After Reincarnating, My System Quit!

Chapter 182 Leaving My Childhood Friend Behind!

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Chapter 182  Leaving My Childhood Friend Behind! by Harem-Fan


     As I started to fully wake from my sleep, I felt the softness of tremendous soft water-balloons pressed into my chest. Long white hair drapes over my body, as I hold the now sleeping Kate in my arms.

     I remember last night, she and I had drank a bottle of wine together, and out of sexual frustration, the two of us stayed over at her home on Lot 9. We had finally made love for the first time, and it was not super erotic or excessive.

     I push the hair from her face and watch her sleeping cuteness and her mumbling lips. Kate is holding me like one of her many stuffed animals laying on the bed. I smile looking at the pillow to my side with a cartoon image of me on it.

     "That... Is both cute and creepy."


     Kate's red eyes slowly flutter open as she feels the warmth from holding me, the pain in her lower body, and the unmistakable scent of sex. Her lips curled and she looked at me.

     "Rick, if I am dreaming again, do not wake me, okay?"

     Kate pulled my head closer and kissed me slowly. After a few moments she smiled and spoke to me seriously.

     "I don't want to be your childhood friend anymore... I am now your lover, so I give you everything. Can we make love again?"

     I rolled her to her back, because her body had already made my morning wood rock hard. I smile down onto her expectant eyes and joke.

     "Kate, you know I used to think of you in the shower a lot in high-school. To think I am now making love to my idol crush."

     At that point, I had slid myself inside of her. She was ready, even though she felt pain, she only smiled at my eagerness to be inside of her. She wrapped her legs around my waist and said.

     "I needed to wait for this day for too long. I know I will walk funny, fufu. But, waiting till our movie was made, I feel the wait was worth it... I love you my Action Hero~!"

     Taking her still swollen nipple into my mouth, I abused them more, as I slowly pumped. Kate's hand only rubbed my head like she was feeding a child...


     After 15 minutes or so, Kate and I grunted together, along with her feeling the warmth inside her tummy. Kate only smiled with a feeling of finding her own Idol she dreamed of.

     We had been on our sides with her right leg held in my arms while I was behind her, so I let her leg down. Spooning her, I ask.

     "Sweetheart, are you feeling alright?"

     Kate pointed to her smartphone next to my side and answered.

     "I am definitely sore. But I will just take some Ibuprofen and a warm bath, and I will probably be fine, fufu. Dear, pass me my phone, would you."

     Kate took the phone and started to dial a number. She smiled at me and made a shushing motion.

     "Oh, I am sorry Ana, I miss dialed. I just woke up from a long night with Rick next to me, and my eyes were blurry, I meant to call Jean. Oh and how are you after the filming yesterday?"

     Fuck, did she prank call Ana, to rub sleeping with me in her face? Are these two using me as a prize or something? Has Ana been taunting her for not sleeping with me?

     "Huh? What do you mean you don't believe me? Here, talk to Rick."

     I stupidly took the phone and put it to my ear...


     [Am I on speaker Rick?]


     [Was I first?]


     [Ufufu, Then I am happy, I love you Rick, now let me pretend to be upset with Kate, and please be safe on your trip to the United Kingdom, alright.]

     "Here is Kate, bye."

     Kate got the phone and her smile blossomed. It seems Ana is making it a big deal of catching us in bed? I see why Ana is sneaky... Even when she wins, she makes her rival think she lost, sigh.

     Soon the smug Kate hung up and kissed me.

     "There! Now that woman will stop flirting with you, fufu! Let's go to the mansion dear, I want to see my sisters!"

     Okay, now she is just like a kid here, wanting to do a victory lap. But, I find her antics cute...


     It is the night before I get on the large airliner to fly to Boston, Virginia.

     I had to get some of my guns sent or smuggled to America in advance for my trip. I am only allowed to bring a pair of handguns and my Katana with me on the flight.

     So what did my amazing Lucy send for me in America? A fucking Rocket Launcher! Oh, and a box of 10 fragmentation grenades?! Um, My Lucy is scary...

     Currently, I am in Kim's third floor bedroom over Hana's She cannot sleep well due to her excitement and her nervousness of something going wrong. Sadly she has no clue how wrong things will end up, but no matter what, I will keep Kim safe.

     The short Kim is laying on my chest and her green eyes look into my blue eyes. Leaning in, she kissed me yet again. She has done a staring contest on me for about ten minutes while her brain is in chaos. She finally asked the same question she had asked once a minute.

     "Rick, I will be your wife, right?"

     "My silly Kim, yes, no matter what, you will be my wife, and I will marry you immediately. I could never not want my Teacher around. Plus you're beautiful."

     I keep adding more reasons when she asks, because Kim is a nervous wreck. She hopes I won't hate her family or change my mind when I get there. She bit her bottom lip and said something surprising.

     "I know why I can't sleep... My fear of commitment... Rick, right-now, I want to make our baby. I want you so much, please?"

     I think she is afraid I will not marry her, and she wants the consummation soon, so...

