Alchemical Chaos: The Creator's Domain

Chapter 6: Gatewatchers

As soon as we walked through the door of the GateWatchers' Mansion, I was immediately struck by the stark difference from the rest of the city. Einbroch, with its dirty, dark environment marked by steampunk-style industrial chaos, was in complete contrast to what I saw before me. The mansion looked otherworldly. The walls were covered in white marble, polished to reflect the soft light from the crystal chandeliers that hung from the ceiling. The floor gleamed, made of a material that looked like granite, and imposing columns stretched to the high ceiling, supporting the structure as if it were a palace.

Rox, next to me, seemed enchanted by the architecture, admiring the refined details of the spiral staircases, the colorful stained glass that adorned the windows, and the luxurious furnishings that filled the main hall. Everything here exuded wealth and power.

While he was still taking in the grandeur of the place, I went straight to the nearby reception desk, determined to find out and ask how we could use the portal.

As I approached the man wearing elegant, well-groomed clothes suited to the sophisticated atmosphere of that mansion - a dark velvet vest over an impeccable white shirt and linen pants, completed by polished leather boots - he approached me first with a sharp smile.

"Let me guess… new explorers?" he said, resting his chin between his fingers in a relaxed manner, as if he was already used to this type of encounter.

"Yes, and we would like to use the portal to the plains of Prontera. Can you help us?" I replied, gesturing to emphasize the request.

"Of course, but first, I need to inform you about the fees for using the portals. Allow me to introduce myself: I am Cassius, the sentry responsible for the portals of Einbroch," he said, with an air of Classalism, while crossing his arms, showing an expression of someone who had complete control over the place.

Cassius explained that portals to cities cost a thousand Zeny, except in Prontera City, where the prices were higher. In the plains of Prontera, near the camp of the Viperspire, the most influential guild in the region, the cost was 200 Zeny per person. Players were given a ticket linked to the Status Tablet, allowing them to return at no additional cost. However, this ticket could only be used for portals in the plains and not in cities, making it easier to travel and save resources during quests.

The price seemed fair, although I suspected that the higher charge to access the cities had some greater purpose - perhaps strict control over who entered, to avoid riots or problems within urban areas.

"Okay, me and my friend here are going to want to go to Prontera Plains," I said, gesturing to Rox.

Rox nodded to the sentry, who then led us to a spot where there was a portal marked on the ground. He explained that once we positioned ourselves in the center, we would automatically be transported to the Prontera Plains.

As soon as I got to the center of the portal, the sensation of displacement was almost imperceptible, as if the air around me had distorted for a moment. When the magical effects stopped, I found myself in an entirely different scenario.

It was as if I had been transported directly to the heart of a military camp in a war. The sun was still low in the sky, illuminating the vast plains in the distance, and for the first time since I arrived, I saw the sky clear, without the thick smoke that enveloped the city of Einbroch. Birds flew serenely above, cutting the sky in smooth lines, and all across the horizon, huge trees stretched, some covered in dense foliage, while others revealed the vastness of the plain.

The atmosphere was fresh and, unlike the industrial city, here there was a feeling of freedom and calm, as if nature itself was in tune with the adventurers preparing to explore the jungle. The camp, with its various tents had a military vibe, with sturdy, well-organized structures. It was clear that there weren't just adventurers here; there was also an organized force, prepared for any type of combat.

In a corner to the left, an imposing large house stood out. The name "Viperspire Mansion" was carved into a dark wooden sign, and the structure appeared to be the logistical heart of the camp. Inside the mansion, you could see accommodation and a tavern, which are needed for rest and socialization among adventurers.

As I walked between the stalls, I noticed that the atmosphere here was very different from Einbroch. People's clothes reflected a more militarized style, more resistant and adapted for direct combat, without the urban adornments I saw on the city streets. Most seemed to be there for a single purpose: struggle, exploration and survival.

Without attracting much attention, I continued towards the reception, feeling the atmosphere of discipline and military power that permeated the air of the camp. As soon as I entered the Viperspire Mansion, I entered a large, busy room. At all times, people came and went, some carrying heavy equipment, others seeming to discuss battle strategies. The environment, despite the hustle and bustle, seemed organized, almost meticulously planned to support the routine of adventurers and warriors.

