After binding the comprehension system, I crossed into Hogwarts

Chapter 44 Visiting the Burrow

In the early morning of Christmas, Sun Zhu was awakened by Yuan Bao's paw. Although the force was not heavy, it was enough to startle her.

Sun Zhu still had no way to get angry with the kitten, so he could only half-open his eyes and ask her what she wanted to do.

Sun Yuanbao was paired with red and green by her last night, looking very festive.But at this time Yuan Bao meowed anxiously to her: "I feel a terrible aura nearby."

Sun Zhu was in a daze for a moment, then looked down at the glowing beads, and said in a low voice, "Jianguo, what are you doing, do you know that you scared my kitten?"

Sun Jianguo said in a low voice, "Why do you attach so much importance to the Yi people's festivals? I've never seen you so happy."

"Please, do as the Romans do, don't you understand? You still have to listen to barbarians...foreigners. And I am happy mainly because of the gifts from my friends. You will not understand this kind of feeling."

Sun Zhu didn't know how to explain it to him. A few days ago, she asked Long if there was anything she wanted, and she could try to see if she could find it.As a result, Uncle Long still had no desires, no desires, and no interest at all.

At this moment, the system suddenly said: "Host, today is your tenth Christmas in this text world. To celebrate this day, I want to tell you a piece of good news."

"I almost thought you were going to play me another song "MerryChristmas"." Sun Zhu sighed, "As long as you don't speak, nothing else matters."

"Don't be nervous, just click on your system panel to check, and you will know what I'm talking about."

Sun Zhu looked at it a little blankly, and found that in addition to one more inherent talent of [Mission Mark · Elementary] (upgradable), there was also a random hidden mission: Gift of the Savior 2 (completed).System experience has also become 160 (-35).

"What's the matter, what's wrong with Harry?"

"Harry received your Christmas present, and his joy triggered this quest for you."

"How did he know that I gave it to him?" Sun Zhu was happy but also emotional, "This kid has never seen anyone who treats him well, so now when good things happen, he can only think of me?"

"Master, I think, Harry is just more sensitive to kindness."

"The people sent by Dumbledore may have been hiding in the dark to protect him, so Harry didn't know that there were other people who cared about him besides me." Sun Zhu sighed, "Although it may be compared to before, he has already It’s been a good day, but it’s not enough. If things go well in a few days, I’ll be able to get his godfather back to him sooner.”

Whether it's to thank Harry for his "gift" or something else, Peter has to be dealt with.

On the appointed day, Sun Zhu changed into the dress that Sun Zhengxing bought for her.Although it is a dress, it is neither thin nor complicated, and was cast by Sun Zhengxing to strengthen the warmth.This outfit is warm and graceful, which not only shows that she attaches great importance to the visit, but also does not make people feel too exaggerated.

Before leaving, she did not forget to put on the hat Luna gave her, and the hat turned into a light yellow hat with a wide brim and decorated with roses of the same color.In addition, I spray some perfume from Aunt Fiona, not for anything else, just for the lucky bonus of that little Felicia.

In the end, she put her arms around Sun Yuanbao and followed Sun Zhengxing to the Knights bus.

In fact, the original intention of the invention of the Knight Bus was to give some help to wizards and wizards in trouble, but they would also not refuse to take an underage wizard like her to visit her friend's house during the Christmas holiday.

Sun Zhengxing accompanies her to get on the bus, although he originally intended to arrive there via the London subway and transfer to a bus as he did last time.But Sun Zhu said that he was worried that Muggles would be curious when they saw Yuanbao, and that the subway would be very crowded during the holidays, so he changed his mind.

But what Dad said before was indeed correct, this thing was fast, but it was really dizzy to the extreme, if Dad hadn't been supporting her all the time, she would have been thrown out.

After getting out of the car, she had to straighten her skirt and hat so she wouldn't show up at the Weasleys' house disheveled.

