Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

18 In Worm

Here's over 55,430 words for you.

Brockton Bay had been fighting a losing battle between an economic downturn and the plague of gangs that pretty much ran the city. Drugs, gang fights, guns and knives, and a general sense of unease permeated the air. That wasn't the worst thing about the area, though.

It was the capes.

Capes was the term used to describe anyone that had extraordinary powers. Both hero and villain had the same label to describe them, which seemed a bit shortsighted and a little biased. Even heroes that had proven that they were working towards the good of the people that lived in the city, were given a wide berth and mostly held at a distance because of the masks they wore.

Some exceptions were the capes that didn't wear masks and there were far too few of them. One family in particular dubbed themselves 'New Wave' and had unmasked publicly. A mother, a father, two daughters, an aunt, an uncle, and their two kids. It was both reassuring and odd, because they still wore costumes and had a civilian identity.

That didn't matter much to one particular individual at the moment. Her name was Taylor Hebert and she was fighting for her life against a madman. The night hadn't started that way, however. She had pretty much stumbled upon a gang meeting and the leader, Lung, had declared that he was going to kill children. She wasn't going to allow that to happen and decided to delay them as much as possible.

Unfortunately, that got the man's attention and that was bad, because he was a cape. He was a very strong cape that got stronger the longer he fought and grew in power as he ramped up in anger. They called him the dragon because as he grew more powerful, he also grew scales and became more dragon-like with a tail, fire breath, and everything.

Taylor's control of bugs wasn't quite up to the task of fighting a fully experienced crime lord with super powers. It was actually her first time out on patrol and she never expected to be in the situation she was in right now.

A blast of dragon fire barely missed her as she dodged and it hit a parked car. Luckily, she had some bugs scattered over everything, so she knew that last blast of flame had super-heated the car's gas tank. She ignored the dragon-man chasing her and ran off to the side and as far away from the car as possible.


Taylor and Lung were tossed a dozen feet through the air. Taylor landed on the hard pavement and was very thankful for her reinforced spider-silk costume. Lung slammed into a nearby building and crushed part of the wall as his body was embedded into it.

“Uhh.” Taylor groaned as she sat up, then she gasped. Two people stood there in an embrace, completely untouched by the blazing fire.

“I'll... KILLLL... YOOOUUUU!” Lung growled as he pulled himself out of the wall.

“Well, it's not hard to guess who the bad guy is here.” The woman said.

“Him! IT'S HIM!” Taylor pointed for all she was worth.

The man chuckled and let the woman go. “Thanks for the clarification.”

“Are you sure you can handle this?” The woman asked him.

“Can you feel it?” The man asked as he seemed to glow slightly.

“You have to teach me that, whatever it is.” The woman said.

“RRAAAWWRRRR!” Came from Lung as he seemed to lose any semblance of rationality and charged at the man.

“Watch out! He gets stronger the longer he fights!” Taylor exclaimed and then caught her breath as the man's fist slammed into Lung's dragon snout and shattered it.

Lung swung around almost comically, his neck clearly broken. The man floated behind him and grabbed his neck with both hands and squeezed. Lung opened his ruined snout and gargled and spat as he fought to try and get the man's hands off of him. It didn't work. He struggled fruitlessly as he was choked out and then he stopped moving. After a few moments, his dragon features seemed to fade and he shrunk back down to a normal human size.

“Don't let him go yet.” The woman said and counted out loud for thirty seconds. “Okay, that should be enough.”

The man let him go and then a stick appeared in his hand before steel chains appeared and covered Lung from head to foot.

“What the hell was that?” Taylor asked as she stood up. “Ow.”

“Are you hurt?” The woman asked and walked over to her.

“I took a hard tumble and a few good shots from that jerk.” Taylor said. “I think my wrist is sprained.”

“Let me take care of that for you.” The woman said and held a hand over her forehead. “Full heal.”

Taylor gasped as a white light covered her from head to foot. She felt her costume get a lot tighter and she had to use her fingers to pull on some of the clasps to open it up. She took several deep breaths and stared at the woman.

“I can tell that did a lot more than just fix your bruises.” The woman said with a warm smile. “Have you been eating right?”

“I... well, I...”

The man chuckled and walked over with Lung dragging behind him with a piece of chain. “You should introduce yourself and let her know your name before interrogating the poor girl.”

Taylor gasped. “You can't tell me your secret identities!”

“Secret... oh. I get it.” The man said and his clothing changed into a very formfitting supersuit with a big 'H' on the chest. He waved a hand over the woman and she was suddenly wearing an identical one, only with a large 'G' on the chest.

Taylor just stared at them. “You... just...”

“We just arrived here.” The man said and held a hand out to her. “Call me Hyperion.”

Taylor took the hand and shook it. “Um... you can call me... uh... Skitter.” She said and wasn't sure why she felt like blushing at the man's smile. Then he bent over slightly and kissed her gloved hand, which actually made her blush.

“Skitter? Why not Arachne? Or Swarm Queen?” Hyperion asked her.

The woman smacked his arm. “Easy there. She's only fifteen.”

“What? I'm not hitting on her.” Hyperion said and then looked thoughtful. “Although, she is pretty cute. I wouldn't mind getting to know her better.”

The woman shook her head and gave him a little push. “Don't mind him, he's just a joker.” She said and took Taylor's hand and shook it. “Call me Glamazon.”

Hyperion chuckled. “Glamazing is more appropriate.”

The woman rolled her eyes. “See? His sense of humor is a little sad at times.”

“That's completely true.” Hyperion said, to Taylor's surprise. “So, what do I do with this guy?”

“That depends on if you want the credit or not.” A young woman's voice said from across the street.

“We just arrived here.” Hyperion said and turned to look. He saw four people with three large dog-like creatures and was a little surprised that he hadn't detected them until now.

“You could be famoOOOWW!!” The girl in purple grabbed her head and slumped to the pavement.

“Tattletale!” One of the others exclaimed and knelt beside her. “She's unconscious!”

“ATTACK!” The young woman wearing the plastic dog mask yelled.

“NO!” Taylor and the two young men shouted.

“BAD DOGS!” Hyperion yelled and a blast of force blew out from him and the three dogs were slammed into the pavement. They yelped in surprise and then whimpered when the force didn't let up.

“Let them go!” The young woman with the plastic dog masked shouted and ran to the dogs.

“You shouldn't train attack dogs if you don't want them to get hurt.” Hyperion said.

“Please. She loves her dogs.” One of the young men said and waved his hand.

Hyperion's arm started to twitch and then it pointed right at him and a bright beam of light came from it and hit the young man in the chest. He flew back twenty feet and slammed into a parked car. He didn't wait for the other young man to attack before he blasted him and the dog girl, too. They joined their costumed teammate next to the same car and all three were unconscious.

“Oh, my god.” Taylor whispered.

There was a loud revving sound that echoed from the nearby buildings.

“Someone on a motorcycle.” Hyperion said and readied himself to attack.

“No!” Taylor exclaimed when she saw Armsmaster and jumped in front of Hyperion. “He's from the Protectorate!”

Hyperion gave her a nod and changed his stance to look more relaxed.

“Do you have any idea who they are?” Glamazon asked.

“They are... were... the Undersiders.” Taylor said in a soft voice.

“Criminals?” Glamazon asked and Taylor nodded.

The mostly technology covered motorcycle slowed down and came to a stop between the Undersiders and the others. Armsmaster normally would have stayed far enough back to assess the situation, except he had sensor drones out ahead and had seen some of what had just happened.

“Protectorate! Everyone stay where you are.” Armsmaster said and hit the call button on his helmet. “Armsmaster here. Request PRT emergency pickup for five injured and confirmed criminals, three animals, and possibly an escort for detaining three other capes.”

“Miss Militia is five minutes out.” A loud voice responded. “Scrambling PRT ambulance services and the Buster Wagon is on it's way.”

“I really wish they wouldn't call it that.” Armsmaster grumbled and stepped off of his motorcycle. He was tempted to reach for his halberd and decided against it. He knew at least one of them had a ranged attack and he wasn't sure if he could deflect or absorb whatever it was. Instead of approaching them, he stood there and did his best to analyze the situation as he waited for backup.

“Is this how it usually goes?” Hyperion asked Taylor in a whisper.

“Not really.” Taylor whispered back. “This is my first cape fight, though.”

“Makes sense.” Hyperion whispered.

The sound of another motorcycle echoed off of the buildings and then a mostly normal one appeared at the end of the street.

“Oh, my.” Glamazon whispered as the motorcycle came to a stop beside the other one and a very shapely woman climbed off of it.

“Easy there. She's only in her twenties.” Hyperion joked and Glamazon slapped his arm. He laughed and that seemed to break the tension.

“What's going on here?” Miss Militia asked as she looked at Armsmaster.

“I was waiting for backup before starting the interrogation.” Armsmaster replied.

“I'd rather you ask politely and not be mean and confrontational.” Hyperion said and crossed his arms. “Why don't you let your beautiful colleague handle this part?”

“E-excuse me?” Miss Militia asked, surprised.

“Why don't we meet halfway?” Glamazon asked and sexily walked into the space between Taylor and Armsmaster.

Miss Militia looked to Armsmaster again and he shrugged.

“I'm not a great people person.” Armsmaster said.

Miss Militia huffed and walked forward without blocking Armsmaster's view. “Can you explain what happened here?”

“Of course I can, Miss Militia.” Glamazon said with a smirk and then told her exactly what happened after she and her partner appeared in the street.

“That... seems a little outrageous.” Miss Militia said and looked back at Armsmaster.

“She told the truth.” Armsmaster said.

“My story is the same as hers, since we arrived here together.” Hyperion said and motioned to Taylor. “Arachne was here before us and she can probably tell you what happened before that.”

“Huh? What? No, I'm... Weaver.” Taylor said.

“Queen Bee.” Hyperion said. “No, wait. Swarm Storm.”

“Hey! You can't just throw out names like that! It's my choice!” Taylor exclaimed.

“Okay, Bug Babe.” Hyperion said.

“Oh, god! Stop talking!” Taylor covered her mask with her hands as she fought hard to stop her blush. He called me a babe!

Glamazon let out a bark of laughter. “Bug Babe isn't that bad, actually.”

“What are your names?” Miss Militia asked.

“He's Hyperion and I'm Glamazon.” Glamazon said.

“What are your powers?” Armsmaster asked.

“Armsmaster.” Miss Militia nearly spat and turned to look at the new heroes. “You don't have to answer that. If you want to register with the PRT, you will have to say what your powers are.”

“Why would we register?” Hyperion asked.

“It's usually a common courtesy when a cape enters a new city... or becomes a cape. It's so we can stay in contact when the Endbringers attack and we can call you for help and also disaster relief.” Miss Militia said.

Neither Hyperion nor Glamazon said anything for several moments.

“What are the benefits?” Glamazon asked.

“If you sign up as a member, you get pay, equipment, meet other capes on patrol, and you get to keep the city safe.” Miss Militia said.

“Are there any other options?” Hyperion asked.

Miss Militia let out a sigh. “You can sign on as an affiliate, be provided a phone and a small stipend, and only be called for bigger missions and you get priority for healing and transportation behind full members.”

Hyperion nodded and turned to Taylor. “So, tell us all how tonight happened, Bug Babe.”

A small swarm of flies and bugs flew out of the shadows towards Hyperion's face and stopped dead a foot away.

“I'm sorry for teasing you.” Hyperion said and swiped a hand at the swarm. It dispersed and Taylor was shocked that she lost contact with those bugs. “Please tell us what happened.”

Taylor took a deep breath and let it out, then told them all what happened. By the time she was done, the ambulance services and prisoner transport had shown up and they were checking the Undersiders.

“I should probably help them.” Glamazon said and gave Miss Militia a sexy look. “Excuse me, gorgeous.”

Miss Militia practically jumped out of the way and Glamazon laughed as she walked over to heal the four young people. It shocked both Miss Militia and Armsmaster when she did them all at once, not to mention the medics and the transport personnel.

“We have to bring them in.” Armsmaster said to Miss Militia.

“I know. Director Piggot is going to freak if we don't get the healer to agree to associate status.” Miss Militia said in agreement.

“How do we pick up the bounties for the criminals?” Hyperion asked as he tossed Lung into the secured transport.

“There's not really anything for the Undersiders. They're strictly small time.” Armsmaster said.

Hyperion stood there and politely stared at the man to see if he was going to continue.

“You can come to the PRT station right now and claim it.” Miss Militia said. “You'll have to sign up with some kind of status, though.”

“That's not a problem.” Hyperion said as Glamazon came back over to them. “By the way, Lung is just unconscious. You might want to sedate him.”

“How did you get him if he's just unconscious?” Miss Militia asked.

“They told you I choked him out. I thought that was pretty clear.” Hyperion said.

“With the chains?”

“No, with my hands. I used the chain when I was done.” Hyperion said.

“You choked Lung out. With just your hands.” Armsmaster said.

“I wasn't going to use my feet.” Hyperion said with a laugh. “Well, I could; but, why would I?”

“I... have to report back to base.” Miss Militia said and walked over to her motorcycle.

“Can I ride with you?” Glamazon asked, hopefully.

“Um.” Miss Militia looked at Armsmaster.

“Just so you know, she's going to cuddle with you the whole way.” Hyperion said with a grin.

“Are you... I mean...” Miss Militia started to ask.

“Nope! I'm bi-sexual and an equal opportunity lover.” Glamazon said. “Hyperion doesn't mind. He likes to share, too.”

Miss Militia made a gulp sound and Glamazon laughed.

“Your reactions are so cute! Come on. I'll even ride on the back and not on your lap.” Glamazon said and took her hand to lead her over to the motorcycle and hopped on. She really did cuddle up to Miss Militia's back and then they were gone.

“Did that just happen?” Taylor asked, shocked.

“Yeah. Glor... I mean Glamazon has her ways.” Hyperion said. “Do you need a lift out of here, Weaver?”

“I... well... it is pretty far to where I have to go.” Taylor said.

“Great! I'll take you.” Hyperion said and looked at the head of the Protectorate capes. “Armsmaster? I'll be at the PRT as soon as I get this young beauty home.”

“EEP!” Taylor let out as Hyperion scooped her up into a princess carry.

Armsmaster stared as the man lifted up into the air and then they disappeared and he couldn't follow their trajectory. He stayed there for several moments before he came back to his senses and climbed onto his motorcycle.

“Armsmaster to Dragon.” Armsmaster said as he started up his vehicle. “I've got some footage for you to examine.”


“You can fly?!?” The young woman in my arms asked.

I chuckled. “I can also cook like a champion chef and give massages like a master masseuse.”

“S-s-stop flirting!” She gasped.

I laughed. “I'm sorry, I can't help it. I spent way too much time with women that thought if I wasn't flirting with them, that I didn't care enough about them to try.”

She stared at me through the yellow lenses of her mask. “You... really...”

“I'd like to say I don't mean anything by it, except I said that once to a girl and she broke down crying.”

“No way!”

I nodded and came to a stop over the bay. “I made it up to her with a date and dancing, which she really enjoyed, because I showed her that I really was interested and wasn't putting her on.”

“So... you would... wait! You know I'm only fifteen!” She exclaimed.

I laughed again. “If you didn't have that full face mask on, I'd give you a kiss to prove it.”

She fell silent and just kept staring at me.

“Can you point out your house?” I asked and she did so, even though she wasn't supposed to tell me her secret identity. I knew it anyway, thanks to both my image ability and a touch of mind reading. I flew her over to it and I stopped fairly far above it.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“Your dad is standing in front of your bedroom door and is staring at the pillow you tucked into bed.” I said.

“Fuck!” She spat.

“So, do you want to keep hiding from him or come clean?” I asked.


“I can cover for you if you want me to.” I said.

“How... how can you do that?” She asked, genuinely curious.

“Easily.” I said and made us both invisible before I landed on the ground in front of the front step.

“Don't step on the bottom step! It's rotted!”

“Not any more.” I said and repaired it and then house. Both glowed slightly and looked brand new.

“Oh, my god!” She gasped.

I switched out her costume with jeans, blouse, and stylish shoes. I opened her door with the Alohamora charm and walked inside with her.

“P-p-ut me down!” She whispered loudly.

I chuckled and did so, then I closed the door with a bang.

“GAH!” Taylor gasped and put a hand over her heart.

I dropped the invisibility and waited as the clumping of feet ran down the hallway and down the stairs. They stopped as soon as the man who owned them caught sight of me.

“What the hell is going on?” He asked as he stared at me.

“Good evening, Mr. Hebert.” I said and reached out to take his hand and shook it. “You've raised a wonderful daughter in Taylor, sir. My sincere compliments on such an achievement.”

Mr. Hebert stood there with a stunned expression on his face.

“I hired Taylor to show me around the local area and to teach me about the local history. Tonight was the first opportunity for the both of us to get out into the city and I greatly appreciate her doing so.” I said as an explanation. “My companion and I managed to subdue a known criminal element and it's all thanks to your daughter. If it wasn't for her letting me know who he was and what he was capable of, I doubt I could have had such an easy time of it.”

Now I had both Taylor and her father staring at me with both of their mouths hanging open.

“Before I forget, let me just get the first instalment of her internship.” I said and stepped back outside and created a metal briefcase and used one of the gold jewel supplements to generate local currency. It only made 20,000 dollars and I frowned at the piddly amount.

That wasn't anywhere near enough for risking your life, so I used another four of them and packed 100,000 dollars into the case and went back inside. The two people still stood there with their mouths open. It almost made me laugh.

“Here you go, Taylor. Thank you very much for your help tonight.” I said and handed her the case. “I included hazard pay for the potential danger you were in, even if I would never allow you to be hurt while assisting me.”

“I... but... you...” Taylor finally managed to say, even if her mouth wasn't quite working right.

“Don't worry. I'll pop by tomorrow morning and I'll drop off some technology for you to contact me at any time. Now that you're an employee, I'll take good care of you and your family.”

Taylor didn't say anything as she clicked the clasps on the metal briefcase and it popped open. “OH!”

“Taylor, what... holy shit!” Mr. Hebert cursed and stared at the contents of the briefcase.

“I assure you that it's not blood money, drug money, or any other kind of criminally acquired currency. It's all legitimate and will pass any counterfeit tests that you and the police could use.”

“It's fake?” Mr. Hebert asked, shocked.

I had to laugh at that. “No, sir. It's real and acquired legally. The assets I control generate a lot of revenue and that's barely a fraction of what is produced every day.”

One of Taylor's hands rubbed over the stacks of low denomination bills. “This can't be real.”

“That's just this month's salary.” I said and both of them gasped as their heads whipped up from the case and their eyes locked onto mine. “Don't expect such high hazard pay all the time. You're just an intern and tonight was kind of an exception.”

“I... well, I...” Taylor whispered and glanced at her father.

“I'll be by in the morning with the official contracts and then I'll contact you about getting a full tour of the area and we can sit down for a much better debriefing tomorrow night.” I said and reached out to shake Mr. Hebert's hand again. “If that's okay with you, sir. I would hate to impose on you any more than I already have.”

“I... yes, I think...” Mr. Hebert looked at the case, at Taylor's expectant face, and back at me. “We look forward to tomorrow.”

I grinned at him and held a hand out to Taylor. She looked conflicted for a moment, then she passed the briefcase to her father and took my hand to shake it. I quickly turned it over and placed a kiss on the back of it, which made her blush hard.

“It was a pleasure meeting you, Taylor.” I said and let her hand go. “Goodnight, both of you.”

“G-g-goodnight.” Taylor stammered with her face staying a deep red.

Mr. Hebert gave me a bit of a glare. “Good night.”

I nodded and walked over to the front door. “Don't worry, sir. Your daughter's virtue is in no way threatened by my presence, despite how pretty and intelligent she is. You have my word.”

“Oh, GOD!” Taylor gasped and covered her face with both of her hands.

I laughed and left the house, made myself invisible, and flew up into the air. I dropped Taylor's costume in her room under the blankets and then concentrated on Gloria's presence. I quickly found what direction she was in and took off at my best speed to get there. I saw a tall and well protected building in the middle of the business district near the center of the city and made myself visible as I gently landed in front of the main doors.

I entered the building and everyone in the lobby stopped what they were doing. “Hello, there! I'm a new hero on the block and my name's Hyperion.”

Not a single person reacted, so I shrugged mentally and went to the main reception desk. The officer there looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“I was told to come here to register with my partner, Glamazon.” I said and the man jerked like he had been shocked by something. “She also came in with Miss Militia.”

“Y-yes, she... they...” The officer shook his head and handed me a piece of paper. “Please fill this out and someone will escort you to your partner.”

I took the sheet and I was glad that they didn't ask a bunch of personal questions like where I lived and what my real name was. Since I wasn't from this world, none of what I said would match up with anything I could have put on the paper... at least, not until I had a couple hours with my security device and let Eye have a ball with the local computer systems.

I filled out my hero name, the reasons I was in the city, and what my intentions were. I almost laughed at that, considering that even if I had decided to be a villain, I would never put that intention down on any official papers.

I passed the paper back and the man looked over it, nodded, and hit a button. A side door opened and another officer came out wearing a PRT bulletproof vest and 'Calvert' was on his nametag. Of course, I touched him with the Force and discovered that he was secretly the villain named Coil and he had an interesting power to split the timeline... and I couldn't copy it.

He waved me forward and we stepped through the door and went down a hallway to an elevator. I detected six cameras in the hallway and two inside the elevator, so I disabled the cameras in the elevator when the doors closed and tossed Calvert into Azkaban before I made a magical clone of him. Unfortunately, he did not have the power, either.

“Thomas, check everything and document what your original did, including any and all crimes by him, his underlings, or ones he set up or knows about. Any hidden finances can be transferred into a new Swiss account under my control and you're to cut and cancel any funding for criminal activities.” I said. “As of this moment, Coil is unofficially retiring from the criminal underworld.”

“Yes, father.” Thomas said and the elevator doors opened.

I wasn't surprised that six PRT officers were there with guns drawn on me. “Hi, guys. What's up?”

“Out. Now.” The man in front ordered.

I held my hands up and walked out.

“Calvert, what happened when the cameras died?” The man asked.

“This man stripped me off, fucked me up the ass six times, and impregnated me.” Thomas said with a crooked smile on his face.

Five seconds of complete silence passed before the PRT officers burst out laughing.

“Jesus, Calvert. Just a 'nothing, captain' would have been sufficient.” The man in front said and holstered his gun.

“You wouldn't have believed that.” Thomas said with a shrug.

“He's got you there, cap'n.” One of the others said.

The captain huffed and pointed with a thumb over his shoulder. “They're in room three.”

“Thanks.” Thomas said and waved me forward. We walked down the hall that had another six cameras and he knocked on the door marked with a three.

“Enter.” A woman's harsh voice spat.

Thomas opened the door and I actually laughed at what was on display. Gloria was on Miss Militia's lap, Armsmaster had his head in his hands, and a woman's face on several monitors was laughing pretty hard.

The plump woman at the end of the table had a scowl on her face that didn't change as she looked at me. “Goddammit! Another one.”

“Ah, you must be Director Piggot.” I said and entered the room before Thomas closed the door and left me there. “May I approach you to greet you properly?”

The woman looked surprised by the request and didn't respond, so I walked over to a seat beside Miss Militia and sat down. Gloria was on my lap in the next second and everyone blinked their eyes at the sudden change. No one seemed inclined to speak until the woman on the monitor stopped laughing and spoke for them.

“Hyperion, I presume?” The redheaded woman asked.

“Correct. And you are?” I asked and put my arms around Gloria.

“My code name is Dragon.” The woman on the screen said.

I nodded. “I hope my partner didn't upset you all too much.”

Gloria gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I've only been here for ten minutes.”

I barked a laugh, because that was plenty of time, and looked at the director. “I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner.”

Piggot didn't look like she knew how to respond to that.

“Glamazon is a healer.” Dragon said. “She can handle both individual and mass healing.”

“It is a bit of a specialty.” I hedged and Armsmaster's head snapped up to stare at me. Oh, right. He can detect lies. “Not necessarily for us, just in general.”

Armsmaster nodded slightly at Piggot.

“We would like for her to be available for emergencies.” Piggot said.

“What's the pay scale for emergencies?” Gloria asked. “I didn't see anything in the associate agreement for that kind of thing.”

Piggot gave a glare to Miss Militia, who let out a sigh.

“We weren't going to sign on to join the Protectorate anyway, so don't be angry at her for telling us the truth about the options.” I said and Piggot switched the glare to me. “You're a government agency. Do you really think you're infallible? Uncorruptible? Above all reproach?”

Piggot let out something like a growl.

“If it makes you feel any better, I've already started clearing out some of the corruption.”

“ExCUSE me?” Piggot almost yelled.

“Don't worry. I expect that in a day or two, you're going to be a much happier director.” I said and looked at the monitor on the table. “If you're only here in electronic form, I have to assume you're not here in Brockton Bay.”

“No, my main base is in Canada.” Dragon said.

“That's quite a commute if you're ever needed here.” I said as I thought about it. “I suppose you would need a special transport or something.”

“I have my own means of getting around, yes.”

I nodded and looked back at Piggot. “So, emergency funding?”

“Is that all you capes care about? Money?” Piggot asked, angrily.

Gloria laughed and covered my mouth. “Honestly, it's just hilarious to watch you squirm about things you seemingly can't control.”

“How dare you!” Piggot spat and tried to stand, only for her to flounder a little and Armsmaster caught her with a hand to ease her back into her chair.

“You see? You're so set against people with powers that you can't fathom anything from them except selfishness.” Gloria said with a shake of her head. “I don't understand how this Protectorate can function with a social outcast as the head of the capes and a hate-filled ignorant woman directing it.”

“Get the FUCK out of my building!” Piggot exclaimed and this time she actually did manage to stand. “I'm tearing up your associate status forms and I want you gone from the city by the morning.” She said through clenched teeth and leaned heavily on the table.

“I have a better idea.” I said and nodded to Gloria.

“Mass Heal.” Gloria said and cast the spell. It covered everyone in the room and Miss Militia moaned, Armsmaster let out a slight groan, and Piggot doubled over and folded herself down onto her chair.

Two minutes later, Piggot's angry face was even angrier. “How DARE you use your powers on me without my permission!”

“What are you going to do, arrest me for healing you?” Gloria asked.

“Yes, I can.” Piggot said and hit the intercom button. “Send in the guard squad in the corridor. I am placing two capes under arrest for illegal power use.”

The door to the room didn't open and nothing else happened. Piggot hit the button again and made the same order. Nothing happened once more. She turned to stare at me and I smiled.

“Surprise.” I said and pointed to the frozen image of Dragon on the monitor.

“What... what did you do?” Miss Militia asked as she took out her phone. There was no signal and she looked over at Armsmaster. The constipated look on his face was all she needed to confirm that they were completely cut off from the outside world.

“It's one of my altered abilities.” I said and Gloria gasped.

“I knew you felt different after the trip here!” Gloria exclaimed and her eyes squinted at me.

“Yes, my love. I will tell you all about my adventure within an adventure later.” I said and looked at the others in the room with us. “Normally, I could create an expanded space within an object like a bag or a room, making it much larger on the inside than it is on the outside. During my last adventure, that ability was apparently changed slightly when I gained access to a pocket dimension through a dimensional rift that was torn through space-time by a higher being.”

Armsmaster's mouth dropped open from shock. I couldn't tell from what part, though. The two women looked like they couldn't understand what I was talking about.

“We're currently inside a slightly altered room that is also now a pocket dimension.” I said and they still looked confused. “I expanded the room by two inches and that was enough for the altered aspect of my ability to kick in.”

“You've trapped us in here!” Piggot gasped and jumped to her feet. She suddenly stopped and stared down at herself, because her body was better than healed. It was back to its peak fitness level that it had been in before her injuries.

“Ha. No. I just wanted to make a point.” I said and everything kicked back in.

“AHH!” Armsmaster yelled and tore off his helmet, then his face lost all color as he realized he just revealed his identity to two unaffiliated capes.

“Sorry about that. I haven't tested it before and didn't know the after-effects.” I said.

“You tested an unknown power INSIDE the PRT headquarters?” Dragon asked.

“Sure. You have the facilities here. Where else would I do it?” I asked with a smug smile on my face.

“The training areas are in the basement.” Miss Militia said automatically.

“You are both under arrest and I'll see you both shoved so deep inside prison that you'll never see the sun again!” Piggot shouted.

“I'm sorry to inform you that you do not have the authority to arrest us.” I said as I stood and Gloria hopped off my lap to stand beside me.

“I am the director of the PRT and ALL capes will answer to me!” Piggot exclaimed.

“So what? We are NOT capes from this world. We are trans-dimensional beings from a reality so far apart from yours that it's laughable.” I said and Piggot, Miss Militia, and Armsmaster, lost all of the color from their faces. “There is literally nothing on this world that has any authority over us, let alone a hyped up angry woman that resents people just because they have powers and she doesn't.”

Piggot didn't react to that last jab and just stared at me.

“I believe we can leave, now that we've finally gotten through that thick skull of yours.” I said to her as Gloria took my hand.

“Call me!” Gloria said and waved at Miss Militia, who didn't react. “Aw, I think we broke them.”

“I doubt it.” I said and looked at Dragon on the monitor. “Perhaps we'll meet you again someday.”

“I'll send you an untraceable cell phone for communication.” Dragon said. “Do you have an address?”

“Not yet.” I said and thought about it. “I did hire an intern earlier to show us around the city. Can you send it to her instead?”

“I can do that.” Dragon said and I told her the address and to send it to Hyperion. “It will be there sometime tomorrow.”

“Thank you.” I said. “Goodbye.”

“Goodbye.” Dragon said. “Good luck getting out of the building without being caught.”

Gloria giggled. “This is the fun part! Send us a recording of their reactions, okay?”

“Reactions to what?” Dragon asked as a soft crack sound echoed and the two beings disappeared. Miss Militia jumped out of her chair and Armsmaster clamped his hands over his unprotected ears.

Gloria and I laughed as we appeared right behind the door that led to the lobby. I opened the door for her and we stopped at the reception desk to pick up the payment vouchers for the bounties on the villains we had captured. We had budding plans for that money and it would be a waste to ignore free cash.

We left there and flew over to the best hotel we could find and set up a temporary base in one of the suites. There was a lot of work for us to do and I created several security devices to start. I also had to fill Gloria in on everything that happened in the last world I was in.


The next morning, Taylor couldn't believe what had happened. She just couldn't. Even with all the evidence that was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't believe it. She once more looked at the bathroom mirror and her mind just couldn't accept what she was seeing. Without her glasses.

She had breasts! Actual breasts!

They were not the tiny little pancake shapes that used to be less than an A-cup and made her seem more flat chested than a boy, because they had hung off to the sides and practically disappeared when she laid down on her back. They had looked even worse after the long hospital stay and her body had pretty much consumed almost every trace of fat it had stored because she was only fed intravenously.

