Agnisotra: Origin Tails

Ch 44: Frost Magic

Day 3: I woke up early again because of another energy wave. I surely hope not that those shades returned in greater numbers. My internal clock said 05:42. I activated my Elgards eyes and everyone was still sleeping. I checked my tail to see if it finished the simulation. Still nothing.

Hey, listen here tail, are you trying to get me killed? No response.

I hope you reflect on your actions! I hid my tail again and left my hut. Why aren't there shades down here by the way? Is it because we’re underground? But there is a root here. I scratched my head. So many questions and hardly any answers. I had nothing to do so I decided to continue my search for useful information in the biggest library in Boshi town. I easily got into the library. I checked on my remaining clone. It was still pretending to be sleeping. Good, it should be ready to finish the transaction with the rubies. I give it some extra juice when creating it in case it has to fight Rock. Back to finding useful documents The pile of useless documents grew. I needed to find out more about what happened here. I need to know what this divine power is, specifics on how Azu got sealed, and information about who built Boshi town. What is this? A map of the capital of Hjuva? What is a map of Gittrian doing here, I was about to throw it at the useless pile but something caught my eye.

What is this If I remember correctly Gittrian is on a huge plane why are there so many mountains surrounding it. Did the mountains get nuked? I looked more closely. Ok, this is odd why is the capital where Boshi town is supposed to be. Is this a joke? Am I supposed to believe Boshi town was the capital of Hjuva? Great! I’m looking for answers and what do I get? More questions! Hmm, wait this map shows a different layout than Boshi town has. How old is this map? I look for clues but I can't find any. Why is nothing dated here! This is the shittiest library ever! And to mock me, this old Boshi town has a huge library! I hate this! I think I should learn how to date items with my eyes. I’m trying various stuff but I don't have anything as a reference point nor do I know how all this stuff works. I took out my tail.

Look, because you took so long, I have another thing added to my list to simulate. Stop hogging resources and come up with a solution for that dimensional anchor already! No response.

You are lucky I can't send you to the corner because they are all occupied. No response, eh? Going through puberty, eh? I stopped venting at my tail which did nothing wrong. Except for maybe being a bit lazy. I looked at the map of the old capital. It was called Vong. Unusual name it is written in ancient Kaledonian but I don't think that is an ancient Kaledonian name. It is possible this map got copied and translated but since there is no date, I don't know that!

Aaagh, I’m so frustrated! How old is Boshi town anyways? How long ago did Azu get sealed here, more things I don't know. I inspect the map to make sure I’m not missing any important detail. It has some weird symbols here, is this a structure? There are a lot of them surrounding this huge plaza. Anyways on the useful pile, it goes although it's barely useful. All I know is that the old capital was here. But why? This place is in the middle of nowhere and is hard to reach. I have the feeling that looking for information just has the opposite effect. Instead of understanding more about this situation, I’m understanding less. I should have just nuked this stupid root.

I’m so done with this timeline. What is this? I bet it's another document that is going to give me more questions. Let’s see it is talking about an item Biian used. That name sounds familiar. After a short search through my archive, I found it. Ah right, the goddess that started this mess. I hope I never meet her but if I do, I would like to consider kicking her ass for giving me this headache and this stupid prison. I think it would be worth dying for if I could get a good kick in on her butt. So, this item is called a Dimsha. It can interfere with time and she fused it with the Soun tree? And made sure it could use time manipulation to keep the prison going. Wait that is the name of the broccoli? Hey! I got an answer! At least we know the name of the pink broccoli although I prefer pink broccoli.

So now we know the name of the broccoli and why we get stuck in time loops ok that makes sense. Wait there is more, a Dimsha is a Dimensional Shard and is rumored to be the remnants of fractured and merged worlds and thus have the ability to interfere with the world. What does that even mean? Dimshas tend to attract each other, holders of Dimshas can’t be affected by the powers of other Dimshas unless they choose to. So, If I understand this Dimsha thing they are fragments of a fractured dimension? And because of that, they can interfere with the world. And we are so lucky to encounter one this soon Yay us! Why are we so unlucky? Let's see we have the presence of divine activity, an item that can directly interfere with the world, what did I miss? Oh, a god-slapping witch. I thought this was just an unimpressive town. Oh right, this used to be the capital. I give up at this point they might as well tell a story that one day 4 kids come to bring chaos to this small town. Nothing can surprise me anymore. Please don't prove me wrong documents! Wait. This god had an item that can interfere with time, how did she lose to Azu? How strong is Azu? Or maybe the god is a scrub. Couldn’t even win with an overpowered item hehe. I need to stop thinking, I'm getting more questions, even more than I can remember. I heard some rummaging and saw my bodyguards come in

“Oh, you’re here, we thought we lost you” Hey, did any of you read what all this stuff is about? This is madness!

