After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 207 My Father Is Darth Vader!

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Chapter 207  My Father Is Darth Vader! by Harem-Fan


     If the reality of my situation wasn't critical, I would laugh it off. What kind of 'Cosmic Joke' was this horrible Soap Opera Drama only a bad Hollywood movie writer would come up with?

     I was horribly wrong when I said it was only Mary and I suffering from this revelation. Mercy, Mei, and definitely Linda at her home, are suffering from seeing the dead man looking like a world villain. I somehow feel I understand Luke Skywalker, who was hanging on a thread from Cloud City, and choosing to let it all go.

     No, I am not mentally collapsing in my mind or heart, but I am mostly just confused. Did Lucy know? Judging by Mei kneeling on the ground with tears, I think Lucy may not know, but my damn Grandfather did. Did he hide my fathers death like he did Lucy? That seems about right.

     Seeing my father standing there with indifference and his act, I now understand his mission back in China when I was 5 years old, had something to do with his position. But why does it seem like he is the one in charge? The Emperor in the background is only sitting there, like what my family is doing is just a boring work day?

     I am holding Mary tightly, because she is a bit shaken. Seeing a dead man will do this to you. She and I know that our mother died, due to her head being shot, no way to fake that. But... Why did he never contact me, or us? Why did Mei, who works for him, not know?

     I reached over with my other arm and pulled Mei into my right side. She finally noticed and looked into my eyes. She can tell that I also did not know. Mei asked.

     "Why Rick, why did he not tell us?"

     I hugged her tight and said while kissing her forehead.

     "Seems he is a real spy, and he lives a life of deceit. He even fooled his own family. I think you being sent to me was his machination."

     "Rick, what are we going to do? I am afraid of what the Central Government might do... Should we run, hide, activate our emergency plans?!"

     I shook my head and stayed calm, then I said to everyone.

     "Ladies, for now for a bit, please just stay home if it is not important to be out, but if you need to go out, Masters will be with you... Hinata?"

     "Yes Sensei?"

     "For the time being, please protect our home. With you here, the Lee won't be able to easily make a rash move. Mercy, please accompany Hana at work, the Hospital will need her. Jenifer, I need you to work remotely from home to be my eyes and ears for the Fire Birds. Kim, work from home. My wife Kate, I will have extra security to take you to work. Does anyone have any questions for me?"

     Mary gripped my face and asked with a bit of desperation in her eyes.

     "Rick, I cannot lose you, what will we do, and why did he leave us?"

     I held her trembling hands and told everyone my guess.

     "That bank robbery was a plot to kill my father. I am not sure how he survived his injuries, because he should have died from blood loss, but that is not important now. We were being watched by the Lee back then, so if father or grandfather said anything, they would know he was alive. As for not telling us? I think he felt guilty for not being able to save mother... How could he face us, being the only survivor?"

     "Well, this is only my guess. But I have bigger things to deal with for now. I now have to contact Central to find out what they will do, so just in-case, pack one emergency bag, because I do have an escape plan. I have a ship out at international waters just in case. The Victoria..."

     The twins looked at one another and then Nadia told me.

     "Ricky, I will be with you when you talk to Central. I am sure they cannot touch us for this, so let me get my international criminal law book and make sure. I am confident they cannot hold your father's crimes against us because you are an adult, and you are a part of all four main clans, so touching you is taboo, meaning they would literally have to eliminate the backbone of the nation to touch us. The fact you are married to all 4 clans is a layer of shielding greater than the threat of war. Just give me an hour before you call."

     Then both Nadia and Nichole rushed off to our personal library with the use of Valentine.

     Currently our phones are starting to ring off the hook. Sadly many callers will have to go to voicemail. I asked Jenifer and Hana to talk to all of the wives in Harem-Chat to give them live updates on what is going on. The first person I call is not Lucy, but Linda.


     "Linda, are you alright?"

     [No, I think I am dreaming... Rick, please tell me what to do... I am confused?]

     "Yes, I too was unaware of this... I am sending Mercy to pick you up with Hinata for protection, so get a bag for you and our daughter. I will bring you to my side for our protection. Do you understand my wife?"

     [Yes husband, I will pack us up quickly. Please just stay safe for me... I love you.]

     "Okay, they are leaving now."

     After hanging up, I called my outside wives one by one, and gave them the option of coming home, and all of them wanted to be with me here. So I had Mercy and Hinata pick them all up.

     Well, Tina and Ana are staying put because she needs access to the Phoenix building, and we have Masters there to protect them in the Jefferson tower.

     I even called Lan to warn them about taking shelter in our secure location in the deeper mountain for the weekend, till I find out more.

     Lastly it was time to make one more call before I deal with Central.


     [Sniff, Rick, I was never told... Father kept this from me... I-I never knew, please believe me...]

     "Calm down, I know you didn't know, that is why he ghosted you. The two idiots must have their reasons for not telling us. He did not even tell you he was alive, and grandfather is just an insensitive asshole anyway, sigh."

     [Rick, c-can I be at your side now? I do not want to be alone?]

     "You can be at my side forever... Just please calm down and be your mature and focused self. You're a super spy, so school your emotions for a bit. I need my strong rock to lean on. If you crumble, what can I rely on?"

     [Ufufu, Rick when did the tables turn? I have always supported you, and here you are holding up my sky... Sigh, I am too lucky to have you.]

     "Alright already, pack a bag, then have the Velvet Security team escort you here. I am guessing the media will start to crowd around, so bring the largest team to get you here, then my Fire Birds will clear the way."

