Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 165 I Just Think of Something Happy

Chapter 165 I Just Think of Something Happy
"This can be done."

After careful consideration, William confirmed the feasibility of his seemingly absurd idea, and decided to involve the horse people as soon as possible to guarantee his identity as a horse person.

After collecting enough signatures, he would write to the Centaur Club of the Department of the Regulation and Control of Fantastic Beasts to gain "the respect due to centaurs" for himself.

"Speaking of which, the house-elf resettlement office hasn't heard back yet."

Speaking of the Department of Management and Control of Fantastic Beasts, William suddenly remembered that during the Christmas holiday, he had written to the Ministry of Magic's House-elf Resettlement Office, expressing his willingness to accept those house-elves who had lost their owners for various reasons and were forced to wander around. The elves, and William promises to give them plenty of work and meaning in life.

"William, you seem happy?"

Firenze looked at William, who suddenly had a smile on his face, with some doubts, but he thought about it, and he didn't understand how he could make him react like he obviously rejected the other party's request.

"Didn't he suddenly go crazy?"

The horse people are secretly worried.

"I just thought of happy things."

William shook his head, walked quickly a few steps, and followed Firenze's footsteps.

He was just happy from the bottom of his heart to be able to provide meaning to life for more house-elves - Tom, the owner of the Leaky Cauldron, told him that the number of house-elves who had lost their masters was actually quite a few, and many The family is unwilling to accept them.

Firenze led William to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. They soon reached the edge of the forest, and William could already hear the faint sound of the waves.

A bright silver light suddenly "bumped" into his eyes.

That's a unicorn.

Her name was Aurora, and William had met her twice.The unicorn lightly bumped into William's chest, and looked at him carefully with those big bright eyes, but when William reached out to touch her, Aurora moved away lightly.

Although her attitude towards William seemed to be a little closer this time, William always felt that it was because of the awakening of conscience during the last meeting.

"Don't be delusional, if you don't touch me, I will definitely not give you anything to eat."

William swore that this time he would do what he said.


After a while, William and Firenze walked to the Black Lake, with the unicorn Aurora not far behind them.She was struggling with the leaves of a crab claw orchid. This plant, which looked somewhat similar to the devil's net, was very resilient and had a crisp taste.

"Compared to the last time we met, the halo of Mars above your head has become much dimmer."

Firenze retracted his four hooves, and sat down by the lake, with his arms propped on the grass.

"Your Excellency's Yintang is black, and there is a black air around the top of his head. There may be a bloody disaster in the near future."

William automatically replaced his words with a more familiar version.

"Thank you for your auspicious words, it passed smoothly."

Thinking of his "blessing" at the end of the conversation when he met Firenze last time, William couldn't help but give the centaur a run for his money.

"That was your choice, too, wasn't it? If I had subtly revealed something to you, do you think the choice you made would have changed?"

There was a gentle smile on Firenze's face, as if he could understand William's thoughts very well.

"Of course I don't know."

William subconsciously wanted to refute, but he also realized that from the perspective of post-mortem review, he could naturally claim that no matter what Firenze told himself, his decision-making would not change.

But is this true?

In his last life, he had watched a movie called "The Bucket List". The protagonist Carter said something like this:

"There was once such a survey: a thousand people were asked, if it was possible to know in advance, would they want to know the exact time of their death, 96% of the people chose not to, I always feel that I belong to the other 4%. I thought it was actually a relief to know how much of my life was left. But it turns out I'm not in that 4%."

William never thought he would be that 4%, so if Firenze really warned him in a very serious manner at that time, then he must have considered and acted very seriously at that time.

"But you did see something, didn't you? Whether it was the stars, or something, you must have known something."

He thought of Firenze's strange attitude at that time.

"When the moon is empty, the paths of the stars become difficult to judge, and even the oldest centaur cannot tell what he saw—but I had a dream, a very strange dream."

Firenze's tone was very serious.

"Unlike the prophets among your wizards, the centaurs don't believe in so-called 'foretelling dreams', or what is called 'enlightenment in dreams', we prefer to believe in the trajectory of the stars, and will try to find out in these esoteric images decipher some meaning from it.”

Seemingly worried that William would not be able to understand what he said, the centaur added specifically.

"You mean you had a precognitive dream?"

Just hearing the word "precognitive dreams" gave William a headache.He discovered that in this world, there seemed to be an invisible hand quietly shaping history in this way.

From the Big Four, Nicole Flamel, and John Tiey, to Gemma Farley, and himself, all seem to be affected by this dream to varying degrees.

"I saw a future. In that future, there appeared a man whom you wizards called 'Dark Lord'. He was not only powerful but also very cunning. The Dark Lord had an associate called 'Doctor'. Together they Defeating and killing Professor Dumbledore also set off a wave in the wizarding world, and finally involved the centaur in the Forbidden Forest."

An angry expression appeared on Firenze's face.

"He asked us to submit to the rule of the Ministry of Magic and accept their management, but we centaurs are not intelligent 'muses', and naturally refuse to live as 'magic creatures'."

The centaur's description of the future seems very close to how the world would have looked if William hadn't been there.

"But what does that have to do with me?"

William felt a little strange-if Firenze thought this future would come true, why didn't he warn Professor Dumbledore, but wanted to reveal all this to him, an underage wizard?

"William, the Dark Lord, it's you."

Firenze said with an extremely serious expression, "Although he looks a lot more mature than when I saw you, that person is definitely you, no matter in his demeanor or tone of voice, it is absolutely impossible for me to admit that I am wrong. of."

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(End of this chapter)

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