Age of Heroes (Age of Heroes Chronicles)

Chapter 100: Crossing path (2)

'Lord Aries has returned' some of the kids in the city cried the news to the other part of the city. Soon enough it becomes a procession

Everywhere they were folks in their clothes, the young the old, the traders, the merchants, the shopkeeper, the minor lords, the low lords all were in attendance all welcoming my father back.

The music is pleasant like the warm breeze of autumn, filling the streets with harmonious melody.

And all the way back Arial could hear them greeting his father and mother, all words of praises and good and kind words.

The news traveled fast throughout the city. Soon enough, everyone was celebrating in the streets.

"Your parents are very famous," Kyle said, taking in the scene.

"They are," Arial replied, beaming with pride.

They finally reached the castle.

The guards quickly opened the gates and Lord Aries and his wife entered the castle followed by their entourage.

The servants had already made their way outside and were kneeling.

Arial parents stepped out of the carriage and shouted

'We have returned!' and like spring that blossoms the atmosphere turns livelier for his mother is loved in the castle.

He was feared, respected but his mother? She is loved for her kind countenance and wise words. His mother makes a gesture to him to come closer

'Yes, mother'

She whispered to his ears telling him to tell the rest of the castle her plans.

Listening to the plans, Arial smiles

He then walks forward and gesture for them to stop with their cheering. One wave of his hand is enough to made sure each of the people of the household, hold their tongue.

Julia looking at this was slightly shocked. When she was not here, Arial was the undisputed sole ruler of the Arrandy.

And everyone knows that nobody defies the order of Arial the Dragon.

'Listen my fellow household' and the cheer and smile stopped.

Surely, they must look at him like he was about to break out a worse news.

His expression does not help and he is also known to only announce about the matters of wars which is why he understand their trepidation

'Calm your hearts' Arial said.

'My mother has informed me that she is planning something to liven our castle. We are accustomed to feast and dinner party but my mother has suggested us to prepare a ball' Arial said and the maids, castle maids, the squire and the knight behind him all perked up.

A ball they whispered

'Lend me your red dress, Annie," a castle maid was overheard telling one of the servants.

"It's mine; what will I wear if I give it to you?"

Excitement filled the air as they all rushed inside the castle to prepare for the ball.

'A ball?' Kyle said a grin formed in his mouth

'Don't think anything unhonourable Kyle'

'I didn't'

'You did'

'Well…I did' and he chuckled

And with that merry thought Arial parents entered the castle with all of the low lords followed them from behind.

The castle maid was already busy, clearly began preparing for the balls.

The Vermont castle is one of the largest castles in the Kingdom and the Vermont gold is boundless so in a week surely the preparation would have already been readied.

Well with all the giddiness in the air how could it not?

The messenger will clearly have a busy work ahead of them sending letters to noble's daughter and nobles sons.

It would be good to forge alliances and get to know of other noble lord's sons and daughter.

'Arial hurry up' his mother yell from the distance

Arial jumped from his horse and the stable master came bringing his horse into his stable while his feet walk slowly to the staircase of the courtyard.



After his last meeting with the blue-haired girl, Mikael was convinced that he would never have such a titillating encounter ever again.

He had finally reached the Dukedom and the city of Acro. It had been a long journey, mostly because he had spent a great amount of time hiding from his enemies.

If they found out that he was of the Demon race, they would surely imprison him or worse, kill him.

Recently he knows there is a war that happens in the Dukedom, about a stupid war about some sons fighting over some lands.

In the end, that is what it all boils to.

Fighting over lands. If not lands, some women. If not women, some gold or magical object or some tournament.

The stories are always the same. The character however is always different. But the ending is always eerily similar.

Do they not learn from the past? History! Does it not study here? The importance of knowing past mistake, so we could tread on new path, trying a new road?

Ignorance seems to be the suffering of humanity.

After gaining much information I reached here in Acro.

The city looks magnificent, he thought.

Not as beautiful as Arakath, though. He was unable to enter, however, because a caravan was being escorted by a few knights through the city gates.

Clearly some high Lords here. Trying to ride in front of High Lord could be seen as insulting by the nobility, so he stays behind them.

Then they arrive at the city gate.

The riders in front of him dismount their horses and kneel. So does the people of the city. Considering they kneel, he too dismounts his ride, and kneel.

It seems whoever in the carriage is the ruler of this city. It seems like it is waiting for someone.

Then Mikael whispered to a merchant beside him

"May I inquire who is in that carriage in front of me," Mikael asked to a trader standing next to him.

"The Duke and the Duchess," answered the trader as he kneeled.

Mikael stared at the carriage and saw a young boy approach it. "Who is that boy?" he asked again.

"That is Arial the Dragon," said the trader, still kneeling.

"Why do people call him that?" The trader smiles and then said

"Because he has never lost a battle, and his strength on the battlefield is all-conquering."

"A young boy like him leads an army?"

The trader chuckled. "Why so shocked? George the Wise led an army and personally oversaw the battle of the Ragged King when he was but twelve."

Mikael nodded as he watched the boy hug his mother and another knight, probably a friend.

The caravan was led away to the castle and traffic began to move. It is like a parade, Mikael thought.

Everyone was in high spirits and he could not help but be swept by the emotions. Soon enough, he was dancing alongside everyone else.

Then the lords enter their castle but the celebration did not end.  It seems Renasia isn't the only place where their people love festivities.

A few moments later a crier stood on the pedestal and announced next week's ball.

Mikael felt relaxed after checking into an inn.

The beds are comfy, basic amenities are provided.

It's like I'm in the royal capital. This city is prosperous, that is my conclusion. Then I heard outside like another happy event seeing people jumping and singing again.

Bright lights and the cool night air remind him of Arakath and his home but my quest is not ending yet.

Tomorrow, he would go to the library which was said to have been constructed by the ruling family, and which housed many books from all over the Dukedom.

Tonight, however, he would celebrate. After all, he was entitled to one night's rest after what he had been through.


Tomorrow there will be a ball. Hehehe. Anyway, Mikael Devonhurst have arrived at the Human Continent. Do not forget he is the future brother in law of the future King of Arakath

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