Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 19 Waiting for Sorting

Chapter 19 Waiting for Sorting
"Boom, boom, boom."

After Hagrid knocked forcefully on the castle gate, he took two steps back and waited quietly.

Soon, the door was opened from the inside.

Professor McGonagall, unsurprisingly, was still wearing the dark green wizard robe that William had seen before, and appeared in front of the gate.Her expression was very serious, and she quickly glanced at the little wizards following Hagrid.

William was sure that she nodded almost imperceptibly when she saw him.

"First-year freshman, Professor McGonagall."

Hagrid said.

"Thank you, Hagrid. Leave it to me here." She pulled the door wide open and led them into the castle foyer.

Compared with what William saw when he came on vacation, the castle today is much more majestic - the torches around the stone walls are lit, burning blazingly, and the armor statues on both sides of the corridor have also been carefully wiped, Under the firelight, it reflects the cold light unique to metal.

"Good evening, Professor McGonagall."

William greeted her as he approached.

"Nice to see you again, William."

The corners of Professor McGonagall's mouth twitched up slightly - William understood this to mean she was smiling - Professor McGonagall nodded to him, signaling William to stand at the head of the line.

Hannah, who was following behind, looked at William adoringly.

Under Professor McGonagall's serious aura, she didn't even dare to speak at the moment, let alone say hello.

The little wizards followed Professor McGonagall along the stone-paved floor to the door of the hall, and loud conversations came from the door on the right-but Professor McGonagall led them into a small room on the other side. in the room.

The lights here are dim and the space is small, all of them have to stand side by side, William can even clearly hear the sound of panting, and among them, the spell "Merlinus Barbarito ".

He wanted to laugh, but didn't dare to.

But this is really inexplicably funny.

William was on the verge of internal injuries.

"Welcome to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall cleared his throat and said:

"The school-opening banquet is about to begin, but before you go to the dining room, you must first confirm which college you are entering.

Sorting is an important ceremony, because the house is like your home at Hogwarts while you are at school.

You will attend classes with other students in the college, live together in the college dormitory, and spend your spare time together in the college common room. "

"In a few minutes, the sorting ceremony will be held in front of the teachers and students of the whole school. I suggest that you tidy up yourselves and be more energetic while waiting."

Her gaze was like a blade, quickly scanning the room, and if she saw anyone with a problem with their appearance, she would stop briefly.

As long as he is locked by those sharp eyes, even if he doesn't need to be reminded, he will instantly understand that he must have made a mistake.

"A beautiful Gordian knot that matches your hair color."

Professor McGonagall to William.

"I'll come pick you up when it's ready over there."

Confirming that there would be no more questions, she pressed her wizard hat and said, "Please keep quiet while you wait."

Professor McGonagall left the room.

"How are they going to put us in exactly which house?"

William heard someone behind him asking.

"There's always a test to pass, I suppose.

Fred and George always said it hurt us a lot, but I thought he was joking. "

Another boy answered.

William recognized that it was Ron's voice.

"He must be joking, right?"

Ron added with a trembling voice.

His words undoubtedly triggered some kind of mechanism, and William heard more voices chanting the mysterious spell "Merlinus Barbarito" from North America in this room—even the thin boy with white hair on the other side of the room joined in. in it.

Merlin's beard!
For Merlin's beard's sake!

William felt that he was really about to lose his hold.

"Ah! What is that!"

A boy screamed.

Several other people were also screaming loudly.

William suddenly felt a coolness in his body, as if being immersed in cold water - but this feeling lasted only for a moment, a white phantom floated out of his body obliquely - more than 20 ghosts suddenly passed through the walls and Floor, appear in their room!

These pearly white, translucent ghosts glide across the room, whispering to each other.

"Forgive, forget, I say, we should give him another chance—"

said a chubby little monk-like ghost.

"My good friar, don't we give Peeves enough chances? But he calls us all ugly names.

You know, he can't even reach a basic ghost—I say, what are you doing here?"

A phantom in a ruffled bodysuit suddenly spots freshmen.

William watched them with interest.

He has been deeply impressed by this scene in the movie so far, and he is also very curious about these ghosts-but in the United States, these unnatural existences are considered "unreasonable"-maybe only in some unfortunate and tragic deaths. They can only be found in haunted houses.

Those ghostly spirits are pitch black.

No one answered at the moment.


The chubby monk smiled at them.

"I think, probably ready to be tested?"

Some students nodded silently.

"Hope you get a Hufflepuff!"

"I used to go to that college," said the friar.

"Move forward now," said a shrill voice. "The sorting ceremony is about to begin."

"All right."

The other ghost answered somewhat reluctantly.

He was wearing a stiff ruffled doublet, the same ghost that had passed through William's body.

"It must be a mistake. How could it be. Stay"

He muttered something in a low voice, and after taking a last look at them, he and his companion walked slowly through the wall to the hall where other students were.

Professor McGonagall will be back soon.

"Now, stand in a single file." She glanced at everyone one last time to make sure they hadn't made any new mistakes, then nodded and said to everyone, "Follow me."

They walked out of the room, passed through the foyer, passed another double door at the back, and entered the luxurious hall.

The other students were already sitting around the four long tables according to the college. Above the tables were thousands of candles floating in the air. They flickered and illuminated the entire hall.

Glittering gold plates and goblets stood on four tables.There is another long table on the table at the top of the restaurant, which is the seat for the teachers.

Professor McGonagall took them over there and made them line up facing all the senior students.

The teachers are right behind them.

Candlelight flickered.

Hundreds of faces watched them.

The ceiling was as black as velvet.

Thousands of stars twinkle.

 This chapter is really helpless. I thought about it for a long time, but I couldn’t remove the possibility of not including the original text in this paragraph. It can be skipped, but if you want to maintain a better sense of substitution and picture, you must keep it.

  (Anyway, it was updated two days ago)

  Today the editor told me that the current follow-up data is very good, thank you for liking it.

(End of this chapter)

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