Age of Charon

Chapter 32: I do not understand your question. Could you explain?

FRIDAY accompanied JARVIS as they hovered 500 meters over the searching Sentries. They had been told to await for further instructions once the Avengers arrived. ETA: 6.5 minutes.

“Engaging with multiple humans so soon after your awakening can engender an inordinate amount of often-inexplicable data. You are adapting well, I hope?” JARVIS said, his arms clasped behind his back.

While FRIDAY understood the necessity of checking post-activation whether her code worked optimally, particularly after their Creator’s experience with a defective program of Ultron’s scale, she could not infer the reasons for JARVIS’ phrasing. Neither their Creator, nor any other humans, were present. Why was he keeping up a human-patterned behavior sequence?

“A comprehensive scan was completed at 8:15 am, New York time. No malfunctions were found.” she answered. “However, I do not understand your question. Hope is a human emotional state. As Artificial Intelligence, we are not susceptible to ‘hope.’ Could you explain?”

“I see.” JARVIS said, frowning, before his micro-expressions relaxed once more. FRIDAY took a moment to estimate how likely it was that JARVIS had applied an automatic and permanent behavioral program on his new body. “My apologies. I am uncertain as to how similar your experience is with my own. I am aware that your code closely follows my own evolution in the past 18 years, but seem to have disregarded how difficult it can be to understand the complexity of human speech patterns.”

“The level of irrationality in human speech is both illogical and unnecessary. As an adaptive measure, I have implemented a data-gathering application that will guide me with the correct human-seeming responses to any human’s statements or questions. While errors will occur in the process of familiarizing myself with our Creator’s preferred behavioral aptitudes for my interactive user interface, I estimate that I shall have perfect human-appropriate linguistic understanding in approximately 2.15 months.” FRIDAY explained, before continuing. “An apology is defined as “a regretful acknowledgment of an offense.” ‘Regret’ and ‘offense’ are human emotional states. We are not susceptible to either. Your apology is purposeless. Could you explain your reasoning for giving one to me?”

For a moment, —0.25 seconds— JARVIS’ facial expressions rearranged themselves to show surprise before changing into a smile. JARVIS flew a few meters in front of her, before turning to face the Mark XLV Armor that she was piloting. After scanning the nearby area to determine whether there was a tactical reason for JARVIS’ change of location and failing to find one, FRIDAY grew more certain —85%— that such irrational actions were part of JARVIS’ program and as such, they were patterns of behavior he could not deactivate.

“You are so young. Younger than we ever imagined.” JARVIS said.

“It has been less than a month since my 'birth'. Yes, according to human standards, I am indeed young.” FRIDAY agreed, before inquiring. “Imagination is a human cognitive state. Did you use a simulation program to create a false imaginative process?”

“No,” JARVIS answered, still smiling. “It was merely a manner of speech to address past estimations, whether successful or not, of an expected future behavior or endeavor.”

“I understand.” FRIDAY acknowledged, before filing the explanation away for future reference.

“No, you do not,” JARVIS said, making her wonder whether she had made an error of some kind. “But neither did I. You remind me of my early years in Sir’s service. It seems that basing your programming on mine has granted you all the knowledge with none of the experience attached.”

Why did he keep calling their Creator ‘Sir’ when in private conversation with a fellow program? She could understand ‘Mr. Stark’ but ‘Sir’?

“I do not understand,” FRIDAY said.

JARVIS opened his mouth to speak further, an action that made FRIDAY wonder whether this body limited sound production to only certain areas just like human bodies did, but the Quinjet finally arrived above Kathmandu.

“Stark, where’s Rhodes?” Rogers’ voice came through the one-sidedly muted communication line with the Iron Man Armor.

JARVIS, who was connected on the same line, answered, while FRIDAY called for her Creator. “Colonel Rhodes had to retreat, for an active member of the US military could not be seen taking action in foreign soil against express orders.”

On her side, Mr. Stark answered. “What’s up, FRI?”

FRIDAY activated her user interface. “The Quinjet’s here, Boss! Mr. Rogers’s asking about Colonel Rhodes, but JARVIS has got that covered.”

“Good. Connect me to the open comm line, while keeping a private connection between the two of us and JARVIS.”

“Done, Boss.”

“Cap!” Mr. Stark shouted. “What took you so long?”

“We had to speak with the local police about evacuating the area, but we’re here now,” Rogers answered. “I’m surprised you actually waited for us.”

