After Reincarnating, My System Quit!


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(A/N To the readers who felt cheated that they did not get enough "filler" in the American Arc, and events moving fast... This story cannot go on for 500+ Chapters, just sorry. Rick had an amazing year, but not every week can be filled with heart stopping events. I also cannot keep fleshing out every side character, or give you a day by day account of every little thing. Even after the Time-skip, I still have to flesh out the things you miss, so instead of repeating the same information twice, I moved the plot along. The reader said "it was so I could move on to the next novel..." This is both true and false. The only reason I have brought up the Prequel idea is because I have to brainstorm to bring you guys a decent story-line. If you think this story is ending in like 20 chapters, then you are delusional! I will not write every day or week perfectly, but there is still 2 years of content I must prepare for the final battle. I also did not dwell on his infants in the past because babies are boring! Now his children are around 3 and more interesting, and his relationships have matured and deepened. So please, mind your comments saying "I am half-assing my story..." Thanks for reading!)


Chapter 194  LEGENDARY 3 YEAR TIME-SKIP! by Time-Travel-Fan


     "Father, father, wake up! Han is hungry, and I am hungry, wake up! Mommy woke up father."

     "Little Zoe, your father was up late and is sleepy, let him sleep in a bit, and mommy will get you washed and dressed first."


     Pat Pat! I hear Chinese being spoken, and feel the tiny hands of my son Han, trying to get me up copying his older sister Zoe's persistence. I crack a smile to calm my lover.

     A just over 2 year old girl with two black pigtails and chubby cheeks adorned the older girl, and the younger boy with black hair and blue eyes like his parents, was wobbling a bit for a 1 year old.

     Without exception, all of my children have black hair and blue eyes. The only thing making them different from one another are the skin and builds. The mothers facial features decorate my kids face, so these two look much like Lan.

     "Okay, okay, Dad is up, I will help mommy make breakfast. But daddy will have to go down the mountain after, Okay?"

     "No, don't go, father, Zoe will be good!"

     "No.. um, Zoe good..."

     I could not help but smile at my two spoiled kids trying to keep me long. I have been here at the Hidden Temple for 3 days now, training students in Gun-Fu and spending time with Lan, Zoe, and Han.

     Ashley had also stopped by with her daughter to see her father the other day. Soon, Lan kissed me and said,

     "I will get them ready, just make simple porridge dear. Our children can't be treated differently from the other mountain children, okay?"

     I scratched the morning stubble on my chin and nodded like a loyal man. I always get scolded when I try giving my two kids here some candy. But, what mommy does not know won't hurt, right?

     Lan seeing me scratch my stubble said to me.

     "Father dear, after the kids start eating, I will shave you, so just bathe with us after the meal is ready."

     The Sect Master's home is a simple and traditional single story building, no different than a commoners home, with a room for each child, our master bedroom with a low-lying bed, a washroom and a combination kitchen living area. Frankly, it looks like something you would see hundreds of years ago. The only electricity here even is the secret landline telephone for emergencies.


     While I was heating up the breakfast, I was reminded about some of my new tasks I had to take care of now that most of us graduated from Star University. I have found that my workload has tripled by the very least, sigh.

     I pulled out my satellite laptop to see what things I need to do after I leave the mountain...

     1. Stop by the Long Estate to see Victoria and my son Ken Long.

     2. Then stop by to visit my wife Helen at the Tang Estate, to see my boys Mike and Ray Tang. Those two act like tiger cubs.

     3. Stop by my new Velvet Tower to head a meeting with my business CEO's. Fuck, I will have to deal with her again, sigh...

     4. Then I finally pick up Mary from the station on my way home.

     I look to see the food is ready, so I dish everything out so it will be cooled for the kids, while I leave Lan's and mine hot. Then I head to the bath to let Lan shave me, it is one of her favorite pass-times when I visit, and the kids think it's magical.

     So with a towel on, I head on in for family bath time...


     Zoe was in Lan's lap being fed, while I took care of Han, and his messy eating habits. Lan then asked.

     "Rick, how did things go with Sea Temple?"

     Wiping Han's chubby face, I told her the updates to the 4 Temples.