     "Kim, you need to take a deep breath. I know what you are feeling, and sex is not the answer. If I make love to you now, you will deep in your heart regret your past. My strong and confident Kim would regret it in the future. I will not go anywhere, so we can still wait till after our vows."

     Kim held me tight, knowing what I am saying is right. She then said,

     "You are probably right on the mark, I just wanted you to know I trust and love you. But I forgot, you trust and love me. Well, I can get pregnant when university starts too, ha-ha. Let me reward my fiance for being understanding."

     Then slowly, Kim with a playful grin, slid under the sheets to deliver CPR to my growing erection. Yeah, I could have had sex with her now, but her feelings are more important....


     The next morning Hinata, Kim, and I gathered our bags, ate breakfast and said goodbye to the family. That is a lot of hugs and kisses, when you add in my children! Damn!

     Hinata, was wearing her beautiful blue kimono, carrying her twin swords, and holding mine in her embrace, like a sword maiden. Normally I would not let a pregnant woman fly, but she insisted, due to her duty bound personality. Even when I told her to stay behind, she refused me. This in turn made me feel that our relationship was not master and slave.

     Kim is in her American style of bluejeans, cowgirl boots, and a stetson hat. She got some sleep after releasing me and her heart. Her smile is great, as she said her goodbyes to her fellow sisters. Kim promised to put all the pictures in Harem-Chat and update the wives.

     Finally, Mei is driving us to the airport, this time to the International Airlines, and not my small airfield.


     I was confused why Mei stopped at the Velvet Tower until I saw a woman. Next to her on the ground was a suitcase.

     She was wearing ancient China Empire practitioner robes, and holding her double edged Jian sword in her arms, looking into my surprised eyes. Mei got out and opened the door for Lan, and then put her bag in the back.

     "Lan Chow greets Master, Miss Smith, and Miss Kyusho. I will take my seat."

     I saw Mei smirking as she shut the door to go drive. The lack of surprise in Hinata's eyes tells me this was a planned event. Kim looked bewildered, and the fact we picked her up here, made me look up to the 40th floor in understanding.

     "Um, Miss Chow, are you coming to America with me and Rick?"

     Lan nodded and told her.

     "Master Lee will need more protection on his adventure. If you and he split up, how can Miss Kyusho watch you both? America is very dangerous, and Rick will need helping hands. I also have to protect Rick from those who wish to take away all of our hopes and dreams."

     Master Lee, that sounds funny in my mind, but unlike others around me, she has no problem calling me Rick. Even though she knows who I am, she mixes reverence and casualness in such a way that I do not understand her feelings.

     "Oh, then just call me Kim, and I will call you Lan then, alright?"

     Lan nodded and like Hinata, closed her eyes to rest her thoughts... I realized something odd. In the back of the limo, I am from Eurasia, Kim is from North America, Hinata is from the Japan Empire, and Lan is from the China Empire! My face could not help but grin at this situation.

     I seem to not have been the only one to realize this, and all three women all of a sudden looked around, having my same thought. I broke the strange air.

     "Cough, Seems our group will draw looks no matter where we go, ha-ha."


     Soon, we are getting out of my limo, and putting our bags on a luggage cart.

     Mei came to me, and ignoring her maid uniform, I lifted her chin and kissed her in public. She did not refuse and held me. She knows I will be in danger, and hates that she cannot go. America will not let a suspected spy step foot in their Royal Capital of Boston.

     "Rick, Lucy said she will be watching as much as she can, just don't leave your smartphone behind. Just... come back safe. I still need my future baby's daddy in my life. I will also use your computer room to aid you, so call often."

     "I will be safe just for you, Mei. Love you and goodbye."

     Mei watched the four of us vanish into the crowd, she then sighs, and leaves...


     Soon, after the process of getting our bags checked in, and boarding the 747 airliner, we sat in First Class seating, with Hinata and Lan behind us.

     Kim looked out of the window like a small child, then asked me.

     "This is your first 747 ride, so are you sure you do not want the window, Rick?"

     I shook my head and held her hand.

     "No, I like the idea of keeping you happy. Watching you look out, puts a smile on my face."

     After a while, we are given safety drills by the sexy American stewardess. Oh, that's right, we are flying on American Airlines. So the crew are all American.

     Over half of the plane is full of North Americans, with many Eurasian businessmen and women. The two countries are very friendly and open, so the mixed flight is to be expected. But when I get there, I will stand out a bit. Lan and Hinata will stand out the most, for their ethnicity and beauty.

     Soon, we lifted off, and our 8 hour flight began...

     And after lift off, I received a silent call on my phone. It was an Unknown Number, and my gut told me it was not a friendly call. So I put it to my ear and said nothing.

     [Rick Lee, you actually had the balls to leave the safety of Eurasia? Well, let me throw you a grand welcoming party. I will enjoy taking your happiness away. So enjoy it while it lasts. Click... do do do...]

     The voice was scrambled but I knew it was Scott. My guess is Laura is sitting there with a smile. Well, I will welcome the welcoming party, with fireworks.

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