No, these were at least a B-cup and they were full and round. Her nipples even poked straight out and not off in different directions like lazy eyes. That had always bugged her and now they were perfect. As were her abs. She had abs! Actual, honest to goodness abs!

“Taylor! Breakfast!” Her father Danny called up to her with a cheery voice.

Taylor grabbed her jogging pants and slipped them on. None of her jeans fit her anymore and she felt embarrassed while she considered not going to school. The last thing she needed was to provide another excuse for the three bitches at Winslow High School to give her yet another full day of harassment and bullying.

She put on a nice oversized t-shirt and went downstairs to eat. Her mind ran at high speed as she tried her best to come up with some kind of excuse to give to her father so she could skip school. She made it through half of her scrambled eggs when there was a knock on the front door.

“Oh! Hyperion! I totally forgot!” Taylor gasped and ran to the front door.

Hyperion gave her a look from her feet to her head and then raised his eyebrows at her embarrassment.

“Half of my clothes don't fit anymore.” Taylor whispered.

“Ah. I'll take care of that.” Hyperion said and entered with a briefcase in his hands. “How did you sleep last night?”

“In my bed and fully clothed.” Taylor responded with a blank expression. She didn't want to give the man any chance to flirt with her like he did last night.

Hyperion chuckled and bowed his head. “Understood, young lady.”

“Good.” Taylor said and closed the front door. “Dad's in the kitchen.”

“Lead the way.” Hyperion said and followed her into the kitchen. “Good morning, sir.”

“Morning.” Danny Hebert said without any inflection in his voice.

Hyperion sat down and waited for them to finish eating.

“Yeah, this isn't awkward or anything.” Taylor muttered as she continued to eat her scrambled eggs.

Hyperion smiled crookedly at her and placed the briefcase on his lap. “I took the liberty to make you both a communication device.” He said and pulled out a small pin with the Dockworkers Association logo on it.

“Wow, is that tinkertech?” Taylor asked and tried to reach for it.

“Finish eating first, Taylor.” Her father said and caught her arm. “Is it tinkertech?”

“It could be considered as such, considering nothing else like it exists here.” Hyperion said and handed it over to the man. “It attaches to your collar, under it, on your breast pocket, or anywhere that you would normally wear a button like it.”

“How does it work?” Taylor asked and put the last forkful of eggs into her mouth.

“You tap it and say who is calling and the person's name that you're calling.” Hyperion said and nodded at the one Taylor's father held. “That one is set for 'dad' and 'Mr. Hebert'.”

“Can you add 'Danny' to it, too?” Taylor's father asked.

“Sure.” Hyperion said and took the pin back to make the change, then handed it back. “Taylor's is set for her first name and both first and last name.”

“Thank you.” Taylor said and accepted the pin.

“The things are indestructible and once it's attached to a piece of clothing, you won't lose it.” Hyperion said and showed them how to put them on. “It's also easily transferable to sweaters, t-shirts, and shirts.”

“Why is it a dockworker logo?” Danny asked.

“No one will question seeing it.” Hyperion explained. “You can walk around anywhere and even if people notice it, they should dismiss it as not important.”

Both Taylor and Danny nodded. Almost no one paid the dockworkers any attention.

“I have one as well, so if you need me for anything, just tap it and say Hyperion.”

Danny gave his daughter a significant look before he looked back at the cape across the table from them. “What exactly do you want my daughter to do for you?”

Hyperion pulled several sheets of paper from the briefcase and handed them over. “I was tempted to make a joke about her being my secretary and fetching me coffee and things; but, this is not a joking matter.”

Danny nodded understanding. “My daughter is not to be wasted like that.”

“I know, sir. I am hiring her to be my personal assistant, tour guide, and history tutor.” Hyperion said, his voice serious. “It starts at 60,000 a year with bonuses for exemplary work. That's not counting fully paid field trips, hazard pay, and finder's fees.”

“Finder's fees?” Taylor and Danny asked.

Hyperion took out a bundle of cash from the briefcase and put it on the table. “That's twenty percent of Lung's bounty.”

“That... that's ten grand.” Danny said. He was familiar with normal bank bindings on stacks of money.

“Like I said, her salary doesn't count things like this.” Hyperion said and put another four grand on the table. “One grand each for the Undersiders. Armsmaster was right that they were considered petty criminals, even if they are capes and considered villains.”

Taylor picked up the money and her eyes went right to the briefcase that he had given her the night before. It was beside the refrigerator and Danny was going to take the morning off to go to the bank to deposit it.

“That reminds me.” Hyperion said and took out another sheet of paper. “Here's the documentation for the cash I gave you last night.”

Danny let out a sigh of relief as he read over the details. Transfer and payout records were easily checked and he relaxed about handling so much money in cash and not being able to say anything about it except that a cape gave it to him.

“I see relief on your face there.” Hyperion said with a chuckle. “I'm sorry I nearly forgot about it.”

“It's fine.” Danny said and tucked the paper into his pocket. “Do you mind if we read over the contract and get back to you?”

“Not at all. You have an instant connection to me whenever you make your decision.” Hyperion said and stood. “By the way, all of that isn't part of the contract.”

“What?!?” Taylor and Danny gasped at the same time.

“You haven't signed on yet, so this is all free and clear. You should feel no obligation at all.” Hyperion said and started to walk through the kitchen to go through the living room. “Have a good day!”

Taylor hopped up and ran after him.

Hyperion felt her coming and turned to smile at her. “You can't let me go without getting in one last word, can you?”

Taylor shook her head and whispered. “My clothes.”

“I'll slip around the back of the house and take care of things for you.” Hyperion whispered back. “Do you want a lift to school?”

Taylor blushed when she remembered the lift he gave her last night.

“Before you decide, I have a sports car outside.” Hyperion said.

“No way!” Taylor gasped and ran over to the front door to look out at it. It was a slickest and sportiest sports car that she had ever seen. The angled side panels, the rear wing, and the fancy headlights really made the car stand out. It was also blindingly white.

“It's called a Lamborghini.” Hyperion said as he walked by her. “So, what do you say to that ride?”

“I'LL BE READY IN FIVE MINUTES!” Taylor yelled and slammed the door before she ran up the stairs to her room. It was then that she remembered that almost none of her normal clothes fit her.

“I said I got this.” Hyperion's voice whispered and Taylor caught her breath as all of her clothing changed right in front of her eyes. Nice dresses, silk blouses, expensive denim, shoes galore, and jewellery that sparkled so much that it made her eyes hurt.

“Oh, god.” Taylor said and sat down on her bed.

“You need to hurry and get dressed.” Hyperion whispered and his voice faded.

“You better not be looking at me changing.” Taylor said as she grabbed a very stylish skirt to go with a light orange blouse that really brought out her skin tone.

“I wasn't until you mentioned it.” Hyperion said as a box appeared on her bed. “Wear them well.”

Taylor opened the box and her face burned bright red with the strongest blush she had ever had. The box was filled with lacy underthings that made her heart speed up just thinking about touching them, let alone wearing them. She ignored the box and opened her underwear drawer... and saw that it was empty.

“Pervy bastard!” Taylor said angrily and she could have sworn that she heard him laugh.


I drove the very fast sports car through the streets and everyone turned their heads to stare at it. That was kind of the point, actually. I smiled and glanced at the young woman sitting in the passenger seat. She looked a little uncomfortable and she kept shooting death glares at me.

“Gloria said that it takes a little while before it settles properly and your body is comfortable with the texture changes.” I said and Taylor let out a little growl, which made me laugh a little. “Believe me. I've given things like that to only a handful of women and they all appreciated the gesture.”

“That doesn't really make me feel any better about getting them from you.” Taylor said.

“I meant about how comfortable they are and the lack of soreness from their chests and hips.” I explained and the next death glare had a little less bite to it. “I would ask you to trust me, except we both know they are just words with no real substance.”

Taylor turned slightly in the seat to give me her full attention. “Yes, exactly. Why should I trust you?”

I took a hand off of the steering wheel and held it across the gear shift with the palm up and there was a pendant there.

“What's that?” Taylor asked and leaned close to look at it.

“It's a tinkertech shield amulet.” I said and she caught her breath. “I noticed you're not wearing a necklace, so this should be completely innocuous for you to slip on and no one will notice it.”

“You... you're giving me this?” Taylor asked and her fingertips grazed the surface.

“It's keyed to you, so no one can take it from you and it won't work for them, either.” I said and turned my hand slightly to let it slide off.

“AH!” Taylor gasped and caught it. “Dammit, you could have broken it!”

I chuckled. “It's like the comm badge. Unbreakable. The only thing that could possibly damage it would be dipping it into the sun.”

Taylor gave me a baleful look and then slipped the thin chain over her head and the pendant slipped down under her blouse and out of sight. She took a deep breath and let it out. “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” I said and easily pulled into the packed parking lot of Winslow High by completely bypassing the other cars that were waiting in a long line to drop off their kids.

“You can't drive on the other side of the road!” Taylor almost shouted.

“Don't worry, lass! I'm British!” I said in a perfect British accent that made her stare at me in shock. I parked in a spot reserved for a teacher and opened my door. I hopped out as my supersuit changed into an Armani suit and I walked around the car to open the passenger side door.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and complete silence met Taylor's exit from the car. She looked fantastic in her outfit and I clicked the key to close the car doors as I escorted her over to the front doors of the school.

“Remember Miss Hebert, even if you don't accept the internship at my company, I still expect to try to hire you on as a consultant on the weekends.” I said loudly, just so most of the people staring at us wouldn't get the wrong impression. “Your expertise with computers and information gathering is just what my company needs right now.”

“Th-thank you.” Taylor said and she looked like she was barely managing to not blush.

“Don't forget to look at all the clauses and benefits in the contracts that I left with your father. I'm sure that you'll both be happy with everything it contains.”

“I will.” Taylor said with much more confidence. “Thank you for dropping me off.”

“It was no trouble at all, Miss Hebert.” I said and saw three young women approaching through the crowd.

“Oh, no.” Taylor whispered and slouched a little.

“What the fuck are you wearing, you skank?” Sophia Hess asked as the crowd parted for her and her two friends.

“I believe it is the highest fashion available from Paris at this time of year.” I said and turned to look at her. I widen my eyes as I pretended to look offended. “What in the world are you wearing, young lady? Hobo chic?”

That set a few kids off and they laughed a little.

“Fuck off, you prick!” Sophia spat and started to take a step forward.

Emma Barnes grabbed her arm. “Soph! You can't!”

“The fuck I can't! This asshole insulted me!” Sophia said, clearly angry.

“I didn't insult you, child. I insulted your lack of fashion sense and I feel terrible for the poor animals that died to give you the skin off their backs. It looked much better on them.”

That made a lot of the kids laugh.

“You tell her, buddy!” A skinhead hollered from the crowd.

“What's your name?” Sophia growled at me.

“I doubt someone like you would even recognize it.” I said. It was a bit funny to rile her up like this.

“Excuse ME? What do you mean by THAT?” Sophia spat and the third girl, Madison Clements, grabbed her other arm to hold her back.

“Clearly, you are the riff-raff of this school. The worst of the worst. A pitiful bully that can't do anything without your little helpers. You are obviously an attention whore that likes to be the center of attention, no matter how bad it makes you look or how everyone despises you for it.” I said as a complete hush fell over the crowd.

Sophia's face darkened with her growing anger and her dark skin didn't hide the fact. “I am going to kill you.”

“You? A mere child?” I said with a huff. “You aren't even a Chihuahua that can nip at my heels.”

“What is going on out here?” Mr. Gladly asked as he walked through the silent crowd. “And who's car is parked in my spot?”

“I was merely pointing out to everyone how ineffectual this school is in stopping the bullying that goes on right in front of your eyes.” I said to the man.

“What did you say?” Mr. Gladly asked, his face in a frown.

“Oh, come now! How can you look at yourself in the mirror and not feel shame, knowing that you've contributed to the delinquency of your students and allowed blatant assaults and murder attempts?”

Mr. Gladly's face turned a little purple with anger. “You are not a parent or a faculty member. You will remove yourself from school property immediately!”

“I have a better idea.” I said and took out Eye from behind my back. “I was going to wait to do this; but, I've changed my mind. I hope you all enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame... I mean infamy.”

“What are you doing?” Mr. Gladly asked.

“I'm letting the world know what happens at this school.” I said and Eye beeped at me. “Thanks, buddy. Blanket coverage, please.”

A bunch of people in the crowd gasped as all of their phones rang or vibrated.

“Taylor, I think you'll be skipping school today and starting your job early. I hope that's okay.” I said and she stepped close to me.

“It's more than okay.” Taylor said as everyone whipped their phones out.

I motioned towards the car and we walked towards it. The crowd parted for us and no one said anything, because they were all checking their phones.

Two girly screams came from the trio and I glanced over to see their shocked faces. Sophia wasn't looking at her phone and was staring at me instead. I made a kissing face at her and she looked like she would have shot me if she had a weapon on her. I sat Taylor into the passenger side of the car and climbed into the driver's side.

“Did you really release everything they did?” Taylor asked in a soft whisper.

I handed her Eye. “Look for yourself.”

Taylor admired Eye for a moment, then her eyes caught the main text header. Winslow High, home of the worst bullies in school history. It listed names. All of them. It had the three main ones and a bunch of others that made their own contributions. It also showed the blatant cover-ups and the principal's high-handedness in dealing with the victim and forcing them to accept a settlement of the hospital bills for not suing for damages.

“How did you get all of this?” Taylor asked as she scrolled through the hundreds of emails and texts.

“You're holding him.” I said and Eye beeped. “Taylor, meet Eye. Eye, meet Taylor.”

“Really? You're a sentient AI?” Taylor asked and Eye beeped at her and responded with text. “Wow.”

“He's a security specialist.” I said and explained what Eye did for me. By the time we returned to Taylor's house, she was practically in love with Eye.

“How are you still working? We don't have internet at the house.” Taylor asked as we entered her living room. “No way! You have your own satellite? How does that work with the Simurgh up there?”

“They're all made from stealth materials and have cloaking technology.” I said.

Taylor hugged Eye to her chest and stared at me. “All of them? ALL?”

“It's not like I can get full planetary coverage with just one, can I?” I asked her.

“You... you... how did you...”

“That's a secret for now.” I said and sat down on the couch.

“Beep boop.” Eye said.

“Looks like your father's deposited the money without a hassle.” I said and pat the seat next to me.

“I'm not sitting there. You might hug me or something.” Taylor said and leaned away from me.

I laughed and leaned on the arm of the couch and put my feet up after kicking off my shoes. “I'm going to take a nap. Let me know when the news starts broadcasting the story.”

“I doubt they'll...” Taylor started to say when Eye beeped at her. “Oh, wow.”

“What is it?” I asked as I closed my eyes.

“They're actually running it.” Taylor said. “Ugh, that's a terrible picture.”

“Beep.” Eye said.

“He just sent them a good one of you.” I said and relaxed. The couch was surprisingly comfortable.

“Thanks, Eye. You're a real sweetie.” Taylor said and then mumbled. “Unlike Hyperion.”

“My real name's John. John Hansen.” I said and ignored Taylor's gasp. “Give her a good rundown of what you have access to, my friend.”


“Yes, even the bacta tanks. It might... spark some... ideas...” I barely got out as I felt sleep try to claim me. I yawned and then fell right to sleep.


Taylor finished watching the latest news broadcast and her eyes drifted over to the very muscular man that was dead asleep on her couch. “Eye? Is he a good guy?”

Eye beeped at her and she read his response.

“He tries to be.” Taylor said and sat back in the armchair she had claimed after Mr. Hansen had fallen asleep. He said his name was John. She thought and then smiled. He told me his secret identity. Her mind screeched to a halt. He told me his secret identity!

“Beep boop beep.” Eye said and Taylor nodded as she dove back into the unbelievable tinkertech that John had access to. Most of it was ridiculous and couldn't possibly exist... then she remembered that tinkertech didn't require people's understanding to work. It just did.

“He mentioned bacta. What's that?” Taylor asked and her shock at the presentation lasted for the next two hours as she learned everything she could about it.


“Are you serious? You want to buy an abandoned building down by the boat graveyard?” The clerk at the best real estate agency in the city asked her.

Gloria sighed. “Yes. How many times do I need to repeat myself? My partner and I are going to be working down there and we need a business front. We would also like to buy something close to Brockton City General Hospital, if that's possible.”

The woman sat there and stared at her.

“You can't do it and earn a huge commission? That's fine. I'll find someone else to do it.” Gloria said and stood. “Have a good day.”

The woman didn't react at all as Gloria walked out of the business.

Gloria took Eye out and checked it. “You were right, Eye. People here are idiots.”

“Beep beep.”

Gloria snorted and then laughed. “Yes, especially John sometimes.”


“Right. The next street over has the next agency on the list.” Gloria said and walked in that direction.

“Wait!” A woman's voice called out from behind her.

Gloria ignored her and walked on.

“I said wait!” The woman said shrilly.

Gloria felt someone reaching for her arm to grab her. After decades of being well aware of touching things causing pain, her automatic reaction was to twist out of the way of the hand. The woman stumbled past her and Gloria's foot kicked out and connected with her stomach.

“BLUUGGHHHH!” The woman threw up as she folded in half. There was also a lot of blood mixed in with the woman's breakfast.

“Don't touch me.” Gloria spat at her and then sighed. Her Kryptonian body was a lot stronger after hundreds of years under a yellow sun and a lot of training, so her automatic reaction had severely hurt the woman that tried to restrain her.

The woman groaned in pain as she held her stomach and didn't look up.

“No means no, you idiot.” Gloria said and healed her.

The woman gasped as the bright light died down and she finally looked up at her. “You're a cape!”

“No, I've never triggered. That was magic, not powers.” Gloria said to her and walked away.

“I've seen your real face!” The woman shouted.

“Everyone's seen my real face, moron!” Gloria said and waved her hand around at several people that had stopped to watch the altercation. No one had intervened or commented about it, however.

Luckily, the clerk at the next business was smart enough to ask if she knew what buildings she wanted to buy before saying that they couldn't handle it. She did provide the number and address to the right agency that handled business dealings in that part of town.

“Thank you very much.” Gloria said and handed the woman a small stack of bills. “I hope this commission for the referral is enough.”

The startled woman picked up the bundle and ran her thumb across the edge of it. The bills fluttered and her eyes widened when it ended. “Ten thousand? Are you actually giving me this money?”

Gloria laughed softly as she stood. “You're missing out on probably a hundred grand in commercial building sales, if not more.”

The woman sat back and nodded. “Thank you for your consideration.”

Gloria smiled and started to turn away, then she thought of something. “Since my partner and I are going to be staying in the area for the foreseeable future, why don't you do up a list of personal homes for us to look at?”

The woman perked up at that. “What's your price range and preferred locale for the house?”

“Nothing less than half a million and it can be anywhere in the city, as long as it's a free standing house and not a condo or apartment.”

“Half... a million.” The woman whispered.

“Is that enough of a baseline or is the market harsher than that right now?” Gloria asked.

“Hmm? Oh, it's fine.” The woman seemed to shake herself and then she smiled. “I'll get started right away and I should have a nice list ready by the end of the week. We can schedule any visit appointments then.”

Gloria accepted the woman's card. “See you on Friday.”

The woman waved as Gloria left the building. As soon as she was out of sight, the woman jumped to her feet and shouted. “WOOHOOO!”

Gloria laughed as she walked down the street. “Eye, make an appointment with the reference.”


“Good boy! Thank you.” Gloria said and glanced around. There was only one person on the street, so she shrugged and jumped up into the air to fly across the city towards the location on the map Eye showed her. She had a couple of buildings to buy for the man she adored.


“Dragon, report.” Director Emily Piggot said as she sat down at the conference table that was loaded down with the upper command structure of both the PRT and the Protectorate.

“It technically wasn't a computer attack.” Dragon said.

“Excuse me? That wasn't an attack?” Armsmaster asked. “My normal helmet has been broadcasting the news all damn morning and I can't shut it off.”

Despite his stoic look, everyone could tell that he wasn't a happy man to have his tech subverted.

“Anything that can play the news and has any connection to the internet or a broadcasting network, namely phones, televisions, monitors, and viewscreens, have a direct access feed dedicated to the news.” Dragon said. “It's quite the ingenious method to make sure that as many people will see it as quickly as possible.”

Piggot sighed and rubbed her face. “Can you shut it off?”

“I could.” Dragon said and then fell silent.

“Why don't you?” Miss Militia asked.

“It's not necessary to try. It will shut off on its own when the news isn't being broadcast.” Dragon said.

“Wait, that's it?” One of the captains asked and he turned to look at the director. “Call the stations and have it quashed.”

Piggot pointed at a man wearing a strict business suit. “Explain why that won't work.”

The PR man sighed. “It's the biggest story of the year and everyone is going online to check the facts, to watch the security footage from the school cameras... well, the ones that work, anyway... and the three main targets are not enjoying their time in the spotlight.”

Piggot turned to the leader of the young cape team called the Wards. “Aegis.”

The young man sighed as he sat back in his chair. “Sophia Hess has been sequestered into the Master Stranger protocols as ordered, director.”

“Any news on that?” Piggot asked the man wearing the doctor's coat.

“She's not under any influence that we can detect.” The doctor said.

“Besides being a stone cold bitch.” Aegis added.

“Explain that!” Piggot said and glared at him. “I thought she was under probation protocols!”

“Her case worker has been covering everything up.” Aegis said and waved at Armsmaster and Thomas Calvert. “I already sent everything I've found up the chain of command.”

“It matches the documents released to the press, except they've been scrubbed of any link to the Protectorate and the PRT.” Thomas said and held up a folder. “Whoever did this, they've specifically kept out any and all information that would link Sophia Hess to her Ward identity, Shadow Stalker.”

“How the hell did they do that?” Piggot asked and looked at the monitor with Dragon's face on it.

“As far as I can tell, it's the same code as the broadcast.” Dragon said. “Whoever is doing it, they are either a tech genius or a tinker so in tune with computer code that it makes no difference.”

“Can you trace it?” Armsmaster asked.

“I've had as much luck as you, my friend. None.” Dragon said.

“Why is that?” Miss Militia asked.

“It's already everywhere.” Dragon said and complete silence fell in the room.

“What do you mean that it's everywhere?” Piggot asked and her voice dropped several octaves.

“I mean just what I said. There's no point of origin that I can find because the code is everywhere.”

“Are you telling me that someone has the entire internet and every computer system connected to it, under their control?” Piggot asked.

“No, it's more like they have constant access without having to expend any effort to do so.” Dragon said. “Like I said. It's genius.”

“You sound like you admire them.” Armsmaster said in his stoic voice.

Dragon made a huff sound. “Only in that I didn't come up with it or have the resources or ability to do it myself.”

Armsmaster's mouth twitched and almost became a smile. He fully understood that mindset.

“Can you clear it out?” One of the other captains at the table asked.

“Unfortunately, it's like the classic ghost in the machine scenario.” Dragon said. “Even shutting everything down and clearing the memory, will only delay it until you turn the systems on again.”

“It's self-propagating?” Armsmaster asked.

“In a sense. It automatically searches for and connects to anything new.” Dragon said.

Armsmaster sucked in a sharp breath and looked at her. “Are you compromised?”

“My systems are on a secured network and...” Dragon's image froze and then it went blank.

Thomas sighed and everyone turned to look at him. “I was afraid that would happen.”

“Explain.” Piggot said and her glare seemed to intensify.

Thomas pulled out a smaller file folder and handed it to her. “Once I knew our systems were compromised, I launched a black investigation. This is what I've discovered so far.”

“Black! You don't have the authority to...” Armsmaster started to say and Piggot swiped a hand at him to get him to shut up. She opened the file folder and quickly skimmed over the contents.

“Son of a bitch.” Piggot spat and closed the folder. “Thomas, I want you to continue and keep it Black. No one but us will know the contents.”

“Yes, director.” Thomas said and stood. “Ladies. Gentlemen. Excuse me.”

No one said anything until the door closed behind him.

“Can you fill the rest of us in?” One of the captains asked.

Piggot was tempted to not say anything, then she sighed. “I really hate to admit that a cape was right.”

Armsmaster let out a whispered curse and Miss Militia looked surprised. They both knew that she meant the cape they had met the night before and Hyperion's words that said they were compromised.

“Can we undo it?” Armsmaster asked.

“Not as the system stands right now.” Piggot said and passed him the file folder. “There are physical access points to our systems with equipment that we did not authorize.”

“How did they get them past our security?” Armsmaster asked as he skimmed the sheets of paper.

“They've always been there.” Piggot said and put on her trademarked 'resting bitch face' as she sat back in her comfortable chair. “They were installed before any security protocols were enacted.”

Armsmaster closed the folder. “There are at least three unknown taps on our computers so far.”

Everyone in the conference room fell silent once more as they contemplated what that meant for them, the PRT as a whole, and the city.

None of the thoughts were good ones.


Danny sat in his office at work and he couldn't believe what he had done that morning. He had put an obscene amount of money into the bank. Legally. It was quite the shock to see all of those bundles of cash and know that they were legitimate... and they were Taylor's. He couldn't touch a dime of it without feeling guilty.

A windfall like that was a huge boon to their financial situation and he couldn't in good conscience make use of it to help them crawl out of debt.

“Taylor to Dad!” Taylor's voice said out of his collar pin.

Danny jumped and sat there for a moment before he remembered what to do. He tapped the pin and responded. “Dad here.”

“I've been thinking about what to do with the money that Mr. Hansen gave us last night.”

Not us, Taylor. You. Danny thought. “If you say you want to buy a fancy car like his, you'll be grounded until you're thirty.”

“Dad!” Taylor gasped and then she laughed, which let him laugh as well.

“What do you think you should do with it?” Danny asked.

“I think that we should pay off the mortgage and maybe fix up the old pick-up truck if there's enough left.” Taylor said.

“We're not that bad off, sweetie.” Danny said, diplomatically. It would put a huge dent in the total, though.

“Then we should do it as soon as possible. The sooner the better, right?” Taylor asked.

Danny sighed. “I wish it was that easy.”

“What do you mean?” Taylor asked.

“Mortgages are set by contract and have to be paid out in regular instalments. Sometimes one time balloon payments are allowed every few years to cover any significant turn in the economy.”

Taylor was quiet for several seconds. “We just missed one, didn't we?”

“A month after the Simurgh attacked Australia two months ago.” Danny said.

“Dammit.” Taylor said and then sighed. “What can we do?”

“Honestly, we can let it sit there and gather interest.” Danny admitted. “The account manager was quite happy to see an actual briefcase full of money.”

Taylor barked a laugh. “That it's legal only made a small difference, didn't it?”

Danny smiled as he remembered the man push the paperwork aside to count the money. “Maybe.”

“That figures.” Taylor said. “If we were criminals, they would probably bend over backwards to make us happy.”

Danny didn't want to admit that she was completely right, given the current atmosphere in the city.

“I'll talk to Mr. Hansen and see if he can do something about it.” Taylor said.

“Mr. Hansen? Who's that?” Danny asked.

“Oh, damn. I just...” Taylor sighed. “I just outed a cape.”

Danny made the connection right away. “Hyperion.”

“Yeah.” Taylor said and fell silent.

“I don't think you need to worry about it, Taylor. I was going to find out his name eventually.” Danny said.

“I'll need to tell him as soon as he wakes up.”

“Wakes... where are you?” Danny asked, sharply.

“He's asleep on the living room couch and I'm browsing the internet while talking to you.” Taylor said.

Danny held in his sigh of relief. “We shouldn't involve him in our problems, Taylor. He's a busy man and...”

“Dad, don't you have access to a television in the office?” Taylor asked.

“I do. Why?”

“Turn it on and see.” Taylor said.

Danny did so and sat back in his chair, stunned. Everything that happened was being branded about on the news. Taylor's bullying, the culprits, the school's underhanded tactics, Alan Barnes trying to save his daughter from embarrassment by threatening to sue them for defamation of character, everything.

“Mr. Hansen did that this morning when he tried to drop me off at school, Dad.” Taylor said.

“Hold on, tried to? What happened?” Danny asked and tried to ignore the scrolling texts of threats on the television that he hadn't had the nerve to ask Taylor about. He had also completely missed the implication of hearing that Mr. Hansen was asleep on his couch.

“Sophia happened. She tried to confront me right there in front of the school instead of waiting until we were inside.” Taylor said and then she took a deep breath. “John verbally tore her apart.”

Danny let out the sigh he was holding. “Was that really necessary?”

“I was going to ask him to ignore her and she just kept cursing at him and made everything worse. Then he said something about not waiting to do something... and then he sent everything to everyone... and here we are.”

Danny thought about that for several moments as his eyes watched the television and all of the evidence that had been gathered from multiple sources. He knew that not everyone could have access to such things and getting on Mr. Hansen's bad side would be a terrible idea.

“Taylor, this is a very weird situation...” Danny started to say.

“You have no idea.” Taylor said with a laugh. “I've got my future boss unconscious on the couch and I'm using tinkertech to talk to you from halfway across the bay!”

Danny couldn't stop his laugh. “You decided, then?”

“Yes. I can't let this opportunity pass me by. Pass us by.” Taylor said. “What was it that mom said when you met?”

Danny felt melancholy as he recalled the words. “When someone important comes into your life, you better grab onto them with both hands and hope that they can never shake you off.”

“I'm going to do that, Dad. I have to.”

Danny sighed. “Sweetie, I... I don't think I can follow your example.”

“That's okay, Dad. You don't have to try to grab onto him.” Taylor said and he could almost see the smile on her face. “You just keep your hands firmly on my shoulders and you'll come along for the ride of our lives.”

Danny saw the security footage of Taylor being shoved down the stairs at school and made his decision. “All right, sweetie. I'll keep hold of you as if my life depended on it. Whatever is going to happen from here on out, we're going at it together.”

“Thanks, Dad.” Taylor said with gratitude in her voice.


I opened my eyes from a great nap and stretched my arms and legs. I stopped and looked around because I couldn't remember where I was and I didn't recognize the room I was in.

“You looked just like a lazy cat!” A young woman's voice said with a laugh as she entered the room.

I finally remembered where I was. “Taylor! What are you doing sneaking into my bedroom?” I asked with a fake shocked look on my face as I put an arm across my chest and a hand over my crotch.

Taylor's laugh was pretty loud and went on for several moments. “You're on my couch in my house!”

“Huh? What?” I asked and intentionally rolled off of the couch to land face first on the floor, because both hands were occupied. “Ow.”

Taylor's laughing continued on for nearly thirty seconds before she calmed down enough to speak without wheezing. “That... was... hilarious!”

My work done, I hefted myself up to stand on my feet. “You didn't see anything! Nothing happened.”

“S-s-sure! Nothing!” Taylor said with a hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.

“Ahem. Yes, nothing.” I said. “Eye, how are things progressing?”

“Boop beep.”

“Great! Let her know I'm still here.” I said and a beep responded.

