "Alex?..." She repeated more calmly this time, looking at me with complete worry.

Me: "He raped me..." I said quietly.

D12: "He what?!"

Me: "I mean, I suspect under order and I wasn't able to fight back because I was strapped down but..."

D12: "BUT THAT'S NO EXCUSE!" she snapped, I looked over to her in shock.

Me: "What was I to do?!" I snapped defensively.

D12: "Not you! Him!

Me: "Oh..." I replied somewhat quieter.

D12: "Oh Alex... I'm soo sorry." she leant in for a hug but I pushed and held her away.

Me: "Don't... I brought it on myself."

D12: "What are you talking about?!"

Me: "If I had behaved I wouldn't have been put in that situation, Dr Skiff was right, I deserve it." I said in a moment of realisation... 'I had no option, I'm stuck here, try as I might, I have been looking for an exit, anything I could use since day one to escape... but I had found nothing... I'm no escape artist, I've never been to prison before, never tried to escape, never needed to. I should just accept it and do as I'm told.'

D12: "Alex... Since meeting you, I have admired your ambition, your will power to carry on, despite what they've said or done to you... And I don't know how else to explain it... You have this strange aura about you?... Kind of makes you a likeable person I guess... I'm drivelling on, sorry, but in no way do you deserve that!"

Me: "Thanks... I guess."

She looked over to where Sam was sat again,

D12: "I'm going to have a word with him." I grabbed her arm as she went to stand up.

Me: "No please, don't."

D12: "Why not?"

Me: "Because I don't want this getting out of hand."

D12: "Alex?! It's already out of hand!"

Me: "What I mean is this is my problem, let me deal with it..." She stared back at me with an insistent look, "... Please, leave it to me." She sat back down begrudgingly.

D12: "Ok... But you know you can count on me for help, what ever it is right?" She said stroking my upper back in comfort.

Me: "Thanks '12, I appreciate it, I really do." And that was an honest truth, the way she stuck up for me just then and was willing to step in and deal with Sam, actually lifted my spirits a bit.

D12: "It's ok... By the way, can you do me a favour?" She asked

Me: "What am I going to be able to do for you?" I said a bit worried.

She obviously realised that she had forgotten about her breakfast and knowing time was running out started scoffing it down, she swallowed a large mouthful before asking,

D12: "Can you call me 'Jinx' from now on please?" Taking another mouthful, I pulled a confused look at her.

Me: " 'Jinx'? Why 'Jinx'?"

Jinx: "Because I had a memory come back to me yesterday, well, part of one."

Me: "Oh yeah? What of?" I asked, actually somewhat excited, that me and Sam weren't the only ones with memories, or at least part of anyway.

Jinx: "I have a little brother, more annoyingly I can't remember his name, but he plays this game, I can't remember the name of it either, but there's a character in it that he quite likes called 'Jinx' and he started calling me it because apparently I reminded him of her... I just figured that if I want to try and remember more of my life before, then I need something as a constant reminder... Plus it sounds kinda cool." I smiled for the first time in what seemed like ages.

Me: "You sure you want to go round introducing yourself as a Jinx?" I chuckled after.

Jinx: "Hey, if my brother likes it then I like it, don't ruin this for me!"

Me: "Whoa hey, no problem, Jinx it is." I smiled back.

Jinx: "Thank you, if I indeed was Human, I just want something to cling on to, you know?"

The claxon sounded for the end of breakfast before I could answer, again I scoffed down the last of my meal and we proceeded into the tunnels, out to the scenario rooms for yet more training. Today's scenario was different, incorporating what we had learnt on the first 3 days of this week into it, but our objective was to infiltrate, a high rise building. Well, supposedly a high rise anyway, it was only 3 floors we had to make our way through. The Scenario halls had again been rearranged, completely ripped out and in its place were some very convincing goods loading dock on the 1st level, general offices on the 2nd and management offices on the 3rd where supposedly a hostage was being kept. I did my best to behave, disarmed personnel only, reached the hostage and saved them... The hostage was just one of our guys with a sack over his head and hand cuffs that he could undo himself, but apparently I completed this scenario, I hadn't done any damage to anyone as I wasn't called into the glass cell afterwards for a ticking off. The afternoon again had the theory lessons as well, which also went smoothly, so all in all, a rather successful day.

I actually made it to dinner on time for a change as a result. The other 3 were already seated so I walked past in search for another seat.

D42: "Hey Alex!" he shouted, I looked back, he pointed to the seat next to him on his right. I glanced to Sam who was sat on the far left, 'Jinx' In between him and '42.