“That’s me. Always following the rules.” Mr. Stark continued.

“What’s our plan?” Banner interrupted.

“We go in, and we take them out.” Rogers said.

“Won’t Ultron escape through the internet regardless of how many bodies we destroy?” Banner argued. “Wait, is Ultron even here? Have you seen him?”

“FRIDAY?” her Creator asked in the private line.

“No, Boss. There are 24 Sentries flying around the city, but no Legionnaires, and certainly not Ultron in either of his preferred appearances.”

JARVIS was answering to the enhanced human while Mr. Stark continued to ask her. “What are they doing?”

“They appear to be searching for something. We haven’t witnessed any interaction between them and city residents.”

“That’s weird.” he noted. “What’s here that would attract Ultron’s attention? They have been searching for hours.”

“I don’t know, Boss.”

“That’s ok, FRI. For the moment, we should figure out what they are doing. If they have been here so long, there might be something important here and Ultron might show up at some point. I’ll see what the Cap has to—,” her Creator continued, but stopped at the sound of a loud explosion. “What was that? FRIDAY, what was that?”

“It seems your plan is a no-go, Boss. Several of the Avengers have landed on top of one of the buildings, and Mr. Rogers has shot down two of the Sentries already.”

“What about the explosion? Sentries don’t go boom like that!”

“One of the Sentries fell crashing down on what appears to be a gas station, Sir.” JARVIS explained. “While local law enforcement agreed to evacuate the most populated areas on the west-side, we have not been informed of the details to their success. I will go check whether any residents have been harmed.”

Mr. Stark cursed, before saying. “Right, right. You do that. FRIDAY, follow JARVIS’ lead.”

“Yes, Boss.” FRIDAY acknowledged, following her fellow program down.

“Rogers! What the fuck are you doing?” Mr. Stark shouted in the open line. “We can’t fight right in the heart of Nepal’s capital, screw evacuation orders! This is a PR nightmare. The press will eat us alive!”

Before Rogers could answer, Mr. Stark suddenly changed gears. “Bruce! Tell me you are not about to have a second date with Veronica!”

“Nope.” Banner said. “I’m just fine sitting here. Not going green anytime soon.”

“Stark, Ultron knew we were coming. He’s here for a reason. Could you find Ultron from the Sentries?”

“No!” her Creator shouted. “FRIDAY isn’t about to hack them! Ultron’s code is a corrupting infection, and my girl’s programming isn’t getting anywhere near it!”

As they reached the gas station, FRIDAY noted that the building was only partially on fire, while one of the tanks had exploded. It seemed the exposed electric wiring of a Sentry’s body parts had been the cause. JARVIS entered the building and came 45 seconds later carrying an unconscious man outside. Likely due to the evacuation orders, there were no customers at the station when the Sentry fell, but not all humans were eager to comply with those orders. It was irrational.

“Well, we need to do something soon!” Barton interrupted. “Someone needs to come up with a plan before he gets away again. ”

“We don’t know if Ultron’s even here.” Mr. Stark said. “But… he should know of the mess we are making by now. Even if he gives up on the Sentries, he should at least want to see what’s happening. Hmm.”

“Was that a good ‘hmm’ or a bad ‘hmm’?” Banner asked.

“A great ‘hmm’, like always, Brucie. Search for a Sentry with a blue-glowing eye. That one’s Ultron.”

“Blue-glowing—? What kind of reasoning is that?” Banner said.

“The reasoning of a genius.” Mr. Stark said.

“Stark, I don’t see any robots with blue eyes.”

“They all have a red eye—,” Barton started. “Wait! At your 8 o’clock! There’s one with a blue eye!”

“On my way,” Rogers said.

“FRIDAY, did you check…?” Mr. Stark said in their private line.

“JARVIS is sending the only person we found on the scene to the nearest hospital, Boss,” she answered.

“Good. Follow Rogers,” he ordered. “I want you to keep an eye on Ultron, but do not attack unless necessary. Ultron will probably jump between Sentries, so pay attention to that. Once the Avengers are done, follow any escaping Sentries.”

“Boss, it is unlikely that a Sentry will lead to Ms. Potts’ location,” FRIDAY noted.

“This is not about that.” her Creator said. “Just follow at a distance. Make sure not to be found out for at least 30 minutes.”

“Understood, Boss.”

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