Alchemy Black Technology at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Welcome to Hogwarts

Chapter 16 Welcome to Hogwarts
"Neville? Neville?" William called out twice.

"Yes, yes, its name is Raffles, and I lost it again! It keeps trying to get away from me!"

As he spoke, Neville was about to cry.

"Don't worry, don't worry. We'll find it for you.

Would you first describe what that toad looked like? "

William comforted Neville, but as soon as he finished speaking, he realized that he was being stupid—how did Neville describe the appearance of the toad, how many pustules on the back, or the radius of the eyes in centimeters?
"Lyfe. It."

Neville also couldn't help William - he faltered and couldn't speak, anxiously trying to compare the approximate size of the toad with his hands.But when it comes to effects.
William felt that he might as well not gesture.

At least it saves some effort.

"Have you any spells to help him?"

Hermione raised her eyebrows and said:
"When I was at home, I had already read the textbooks needed for the start of school, and tried some successfully, but none of them worked in this situation!"

"Maybe try the Coming Charm? I've read about that spell in a book. It helps wizards retrieve things they've left far away."

Zhang Qiu suggested.

She has only learned "Standard Spells: Elementary".

But Penello shook his head:

"The Flying Curse only works if you know what that thing is and where it is now, and none of us have ever seen Raffle and don't know where it is."

"That's right, unless Neville uses it himself, and combines the Flying Charm and a Search Charm

But in that get the idea. "

William also nodded, agreeing with her statement.

He really couldn't think of a particularly good way for a while.

The locating spell needs to be cast on the toad in advance, and the Flying Curse doesn't know the specific location of the toad. As for sending the Patronus Charm with a physical body to look for it, it is indeed a good and feasible idea.

It's just a little difficult.

William doesn't know the Patronus Charm.

It's not that he hasn't tried it, but the Patronus Charm requires very strong positive emotions, and even if William blushes his face, all he can do is squeeze out a cloud of silver gas.

He didn't even know if the gas was an unsuccessful Patronus Charm, or if the wand was just trying to comfort William because he was pushing too hard.

"Well, thank you."

Hermione shook her head in disappointment, then turned to Neville and said:

"Let's try our luck in the next private room. Not many wizards are willing to raise toads now, as long as someone has seen it, they will definitely be impressed."

"Wait a moment."

William called to Hermione.

Her words gave William an inspiration.

He didn't need to find "Neville's Toad".

He just needs to find Toad.

This makes it a lot easier.

"I have an idea."

William took out the textbook "Standard Spells: Intermediate" for the Charms class, and quickly searched for a spell.

"Here! Look, the spell.

Aparecium (haste to appear)! "

He quickly found what he wanted to find, and asked Penelope and Hermione to come over.

"But isn't that a spell for discovering things hidden by a spell? Like an echo?"

Penello said puzzled.

This is a harmless spell, but when William was previewing the textbook, he gave it a very high priority in learning - hastily appearing can release an aura, and when this aura retrieves the spell that exists nearby , it will bounce back, which can be said to be the natural enemy of the Disillusionment Curse.

"So we're going to modify it a little bit."

William explained.

He swung his wand, drew an open triangle from top to left as the textbook said, and called out the spell "Toad Aparecium".

A transparent silver aura appeared, spread rapidly to the surroundings in a hemispherical shape, and soon disappeared—no feedback was felt.

But it did work again.

It's just that the distance of the spell is not far enough.

"So... let me try this?"

"Bufo Aparecium."

(toad appears)
This time he replaced the toad in the spell with Latin—as early as when Ilvermorny was in school, William discovered that when using Latin to refer to it, the effect of the Flying Curse would be significantly strengthened—he It can only be understood as the existence of a certain interface nature in the language of the spell.

Not only that.

This time, he also adjusted the angle of the wand.

It is no longer an open triangle.

He pointed straight at the car in front of him, swiping from top to bottom.

A spiritual light burst out.

Its radiance was much stronger than before, almost showing a light silvery luster.The aura shot out from the top of William's wand, and shot straight at the carriage in front of him, easily penetrating through the barrier of the private room wall.

William felt the slight trembling of the wand, which gave him a very subtle feeling - he could "see" that the spiritual light was moving forward, passing through one room after another - although the speed was getting slower and slower, The light also became dimmer.

Suddenly, Lingguang locked a direction.

It shot down fiercely!

The wand vibrated slightly.

A very weak stinging pain came suddenly, and William found that the wonderful connection between himself and the spell had come to an abrupt end.Shaking his head, William swept out the remaining strange feeling from his mind.

"I think you'll find Leffe in the fifth compartment on the right if you go any further. I mean, if there aren't any other Toads on the train."

Recalling the position just now, he said.

"thank you"

Hermione, still skeptical, thanked William - and froze as she realized that she didn't even know William's name after all the talking.

"William, William Buffalo.

You can just call me William. "

William introduced himself.

"Thank you, William, you can call me Hermione too!"

"thank you all."

Hermione led Neville, who was excited about knowing the location of the toad, to the private room pointed out by William.

"I must say, William, you must be a Ravenclaw! I swear on Merlin's beard! Professor Flitwick will love you to death!
Professor Flitwick is the head of Ravenclaw and is responsible for teaching all of us Charms.Merlin, are all your North American wizards so good at spells? "

Penello stared closely at William, as if looking at a walking monster-Zhang Qiu and Marietta also nodded quickly, obviously agreeing with Penello's point of view.

Although they were about to be in the second grade, they didn't understand at all how miraculous William's performance was just now, but this did not prevent them from becoming fans of Xueba at all.

After a while, they also began to take off their casual coats, and put on the wizard robes and pointed wizard hats that they needed to wear in the castle.

It was getting darker and darker.

"Drip, drip!"

The train whistled loudly twice.

Through the window, William could see that they were ascending a very steep ridge, with the moon almost overhead.

When they crossed the hillside, a simple and majestic castle came into view.

It sits on the edge of a cliff, and the whole body is made of huge stones.Under the bright moonlight, the castle presents a majestic deep black - countless fires are reflected from the windows of the castle, reflected on the mirror-like lake - the castle at this moment is like in ancient Greek mythology, being punished To be responsible for carrying the giant Atlas of the world.

"Look, the castle!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

"We're almost there! Hogwarts!"


"George! Give me back the prefect badge!"

No one knew where the initial shout came from, but soon, everyone joined in, and they came together to say the same sentence.

— "Welcome to Hogwarts."

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