     [I will be at your side soon, my love. Click... do do do...]

     Soon, the largest set of breasts press against my back in a tight hug, as Kate asked.

     "Rick, I know you are acting tough for us, so if you need me to let it out, please just cry into my chest."

     I do not need to cry, but I can tell Kate feels like she does not know how to help here, so I pull her in my lap and listen to her heartbeat through her chest. I told her.

     "Kate Tang, please just stay incredible, and I will let you comfort me whenever you also need it."

     Kate with her red eyes smiled seeing through her insecurity, just kissed me, then she tilted her head and suggested.

     "I think out of everyone in the house, I should go spend time with Kim, right? I will go make sure she is calm and help her with the two babies, so I will see you later, husband."

     And there she is, the airhead who unexpectedly knows what I would want her to do before I asked. Then Nadia and Nichole both came in with books and a phone book with numbers for Central.

     Soon, my lawyer wives told me the do's and don't of what to expect when calling the Central Government, and who to avoid talking to.


     To my and the twins' shock, the moment I called the main Government building, not only was there no red-tape or attitude problem, but I was instantly transferred to the leader of the Country, Prime-minister Lee, of the Political clan of the Li family. He spoke first.

     [Mr Lee-Tang, this was a pleasant and unexpected surprise to have you call me. My group here was just wondering how to contact you in the near future. Please, tell me why you called first, you are on speaker phone with my advisors.]

     "Hello Prime-minister, I too have you on speaker with my lawyer wives Nadia and Nichole Tang. The reason I called was to denounce the actions of my father and grandfather, who I was unaware had not been dead. I also have a recording from a Traditionalist Lee that told me just on Tuesday about my Grandfather who I have not seen or spoken with in almost 10 years. The last time I contacted my father was the morning he supposedly died. I have called to affirm my loyalty to Eurasia and have no connection with the China Empire."

     [Hearing your words pleases us and reassures us that you are on the side of Eurasia. Now to what our first concern is... We know of the Star Wars unit stolen by the China Empire, which was leaked by the Traditionalist Lee. And with this new known threat of a weapon of mass destruction, we need protection. Your company is the only one who produces it, and to be blunt, Eurasia needs it.]

     "I have researched that kind of weapon before, but never wanted to test or make one, it is called a Nuclear warhead, and the video you saw was real. The worst part about that bomb... You cannot live in the area for at least 50 years due to radiation poisoning and environmental damage, as everything is irradiated. I do have the Star Wars unit you are asking about, but what assurance do I have that the Traditionalist will not come after me or my family?"

     [To protect you from the Lee who have been and are targeting you as we speak, we the Central Government are willing to offer you and your family a blanket pardon of all past-possible-crimes, so the Traditionalist have no legal leg for anything. This pardon only applies so long as you live and support the Central Government as you have been. We understand your actions are not at all tied to your estranged family. We also know the Lee are currently observing you. We have not let them touch you, and now we need your help.]

     "Thank you for being a reasonable Leader Prime-minister Lee. I will gladly send you a donated tax deductible Star Wars unit for your gracious blanket pardon. I want to protect Eurasia, my home as much as you, so please let's work together to keep terror from landing. Also, we need Star Wars to help prevent a 2nd World War. Please sir, count on me and my family to support your efforts for peace."

     [Then, on Monday, we will send our military plane and group to procure the unit, and I will publicly announce our agreement. If you are willing to make an appearance and denounce your family's broadcast, this will help calm our nervous ally, North America.]

     "I will send Star Wars to the tarmac on Monday morning for your pickup, and I will gladly make a public speech to calm the world. I have family here and want them protected, just let me know when and where we will do this news conference."

     [Sunday Morning, we can do it at your SEG Entertainment studio you own, I will let you set it up, and I and my group will arrive for a live world wide announcement, and publicly hand over your pardon, how is that?]

     "Thank you very much Prime-minister Lee, and please make sure to keep an eye out for the Traditionalist activities these two days, but if they attack me, that pardon will cover it, right?"

     [Cough, Only if it is self defense, not provoked attacks. Please Mr Tang, do not take advantage and put me in a tough spot, see you on Sunday morning Mr Tang and thanks. Click... do do do...]

     Even though I appeased the Political Lee, they are at a slight disadvantage with the Traditionalists. One runs the country while the other controls foreign affairs, and soon, the Self Defense Forces. So my best strategy is to side with the Political faction as long as possible, till I can snuff out the leadership of the traditionalists.

     Nadia came over sitting in my lap with her law book and showed me the Blanket Pardon. She then explains.

     "This Blanket Pardon he is offering is the best we could ask for. Even any crimes covered by Mei in her past, any-woman pregnant with your children, or married to you is forgiven. Even crimes that were not discovered. It however will not cover future crimes at all. And if you are no longer a citizen of Eurasia, all past crimes become usable against you once again to keep you out."

     Nichole said to me.

     "I am telling the women in Harem-Chat now about our deal."

     I nodded to her as my wives outside the home had arrived. Now after I am done greeting my family, I will start calling my businesses. I will have to use my burner phone to call Jill as well, since her plan is now underway to make Greg's life a bit less comfortable. Plus she can find out what the Lee siblings are planning for me.

     As I looked at my phone list, I was about to cancel on the birthday party tomorrow... But when I thought about Gretta's daughter being sad, I stopped my fingers.

     No, I will not hide from my enemies if they come, as long as my family is safe, I will proudly walk in the open.

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