     "Logan already returned with his new wives, and has successfully earned the position as Sect Master. His introduction of Drunken Style made his contributions the greatest to the Temple. So in two years, his elites will be trained and ready. Snow Temple has agreed to our demands. Only Forest Temple is staying distant from us, and loyal to the Li. So it went as expected."

     "Husband, I thought Snow Temple refused you?"

     I gave her an evil grin and leaned in to whisper.

     "The God Squad had their first official mission, to infiltrate the Snow Temple and assassinate the Sect Leaders son, and it was done flawlessly. He had only bits of flesh remaining after taking a simultaneous 25 shots from the 50 caliber sniper rifles, ha-ha! When Snow Temple found out their Masters could vanish with one word from me, they caved. Your former Sect Master was replaced due to the trauma of her son's death."

     Lan in her heart was filled with joy, the fact I killed that filth who made her life hell, just earned me a passionate kiss, ignoring our curious children's gazes. Then she asked.

     "The target I understand, but why the God Squad?"

     "It was a test for their escape from the Temple. Their sniper skills were never the real test, but their Advanced use of Kyusho Jitsu. All of the snipers managed to escape by only using their unarmed skills, showing Snow Temple my group did not even need the sniper rifles to end them."

     "But that did not seem to be enough to make them loyal, right?"

     "That is right... So I sent them Satellite pictures of the first Mountain Temple meeting its end with MOABs and they signed right up."

     Finally my family meal ended, and it was time to leave. I kissed and hugged my two naughty kids, and then my now Grandmaster concubine, Lan. I said my farewells and dressed in my business suit, getting out of my old-fashioned robes.

     As I was walking out of her house, she said with a bit of coquettish charm.

     "Last night was fantastic, so next month, will you be back like normal? Oh, and in a week, you are calling the kids right?"

     "I was very thrilled last night as well, and I will never miss talking to them on the phone, anything else dear?"

     "Yes... Tell Mercy and Hinata I said hello, and tell Mei congratulations for finally getting pregnant, fufu. Love you Rick, now go before Victoria has to leave her home to find you."

     So after leaving my Fairy Retreat, I ended my Chinese language practice. Now that my Education has improved over the years, all of my foreign languages are now fluent like native speakers. Yeah, I can tell I have reached Education Advanced in my last few years...


     After traveling with a golf-cart, I made it down the 2 mile long hidden tunnel to leave the Hidden Temple grounds. It is dim and noiseless with only 2 master Level Monks dressed as rest stop janitors.

     Both men saluted me with cupped fists as I climbed the concrete steps to leave the hidden passage.

     Clink! As I exited from a door marked [Out of Order] I left the back of the restroom and janitor area of the rest stop. Yeah, our secret entrance is a broken bathroom mixed in with working bathrooms.

     When I came out to the main rest-stop area with vending machines and a few trucks and families stopping for refreshments, I saw my white limo sitting in the truck and limo parking.

     Nearing it, the driver and passenger front doors opened, and Mercy and Mei got out of the car.

     Mercy, as valiant as ever, was wearing her driver's outfit, ready to take me to all of my meetings. Both Mercy and Mei have entered the beginning stages of the Master level, and both of their Gun-Fu are at Advanced levels of skill, close to also becoming Masters in it.

     Mei in her knee length maid outfit, had a happy smile on her face. A couple of months ago, she stopped taking the pill, and she had just found she missed her first period.

     Just like I promised, we made our child when I graduated. Mei had been bitter seeing Lan have two children but, like a professional spy, stayed to her plans. When I stopped in-front of Mercy, she smiled and said,

     "Good-morning my Master, I have a picture and report for you. Your two boys Lee Mu and Ryu Kyusho have started their sword sparring practice this morning. Here are the pictures to prove how talented they are, and a short clip."

     Mercy, a proud warrior mother, showed me the video she took with her smartphone with pride in her blue eyes...

     A slightly larger 2½ year old son, Lee, is beating my other 2¼ year old son, Ryu, with a baby Nerf Sword. Ryu, being encouraged by the voice of Hinata in the background, gave back as good as he got from Lee. I hear both mothers encouraging this soft brutality of my sons, like two spectators at a gladiatorial match. But, the laughter from the two toddlers, tells me they are having a blast. They are wearing protective gear on top of it, so no harm can come to my boys, but I just shook my head at these Martial women and their child raising ideas.

     Mei seeing my expression betrayed Mercy.