“Glamazon?” Taylor asked.

“Gloria Colorado.” I said and Taylor looked shocked. “She'll probably tell you it's Gloria Hansen.”

“You... you casually... her secret identity.” Taylor said and then blushed. “Um... I may have... accidentally... told Dad who you were.”

“He was going to find out later today anyway.” I said and straightened out my suit.

“What? How?” Taylor asked me.

“Gloria bought a multi-storey building about a block from the boat graveyard and your dad's office.”

Taylor's mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“I really am used to people reacting like that when I tell them things.” I said with a chuckle. “Would this be a good time to say I'm starting a business to reclaim all those old ships and to clear out the bay?”

Taylor's shocked state didn't change at all.

“Yep, I still need to work on the timing for things like that.” I said and picked Eye up. “Show me the school board's reaction and what the police are doing, if anything.”

Eye showed me a few little things and nothing significant stood out, except an emergency meeting by the school board and two detectives being assigned to the Winslow case. The charges were fifteen counts of assault causing bodily harm and three counts of attempted murder.

I smiled and turned Eye to show Taylor. Her body shivered and she took in a huge breath.

“That... it can't happen, right? All the evidence is contaminated.” Taylor said in a soft voice.

“Actually, most of it can be included under the eventual discovery clause in the law. Anyone doing a proper investigation would find most of that out.” I said as an explanation and she shivered again. I placed a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. “Don't worry. They won't be getting off with a slap on the wrist. They've already proven that they aren't going to stop attacking you during the last four months. That's long enough, isn't it?”

Actual tears came to Taylor's eyes as she nodded several times. I put Eye down and stepped close to her to give her a hug. Her arms wrapped around me tightly and she cried and cried.

“That's it. Let it go.” I said and gently held her as she sobbed and let all of her feelings out. “You've been so strong for all this time. Let someone else be strong for you, just this once.”

Taylor didn't speak and just nodded as she cried on my shoulder for several minutes.

“That's so sweet.” Gloria said as she entered the house. “Hands above the waist, dear.”

I chuckled and showed her that they were placed on Taylor's back. “It's comfort time, not cuddle time.”

“No sneaky swipes at her ass?” Gloria asked and I shook my head at her. “Who are you and where has my flirty man gone?”

Taylor snorted and laughed a little.

“Remember, nothing happened.” I reminded her and she eased her hold on me as she smiled at me.

“Right, nothing.” Taylor said and I handed her a handkerchief. “Thank you.”

“Anytime.” I said and let her go completely before I turned to Gloria. “Eye let me know.”

“Good. We can head over there and get to work. The barricade will need to be at least six stories high and we should decide on a solid or canvas roof.”

“Ah, flying capes to stop them from nosing around.” I said and she nodded. “What's the timetable for the renovation to keep it within reasonable expectations?”

“A week or two for the one by the hospital, because we can claim it's just cleaning and refurbishment.” Gloria said. “We should set a month for the one by the docks. It almost needs a complete rebuild.”

“Hmm... the docks.” I said and tapped my chin with a fingertip as I thought about it.

“You're thinking hard. What's on your mind?” Gloria asked.

I didn't say anything as I turned to Taylor and pointed to the pin she wore.

“I get it! We can hire the dockworker's union and have them build the barricade!” Gloria exclaimed.

“Oh, my god!” Taylor gasped.

“You got it.” I said and tapped my own badge. “Hyperion to Mr. Hebert.”

“Mr. Hebert here.” Danny's voice responded.

“How many men can you call on to work starting tomorrow?” I asked.

“Wh-what?” Danny asked in a slightly choking voice.

“We'll need staging to reach six stories and a barricade built around a multi-storey building about a block from your office. After that, the building needs to be cleaned up and then we'll need casual workers and guards.” I explained. “The more men available, the quicker it can get done.”

“But... you... but...”

“We also have a smaller building near Brockton General that's getting a facelift, so more staging and more hands are needed for the same jobs.”

“You're serious?” Danny asked.

“It's a week of solid work at both locations to build the barricades. We can negotiate for anything past that and go through the men's work history to find the best suited ones for anything long lasting.”

“The... rates.”

“Definitely use the top of the scale. It's hard and dangerous work to set up staging and constructing a solid barrier.”

“Oh, god.” Danny whispered.

“Get some lists together and let me know who you have available to work. The more the merrier!”

“I... okay. I'll have it by supper tonight.” Danny said.

“Great! I'll have the barbecue done by the time you get here. Hyperion out.”

“I hope you didn't just give my dad a heart attack.” Taylor said.

I chuckled. “People adjust to shock quickly.”

“If you're cooking, you better get started.” Gloria said.

“I've learned a few things recently to speed it up.” I said with a grin.

“I hope it lives up to the hype.” Gloria said and took my hand. “Let's check the backyard and see if it needs fixing up.”

“Good idea.” I said and handed Eye to Taylor. “Keep studying. We're setting up several bacta tanks near the hospital next month.”

Taylor gasped and clutched Eye to her chest. “You're kidding!”

“That's not something I joke about.” I said and led Gloria over to the kitchen. “We're going to change this city for the better and you're going to be right there with us, Weaver.”

Taylor opened her mouth to say something, then she straightened her back and nodded. “I will be.”

I nodded back and Gloria and I went out into the backyard. It was only slightly overgrown, so a few spells took care of everything. I created a massive grill and a set of table and chairs as I pulled out half a dozen steaks and the vegetables with the things I needed for making salads and the main meal.

Gloria sat at the table and rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her clasped hands as she watched me work. “You really did learn a lot of things when you were ripped away from me.”

“I'm just glad that you didn't notice. I would have hated that you felt the loss like I did when I appeared on a world without you.” I said and quickly prepped the grill and the meat for the best cooking time.

“How pissed off were you?” Gloria asked with a teasing smile.

“I nearly killed everyone in the room and then made the stupid mages that summoned me suffer.”

Gloria laughed and nodded. She would have done the same thing. “I assume you can't bring it out?”

“Unfortunately, no. Whatever happened during the spell ending, damaged my connection to the shield my body absorbed. I've already tried healing myself and initiating my Prismatic Regeneration. Nothing's worked.”

“We could try to find a healer here. Maybe that would work?” Gloria asked as she sat back and looked thoughtful. “I think it's odd that neither of us can copy any of the abilities we've come across so far.”

“I agree. I think whatever is interfering with that is also stopping me from accessing the shield and the system that's inherent to its functions.”

Gloria gave me a searching look. “It's not stopping you from accessing your inventory?”

“No, and that's weird. If I can't access the system that created it, why can I still access the things I've stored?” I asked, almost rhetorically. It wasn't like we were going to get any answers.

Taylor came out of the house with a small package. “This just came for you.”

“Did Eye scan it?” I asked as I turned to accept it.


I laughed. “I wasn't questioning your intelligence, my friend. I wanted to know if you discovered what we expected.”

“Beep beep.”

“Good work. We can monitor her right back.” I said and he beeped several times. “Oh? Did she switch to a backup already?”

“Boop boop beep.”

“That was nice of you to help her.” I said and he beeped at me. “I'll think about it.”

“What did he say?” Taylor asked.

“Oh, right. Just a second.” I said and created an R2 unit and copied Droidspeak from it to Taylor.

“GAH!” Taylor gasped and her grip on Eye tightened.

“Give it a second to settle and you'll be fine.” I said. “By the way, R2 can be an asshole. Just ignore him when he is.”

“Beep boop beepbeep BOOP! WOOOO!” R2 said loudly.

“Language! There are ladies present!” I said and almost laughed at Taylor's bright red face.

“I... I understood that.” Taylor said and hugged Eye tightly. “Even dad's friends from the docks don't curse that much.”

Gloria and I exchanged knowing looks for a moment, then we burst out laughing.


Two and a half weeks later, Amy Dallon stood on top of the hospital that was becoming the bane of her existence. She was known as the healing cape called Panacea and she resented that her family insisted that she make regular rounds at the hospital every few days to handle the worst cases. She didn't even get paid for her work while the hospital charged the patients for being healed.

She was currently on a rest break and enjoyed the view that the roof access door always gave her. She would never admit that she always used the roof access to get away from all the begging and pleading that everyone pelted her with. Even in her civilian identity and wearing normal clothes, people still bugged her all the damn time to fix this and adjust that.

That was the downside of having her cape identity being public knowledge... and she hated it.

“Hi, Ames!” A familiar voice said from up in the sky above her.

“Vicky, I come here to be alone during my break.” Amy said in a resigned tone to her sister. “You don't have to pick me up for another two hours.”

“I was in the area.” Vicky said as she came in for a landing. Her powers were flight, super strength, invulnerability, and an aura that she could use for intimidation, fear, and other things. “I was trying to check out the building over there that's hidden.”

“What building?” Amy asked, curious.

“It's off to the right and about half a block away.” Vicky said and took her hand to lead her over to the right spot. “See the barricade and staging? It's completely covered and I can't see inside!”

“There's probably a good reason for them to hide what they're doing inside.” Amy said and didn't add that they might be criminals and would have a very good reason to hide.

“But, I want to know!” Vicky pouted, cutely.

Amy did her best to not stare at her beautiful blonde-headed sister. They had grown up together like real sisters, despite Amy being adopted as a baby. Their mother Carol never let her forget that she was adopted, though. That's what made her current feelings of lust for Vicky that much worse. She didn't think she was gay, she just couldn't help but admire Vicky's body, her mind, her attitude, and her personality.

I do not love her that way. I do not. No no no. I don't. Amy thought and did her best to not remember them changing together that afternoon into their hero costumes. Stop thinking about that, Amy!

“LOOK! Something's happening!” Vicky exclaimed and put an arm over Amy's shoulder to hug her close and pointed with her free hand.

Amy tore her gaze from Vicky's perfect nose and looked where she pointed. Several large cranes seemed to rise out of the area around the building and then dozens of men appeared on the roof and they began working.

“They're opening it up!” Vicky gasped and scooped Amy up into her arms.

“Hey!” Amy gasped.

“We have to be the first ones to see it!” Vicky said and took off up into the air.

Amy sighed as she put her arms around her sister's neck and held on. Do not smell her perfume. Do not! She thought and then took in a sniff and let out a happy sigh. I love that scent.

“Is that a big green cross on the helipad?” Vicky asked.

“Huh?” Amy looked down at the opening barricade cover and her eyes widened. It really is a medical cross, only it was green and not red!

“Hello, there!” A woman's voice said and they looked down at the ground to see a well dressed woman wearing a professional business suit and skirt combination in the same color green as the cross. “We're not officially open yet; but, I would be glad to give you a tour!”

“YES!” Vicky shouted and flew them down to land in front of the woman.

“It'll take another day or two to get the coverings removed and we'll be making the announcement then.” The woman said and motioned towards the single missing barricade panel in front of the large front doors. “If you'll both follow me, we can get you priority passes and you can come back and visit whenever you like. No appointments needed.”

“Did you hear that Ames? We're a priority!” Vicky said, excitedly.

“Yes, I heard. You can put me down now.” Amy said.

“Oh! Sorry.” Vicky said and stood her on her feet. “You felt so comfortable that I didn't realize I hadn't let you go yet.”

Amy blushed and looked at the woman. “I'm Panacea and that is Glory Girl.”

The woman gave her a large smile. “I know who you both are, Miss Dallon. I wouldn't have made the offer if I didn't.” She said and walked over to the doors that opened with a hiss. “My cape name is Glamazon.”

Amy caught her breath and Vicky froze still.

“I assume your mother has been letting things slip while at home?” Glamazon asked with a smirk.

“Um... we... can't talk about that.” Amy hedged.

Glamazon laughed and waved them forward. “It's fine. We needed a powerful law firm to handle all the bits of law and procedure that we didn't know about and she's been essential in leading us through all of the red tape we had to cut through to make all of this legal.”

“What is this place, anyway?” Vicky asked as her earlier hesitation completely vanished.

“It's a regeneration and treatment clinic.” Glamazon said and Amy gasped. “I see someone is familiar with the little bits we were allowed to release online on Parahumans Online.”

“There's over a thousand pages on the PHO thread already.” Amy said. “I never knew that there were so many more people out there that needed their limbs replaced.”

Glamazon nodded. “I know you can use your power to do the same thing, as long as the person has enough biomass to effect the repairs.”

“How do you... oh, mom told you.” Amy said in defeat.

“It's all right. We've not broken confidence with your family or the contracts we have put into effect.” Glamazon said and typed up a few things at the reception desk.

The printer there spat out two little cards with Vicky's and Amy's picture on them and their cape names.

“There you go. You can swipe them at the parking entrance and the employee entrance at any time to gain entry and they work on the front door when it's locked after our regular operation hours.”

“You can't seriously give us that much access! We just met!” Amy exclaimed.

Glamazon let out a laugh. “We might be putting you out of a steady job soon! You might only be called for emergencies when everyone realizes how versatile and quick our treatments are.”

Amy's heart sped up and she put a hand on Vicky's arm to brace herself. “You... really...”

“I'm sorry about that. I really am.” Glamazon said. “But, you can't fight technological progress.”

“I... I wouldn't dare.” Amy said and leaned against Vicky.

“Ames? Are you okay?” Vicky asked, concern in her voice.

“I'm... I will be fine.” Amy said and took several deep breaths.

“How about that tour?” Glamazon asked.

“Yes, please.” Amy said and kept her hold on Vicky as they were led around and shown the severely advanced medical labs, research labs, rehabilitation and exercise areas, two Olympic-sized pools, and dozens of offices and waiting areas that would soon be filled with doctors, nurses, and other staff.

“You've got everything here!” Vicky said excitedly when they went back to the lobby.

“Everything possibly needed for medical recovery.” Glamazon said. “We even have a cybernetics division working in a separate building on consultations for anyone that's lost appendages because of genetic defects.”

Amy perked up at that. “Perhaps that's where my expertise can help you.”

Glamazon's eyes widened. “I thought your powers were biology-based.”

“They are. I meant that I can work to fix the genetic disorders and then your regeneration technology can regrow the lost or damaged appendage.”

Glamazon looked thoughtful. “Actually, that's a very interesting application of both of our specialties. If we cooperated fully and gave each other access to everything we have available, I'm sure that we can give our cybernetic designers and programmers a well needed break.”

“Wait! You would give me access to the biology labs and bacta?” Amy asked, surprised.

“Of course! Why would we keep our employees in the dark about things like that?” Glamazon asked.

“E-employee?” Amy asked and her surprise only grew.

“We can't have you working here and not pay you for your work! That's just silly.” Glamazon said with a laugh. “Because you're a specialist, you'll easily earn at least a hundred thousand a year, maybe more, depending on the clients.”

Both Amy's and Vicky's mouths dropped open.

“There are also bonuses and hazard pay, depending on the situation, so you could double or even triple your salary.”

“WHERE DO I SIGN?!?” Amy yelled and Vicky squawked in fright. Amy quickly turned and hugged her sister tightly. “I'm sorry, Vicky. I shouldn't yell like that.”

Vicky sighed happily and hugged her back. “That was scary. You're usually so calm.”

Amy eased her hold on her and didn't let her go. “I'm allowed to get as excited as you sometimes, you know.”

Vicky let out a giggle. “Wait until mom hears! She'll never believe it!”

Amy groaned and dropped her head to rest it on her sister's shoulder.

“I'll send over the contracts when I get back to my office.” Glamazon said. “It's very nice to have you onboard for this, Amy. It really is.”

“Just having her name on things will get you tons of business!” Vicky said, excitedly.

Amy rolled her eyes and let her sister go. “I need to get back to work.”

Glamazon walked them over to the front door that opened automatically with a hiss. “I would like to give you a couple of things to ensure your safety, now that you're going to be working here with us.”

Vicky perked up and Amy looked interested.

Glamazon took out two pins that looked like green medical crosses and a pendant on a chain. “The pins are communication devices that can communicate with any other device on the network and the amulet is a tinkertech shield that will activate to protect you when you're in danger.”

Both young women gasped.

Glamazon did small adjustments to the pins and handed them to the girls. “Yours is keyed to Amy, Amy Dallon, Panacea, and now Ames.” She said with a smirk and Vicky looked happy. “Yours is Vicky, Victoria Dallon, Glory Girl, and Blonde Bombshell.”

Vicky and Amy caught their breath and stared at her as Glamazon attached the pins to their collars.

“You can't remain a girl forever, Vicky.” Glamazon said and hung the pendant on Amy's neck. “Only you can remove that and you don't have to worry about anyone trying to steal it. It only works for you.”

Amy's fingers touched the amulet briefly before she tucked it into her costume. “Thank you.”

“It's no trouble. We protect our own.” Glamazon said. “Have a great day, both of you.”

“Thanks for the tour!” Vicky said and scooped Amy up into her arms.

“Vicky!” Amy gasped as they shot up into the air and she could have sworn she heard Glamazon laughing.

“I have to bring you back to the roof access, Ames.” Vicky said and they landed beside the door. She put her sister down and opened the door for her.

“What are you doing?” Amy asked.

“Escorting you.” Vicky said. “I'm your excuse for being late getting back from your break.”

Amy opened her mouth to say she would be fine, then she sighed and lightly touched Vicky's hand as she walked past and entered the stairwell. She hadn't missed the pleased smile on Vicky's face and quickly squashed her thoughts about it being from touching her hand and not for giving in to Vicky's offer of an escort.

How do I explain to mom about accepting a job with a company that hasn't even opened yet? Amy asked herself as she approached the floor with the closest nurse station that she had signed out at.

“Hello, Panacea. We have several patients waiting for you.” The nurse at the station said.

“I'll stay an extra half an hour after my normal shift ends.” Amy offered as she signed back in.

“I took her off on an adventure for her break!” Vicky said in her normal excited tone.

The nurse let out a laugh. “Who could say no to you?”

“No one!” Vicky responded with a huge smile on her face.

The nurse laughed again and led them over to one of the rooms. “Mrs. Kannon came in ten minutes ago for her lung cancer treatment.”

“I assume she's on the waiting list for replacement and isn't a smoker?” Amy asked, because they were usually the highest priority available for her healing abilities.

“She's near the top and has never touched a cigarette.” The nurse said as the three of them entered the room to meet a pretty redhead that was barely into her thirties.

“You're going to be really hungry after this.” Amy warned her and the woman beamed a smile at her.

Two and a half hours later, a tired Vicky flew an exhausted Amy back home. Neither of them responded to their mother calling for them after they entered the house. They went up the stairs, pulled off their hero costumes, and climbed onto Vicky's huge bed and under the covers. They were both asleep a few moments later, which left their irritated mother feeling frustrated.

Carol sat at the dining room table and was having a hard time admitting that she might have handled things badly with Amy, if she could make a life-changing decision like that without even consulting her.

Amy's employment contract that had outrageous salary terms, was laid out on the table in front of Carol and she had absolutely no idea how she was going to convince the implacable girl that it wasn't a good idea to accept the job and to continue doing healing work at the hospital for free.


“Beep.” Eye said two weeks later.

“Already?” I asked and he beeped again. “Damn. I thought we managed to delay them.” I tapped my communication badge. “John to Gloria. Code Zulu. They're going after Lung's transport tonight.”

“I'll set the proper program and will release the capture drones. Grab Taylor and get us some essential intel.” Gloria's voice said and she ended the call.

I hopped out of my chair and went to my office door. I opened it and my assistant turned to look a me.

“I heard. Let's get changed.” Taylor said.

We walked together to a door that no one else could see and entered the prep room. Our suits were set up for easy transference and I switched them with our regular clothes.

“If you weren't such a pervy bastard, I might fall in love with you for making this so easy.” Taylor said and flexed her arms inside her restructured Weaver supersuit.

I laughed and tossed her two batons that she clipped to her belt and then I handed her six deployment balls. “As requested.”

“Oh, baby.” Taylor whispered as she hugged them to her chest. “I can feel them, even through the containment shields.”

“I promised that you would never go anywhere without being prepared.” I said and created a visor that covered half of my face. I wasn't trying to hide my identity, though. I was just ensuring that the 'unwritten rules' of capes couldn't be used against me. “Ready?”

“As I'll ever be.” Taylor said as she tucked the devices into belt pockets that shouldn't have been big enough to hold them, then she stepped close to me. “Do we have to hug so closely when you do this?”

I grinned at her and she let out a loud sigh of resignation. “Is it really so terrible?”

Taylor turned around and leaned back against me as I put my arms around her waist to hold her tightly. “I just feel like you're making fun of me.”

I barked a laugh and apparated us into the sky above where we had tracked down the gang that Lung was the head of. “I'd rather you feel a little uncomfortable instead of feeling like you're falling before I catch you in my arms anyway.”

Taylor looked down at the ground that was quite far away. “You make a good point.”

I nodded and I held onto her as she took out and opened two of the six containment vessels. Fifty thousand flying bugs of all kinds came out of each of them and Taylor shivered as they swarmed around us.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I... this is really...” Taylor took a deep breath and her entire demeanor changed. “I've got this.”

“Swarm sharing?” I asked and she nodded. “I'll try to keep you grounded.”

“Thank you.” Taylor said without emotion before she sent the massive swarm down and out. The black cloud dispersed and the more individual bugs seemed to disappear from sight.

“Very nice.” I commented.

“I'm detecting at least eighty people inside and one... no, two capes.” Taylor said. “I'm going to bring together enough to get a good visual.”

“Be careful of crossed sight lines and surveillance.” I cautioned her.

“Thank you. I missed two hidden cameras that could have given us away. Covering them now.”

“Eye? Are the computers still isolated?” I asked.

“Beep boop.” Eye responded.

“Damn, I hate smart criminals.” I said and Taylor tapped my arm with the look signal. “Let me know if you can feel this in the swarm.” I whispered to her and used a mind reading spell on her.

“MMMM!” Taylor moaned with pleasure as my consciousness seemed to join with hers instead of me just skimming her thoughts.

“I think that's confirmation enough.” My mouth and mind said at the same time.

“Oh, god... touch... touch me!” Taylor pleaded.

I slid one of my hands up her suit and laid it against her breastplate.

“OHHH!” Taylor gasped and came. That wasn't the surprising thing that happened, however. The entire swarm filled with emotional energy and then... expanded. Not in numbers, though. In size and strength.

“Gloria! Now!” I said and a hundred stealth drones appeared around the compound and attacked.

“MINE!” Taylor yelled and sent her bugs to attack.

Screams pierced the air as the entire gathered gang was beset by both angry bugs and drones armed with rubber bullets and tasers.

“No! My work!” Bakuda shouted as several drones tasered the computers, her box of bombs, and her workshop. She lunged to grab one of her grenades and it went off... and it created a black vortex that tore off and absorbed her arm.

“Pull back!” I shouted and the bugs retreated, as did the drones.

The vortex quickly expanded and sucked the rest of a screaming Bakuda inside. The other cape, Oni Lee, transported out and created a copy of himself. Unfortunately, he was a bit too close to the edge of the vortex and brought a piece of it with him. Part of his costume was sucked in and he tried to jump again... and created another vortex.

“Shoot him!” I ordered.

A dozen drones swooped in and complied as they shot each of the three copies. It was too late to stop the vortexes, however. They expanded and sucked in all three copies of Oni Lee and a dozen gang members that were a little too close.

“Grab the rest and retreat!” Gloria's voice echoed from the drones. The drones complied and they grabbed the remains of the gang and fled the compound.

Taylor pulled the bugs back as well. “John, I can't help contain this.”

“No, your bugs would just feed the vortexes as they grow.” I said and thought about what to do. “I can't apparate an empty space... but... if I apparate everything around it... perhaps...”

“Make the building impervious, expand it slightly, and send it into space.” Gloria suggested. “Anything inside should go with it because it will be caught in the same space-time.”

“Gloria, you're brilliant!” I said and I cancelled the mind reading spell.

Taylor shivered and took several deep breaths. “Oh, wow.”

“I know. I didn't expect that reaction, either.” I said and apparated down to the roof of a nearby building with her. “Help gather up the stragglers and get them away from the main building.”

“Yes, I can do that.” Taylor said as I let her go and she moved her hands like an orchestra conductor while she directed her bugs to do her bidding.

I ignored how sensual her movements were and flew over to land beside the main building. I could almost feel the expanding vortexes inside and I had to wait until the last of the gang was taken out of the building before I used the Force to close every door and window. I cast a slight expansion charm on the inside that would expire in ten seconds and everything seemed to freeze inside.

I cast the impervious spell on the building and felt out with the Force. I quickly dug out the foundation and separated it from the ground and then concentrated on the destination. I used my magic to cast Apparate on the building and poured a hundred more colorless land mana into the spell than necessary, just in case. A very loud crack of thunder later and the building was gone.

“Jesus!” Someone shouted from the gathered prisoners.

“Where did you send it?” Gloria asked from our comm badges.

I flew over to Taylor and I held Eye out for her.

“Beep!” Eye said and his display changed. It showed the building floating in front of a surprised Simurgh as she unfolded her wings.

“Oh, no.” Taylor whispered as she watched. “She's waking up.”

Her large hands started to reach for the building when it broke apart and three black vortexes appeared.

Taylor stopped breathing as the Simurgh's arms were caught. She tried to pull away from it and nothing happened. It was like watching a bug being pinned to a board. It struggled fruitlessly as the vortexes combined and then swallowed her whole.

“Oh, god! It's going to consume...” Taylor started to say and then the vortex seemed to stop. It sat there for several moments without moving, then it started to collapse in on itself. After about thirty seconds, it seemed to pop and then ceased to exist. “What just happened?”

“There was nothing else around for it to consume, so it had to consume itself.” I said.

“Did you know it would do that?” Taylor asked.

“I hoped.” I said and she gave me a blank stare. “It was an artificial black hole and didn't have the self-sustainability that a real one has. As long as it was fed, it would grow. No food, no need to grow.”

Taylor didn't say anything for a moment, then she huffed. “So, you're a lucky bastard as well as a pervy one.”

“Yep.” I said and grinned at her.

Gloria laughed from our comms. “I've called the PRT and the police. They're sending over... everyone.”

“Of course they are.” I said and tapped Eye. “Send that to Director Piggot for me, will you? She should get a kick out of it.”


“Wait, what? There's a bounty for the Simurgh?” Taylor asked, shocked.

“Boop beep boop.” Eye responded.

“OH, GOD!” Taylor gasped and fainted.

I caught her before she fell and dropped Eye. “You could have eased her into it before letting her know she earned twenty percent of ten million dollars.”


I laughed and scooped Taylor up into my arms. “And she calls me a pervy bastard!”

“Beep beep.”

“I didn't say it wasn't true.” I responded and Eye beeped several times.

“You guys are incorrigible.” Gloria said from the comm before her laughter joined in with ours.


Amy Dallon sat in her luxurious office at eight in the morning the next Saturday and she couldn't believe her luck. She was getting paid a ridiculous amount of money by Regen Corp for doing barely a fraction of the work she did for the hospital. She was only called in for a consult if the client or the doctor suspected that the client had a genetic disposition that needed to be tended to before the regeneration techniques were applied.

“I think I love it here.” Amy whispered as she checked her schedule for the day. “One appointment at ten in the morning and then another after lunch. Unbelievable.”

Before she could relax and thought about not being exhausted off her feet by the end of the day, her office door swung open and Vicky strode in like she owned the place.

“You look happy.” Vicky said and walked across the large office and around the desk.

“Ooof!” Amy grunted as her sister hopped onto her lap and hugged her. “I was!”

Vicky giggled and snuggled in close.

“What are you doing here?” Amy asked and managed to not grope her sister as she hugged her back.

“Dean's off with the Wards for some kid of publicity stunt for the day.” Vicky said with a pout. “As if introducing a new member to the public is more important than his girlfriend!”

Amy clamped her mouth shut and didn't point out that Dean didn't have a choice when he had to do his job, even if it had a minuscule pay and barely any practical benefits.

“At least you still love me, right Ames?” Vicky asked, almost jokingly.

Amy tried to keep her mouth shut, just so she wouldn't embarrass herself, and her heart wouldn't let her stay quiet. It was just too perfect of an opportunity for her to resist. “I love you more than life itself.”

Vicky didn't react for several seconds, then she stopped breathing and froze stiff. Her head turned slightly and she looked into her sister's eyes to see the truth in them. “You... you really...”

“I'm not gay.” Amy said right away and Vicky started breathing again. “I just... you're so perfect, and beautiful, and smart, and you're always there for me, and...”

“A-Ames.” Vicky stammered and blushed a little. “Ames, you... we... we're family. I do love you... but, I... that's not... how it should work, you know?”

Amy sighed. “I'm sorry, Vicky. I didn't want to make things awkward like this. Your question just... it let me... I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to say now.”

“You tell her the truth.” A woman's voice said as the office door opened again and Glamazon stepped inside. She closed the door and walked over to them.

Vicky jumped slightly and tried to stand up.

“Please, don't get up for my benefit.” Glamazon said and sat down on the chair in front of Amy's desk.

“This isn't what it looks like.” Amy said in her defense.

Glamazon laughed softly and made a shooing motion, as if what Amy said was in the way. “All I can see is two young women that enjoy holding each other for comfort. There's literally nothing wrong with that.” She said and crossed her legs and rested her hands on the top knee. “I know that neither of you want to take advantage of the other.”

Vicky and Amy exchanged looks and nodded slightly at each other.

“Then there's nothing to worry about.” Glamazon said. “You're both young and full of hormones and emotions. No one can blame you for wanting to explore a few things with someone that you care so much about.”

“I... that... why would you say that?” Vicky asked as she blushed again.

“Exploring your feelings is a natural thing for a young person to do. Like I said, there's nothing wrong with that.” Glamazon said. “Mind you, I didn't try doing anything like that until I was much older than the both of you.”

“Really?” Amy asked, surprised.

“My physical development took a very long time. I didn't even touch someone intimately until I spent a lot of time searching my own feelings and how I interacted with the world around me.” Glamazon said. “Let me tell you that it was one of the best things that had ever happened to me when I finally admitted to myself that I was ready.”

Amy and Vicky exchanged another look before they spoke at the same time. “Hyperion.”

“Yes, he was my first.” Glamazon said with a wistful smile. “I claimed my first piece of land and it was such a rush that I convinced him it was time.”

“You... you...” Vicky stammered.

“We made love right there in the soft dirt.” Glamazon said. “It was passionate and so full of love and desire that I'll always remember it, no matter how many years it's been since that first time.”

“Wow.” Vicky whispered and tightened her hold on Amy. “That sounds so nice.”

“It really was.” Glamazon. “I'd been in love with him for a long time before that and it took him a long time to realize and accept that I was a woman and we weren't related.”

Amy's heart sped up at the parallel to herself and she hoped that Vicky didn't notice. Her heart went faster when Vicky turned her head to look into her eyes. “V-Vicky... I...”

“Ames.” Vicky whispered as she blushed. “I... well... Dean and I...”

Amy's heart slowed down when she realized what Vicky was going to say. She tried to not let her sadness show on her face.

