Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 602: Duty, honor or an old promise iv

'The divine always speaks in riddles. But the gist of it was that one might mistake knowledge for wisdom when it is not the same. Wisdom could be regarded as the way to live life'

'And you have wisdom?'

Varnikar smiles and then he said

'I examine the old stories and the old lore and I roamed the Three Kingdoms searching for evidence that someday there would be divine savior for the world. A savior who would bring peace and prosperity. I think, therefore I am'

Chuckling, he then continued 

'I did not blindly follow the Old Lore and the Old Stories based only on faith, my friend. The people in the Capital might think of me as some religious backward people like those of the Ten Tribes in the New World. But there is evidence. There is proof' 

There is a smile on his face and an empty look in his eyes like he was recalling some memories of the past

'Since then, I told the Old Stories to the people who would listen. I engraved it in my vassals and in my subjects. I told them the Old Stories, the Secret Stories of the Tribes. I wrote books and spread it out among my people.'             

'All in the hopes that when this savior comes, that we, the Three Great tribes, those who were blessed and cursed by the Creator would have our own salvation. The Old Stories told that when He came they would be people who would disbelieve. He would not come of our own people. He would be a foreigner. An outsider. An Outlander. And the greedy ones, the unrepentant ones would spurn him and fight him. Deceivers would come claiming His Throne. They would fight for his destiny. They would have lying tongue and deceitful eyes. They lie with their tongue, and they lie with their eyes. 

Raya then said the famous words in the Secret Stories of the Tribes

'And unto them the greatest of punishment'

'Yes. The Three Kingdoms wanted to steal the fate of Asrana. They wanted themselves to be the savior. Have they not learned anything in the past thousands of years? Is their pride is so high that it reached the Heavens? Their head reaches the heaven; their feet did not touch the ground. That is the arrogance of these Kings and Queens that was used to power. They could not let it go'

Sighing, he then said

'If they were to let go the mortal power, let go of their mortal kingdoms, they would be rewarded most generously. They would be honored above all else as they would help Asrana fulfill His Destiny faster. But, it would not be human if they have no greed'

Varnikar shook his head and then said

'Greed itself is not entirely bad. But excessive greed is inadvisable' He got up from his seat and walk toward the window looking at the sun rising.

Outside there is soldier training with their weapons. Some are cleaning the cannons while some others are patrolling.

Then he turns back to look at Raya and said

'There is a chance for the Three Kingdoms to rise. Look outside, Raya. There is no Darkness. No dark clouds, no Darkspawn, trees rise up like a blooming flower, farm produce bumper harvest, animals are in abundance. Life blooms' he said smiling with a wide smile 

'All of this could be permanent. All of this could be the blessing of the Three Great tribes until the next Ages Prophecy come into being. You know the warning. If they disbelieve again, fight against the very person coming to save them from what is in the Darkness, this time, the Creator would not be merciful'

Raya did not know what to say. But Varnikar continue talking seeing that he is about to get through his friend

'He had promised that for the atonement of a thousand years of fighting the spawn of Darkness, He would give the people of the Three Great tribes a great blessing as a sign of mercy and benevolence. But if they were turned against Him one more time, to once again push away the mercy given to humanity, then as easy as it was for Him to give the blessing, it would be as easy for him to retract back what He had given'

Raya closes his eyes, thinking with his head and with his heart. 

Even though Varnikar did not speak of it in detail, it is clear what Varnikar is intending to do. it did not matter whether the person in Balhae is Asrana or not.

If he is not Varnikar would just cut that person down and he would win the admiration of all the officials of the kingdom. 

He might even be rewarded even more land and gold to pay him for his contribution. He is already a High Lord. 

There is no other title that would give him so much power other than to lead the Royal Army. 

But even the royal army is not as disciplined or as powerful as the men under the High Lord of Maroth.

If that is the case, there is nothing for him to be worried about. But his short talk with his old friend had revealed where his allegiance lies.

He did not even bother to hide it

That is not surprising considering who he is talking to.

Varnikar had always been an honest person. It is one of his strength and one of his greatest flaw. 

He had offended many people in the court because of his frankness and his utter disregard for the royal family institution.

The only reason he could hold firmly to his tile as the High Lord of Maroth even with so many weakness and so many enemies sin the Central Government is simply because he is the Shield of Vernium. 

His existence had deterred the invasion of Iathus many times in the past.

