Agnisotra: Origin Tails

Ch 40: The Date

I got dragged to a cafe south of Boshi lake. What is this place?

“This is going to be the love nest of you and my daughter.” I thought we were just going on a date?

“A never-ending date! Isn't this wonderful?!” I always thought that Agnis and Gregory were exaggerating but to me, it seems they might have even downplayed it. I instantly regret agreeing to this plan. Uhm how about we take it slow? We don't want to get ahead of ourselves!

“Nonsense! Here sit down!” She pushed me inside the cafe and sat me down. Across me sat Kanna. Her makeup seemed different today, I always remembered her as looking plain but today she looks like someone even Agnis could remember the face of. Sadly, I knew the reality and that this must be the result of at least 5 cm of makeup. I tried to be really careful with my words, sometimes Agnis and I are quite in synch but at other moments we act completely different.

I can’t shake the feeling that this seemed like it was planned beforehand.

“How observant” Kanna smiles and takes a bite of the food she had in front of her. It looked like some kind of risotto. “We are always ready for the moment that you get caug... Agree for this date” Alarm bells start ringing in my head. My intuition tells me that this situation is worse than the situation with those shades. I looked out of the window. There were still shades walking around in the streets. The cafe was empty except for the employees and some people that seemed to have chosen this place to flee from them. Kanna kept eating nonchalantly. I got served some food but I suddenly didn't feel hungry. On a second thought, I don't think this is appropriate! I should help out dealing with these shades! I stood up trying to leave.

“Sit!” A hand pushed my shoulder and forced me to sit. I looked over my shoulder and saw Charlize with her hand still on my shoulder. Yes, ma'am! I tried to eat but I really wasn't feeling it.

“So Agnis, you might already know about me but my name is Kanna, let’s get to know each other.” She smiled and leaned over to me. I responded by leaning back. I heard someone enter the cafe. Oh, please save me! But as I turned around to see who entered the cafe, I saw that it was Cecilia and her daughter.

“Oh, I thought you were pulling my leg Charlize but it is really Agnis!”

“Hey, Agnis! Eyes over here! What do you think of my outfit!?” I turned around and Kanna was leaning over she had a cute dress but it was more suited for ehhm chicks with eehm bigger badonkers. Ehh what about it?

“Do you like it?”

“How did you catch him anyways?”

“Oh, he decided to come here by himself after forcing him a bit!”

”Hmm? That sounds a bit suspicious though?” Cecilia and Charlize looked at me. Uhm, I think I need to go to the toilet! I tried to get up but got stopped again.

“Nice try but water users have no issue with dealing with that in the short term,” Cecilia said. Is that so? I never heard about that!

“Hey, Agnis stop looking away from me! But I forgive you because you’re cute.” I almost choked on the food I managed to get through my throat. I coughed and managed to not choke. “Are you ok?” Yeah, thank you, Kanna. Kanna slammed her hand on the table.

“Mom!” I felt bloodlust. “Who are you!?” Eh haha, what do you mean? I'm Agnis! I was wondering what went wrong. And then it hit me, Agnis had a terrible memory, I don't think he would have remembered Kanna’s name and would either be vague or call her a troll. I royally screwed up.

“I knew something was off! Are you sure this is Agnis, mom?”

” Hmm, maybe his memory improved?” Cecilia said. She didn't seem as alarmed as Kanna and Charlize. Ehh, Yeah, I decided that I had to work on my memory and did so!

“Hmm, so tell me something only Agnis would know if that is true. “Kanna sat back down. Like? “I don't know! You are Agnis! Tell me something only you know!”

“Yeah, how about telling us about what kind of girls you and Gregory like!” Cecilia's daughter stepped in. I might sound like Agnis now but I don't remember her name. Uhm, Gregory likes intellectual girls and I don't know what kind of girls Agnis likes. Oh, I messed up. The killing intent spiked.

“I don't think Ted would slip up like this so you must be Raishin” Hahaha! How silly! I'm Agnis the one and only! A wind blade shot at me and I deflected it. The deflected wind blade hit Kanna in the face.

“Aaah! My makeup!” I’m actually surprised your makeup is thick enough to protect you from that! The makeup cracked and revealed her real face. A troll! At this point, there was no point in the illusion and water magic Agnis put on me droped so the water fell off me and revealed my true appearance.

“Another of Agnis’ tricks!” I dodged water and wind blades shooting at me as well as their infamous capture magic. I prepared a teleport and teleported back to my hut. Phew, I'm never doing that again.

How was the date? I saw myself approaching from the Umbra mountain direction with a frozen solid pheasant in his hands. Ok, you guys were right, they really are crazy. They might or might not be super pissed at you by the way. Agnis dropped his illusion and shrugged.

I will just have to keep low until they decide to stop chasing us. Do you think that will happen this timeline or after that?

I hope this timeline… We got inside my hut and I told Agnis what happened. I can’t blame you for that mistake of remembering her name, misspeaking like that though, oof. Yeah, after I said that I wanted to smash my head on the table but at least I got another experience! Agnis smiled.

Quite optimistic, eh? Well even though that date sucked it wasn't the worst date I've had and you guys always help me out so I'm glad I could take some stress off you!

I feel bad for you if that wasn't your worst date ever. At this point, I just go with it! Now I have an actual date soon so I will have to get ready!

With the goldmine chick? Not yet! I will have to start our friendly relationship all over so hopefully, I could go on a date with her tomorrow or the day after!

Uhm well, good luck, just be careful, I have the feeling that if you keep this up a woman will one day stab and kill you. Haha! I will keep that in mind! Agnis left and headed home. I got ready for my date. Because of these time loops, I get more than one chance to make a good impression on the chicks! What could be better!

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