“I'm going to break up with him.” Vicky said and Amy's heart jumped right back to beating twice as fast. “We've been drifting apart for a while now and he can't devote the time to me like a good boyfriend is supposed to.”

“V-Vicky.” Amy whispered.

“I'm not gay, either. But...” Vicky paused as her blush intensified. “...maybe being a little naughty might be fun?”

Amy didn't say anything as she moved her hands up to Vicky's face and pulled her into a searingly passionate kiss. Both of them let out moans and their tongues played with each other as they made out like they had never kissed anyone else before. It was new and fun and very different than anything that either of them had ever done before.

The kiss seemed to go on forever before they realized that they had an audience. Both young women caught their breath, broke the kiss and turned to look at the woman that sat on the other side of the desk... and the chair was empty.

Amy and Vicky looked back at each other and they wondered if Glamazon had ever been there, then they shrugged before they pressed their lips back together. They held each other tenderly as they continued what was becoming an epic make-out session that they both thoroughly enjoyed.

Young love is always so sweet to witness. An invisible Gloria thought as she continued to sit there in the chair and watched the two young women kissing each other like there was no tomorrow.


“All right, I have to admit that you chose well.” I said to Gloria a week later as we stood inside the lobby of a mansion. It had been held for taxes for nearly five years, ever since the bay had suffered the disaster that clogged it with old and damaged cargo ships.

“You're not going to ask me how much it was?” Gloria teased me and I laughed at her. “Spoilsport.”

“You know it doesn't matter.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “Have you submitted the reclamation contracts to the dockworkers union?”

“I did and they sent them on to the city council.” Gloria said.

I sighed at the qualification. “I assume you set the law firm on them.”

Gloria nodded and waved at me to ask her something.

“How much did that cost?” I asked.

“More than you ever want to know.” Gloria said with a laugh and walked towards the staircase. “We have a bedroom to christen, dear. Do hurry up.”

I glanced around the lobby for a moment before I walked up the stairs behind her. She laughed again and ran to the master bedroom as she stripped off her clothing. I was right behind her and I shut the bedroom door behind us.


May 15, 2011 was a day that everyone would remember, because it was the day that the Brockton Bay Endbringer sirens started to blare. Nearly everyone panicked and the civilians scrambled to make it to the shelters as the heroes and villains in the city gathered together at the PRT building to organize and mount as much of a defense as they could on such short notice.

What no one expected was to see Leviathan and his tidal waves be stopped by a giant energy shield that seemed to cover most of the city and part of the docks. Everyone stopped what they were doing, including trying to get to safety, as they stared at the giant dragon-like creature punching the energy shield and not breaking it.

Suddenly, the tidal waves smashed apart and the water dispersed back into the bay and Leviathan's head snapped to the right. A moment later, it snapped all the way to the left. A moment after that, a giant bolt of lightning slammed it under the chin and its head snapped straight up and a loud crack of thunder echoed through the air for several miles.

For the first time in history, Leviathan fell backwards into the water and it hadn't caused any damage to the city that it had targeted. Everyone in the city... civilian, hero, and villain alike... watched in fascination as the limp form of Leviathan lifted up from the bay and rose into the air. It kept going, and going, and then it disappeared from sight with another loud crack of thunder.

“What just happened?” Miss Militia asked.

“It really disappeared, just like that building a couple of weeks ago.” Armsmaster said.

“You don't mean...” Someone else started to say.

“You can all relax now, citizens of Brockton Bay.” A loud man's voice said as a figure floated down to hover above the PRT building. “Leviathan is enjoying a nice relaxing vacation on the moon.”

“Hyperion!” Glory Girl's voice shouted and then she was up in the air and tackled the man in a hug. “You did it!”

“We did it.” Hyperion corrected as Glamazon flew down to float beside them. Glory Girl gave her a hug as well and then landed beside her sister, Panacea.

“I'm sorry we couldn't inform everyone that the city shield was successfully installed yesterday. It hasn't been tested yet and we thought we had another few weeks to ensure its operation before the next Endbringer attack.” Glamazon said. “What are the odds it would happen right here in Brockton Bay?”

The Endbringer sirens stopped at that moment and everyone sighed with relief.

“Now that we've confirmed that they work, we'll be making the shield generator available for sale.” Hyperion said.

“We'll take one!” Someone shouted and everyone turned to look at Kaiser, the leader of the Empire 88, the local Nazi gang that pretty much everyone hated.

“You're lucky the Endbringer protocols are in effect.” Hyperion said.

“So are you.” A man in a PRT uniform said as he rested his hand on his hip holster.

“If you can prove I've committed any crimes in the eyes of the law, go ahead and charge me.” Hyperion said and the man frowned. “Exactly. You can shove your prejudice where the sun doesn't shine.”

“I'll be by tomorrow to pick up the voucher for the bounty on Leviathan.” Glamazon said.

“You didn't kill it if it's on the moon.” Someone said.

“That's why we're waiting until tomorrow. We'll figure out how to bring the head in by then.” Glamazon said and rose up in the air. “Come on, Hyperion. We've got a lot of traffic to clear up and some possible injuries to handle.”

Hyperion waved to the heroes and flew after his partner.

“Why aren't they a part of the Protectorate?” Vista asked. She was a Ward that could control the distance around her to an insane degree by compressing it into almost nothing or expanding it to be almost endless.

“They refused to be bound by idiotic procedures and endless paperwork.” Amy Dallon said and everyone turned to look at her. “I work for Regen Corp. It's needlessly bound by a lot of red tape and filling out forms, even when I'm only consulting on the weekends. It's really infuriating how much there is.”

“At least you've got a cute secretary!” Vicky said and hugged her. “We better get over there! You know there's going to be a lot of stupid people that hurt themselves.”

Amy snorted and barked a laugh. “Yeah, you're right. Let's go.”

Vicky scooped her up into her arms and took off.

“She didn't even say goodbye.” Dean, aka Aegis, said as he watched his ex-girlfriend fly away. “At least she's happy.”

“That's all we can hope for ourselves.” Clockblocker said and pat his shoulder.

Everyone left the roof of the building and made their way back to where they had been before the sirens went off. Only a few of the heroes were on shift that day in the Protectorate, so they were the only ones that went to help sort out the mess that the Endbringer sirens had made.


“We all plead guilty, your honor.” Lisa Wilborn, cape name Tattletale said, representing herself and her partners in the Undersiders. “We also throw ourselves onto the mercy of the court.”

The man that sat behind the bench scowled at her. “I've been on this bench for almost fifteen years and that is the first time I've ever heard a supervillain plead for mercy for their crimes.”

“I am well aware of that, your honor.” Lisa said with a subdued voice.

The man's scowl didn't lessen. “I've also read all the transcripts and records of your misdeeds.” He said and paused to let that sink in. “Do you have anything else to say in your defense?”

“No, your honor. I've presented the case to the best of my ability and within the realm of the law. I would never presume to try and influence your decision to what will happen next by adding anything after the fact that was inadmissible during the actual trial.”

The judge's scowl increased slightly, then he leaned forward. “Are you using your abilities now?”

“No, your honor.” Lisa said and lifted her hand to show off her wrist. “The latest experimental tinkertech released by Reclamation Corp... that cost a lot of money, by the way... ensures that my thinker ability is disabled.”

Several gasps came from the audience and the hushed whispers started.

“You are voluntarily wearing suppression tech?” The judge asked, surprised.

“I didn't want to influence the case in a negative way, your honor. None of us did.” Lisa said and the three people at the table with her lifted their hands and showed off their bracelets. “Each one is custom made for us, sir. It's why they are so expensive.”

The judge nodded and sat back in his chair. “Very well, I believe I've come to a decision.”

Everyone thought the worst, because he didn't leave to go deliberate.

“There was one prevalent factor in the crimes that you've committed as the Undersiders. None of them had been violent crimes.” The judge said. “Despite the circumstances, despite the situations, and despite the people you committed the crimes against and the heroes that tried to detain you, no one was actually hurt. That is quite the accomplishment for a group of super-powered villains.”

Lisa made a motion and the others stood up with her to face the judge.

“Therefore, I sentence you to two years less a day in prison... that will be commuted to time served for good behaviour and three years probation. You will wear a monitoring bracelet for one year and will attend psychotherapy for the next three months to help you deal with your issues.” The judge said and his scowl returned. “Do not waste the opportunity that has been presented to you.”

“We won't, your honor.” Lisa said with a small smile.

The judge slammed his gavel onto the strike plate. “You are released on your own recognizance.”

“YES!” The other three yelled just before Lisa was mobbed by their hugs.

“You did it. I can't believe it.” Brian, cape name Grue, said with disbelief in his voice.

“You're definitely the top dog.” Rachel, cape name Bitch, said and ducked her head slightly.

“That was an amazing defense proposal.” Alex, cape name Regent, said in his usual carefree manner.

“I couldn't have done it without some much needed help.” Lisa said and turned around to see Taylor Hebert. “You will never know what this means to me.”

“You could tell me and then I will.” Taylor said with a crooked smile.

“Ha! As if.” Lisa said and waved at her teammates. Introductions came next between them and Taylor, then the job offer was made and the base salary was disclosed.

“Are you serious?” Brian asked.

“We're expanding all the time.” Taylor said. “With the school year ending, the summer is going to mean a huge ramp up of production, reclamation, sales, and contracts. The boat graveyard isn't going to dismantle itself and the bay isn't going to clear out on its own, is it?”

“Please tell me it's not all grunt work.” Lisa said with a sigh.

Taylor didn't say anything for several seconds, just to let her sweat a little, then she laughed. “We have a cybernetic division, a sales and acquisitions division, computer labs, research labs, medical labs, tinker labs, and a whole bunch of other things for you all to choose from. You can even be a guard assigned to any of those divisions if you want.”

The Undersiders exchanged a brief look and then looked back at Taylor. “Where do we sign?”


A week later, Sophia Hess, Emma Barnes, and Madison Clements, filed for a change of venue for their trial. They believed that they wouldn't get a fair trial in Brockton Bay, New Hampshire, because of the extensive media coverage. Normally, that would have been the best decision they could have made.

Unfortunately, fresh minds that hadn't been endlessly deluged by all the evidence for weeks, saw the crimes for what they were... a distinct menace to society and they were dealt with harshly and to the full extent of the law. They were also tried as adults, despite only being fifteen years old.

To everyone's surprise, especially their high-priced lawyer, the three young women were sentenced to five years in prison. An immediate appeal was filed to change the severity of the sentence and to reduce it from an adult court to a child's court. It was denied and the lawyer was reminded that they received the minimum sentence for only one count of attempted murder.

Because the girls knew exactly what they were doing when they committed their crimes, their ignorance of the law was not a valid defense. Not only that, none of the three showed any remorse at all for their actions and were actually proud of it. According to the judge and the jury, that had to be punished and prison would give the defendants enough time to think about their actions.

The three shocked young women were handcuffed and hauled away from their families. Once out of sight, Sophia Hess was separated from the other two and she was taken to a much different holding facility to be processed and incarcerated. As a cape, she was sent to The Birdcage, the cape prison.


Taylor sat on her brand new couch and stared at Eye as he showed her the video of her bullies being hauled away. “It's over. It's finally over.”

Danny nodded and he pulled an envelope out from behind his back.

“What's that?” Taylor asked.

“Something I thought you would want to see as soon as that part of your life came to a close.” Danny said and gave it to her. “Go ahead and open it.”

Taylor didn't hesitate as she tore the thing open and pulled out the piece of paper inside. “No way!”

“Yes, way.” Danny said and gave her a one arm hug. “Congratulations, sweetie. Your transfer to Arcadia was approved. You'll never have to go back to Winslow High ever again.”

Taylor hadn't cried in a while and this much happiness was just a bit too much to take. Tears came to her eyes and she hugged her father tightly and let the tears flow as she sobbed.


“Amy, this is one of the worst cases we've ever seen.” Glamazon said as she waved towards the containment room through the observation glass.

Amy stepped forward and saw the most disgusting thing she had ever seen. “Oh, no. Is that a Case 53?”

“No, it's the result of a partial trigger.” Hyperion said and handed her a file folder.

“You're kidding.” Amy said and opened the folder. “What... wait... this... this doesn't make sense!”

“She's not the result of experimentation, either. As far as we can discern from hidden records and the reluctant words of her friends, there's a substance that you can drink that grants you trigger powers.” Glamazon said. “She drank half of one and someone else drank the other half.”

“Powers... in a bottle.” Amy whispered.

“Random powers and there is no guarantee that it will work or how it will change you.” Hyperion clarified for her. “The problem we have with this subject is her skin is one hundred percent absorbant for all living things.”

“You touch her and you become a part of her.” Amy said and closed the folder. “Are the... copies... she spits out... sentient?”

“As much as she wants them to be.” Hyperion said and gave Glamazon a look that Amy couldn't decipher. “They also have all the powers of the original and are completely devoted to her and her goals.”

“That... my powers...”

“If she absorbs you, she would become a completely unstoppable being.” Glamazon said.

“And you want me to try anyway.” Amy said.

“All precautions will be taken. Sedation, stasis spells, and a temporary dimensional displacement.” Hyperion said. “We also have... another idea to ensure your safety.”

Amy turned to him. “That sounds oddly morbid.”

“With your permission, we can provide you with a copy of your own arm. If you can use your powers through it, the arm can be safely absorbed by Nicole and you won't be.” Hyperion said.

Amy stood there and waited for him to laugh. He didn't. She looked at Glamazon and the woman nodded. Amy handed her the folder and walked out of the observation room to get some air.

Glamazon walked out behind her and followed her all the way back to her office.

Amy went right to the window and opened it to take several deep breaths. “How long have you been able to clone body parts?”

“We've always had the ability.” Glamazon admitted.

“Why didn't you tell me?” Amy asked without turning around.

“It's not a necessary service.” Glamazon said. “Why grow a second liver when we can more easily repair the original, especially with your ability to remove genetic factors that would cause systemic damage or failure.”

Amy turned to look at her. “There's also no chance of rejection.”

“That's exactly right. Even a copy of an organ has a chance of failure, because it has to be introduced to a body that it hadn't grown inside of.”

Amy took a breath and let it out. “Will it hurt?”

Glamazon barked a laugh. “You do realize that people shed skin cells constantly, don't you?”

Amy blinked her eyes for several seconds. “You already have it prepared.”

“We take our employee's safety very seriously.” Glamazon said. “We will run several tests before we would ever expose you to the extreme case that we found in a retired criminal's underground base.”

“You found her?” Amy asked.

“He was planning on unleashing her when he had... fed her enough... to make her a serious threat that he could use to take down the PRT and the Protectorate.”

“He wanted to take over.” Amy deduced correctly.

“He promised to heal her of her condition if she followed his orders and did his bidding.” Glamazon said. “He lied, of course. He was going to kill her when she eventually found out that he had no plans at all about fixing her.”

Amy thought about that. “How did you get her to agree to this?”

“We offered to send them home after we showed them how we took care of the Simurgh.”

Amy caught her breath. “She's a Traveller?”

Glamazon nodded. “She is one of a small group of kids that were caught in the random buildings that the Endbringer transported as she moved across several dimensions.”

“What one are they from?” Amy asked.

“Earth Aleph.” Glamazon said.

Amy closed her mouth and turned back to the window. “You're going to make them choose.”

Glamazon chuckled and Amy turned back to stare at her. “Everyone has choices to make. They were ripped from their world without so much as an apology and then given a briefcase full of potential powers.”

Amy knew what that meant. “You're going to let them keep them?”

“I think they class as having a trigger event, don't you?” Glamazon asked and Amy nodded. “Then the powers are theirs if they want to keep them.”

Amy couldn't stop her smile. “All right. I'll try it. It's the least I can do.”

Glamazon walked over and placed a hand on her arm. “No, Amy. It's the most you can do. Thank you.”

Amy pat her hand. “Bring me to the lab and let's get to work.”

Glamazon led her out of the office and down the hallway to a cordoned off area and through a secured door. Hyperion was there and held a long box in his arms.

“We've constructed a self-sustaining mechanical arm to hold the appendage for you. All you need to do is touch it and let your powers flow through it.” Glamazon said. “It might feel weird at first, especially if what we suspect is going to happen, happens.”

It didn't take Amy long to understand what she meant. “I'll have two sets of responses to my right hand that my brain has to differentiate between and I have to control the second one and lock down the first.”

“I told you she was brilliant, John!” Glamazon said.

Amy gasped and looked at Hyperion's face to see how angry he was for having his civilian identity revealed. Instead of anger, he laughed.

“I guess that means I can finally tell her your name is Gloria.” Hyperion said.

Glamazon shrugged. “I thought she knew already. It's not like we've been trying to hide it from her.”

Amy's surprised gaze went from Glamazon to Hyperion.

“John Hansen and Gloria Colorado.” Hyperion said. “It's nice to finally meet you civilly.”

Amy had to smile at his wording. The double meaning was not lost on her.

“Let's get things set up and we'll see if this whole mess can get sorted.” Glamazon said and the three of them did just that. The forearm and hand was attached to a mechanical arm that would do the actual touching on the patient and Amy took several minutes as she lightly touched it.

“This... feels so weird.” Amy whispered as she did her best to sort through the double sensations that her brain was sending her.

“What about your power? Can it be used in the extended limb?” Hyperion asked.

Amy didn't say anything for another minute and then she opened her eyes. “Index finger.”

Her normal finger didn't move at all as the copied arm's index finger moved and pointed at the wall.

“That's great, Amy! Well done!” Glamazon said. “Keep at it and try to make a fist. If you can flex the extra hand without flexing your own, we can move on to the first test patient.”

“Are they allowed to see this?” Amy asked as she moved the middle finger of the extra hand. Her own finger only twitched a little.

“Blindfolds are a wonderful thing when used properly.” Glamazon said suggestively.

Amy blushed and the copied hand made a fist.

Half an hour later, two test patients had been healed by Amy's power while she used the copied arm, which everyone deemed as a huge success. Now it was time for the real experiment and the three of them took the mechanical setup into the prepared containment room.

“Be prepared to disconnect yourself as soon as you feel any discomfort.” Glamazon said to Amy.

“I will. If I feel her body try to absorb me, I'll disengage immediately and will run for it.” Amy said.

Glamazon and Hyperion nodded and the patient, Nicole, was prepped with all of the safety protocols that they could possibly use before Amy entered the room. She touched the copied arm and spent another ten minutes using it as if it was her original hand, then she moved it over and placed a single fingertip onto Nicole's mutated face.

“GAH!” Amy gasped and trembled.

“AMY! LET IT GO!” Glamazon yelled.

“No! I... I've got this!” Amy responded. “It was just a shock to feel... whatever she's eaten to get like this.”

Glamazon sighed with relief. “Can you purge the excess biomass and restore her normal body functions?”

“I can try.” Amy said and let her power get to work. With so much to work with, she was a little overwhelmed with how to start.

“Amy? Are you okay?” Glamazon asked.

“Yes, I just... there's... everything is wrong. Where am I supposed to start?” Amy asked, confused.

“From the inside out and from the ground up.” Hyperion said. “No imagination is needed. Do the marrow first, then the bones. Once you have a basic human skeleton, add the connective tissue and build up from there.”

“That's easier said than done.” Amy said with a sigh. “There's no basic road map. Her DNA and chromosomes are so messed up that I can't get a clear reading of what she is supposed to look like.”

“Oh. That is a bit of a problem.” Hyperion said and looked thoughtful. “Can you give me a few minutes? I'll try to come up with something for you to work with.”

“I think so.” Amy said with a bit of hesitation.

“Why don't you try converting some of the excess into human-like characteristics?” Glamazon asked.

Amy gave her a smile and nodded. She let her power flow over the odd shaped and colored flesh of the monstrosity on the medical bed and started changing the misshapen animal parts into generic hands and feet. It was just biomass and would be easier for her mind to change them later, because she understood human biology in a lot more detail than animal biology.

“All right, I have something.” Hyperion said and entered the room. He had a body under a sheet on a gurney and stopped beside Amy. “Since we're working with an experimental technique anyway, let's have some fun with it.”

“Excuse me?” Amy asked, surprised. “Did you say to have FUN with this?”

“Sure! Medical science would be boring if you can't have fun exploring the limits.” Hyperion said and pulled the sheet off of the body. “I made it as close to the photographs and descriptions that her friends gave us.”

Amy stared at the pretty brunette that laid on the gurney. “You made that.”

“I did! It's also something you've never encountered before.” Hyperion said, excitedly. “Go ahead and touch it. I want to know what you think about it.”

Amy stared at the handsome man and doubted his sanity.

“I recognize that look.” Hyperion said with a laugh. “It's fully justified.”

Amy couldn't stop her huff as she reached out and touched the body. She sucked in a sharp breath and her entire body froze. “Dear god, what the hell is this?”

Hyperion and Glamazon laughed at her shocked reaction.

“That, my dear Panacea, is the culmination of hundreds of centuries of scientific and selective breeding.” Hyperion said. “The quadruple DNA helix.”

“It can't be. Humans have a double helix and it's packed with junk DNA and redundancy. How can a quadruple helix even exist?”

“The second double helix overlaps and fits in the spaces between the first double helix.” Hyperion said. “I've spent a very long time trying my best to pull the damn thing apart and to try and incorporate some of the features into a normal specimen, and have never succeeded.”

Amy stared at him and didn't know what to say.

“Take your time with it. The dense bone and muscular structure is quite fascinating, as are the body's cells and their ability to absorb and convert solar radiation.”

“You... this...” Amy looked back down at the body.

“Even if you can't copy the DNA, the physical structure should be a piece of cake for you to copy into Nicole.” Hyperion said. “Imagine how strong and agile she's going to be with just the physical upgrades you can give to her.”

Amy looked over at Glamazon and saw her approving nod. “I'll need about an hour to wrap my head around this. At least.”

“Like I said, take your time.” Hyperion said. “Nicole's in suspended animation until I release her and you can successfully touch her through the extra appendage to apply any changes. There's no rush, now that we know that all of our precautions work and you're perfectly safe to perform at your own pace.”

Amy smiled at him. “Thank you. Thank you both.”

“I'm not sure you need the extra motivation; but, I wanted to tell you that you're getting at least a million dollar bonus for doing this.” Glamazon said and Amy gasped. “By contract, the hazard pay alone for risking your life starts at eight hundred thousand.”

“You're crazy!” Amy exclaimed.

Glamazon walked over to the door. “You can give it back if you want.”

“You're definitely crazy!” Amy nearly shouted.

Hyperion laughed and joined his partner at the door. “Send us a message when you're ready to start the conversion process. We want to witness it personally and would like to see your progress.”

Amy nodded and turned her attention back to the very fascinating body on the gurney. The ideas that her mind was being filled with, about how to apply some of the changes to a normal person, severely ignited her passion for biomedical science.

The enhanced circulatory and nervous systems alone could help so many people. Amy thought and closed her eyes as she let her power flow through the wonderful biological specimen under her fingertips.

Four hours later, Hyperion and Glamazon were called and returned to the containment area. To their amazement, Nicole's enlarged and mangled form slowly deflated and seemed to be absorbed into a much smaller form.

Amy stood there with her normal hand on the body on the gurney and her extra hand on Nicole. “I'm copying the features in real time, rather than relying solely on my own mind and memories.”

“We have samples of Nicole's hair from before her monstrous change.” Glamazon said and held out a specimen bag with them.

“Hairbrush?” Amy asked and the older woman nodded. “Open it and dump them on my extra hand, please.”

Glamazon did so and only let a couple of hairs out of the bag, in case the samples became contaminated and they might need a few more for confirmation.

Amy nodded and her extra hand glowed slightly. “Ah, I see. Her split powers really messed her up.”

“We can bring in the young man that drank the other half of the vial if you need access to his brain.”

“I don't do brains.” Amy said automatically.

“We don't want you to heal them, just compare them. Perhaps you can see where Nicole's went wrong.”

“It's not necessary. Nicole's brain is fine.” Amy said and continued to work.

Hyperion let her work for another hour, until Nicole's body was nearly identical to the one on the gurney. He then created another Amy and had her touch Amy's neck.

“AH!” Amy gasped and collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

“Can you finish her work, Panacea?” Hyperion asked and dissolved the body on the gurney.

“It shouldn't be a problem, father. I don't have a personal hangup with healing people's mental disorders and brain disfigurements.” Panacea said.

Glamazon picked Amy up and placed her on the gurney. “We'll bring in Nicole's friend and let you compare their brains to see where the damage needs to be fixed.”

“Thank you.” Panacea said and stepped into Amy's previous spot and touched the extra appendage that was in contact with Nicole's new body. There was still a danger of absorption, so protocols still had to be observed.

A few minutes later, the friend was brought in and Panacea touched him and compared their brains. Hyperion's guess had been right and a specific part of Nicole's brain was misshapen and damaged. It interfered with her powers and caused them to go out of control.

Ten minutes later, Nicole's brain was repaired and everyone left the containment area and returned to the observation room.

“I can't believe she's back to normal.” Oliver said, his voice full of wonder.

“It was a challenging case.” Hyperion said. “I'm ready to drop the containment protocols.”

“I've got her friends displayed on the monitors.” Glamazon said. “Oliver, hit that button there to talk to her.”

“Why can't I be in there with her?” Oliver asked.

“In case the reversion didn't work and her powers go out of control again.” Hyperion said. “If they do, we'll try a few different procedures. If they don't work, I'll construct a suppression bracelet for her.”

“Why don't you do that first?” Oliver asked, a little confused.

“It's a mental constraint and won't do anything for her physical deformations.”

“Oh. Okay.” Oliver said and placed his hand on the button.

“Ready.” Glamazon said.

“Here goes.” Hyperion said and removed the restraining aspects of the containment. “Reviving.”

“Uggghhhh.” Nicole groaned. “What... what... where...”

“Nicole? It's me, Oliver!” Oliver said.

“Ollie? What... where... Francis...”

“I'm right here, babe!” A young man's voice said from one of the monitors.

“Where... what's going on?” Nicole asked, her voice full of confusion.

“We're in the visitors area at the hospital. We brought you here for treatment.” Francis said.

“Treat... wait. I was... wasn't I a monster?” Nicole asked as she lifted her arms to look at her normal hands. “What... what happened to me?”

“They fixed you!” Francis and the others said at the same time.

“Look at your feet!” Oliver said and pointed down.

Nicole gave him a disbelieving look. “I don't have feet, you moron.”

“You do now!” Oliver said and pointed more enthusiastically. “Look! Look!”

Nicole sighed at the idiot and lifted one of her legs to prove it... then she realized she had legs and at the end of them, were feet. “I HAVE FEET! ACTUAL FEET!”

The people on the monitors laughed and applauded.

“I told you!” Oliver said.

“How do you feel?” Francis asked.

“I... I'm not sure.” Nicole said as she sat up. Her normal hands reached down and touched her knees and rubbed them and trailed up her thighs. “It's like I'm feeling things through a little fog.”

“That's normal until your nervous system adjusts to the new inputs.” Panacea said. “Give yourself a few minutes to acclimate to your new body.”

“New body?” Several voices asked.

“What do you mean?” Francis asked.

“Her old body was mutated and changed to a ridiculous degree, so I used my powers to rearrange practically everything and had to build you up almost from scratch, starting with the marrow of your bones all the way up to your skin and hair.” Panacea said. “On a similar note, I removed the hair follicles from certain sensitive places and from your legs.”

“You have to do us, too!” Two almost shrill female voices came from the monitor.

Nicole barked a laugh and then she gasped. “I just laughed!”

“That's great!” Francis said and his head turned slightly. “When can we come in to see her?”

“We need to do a couple of tests when she's recovered in half an hour.” Hyperion said. “Once we confirm that her power is fixed and she isn't going to automatically suck in any biological matter that's around her, you'll be free to give her as many hugs and kisses as she can stand.”

Both Nicole and Francis blushed at those words.

“I'll leave the monitors on and you can keep talking while we wait and do the experiments.” Glamazon said and nodded at Panacea. “Go ahead and gather the specimens for testing.”

Panacea nodded back and left the room.

“I can't believe you're back to normal.” Francis whispered. “I always hoped... but...”

“Me, too.” Nicole said and laid back down. “I thought I would be stuck like that forever.”

“We would never allow that to happen.” Hyperion said. “Glamazon and I decided to help this world and we're going to do that.”

“Thank you.” Nicole said and then she sighed. “I'll be paying this bill off for the rest of my life.”

“What bill?” Hyperion asked.

“Huh? Isn't this a hospital?” Nicole asked. “Hospitals charge for everything!”

Hyperion chuckled. “We used Coil's illegal funds, so don't worry about it.”

Complete silence came from the monitors.

“You're not going to charge us? We're not going to be in debt up to our ears?” Oliver asked.

“What would we need your money for? We claimed the bounty for Leviathan.” Glamazon responded.

They all made sounds of surprise and couldn't believe it.

“I have the test samples.” Panacea said when she entered the room with a rolling cart with six specimen boxes on it.

“Excellent. Let's get them set up and ensure proper protocols for Nicole's safety.” Glamazon said and they went into the containment room. “Relax, Nicole. We're going to work over there and give you space until you're comfortable with moving around.”

Nicole nodded and watched them work for about twenty minutes. No one said anything as things were set up and they were all impressed by both the professionalism and the safety precautions.

“We're going back to the observation room and you can get up and try to move around. When you feel up to it, head over to the first specimen and follow the directions, okay?” Glamazon said to her.

“Okay.” Nicole said and waited until they left before she sat up and looked at her legs. “All right, you stupid things. You better work or I'm going to smack you good!”

Her friends laughed at her antics and then watched with baited breath as Nicole swung her legs over the side of the bed. She took several breaths and then placed her feet firmly on the floor.

“I can feel the metal!” Nicole gasped and wiggled her toes.

“YES!” Francis yelled in response.

“Try a step.” Hyperion encouraged her. “Just one. Don't push yourself.”

Nicole swallowed audibly and nodded as she looked down at her feet. “One small step for Nicole...”

“ huge step back to US!” Her friends shouted.

Nicole beamed a smile at the monitors and pushed off from the medical bed and took one step forward. She wobbled slightly and put a hand back on the bed.

“You got this, Nicole!” Francis exclaimed.

“You go, girl!” The girls said with encouragement.

“Do it.” Oliver said with a wave.

“Okay. I can do this.” Nicole said and took a deep breath. She exhaled and took a step with her left foot and moved away from the bed and the only support that was nearby. She wobbled a little and held her arms out to the sides.

“That's it! Use your brain!” Francis said.

Nicole nodded and started walking with tiny steps and used her arms for balance. She made it to the wall a minute later and placed both hands on it as she rested.

“YOU DID IT!” Her friends yelled.

Nicole felt pride fill her and felt appreciation for her friends. “Thanks, guys.”

“Now start running!” Oliver joked and everyone laughed.