“Uhh no only the elder and the sacrifice are allowed to read this.” Great so all the people with useful knowledge get killed off or don't step outside. Whoever made this situation thinking this is a game level has set the difficulty to nightmare mode.

“I’m not sure I understand what you’re talking about.” That is fine, did you need me? If not, I have more things to read and figure out.

“We have breakfast, it's potato salad.” Get out! Who eats potato salad as breakfast, are all these guys psychos? I got a message from my clone that the ruby issue is solved. At least there is some good news. I resumed my reading after my bodyguards left the biggest library in Boshi town. I didn't finish this document about Dimshas yet, it seems Zarrazax has one too but its ability is unknown. Great, this is exactly what I want to know. There are 121 known Dimshas. There are more of these overpowered items? Maybe we should just stay in our bubble here. Nations have gone to war over them and countries got destroyed by these in the past. A skilled holder of a Dimsha could challenge a god. Some have specific rules for owner transfer while anyone can use others. Some have a conscious and others don't. Some change the user, and others change depending on the user. It is hard to recognize a Dimsha unless it's oozing its specific wavelength. Maybe these gods should just resign and make Azu a god. If it is possible to challenge a god with one and a god got defeated while in possession of one. I’m sorry I don't know what to say but you should be ashamed of being called a god! At least I was right, Azu could wipe me out by yawning. If she was so powerful why doesn't anyone know about her? Then again, this stupid town doesn't have a library so I wouldn't know!

I need to calm down. I would have probably died from high blood pressure if I was an old man. I finished this document responsible for my headache. I circulated nature magic through my system to calm down and fix my headache. As I did that a document started to glow. I was conflicted, this document could make my headache worse. I picked it up. I took a look at it. It was a map. Some crosses were reacting to the nature magic I was circulating. I stopped and the crosses disappeared, I circulated it again and they appeared again. Cool trick, now what does this mean? It seems to be a world map. Is it a world map? It seems small. The crosses seemed to indicate something.

Oh, I know this location. One cross was over the Umbra mountains right where I found that dungeon. Does this mean these crosses are dungeons? I instantly archived the locations. Hehe found a treasure map. I guess this checks out this cult was looking for dungeons where their god was sealed. It would make sense that they would hunt down dungeons. My mood improved a bit. I got the locations of 5 dungeons. They surely didn't sit still. This map is an odd one though. This map doesn't even show the old capital where Boshi town is now. Is this map older than the other one? Of course, there was no dating so I had no idea what I was looking at. Since I archived these dungeon locations this map went to the useless pile. I’m not giving this piece of junk any credit. I didn't find many more useful documents after this. I did find one that seemed to be a document with a translation of some ancient texts. The symbols matched the ones on the tablet so I archived them too. Besides that, nothing else. I finished all the documents I could read or decipher. My bodyguards came to pick me up for the daily ritual. Was it 3 pm already?

“It is a good thing to be absorbed into the scriptures but it is also important to rest and eat” I will consider eating if you stop bringing me potatoes!

“But potatoes are our main diet here!” I hate it! Don't you have anything else?

“How about a sweet potato?” Ok, I can't! I'm out of here! I can't take this anymore!

“Wait where are you going!” I’m going home!

“Your home is here!” Nooo! No potato-loving place could ever be my home! My mother would disown me if I would live here!

“How about yams?” That is just a fancy word for potato! I walked out of the village but a group of cultists and I guess their leader appeared. Oh, so now the leader of this potato village comes and greet me!

“Have some respect, sacrifice, this is the head elder you are speaking to!” My frustration and annoyance kept rising. Respect is earned, feeding me potatoes not coming to meet someone you say is important, and now referring to me as ‘Sacrifice’ certainly doesn't earn my respect. Now I have a busy schedule, I’m taking my leave, oh and also, I’m taking these tablets with me! I took 2 tails out and grabbed the tablets with them.