He defeated large Darkspawn and protected many cities all over Vernium when he was young. 

He Fought off the incursion of the Mountain people three times and drove them back up into the mountain.

There are stories about him among the Mountain people. He even rescued the former king from the captivity of the Mountain people two times. 

There were many times that he had protected the kingdom from collapsing in the past. 

With such achievement and contribution even the King had to be careful when he wanted to take action on him. 

His contribution and his high reputation among the people protected him from the ministers in the court. 

And the current King himself is quite a wise King. He was more lenient than his father but also more stable in doing things than his father.

But like Raya, the King was worried about something. And that is the allegiance of Varnikar. 

Raya fears that if that person in Balhae is not an imposter but the real deal, Varnikar would not only serve him as his subordinate, he would probably offer Maroth to that Outlander Monarch

That is basically offering him half the kingdom. Maroth might not be the strongest state of all the nine states in Vernium, but since the creation of the Four Fortresses of Magic, no one had been able to break its defenses.

And with Balhae and Maroth together, that is two states uniting together. The Outlander Monarch is said to possess great strength

Some said he is able to leap tall walls and run up the towers. One slash of his glaive would kill ten men.

His shout roars like a dragon. When he punches the air cracked and when he kicks, space trembles.

Now, he asks himself. 

Duty, honor…. or old promise? 

He did not know what to choose. He is a learned man. He reads many books. But no book had an answer for this kind of question.

For this knowledge of the matter is inconsequential. It requires wisdom.

Varnikar did not urge for Raya to answer. He only smiles as he took back his seat and sit down 

Raya opens his eyes.

'Well?' Varnikar asked. Raya closes his eyes again for a few seconds and then opening it he said with determination

'I'll follow you' Varnikar smiles. 

He knows Raya must be thinking a lot of things. Out of all the many friends that Varnikar had, Raya is one of the most honorable. He had his own annoying quirk but he is very honorable.

That is why Varnikar would be sad if his old friend chooses to put his loyalty toward the King. The King had treated him well, but he also has done a lot for the kingdom

He had never lied to the kingdom about where his allegiance lies. He accepted the King of Vernium because he did not know when Asrana would awoke.

After all, the Thirteen tribe had been waiting for thousands of years without any trace of Asrana.

But now that Asrana had appeared, it is time to put his loyalty to the right place.

Then he said

'Then, you must make sure to contact the other Four Lord of the Fortress. Make sure that if we were to…. deviate from the Central government, that our people will not be in danger. Even if I am not here, as long as the magic fortress still stands, it would be hard for them to make any substantive damage' Raya was surprised how quickly Varnikar change his attitude.

Varnikar is after all a very straightforward person. 

Before he was cautious. But the moment that Raya said he would follow him, Varnikar immediately pull him in. 

Then he asks

'The other three Lords…. are they with us?'

Varnikar nodded

'I might not be good friend with them as I am with you. But we were still men who fought alongside each other in the past. And unlike you, they were always a believer of Asrana. 

Raya could only nod. There was silence between them for a moment and then Raya said

'I will be waiting. But…if that person is not Him, then be loyal to the Kingdom. Please, old friend' Varnikar only smiles knowingly and said

'Fine. But I don't think I am wrong. I believe that the Outlander Monarch is Asrana' Raya sighed and he simply said

'I just fear that you would be disappointed with Him. We don't know him. Maybe the stories did not get all of it right'

'Maybe. If that were the case, then we'll think about it later' Finished saying this, Varnikar no longer have any reason to stay in Raya office. 

He immediately goes out from the office, leaving that empty glass on Raya table. Raya look at the empty glass and he could only sighed

No one knows the meaning of his sigh. He got up from his seat and stand looking outside the window.

He saw men training in the fields and there is a glint in his eyes. 

He shakes his head. He took a deep breath and then he sat back on his chair and summons people from the Tower of Messages

That day, three blue birds flies out from the fortress of fire. Spies around the fortress immediately relayed that the Fortress of Fire had send three blue birds out of the Fortress.

Something seems to be happening. On the other hand, Varnikar return to his prepared room and meditate.

He had to make sure he is in his most optimal condition tomorrow. His horse is being fed and his armor is being added with more layer of protection.

Varnikar idea is very simple. He would try to duel with the Outlander Monarch. Closing his eyes, he is visualizing the battle.

And there is a smile on the corner of his mouth.


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