“I think we would rather her make it back to the bed, relax for a bit, then get to the experiments.” Hyperion said. “The sooner we can get those out of the way, the sooner you can have her back.”

“You heard the man, Nicole. Get your cute ass back to the bed.” Francis said.

Their other friends were silent for a moment, then they all started making fun of him for saying such a thing in public.

Nicole blushed and walked back to the bed. She couldn't help her automatic reaction to try and hold the open-backed hospital gown closed with a hand. She was relieved that she had an easier time of it and didn't wobble once, even if she was only using one arm for balance this time.

“You're doing much better. Well done.” Hyperion said. “Rest for a bit and then continue.”

“Y-yes, sir.” Nicole said and sat on the bed.

“I'll bring in some synthetic clothing for you to wear.” Glamazon said and left the observation room. She entered the containment room a couple of minutes later with a bag of clothes. “I'm turning off the monitors and closing the observation window.”

“Aww.” Francis, Oliver, and Hyperion said at the same time.

All of the females present rolled their eyes.

“Boys.” Glamazon said with a shake of her head and cut off everything that could see into the room. “I can't help you change.”

“That's okay. I think I can manage.” Nicole said.

Glamazon left her alone to change and Nicole emptied the bag. The panties were the priority and she pulled off her hospital gown before she carefully stepped into the panties and bent over the pull them up. As she did so, her eyes noticed how toned and muscular her legs were. By the time she pulled the panties up to her hips, her mind was full of disbelief at how fit she was.

The pants were next and she took her time to put them on in almost the same manner as her panties. She bundled up the legs to get easy access to the leg holes and put the pants on the floor. She stepped into them and pulled them up to her hips. It was a little easier this time and she sighed happily as she buttoned them.

The bra was next and then the light blue blouse. Nicole buttoned the shirt up and felt something that she hadn't felt in a very long time. She felt normal.

Tears came to her eyes and she leaned against the bed as she cried. It went on for several minutes and she wondered why no one was coming in to check on her.

There was a knock on the door and Glamazon poked her head in. “I didn't turn everything back on yet because I thought you would want a little privacy.”

“Thank you.” Nicole said and wiped at her eyes.

“Use the gown. We're recycling it anyway.” Glamazon said and Nicole blew her nose and cleaned her face up as much as she could.

“How do I look?” Nicole asked.

“Like you just had a good crying session.” Glamazon said with a grin and Nicole had to laugh. “Are you ready for your debut?”

Nicole nodded and Glamazon turned everything back on and opened the observation window. There were two whistles and three comments about how pretty she looked.

“Thank you!” Glamazon said and bowed. “You really should concentrate on your friend, though.”

That made everyone laugh, which was why she did it, and Nicole walked over to the first experiment.

“It's just a piece of chicken breast.” Glamazon said as Nicole opened the specimen. “No reaction upon opening. Please pick up the box and hold it to your belly.”

Nicole nodded and did as asked.

“No reaction. Pull up the bottom of the blouse and try again.”

Nicole did as asked and nothing happened.

“No reaction so far.” Glamazon said and nodded to the observation window.

“Authorized for direct contact.” Hyperion said.

“Nicole? If you would.” Glamazon prompted.

Nicole managed to not sigh as she reached into the specimen container and took out the skinless and boneless chicken breast.

“No reaction.” Glamazon said with a smile. “One last step, Nicole.”

Nicole braced herself mentally for it, then slapped the clean piece of meat to the place just under her belly button... and nothing happened.

“No reaction!” Glamazon said, excitedly.

“YAY!” Her friends yelled.

Nicole felt relief and placed the chicken breast back into the specimen container.

“Five more samples for you to try with the same procedure.” Glamazon said and motioned to the next container.

Nicole gave her a smile and opened it. When the mouse jumped out and she caught it, nothing else happened.

All of her friends cheered.


A week later, Taylor ended her presentation and sat down to wait for the response.

“Is this really a viable plan?” I asked Gloria and she nodded. “Well, that's all I needed.”

“Wh-what?” Taylor asked, surprised.

“Taylor, we trust you. You did all the work, used Eye to his full capacity, and constructed a viable way to handle one of the worst criminal gangs in history.” I said. “When do you want to do it?”

“I... in my opinion, we need to do this as soon as possible.” Taylor said. “Eye and I have predicted that they are going to hit either Boston or Brockton Bay within the next few days. If we delay more than a day, it might be too late for anything to be done to stop them before they kill a bunch of people.”

I nodded and looked at Gloria. “How are our resources? This won't impact our gang clean-up, will it?”

“Thanks to Taylor's efforts, we've recruited eight capes so far. With them taking key spots in the plans, mainly as lieutenants and heavy hitters, we can go forward at any time.” Gloria said. “The mercenaries we hired in combination with the capture drones should have no problems clearing out Kaiser's main E88 gang members. We can arrest the leader at any time before or after that.”

“You have all the evidence gathered?” I asked Taylor.

“Eye's been a godsend for that.” Taylor said and Eye beeped at her. “Don't be modest, Eye. You linked all of the different paper and electronic trails to lead back to their hidden base and their illegal accounts for the sex slave trade and designer drugs.”

“Beep.” Eye said.

“I think you both have done an excellent job.” I praised them and Taylor blushed a little. “Eye, send notices to the people we need for Taylor's plan to function and we'll set it off in the morning.”

Taylor had a huge smile on her face. “Thank you, John.”

I chuckled. “You're just eager to get back out there and earn even more commissions.”

Taylor stood and picked up Eye. “I won't deny that the bonuses have been really nice.”

“Ha!” I stood as well and walked around the table to Gloria. “How much is your bank account going to jump when we take down the Slaughterhouse 9?”

“How much is nine times a fuck ton?” Taylor said with a smirk.

Gloria and I burst out laughing.

“You are definitely spending too much time around R2.” Gloria said and put an arm over Taylor's shoulders as the three of us walked out of the conference room.


Jack Slash was the leader of the Slaughterhouse 9 and he was an evil bastard. His power was to create various blade projections and could read a cape's intentions. He had more kills to his name than any other person on the planet and he was very proud of that fact. He even used it as a recruiting speech when one of his merry band of supervillains lost a member, either by choice or by death.

The thing was, if they choose to leave, Jack usually killed them anyway for betraying the S9. That was why they were down two members and were on a recruitment drive. At the moment, they were piled into the large RV and it was a bit crowded with Jack, Shatterbird, Bonesaw, Mannequin, Siberian, and Hatchet Face sharing space, while the monster-like Crawler was crammed into a trailer behind the RV.

“Are you sure going to Brockton Bay is a good decision?” Shatterbird asked. Her power was to control silicate in any of its forms, including everything from sand to glass.

“They just had an Endbringer attack.” Jack said and kept his eye on the road as he drove down the highway. “There's got to be at least a dozen capes that will be interested in what we have to offer.”

“I can't wait to get samples of them!” Bonesaw said, excitedly. She was twelve years old and was a sadistic bio-tinker that created automatons made from tinkertech and flesh.

“We should just kill them all.” Hatchet Face said with a frown on his face. His power was nullification and any cape near him lost access to their powers.

“I'd get more parts to play with!” Bonesaw exclaimed, happily.

Jack held in his sigh. “We can only kill some of them.”

“AWW!” Bonesaw pouted, as did Hatchet Face and Siberian.

She was an interestingly weird cape, if there ever was one. Siberian was a woman with the fur, stripes, tail, and ears of a tiger. Because she was a projection of William Manton's cape power, she was mostly independent and invulnerable to everything that existed and she was also completely naked. She rarely spoke and that was usually with only a growl or a purr, depending on what she was doing.

“I will hunt down HER killer.” Mannequin wrote out with mechanical precision on a small chalkboard. He was actually a tinkertech mandroid that the man named Alan Gramme created around his original body and infused with life sustaining tinkertech, making himself practically immortal.

Jack saw the words and laughed. “I can't wait to see that.”


A bright plasma beam a foot wide cut through the RV like a hot knife through butter. It went through Jack's chest, Shatterbird's right shoulder, Bonesaw's head, and Mannequin's lower torso. Siberian was unaffected, except that she cared a lot for Bonesaw, as if she was her own daughter, and she howled with emotional pain.


The RV swerved with the driver dead and the beam sliced across the entire length of it. The only being inside either the RV or the trailer that survived the onslaught, was the Siberian. The tiger woman leaped out of the steaming wreckage and roared her defiance against the ones that had assaulted her team of killers... then she seemed to flicker and screamed before she faded away.

Halfway across the country at that exact moment, a sniper rifle was fired and William Manton's forehead was pierced by a bullet travelling at the speed of sound. The back of his head disappeared in a splash of gore and his dead body slumped down in his comfortable recliner.

The assault team quickly swarmed over the RV and the trailer and weapons fire filled the air as the team members insured that the supervillains really were dealt with permanently.

“Good work, everyone.” Weaver said as her bugs flowed over everything and confirmed that all the targets were taken care of. “Bonuses all around!”

The team cheered and several people pat her on the back for the successful operation.

“Gather the remains and any evidence.” Weaver said and everyone scrambled to obey.

Ten minutes later, a plasma grenade destroyed everything that was left.


Alexandria sat at the head of the conference table as she observed the other members of the Cauldron. They were the self-appointed protectors of the planet and worked their assess off to ensure the safety of the human race. Their meeting place was a lifeless Earth that was a dimension away from Earth-Bet, their home dimension. She did not like what she was seeing at all.

“We have a serious problem on our hands.” Doctor Mother said.

“Tell us something we don't know.” Eidolon scoffed.

“Our effectiveness and staying within the public's view, being seen as the saviours of humanity, is in decline.” Doctor Mother said. “Our long term plans are being undone and Contessa can't use her Path powers to tell us how to fix things.”

Eidolon gave her a surprised look. “I was being sarcastic! You didn't have to actually do it.”

Legend barked a laugh. “You really shouldn't ask for things you don't want.”

Alexandra sighed. “Does anyone have any information about these new capes?”

“Only what your official civilian identity has provided.” Doctor Mother said.

“Which is mostly speculation.” Legend said. “Piggot's report of them being beyond her authority because they are trans-dimensional beings, is a very scary implication if it's true.”

“I can't even find them on the planet.” Contessa said.

“Doorman can't lock onto their location, so we can't take his doors to teleport, and none of the capes we employ can track them to their base of operations.” Doctor Mother said. “They've also destroyed several of our ongoing plans and negated three of our reserve assets that we were building to fight the Entities.”

“Excuse me?” Legend looked surprised. “What was that last part?”

Alexandra sighed. “Doctor Mother, that was not meant for general consumption.”

Several of the other people gathered around the conference table looked surprised at that.

“You need to explain that.” Legend said and managed to not glare at her.

Alexandra looked around at the expectant faces and realized that she needed to let them all know about the plans that she, Eidolon, Contessa, and Doctor Mother had been doing behind everyone's backs. She knew that Legend, the original member of the Triumverate with her and Eidolon, wouldn't approve of some of the things that Doctor Mother had set in motion, especially since most of them had been circumvented by the two new capes.

“It's a lot to explain.” Alexandra said and she knew that she was going to regret revealing everything.

Half an hour later, Legend left the conference room without saying a word and the anger on his face couldn't be faked. Surprisingly, no one else left.

“We have a lot of work to do to get our overall goal back on track.” Doctor Mother said and everyone nodded in agreement. The group wouldn't realize the impact their actions had made until two days later when Legend announced publicly that he was retiring from the New York Protectorate and would no longer participate in any hero work.

It was a devastating blow to the hopes of capes and civilians everywhere.


Less than a week later, the entire Empire 88 gang was caught and subdued, including all of the capes under their employ. The PRT and the Protectorate were hard-pressed to handle that many criminals and the sheer number of capes needing secured transport, stretched their resources to the point that they had to call in for some major assistance from both Dragon and the Guild.

The Guild was an unaffiliated tinkertech group that handled any and all problems that related to technology of any kind. If you had a problem that could be solved with tech, they were the ones to contact. Dragon was a valued member of their group and had built The Birdcage, the only successful cape prison that everyone in the country respected.

Hyperion and Glamazon offered assistance and were rejected by the PRT, because of the standing animosity between them about the pair not being legally obligated to the organization's authority. Fortunately, they still paid out the bounties on all the captured capes and the pair left with the PRT issuing a warning about overstepping themselves by taking the law into their own hands.

Hyperion's and Glamazon's laughter could be heard from blocks away.


A month later on July 26, 2011, Dragon and Armsmaster's software predicted the next Endbringer attack for later that day in New Delhi, India. It was barely enough time to call in as many capes as possible and to send them to that location.

Hyperion and Glamazon showed up at the PRT building and they carried one of the gigantic city-scale shield generators between them. No one protested their presence, not even the PRT officers and Protectorate members, and they were given priority transport by Dragon.

Two hours later, they arrived and quickly installed the massive generator in the best possible spot while the rest of the heroes showed up on other transports and with teleporters. They all knew that this fight was going to be a bad one, because Dragon predicted that it would be the Behemoth that would attack.

Everyone was given Dragon-controlled armbands for communications and tracking software to maintain coherency in the attack plans. Hyperion and Glamazon rejected the armbands and said they had their own tech to do the same thing.

“Do you think you're better than us?” One of the Boston capes asked, angrily.

“No, I know we are.” Hyperion said.

“Fuck you, you arrogant prick!” The man spat.

“Can you fly? Can you tank a hit from Leviathan? Can you heal a room full of people at once?” Glamazon asked and no one said anything. “We aren't being arrogant and we aren't downplaying anyone else or their powers. We know our strengths, we know how to fight, and we've been in hundreds of battles. Our experience and technology are going to give everyone a fighting chance today and we all know we're going to need it.”

“Well said.” An armored woman's voice said as she stepped forward and out of the crowd of capes.

“Alexandra!” Someone else exclaimed.

“That's me.” Alexandria said and held a hand out to Glamazon. “It's nice to finally meet you.”

Glamazon took the offered hand and shook it as she gave Alexandria an appraising look. “Likewise.”

Hyperion chuckled and nudged Glamazon with his elbow. “Keep it in your pants, Glamazon.”

“Like you're one to talk.” Glamazon said and rolled her eyes. “You've checked out a dozen women already and we've only been standing here for five minutes.”

Hyperion laughed and took Alexandria's hand to shake it. “You have to admit that their costumes are eye-catching.”

“No, I don't.” Glamazon said, smugly.

Hyperion laughed again and lifted Alexandria's hand to his lips. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Alexandria. You can call me... any time.”

Alexandria gave him a skeptical look and then looked at Glamazon. “I see what you mean.”

Glamazon nodded and smacked his hand away from the other woman. “Go help them set up the medical area.”

“Me? That's your job.” Hyperion said.

“Go, or I won't let you flirt with anyone else.” Glamazon said and pushed his shoulder and made him stumble.

“Fine, fine.” Hyperion said. “Alexandria, stop over before the battle and I'll take a look at that eye.”

Alexandria froze and stared at him through her helmet's visor. “Excuse me?”

“We're experts in healing technology and cybernetics. I'm sure that we can give you something better than a fake eye.” Hyperion said and walked through the crowd of heroes towards the medical staging area.

“Is he serious?” Alexandria asked. “Not even Panacea has been able to help me.”

Glamazon nodded. “We've pretty much taken over her old job in Brockton Bay and she only consults when she's specifically needed to change genetic defects and in other extreme cases.”

“That... I can't believe...” Alexandria stopped talking for a moment to take a deep breath. “How long would a consultation be?”

Glamazon smiled crookedly. “You just had it.”

“What?” Alexandria and several other capes around them asked at the same time.

“It's one of our inherent abilities to diagnose medical problems. It's a huge time saver when researching treatments and assigning recovery procedures.”

“You can't be serious.” Someone said from nearby.

“Our holographic scanning technology is the best on the planet and completely non-invasive.” Glamazon said, proudly. “Our regeneration techniques are also head and shoulders above anything else that exists.”

“Why are we only hearing about this now?” A woman's voice asked.

“We haven't finished our work in Brockton Bay yet.” Glamazon said. “Once we get the population to a relatively healthy standard, we'll start advertising some limited services for out-of-towners.”

“You can't say you're the best and then not let people have access.” The same angry man that spoke before said.

“Why not? We control it and there's only so many hours in the day. We're not machines.” Glamazon said to him. “We've got as many people trained up as we could in the couple of months that we've been open to the public and we only have so much room and so many available tanks and medical supplies.”

“Why haven't you expanded if your services are so in demand?” Alexandria asked before she could stop herself.

Glamazon smiled at her, as if she knew Alexandria was struggling to not ask too many questions. “We have expanded. Twice, actually. We even dug out another basement floor to move the bigger equipment into and also converted half of the previously available offices into patient and diagnostic rooms.”

Everyone fell silent at those words, which was fortuitous, because the Endbringer sirens started up.

“Let's go, people! You know your assigned groups! Split up and head out! Go! Go! GO!” The PRT officer in charge of the staging area shouted and everyone scrambled to obey.

Glamazon took Alexandria's hand, to the other woman's surprise, and they went over to the group designated as the 'heavy hitters' together. Hyperion was suddenly there and the three of them listened to Dragon and Armsmaster's attack plan and the system they were using to contain and direct the creature.

The Endbringer's powers were devastating to any area that it attacked and the radiation it could give off, could burn anyone from the inside out if they were within thirty feet of it.

“Keep our distance. Got it.” Hyperion said and pulled out a huge plasma cannon to hand to Glamazon.

“Holy shit!” The PRT officer nearby shouted and stared as Glamazon strapped it to her hip.

Hyperion grinned at the man and took out another one.

“Do you have any more of those?” Alexandria asked, her voice hopeful.

Hyperion glanced at Glamazon and she nodded, so he handed that one to Alexandria and helped her put it on, then took out another one to strap to his own hip.

“Are there any Cold or Ice based capes available? Behemoth's lava can be contained if the temperature around him can be kept below the level that molten rock can flow freely.” Dragon said and no one put up their hand or said they had those kinds of powers.

Glamazon sighed. “I have frost breath; but, it only has a twenty foot range.”

“We won't ask you to endanger yourself like that, not even to try and freeze the area its going to walk into.” Dragon said.

“Thanks.” Glamazon said.

“How many flyers do we have?” Armsmaster asked.

Seven people put up their hands and he started handing out laser weapons to the four people that needed them.

“If you're careful with how you use them, I can hand out plasma grenades.” Hyperion offered.

“How many?” Dragon asked.

“Six per flyer and four per heavy hitter.” Hyperion said and seven bandoleers appeared in his hands with six grenades attached. “They have a clean one kiloton yield each and have a blast radius of a hundred feet.”

“We are gonna kick Behemoth's fucking ASS!” A man wearing a blue jumpsuit said and everyone cheered. Four of the full bandoleers were passed out to the flyers, including Alexandria and Eidolon, then Hyperion created enough bandoleers with only four grenades to pass to everyone else.

“Thank you for this, Hyperion.” Dragon said and one of her forelegs touched his arm before she accepted the last of the bandoleers for flyers.

“Eye and Taylor adore you. I can't let you go into a fight like this without as much help as I can give.”

Dragon laughed softly and slung the grenades over her mechanical torso. “I don't suppose you would let me have one of those heavy plasma guns to tear apart and copy?”

Hyperion took out a handheld plasma rifle and handed it over. “Will this do? It's not as powerful or has the same range as the heavy version.”

Dragon accepted it with reverence. “I was actually joking. I didn't expect...”

“I know.” Hyperion interrupted and looked at Armsmaster. “Do you want an extension for your halberd?”

“I can't swing anything longer than fifteen feet, even with reduced weight.” Armsmaster said.

“Ah, never mind.” Hyperion said and handed him a normal plasma rifle as well.

“How many of these things do you have in your hammerspace?” Armsmaster asked.

“Only a few dozen.” Hyperion said and several people gasped.

“Please loan them to the ground assault group!” Dragon practically begged.

“Sure.” Hyperion said and Dragon led him a short distance away. The ground-based capes were very happy to receive them, then the ground trembled slightly as a soft thump sound could be heard. Then it happened again.

“There it is!” Someone shouted and several people pointed.

A dark figure could be seen in the distance about a mile and a half away.

“Damn, how tall is that thing?” Hyperion asked as he and Dragon rejoined the group of flyers.

“It's about 45 feet and it's covered in jagged rock-like skin that is harder than obsidian.” Dragon said. “It also has one glowing red eye that it doesn't need to see with, a jagged mouth that it doesn't need to eat with, and a devastating lightning bolt attack that can decimate anything it hits.”

“Lightning?” Hyperion asked and successfully hid his smile.

“Yes. When you see the charge build, you need to clear the area or Behemoth will target you.” Dragon ordered. “Once the lightning dissipates and the creature calms down, our attacks can resume.”

Hyperion didn't say anything in response, because he didn't want to give away the surprise. The only problem he had with this fight was that neither he nor Glamazon could fly in close to attack the thing or could lift it up and send it into space like they had with Leviathan. They couldn't take the chance of dying within the creature's disintegration area of effect.

“I wonder what happened with all the towns between here and wherever he came from?” Glamazon asked.

“If there's not enough of a population to threaten and destroy, Endbringers ignore it.” Armsmaster said. “It's one of the parameters of the prediction software that's been the most influential.”

“The other major factor is the economic impact it will have.” Dragon said and warmed up her flight engines. “The more damage it can do to the world's economy, the more likely it will be hit.”

“That... is oddly specific requirements for apparently mindless monsters.” Hyperion said and tapped his comm badge. “Weaver, are you getting all that?”

“Eye and I are already compiling all records of Endbringers and their targets.” Weaver said. “We should have some results within the next fifteen minutes.”

“I'll be busy then.” Hyperion said.

“How far away is it?” Weaver asked and there was a beep sound. “It's moving fast!”

Hyperion chuckled. “Its legs are almost twenty feet long. If it jogged even a little, New Delhi would already be under its feet.”

“I'll let you go and let you concentrate.” Weaver said. “You better be careful, you pervy bastard.”

Hyperion laughed. “I love you, too.”

There was a girly squeak from the comm badge and then the call cut off.

“She's going to kill you when we go back home.” Glamazon said and laughed, too.

“I know. It was worth it to embarrass her.” Hyperion said and leaned over to kiss and hug her.

“Concentrate on the target.” Glamazon said. She didn't push him away, though.

“I am.” Hyperion said and gave her another quick kiss. “Half a mile. Ten minutes until it's in the engagement area.”

“You heard him, people! Get ready! Flyers, take to the air in five minutes and open fire!” The PRT coordinator ordered and everyone made sounds of agreement.

Glamazon gave Alexandria a quick lesson on the heavy plasma cannon's operation and then it was time. The seven flyers took off at a set speed and surged forward while the ground forces prepared to engage. Four small energy beams came from the flyers and three large energy beams came from Hyperion, Glamazon, and Alexandria. All of the beams impacted specific targets on the giant monstrosity and Dragon coordinated the fire to have the most effect, because her scanners gave everyone the best targeting information.

Behemoth bellowed in pain as the beams cut and tore at the creature's protective skin. Large chunks of half-molten rock and obsidian were blown off its arms and head before they dropped to the ground and threw up several dust clouds.

“Ground forces, open fire! Flyers, drop grenades!” Dragon said over the arm bracelets as she pulled out and activated a plasma grenade. She threw it and it joined six others that fell through the air and onto Behemoth's head and shoulders. Seven small suns appeared as dozens of plasma beams slammed into the creature's right knee and cut the thing right off.

“AAARRROOOOWWWWW!” Behemoth yelled in pain as it dropped down to its knees.

When the smoke and dust cleared, thanks to several capes using their powers to blow it away, nearly everyone was shocked to see several large round chunks were missing from the creature's head and shoulders. Lava bubbled up from the holes and started to expand and fill the spaces.

“Don't stop! Keep firing! Attack it before...” Dragon stopped talking when bolts of lightning started to gather around Behemoth's arms. “It's too late! Scatter! Scatter! Lethal attacks incoming!”

Everyone listened to her and quickly backed off and retreated... except for one cape.

“Hyperion! Retreat! RETREAT I SAID!” Dragon yelled.

“It's all right.” Hyperion said and stored the plasma cannon before he gave Behemoth two middle fingers. “Come on, stupid! Give me your best shot!”

“ROOOAAAARRRR!” Behemoth roared and the lightning bolts around its arms grew and grew to a massive size.

“Your partner's insane!” Alexandria said as she floated next to Glamazon.

“No doubt.” Glamazon said with a laugh. “He has a secret, though.”

“What? That he wants to die?” Alexandria asked.

“No. That.” Glamzon said and the flyers all turned to see Hyperion as he took out a big hammer.

“What is...” Alexandria started to ask when Behemoth pointed both of its arms at Hyperion. Two gigantic bolts of lightning cracked through the air and instantly hit Hyperion right in the chest...

...and nothing happened.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” Alexandria yelled at the impossible sight that she just saw. A single man took an attack that usually destroyed anything it hit and he didn't react at all. He wasn't even pushed away from the sheer force of it!

“Just watch.” Glamazon said, smugly.

Alexandria did and what she saw was also an impossibility. A huge storm cloud started forming above Hyperion and he held the large hammer up towards it.

“Have a taste of your own medicine!” Hyperion shouted as a bolt of lightning that was the same size as the one he had just been hit with, cracked through the air and hit the hammer, then he pointed the hammer at Behemoth.


The massive bolt hit the creature's damaged head and it blew apart in a huge spray of rock, horns, and lava.

“Oh, my god!” Dozens of capes shouted.

“It's not over yet!” Hyperion shouted back and spun the hammer like a whirlwind before he threw it at Behemoth's chest. Another huge spray of rock and lava came from the hit as the creature's headless body was knocked back and it fell to the ground with a deafening crash.

“Fire! Fire, fire, fire!” Dragon shouted over the armbands. “Everyone open fire before it regenerates! Drop grenades! Use offensive powers if you've got them! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!”

Everyone listened and attacked. Plasma beams, grenades, and power blasts converged onto the downed creature's body that was leaking lava all over the place.

“No close combat attacks! Stay out of the death zone!” Dragon cautioned everyone as she tossed the last of her grenades. “There's no way to tell if it's passive or active!”

Everyone agreed that it was too much of a danger to approach closely and let the main attack force be ranged only. As the attack went on, capes rotated in and out because they needed to rest and recover their powers, the plasma weapons needed occasional recharging, and the flyers needed rest from constantly flying.

“Weaver to Hyperion.” Hyperion's comm said half an hour later.

“Go ahead. I'm on a break while changing out the battery packs for the plasma weapons.”

“Why aren't you attacking with the hammer or with more lightning?” Weaver asked.

“The body's almost completely grounded now and with it flat on the ground, physical impacts won't do much damage.”

“Oh. That makes sense.”

Hyperion chuckled. “I assume the analysis has some results?”

“Yes. We even asked for a copy of Dragon's prediction program to compare.” Weaver said.

“Beep beep.” Eye added.

“There's a controlling intelligence? You're sure?” Hyperion asked.

“It's the only explanation.” Weaver said. “Each area was highly populated and had specific economic impact to the entire world and not just the area of attack.”

“What about Brockton Bay?” Glamazon asked.

“We figure it was because of all the capes either being created there or moving there.” Weaver said with a soft voice. “Any significant loss of capes would change the economy of any region.”

“So, it all fits.” Hyperion said and turned to Dragon. “What does the Behemoth look like now?”

“Here's my drone's view from above.” Dragon said and a panel on her back folded down to show it.

“Do you think that's enough damage to get to the core?” Glamazon asked.

“The core? What core?” Dragon asked.

“We examined Leviathan before we successfully destroyed it. One of our weapons can deal with it when there's enough external damage to gain access to the creature's core.” Hyperion said and put a hand on Dragon's shoulder. “Order everyone to evacuate the area to prepare for the final attack.”

“All right.” Dragon said and gave the order.

All of the capes pulled back and Hyperion could see with his own eyes that the Behemoth looked worked over and had suffered significant damage.

“Hyperion to Voyager 2. Fire.”

“One orbital bombardment with a quantum torpedo is on its way!” A sexy female voice said.

“A quantum what?” Dragon asked as a bright red streak of light pierced through the air and slammed into... and through... Behemoth's chest.


Everyone had to cover their faces as a bright red light lit up the afternoon. A deluge of rock shards peppered the entire area for several hundred feet before it stopped. When the light faded, everyone was shocked that most of Behemoth was just a pile of rocks and molten lava.

“Quarantine the area! Radiation protocols are in effect!” Dragon shouted and everyone scrambled to obey.

“We'll head over to the medical tent to handle the ones that were closest to Behemoth when it exploded.” Glamazon said and took Hyperion's hand.

“Hazmat requirements for all those rock shards! Do NOT touch them without gloves on!” Dragon added and gave Hyperion a significant look, which was weird, because she was using a mechanical dragon's head to do it.

“You should visit Brockton Bay sometime and we can talk.” Hyperion said and he went with Glamazon to start the radiation treatments, assuming they were really needed.

Alexandria stood there and stared after the two capes that had caused her a lot of headaches and she didn't know what to make of them. She glanced down at the heavy plasma cannon strapped to her hip and she couldn't wait to get it back to Cauldron and have the technicians examine it. She was about to call for a transport door when it dissolved away into nothing.

“What happened? My gun's gone!” Someone exclaimed.

“Mine, too!” “Goddammit!” “I could have sold that for a fortune!” Several other voices shouted.

Alexandria regretted not leaving right away and turned towards her friend Eidolon to see him rubbing the back of his head. “We need to get back.”

Eidolon shook his head. “We can't leave. Radiation protocols.”

Alexandria almost rolled her good eye at that. “I'm pretty sure we were far enough away at the end.”

Eidolon ignored her and walked towards the medical tent. “I have a bit of a headache and it didn't start until after Behemoth died.”

Alexandria sighed and followed him. She knew it wouldn't take long, even if they were exposed. She wasn't considered the most powerful cape on the planet for no reason. It wasn't until she sat down on the examination bed that she remembered Hyperion taking two of Behemoth's lightning attacks to the chest.

She knew she wouldn't have survived a hit like that and realized that she might not be the most powerful cape anymore. She also missed the attendant calling over the expert in radiation.

“I knew you couldn't resist my charm and needed to see me right away.” Hyperion said with a huge smile on his face.

Alexandria couldn't stop her huff. “Yes, your charm bathed me in radiation.”

Hyperion laughed and took out a tinkertech hand scanner. Alexandria stared at the thing as he used a small detached emitter that he hovered over her.

“The good news is that you don't have any of Behemoth's signature radiation. The bad news is you have some other kind of radiation clinging to your clothing and skin layer.”

“Excuse me?” Alexandria asked, surprised.

“Don't worry about it. It's a simple treatment to get rid of it.” Hyperion said and the device in his hand disappeared and another appeared. That one somehow looked like a reversed gun. “I'm glad I didn't try to heal your eye right away. It could have been contaminated by the radiation and allowed it to penetrate your body.”