Just to my right, something caught my eye: a digital board, unlike anything I had seen before in this world. The technology there blended with the rustic environment in a strangely harmonious way. At the top of the screen, a constantly rotating slide displayed the quests with the highest rewards, highlighted in bright, eye-catching fonts. Each quest had details such as location, type of monster and promised reward, some of them offering tempting prices for anyone willing to risk their lives in the plains.

At the bottom of the board, various other information scrolled, organized into sections. There, it was possible to see news about the guild's recent achievements, updates on members' rankings and achievements, and a list of available quests, with the option to directly select the desired quest. This panel seemed to be the administrative heart of the place, a digital hub that facilitated the flow of information and kept all adventurers updated on the dangers and opportunities around them.

Curious to know more about the quests, I approached the digital panel and tried to interact with the quest options. The system was modern and intuitive, but as soon as I selected a quest that looked interesting, a pop-up window appeared on the screen, blocking my access. The message said:

"Access denied. Please go to the reception for further information."

I sighed, frustrated, but decided to follow the instructions. Maybe there was some red tape to be sorted out before I could sign up for a quest. I turned towards the reception, which was just ahead. The line wasn't that long, but the constant flow of adventurers gave me the feeling that there would always be something to solve.

As soon as I reached the counter, a man with a thick beard and tired eyes greeted me with a nod. He wore a military uniform, but with the carefree air of someone used to the routine of the place. His firm posture indicated that he was someone with a certain authority there.

"Do you need something?" he asked, his voice hoarse but friendly.

"Yes, I tried to use the digital panel to get a quest, but I was blocked. A pop-up instructed me to come here." I replied, pointing to the panel at the back of the room.

"Ah, of course. I'm Rivory, the Questkeeper. I'm responsible for managing the quests and quests here at Viperspire." He stroked his beard before continuing. "That panel is exclusive to official guild members. Only they have direct access to quests through the digital system."

"So how do I get a quest?"

Rivory gestured toward the opposite side of the room, where a blonde woman, dressed more casually, was sitting behind another counter, chatting with some other adventurers.

"You'll have to talk to Mary. She takes care of beginner adventurers. She'll explain how everything works and what you need to get started. Any quest you do under us will go through her."

I thanked Rivory and turned to Mary, ready to find out what I would need to do to finally get a quest. However, something bothered me. Is Viperspire really a legitimate guild? If so, that changed the perspective I had on these organizations a little.

Until then, when Rose explained to me about legitimate guilds, I imagined that they all functioned like military forces, with a focus on ensuring order and protecting lands. However, it seemed that Viperspire went beyond that. Not only did it maintain considerable military power, it also acted as an adventurers' guild, opening up possibilities for a variety of goals and quests, ranging from combat to exploration. This made me realize that legitimate guilds could be more versatile and multifaceted than I had imagined.

As Rox and I approached Mary, I extended my hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Azoth, and this is Rox" I introduced myself with a smile. Mary returned the greeting, but her expression seemed to carry a slight wear.

"New adventurers, huh?" She paused and let out a sigh. "This week has been crazy. It seems like the Otherworlders event has made the world too small for everyone. There are a lot of people adventuring here, I don't know how we're going to keep up."

I decided to ask directly, "So, what do I need to do before going out to explore these plains?"


Protagonist Date:


Day: 6


Class Level: 1

Base Level: 6


Life Status:

HP: 150

MP: 40


STR: 9

AGI: 5

VIT: 5

INT: 5

DEX: 6

LUK: 5

Combat Statistics:

ATK: 28

MATQ: 14.5

HIT: 6

Critical: 1

DEF: 12


Flee: 5

ASPD: 106


Zeny: 1820


Equipped Equipment:


ATK: 17

Description: A simple knife.

Cotton Shirt

DEF: 10

Description: Simple cotton shirt. To be used on any occasion.



Items Quantity

Flower: 4

Sprout: 4

Stem: 6

Lantana: 2

Felpa: 4

Mint: 2

Romantic Flower: 4

Celatom: 2

Melody Plant: 2

Makulrata: 2

Bitter Herb: 2

Green Herb: 5

Sharp Scale: 2

Aloe: 2

Aloe Leaf: 2

Romantic Leaf: 2

Red Herb: 6

Yellow Herb: 3


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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