Me: "I'll pass today, thanks." I answered back to him.

D42: "What? Come on!"

Jinx: "Alex, I understand why, but join us, please? I don't want you or anyone else sitting on their own."

I sighed as I gave in and sat next to '42.

D42: "There you go. Going to tell me what's bothering you?" I paused again, I suppose there hadn't been an opportunity for anyone to tell him yet.

Me: "I'll let Jinx tell you later."

D42: "Oh, she's asked you to call her that as well I see." I didn't reply, I had an annoying warm hunger yet again, but not for food... 'Seriously? You STILL want attention after what happened yesterday?' I thought to myself. I needed to talk to Jinx, but I wasn't going to talk over '42. I kept glancing over, noting her progress on her meal, I saw her literally just finish and I got up, leaving my own dinner half finished, walked around behind her, keeping my distance as much as possible from Sam and tapped her on the shoulder, she turned and looked at me, but I didn't give her a chance to speak.

Me: "Can I have a word with you, please?"

Jinx: "Sure." She replied, getting up and following me over to the side of the hall.

Jinx: "Are you ok?" She asked me, I hesitated, embarrassed by what I was about to ask, but I had to do it.

Me: "No, no I'm not... how do you curb your, erm... 'urges'?"

Jinx: "What?, Ohhh..." as she realised what I was referring to.

Me: "Yeah..."

Jinx: "Erm..." she said grimacing slightly, "...I normally don't, I just ask '42 to sort me out...and we do... But that's of no help to you." She said continuing her grimace.

Me: "No..."

Jinx: "Can you not, erm, self satisfy?"

Me: "I'll have to won't?" I said sounding depressed.

Jinx: "I'm not trying to be invasive, so please don't take this the wrong way, but do you know what you're doing?"

Me: "Yeah, I may have already done it a couple of times already." I replied sheepishly

Jinx: "Oh, You have? What did you think of it?, if you don't mind me asking that is."

Me: "It's... Different, but nice, but that... Yesterday... That felt horrible, I think."

Jinx: " 'You think'? No wonder, you weren't ready, you weren't in the mind frame and forced into it, given time and under different circumstances, you probably would have enjoyed it."

Me: "You reckon?" I asked, a bit shocked.

Jinx: "Sorry that came out wrong, I'm referring to consensual sex, that's different, that's to be enjoyed. Rape, that's a serious matter and something entirely different, what I'm saying is that it's not surprising you didn't enjoy it..." I thought about what she was saying, the way my mind was wandering and... Other thinngs...

Me: "But, I'm worried, I think, subconsciously or maybe even a part of me actually enjoyed what happened." Jinx pulled her head back slightly in shock.

Jinx: "Well, I guess, in some ways it might be natural? New experience sort of thing? But don't get that fixed in your mind set ok? That's not how it should happen, just relax, self indulge a little bit and keep a level head, ok?"

We were interrupted by the claxon. I hovered behind again upon leaving, it was bad enough having to share a cell with him for one night and a table each day to eat at, I didn't want to be anywhere near him. Like I had done before when I slept on my own, I followed everyone through and aimed for a cell that I knew no one had been down to, walked up to the door but it didn't open.

Me: "Oh..." I said in surprise and confusion, '...maybe someone had already come down here and I had missed them' I thought to myself. So I managed to turn myself around in the tunnel, just about, they weren't meant for us to turn around in obviously. I tried the next cell that I knew was empty, again it didn't open.

'D24 report to your cell.' flashed in my head, I ignored it and tried another cell, again, it didn't open, I growled in frustration.

'D24 all other cells are locked.' flashed behind my eyes, 

'They must have bloody tracker on me...' I thought, but that wasn't my most pressing issue right now. '... but now with all the spare cells locked it means I HAVE to go back to the the cell with Sam... Fucking brilliant...' I trudged reluctantly to the door and it opened. Sam was laid in the shower, with it pelting down on him, looking depressed when the door had opened initially but he quickly reached up to turn it off and stepped up to the doorway for the shower as I stepped into the room, I cut in before he even had a chance to speak though.

Me: "I had nowhere else to go... All the other cells were locked and I was ordered to come back here..." His face showed understanding, but he remained quiet. "...They obviously are forcing us to share the cell. I'm going to be honest, Sam, I don't like you, I am never going to forgive you... But doesn't mean I'm gonna be a dick to you either, we're stuck together so I don't want this to be more of a drama than it already is. So let's just agree, we're not sharing the bed, we'll alternate who has it each night ok? To keep it fair?..." He merely nodded in reply. "...Ok... well, I had it last night so you get it tonight".