Alexandria sat there with a stunned look on her face as she felt some kind of energy flow over her.

“There we go. All clean.” Hyperion said and waved his hand around. A dressing screen appeared around the exam bed and blocked off anyone from seeing them. “It blocks all electronic signals and it's soundproof as well.”

“Wh-what? Why?” Alexandria asked, slightly nervous.

“We can't let anyone discover your secret identity, Chief Director Costa-Brown of the PRT.” Hyperion whispered.

Alexandria caught her breath and stared at his face. Her hands made fists and she thought about killing him to keep her identity secret.

Hyperion put the device away and put his hands by his side.

“How did you find out?” Alexandria asked as she stood up, her tone angry.

“It was easy with facial recognition software and an AI designed for infiltration and information gathering.” Hyperion said and she relaxed slightly. “If it makes you feel any better about it, I know the real identities of every cape here.”

Alexandria gasped and her eyes roamed around the medical tent and the very large group of several hundred capes that had come to New Delhi to fight the Endbringer. They were all celebrating and congratulating each other.

“You... how...”

“I already said.” Hyperion said and held up a single finger, then he reached over and touched her helmet. It disappeared and she immediately covered her face with her hands.

Alexandria felt her hands being gently taken and moved away. Her good eye saw the sincerity on the man's face.

“It's nice to have people to talk to that know who you really are.” Hyperion said in a soft voice. “My real name is John Hansen.”

Alexandria's mouth dropped open in surprise at him revealing himself to her.

“I can't let you think I'll hold that information over you, can I?” Hyperion said and let her hands go. “I'm going to take care of that eye now, if that's okay?”

Alexandria could only nod as she contemplated the cape... the man... in front of her. He touched her fake eye and it disappeared as she went over everything she knew and didn't know about him.

“Go ahead and ask.” Hyperion said and sat her down on the bed. “Lay back. I've got to scan your eye to see where exactly the Siberian damaged it.”

Alexandria laid back and caught her breath when a large machine appeared out of nowhere and he hit several buttons and typed for a minute before the light came on and hit her empty eye socket.

“How big is your hammerspace?” Alexandria asked.

Hyperion chuckled. “Is that really the question you wanted to ask?”

“No.” Alexandria denied. “I want to know... who are you, really?”

Hyperion smiled warmly. “I thought you would never ask.”

The machine beeped and Alexandria stared at the very detailed holographic image that floated above her face.

“I see. She used her powers to make your wound immune to healing. Very sneaky.” Hyperion said.

“I knew you couldn't help me!” Alexandria spat and tried to sit up. She stopped when his hand rested on her shoulder and she couldn't move. At all. “Let me go! You got my hopes up for nothing!”

Hyperion chuckled and shook his head. “You've missed the point I was trying to make before you overreacted.”

“Oh, yeah? What's that? That you're a lying bastard?” Alexandria asked with venom in her voice.

“Ha! No, I was trying to tell you that I'll make a new wound as I remove the scarred and damaged tissue. With the old wound gone, healing you will be a piece of cake.”

“I can't take time off for a lengthy surgical procedure!” Alexandria exclaimed. “Stop trying to give me false hope, dammit!”

Hyperion shook his head and cast sleep on her.

“She's a stubborn woman.” Glamazon said as she stepped around the screen.

“She's pretty, too.” Hyperion said.

Glamazon laughed softly. “I think she would spit in your face if you asked her out right now.”

Hyperion laughed, too. “Give me a hand and we can have her out of here in fifteen minutes.”

“Are you going to heal her joints and sore muscles, too?” Glamazon asked as a tray of surgical tools appeared and rested on Alexandria's armored chest.

“It's only a couple of minutes of injections while we work on the eye, so sure.” Hyperion said. “You can send her a bill with the details, just for the shock value and the look on her face.”

Glamazon barked a laugh and the two of them went to work.

Fifteen minutes later, Alexandria woke up and took a deep breath. She opened both eyes and blinked several times. “OH MY GOD! I CAN SEE!”

“I'm saving this video.” Glamazon said and touched the shocked woman on the shoulder. “How do you feel? No double vision? No eye pain?”

Alexandria shook her head. “It's like I've never lost it.”

“Excellent.” Hyperion said and held out her old eye. “A souvenir for you.”

Alexandria took it and stared at the fake eye that she had worn for several years.

“By the way, it's only been sixteen minutes.” Hyperion said and her helmet appeared in his hands. “Your friend Eidolon is waiting for you outside.”

“You... this... how did you...” Alexandria stammered.

“We're experts in the biomedical sciences.” Glamazon said. “If we wanted to, we could have given you a cybernetic eye and you would never know the difference.”

Alexandria stared at her.

“We didn't. It's natural. You can't see an interface or heads-up display.” Glamazon said and helped her sit up. “You should stop in next week at the clinic in Brockton Bay for a check-up. We can give you printouts of your medical scans then if you want them.”

“I... I don't know what to say.” Alexandria whispered as she put on her helmet and secured it.

“Thank you is usually a universal response.” Hyperion said and dissolved the dressing screen. “Enjoy seeing everything again for the first time.”

“And having a better sense of depth perception.” Glamazon said and took her hand to lead her through the medical tent. “If you need anything else, let us know.”

Alexandria nodded and Glamazon let her hand go. As the other woman walked away, she remembered the question she asked Hyperion. “HEY! Wait!”

Glamazon turned around and had a smirk on her face. “Make sure you have a few hours available next week for your check-up.”

Alexandria nodded in understanding and turned to Eidolon. “Let's go.”

“What was that about?” Eidolon asked as they walked over to a place that would be out of sight.

“Door.” Alexandria said and they stepped through it to appear inside their Cauldron hideout. She pulled off her helmet and dropped it onto the floor with a clang.

“Rebecca?” Doctor Mother asked and looked up from one of her many experiment reports. “OH!”

“Yes, it's real.” Alexandria said as she pulled off her gloves and reached up to touch the area around her brand new eye.

“How is that possible?” Eidolon asked, shocked.

“I was unconscious for the procedure, so I don't know.” Alexandria said and sat down on a chair. “I have an appointment next week for a check-up.”

Eidolon and Doctor Mother exchanged looks.

“This is our chance to gather intelligence on them.” Doctor Mother said. “We'll need to approach this carefully and...”

Alexandria tuned her out and stared at her discarded helmet on the floor. She could see it in extreme detail, just as she had before the Siberian had taken... and eaten... her eye. Her mind replayed the incident and she had resigned herself to always be half blind since then. She never expected to get another eye and have it be the exact same as it had been. It shouldn't have been possible.

Alexandria sat there for over an hour as resolve filled her. She would get the answer to her question and she had no doubt that Hyperion would tell her the truth. She also wondered what she would do with the information when she had it.

Hyperion. John Hansen. Alexandria thought. He knows my civilian identity as the overall head of the PRT. What can I find out about his before next week?

Alexandria stood up and walked out of the room to start her search. She completely missed the concerned looks on Eidolon's and Doctor Mother's faces.


The entire world celebrated the destruction of the third Endbringer.

The first one had been a fluke and couldn't be confirmed, so almost no one in the general population believed that the Simurgh was really gone.

The second one, Leviathan, had video of it being flown up into the air and disappearing. The mounted head on the PRT building the next day confirmed it. It took a while for everyone to be convinced that it wasn't a fake, though.

The third one was different. Video of the fight, the testimonials and interviews with the capes that had been involved, and all of the civilian eye witness accounts, confirmed for everyone that it hadn't been faked or was a ruse. Behemoth was actually dead.

The gold-skinned being known as Scion floated above the earth and his eyes watched all of the parties and revelry that was going on. He had shown up during the fight and for the first time in his existence, saw that his intervention in the affairs of humans wasn't needed. It was a revelation for him, that was for sure. To know that his immense powers and abilities, things he felt should be used for some purpose, were superfluous.

It was then that a spark in the back of his mind was ignited. For a split second, he remembered who he actually was and what had happened to his mate. The overwhelming loss he felt in that moment, crushed his spirit and will to live, into nothing. The light in the powerful being's eyes slowly faded away and the empty shell slumped and drifted in orbit around the Earth.

A cloaked Voyager 2 floated by and used a tractor beam to haul the body into a cargo bay and sent a discreet message to her creator.


Alexandria decided to show up at the clinic in her civilian identity, Rebecca Costa-Brown, just because it was a lot easier to move around wearing normal clothing than it was to wear her hero suit. She also attracted a lot less attention, even when she had two guards and showed up in a fancy PRT armored vehicle.

Rebecca was surprised when no one reacted to her presence. She approached the reception desk and the woman there gave her a pleased smile and handed her a card key. She looked at it and was shocked that it was an all access keycard that would let her enter the building whenever she wanted. It also had her civilian picture and name on it.

How did he know? Rebecca thought. “I suspected that your boss was crazy.” She said out loud and the receptionist laughed.

“He said you would say that.” The woman said and pointed to the elevator. “Top floor. His office is at the end of the hall.”

“Thank you.” Rebecca said and she nodded to her guards. The three of them went to the elevator and one of the guards hit the top button. The doors shut and a second later, they opened and they were at the top floor.

“I didn't feel a thing.” One of the guards said and rested a hand on his holstered gun.

“There's no way we travelled six floors that fast.” The other guard said.

Rebecca didn't comment and the three of them walked down the hallway to the office door. It hissed open like the front doors of the building and she made a motion for the guards to take up posts on either side of them. The two men nodded and she stepped into the office.

“Good morning, Chief Director Costa-Brown.” The handsome man behind the desk said as the doors closed.

“Good morning, Mr. Hansen.” Rebecca said and approached the desk. She sat down in a very comfortable chair and her body relaxed into it before she could stop it. “You are a surprisingly difficult man to get any background information about.”

He laughed and waved his hand. Some kind of energy field formed and Rebecca tensed up. “Please, relax. It's the same thing I did at the PRT when Piggot conducted her interview with myself and Gloria.”

“I thought she was exaggerating about being trapped in a dimensional pocket.” Rebecca said.

“She mostly was. I read the report.” He said with a knowing smile. “Also, please call me John. There's no need to stick to such formality.”

“You're not going to make this easy on me, are you?” Rebecca asked before she let out a long and drawn out breath. “Just so you know, I absolutely hate liars.”

John smiled at her and inclined his head slightly to the right. “Would you rather we skip all of the getting to know each other parts of our budding relationship and just screw like rabbits on my desk?”

Rebecca couldn't stop her slight blush as she actually imagined that happening. She hadn't had a good time like that in years. “Why are you saying such things?”

John leaned back in his office chair and crossed his arms, to show that he wasn't going to move towards her or reach out to touch her. “It's very rare for me to meet someone else that has the physical characteristics to match mine.”

Rebecca blinked her eyes for several moments before she spoke. “What do you mean?”

“You've stopped physically aging and are essentially immortal. Barring disintegration, that is.”

“Wh-what? No, I... I really am nearly fifty and...”

“ wear make up and prosthetics in your civilian identity to keep your cape persona a secret.” John said and she fell silent. “I can give you an amulet that will do the same thing that all of those expensive cosmetics do.”

“Why?” Rebecca asked immediately.

“Because you're not the only one that needs to hide that they are immortal.” John said and she sucked in a sharp breath. “I've had to hide who and what I am for a very, very long time.”

“You... really...” Rebecca looked at is face. “How old are you?”

“That depends on the scale of time you want to measure it by.” John said and saw her confusion. “To put it into perspective for you, I've outlived an entire universe and moved on to the next. And the next. And the next.”

Rebecca stopped breathing and her mind locked up. It couldn't be true. It wasn't possible. There was no way that an individual could survive the death of a universe. They just couldn't.

“I can see the disbelief on your face.” John said and uncrossed his arms. “The only reason the universe hadn't imploded at the end, was because I was there and was holding it back to stay with the woman that I chose to see the end with.”

Rebecca didn't say anything in response.

“I didn't want to let her go, you see.” John said and sighed as he rubbed a hand over his face. “I was fiercely monogamous at the time and I wanted to die with her and the universe. I had lived several lifetimes by then and I fully expected to die. Unfortunately, I was too powerful to allow that.”

“You... your mere presence held back entropy.” Rebecca whispered.

“Yes, and she told me to go and to leave her behind. I didn't want to because I loved her and I couldn't take her with me.” John said. “Even ultimate power has its limits.”

Rebecca felt a shiver go down her spine and she stared at the man... at the being... in front of her. He looked human. He looked normal. Her mind made a parallel with her own life and she almost laughed.

“We're not normal at all.” Rebecca said.

“No. Even my partner isn't quite like me. She still ages, only at an extremely slow rate. She has to be dunked into a regeneration pod for a month every few centuries to maintain her youthful appearance.”

Rebecca nodded and her mind started up again. Unlike a lot of her contemporaries, she had a secondary power that enhanced her mind to a superb degree. She could remember everything she had seen and done since gaining her powers. She had decades of experience reading people and she knew, deep in her heart, that this man hadn't lied to her.

“Like Piggot's report stated, Gloria and I really are trans-dimensional beings. I've been to 18 universes so far and I fully expect to traverse many more than that.” John said and Rebecca didn't look surprised. “Wherever I go, I live my life and I try to make the lives of the people I meet, better in some capacity.”

“Why?” Rebecca asked.

“Because I can.” John said with a smile. “Since I normally can't take anyone with me, travelling has been both a curse and a blessing. I've helped so many people live full lives that leaving them behind is bittersweet at best and painful at worst.”

Gloria entered the office through a hidden door that hadn't been there before.

“Stumbling across Gloria was such a rare occurrence that her own mother begged me to kidnap her, even knowing I might never be able to bring her back.” John said as Gloria walked over to sit on his lap.

“He's leaving a lot out, like me being crazy when we met and I needed years of mental therapy and mind exercises to handle the powers that he uses instinctually.”

“Are you sure you want to go with a full disclosure?” John asked her.

“I heard your comment about screwing on the desk and I heard Rebecca's heart speed up.” Gloria said and smiled at Rebecca's blush. “You know we can't add anyone to our relationship without fully briefing them. Or debriefing them. I can never figure out the context for that.”

“Briefing is giving initial information and debriefing is giving known information back in more detail.” Rebecca said. “As chief director, I've had a lot of experience with both.”

“So, what do you say?” Gloria asked her in a sexy voice. “Are you ready for the full experience or are you happy with just knowing who we are?”

Rebecca opened her mouth to refuse, mainly because of her own plans and those of Doctor Mother and Cauldron... and she paused as she seriously considered it. She wasn't sure if it would compromise her beliefs to actually engage with beings that were not from her home dimension.

Her body alone was hardened and near invulnerable, which meant there were barely a handful of people on the planet that she could safely have sex with without hurting or killing them.

“Can I think about it?” Rebecca asked instead of outright refusing the tempting offer.

“Of course. This isn't a decision that can be made lightly. Take your time and consider all of your options. There's no rush, as you very well know. We have all the time in the world.” John said and Gloria laughed softly.

Rebecca nodded and stood up. She immediately regretted not feeling the comfort of the chair. “Then I will take my leave. Have a good day, Mr. Hansen, Miss Colorado.”

“It was nice meeting you again for the first time, Miss Costa-Brown.” John said with a smile.

Rebecca nodded again and walked out of the office. Her two guards fell into step behind her and they went to the elevator. Just like the last time, it took barely a second for them to exit into the lobby. They entered the armored PRT vehicle and had been on their way towards the airport for several minutes before Rebecca realized that they hadn't given her the check-up that she had the appointment for.

One of the guards slipped off his helmet and revealed that he was really Eidolon. “That went surprisingly smoothly.”

Rebecca gave him raised eyebrows. “Really? That was smooth?”

Eidolon chuckled. “It didn't end up in a fight that wrecked the place. That has to be better than how our usual meetings with rogue capes go.”

Rebecca had to smile at that. “Good point.”

They were silent for the rest of the ride to the airport. When they entered the plane, Rebecca called for a door and the two of them stepped through.

“Are you getting the feed from the planted surveillance devices?” Rebecca asked.

“Loud and clear.” Doctor Mother said and then she frowned. “Are you really considering joining them in bed?”

“Th-them?” Rebecca almost choked.

“They were both offering.” Eidolon said. “How could you miss that?”

“I... no, it... it was just Hyperion.” Rebecca said and managed to not blush. She really hadn't thought that Glamazon was offering as well, as if Hyperion wasn't already a bit too much for her to consider.

“Someone's in denial.” Contessa said with a smug look on her face.

“I'm going to rest. Let me know if you get any more valuable intel.” Rebecca said and left the room at a fast walk. She refused to admit that someone was laughing before the door closed behind her.


A month later, Taylor looked around the main area once more for anything that might be misplaced. “Are you sure you can handle the office without me?” She asked me for the hundredth time.

I had to laugh at her and took her into a hug. “You're only going to school, not abandoning your job.”

“I'll be occupied for multiple hours every day and I'm not sure you can function without me here to hold your hand.” Taylor continued to gripe about it and Gloria hugged her as well.

“We're letting you take Eye with you. What else do you want us to do to make this easier on you?” Gloria asked her.

Taylor sighed and hugged us back. “I'm really going to miss you.”

“Says the girl that can call us at any time and will be working on the weekends, just like she did earlier in the year when attending school.” I said and placed a kiss on her cheek.

“Pervy bastard.” Taylor whispered and blushed.

I laughed and let her go. “Go on home and spend some time with Danny. You know he's going to be just as nervous as we are that you're going to a new high school.”

You're nervous?” Taylor asked and looked surprised.

“Of course I am! You might meet some smarmy little prick that's going to sweep you off your feet and you'll fall stupidly in love with him.” I said and her eyes widened. “I don't want to lose the nickname you gave me to some punk. I worked hard to earn that!”

Taylor and Gloria looked surprised for about three seconds before they burst out laughing.

I let it go on for a few moments before I handed a handkerchief to Taylor to wipe at her eyes. “All joking aside, you go to that school, kick its academic ass, and show them all how awesome you are.”

Taylor wiped off her face and smiled at me. “Thanks, John.”

“Be vigilant and don't take any crap from anyone. No one is allowed to be mean to our Bug Babe!” Gloria said with a huge grin on her face.

Taylor barked a laugh and shook her head. “I'm never getting rid of that name, am I?”

“If you stop being a babe, we might stop using it. Maybe.” I joked and she smacked my arm. “Abuse! Help!” I exclaimed and made both Taylor and Gloria laugh again.

“I'll give you a ride home.” Gloria said and hooked her arm through Taylor's. “Should we take the Maserati or the Ferrari motorcycle?”

“It's one of the last times we can do it this year, so I think I'll let you indulge your motorcycle fetish.” Taylor said with a smile.

“You're the best!” Gloria said and hugged her arm as they left my office.

I watched the door close and sat back down behind my desk. I created another Eye and looked through the latest information he had gathered. There were still a few stragglers and hold-outs from us removing the three gangs from the city.

Most of the capes were now in The Birdcage and under lock and key. A few of them chose to accept my company's offer and would only serve six months before they would be released for good behaviour and would start working for us. One of the main ones was a cape named Squealer that we cured of both her drug addictions and her unhealthy dependency on the Merchants leader, Skidmark.

Squealer's name was Sherrel Bailey and she was a vehicle tinker and could convert any vehicle into an assault tank with ridiculous weapons. The bigger the vehicle, the happier she was. It was an odd power for someone to have and it was one that I didn't mind funding, just to see what she could come up with.

A cape that had defected from the Empire 88 had also accepted a job with us. Purity, or Kayden Anders, hadn't been caught in the round-up, thanks to her already distancing herself from the Nazi gang. After a short investigation, Taylor and Eye discovered that Kayden had a daughter with Kaiser and wanted to get away from a life of crime.

That was perfect for us, so we changed her looks, her identity papers, and gave her a brand new life. She was so grateful that she signed a ten year contract without being asked to. That we had put her ex-husband in prison was just icing on the cake for her. The last thing she needed was to have him around to try and steal her daughter from her. Both her and her daughter were given protection amulets.

Because of that, two of Kayden's friends that she had met in the gang, joined as well. They only signed two year contracts, so their signing bonuses were only a fifth that of Kayden's. They didn't mind.

With only random single gang members floating around and barely causing a fuss, it was finally time for Gloria and I to start converting and updating the city, just like I had back in the Arrowverse. Leaving a lot of the civilians here homeless or without jobs with good wages, was not going to let the city prosper.

“I think I'll buy that contract from Danny's proposal for the Brockton Bay Ferry.” I said out loud and Eye showed me the details. “The timetable will coincide almost perfectly with the bay clean-up. If we increase the reclamation efforts on the bigger ships and just haul the smaller ones out of the ferry's path, we can have both projects going at the same time and they won't interfere with each other.”

“Boop beep.”

“Good point. Send Danny a message and let him know he's got his funding. We can let him and the dockworkers handle restoring the ferry and we can provide the materials and tools.”


“No, it'll be a free service. We want tourists to come here, remember? Charging them for it would defeat the purpose.” I said with a chuckle. “It's not like we can't afford it.”

Eye beeped and booped, as if laughing.

“I know, I know. We can't do too much all at once. We'll get too much attention.” I said. “Start gathering info on the threats outside the city, or might come to the city, and we can work from there.”

“Beep.” Eye agreed and we both dove into the task.


Taylor was dropped off by her dad and she walked through the front doors of Acadia High with her back straight and her eyes forward. She was tempted to fiddle with her glasses to hide her nervousness from all of the well dressed students in the hallway, then she remembered that she didn't wear glasses anymore. She managed to not flinch when someone noticed her and spoke.

“Whoa! Who's the new hottie?” The guy's voice said pretty loudly.

Taylor managed to not blush as practically everyone in the hallway stopped talking and turned to look right at her. She almost shrunk in on herself and let her shoulders slouch, until she remembered Gloria's words.

You're a sixteen year old multi-millionaire, you're powerful, and you fought against an Endbringer. Most of the kids you meet there will be just that. Kids. Remember that and you'll be just fine.

Gloria's right. I can do this. Taylor thought and beamed a smile at everyone. “Hi, there! I'm Taylor. I just transferred in and I need to report to the office.”

A small group of people near the middle of the hall split apart and a very familiar pair of young women ran over to her.

“Taylor!” Vicky Dallon exclaimed and hugged her. “You made it in! I'm so happy for you!”

“Don't choke her to death, Vicky.” Amy said and gave Taylor an identical hug. “That's my job because I can save her afterwards.”

Vicky laughed and grabbed both of their arms. “We'll get you settled at the office and you better be in most of our classes or I won't forgive you!”

Taylor laughed and nodded. “That sounds fair.”

“I knew I liked you! You're so agreeable!” Vicky said as they passed their other friends. “We'll meet you guys in first class!”

They waved and everyone in the hallway went back to their conversations. Taylor didn't miss that the topics had changed to the newest pretty girl in the school. Her.

“You're already making waves.” Amy whispered to her as they went to the office.

“Am I really that good looking?” Taylor asked and looked from Amy to Vicky. “I mean, I doubt anyone else on the planet is close to looking as gorgeous as Vicky...”

Amy and Vicky laughed and gave her hugs.

“We all hate things about ourselves, Taylor. Even me.” Vicky said. “My nostrils are a bit too big and I can't pluck my eyebrows without screwing it up!”

Both Taylor and Amy gave her incredulous looks.

“I'm not mentioning how much I hate what my labia looks like in public.” Vicky whispered.

Amy and Taylor blushed at her words and they both nodded. If there was one thing that they were not going to question in public, it was someone's opinion about their own sexual organs.

Ten minutes later, Taylor had her schedule, her locker assignment, and her homeroom class set.

“You're definitely lucky we share so many classes.” Vicky said and dragged Taylor and Amy to their shared homeroom. “I'd hate to have to hate you.”

Taylor snorted at her friend's circular argument. “I'm glad you're not full of hate on my behalf, too.”

“You should be, I'm awesome!” Vicky said and entered the classroom like she owned the place. “We're finally here! Hold your applause, please! Thank you, thank you!”

Half the class laughed and the other half groaned at the old joke.

“You're sitting near us.” Vicky commanded and dragged Taylor and Amy over to three empty desks.

Taylor didn't resist because she wasn't going to object to having two friends taking care of her, especially not on the first day.

They had three classes together that morning and went to the cafeteria for lunch. The three of them bought a nice meal and sat down at a practically full table. Taylor didn't need Eye's earbud in her ear to beep at her to recognize the people she was sitting with at the table.

“Introductions!” Vicky said happily and pointed to each person and said their first names.

It was an uneven mix of young people from the PRT Wards program and the children from New Wave. There wasn't a single person without powers at the table and Taylor cursed in her head for sitting with them, because she was sure that everyone in the school would think that she might be a cape, too.

So much for my secret identity. Taylor thought with regret. She saw Dean react slightly and gave him a questioning look as if asking him if he was alright.

Dean, or Gallant, could sense people emotions when they were within his range. His eyes widened at her and he clamped his mouth shut without saying anything.

He knows I know about his powers. Taylor thought with satisfaction. “If you don't already know, and you would be pretty dense if you didn't, I'm the new girl. Taylor Hebert.”

A few of the guys chuckled and the girls nodded. Everyone started eating and only light conversation about classes was shared for most of the meal. There was still about fifteen minutes left of lunch when everyone was done with their food.

“So, new girl.” Vicky's cousin Crystal said. “What do you do for fun?”

“That depends... on what I'm allowed to say... in mixed company.” Taylor said in a tone of voice that she heard Gloria talk in, more times than she could count. With her voice a bit deeper in octave than Gloria's, the statement came out in a very sexy timbre that made all of the guys have to adjust themselves and the girls blushed.

“Jesus, Taylor! You're such a minx!” Vicky said, her face red.

“Y-yeah, that... damn, that was...” Eric, Vicky's other cousin, couldn't finish that sentence.

Dean's entire body trembled from all of the very intense emotions that he was being bombarded with.

Taylor gave them all a smouldering look for several moments, then she laughed. “You all have dirty minds.” She said and everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, especially Dean. “I work part time as Mr. Hansen's assistant at Reclamation Corp. It was full time during the summer and it's been the best job in the world.”

“Wait, you had a full time job and you still came here to go to school?” Chris asked. His cape name was Kid Win and he was a tinker that worked for the Wards.

“Continuing my education was the very first stipulation in the hiring contract.” Taylor said with a shrug.

“They want you to take time off from work to waste learning school stuff?” Vicky asked. “Is your boss crazy?”

Taylor rolled her eyes at her. “You've met John a bunch of times. You tell me.”

Everyone at the table was surprised when Vicky laughed.

“Yeah, he is.” Vicky and Amy said at the same time.

“Without a doubt, as Gloria would say.” Taylor said with a smile. “They even said if I can't find a good college, they would create one for me and send me to that.”

Everyone stared at her.

“Yes, they really mean it.” Taylor said and everyone turned to look at Dean.

“Damn, it's true.” Dean confirmed and sat back in his chair. “What are you going to do?”

“I've got another year before I graduate, so they have that long to buy a campus for me and to get it set up and operating.” Taylor said, smugly.

“You told them to do it already?” Crystal asked, surprised.

“I already vetted all of the available colleges and their professors. None of them are offering all of the courses and things I want to take, so I accepted their offer.” Taylor said.

“They are making a custom college. Just for you.” Vicky said, her voice flat.

Taylor didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and then smirked at her. “Not just for me.”

“No way.” Dean whispered.

“I've got six others that go to different schools or are taking GEDs that have already accepted the same offer.” Taylor said and looked at Vicky. “Since there's no point in not saying anything, considering the people around this table, how would you and Amy like to attend Cape College?”

“YES!” Vicky yelled and hugged her tightly.

“Can't... breathe...” Taylor wheezed.

Amy successfully pried Vicky's arms away from Taylor's vital airway and suddenly found herself being strangled instead.

“Say, yes, Ames! SAY YES!” Vicky yelled and hugged her tightly.

“I don't think she can get enough air to answer.” Chris said with a laugh as Eric and Crystal pried Vicky off of her sister.

Amy rubbed her neck and coughed as she nodded her head.

“YAY!” Vicky shouted and dodged her cousins to pull both Taylor and Amy into one arm hugs. She didn't choke them this time. “College life is going to be AWESOME!”

That set everyone off and they all laughed. The two inadvertent murder attempts by Vicky were quickly forgotten as Taylor produced a dozen pamphlets from a hidden belt pouch and handed them out to everyone at the table, with a few extras for them to hand out to anyone else that they knew that would be interested.

When the bell rang for afternoon classes to begin, everyone had tentatively agreed to attend Cape College together. Vicky was beside herself with joy and everyone felt it through her aura. They couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day, because Vicky's exuberance was so contagious.

Taylor left the school and wasn't surprised to see three people waiting for her. “How did I know that you would be here?”

Danny, John, and Gloria swarmed her and gave her hugs and kisses on the cheek.

“Guys! GUYS!” Taylor pushed them away and laughed. “Control yourselves!”

“Perverted father-like figure here.” John said.

“Overbearing mother-like figure here.” Gloria said.

“Actual father here.” Danny said with a huge smile. “I think I speak for us all when I say we're very proud of you.”

Taylor gave each of them a quick hug. “Thank you.”

“I'm cooking barbecue again, so you can save the play by play of your day until we get back to your place.” John said and waved at Danny's pristine truck. “You're allowed to go with your dad this time.”

“Gee, thanks.” Taylor said with a roll of her eyes.

“You're welcome!” John said and picked up Gloria and tossed her over his shoulder. “See you in a few minutes.”

“John!” Gloria shouted. “I'm not a sack of potatoes!”

Taylor laughed and watched John be smacked around the head several times before he managed to get Gloria stuffed into the Maserati. The car sped out of the parking lot and disappeared from sight.

“I swear if he wasn't such a nice guy, I'd be worried for everyone's safety around him.” Danny said and climbed into his truck.

“You should still be worried.” Taylor said and laughed at his frown as she closed the passenger side door. “I'm joking, of course. The safety measures he enacts are beyond ridiculous.”

“I know. The contracts for the ferry refurbishment are an inch thick with all the safety guidelines that have to be followed.” Danny said and they followed the sports car at a normal speed.

“I wrote some of them and consulted on a bunch of others.” Taylor said, proudly.

Danny nodded. “You don't know how proud of you I am.”

“I do now.” Taylor said and lightly touched his arm.

“No, those are only words. I can't say how I really feel about everything you've done, sweetie. Our lives... this city... it's all better because of you.”


“If it wasn't for you being the person that you are, none of what's happened could have happened.” Danny said. “Even if John and Gloria hadn't shown up, I think you would have been just as important to this city.”

Taylor's hand tightened on his arm. “Thanks, Dad. That means a lot to me.”

“It's the truth.” Danny said and the rest of the drive to the house was filled with a comforting silence.

A great tasting meal was shared among friends and the entire evening was filled with Taylor's recounting of her very first day at one of the best high schools in the country.