“A beast! An abomination that is against the gods!” Still not doing great on the ‘earning respect’ part.

“Release those sacred tablets at once you foul beast!” My eyes turned deep red. Make me! The cultists charged. At least that is what they were doing but to my eyes, they were slow as potatoes. This potato village should just get roasted. I blasted these potato warriors with some weak fire magic as I escaped with the tablets. I wanted to properly fry them but I couldn't destroy the root yet. Some more potato villagers were chasing me but they were way too slow. I've had it with this root, this town, this prison. I stashed the tablets in my dimensional pocket. I was concerned about the energy it was giving off but at this point, there was little I cared for. I surfaced and saw only pink. No Boshi town but just pink, probably from all the shades.

You got to be kidding me. Something snapped inside of me and I froze the whole of Boshi town with frost magic. This caused me to freeze over but to be honest I needed to cool off. I would only be frozen for about an hour, that should be enough.

I thawed and looked around. No pink great! I cooled off a bit but not enough. I walked into Boshi town. It was busy on the streets. I think the people took advantage of the absence of shades to do things. Shall I just go home and do nothing for the rest of the day? I could also decipher those tablets but I wasn't feeling it. I checked my archive, and no meeting with Donkey was scheduled so I could freely walk over the streets. Or so I thought.

“Found you!” I casually dodged a swipe from Charlize. I ducked and picked up a rock, charged it with mana, and threw it at the magic circle Cecilia was forming and breaking the circle. Not now, I’m not in the mood.

“Oh, are you feeling ill, we will nurse you back to health!” My frustration and annoyance that was subsiding grew again. Please just leave me alone.

“Oh, look Dunkey there he is! He is still alive!” Ugh, can this day get any worse? Donkey and co arrived but I was still forced to evade Charlize and Cecilia’s onslaught of attacks. I used [Frozen Ground] because I saw their daughters sneaking around and trying to launch a sneak attack.

“How did you know!” Let me guess, in a couple seconds, something happens that causes your make up to crack.

“They are bullying our teammate! Let's help him guys!” Donkey rallied his friends to fight Charlize, Cecilia, and their daughters. Of course, a bully hit Kanna’s face and it cracked and shattered.

“A troll!”

“Who are you calling a troll!” The usual, Donkey and friends got rekt by the two daughters. I walked away. A [Wind wall] appeared in front of me.

“Nice try Agnis, today is the day you will be caught!”

“Hey, Charlize don’t you think something is off about Agnis? It is as if he looks annoyed or pissed off.”

“He is always annoyed when we try to capture him, that is normal!” Charlize swiped a [Wind claw] at me but I didn't feel like dodging so I formed a multilayered water and frost shell around myself and pushed her aside and tried to continue walking home. A hand made out of water grabbed me and lifted me up. I froze the water and broke out. But I got hit by capture magic.

“We did it! We caught him!”

“Now let’s go find Gregory! He escaped us last time too. He suddenly got faster.” You guys won't get anyone so I would recommend letting me go. I already knew the answer so I broke out of the capture magic with frost magic.

“What?! He broke out.” They fired off more capture magic and I froze it with frost magic.

“Could water magic always do this?”

“I don't know! I've never seen water magic do anything like this, my water magic can't do this!” I used this moment to slip into stealth and escape. They hung around my house so I couldn't go there. I took a walk through Boshi town. I tried yet again to cool off. Today was just a really bad day. Maybe the stress from all this timeline stuff and dealing with idiots is finally getting to me. I almost felt like wiping out that village earlier, also I felt like freezing those mothers solid for a good 2 hours so that they could cool off. I’m glad that I didn't. Ted would have a field day with my condition. Could make cold puns the whole day. Where are my buddies actually? My wandering while lost in thoughts brought me to a place in Boshi town I wasn't so familiar with. The southwestern part of Boshi town is the part I hardly ever go to. If I go north, I should get to Boshi lake. I headed north. That is odd, it's still a bit before dinner time, where did all the people go? No! Please not now! I started running, I reached Boshi lake and looked around. I couldn't look beyond a certain point. Is it possible that I didn't meet my buddies because they are stuck in this thing again? I took out my tail.

