Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 93: The day she met him (1)

1014 AF Ligthmonth

The hustle and bustle of the city woke Rhyssa.

She rubbed her eyes and peeked through the window from the comfort of her bed.

Outside, hollering merchants and traders had already set up their stalls and opened the doors of their shops.

It made her unable to sleep for the second time

She thought about the previous night and how she had enjoyed herself, but quickly rose in order to get ready for the day ahead.

'A city that never sleeps' she muttered to herself as she rubs her eyes

After freshening up and eating breakfast, she packed her belongings, paid the innkeeper and headed out to the city center where she was set to battle.

She hoped that the area would attract worthy opponents, confident enough in their abilities to fight for a young woman's hand in marriage.

Although she had heard that there were no martial arts experts in Acro, she still hoped to be lucky and encounter someone interesting.

Maybe some experts would pass by around here or maybe a wandering Monk from the Southern Temple would come here

While walking to her destination, Rhyssa was awed by the beauty of Acro.

She had been unable to appreciate it the previous evening because dusk had fallen rapidly when she had entered the city gates.

If she stayed any longer, she would fall completely in love with this city and never want to leave.

Not only was Acro beautiful, but it was also a feat of engineering and urban planning.

The streets had been paved with smooth white stones from Seren in such a precise manner that the joints were almost invisible.

They were clean and well maintained with no detritus in sight.

The walls were sturdy like those in rural Renasia with sharp edges and corners.

Buildings stood tall like protective bastions and were a symbol of Acro's trading role in the region.

And if that is not enough, the city is flooded by sea of people all heading in different directions.

Nobles and lords strutted around in colorful garments or dressed in exquisite clothes with intricate designs, their fabric is foreign to most part of the Human Continent.

Traders and merchants sold their wares to the nobility and to the common folk alike.

On every corner, minstrels, bards and street performers entertained passersby with song, dance and playacting.

Food stalls, restaurants and taverns were full with townspeople and foreign travelers.

Rhyssa was especially enticed by the smells of the "Long Prosperity" restaurant which was famous for its mouth-watering cuisine.

A city like this invites envy.

This is how I wish to see my Kingdom's capital, she thought as she finally arrived at the stage that Arturo had erected.

"Is everything ready?" she asked.

"Yes, mistress."

"Then, let's begin!"


The crowds had massed around the stage and had witnessed the defeat of many men at the hands of the Princess.

"Anyone else?" Rhyssa yelled with a victorious smirk after beating her opponent.

She was confident that no one could defeat her.

The crowd stared at her with fear and amazement while other onlookers were simply amused. Suddenly, an overweight man of about thirty held up his hand. Rhyssa was disgusted by his smug smile.

"How about me?" he laughed.

Rhyssa could not imagine becoming this man's wife, but then again, she would not become anyone's wife even if she did lose.

There is no chance that he is capable of defeating me, she thought.

Not only was she a good martial arts practitioner, but she had learned how to be cunning from her teacher as well.

"You are so old and yet, you desire such a young wife," she replied playfully. "Come then. I always like a good challenge," she added confidently.

The fat man jumped on stage and immediately began his assault on Rhyssa. For a man in his condition, his wrestling techniques were good, but the Princess was still too fast for him.

As she fought, she remembered her teacher's words: Your movement is ever-changing, fluid like water.

Her opponent tried to attack her using Wolf Chasing Prey, a technique from the South, by projecting his internal energy to injure her, but she quickly changed direction to avoid it.

Instead of charging immediately, she tricked him by offering a false sense of respite and then struck the unsuspecting man by stepping back and then pivoting to hit him on the back of his head with her left arm.

He flew off the stage and began to cough up blood.

"Hahaha," Rhyssa laughed so hard that tears began to roll down her cheeks.

The crowd laughed along with her and began to taunt her fallen opponent.

"Know your place old man!" she yelled as he got up covering his mouth embarrassingly, his clothes soaked in blood.

He quickly disappeared into the cheering crowd as the Princess thanked her admirers for their applause.

The standard fluttered in the blowing wind and Rhyssa planted her spear, challenging the crowd again.

"Is there no one else?"

Suddenly, a handsome young boy approached the stage. He seemed younger than Rhyssa and had clear blue eyes like the sky.

His hair was white as snow and exceedingly long, covering his left eye.

He was tall for his age, with broad shoulders and a fierce gaze which gave him a powerful appearance.

Perhaps he is the son of a noble lord, Rhyssa thought.

She was in awe of his beauty and his charismatic and commanding presence. He conveyed a sense of melancholy that only added to his mysterious allure.

"What is your intention coming here to Acro?" he shouted as the crowd made way for him. His voice was like thunder and exuded confidence and a force of character.

Arturo stepped forward and saluted the young man.

Then, he addressed the crowd and presented himself and Rhyssa as travelers from Renasia, looking for a worthy husband with unrivaled fighting skills.

"You're bragging," the young man said chuckling.

"Maybe I am," Arturo replied with a smirk and continued talking until Rhyssa interrupted him.

"Enough talking Arturo," she said. "Let me fight this man."

The young man gestured for her to pause. "I will fight you, but I do not wish to marry you," he said. "All I wish is for you to return to your homeland if you lose."

What an arrogant boy! He does not want my hand in marriage? As if I want him to become my husband, she thought. "You have spoken as if you are certain that you will win," she replied, seething in anger. Her temper had always been a problem.

"Of course, I will," he smirked, sure of himself.

"What is your name?" she asked.

"What's yours?"

"I will only tell you if you win."

"Well, then, me too," the boy said smiling.

Rhyssa frowned, smirked and then laughed.

"Fine, I will take pleasure in beating you into submission," she added and then quickly charged.

She threw a blow with her fist, but the young man avoided it using a Ground move, Snake Slither, sidestepping and quickly positioning himself behind her before returning a blow with his elbow.

She blocked it, but was forced to distance herself from him.

She then charged again, but he was too fast and elusive. Her punches only hit the air. "Stay in one place!" she yelled, clearly annoyed as he laughed.

"And let you punch me? I don't think so," he responded.

He was confident, but Rhyssa was determined to wipe that smile off his face.

She used Eagle Snatching Snake to counter his Snake moves and almost had him, but he dodged it in the nick of time.

The crowd was in awe and cheered frantically as they watched the two young people fight. Rhyssa wondered who the young man was.


The first part of the chapter. this si the battle from her POV

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