Over the next several months, Brockton Bay experienced a kind of renaissance as entire sections of the old and abandoned parts of the city were cordoned off and refurbished. When the brand new and futuristic building were revealed, everyone scrambled to buy, rent, or lease living space and business space from Reclamation Corp.

Homelessness was ended practically overnight with several skyscraper apartment buildings that had the cheapest rent in the city. Unlike what everyone thought, they were not going to become the new slums.

When you signed up for an apartment, you were interviewed and given several job offers. If you didn't agree or were suffering from drug or substance addiction, you were rejected and told to go to the new shelters to get rehab and then you could apply again.

There was some backlash over that, until the people that had agreed and moved in, went on the news to describe the beautiful apartments and their wonderful jobs with high pay. The neighbourhoods soon became upscale areas and the entire city benefited from an economic boom. Nearly everyone in the city was happy, which meant that more undesirable elements tried to infiltrate the city.

They were dealt with immediately and harshly by Reclamation Corp employees. No one wanted the city to be plunged back into being a gang-infested cesspool, so everyone fought with everything they had to keep out the criminals, no matter who they were.

Uber and Leet were quickly caught when they tried to prank the newly opened second Regen Corp clinic and given a choice of rehabilitation, The Birdcage, or exile. When they chose exile, they disappeared for nearly a month before reappearing in Boston. Their tactics were different and they only hit criminal enterprises, especially drug dealers and mobsters that ran protection rackets.

Their popularity and views skyrocketed and no one ever found out that they were actually magic clones and the originals had been tossed into a fictional prison.

More and more cape villains tried to enter Brockton Bay for the opportunity that such a high value place provided, only to be given the same choices. They all predictably chose exile and were replaced with magical clones, then they started their own campaigns against drug cartels in other cities.

This system of dealing with career criminals worked very well, especially since Regen Corp and Reclamation Corp announced at Christmas that they would be opening franchise branches in New York City. New Yorkers celebrated hard with that announcement and welcomed both businesses with open arms.


I heard someone knock on the front door of our mansion at about eight at night on New Year's Eve. I checked Eye's security system and was surprised to see Rebecca Costa-Brown standing at the front door.

“Do we tag team or let you work your charm?” Gloria asked me.

I flicked through the different camera feeds to see that Rebecca was wearing a black sequined dress. “It looks like she's actually here to celebrate, so I should do the first bit myself.”

“Gotcha.” Gloria said and gave me a quick kiss. “I'll be at the new lab in New York until just before midnight. It's an hour later, so go ahead and have fun.”

“Thank you, my love.” I said and she disappeared with a soft crack.

It had taken me several months to work out the right combination of lands to give her that would let her accept the Apparate spell. Thankfully, there were dozens of cordoned off and condemned areas from previous Endbringer attacks that were scattered around the planet that I could seed hundreds of lands and no one would ever see them.

I went to the front door and opened it. “Rebecca! It's so nice of you to accept my invitation.”

Rebecca looked a little surprised for a moment, then she guessed about what I meant. “J-John, I...”

“I meant agreeing to dating me.” I clarified and she looked both relieved and perturbed. “We can have sex on my desk after we spend a nice evening together and ring in the new year.”

Rebecca blushed and nodded.

“Please, enter my home and be welcome.” I said and stepped back. “Gloria is in New York getting the Regen Clinic up and running.”

Rebecca looked relieved and walked by me and entered the lobby. “You have a lovely home.”

“It was only 765,000 and a real steal, considering what we're doing with the neighbourhood.” I smiled and slipped an arm around her waist. “Because of my abilities, it didn't cost a thing to fix up or to change some of the rooms into what we wanted.”

Rebecca gave me an incredulous look. “What abilities could those be?”

“Repair and Restore, mostly.” I said and led her into the large living room that was both large and comfortable. It had several couches and a completely blank wall in front of it.

“You don't have a television?” Rebecca asked as she looked at the wall and then gasped when the entire wall activated at her asking for the television.

“Most of the blank walls you see around the mansion and in our businesses are actually vidwalls.” I said and brought her over to the couch and sat her down. “What would you like to drink?”

Rebecca didn't say anything and just stared at the thirty foot wide and twenty foot tall video screen.

“I suppose I can just surprise you.” I joked and left her there to get several different drinks and added a bottle of champagne and several plates of snacks and cheeses. I went back to the living room and she had figured out how to change the channel.

“I want one of those.” Rebecca said and waved at the wall.

“I'll need access to your home for about thirty minutes and you'll need to designate a wall for it. Or several. I can assemble them pretty quickly.”

“Can you add them to my office at work?” Rebecca asked.

“That shouldn't be a problem.” I said and set the drinks and platters down. “Please, help yourself and let me know if there's anything else you want.”

Rebecca turned away from the screen to look at the snacks. “Those look exquisite.”

“They took barely ten minutes to make.” I said and sat beside her as she tried one of the little treats.

“You made them?” Rebecca asked and let out a satisfied sound. “Mmm, that's delicious.”

I smiled. “I'm glad you like them.”

“I do.” Rebecca said and looked over the different drinks. “You have to tell me what they are.”

I chuckled and pointed to each one as I described them and what was in them.

“You have hundred year old wine? Is it any good?” Rebecca asked and I nodded. She picked up the thin glass and took a sip. “Ohhh, my! It's really good.”

“Thank you. I picked that up in a world that ended in a nuclear holocaust.” I said and she sprayed wine all over myself and half of the party snacks.

“Wh-wh-WHAT?!?” Rebecca yelled.

I waved a hand and she gasped as the spit out wine disappeared. “It was a shock to me, too. I was out in public with my wife when the world leaders lost their minds and started world war three. I hadn't had any idea it was going to happen or could do anything to stop it.”

Rebecca leaned close to me and placed a hand on my knee. “John, I'm sorry.”

“It's all right. It was over a dozen universes ago and Amelia was fairly old at the time. We hadn't had sex for a couple of years by that point. Not getting to kiss her goodbye was what hurt the most.”

Rebecca leaned in a little closer and her eyes were a little intense as she stared into mine. “John, I... I tried to get you out of my head, and I can't.” She whispered. “I find you incredibly sexy.”

“Aren't those supposed to be my lines?” I asked in a soft voice and put my hand on her thigh.

“I'm not someone that wants to mince words.” Rebecca said in a more firm voice. “I think we could do a lot of good for the world.”

I did my best to not smirk at her. “I'm already doing that.”

Rebecca huffed and then she smirked at me. “Did you think I wouldn't find out about you rehabilitating criminals to do your dirty work for you?”

“I'd be insulted if you didn't, considering all of the surveillance equipment you've smuggled into my businesses.”

Rebecca caught her breath and started to lean away.

I caught her arm and pulled her in closer. “If I didn't want you to know, I would have disabled them after our first civilian meeting.”

“You knew this whole time and left them in place anyway?” Rebecca asked.

“I couldn't have the signals traced without your guards leaving so many examples.” I said with a crooked smile.

“Oh, god.” Rebecca whispered and ducked her head.

“Don't worry. I won't tell Doctor Mother if you don't.”

Rebecca sighed. “John, you don't realize who she is.”

“I know exactly who she is.” I said.

“No, there's no way that...”

“She created the cauldron vials that grant powers, including yours.” I said and her head whipped up to lock eyes with mine. “Charging 200,000 per vial is ridiculous. No guarantees? No manipulations to ensure which power gets chosen?” I shook my head. “How are you still in business with such horrible customer service?”

Rebecca's mouth opened and closed and she looked like her brain had short-circuited.

“A more profitable business model would be more like mine. Create a medical treatment center and when appropriate people come in for treatment, you offer them a few extras for extra payment.”

“You... you... you're granting people powers at the clinic?” Rebecca asked.

“All of our main employees have powers. You don't think a normal person can lift ten tons without powers, do you?” I asked her and she looked shocked. “Before you ask, it's not a derivative of Doctor Mother's formulas or experiments. It's something I modified from several universes ago and it works every time and with the same power set.”

“You're kidding!” Rebecca exclaimed.

“Eye, send the data to the vidwall, please.” I said and she turned to see the formula for Miracle that I had modified for Isabel Rochev, River's dimensional clone in the Arrowverse. “Super strength, durability, stamina, mind enhancement, and agility boosters. It's an all around body mod that works for everyone and no one is ever disappointed or mangled when their powers go out of control.”

Rebecca stared at the wall for several minutes before she looked back at me. “You know about our failures.”

“Yes, and I've even had one fixed and sent her home.” I said and she looked surprised again. “Nicole and the Travellers are back on Earth Aleph. Please leave them there and don't let Contessa kidnap them or anyone else. Recovering them again is a pain in the ass.”

Rebecca took several breaths and seemed to deflate. “I came here thinking I had the high ground and you've had it the entire time.”

I chuckled and she gave me a sad look. “I could have destroyed your secret base at any point after I traced your dimensional doors back to Doorman.”

Rebecca gasped and stopped moving.

“You just figured out that a quantum torpedo can be fired anywhere and not just into physical targets.” I commented.

“Y-yes, I... please, don't destroy everything we've built.” Rebecca said and reclined onto the couch. She stared up at the ceiling and didn't say anything for nearly a full minute. “You're already planning to.”

“Yes. Unless you get a handle on Eidolon and bring him in for treatment, I will have to kill him.”

“WHAT?!?” Rebecca yelled and sat up to stare at me once more.

“His subconscious has locked onto a fourth power. The power of creation.” I said and she kept staring. “He wants to prove himself against stronger and stronger opponents, so the animal part of his brain that controls his impulses, is creating the Endbringers. Without his knowledge.”

“N-no, he... that's not possible.” Rebecca whispered.

“Why do you think that? Your powers enhanced your mind, didn't they?” I asked her and she sucked in a sharp breath. “His was modified as well, only it wasn't... technically... beneficial. At first, anyway. He has proven himself a few times already, hasn't he?”

Rebecca nodded and didn't say anything.

“The problem is that he keeps doubting himself and his powers fluctuate. When they do and his mind wanders and hopes to find something to test himself against, guess what pops up on the planet?”

There was a beep and the vidwall changed to show the Endbringer timeline and right beside it was Eidolon's schedule from Cauldron and the 'down time' he had after some of their plans were enacted.

“As you can see, there is a shocking correlation between when Eidolon is lacking focus and the appearance of world changing Endbringers.” I said and closely watched the woman beside me. “Now you have to ask yourself something.”

“No.” Rebecca whispered. “No, I can't. I can't.”

I reached over and took her hand. It remained limp and I sighed. “Rebecca.”

“No.” Rebecca pulled her hand away. “This was a mistake.” She stood up and didn't look at me. “He told me not to come here and he was right.” She walked across the room towards the lobby. “I shouldn't have let hope into my heart.”

I disappeared from the couch and reappeared in front of her. I took her into a hug and held on.

“No! Let me go!” Rebecca exclaimed and started to struggle.

I didn't say anything and just held her tenderly. She struggled against me for several moments before she started crying and her arms stopped pushing me away and gripped my suit instead.

“You lying bastard! You BASTARD! I HATE YOU!” Rebecca yelled and then sobbed. She cried pretty hard as she held onto me and continued to emotionally break down.

It took her nearly twenty minutes before she stopped crying and lifted her head from my chest to stare into my eyes. I stayed silent and leaned down to give her soft and tender kiss. I put as much love and care into it as I could and she let out another soft sob before she kissed me back. Neither of us spoke as I walked her up the stairs and took her into one of the spare bedrooms.

Rebecca dropped her dress as I dissolved my suit away. She gave me an intense look of longing before she pushed me onto the bed and climbed on top of me. I let her do what she wanted, because this was all about her making herself feel better about discovering that one of her oldest friends was the reason that she had to do all of the horrible things that she had done over the years.

We had sex with her in complete control for nearly forty-five minutes before she came so hard that she collapsed on top of me and she started crying again. I didn't do anything except hold her tenderly and slowly pet her damp hair and her back.

“You didn't lie.” Rebecca whispered after she had cried herself out again.

“No, my dear Rebecca. I would never lie to someone I care about.” I whispered back.

“You sent Gloria away.”

“She volunteered to go. We can have our new years celebration here and she will have hers in New York an hour later.” I said. “She knew you would be nervous about her being here.”

“I don't swing that way.” Rebecca admitted.

“Surprisingly, there are a lot of women that don't. Go figure.”

Rebecca lifted her head to look at me. “Really? That's what you say about your new girlfriend not wanting to share a bed with your longtime girlfriend?”

“I'm not going to say that you're both beautiful and you should want to kiss each other and make out like horny teenagers. I'm not that big of an idiot.” I said and she raised her eyebrows. “I'm not!”

A small smile appeared on her face. “I suppose I can allow you to have a turn on top.”

“Thank you.” I said sincerely and carefully rolled her over onto her back. “I hope you're ready for this.”

“I sincerely doubt you're going to surprise me.” Rebecca said. “It's not like I haven't had sex before.”

“Really? That's what you say to your new boyfriend just before he's going to eat you out?”

“Just shut up and get to work.” Rebecca said and pushed on the top of my head. “Start at the bottom and make sure you stimulate me properly. It's not an ice cream, so don't treat it like one.”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she slapped the top of my head a couple of times before I let her guide me down to the space between her legs. “Start at the bottom she says.” I whispered and peered at her blank face over her pubic bone. Let's see what she thinks of this. I thought and activated the Parselmouth ability that I copied from Harry Potter and started hissing as I clamped my mouth right over her clitoris.

“OH, MY GOD!” Rebecca screamed and had an orgasm right away. Then she had another and another.

I kept going for about five minutes before I stopped. I could feel the little micro-shocks that spasmed through her thighs before I lifted my head slightly to look at her. I saw Rebecca's face and it was contorted into intense pleasure for several moments.

When she calmed down from my ministrations, she glared at me. “What the hell was that?”

I opened my mouth slightly and told her in Parseltongue that she looked pretty and that I was going to keep going. All she heard was hissing and could see my tongue vibrating. Instead of saying anything, she grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head down to shove my face between her legs again.


For three weeks, Alexandria failed to bring Eidolon in to Regen Corp for treatment. This was unfortunate, because an Endbringer that no one had ever seen before, appeared without warning near the shores of Japan. The entire world's best known capes were called for the fight and they gathered together to mount an offensive against a creature that they had never faced before and had no clue about its powers.

Hundreds of capes showed up and learned that the Endbringer had been named Khonsu. They also learned from the local capes that had tried to gain information about the creature, that its powers were time-based and anyone caught in one of the time fields that were a city block in size, could be killed instantly and then reduced to dust in only minutes.

Once that was known, only ranged attacks were allowed, except for capes that had massive regeneration powers or had very long and extended lives. They could attack in close combat, if they could get through the time fields to reach the Endbringer.

It took several hours of consultations and discussions before a plan of attack could be formulated. It was time that the organizers seemed to have, since the 30 foot tall creature lumbered along at a snail's pace and didn't seemed concerned about the resistance it was about to encounter. By the time it reached the shore, a city shield generator had been put in place and the being's Buddha-like body bounced off of it.

Khonsu swatted at the energy shield a couple of times and then held a hand towards it. A circular light that was a city block wide appeared under the edge of the dome and rose up into the stratosphere. It remained there for several minutes and then faded.

The good news was that the shield didn't change at all. The bad news was that everything on either side of the shield that had been covered in light, had crumbled away as if aged thousands of years. The only thing that wasn't adversely affected was the ground.

A majority of the capes cursed at the confirmation of the creature's powers, then they watched as Khonsu raised its arms out to the sides. It seemed to blink in place for a second and then disappeared.

A large electrical hum came from the giant shield generator and then Khonsu reappeared right against the edge of the shield.

“It stopped the thing from teleporting through!” Someone shouted.

“Ready guns!” Dragon said and had her own armored suit do so as she had two auto-piloted drones do the same. She really liked the plasma and battery tech that Hyperion had given her and she had modified it ruthlessly. “We can't let it escape!”

“It's too bad we didn't wait to turn on the shield. We could have captured it.” Armsmaster said and readied his own plasma weapon. Dragon had shared her modifications with him and he had updated his halberd.

“If we knew beforehand it would work.” Dragon said. “We took down Behemoth! We can take something only two thirds that size!”

“YEAH!” Hundreds of capes responded.

“Flyers, take to the air and give covering fire. We should finish this thing off quickly.” The PRT coordinator said and fifteen flyers took off into the air.

“LET'S GO!” Dragon yelled and everyone charged forward to the edge of the safe area and opened fire.

Plasma beams peppered the creature and parts of its outer layers blew up and flaked off... only to reveal an energy shield underneath.

“Concentrate fire! Get through that extra protection!” Dragon ordered and dozens of beams converged onto the creature's belly. It looked like the least armored part and everyone wanted to deal with the thing quickly. The energy shield failed and several more layers of skin and flesh were burned and blown off... only for the beams to stop at another energy barrier.

“It's almost like it was designed specifically for defense against our new weapons.” Armsmaster said.

“Everyone fire at the same spot!” Dragon ordered and all the capes with weapons adjusted their positions to the front of the creature and opened fire again. Over a hundred plasma weapons fired and the beams all converged onto the same belly wound.

The damage was significant as the energy barrier was destroyed and a dozen more flesh layers were burned through, another energy barrier, and three more layers... and the plasma weapons all ran out of charge at almost the same time. The beams all shut off and Khonsu didn't seem to react at all for several minutes.

When the Endbringer was covered in a similar glow to that of its time field, cursing could be heard from all of the capes as their hopes of defeating the creature were quickly dashed. The massive wound that they had poured all of their time and effort into causing, was filled back in after only a few seconds.

“It sped up time for itself to heal.” Dragon said and changed out the battery charger on her weapon before she ordered her drones to do the same for everyone that had her weapons. “I don't know what we're going to do to keep it from repeating that.”

“We'll handle that.” Alexandria said as she stepped out of a dimensional door with Eidolon.

“Thank god you're here.” The PRT coordinator said and quickly filled them in on what had just happened.

“Everyone's going to want a shield generator now.” Eidolon said with a huff as he rubbed the back of his head.

Alexandria tried to ignore the nervous action. “Where's Hyperion? He said he was going to be here.”

“He said he had a few things to make before showing up.” Dragon said.

Alexandria gave her a pointed look and Dragon smiled. “You know what he's doing?”

Dragon didn't say anything and pointed up.

All of the capes looked up and saw a large black cloud started to form high in the sky. It grew larger and larger, until part of the sun was blocked off and even the Endbringer turned to look at what was happening.


Two thousand heavy plasma beams came from the black cloud and struck the belly of Khonsu. It actually let out a grunt as its belly was burned through and hundreds of layers and energy barriers were burned away.

The black cloud flowed towards the Endbringer and the beams didn't stop. When the cloud was close enough, the capes saw that they were giant flying bugs with heavy plasma weapons strapped to their backs. No one had ever seen anything like that before and they all stared as the bugs dive-bombed the monster in a seemingly endless stream.

Khonsu actually started to groan with pain as the first set of flying bugs pealed away and four thousand plasma beams replaced them. Then six thousand. Then eight thousand. Then ten thousand.

“Am I really seeing this?” Armsmaster asked. His stoic composure frayed at the impossible sight.

“I'm not going to just stand here and do nothing!” Eidolon said and flew up into the air.

“NO!” Alexandria yelled and flew up after him. Unfortunately, she was not fast enough.

A four foot wide energy beam cut through the atmosphere from almost directly above and Eidolon barely managed to scream before his head and most of his chest disappeared. Alexandria caught his body before it fell to the ground and flew back to where Dragon was. Everyone did their best to ignore the streams of tears flowing down the bottom half of Alexandria's face.

To everyone's surprise, the Endbringer stopped moving and slumped down. The beam that killed Eidolon, moved over and sliced through Khonsu's neck like it wasn't heavily armored. The Endbringer's head slid off of the body as the beam ended and then a bright red light of a quantum torpedo came through the atmosphere and went right into the belly damage that the giant flying bugs had made.


The arms and legs of the Endbringer were sent flying away from the crumbling torso and everything dropped to the ground with loud thuds.

It was over.

“D-door.” Alexandria said with a sob and tried to carry her friend's body through the dimensional door. She bounced off and stumbled back. If anyone could have seen the top half of her face, they would have seen utter confusion on it.

A second later, both Alexandria and the body she carried, were covered in glittering energy and then disappeared. Everyone stared at the spot and no one noticed that the dimensional door closed and disappeared as well.

“That was an actual matter transporter.” Armsmaster said, surprised. “I couldn't detect where it went.”

Dragon touched his arm and once again pointed straight up. Everyone around them looked up and saw the swarm of giant bugs flying away at a very fast speed. They hadn't suffered any damage and disappeared from sight as quickly as they had appeared.

“You need to tell me what's going on.” Armsmaster said.

“I'm under a non-disclosure agreement and I can't tell you what I know.” Dragon said and her mechanical hand moved up and touched the chin of his face. “However, if you also signed one and agreed to share your research...”

Armsmaster gave her an incredulous look. “You actually agreed to that?”

“It was the best decision I ever made.” Dragon said and motioned off to the side. Armsmaster took the hint and followed her over to a secluded spot. Dragon hit several buttons and pulled out a large metal screen that unfolded and surrounded them. When the roof closed, she reached up and pulled off her head.

“No! You can't...” Armsmaster started to say and then froze as the top of the dragon armor opened up and inside was the short and cute redheaded woman that he had always imagined the AI called Dragon really was. “By the Creator.”

“It's nice to finally meet you in person, Colin.” Tess Theresa Richter said with a normal voice and not a digital modulator set to the right frequency.

“You... you're...”

“Real?” Tess asked and he nodded. “It's even more remarkable than you think it is.”

Armsmaster pulled off his helmet and let it drop to the ground. He yanked off his gloves and used his bare hands to reach for her face and he trembled as his fingers touched her real skin.

Tess sighed and closed her eyes. “That feels so nice.”

“How is this possible?” Colin asked and stepped as close as he could.

“Months of genetic manipulation and experimentation to create an appropriate body.” Tess said and opened her eyes to look at the man she had fallen in love with. “I'm really Andrew's daughter now.”

Colin stared at her for several seconds before he smiled. He knew that had always been Dragon's fondest wish, to be a child of both the man's mind and his body. “Where do I sign?”

Tess let out a cute little squeak and kissed him hard.


“I'm sorry I had to do that.” I said as I watched Alexandria stand over the body of her oldest friend. It rested on a bio-bed in Voyager 2's medical bay.

“I know you are.” Alexandria said and took off her helmet. “I'm sorry I couldn't convince him to accept your offer. I tried so many times...”

I stepped close to her and gave her an expectant look. Rebecca let out a sob and put her arms around me, so I held her as she cried again over the necessary death.

“He created Khonsu with defenses specific for the weapons he knew we had.” Gloria said and put a hand on Rebecca's shoulder for only a second. “If given even one more chance, he might have subconsciously created something that even the best capes wouldn't be able to handle or fight off.”

“This one was bad enough.” I said and rubbed Rebecca's back. “Time manipulation, energy shields, and plasma resistance? If I didn't have a PAW to use, I'm not sure we could have defeated this one.”

“A paw?” Rebecca asked.

“Planetary Assault Weapon.” Gloria said. “It's become a staple for all of the spaceships John creates.”

Rebecca sighed and let me go. “We're really in space?”

“In geosynchronous orbit above India.” I said and the vidwall changed to show the view outside.

Rebecca stared at it for several minutes before she looked down at the body of her friend. “David would have loved to see it.”

I exchanged looks with Gloria and she shrugged. “I may have an idea about that.”

Rebecca looked up from the body and into my eyes. “What do you mean?”

“I can make a clone of him.”

“NO!” Rebecca spat. “You killed him because he's the one responsible for all the deaths that the Endbringers have caused for all these years! You CAN'T start the cycle over again! You CAN'T!”

I reached up and cupped the sides of her face. “He wouldn't have any powers.”

“Wh-what?” She asked, shocked.

“The method I use doesn't copy powers. Only the body.” I said. “If you want to have a fully human David back, I can arrange it.”

Rebecca's tears made a triumphant return. “Why? Why would you offer something like that?”

“I know how much it hurts to lose someone you care about.” I said and used my thumbs to wipe at the tears on her face. “He'll know he's a copy, so there's no need to worry about that.”

Rebecca looked deep into my eyes and didn't say anything. Instead, she closed her eyes and shook her head. I let her face go and she bent over slightly to rest a hand on the body.

“We shared too much of our cape lives for a fully human version of him to still be my friend.” Rebecca said with a sigh. “He would hate missing out on all the times we spend together as capes.”

I nodded. “I understand.”

“Good.” Rebecca said. “What are you going to do with his remains?”

“That depends on if Chief Director Costa-Brown wants to conduct a state funeral for the epic hero, Eidolon.” I said, pointedly.

Rebecca paused for a moment, then she smiled. “Yes, that's a great idea. Thank you.”

“We'll get him fixed up enough to be presentable.” Gloria said.

Rebecca nodded and put her helmet back on. “Send me back down and I'll explain a few things to the other capes.”

I put an arm around her waist and led her back to the transporter room.

“Will you share this tinkertech with the PRT?” Alexandria asked.

“I've already started a manufacturing plant to produce the handheld medical scanners and personal datapads.” I said and she smiled. “Yes, the PRT gets priority and a discount on high volume orders.”

“Thank you, John.” Alexandria said as we entered the transporter room.

“I really am sorry it came to this.” I said and went to the controls as she stepped onto a transporter pad.

“I didn't want to admit that he was responsible.” Alexandria said. “I still don't.”

I gave her a reassuring smile. “I won't say anything if you won't.”

Alexandria caught her breath and didn't speak.

“Energizing.” I said and activated the controls.

“John!” Alexandria gasped just before she disappeared.

“That was really nice of you.” Voyager 2 said.

“It will ease her mind if she keeps the actions of the hero Eidolon separate from her knowledge of his subconscious actions.” I said and walked to the door. “The feelings she has about her years long friendship with David is another matter.”

“An old human philosopher once said that time heals all wounds.” Voyager 2 said.

“If only that were true.” I said and held in my sigh as I remembered some of my lost loves. “If only.”

A beeping sound came from the intercom.

“The main cargo bay is accepting a docking ship.” Voyager 2 said.

I knew who that was and took a turbolift to the right deck and entered the cargo bay. The Firefly barely fit into the bay and the ramp dropped down as a very excited Taylor ran down it and jumped. I opened my arms and easily caught her before she wrapped her arms tightly around my neck.

“Did you see what I did?” Taylor asked loudly as I hugged her.

“No, I missed the whole thing.” I joked and she laughed. “Of course I watched you bring down an Endbringer all by yourself. That was too awesome for anyone to ignore!”

Taylor beamed a smile at me. “Thank you so much for letting me do that.”

I beamed a smile right back. “I wasn't going to let the fact that you're still in school, stop you from doing your part in saving the world.” I said and set her back on her feet. “I'm glad the heavy plasma cannons worked exactly like we predicted.”

“Me, too.” Taylor said and looked up slightly into my eyes. “My creations wouldn't have had the same punching power if it wasn't for you helping me integrate those harnesses.”

“Who am I to deny any of your wonderful ideas?” I asked her.

“My boss and a pervy bastard?” Taylor answered with a smirk.

I couldn't help myself and laughed. “If I didn't love you so much, I might resent the boss part.”

“HA!” Taylor barked a laugh because she expected me to object to the other part of her answer.

“Gloria is working in the medbay, so we've got a bit of time before I need to get you back home.” I said and waved at the door to go into the ship. “Are you hungry? I can cook something nice up for you.”

“Actually, I... well...” Taylor blushed a little. “I was wondering... um...”

“You're usually pretty forward when asking for things, so it must be important.” I said. “What is it?”

Taylor's face flushed a little more red before she tightened her arms around my neck. She didn't say anything for a few seconds, then she leaned forward and kissed me. I only hesitated for a moment before I realized that this was probably her first kiss, so I quickly kissed her back with both enthusiasm and expertise. She moaned and then her lips and tongue started to match mine as she got into it.

Taylor briefly paused the kiss to whisper. “Read... my mind.”

I cast the spell and discovered that she had left a swarm deployed inside the Firefly. Our minds flowed together like the last time I did it and Taylor's moan grew very loud. I knew she wanted me to grab her ass and to give it a good squeeze, so I did exactly that... and went a step further. I grabbed both cheeks and lifted her slightly to let her wrap her legs around my waist and she felt me grow hard for her.

OHHH, GOD! Taylor thought loudly as my erection settled between her legs. The pants she wore didn't deaden the sensations at all and she tilted her hips to rub herself on me. Ohgod, ohgod, ohgod!

T-Taylor. I thought to her and let her feel how I felt about what she was doing.

“OHHH!” Taylor gasped as she broke the kiss and had a huge orgasm. Her body tensed up and she held onto me as the feelings flowed through the swarm and magnified it for the both of us.

“Ohh, fuck!” I cursed as her orgasm set me off as well and I blew a load right there. Taylor felt how good it felt for me and she had another orgasm to match it. We stood there in the cargo bay for several minutes and stared into each other's eyes as our bodies tried to relax from our mutual satisfaction.

Taylor ordered the swarm to return to the deployment device and I cancelled the mind reading spell. “Now... I understand why... you're so pervy.” Taylor said as she tried to steady her breathing. Unlike me, she hadn't had a lot of experience recovering from things like that.

“I can honestly say that I haven't gotten off like that before.” I said and she raised her eyebrows at me. “I still have my clothes on and neither of us is ready to take any more steps past this one.”

Taylor nodded. She believed that she was still a bit too young for her body to let her get as much out of sex as she sincerely hoped she would. As it was, we were setting a pretty high bar for when she did feel like she was ready.

“You're really going to wait and let me make the decision, aren't you?” Taylor asked as she rested her forehead against mine. With her legs wrapped around my waist, our heads were now at the same height.

“I really did believe that you would find someone that would catch your interest, despite my jokes about it.” I said and she smiled. “I won't take any choice away from you, let alone that important of one.”

Taylor huffed. “You're making a college specifically for me and you think me choosing who I have sex with is more important?”

“Of course it is. Who you chose to share yourself with is one of the most important decisions you can ever make.” I said. “If you just chose some random guy and give it away without any emotional attachment to enhance the experience, then it loses all of its potential value.”

Taylor looked surprised, so I smiled at her.

“Anyone can have sex and get off with anyone or anything. It's the personal connection that changes having sex into making love. Getting to make love to someone you care about, is a much deeper and satisfying experience for both participants.”

Taylor looked thoughtful. “You've really thought about things like this, haven't you?”

“Yes, and I have personal experience with both kinds.” I said. “Believe me, being with someone you love and showing them how much you care about them, is so much better than a one-night stand.”

“Because anyone can have a one-night stand?” Taylor asked and I nodded. “Does that mean it's cheap and people shouldn't do it?”