Hey now is the perfect time to make a breakthrough! Wait that is incorrect, I would have to lay down the anchor before I go moved. I collapsed to the ground. I don't have the mental energy for this. And as usual, the shades appeared in this enclosed space. These shades looked a bit different. I walked over the water of Boshi lake and froze a couch and sat down. This time all the shades of this area started to gather at the lakefront. As if they were heading for me. They kept coming and coming. Where were they even coming from? They just kept appearing. I decided to use this situation to just calm down, If I broke out there was a possibility that I would get stuck with another annoying experience. The shades are harmless and predictable so I should be fine. I looked at the sky. Did I make a mistake somewhere along the way? Why did everything turn into such an incomprehensible mess? Is this what happens when you mess with something created by a god? I dropped my head into my hands and felt a gust over my head. I looked up and saw that the shades were charging something looking awfully similar to a laser.

Oh, hell no! I jumped up to witness my couch getting turned into a beehive. I have bad compatibility with lasers. But because I jumped up, I could see how many shades this enclosed space had. They took over all the streets and were piling up at roof level. They all locked on to me and started charging lasers. I hate this town! I made a [Frost mirror] and reflected the lasers back but as expected they took no damage. The shades started walking over each other and kind of formed a raft like this even though it was just shades walking over each other. I landed on the lake’s surface but it seemed like even the lake would be unsafe soon. I walked all the way back until I got met with an invisible wall. I need to break out. But I couldn't properly focus on my spatial magic because of my mental distress. Is this where I die? What are my options? Get mauled by shades? Pass. Get turned into a beehive full of holes by shades? Also, pass. Trying spatial magic in my state and blowing up this space and dying? Pass. Blow up this space and get stuck in the void? Hard pass. Are there any options where I don't die and be successful? If I can cool down, I can focus and maybe get out. I made a very large [ice pillar] and sat on top. I was about 100m above the surface.

They wouldn't be able to get me here, for a while. I saw how these shades were multiplying at a frightening speed and already covered the lake. I tried to collect my thoughts but the lasers started again. Why do these shades have such high accuracy? I fended off some lasers and froze some frost mirrors to the pillar so that lasers from most angles would be covered. I don't think I can calm down in this situation. The shades were halfway through the pillar. I had to do it; I have to delete them with frost magic. I should have done this earlier but I thought I could manage to calm down. This might cost me. I have 5 lives left. If they get to me, I don't think that is enough. Ugh, I have to make sure I keep this a secret from my buddies. I take out all my tails and my eyes turn light blue to the point it's almost white and my pupils turn snowflake shaped.

Here go some of my few lives. [Eternal winter]. All the shades got obliterated but so did I from the sudden influx of energy which cost me 1 life and also, as a result, I started freezing over. My core temperature dropped to -84°C so that is another life gone. As I was encased in frost, I was still conscious but my body hurt all over. Frost magic was normally light blue or whitish but all the frost around me now was deep red, because of all the blood that erupted from my body after getting hit by that energy influx. The bad news is that I might bleed out after I thaw and lose another life if I don't regain consciousness before that happens. This is truly a bad day for me… I slowly lose consciousness.

My head hurts, I open my eyes but I have no idea what I’m seeing. What are these? I lift my hand and poke it.

“Ooh, that tickles!” I jump up out of surprise but my whole body screams out of pain and I almost pass out again. “Be careful! you are still injured!” Where did I recognize that voice from? I collapsed but instead of feeling a hard floor or falling into the lake, I get met with a warm and soft sensation. My vision was still blurry but I saw this strange object again. I poked it again. “You really like my chest, don’t you?” I saw strands of blue hair. Azu?

“Yup, It's me! I was hoping to have another date with you but I was quite shocked when I found you. I tried to patch you up but your injuries are a bit weird and healing isn't my forte, so I decided to heal you with a lap pillow!” I see so this god-slapping witch has something she’s not good at? Azu showed her face and she seemed to be pouting.

“It is not nice to call a young woman a witch you know! It is bad for her self-confidence! And you won't be popular with the ladies!” She covered my sight again with her ample chest. “But I guess you figured out who I am. There goes my mysterious lady act It makes me a bit sad.” I’m sorry I’m aware that someone like you would probably dislike it when people dig into your past.

“Oh, that is fine, that means that we can get to know each other better now!” I’m sorry I don't have the energy for that now… do you mind If I sleep for a bit?

“Take your rest, I will take care of everything here. Sweet dreams and make sure you dream about me!” So… selfish… My consciousness slipped again.

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