Agnisotra: Origin Tails

Ch 38: Pramuoy root

I woke up early. My sleep was troubled because a lot of things were bothering me. Us ending up in Boshi town, which I thought was just a random town didn't seem so random after all. I took out the tail with which I did the probability manipulation before we got sold as slaves.

Did you do this? My tail of course didn't answer, and whatever answer it could have given if it could talk is something I should know. Another thing that came to mind is that Paul and Paula called Azu a close friend but there is a huge age gap. I'm well aware that Azu’s race might make her look young even though she might be in her 80s or maybe even older but still. Also, the thing about my responsibility to deal with god bullshit might be the reason why our population always have been low. At least It is an excuse for why we seem to be so much stronger than the other-tailed beasts. Our low population suggests that it isn't helping much. Also, Azu didn't seem to be surprised when I took out my tails, maybe she already knew, at least that explains partly why she gave me this overpowered magic. It is strong but if I have to fight a god suddenly it doesn't look so impressive anymore. Many more questions and missing puzzle pieces. How could I sleep with all those? I rolled around in my bed. I got up. Nothing was planned for today, we would have a friendly rematch with Paul and Paula at least if they feel better, and then destroy the root. It might be a good idea to check on them because if they are ready, I will prepare if they aren't I will rest. I wanted to walk to their house but I decided to teleport there and knocked on the door.

“Ooh Agnis, are you checking up on us?” Yeah, how is Paula doing?

“She has seen better days but she will recover, I'm sorry but I don't think we can have a rematch, we want to be there when you guys destroy the root though” Uhm about that we mostly just blast the whole area but we will see what we can do about that. Make sure you take your rest too!

“I will!” I guess a quiet day for us. Wait do I need to rest? After the timeline resets whatever fatigue and injuries we have will get reset. There is nothing I really need to do though. I quickly told my buddies what Paul said over Teleroad and decided to just do some blacksmithing. I haven't casually done any blacksmith-related things in a long time. Always to make some new and improved weapon to fight what is to come next, now I can just repair stuff. Deep down I wanted to test the new magic I got but I was afraid that I would drown half the town. So, I continued to repair broken tools and sharpen and adjust knives. Also restoring some aged weapons when I got called for dinner. Dinner today was very deluxe, courtesy of the Hurado chefs.

“You can fail to eat this food all you want Philip! We have unlimited free food for a whole year!” Philip was chomping down hard.

“Hmmm, ooh, this is so good!” Even though he was right, the food tasted great, I still think he gave the wrong answer.

“Oh, so you eat the food of these assholes and not mine?!” I knew it. I tuned out of the argument while continuing to eat. I’m trying to not think much of it but Azu seemed really cheery, not what I would expect from someone trapped here for I don't know how long. She must have been really happy to speak to me. I should have treated her a bit more nicely. I’m going to hang out with the guys, I might get home late.

“Ok take care!” I also avoided thinking about this but after we beat the root, in this timeline do I just never arrive home? Raishin lives alone in his hut so nobody is going to notice that he doesn't arrive home, Pietro and Harold are out a lot and hardly home if ever so it might take a while for them to notice Ted and Gregory aren't home but in my case it’s different. After being away for one whole day and night and then coming back wounded really freaked Hera out. Philip tried to not let it show but he was worried too. How are they going to take it if I never return home in this timeline? Or does an alternate us take over from there? I don't know and I guess I'll never know. Deep in thought, I bumped into someone. Oh no, not this again.

“Oh, hey Agnis” Oh it was just Charlize, normally this would be equally as bad but things are fine now. Heya

“What is the matter? You sound tired” A long day of blacksmithing that's all.

“Oh right, sometimes I forget that you're a blacksmith!” Charlize waved and continued her way down the road. I headed towards the cave where the root was. I was the first who arrived here. I inspected the cavern. It seemed like there was a battle here long ago. The location where we had our fights was a bit different from where the battle between the couple and the guardian took place. I don't have a way to determine how long this was ago but it seemed to be longer than 10 years. I sat down and waited for half an hour thinking about this whole complicated mess. What will we discover in the next timeline? Will it get better or worse from here? The couple and my buddies arrived.

“Now that we are all here, I want to thank you for what you have done and what you are about to do, if you ever have questions, we will try to answer them to the best of our ability.”