When he finally arrived at the Burrow, Sun Zhu was a little nervous.When hesitating which foot to take first, he found that Sun Zhengxing next to him was even more nervous than her, and even forgot to knock on the door.

She couldn't help but looked at Sun Zhengxing, and said worriedly, "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, it's nothing." He quickly came back to his senses and knocked on the door pretending to be calm.

The door opened quickly, as if it had been waiting for his knock.

The one who opened the door was Arthur Weasley, and there was a tall and handsome young man standing beside him. Sun Zhu sized him up slightly, and then he heard Arthur introduce: "This is my eldest son, William Arthur. Weasley, sixth year in Gryffindor."

"You can call me Bill, that's what my parents call me." The handsome young man with a ponytail said with a smile.

Sun Zhu also followed Sun Zhengxing to greet them, and followed the father and son into the inner room.

The interior of the Burrow is not spacious, but it is extremely warm. The air is filled with a sweet and creamy aroma, and the fireplace is burning with charcoal, which is warm and bright.There are still a few fairies dancing on the Christmas tree in the corner. Although Christmas has passed for several days, the Christmas decorations have not been removed.

At the low table next to the Christmas tree, Ron was dancing and talking with a red-haired boy with his back to them. When he accidentally saw four people walking over, he stopped the discussion and waved at them. Loudly said: "Bamboo, Merry Christmas!"

The other three looked at her in astonishment, and Sun Zhu also opened his mouth stupidly, and nodded at him: "You too."

At this time, the boy with his back to them also turned around and looked over, Arthur hurriedly introduced: "This is my second son, Charlie Weasley, who is in the fourth grade in Gryffindor."

Charlie wasn't as tall as his brother, but he looked more solid, and he was a lot quieter.After introducing each other, Sun Zhu noticed that what was locked in the owl cage next to Charlie was her Christmas present for Ron.

Ron was obviously very excited. He said to her: "Gyosen is a smart little guy. My brother said he is smarter than many owls in Hogwarts. Bamboo, thank you for giving me Gyosen."

"You're welcome, as long as you like it." Sun Zhu also took a closer look at the grass owl in the cage. He seemed relaxed and half-closed his eyes, and he seemed to be living a good life.

"However, I didn't say that the owls in the Hogwarts owl hut are not as good as Gyosen." Charlie was a little distressed, "I just said that he is much quieter than many owls I have seen."

"Isn't the owl you've seen the Hogwarts owl." Ron retorted, "Gyosen must be thinking about something and that's why he's so quiet. I'll just say he's a smart owl."

Charlie scratched his head and said helplessly, "Well, maybe what you said is right."

Sun Zhu held back his smile, Ron is very protective of his new favorite now, it is the most sensible not to talk to him.

But, after looking around, why didn't I see the important person, Percy and his mouse Scabbers?

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Mrs. Molly coming out of the kitchen with a plate of pastries. Ginny followed behind to watch her put the pastries on the table, and then waved to them, "Come on!"

Sun Zhu walked over with the Weasleys, and Ginny quietly approached her and said, "Thank you for the gift, I'm about to fall in love with writing because of it."

"Really, then it seems that if I give you more beautiful stationery in the future, maybe you can get 12 o's in the owls exam in the end."

"It's still not necessary." Ginny stuck out her tongue, "My eldest brother Bill has already achieved this, and third brother Percy also aims at this, but he is only in the first grade this year, and there are more than four years before the exam!"

Percy, as expected of you, you can really roll.

Sun Zhu complained secretly in his heart, but suddenly realized that his father didn't follow.She looked into the corner and found that he was still talking to Arthur there, and he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes from time to time.

She waved to him and signaled him to come over, but Sun Zhengxing shook his head a little embarrassedly.

Dad is weird.

Sun Zhu couldn't help but looked carefully, and found that he was always avoiding contact with people in a seemingly non-existent way.

Sun Zhu was silent for a while, and finally confirmed.

Actually, dad is a social terror, right?

It's hard for him to come to such a big family as the Weasleys as a guest.

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