Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 87: The blue-haired girl (2)


Kingdom of Alan, Duchy of Arrandy, Acro City, Marketplace

1014 AF Lightmonth

Arial strolled around the city and breathed in the air.

The marketplace was crowded and filled with conversation.

Merchants displayed their wares, shouting at the endless crowds, trying to sell a variety of goods such as textiles, food and luxury items.

More people, more money, Arial mused.

In the middle of the market lay an open stage where a group of entertainers were performing "Levitia's Lament" to great applause.

All around, there was a palpable excitement that charged the air: voices overlapped, people stampeded, rushing to do business, to sell or to buy.

The unruly cacophony did not deter a bard and a minstrel from singing songs for a penny while a group of commoners danced to the sounds of the music.

Arial observed the crowd.

The people were not from the rich side of town, but had come to the marketplace hungry with excitement after a long day of toiling away at their farms and in their fields.

Now, all they wanted to do was forget their hard day of labor.

Some of them jostled for the best position and began cheering and singing a few of their favorite lines from "Levitia's March to Victory":

In the yesteryears, in the Ancient years, in the Lost years

We obeyed the Demon Lords and net our necks to their Emperors

But today and tomorrow will be different,

For today we kneel only to Truth, follow only Beauty, and obey only Love

And Levitia's March continues.

Other songs could also be heard in the dancing crowd such as the "Song of Battle" and "Alan's Glory".

Arial walked and smiled.

The city is prosperous, and its citizens are happy. How large it has grown, he thought.

Acro City had developed into a booming metropolis where people migrated to trade and study.

Many libraries and schools had been built, but the city was mostly famous for its university, the largest in the kingdom and probably on the whole continent.

The mission of the University of Acro was to contribute to the Duchy's growth and expansion through the pursuit, dissemination, and application of knowledge.

Arial's goal was to transform Arrandy into a center of learning and Acro City was the first step towards making that dream a reality.

Vern and Vangua were no longer considered centers of knowledge and had long since stopped contributing to society on the continent.

Instead, they relied on ancient wisdom to guide them.

Arial knew that this lack of progress would hinder them in the coming years.

He had realized the importance of knowledge during his years alone in the library.

It had the power to change the world, to broaden our horizons, to teach new things that could guide us towards a better future, he had thought then.

The future would not look so bleak if people were a bit more learned, Arial mused looking at the crowd in the market.

Peasant should be peasant. Nobles should be nobles. How can they grow?

He believed that a person should never be confined to their social class and should be allowed to succeed in life with hard work and determination.

He pondered on how to promote such social progress.

Signs of steady change could already be observed.

The marketplace teemed with people who had once been slaves; hardworking peasants and common folk who were now free men, their future bright.

Arial watched an outpouring of emotion as strangers with infectious grins shook hands and gave each other welcoming pats.

This is the world I want to protect, he thought, a world of smiles where everyone tries their hardest and is rewarded for their effort.

Raggedy shamble of peasants with dirty smudged faces, unholy stench of body odors and pig manure, son of pig famer once filled this city.

Visitors to the city had described how the air reeked of body odors and pig manure.

However, this was no longer the case and Acro had come a long way since its humble beginnings.

One could even say that the descendants of those pig farmers were now more educated than certain nobles of the Northern Houses.

The North had its Academy where the sons and daughters of many noble families trained in the use of arms and how to become strong leaders, but in the Duchy of Arrandy, people were taught how to sharpen their minds, present rational arguments and draw logical conclusions.

They considered themselves knights of a different order, that of rational thinking, and their weapons were books and words.

Arial remembered how a vassal had once asked him why he had never requested the services of an Articon of the Church.

He had replied that he did not need any Articons as their reasoning was faulty and far from the truth, often relying on myths and superstitions.

Arial relied on cold hard facts, not on superficial knowledge or shallow opinions.

Anyone who believed in omens risked destroying everything around them just like the emperor of Vern in ancient times, Charles the Mad, who nearly killed his own family.

As Arial passed through the marketplace, a few merchants recognized him and bowed slightly, then resumed their activities.

Many of the guild masters who had known him since he was a young child also greeted him.

Arial enjoyed days like this one when he could explore the city alone without his guards and not have to worry about anything.

In the castle, he had to remain cold, calculating and firm because people respected strength and as a young man, he had to convince everyone around him that he could lead them.

He had to be extremely careful not to expose any of his weaknesses or else his rivals would pounce at the chance to bring him down.

Behind castle walls, he had to be forceful, but once outside, he could let his guard down and relish life's simple pleasures with ease.

Suddenly, Arial heard cheering and saw a large crowd gather in the distance around what seemed like a flag.

He thought that a group of entertainers had taken the stage to perform, but the excitement in the air seemed to point to something very different.

Curious, he approached the commotion and slipped through the crowd of onlookers. Finally, he saw a large ornamental banner at the center of the stage, embroidered with the following sentence:



Rhyssa and Arial will finally meet! Hehehe. Hope you like the chapter and leave some comments and reviews

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