Sam: "Thank you." He replied so quietly I only just heard him, he headed and sat by the window and I walked into and took aa shower myself. That evening was filled with a very awkward silence until lights out and I fell asleep laid on the hard floor near the double doors as he did the night before, eventually getting comfy enough, just... to fall asleep.


I was walking through one of the tunnels, following the yellow arrows as I always do, when my tail was grabbed from behind and I was yanked off my feet falling to my belly and smashing my jaw on the floor and I was dragged backwards, I rolled over to see Bruticus, chuckling away as he hovered over me... 'Daja vu much?', I went to do as I had done before and tried to kick out his ankle... but I couldn't... I couldn't move at all! As if reading my thoughts Bruticus burst into a deep rumbling laughter and started putting his weight on top of me, and I could feel his meat on my belly,


Sam: "Hey!, Alex? Alex!" I heard the familiar voice call me, a hand reached above and grabbed my shoulder... I snapped awake lunging up with the ability to move again tail blades out threatening the person who had grabbed me... I had pinned Sam against the floor, my tail around by our heads and the blades pressed against his neck. His eyes wide and gulping in fear... I was quiet for a few moments and looked around the cell as I re-embraced reality then looked back to Sam.

Me: "I warned you not to come near me!" I growled at him.

Sam: "Yo-you called for me in your sleep! You were thrashing about on the fl-floor, c-calling for help!" he defended. I stood up off him, pulling my tail blades away from him and sliding them away.

Me: "I did?" I questioned,

Sam: "Yeah, I was worried, which is why I came to check on you."

Me: "NOW YOU CARE FOR ME?!" I snapped.

Sam: "I always ha... Alex, I need to explain something, I don't expect you to forgive me for the other day, I just need you to unders-" I cut him off,

Me: "You're damn right I'm not forgiving you, I'm not interested in any pathetic excuses you have to make... just... JUST FUCK OFF!" I blurted out to him. He went to speak again, then I could see his mental conclusion that that would not be a good idea, he merely hung his head and returned to bedroom and I settled down again myself in the main, hoping to not have any more nightmares like that one again. At least Bruticus was a turn off I found out from that, I wasn't craving anything or anyone after that.


The next day ran pretty much like the last, only difference is that the scenario this time entailed protecting and taking the hostage to the 'roof top' for extraction, but I had to make an escape by other means, retracing my way through the floors and out via sewer systems... yep, that was realistic too, and as disgusting as it sounds... I wanted to chuck almost constantly, how I didn't though I don't know. I certainly made sure I scrubbed down well in the shower at the end of the scenario after that. Dinner with the others was as quiet and uneventful as breakfast... until Jinx spoke to me about something I really didn't want to hear...

Jinx: "...he spoke to me about last night, asked me to tell you that he is truly sorry and for me to ask you if you can give him just 5 minutes to hear him out..."

Me: "Tell him I'm not interested." I said not looking at her and concentrating on my dinner.

Jinx: "You tell him, this isn't a playground, I'm not going to be a messenger for you two because this is just damn right childish!"

Me: "I did, last night, guess he didn't want to listen to me... no change there though eh." I caught a quick glance from Sam at the other end of the table from the corner of my eye... 'Below the belt was that mate?' I thought to myself with a subtle smile.

Jinx: "Alex..." She said in a disapproving tone.

Me: "I don't want to talk to him! Simple as that! So what ever it is he has to say, just get him to tell you and you can relay it to me!"

Jinx: "I knew you'd say that... so I asked him to do exactly that, but apparently he doesn't want anyone else to know, even myself and '42, also said something about that you will be the only he knows in here that will understand his situation anyway."

I shoved my mostly done tray back into the dispenser before leaning forward to talk in front of Jinx and '42.

Me: "What the fuck are you on about?!" I snapped at Sam, he looked stunned and paused before giving his stammered answer,

Sam: "Alex... I ca... you've put me on the sp-spot, I can't t-tell you here."

Me: "What's the matter with you? You were all confident the other day when you nutted in me!"

"ALEX!" Both '42 and Jinx said in unison.

Sam: "What?!..." They both just stared at me... "...Oh you're both defending him now? After what you said yesterday?... that's alright, that's cool..." I rambled as I started getting up.

Jinx: "Alex... please..." she begged me.