“We still feel a bit weak but we wanted to see the root getting destroyed. It will be some good closure for our son’s 15th death anniversary.” Oh, I'm sorry for your loss.

Paul wiped a tear from his eye, "don't worry about it, it has been a long time ago.” Did... did he die at the hands of the guardian? The couple nodded. Maybe this was the real reason they made a test; we might not be their sons but they seemed fond of us and wanted to make sure we wouldn't die.

We won't disappoint you! Probably. Ted smacked me. In cases like this, even if you're not sure make a confident statement! So, do I get to blast the root now? Uh, how about we give Agnis a chance? Although the chance is small there is still a chance, he doesn't nuke the whole place.

Hmm, I can destroy the root without putting us in danger. I walked to the root and started circulating nature magic.

Anything you guys have left to say? This won't be flashy but it will be over in a flash.

“We have nothing to say” Paula grabbed Paul’s hand. I placed my finger on the root and modified a [flame pillar] with my new skill. It turned into a new skill so it needed a new name. I used nature magic to make sure I could perfectly control my fire magic. [Vaporize] I briefly heated the tip of my finger to over a million degrees Celsius and instantly transferred the heat into the root causing the whole root to vaporize and vanish in a flash. Uhm, I'm yet again shocked and impressed. I think I'm starting to see the birth of the master of vaporization. I turned around

Cool eh? Paul and Paula seemed to be happy that the root that caused them so many issues was finally gone. The ringing in our heads started again. It seemed Paul and Paula had it too because we were all clutching our heads. And before we knew it, we were back at Raishin’s hut.

Yes! I’m finally not tired anymore! I ran around. I am energy! Ted tripped me and urged me to sit down.

Meh. Well, Now it is time to plan how to tackle our next root. Meh, I don't feel physically tired but I feel mentally drained. We’re halfway, we can rest all we want after we escape. I do hope this timeline isn't as taxing on us as the last one but we are stronger now.

I guess, we only have 5 days excluding today so we can't really rest, can we? Sadly, not

We are way stronger now how about we do 2 roots simultaneously? Normally I would agree to at least check with Paula and Paul if that is feasible but I have a reason to conclude that that might be a bad idea that could cost one of us our lives. Elaborate.

Remember that space I told you that I got stuck in? If I'm not there you guys can't get out of that space, there are also a lot of shades that you can't see which makes it very dangerous. They didn't seem to interact with magic or physical objects. The only thing that seemed to work was camping on lake Boshi because they wouldn't get into the water and well… swamping the whole place got rid of them. No, no water! Hey, do you think Greg is a shade? He is weak to water too! Ted smacked Raishin.

So, for that reason, I think we shouldn't split up, Gregory can deal easily with those shades with his energy manipulation. Even though they don't interact with physical or magic Ted’s bear avatar could keep us safe by providing us something to stand on. I could make them visible and tear open the space. And me? You are the battery!

Meh Hmm, let's see this root is close to where I found the dungeon. Hmm, I only see it now but I could have vaporized it with the mountain on day 0, oh that is today, If it was just a bit more west. We are climbing the mountain, right? Please no sewers. Eh? The sewers are an easier path from inside the town though. And hiking takes quite the stamina.

No sewers! Why are you guys acting like we can't teleport or something? We don't have to stay underground because of the crater I made, hehe all is according to plan. What?! Did you plan all this? Of course, he didn't! You didn’t, right?

Haha, of course not my foresight isn't that good, do you take me for a god or something? You never know what kind of stuff you cook up and I would have agreed with that line at the begin the last timeline but now that doesn't sound so convincing!

You’re thinking too much of it. Anyways we take that root down. How did your mining for gold go by the way? Ugh, I think I will need to focus more on mining. That is some gold obsession.

I got too busy talking to this miner chick that I didn't manage to mine any! Must be nice to only have 2 things on your mind. Anyways let's rest, don't forget Raishin, tomorrow we’re going to the town square, I swear if you steal my pillow again, I will use [Vaporize] on you! I will join you guys. Yeah, me too, 11 at your place Agnis?

Works for me. I headed home. I had a lot to think about and decided to rest mentally. We were almost at the halfway point. I hope this town doesn't have any more surprises for us

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