After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 79 The Werewolf and the Unguessable Sirius

"You must have understood the importance of Defense Against the Dark Arts. In addition to Hogwarts, there is also the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States that also teaches this course. In addition, the Durmstrang College in Northern Europe directly teaches Black magic." Sirius said: "To learn defense against black magic, you must first understand black magic. I will start with the most basic black magic. Three categories: Hexes, Hexes, and Curses."

Sun Zhu took notes with a feather brush, waiting for Sirius to continue.

"I won't introduce the specifics to you, lest people with evil intentions go to learn it. I just want to tell you that these black curses, especially curses, will not only hurt the caster, but sometimes the caster will also suffer backlash. "Sirius put his wand on the desk casually, and the textbooks were spread out casually and placed on the desk.

Karina put her face on her face and said to Sun Zhu with starry eyes: "It's so cool!"

Sun Zhu said expressionlessly, "Have you written it down?"

"Do you still need to take notes? I will firmly remember every word Professor Black said."

"……I hope so."

It seems that appearance is sometimes not productivity, but resistance to learning.

The ancestors said that it is not a lie that beauty deceives people.

Fina also stared blankly, wondering what she was thinking.

"Let's introduce some magical creatures next, let me think about... what are you all interested in?" Sirius looked distressed, like a passerby passing by temporarily.

Although Sun Zhu knew that he might be faking it, it was obvious that he really had no intention of teaching according to the textbook.

"Miss Sun, why don't you talk about it." Sun Zhu suddenly heard Sirius calling her.

She looked up dully, and saw Karina looking at her excitedly, a little confused.

"Magical creatures, Professor Black said that he would introduce some dark magic creatures." Karina repeated, "Now he asks you to tell me the one you want to know the most."

Sun Zhu ignored Karina, who had become the leader of the Sirius fan support group. She just didn't understand why there were so many people, but he chose her.

Sure enough, it still caught his attention.

That being the case, it would be better to impress him a little more.

"Professor Black, I want to know more about werewolves, can you give us a detailed introduction?" Sun Zhu said flattered.

Anyway, Lupine will come to take over sooner or later, and there is a high probability that his identity will still be exposed.Instead of making people who don't know the truth afraid and panic, let Sirius, who can be regarded as a person who knows werewolves, introduce it himself.

Sirius' originally smiling expression froze for a moment.

At first he stood by the desk fairly, but after hearing Sun Zhu's words, he simply sat leaning on the edge of the desk and laughed loudly, taking advantage of his long legs.

Sun Zhu couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

She wouldn't irritate Sirius, would she?

"Miss Sun's question is very good." He suddenly said, "May I just call you Zhu in the future?"

"of course."

"I don't think there is anyone in Hogwarts who knows more about werewolves than me." Sirius said seriously, "Because I used to be very good friends with a werewolf. Ryffindor reads, although I didn't know his identity at first, because he doesn't look any different from a normal person."

Sun Zhu froze in place for an instant.

I've seen werewolves reveal their identities, but I've never seen one exposed in this way...

How did Sirius tell the whole truth?

Karina also opened her mouth wide, Sun Zhu was afraid that she would be frightened, so she looked at her worriedly.

"Zhu, I really didn't expect that Professor Black is not only handsome, but also..." Karina was almost speechless.

"...Brave?" Sun Zhu tried to figure out what she meant.

"Humorous! This story is so cool, being a classmate with a werewolf, hahaha, how could I not think of such an interesting story!" Karina continued to look at Sirius with admiration.

Sun Zhu: "..."

Have you ever thought about a possibility, that is, is everything he said true?

Sun Zhu looked around, whether it was Slytherin or Hufflepuff, many people's eyes widened in shock.

Although there are more people in Slytherin with unbelief written all over their faces.

Sun Zhu glanced at Fei Na, saw that her expression was calm, and asked in a low voice: "Do you think what he said is true?"

"I wouldn't be surprised by anything he did."

Sun Zhu poked Cedric in front again: "Do you believe what Professor Black said?"

"Maybe teach him and make part of the story artistically." Cedric thought about it: "My father once worked in the werewolf registration office for a while, and he said that this is an extremely dangerous creature. I don't know much about werewolves. , can’t imagine how it can study at Hogwarts.”

Sun Zhu nodded: "To be honest, this is really not something that ordinary people can understand. However, it still happened."

"Do you believe Professor Black's words?" Cedric was a little surprised.

"Yes, my intuition tells me that what he said is the whole truth." Sun Zhu felt that since Sirius didn't mind telling the truth, there was no need for her to pretend not to believe it.

Cedric nodded and said: "I heard that the werewolf will only transform on the night of the full moon every month, and there is no difference from ordinary people at other times. I think if we can control it when it transforms once a month It, then it is not impossible for them to read normally like ordinary wizards."

Sirius quietly looked at the students discussing in a group below, and continued with a smile: "Of course, there are already smart students who know the special habits of werewolves. Every full moon night, they will lose all their belongings. They completely turned into wolves with their rationality and memory. They attacked all creatures they could see indiscriminately. If you encounter this kind of creature in the future, even if it is your closest partner, remember Just stay away. Unless you're strong enough, don't try to overpower a werewolf while he's in shape."

Sirius said some cruel words in the most relaxed tone, and the classroom couldn't help but fell silent.

A Slytherin suddenly raised his hand and asked, "But why would the school allow this dangerous creature to enter the campus to study? Even if there is a way to control its transformation, werewolves should not have the same right to study as ordinary wizards."

Sun Zhu noticed that when he spoke, many Slytherins were nodding, especially that Yaxley, who seemed to agree the most.

"I think, if there is a way to control its transformation state, then there is nothing wrong with it." Monton, who first proposed to learn dueling, suddenly retorted: "The werewolf's fighting power must be very strong. If we can When I meet them, I really want to try who is stronger with them."

Cedric suddenly turned around and whispered to her: "At the beginning, he brought a few people to 'negotiate' with me. He is a wizard who advocates strength."

"I can tell, compared to other people, he looks much more normal." Sun Zhu nodded.

Sirius continued to smile and said, "Oh, let me think about it. Does Hogwarts have such a school rule that prohibits non-purely human beings from reading..."

He had a troubled expression on his face again, and suddenly said after a while: "Oh, I really can't think of it. After all, I have never been a school rule-observer. If you let me know that there is such a school rule, I think I will definitely try to bring my house elf over and make him a classmate with me."

Sun Zhu almost collapsed, trying not to laugh out loud.

"However, I need to tell you again that I was in Gryffindor." He shrugged suddenly, "not Hufflepuff. So, I can't guarantee that what I'm telling is a true story."

Sun Zhu was completely confused in the wind.

Why doesn't he play cards according to common sense, is he going to deny it now?

"Add 5 points to Hufflepuff." He smiled and looked at Sun Zhu who was full of question marks, "To thank you for reminding me of some good things."

For the first time, Sun Zhu felt extremely uncomfortable because of the extra points.

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