After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 85

Every Wednesday night might be Karina's nightmare, and even though they've only started school for three days, Karina is sure about it.

When Sun Zhu woke her up from the bed, she was still having a sweet dream: she became the Chaser of the Hufflepuff Quidditch school team, and her teammates were Sun Zhu, Duke and other partners. Cooperating to score one Quaffle after another, beat Slytherin to the ground, and made Professor Snape raise his eyebrows in anger.In the auditorium, Professor Black kept waving a small yellow and black flag, and shouted: Hufflepuff, how domineering!

"Karina, wake up! Don't sleep!"

Sun Zhu's call brought her back from the dream to reality, Professor Snape's dark face disappeared, and Professor Black's smiling gaze also disappeared, only the grandson who looked at her strangely. Bamboo and Fina.

"Are you finally awake? The astronomy class will start in half an hour. Let's hurry up. The astronomy class is in the highest astronomy tower. I don't know how long it will take." Sun Zhu said like a cannonball. Dui, "We have brought the binoculars and textbooks, let's go. I'm afraid points will be deducted for being late."

When Karina heard the word "point deduction", she immediately popped it up, packed herself quickly and set off with them.

It was Senior Brian who took them to the Astronomy Tower. He still didn't speak much as before, but his steps were much more relaxed.After sending it to the location, he said: "Because it's too far away from the dormitory, I will pick you up after you finish class. Remember not to run around when the time comes, and go back together when I come."

The little badgers nodded in unison and watched him leave.

The wind at the top of the tower is very cool, and the night sky in early September is full of bright stars, which is so beautiful.

Originally, Sun Zhu thought that the simulated sky in the Hogwarts castle hall was already beautiful enough, but in fact it was far inferior to the real astrology.

But this kind of beauty was soon destroyed by the appearance of Professor Sinista, who said the cruelest words in the most gentle tone: "Try to draw the stars in the night sky into a star map, this will also be yours. The content of the assessment at the end of the semester. Astronomy is the closest course to Muggle astronomy, you don't need to use any magic, you just need to observe with your eyes, feel with your heart, and describe with a pen."

When Sun Zhu looked at the unchanging stars in the night sky again, his eyes were full of dazzling patterns and lines, and he instantly felt that it was not beautiful.

She felt that she was as sad as the Muggle elementary school student who came back from the spring outing and wanted to write travel notes.

Sure enough, if you want to destroy something you love, the only thing you need to do is turn it into a job.

There are quite a few students who have the same idea as her. Fortunately, in the first class, Professor Sinista didn't ask them to draw a decent astrology chart right away, but taught them to identify constellations with a telescope.

Sun Zhu didn't let knowledge pass her brain at all, she wanted to see the beauties nearby rather than the stars in the sky.

Under the quiet night sky, on the top of the tall tower, students were scattered in twos and threes, with occasional conversations. Professor Sinistra leaned over to talk to a few Ravenclaw girls, not paying attention to other places.

Sun Zhu couldn't help looking over there, but saw a girl with long curly hair not far away from them, her back was facing the crowd, carefully observing the night sky with a telescope in her hand.

She also had a piece of parchment and a quill floating in her hand. Under the starlight, her light-colored long hair seemed to be gilded with a layer of silver, shining slightly.

Sun Zhu looked at her with the binoculars, but just in time to see her put down the binoculars and turn to talk to the classmates beside her.

Sun Zhu was able to see her lake blue eyes, reflecting her college tie of the same color, looking elegant and demure.

"What are you looking at?" A voice suddenly said in my ear.

"I'm looking at beautiful scenery and beauties." Sun Zhu didn't think about it.

"Do you still need to use binoculars to see beauties?" The voice sounded a little puzzled.

"That's right, it's not polite to stare at people like this." Sun Zhu put down the binoculars in his hand, and turned to look at Cedric next to him, "What are you doing?"

"I..." He turned the parchment in his hand, "Maybe I'm doing the same thing as you."

"Really? I didn't do any serious work just now." Sun Zhu was a little disbelieving, she looked at the things in his hand, "Did you secretly work hard behind everyone's back?"

"I never study secretly. In fact, I didn't listen to what Professor Sinista said. I just drew something casually." Cedric quickly opened the things in his hand to show her, on it was a picture that she couldn't see. Understand the astrology chart.

"Is this also called casual?" Sun Zhu was confused, "Your casual and mine seem to be different."

"Well, it's Andromeda and Perseus in the northern constellation. My mother was very keen on studying this. I just drew it based on my impressions. It may not be accurate." He looked at the night sky with the telescope, "It's a pity to look at it now If you can't see them, you must be at the right time and observation position to see them."

His tone sounded a little regretful, Sun Zhu took down his binoculars, met his confused eyes, and said with a smile: "What else do you not know? You seem to know more about Muggles than me, who was born as a Muggle." Melon stuff."

He was a little embarrassed and said: "It's my mother, she likes to study these things more, so I followed suit."

"Student Seide, I don't think you should be like this..." She hesitated, but she said it anyway, "Don't be like this. I can't think of anything you are not good at. You are like this..."

Can such a perfect person exist?If she is still just a spectator in this world, she will only sigh, such a perfect person is only found in novels.

But now, she is also in the story, and she clearly knows that Cedric is smart, handsome, kind and fair, good-tempered, popular, and lacks everything in studies and love.

So life is missing.

As an old Chinese saying goes, too strong is easy to break, too full will cause damage.He is too perfect, but will incur even greater suffering.

She always felt that the reason why Cedric became the first person to be "sacrificed to heaven" in the original book was because he was so beautiful, so using his death as the prelude to the upcoming cruel war was very profound and profound. Definitely.

From the audience's point of view, this is a sad aesthetic.From the point of view of those who have experienced it, there is nothing but pain besides cruelty.

It's a pity that Cedric couldn't understand her meaning at all at this time, but said nervously: "Actually, there are many things I don't know. I... There are many things I can't do."

Sun Zhu shook his head: "I'm sorry, I accidentally thought too much just now, so I didn't scare you."

Cedric frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Zhu, didn't we agree that we should never say 'sorry' to each other at any time?"

Sun Zhu was stunned for a moment, then said for a while: "I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten."

After finishing speaking, she came back to her senses and covered her eyes helplessly: "Okay, I'll say it again. But I think it might be that I'm a little... prone to thinking wildly at night."

"You don't think too much, but you think too well of me. There are many things I don't know, but you don't know." Cedric sighed, "I sometimes feel that I may live in everyone's imagination Woolen cloth."

Sun Zhu put down his hands and looked at Cedric with a melancholy face. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a light voice next to his ear: "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, but I have something to ask Mr. Diggory. Is it convenient?"

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