Me: "Nope, don't wanna hear it." I walked to the tunnels and to my cell and went straight to lie in bed on my back, staring up at the ceiling. About 10 minutes later I heard the door go and Sam appeared from my right hand side staring down at me from the edge of the pit bed.

Sam: "Why are you making this so hard for me?" he asked, I sat bolt up right,

Me: "I beg your fucking pardon?!"

Sam: "You know what I mean! What I was told to do... no... what ' I ' did... was wrong, I know that, everyone knows that, but I'm trying to make amends with you and explain something important and you throw it back in my face." I partially sat up to reply,

Me: "Oh you got some balls now don't you? Didn't earlier in the dinning hall when you vibrating in fear like a Nokia 3310!"

Sam: "A what?" he asked confused.

Me: "Jesus fucking Christ... doesn't matter, joke's wasted."

Sam: "See! this is what I mean, I'm trying to talk to you and you're shutting me out!"

Me: "WELL FUCK ME!! GET THE HINT SAM! THAT'S BECAUSE I DON'T CARE!..." I screamed at him, he stood silence at me, "...I don't care... about... you. You WERE my friend, the only one I put all my trust into in here and you betrayed that and ruined it, for the both of us. Now, as I said, I will be civil, only because I have to, but I'm asking you nicely, for the last time... leave me alone... please." I turned into a quiet beg as I calmed down toward the end, his face only drooped in reply and he turned and left speechless.


I didn't hear a thing from all 3 of them all 2nd rest day, even at breakfast and dinner, no one said a word to me despite being at the same table, long awkward silence was the definition of the day. Week 3: team training began, we were instructed to get up, proceed to the dinning hall as usual, however, once we were all seated it appeared that absolutely everyone was denied their breakfast, it was explained that this was part of the training and all will become clear in today's training sessions. So in disgruntled hunger we proceeded into the tunnels to the scenario halls. Once there the drill Sargent explained we were to be grouped up into teams of sixes, which was determined by who we had been monitored spending most of our sociable time with... so yeah, that meant, '42, Jinx, Sam and myself formed the core of our team, somewhat unfortunately... Meaning the two remaining places were filled with two others, a rather quiet and unsociable D09, for some reason, and D50... yes... Bruticus was put onto our team... a strike of fear sent a shiver down my spine as he walked up to us and eyed me up silently as he past joining the back of our group. His wounds had mostly healed surprisingly quickly since our last encounter, the casts were gone and so were most of the cuts and bruising, only the 4 long deep scratches showed as scars on his cheek. Hopefully now though, in his silence as he passed, meant he had learnt his lesson after I kicked his ass last time... emphasis on 'hopefully'.

We were instructed to move into the scenario halls, only 1 door in every 6 opened and we all moved in. Again, I was awestruck by what had been done inside. In the space of that 1 day, the halls had been ripped out it seemed, along with the walls separating them, 6 halls merged into one and no longer 3 rooms lengthways or 4 stories high, but 1 massive open area, stretching out before us was a large meadow, beyond that a wooded area, cliff faces and I can even hear the sound of running water like a river somewhere. The walls and the high ceiling imitating the scenery rolling off into the distance on a glorious sunny day.

"Your objective as a team to reach the end of the scenario, there will be a pole with a bell atop that must be rung in order for your team to complete the scenario. Here's the catch, all teams will start at the same time, last team to ring the bell or any team that fails the objective will not be granted food rations this evening..." The Sargent instructed over the loud speaker, that explains the lack of breakfast, they wanted us to work for our dinner today, "...On the 4th beep you may start." We all readied up, I knew none of us had any idea what we were going to face in here, we just had to make it through and we all knew it.

The beeps counted down, the 4th and longest indicating our start. We all launched from the line, belting across the meadow... it didn't take much to realise that the females were clearly lighter and therefore faster. Myself and Jinx were in the lead by a fair way, shortly followed by D09 and trailing behind were Bruticus, '42 and Sam. it wasn't much longer after this realisation came the next one... this challenge was not going to be easy, a *Whiz* went sailing past my ear and another hit the ground just in front of my path, I watched as I passed it, the unmistakable blur of darts... fuckers are gonna try and knock us out!, so I resorted to bounding left and right randomly. Clearly Jinx had experienced something similar due to her now copying me. I had no idea about the others behind, I daren't look back to check on their progress in fear of my own suffering. As I approached the line where meadow met tree line I could see at least 4 auto turrets amongst the grass. I continued my evasive manoeuvres until I was right on top of them, leaping over 1 so it couldn't keep up with my movement, I didn't have a chance to disable the turret though as instantly a drone came out of nowhere and zapped me in the neck with an attached taser rod. I fell to the floor in a groan, my neck feeling like it wanted to shrink inside my body as I twitched. The drone hovered close but not for long as a tail swiped it way, smashing it into a tree. I pulled myself from the ground to see Jinx walking into view.