     "Master, I tried to get them to stop-"

     Her speech was cut short by the sound coming from the video still playing. Mei's voice was clearly heard.

     [Oh, this is so much fun, but don't let Rick know, Ufufu.]

     Mei points to the back door and opens it, she waves and says like I did not just catch her being a naughty aunt.

     "The other child abuser is waiting inside for you my loving and forgiving Master~!"

    Mercy with a smile got into the driver's seat, and after I was in, Mei closed the door,and clicked her tongue, about getting caught on the tape. She then skipped to the passenger front and sat next to Mercy, as my limo pulled out of the rest stop.

-     If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     As I had sat in the back, I looked over to the now 32 year old Japanese beauty in her red kimono. Despite 3 years passing, she still only looks to be in her early 20's. Putting her and my sword to the side, she in her socks came and sat sideways in my lap with her wide sleeves hugging my shoulders.

     "Your Precious student missed Sensei. I was jealous that sister Lan received extra training, and my skills have degraded over the last 4 days. How are you, my Master~?"

     Hinata, now more open after becoming a mother, is speaking to me in Japanese, while gently wiggling her meaty ass in my lap, with a grin daring me to take her now.

     I, after years of being sexually manipulated, have built up a slight resistance to seduction, well just a bit, cough. I held her around her thin waist and told her.

     "I am well, dear. Sorry I had to be gone, but the students need correction with Gun-Fu, or they will learn bad habits. And sadly the only two with the best skills in it are Mercy and Mei. So I have to spend 4 days out of the month with them. If you want, just bring Ryu and come next month?"

     Hinata lifted my chin to look into her red eyes, then she gently kissed me for a bit. Soon she released my lips and said seriously.

     "No, sister Lan and your two children need what little time you spend there. I am not ungrateful and need all of your time, Sensei. Just ignore this spoiled woman. I love you, Rick..."

     And for some time, she showed me with her kisses that she missed me...


     As I neared the Long Estate where Victoria and my boy Ken have been living for years now, I called her.

     [Hello husband, are you near? I have missed you these past few days?]

     "Yes wife, I just came from training, and we will be there in about 10 minutes. How are you and Ken?"

     [Ufufu, We are both good, and dear, I have found out what Ken's 'Lee' aptitude is...]

     "Will you tell me now, or is it a surprise?"

     [It seems your son is a computer genius. He has been playing video-games and beating them quickly, so I got him a beginners simple computer, and he took to it like a fish to water... I think he should learn from his aunt Lucy.]

     "It is too early to train him, let him have fun first. Lucy can train him after our family issues are handled in a couple of years. Ken is only 3, let him be a child first, is that fine?"

     [Your wife shall listen, fufu. I need to pull him off his computer to see you. Seems he only gets off when you stay over. Oh, you will only be having lunch with us right? I remember, you have to stop by Helen's and then to your new Velvet Tower businesses. Well, I could not ever hand over all of those businesses to anyone but you dear. Love you, bye. Click... do do do...]

     The BBQ House, the paper business, the advertising business, SEG Entertainment, Harem-Chat, and the cosmetics are only a few of the many businesses my wife gifted me when I graduated. Now my main headquarters is the Velvet Tower. Victoria was more than happy to dump her old businesses, now that she ran the entire Long Clans national businesses.

     Driving into the Long Clans main Estate, where Kimberly and her father used to live, I think about how half of my wives have all moved to their new homes due to Clan obligations, but this is common with noble marriages.

     Victoria, Tina, Linda, Helen, Lan, and Ana have all found homes outside my mansion in Garden Estates, so now instead of changing rooms, I now have to go to my wives homes to spend the nights. But it works for my harem, so I am fine with it. The women still have their rooms at my house and come over as well, so the kids can play.

     Oh, Victoria and Ken are waiting for me, time to get out...

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[Acting: Master] [Acrobatics: Grandmaster] [Auto-Mechanics: Basic] [Business Management: Master] [Cat Burglar: Advanced] [Computer Use: Grandmaster] [Cooking: Advanced] [Driving: Master] [General Education*: Advanced] [Gun-Fu: Grandmaster] [Firearms: Grandmaster] [Kung-Fu: Grandmaster] [Medicine: Advanced] [Stealth: Master] [Thief: Advanced] [Virtual Business Management: Master]

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