After taking over the Villainess’s body, I decided to make the Heroine mine [GL, SMUT, FANTASY, EVIL PROTAG, HAREM]

Chapter 7 – A Totally Reasonable Girl, who Will Never Kidnap Her Sister and Have Her Way With Her

This is normal. Nothing to see here. Everything is as it should be. A normal family. So mundane I have to yawn.

Also, stop asking for immediate sister/sister sex.

You have to earn that!

It was unfortunate. Mary hadn’t acquired any poison likely to work on her guardian. She refused to refer to him as ‘father’. No true father would stand between two destined lovers. So, there was just one possible solution - the obstacle had to die.


But Mary had no physical might. She was not blessed with the confidence and grace of her beautiful, sexy, heavenly sister. She had no true friends nor connections.


All Mary could rely on was the money their mother had left her and her sister - Elana. But she couldn’t ask her sister, and despite her efforts, no one wanted to sell anything dangerous to her. She blamed her guardian for that as well.


Well… Mary allowed a coy smile to form on her face. She looked out of the carriage’s window at the passing trees.

It wasn’t entirely true. Mary had managed to buy something a ‘little’ dangerous. Through her ‘friend’ at the academy, she had acquired a potent aphrodisiac.


Mary had used it without holding back to hasten the fated bonding between her and her sister.


For the past week, Mary had snuck into Elana’s room to admire her sister’s overly cute sleeping face.


At first, it was due to worry about her fated lover's health, but after it became apparent Elana would be fine, she changed her plans.


After almost losing her love, Mary moved her plans forward. Instead of waiting, she had started to feed Elana the medicine the only way it could be allowed - from mouth to mouth.


Mary licked her lips. She had held back as much as she could, only pressing her lips against Elana’s and pouring the stimulant into her sister’s mouth.


It had been as chaste as possible. Mary wanted their first, real kiss to be special… If possible. At the very least, she wanted Elana to be awake for it.


And this morning, Elana had finally stepped out of her room. Mary had been ecstatic. She rushed to her sister as soon as she heard of the news. She just had to hug Elana and explain why she hadn’t been with her the whole time.


Mary’s mood plummeted. Damned guardian. He was constantly watching her. She couldn’t refuse his orders and had to move in the utmost secrecy.


Once again, Mary’s plans had been ruined. Instead of sleeping together with Elana, she had been thrown out of the house.


But no matter. Mary could wait. She always had. Her burning love was hot. She realised it was easy to burn her sister with it. She didn’t wish to hurt Elana. Not unless it was necessary to keep them together.


Mary clenched her fist, digging her nails into her palm. What she had seen today… 


The maid and that brute who abused that one guard. They both had done something to Elana. Mary knew they had.


Mary trusted Elana would not succumb to carnal desires and wait for her. It would be hard for her sister, but she would endure.

But Mary didn’t trust others to not take advantage of her sister’s innocent heart. She knew she had to protect her sister.


Countless predators were seeking to claim the most beautiful girl in the world. Mary had to protect Elana. Just like she always had.


Just like back when Mary had broken that boy's legs for bumping into her sister.


Just like back when Mary had poisoned that old servant for daring to spread rumours about her dear sister.


Just like back when Mary had made the rude girl fall down a stairway for suggesting Elana was… was a woman of easy disposition! Unforgivable!


And now more parasites were circling around her sister dear… Mary bit into her finger to stifle her anger.


Mary needed to calm down. She sighed, then reached for her bag to search for her treasures. She didn’t need any maids to help her. They would not be loyal to her but to her guardian instead.


It was hard sometimes to be so independent, but at times like these, it was a blessing. There was no one to question why Mary had Elana’s panties.

The answer would be simple - because this piece of the garment had the strongest aroma that didn’t vanish after just a day or two.


Especially now, when Elana had been so aroused for so long. The wetness from Mary’s sister’s pussy had seeped into the fabric, making it that much more delectable.


These particular panties Mary had acquired yesterday after her sister had changed after bath. The smell was so strong, almost fresh! She couldn’t imagine what it would be like to drink right from the well, but she certainly wished to poke her little nose into Elana’s pussy and take a whiff.


After turning part of the panties that had stains of arousal towards her, Mary stuck her tongue to it. She licked and sniffed, unable to be satisfied. She mewled and sighed as her body grew hotter.


This heavenly taste… Mary needed more of it! And she had her own to share! Her fingers snuck under the long skirt and pulled the hem up until she was free to play with her netherregion.


Mary wouldn’t push her fingers inside. She was saving herself for Elana. But playing with her little button was a fair game. Rubbing it felt good, pinching even better.


Without worry of being heard, Mary let out a moan. The dirty fabric barely muffled her voice, but she didn’t care. She needed this to stay calm!


Mary’s fingers vigorously worked her clit and pussy lips. She imagined it was Elana’s tongue licking up the overflowing juices.


That did it. Just the thought alone of her sister drinking her nectar sent Mary over the edge. Her tights clasped together, trapping her hand as her fingers still continued to play around.


“Rnnnnnnaaaagh!” Mary roared, experiencing an incredible orgasm. Her body shook, her breath hitched, her muscles tensed.


Mary’s body continued to shake as she stuffed her mouth full of her sister’s taste. “Nnnngh~!” She couldn’t get enough. She needed her sister.


Mary would have Elana. She collapsed back into the seat, heavily panting. Her fingers kept tracing her lower lips as she absentmindedly chewed on the panties. She couldn’t wait any longer. She had to have Elana soon.

The next chapter soon. It will introduce the... Well. You'll see.

Then back to Elana's PoV.

I also have to remember to add to other requests. Someone jokingly said armpit licking, and another person added a drooling glasses girl to the list.

Where the heck do I fit that in???

Do I even want to???



Sane Enkiari

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