Jinx: "No offence, because I'm glad that you are, but how are you getting up so quick after being tasered?" I groaned rubbing my neck,

Me: "I don't... do I? Don't you get up as quick?" A buzz of more drones incoming interrupted before she could answer, I leapt back to my feet as quick as my twitching body would allow. D09 had caught up as well and the 3 of us each made for a drone, minding not to get tased at the same time, I leapt up a tree to flank my target, slam dunking it to the floor, D09 swiped her tail blades at hers as it buzzed towards her and sliced it in half while Jinx took out two by batting one into another. As we regrouped at the end of tge  meadow, Sam and '42 caught us up panting, but alone.

Me: "Where's Bruticus?"

D09: "Who's Bruticus?"

Me: "A nickname I made for D50... long story." I waved her off.

Sam: "He *Pant pant* He got got, tranquillised I think, *pant* took this black dart looking thing, the shoulder *pant*"

D42: "He took two more steps then just crashed to the ground *pant*"

D09: "Then we gotta go back for him."

Me: "No."

D09: "But he needs our help?"

Jinx: "She's right, even if you don't like him we need to get him."

Me: "You wanna go back out there and carry him then be my guest. This is going to be hard enough for us, if we go get him then he's dead weight... and time is not on our side..."

D42: "I agree with Alex on this one."

D09: "Who's Alex?"

Me: "Yeah, who is Alex?" I shot '42 a dirty look and he released what he had said.

D42: "I... don't know where I got that from, I meant you, D24."

Sam: "I agree with '24 as well."

Me: "Majority vote, we keep moving." Jinx squinted her eyes and shook her head at me like I was dirt, I faked smiled as I turned and started walking through the woods. She raced up beside me as we made our way forward,

Jinx: "You know, since your incident with Sam, you've become a right bitch, I was wrong about you being a likeable person and almost feel sorry more for Sam for the way you've treated him." She said to me hushed, I stopped and turned to her, shocked at what she just said,

Me: "Wow... I'm amazed that just came from your mouth, what happened to me 'not deserving that'?"

Jinx: "I'm having second thoughts." She said in a snidey way back, there was a distant *crack*, followed by a *whiz* and she jumped and gasped, looking down at her front leg, a black cartridge hanging out of it and she looked back up to me, fear hitting her.

Jinx: "Oww..." She quietly stated before her eyes started rolling back and she wobbled on the spot, I actually tried to catch her, but '42 got in quicker than me, grabbing her before she hit the floor.

D42: "Noo, no no no! Wake up!"

Me: "Get into cover now!," Sam, D09 and myself each hid behind a tree, but '42 stayed cradling Jinx, "...'42 move!"

D42: "I can't leave her!"

Me: "She's just unconscious, she'll be fine!, now move!" I watched him reluctantly and slowly stand up, he took one step and there was another *crack* sound and he side stepped from the impact, he turned and looked at the cartridge hanging from his right flank before looking back to me,

D42: "I'm sorry." his eyes closed and stumbled backward landing next to Jinx.

Me: "Fuck!"

Sam: "What's the plan?!" He shouted from his cover.

Me: "Erm, use the trees! Branch to branch! Push forward and don't stop!" He nodded and so did D09. We each climbed and quickly made our way through the trees, I heard the odd shot, but none came near me. I spotted the sniper behind camouflaged wall with a slot in for the rifle to protrude from, he took a shot and missed as I fast approached. I leapt over his cover, catching them off guard, I smacked his spotter's taser baton from his hand and held my extended tail blades at him, snarling at them both, both responded with hands raised quickly. I walked away to see D09 and Sam catch up.

Me: "They're out."

Sam: "Nice, well done." I ignored his compliment and turned to see the next obstacle, just beyond the trees lay a river... A rather turbulent flowing and very wide river, almost to be considered a rapid, I scanned the river, seeing a few rocks up ahead and lead the way over to them.

Sam: "You're not thinking of jumping them are you?"

Me: "What choice do we have?..." I replied as I backed up, pelted for the edge of the river bank and jumped as far as I could to the first rock, barley landing on it, my right leg slipping in and caught in the strong current but I managed to pull myself out and up on to the rock with ease and look back to the other 2, "...See, it's fine!", I turned around and leapt to the next one, again just making it, looking back again, saw Sam had backed up further than I had and ran for it, he landed, but his back end fell in the water. He scrapped and grabbed for any sort of hold onto the rock and only just managed to pull himself out. I jumped to the next rock, then to the opposite river bank, Sam following. Meanwhile D09 was just making her first leap, she ran and leapt from the river bank, landed on the first rock much like Sam did, but she couldn't hold herself and slipped off of it with a squeal of fear. She failed to get any sort of footing and was carried away by the current.

Me: " '9!..." I shouted after her and chased her down the bank toward the edge of the the scenario hall, wondering how I was going to save her. "...swim this way! I'll grab you!" We gained on the wall quickly though and before I could come up with any better ideas I saw her heading for the grate that separated our scenario room from the next. 'That will be easier to get her out' I thought. But as she got there it turns out it wasn't a grate, but a cage, she floated right into it and the cage slammed shut on her. She coughed and spluttered as she clung on to the bars at the top of the cage as the water surged around her.

Me: "Are you alright?"

D09: "Yeah I'm fine..." She coughed and spluttered as she started pulling at the bars, then pushing at the side that closed down on her.

Sam: "Can you get out?" He asked, arriving at my side finally.

D09: "I'm trying, *grunt* but nothing's budging!... You guys go, if I get out I'll catch up." I nodded to her and we both turned around to our next obstacle.

A shear rock cliff face, not tahll, but still must have been 30-35 ft tall.

Sam: "How much more do you think will be after this? Because we're losing teaam members fast."

Me: "I dread to think... But all we need to do is ring that bell, then we've passed..." I said backing up to the river edge and bounded to the wall, leaping about 10 foot away and making it a good half of the way up. I gripped the rocks as tight as I could, growling with strain, I looked up for the next best hold, reached, grabbed and slowly made my way up. I was near the top when I made a grab on a small ledge but as soon as I put any weight on it the ledge broke away "...FUCK!..." I shouted as I partially slipped and swung precariously on one hand, I looked down as the slab barely missed Sam, who had pulled himself close to the wall to avoid being hit. "...Sorry." I shouted down to him, trying to swing my self back to grab a firm hold again. I pulled myself to the top, threw my arm over and dug my claws into the dirt and grass atop the cliff and pulled my head over. There it was, the pole with the bell on top! With renewed energy I scrambled to get on top of the cliff, my rear claws struggling for grip in my enthusiasm to finish the climb. Once up I turned around and looked back down to Sam, he didn't have far to go, 7 or 8 feet maybe.

Me: "It's here! this was the last hurdle!" I shouted to him. He slipped and just about regained his posture,

Sam: "Good... can I have some help please?" He asked, looking strained. I turned back to the pole, 'It was right there, I could finish this, I could win, we must have been one of the fastest if not thee fastest!', I turned back to look down at him as he actually looked like he was struggling.

Me: "I can do it Sam, I can win it for us! It's right there!"

Sam: "Alex, please, I feel like I'm gonna fall!"

Me: "I'll ring the bell then come back for you ok, just wait there!" I said sprinting for the pole, I heard Sam shouting for me as I left but I had to get this done.

I ran up the pole, exactly as I had in scenario 3, digging my claws in to climb. reached for the chain on the bell and as soon as soon as I grabbed it there was a *snap* of electricity and a shock charged through my arm causing me to lose my grip and I fell to the floor with a massive and painful thud. The combined pain in my arm and landing on my side caused me to groan loudly, my view of the edge of the cliff top showed Sam, looking unamused and worn out as he hung on his arms on the cliff edge, trying to pull himself up.

Drill Sergeant: "Congratulations D-two four, you, alone, have completed the task quicker than any other team... but completed doesn't mean the same as passed. You failed, because you failed as a team, if this was a real world scenario then your team mates are scattered across the battle field, left for dead, you fail to work together as a team, you fail the scenario." The drill Sargent concluded on the loudspeaker as I pulled myself from the dirt, groaning again in pain as I could feel already my side had been bruised badly, Sam walked up to me.

Sam: "Thanks a bunch Alex." he said sarcastically as he weakly walked past me. Jinx was right... I had become a bitch, I just left Sam hanging asking for help... I left everyone without a second thought... all because I wanted to survive, I wanted to win... this isn't me... what Sam did to me had changed me, but I shouldn't let it... I need to get back to the mindset of Alex, not the lone wolf style of D-two four...

(-Twenty One Pilots)

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