I shook my head. “It's not bad to only want a quick romp in a bed with a handsome or beautiful stranger, unless you're doing it to hurt someone else, hurt yourself, or you're intentionally spreading diseases.”

“Ew.” Taylor said and shivered a little.

“Yes, it happens.” I said and she looked sad. “Also, some people believe that kind of sex counts as love and seek it out with as many people as possible.”

“Prostitutes?” Taylor asked.

I chuckled. “We're getting more into the philosophical aspects of the human condition instead of their need for mind-blowing orgasms.”

Taylor smiled and unwrapped her legs from my waist. She let out a little moan as she rubbed herself on me and stood up on her own feet. “I am definitely looking forward to it if it's anything like what just happened.”

“Special circumstances like your swarm mind, emotional highs, and magic spells, are quite the potent mix.” I admitted.

Taylor let my neck go and rested her hands on my chest. “Can we... I mean... that was...”

“Messy.” I said and looked down at where we had been resting against each other.

“Oh, wow.” Taylor whispered when she saw exactly how big of a wet spot that we had created with our mutual contributions.

“You did that.” I said and waved a hand over our waists to cast cleaning charms on us and our clothing.

“Ohhh, that... wow.” Taylor looked back at my face. “Is next weekend okay for you?”

I laughed and put an arm around her waist to lead her out of the cargo bay. “I don't have any plans.”

Taylor leaned into my side and had a smile on her face. “My body might not be ready yet; but, my mind sure likes it.”

I didn't tell her that was more than half of the battle won already. I led her to the galley and sat her down at the counter. “Any preferences for supper?”

“Lasagne.” Taylor said and I raised my eyebrows at her. “I want to bring some home for dad.”

I chuckled. “Two huge pans coming right up.”

“Thanks, John.” Taylor said and watched me make a seven layer lasagne that was coated with cheese and stuffed with more meat than pasta. She actually laughed at the six inch thick pans when I filled them, then I shoved them into the modified cooker.

“Ten minutes and they'll be done.” I said and she stared at me. “Yes, really.”

“You need to come over to the house more!” Taylor exclaimed and I laughed.

Gloria entered the galley and heard me laughing. “What's got you giggling?”

“I don't giggle.” I said with a stern face.

Gloria didn't accept that and tackled me to the floor to tickle me. I laughed and laughed at her relentless attack, which made Taylor laugh as she watched us. A minute later, she joined in the pile and the three of us had a tickle war until the cooker dinged.

“I wasn't done, dammit!” Gloria said and sat up. Her top was off and she was wearing only a sports bra.

My pants were missing as well. “I'm not going to ask how you managed this without me noticing.”

“Ultimate female empowerment! Cleavage!” Gloria said with a grin and Taylor barked a laugh.

I laughed, too. “I freely admit that they are distracting.” I said and stood to get the lasagne pans out of the cooker. “They came out well.”

Gloria was up off of the floor and had her nose beside the pans instantly. “Yeah, that's the good stuff!”

“Easy, there. Grab some plates and...”

Gloria set the table with a wave of her hand and took one of the pans.

“We're sharing with Danny.” I warned her.

“You can make him another one.” Gloria said and quickly divided up the pan she had onto the three plates. “After Taylor's latest mission, there's no way she's not cleaning off her plate.”

“I am pretty hungry.” Taylor said and sat down next to her.

I shrugged and set the second pan down next to the first and we started eating. I created drinks for us and we were halfway through the second pan before Taylor said she had enough. Gloria and I finished it off and we moved over to the bench seats to spread out and relax.

“Now that we're stuffed, Taylor can tell us all about what it felt like to end an Endbringer.” Gloria said as she laid down and held her arms open.

Taylor didn't hesitate and laid down beside her and accepted the hug. “It was awesome.”

“Details, girl! Give us the real story!” Gloria prompted and hugged her tightly to encourage her.

Taylor smiled and told us the story from her perspective and what she saw, how she handled things, and how she dealt with using such powerful weapons in combat and compensated for the kickback by increasing the speed of the giant flying bugs.

“Well done, Taylor.” I praised her and she gave me another beaming smile. “I'll have another lasagne ready in ten minutes and we can drop you off at home right after.”

“Thanks, John.” Taylor said.

“Do you want to discuss what we're going to do next?” Gloria asked her.

“The expansion plans are still ongoing for New York, so there's just a whole lot of waiting and letting that finish before we can decide what city we're going to expand to next.” Taylor responded.

“But?” Gloria prompted.

“If we let Dragon expand her automated drone surveillance and give them AIs like R2's or even the limited ones from battledroids, we could start an independent police force that could take the pressure off of both the normal police and the PRT.” Taylor said.

I dropped a piece of wet noodle onto the floor in surprise. “What did you say?”

“Dragon's drones all fly and everyone already accepts seeing them around. She also takes care of the only cape prison that can hold the worst criminals. No one would question if a bunch more drones show up anywhere.” Taylor said and I walked over to where she was still laying down with Gloria. “With her endorsing them, we could discreetly release hundreds of them in every major city and no one would say a thing about it.”

I knelt on one knee beside the bench seat and I gave her my best 'I want you' look. Taylor blushed at me and then she gave me a sultry look right back.

“You're not supposed to encourage him by showing off your beauty and brains at the same time, Bug Babe!” Gloria said with a giggle.

Taylor's blush didn't lessen as I leaned down to give her a quick kiss.

“Write up the proposal in the morning when you come in to work. I'll get Dragon in to hear it and then we'll discuss the logistics of actually doing what you suggested.”

“Great! More work for me.” Taylor said with a sarcastic smile.

“You need to either stop being so insightful or stop telling me such great ideas.” I said and gave Gloria a kiss, too. “We all know that's not going to happen, so it looks like you're going to be working for my company for a very, very long time.”

Taylor nodded and snuggled into Gloria's side. “My commissions are going to skyrocket again, aren't they?”

I snorted a laugh and Gloria giggled.

“What's funny?” Taylor asked.

“You pretty much own a third of the company now. Earning more money from it is like taking a drink of water from a freshwater lake. You can drink as much as you want and it won't make any difference to the lake.” Gloria said.

Taylor looked shocked at her words. “You're joking!”

“She's not.” I said and walked back over to the counter to finish making more lasagne. “You wouldn't believe the paperwork needed to claim Endbringer bounties.”

“Not to mention having to bring in the head.” Gloria said. “It's in the secondary cargo bay, by the way.”

“You... wait.” Taylor said and sat up. “You're giving ME the head?”

“Weaver can claim the bounty legally, because everyone saw the giant bugs assaulting the Endbringer and actually succeeding in killing it.” I said. “I've already had Eye collect the footage from multiple sources and he's compiling it for you to take home with you.”

Taylor started breathing heavily. “You... you... you can't really...”

“We've already submitted the error in the targeting software that shot the only moving thing in the immediate area of the Endbringer. No one was at fault for a cape being too eager after the recall of capes from the area.” I said and Eye beeped several times. “It was a supreme tragedy and Chief Director Costa-Brown will be having a state funeral for one of the most famous capes in existence.”

“Wow.” Taylor said and took several deep breaths to calm down. “Wow.”

“We'll go with you and carry the head for you.” Gloria said and sat up to hug her again.

“But, it was John's PAW that...”

“...only removed the head. You had Eye target the creature's core with the torpedo after you had damaged the Endbringer enough to clear the way for it to be finished off.”

Taylor sighed and looked at me. “Can't I just let you claim it?”

I grinned at her and took out the lasagne from the cooker. “It would cost me more in transfer fees and taxes to give you the money afterwards.”

Taylor's shoulders slumped and accepted defeat. “Pervy bastard.”

Both Gloria and I laughed.


Six months later, the first thousand Dragon AI drones were released in Brockton Bay. No one batted an eye at their appearance. A month later, a thousand drones were released in New York, Boston, and Washington DC. Not one comment was made and the news didn't report it, which confirmed Taylor's observations.

Dragon was so respected that anything she did was accepted as normal and everyone went along with it without question. When the drones started to police the less travelled areas of the initial cities and deposited the criminals at the local police stations, even the police accepted the drone's unasked for help.

A year later, most major cities in each state had Dragon Drones deployed and nothing they did was newsworthy. The only comments being made was the drop in the crime rate and no one had a solid explanation for it. Things were just getting better all around with the reduced threat from the Endbringers, since they hadn't attacked in so long.

Regen Corp and Reclamation Corp both opened branches in more cities and expanded both the medical field and the refurbishment of both buildings and streets. By this point in time, when a building was covered in a barrier, everyone anticipated a new business, new housing, or something else revolutionary.

The standard of living in the entire country had risen and everyone was starting to realize that they could actually relax and be happy.


Taylor graduated from Arcadia High School at the top of her class. In fact, her scores were so high that she was awarded the Valedictorian position, which surprised several of the hidden geniuses that attended the same school.

All of her friends and family celebrated after she gave a very inspiring speech, which included her letting slip that the company she worked for was releasing an environmentally friendly car that didn't use gas, oil, or any other detrimental fluids. They all cheered as she left the stage.

“That was sneaky.” I commented when she came over to the people waiting for her.

“Why? Because I wanted to end my high school career on a high note?” Taylor asked as she hugged her father.

“We are so proud of you, sweetie.” Danny said and hugged her back.

“More than proud.” Gloria said and gave her a hug as well.

A few seconds later, Taylor was swarmed by all of the young people she had met and made friends with since she started working for me. Her happy laugh was infectious and we all watched as she greeted them all with hugs and a bright smile. The previous Undersiders, the old and new Wards, the kids of New Wave, and over two dozen other teenagers that had powers and she had recruited.

“We have to go get ready!” Vicky Dallon said with excitement and wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck, nearly choking her.

“The prom isn't until tonight, Vicky.” Amy said.

“I know! It's barely enough time for us to become as hot as possible!” Vicky exclaimed, which made everyone laugh.

“She has a point.” Lisa Wilborn said. “Our dates have certain expectations and we shouldn't disappoint them.”

Taylor successfully hid her blush at the reminder. “All right, let's go.”

The large group of girls quickly split up to take different vehicles to their homes and to get ready for the most important social event of their lifetimes. Senior Prom.

When it was time, I drove up to Taylor's house in one of the first clean cars that had been built. I climbed out of the car and made sure my tuxedo was wrinkle free and picked up the corsage that matched her dress. I knocked on the front door and Danny opened it.

“So, I finally get to meet the young man that caught my precious daughter's interest.” Danny said with squinted eyes at me.

I wasn't surprised that he didn't recognize me, since I had transfigured myself into my eighteen year old self. I was still fairly muscular, except my face was slightly different and my hair was a different color and cut differently. I was also shorter and not as physically imposing as I usually was. Both Danny and Taylor were taller than me now.

“J-John Smith. It's a pleasure to finally meet you like this, sir.” I said in my best imitation of a person that was intimidated. I did not try to reach out to shake his hand, either. I wasn't stupid.

Danny gave me a once over with his eyes and nodded. “Come in. Taylor's almost ready.”

“Thank you, sir.” I said and scrambled past him and glanced around the living room, as if I had never been there before, and sat down on the very edge of the living room couch.

Danny closed the door and walked around the couch to sit on the chair that was farthest away from where I sat. “So, Taylor said she met you at school and that you hit it off right away.”

I pretended to jerk slightly and gave him a nervous smile. “Uh... no, sir. We met at work. I've never gone to school here.”

Danny nodded slightly. “Home schooled?”

I shook my head. “Attended in another state and learned a lot of stuff on my own.”

“Hmm.” Danny said and leaned back in his chair to observe me. “What about college?”

“Oh!” I jumped a little. “Yessir! I'll be there at the new Cape College! It sounds like it's going to be the best place to learn about anything and everything.”

Danny frowned at me. “That's quite the admission.” He said and I sweated a little. “I assume you have powers?”

I opened my mouth for a second and closed it. “Dammit.”

Danny smiled. “I won't ask what your power is.”

“It's energy manipulation.” I said right away. I brought up my Chi power that I learned in the Dragonball universe and made myself glow as I created an energy ball. “I've enhanced my body with it to make myself stronger and tougher. I can even fly with it.”

Danny blinked his eyes at me. “You... that's...”

“The best part is that I can teach the basics to others that don't have powers.” I admitted and he caught his breath. “I know that's pretty limited, considering the number of capes around here...”

“Are you serious?” Danny asked, shocked. “You can teach people... normal people... how to fly.”

“That's like six steps past learning how to bring up the energy and manipulating it.” I said as I lost the nervous smile I was forcing myself to use. “You have to strengthen yourself to make sure you don't hurt yourself, long before you ever try to use the energy to propel yourself through the air.”

“Are you done teasing my father?” Taylor's voice asked.

“AH!” Danny and I exclaimed together and shot to our feet to turn and look at her.

Taylor stood there wearing a dark blue evening gown that was cut in a specific way that accentuated her height and didn't draw attention to it. A bit of cleavage was showing as well and she looked immensely pleased at catching us.

“You look beautiful.” Danny and I said at the same time.

Taylor beamed a smile at us and walked around the couch to stand beside me. She had to look down slightly, because I was a couple of inches shorter than her, and her smile was almost too bright to look at. I held up the corsage and she nodded slightly. I fumbled with it as I did my best to not grope her in front of her father, which made her even happier.

“Pictures! We need pictures!” Danny nearly shouted and ran to the side of the room. He returned with a very nice camera and started taking many, many pictures.

Taylor laughed and placed an arm across my shoulders as her father had a ball immortalizing the moment. She leaned down slightly and put her other arm around me to hug me.

“I think I really like this version of you.” Taylor whispered into my ear. Her sexy voice made me shiver and she laughed softly before she let me go. “Dad, we have to go or we'll be late.”

Danny waved her away and followed us out to the car while taking pictures the entire time. I sat Taylor on the passenger side and then ran around to the driver's side and climbed in. Taylor waved to her father as we drove away and Danny hollered at us to have a good time.

Taylor was quiet for the ride to the high school and didn't say anything until we had parked and I opened the car door to help her out. “Is this really happening?”

I smiled at her and held my elbow out for her to take before we started walking towards the auditorium. “I promised to do everything I could for you and your family, Taylor. Becoming 18 again for you is the least I could do.”

Taylor stumbled slightly and stared at my face. “Wait, that's not an illusion or a hologram or something?”

“No, I transfigured my body into my younger self, just for you.” I said and she fell silent again. “It is a bit inconvenient, since I'm a few inches shorter and I'm nowhere near as intimidating as I am at my normal size; but, being here on this world isn't about me. It's all about you.”

Taylor's tightened grip on my arm made me turn and look at her face. The look of longing and desire she gave me, made my heart speed up and I couldn't stop my face from flushing a little red. Her beaming smile returned just in time, because that was when Vicky, Amy, and the others came over to us.

“You're gorgeous, Taylor!” Vicky shouted and everyone agreed.

“Says the blonde bombshell that everyone's staring at!” Taylor said with a laugh and everyone agreed again.

“So, this is your date?” Amy asked and gave me a significant look.

I chuckled and held a hand out to her with the palm up. Several people gasped at the blatant gesture, because most of them knew about Amy's powers and what she could do to someone that angered her. Amy's look changed to an intense one before she took my hand. She sucked in a sharp breath and let my hand go.

“Ames? What is it?” Vicky asked.

“He... he's...”

“...not from around here.” I finished for her. “You might be seeing me around the college, too.”

“Can non-capes attend Cape College?” Chris, aka Kid Win, asked.

“I won't be attending. I'll be teaching.” I said and everyone stared at me. “I designed the plasma weapons the capes used during the Endbringer fights.”

“Jesus!” Several of the guys spat, as well as saying a few other choice curses.

“R2 is going to love you guys.” Taylor said with a laugh.

“We better get inside. I hear the music starting.” Vicky's cousin Crystal said.

“It's time to have the most fun of our lives!” Vicky shouted and started jumping up and down.

We all laughed and agreed as Amy grabbed her hand to lead her inside. We all followed and entered the auditorium that had been transformed from the graduation ceremony into a flowery expanse that resembled a field of wildflowers. It was all tastefully done and there were even flower shaped balloons and tables off to the sides.

“This looks fantastic! They really went all out!” Vicky said and all of the girls nodded.

The background music playing suddenly stopped and a fast song started up.

“I LOVE THIS SONG!” Vicky yelled and she and Amy disappeared from near us and reappeared on the dance floor.

“I think that was an issued challenge.” I commented and looked at the guys. They nodded and we all grabbed our dates and tried to do the same thing that Vicky did, with various results. Quite a few bumps and laughs were had as we all appeared in roughly the same spots around Vicky and Amy.

It was a great start to an even greater night of dancing, laughs, and enjoyment for everyone.


By the time the prom was over, Taylor was as happy as she had ever been in her life. She had spent the entire night having fun with her very large group of friends and her date had been the best date she could have ever wanted. He had been attentive, not too clinging, and made her and her friends laugh with jokes. He had even danced with some of the other girls and didn't make things awkward, even though she knew he was really, really old and hadn't been to a dance in millennia.

Taylor tried to not sigh as John drove her back home. It was a stipulation from her father that she had to be home at a reasonable hour. She knew he meant well and wanted to protect her; but, it was a little overbearing and she had turned 18 just a few days ago. It should have been her decision if she wanted to spend the night out.

The nearly noiseless car parked in front of her house and she let out the sigh she had been holding in.

“I had a really great time tonight.” Taylor said and turned to her date.

“Not surprisingly, so did I.” John said turned to face her as well. “Isn't it funny how your happiness means that I'm happy, too?”

Taylor smiled warmly and leaned forward. “John, I... I just wanted to say...”

John leaned forward and captured her lips in a searingly passionate kiss that almost took her breath away. They stayed there for several minutes as they made out, then it was suddenly over and her lips ached at the loss of contact.

“I better get you inside.” John said and left the car to walk around it and opened her door.

Taylor signed again as she let him help her out and walked with him to her front door. “John...”

“I'm going to remember this night for the rest of my existence.” John said.

Taylor sucked in a breath at his words. She knew what that actually meant. “John, you...”

“I know you know what my life is like and I'm very grateful that you don't hold it against me.” John whispered and reached up to cup the sides of her face. “I didn't plan on what seems to be going on between us and I am definitely not stupid enough to try and ignore how I feel about you.”

Taylor's heart sped up and she blushed. She didn't speak, because she didn't want to interrupt him.

“You are an amazing woman, Taylor Hebert.” John said and gave her a tender kiss. “I don't know where my life would be right now if I hadn't met you.”

Taylor's heart melted at his sincerity and she slipped her arms around his neck and gave him another passionate kiss. “I don't want this night to end.”

John smiled and motioned to the front door with his head. “I sincerely doubt that your father would let you say out for the night, let alone forever.”

Taylor rested her forehead against his and sighed. “I better get inside before he freaks out.”

“More, you mean.” John said with a chuckle. He stepped back and took her hand to kiss the back of it. “Thank you very much for allowing me to be your date tonight.”

Taylor wasn't sure what she should say in response, so she just nodded.

“Goodnight, Taylor.” John said and let her hand go before he walked over to his car and drove away.

Taylor took a very deep breath and let it out as she opened the front door to the house... and her father fell out and onto the step. “Hi, Dad.”

“T-Taylor.” Danny said and quickly stood up. “Ahem. Did you have a good time?”

“It was the best.” Taylor said, a little sadly.

Danny detected the change and touched her shoulder. “If he cares about you as much as he seems to, you'll see him again before you know it.”

Taylor clamped her mouth shut and didn't say that she would see him again at work in a couple of days. “Goodnight, Dad.”

“Goodnight, sweetie.” Danny said.

Taylor could feel her father's eyes watching her as she went up the stairs and into her room. She had spent a lot of time getting ready and she wasn't sure she wanted to spend all that time undoing all of her hard work. She let out a sigh and reached for the zipper on her dress when there was a soft beep from Eye.

Taylor froze at what he said and then her room expanded by thirty feet. Her eyes widened as John appeared in front of her.

“Let me give you a hand with that.” John said and Taylor nodded several times before she turned around and let him unzip her dress. She held it in place and turned back around to face him.

“Are we really in a pocket dimension right now?” Taylor asked in a soft voice.

“I believe someone asked for the night to never end.” John said and took off his tuxedo coat. “As far as the rest of the world is concerned, we're frozen in time.”

Taylor didn't hesitate as she let her dress go. The look John gave her matched the longing look she had given him when he said he had changed himself for her. That pleased her more than she ever thought it could, then his shirt was gone and his lips were on hers as their chests pressed against each other. They both moaned at the intimate contact and then their hands were everywhere as they felt and caressed each other.

Taylor was more than ready for the next step as she frantically pulled on John's pants and tore them open. She let out a little growl as she yanked them down and then her face was right in front of a very happy erection. She moaned at the evidence that he truly wanted her, even though she had believed for years that no one would ever want to be with an awkwardly tall beanpole.

John must have seen the thoughts flitter across her face, because he knelt to put his face in front of hers. “I've joked about wanting you since almost the moment we met, Taylor.” John whispered. “You know what they say. Half in jest, all in seriousness.”

Tears came to Taylor's eyes and she hugged him as she kissed him. It was almost desperate, because she wanted him to know how much she appreciated what he said. She didn't even realize that they were on the bed and that they were both naked, until John moved down to between her legs.

Taylor cried out with pleasure as the man she had refused to admit that she had fallen in love with, showed her how much he wanted to make her happy. Her long legs wrapped around his neck and she moaned and came a lot. She was surprised when he didn't stop for a long time, much longer than she had ever expected to have someone going down on her.

Taylor's mind was floating on a cloud of pleasure as John's face came into view. Her mouth moved before she could stop it. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” John said and kissed her.

Taylor moaned as he did so, then she cried out when there was suddenly a swarm of fifty thousand bugs around the bed. She felt John's mind enter hers and she came just from that. When John's boiling hot erection slid inside of her, with not even a trace of expected pain, she screamed from the overload of sensations. Her body seized up and she felt John struggle with not blowing his load right away.

“DO IT!” Taylor yelled and he did as commanded. She screamed in pleasure again as he easily filled her up and the explosion of sensations flowed through her, John, and the swarm. The bugs were upgraded into more potent versions, as if the swarm itself absorbed the millions of potent sperm that her body greedily accepted and drank in.

“Oh... oh, god.” Taylor panted and looked into the eyes of the man that she was sure that she could easily get lost in. “J-John, if... if that was...”

“We're just getting started.” John whispered and kissed her deeply as he started to move.

Taylor moaned loudly into his mouth as he found one of the spots inside of her and used it ruthlessly to make her come, over and over. She felt his energy flow over her and it stimulated her nerves, her nipples, and even her clitoris, all at the same time. Her cries of pleasure filled the swarm again and her practically endless orgasms completely ruined her for any other man.

She didn't care about that and just wanted more. More, more, more.

Taylor lost herself to what was happening and the swarm drove her on. Their basic instincts to mate and procreate were now at the forefront of her brain and she needed to do it. She NEEDED to DO IT!


Six relative days later, Taylor finally came back to herself. She felt energized and her body was both sore and much more powerful. She glanced around her room and saw that she could no longer see the walls. For some reason, she knew that her room was now the size of Texas and it was filled with billions of ten foot tall bugs of all different kinds. That wasn't the shocking part, though.

Taylor could feel all of them inside of her mind.

“That was a rush.” A man's voice said from beside her.

Taylor turned her head to look at him and the last six days of memories flowed back into her head. Her blush threatened to explode her head as she remembered what she and John had done for all that time.

“I feel the same way.” John said and sat up. “Whew. Okay. Being back in my own body is kind of weird.”

“What... what do you mean?” Taylor asked and tried to deny in her own mind what had happened.

“We completely surrendered ourselves to the swarm.” John said and his hand reached out to touch her arm. They both shivered at the touch. “I can honestly say that was a brand new experience for me.”

Taylor turned her head away. “John, that... we shouldn't...”

“It was the most wonderful experience I've ever had with a woman.” John said and Taylor whipped her head back around to stare at him. “I've shared mental links with several women and we've enjoyed having sex while sharing emotions and thoughts.”

“You... but...”

“What we did? We gave into each other fully and completely. There was no me. There was no you. We were one with each other and we were one with the swarm.”

Taylor closed her eyes and let those feelings flow through her and into the swarm. They remembered a lot more than just those six days and she caught her breath as she opened her eyes.

“I think we just solved our logistics problems with distribution across the United States.” John said and leaned over her. “They are enhanced to the point of sentience, thanks to everything we did to them.”

“I... John, what...” Taylor stopped and composed what she wanted to say. “How can I feel all of them? This room is the size of Texas!”

“They're broadcasters and relays.” John said and Taylor stared at him. “It's thanks to my own enhanced abilities and the ways I'm able to modify people's minds to accept limited neural links.”

“But... that means...”

“You are the Queen of the Insects, Taylor.” John said. “All of them.”

“I... can't control...”

“Ah, but you can. If they had all been inside your slowly expanding natural range, there isn't a bug that exists, or will exist, that wouldn't be a part of your swarm.” John said and tapped his temple. “I felt it, you know. Your power. Your very strong and unbelievable power.”

“John, I...”

“All of these new bugs can fly, even the giant black widow spiders.” John said. “By tomorrow, you can have complete control of every bug in the entire country. Every single one.”

Taylor nodded and didn't try to deny it.

“Once you do, there's no criminal that can hide from you. We can use the Dragon Drones and the country will be cleaned up decades before our earliest predictions.” John said and moved his hand up to cup the side of her face.

The both of them start breathing a little heavier at the remembered intimacy they had shared.

“That is, if you want to become one of the most powerful and influential capes on the planet, like Alexandria.” John said.

Taylor managed to not blush at the comparison.

“So, what do you want to do?” John asked and Taylor could tell that he wasn't going to influence her decision.

“I don't even have to think about it.” Taylor said as all of the bugs around them came to attention and their right forelegs snapped off a perfect salute. “What are your orders, sir?”

John chuckled. “It seems you've gained more from me than I suspected.”

Taylor didn't believe that was a bad thing, since he was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

The two of them worked for hours as they stored the massive bugs into appropriate containment vessels to be released later. When they were done, John kissed her goodbye and disappeared.

“Hey! My ROOM is still the size of a STATE!” Taylor yelled up into the air. She heard John's laughter in the distance and then her room shrunk down to only be the size of the auditorium that the prom had been held in. The time compression ended as well. “That's better.”

Taylor laid back down on the bed and was suddenly tired. She closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep after all that hard work. She wouldn't realize until later that it was still prom night and John had kept his promise about making the night last for as long as she wanted it to.


A week later, Alexandria broke it off with Hyperion, because she just couldn't look at him the same way after he had killed her best friend. Both were sad about that and threw themselves into their work to compensate for the loss.

Two weeks later, the country's civilian crime rate dropped to almost nothing and everyone attributed it to them all being happier about no Endbringer attacks in almost two years. No one suspected that it was Weaver's bugs and Dragon's Drones that were taking care of everything.


Cape College was a complete success and all of the invited students excelled in their chosen courses. No one was pressured or felt out of their depth, because the courses were tailored specifically for their own learning capacities. They all enjoyed their time learning and having fun and word quickly spread about the high quality of the education and the brilliant students that graduated.

No one was surprised that Taylor was the very first graduate, thanks to the accelerated program she had chosen. She quickly signed on as Mr. Hansen's assistant at the college and stayed there to help her friends graduate, too. They were all grateful for that and loved her even more because of it.


Society started to change as the conflict drive within the capes started to dissipate. No one knew that a dozen quantum torpedoes had secretly traced the connection from Scion's body back to the entity that had created him. When the thing was destroyed from the unexpected attack, all traces of it were collected and destroyed as well. No one would be following Doctor Mother's research.

Entire cities were converted and updated to futuristic versions of themselves and the population rejoiced. Energy converters were introduced and all fossil fuels were outmoded and eventually removed from society's use.

All vehicles were clean and caused no environmental damage. All garbage was recycled, thanks to the molecular harvesters that had been installed at the new Reclamation Corp facilities that were in every city and town in the country. The products they produced were also superb in quality and in high demand by industrial factories and construction businesses.

Every other country in the world saw that the United States was far outstripping them in technology, standards of living, and happiness. It took years for the various representatives to start petitioning the US government for concessions and to gain access to their technology. Since it was all privately owned, all the government could do was regulate how much of it could leave the country's borders, so that's what they did.


“He looks just like you, honey.” A twenty-eight year old Taylor Hebert purred as she held onto the baby boy she had just given birth to.

“That's definitely rare.” I whispered as I kissed the top of her head. I used the Force to touch him and managed to not sigh about him being completely normal.

Taylor gave me a pointed look. “I told you not to expect anything.”

I actually sighed and I leaned my head on hers. “I'm sorry. I just thought... with us having been so intricately linked at the time...”

Taylor sighed as well. “Since you won't accept transferring into another body or accepting DNA injections, you're going to continue to be disappointed.”

I moved back from her and looked into her eyes. “I'm not disappointed that my son doesn't have my powers. I'm disappointed that I can't pass them on to him.” I said and used a hand to rub the baby's dark hair. “It should have been his birthright to claim all of the lands within this little multiverse that is so easy to traverse.”

Taylor saw the sincerity in my eyes and she nodded. “I'm glad you aren't upset about it, because I need a stay at home man to take care of him for me while I run the biggest corporation on the planet.”

I snorted and then laughed. “Yes, dear.”

Taylor smiled and we looked down at the newest addition to our family. “Do you think everyone accepted 'John Smith' dying on Earth Aleph last month while trying to capture those criminals?”

“Eye's given the authorities the appropriate footage and his body did disappear in a bright flash of light from one of their grenades.” I said with a smile. “We really need to thank Lisa for setting that up for us.”

“She's been great.” Taylor said with a fond look on her face. “She accepted being godmother, too.”

“Wonderful.” I said and kissed her cheek. “I'll make the announcement tomorrow about stepping in to help his grieving widow with taking care of the child of her lost love.”

Taylor rolled her eyes. “Don't milk it too much. You'll sound insincere and everyone will hate you for it. The last thing they need to think is that you're taking advantage of me.”

I smiled as I thought about it. “Do you think they'll hate you for marrying me so quickly after his death?”

“No, they'll probably congratulate me for... wait, what? Did you just ask me to marry you?” Taylor asked, shocked.

I pulled out a little black box and opened it. “What do you say, Taylor? Do you want to be called Mrs. Hansen when you return to work?”

“I... I... I....” Taylor stuttered. “You're asking me NOW? I literally JUST had a BABY!”

I pulled the ring from the box and held it out to her. “I've never seen you look this beautiful.”

Taylor spit and sputtered for several seconds before she managed to speak. “You're crazy!”

“No doubt.” I said and wiggled the ring to show off the huge diamond on it. “Well?”

Taylor looked into my eyes, down at our baby that had identical eyes to mine, then she looked back at my face. “I hope I don't regret this.” She said and held her hand up. “Yes, John. I'll marry you.”

I slipped the ring onto her finger. “Gloria! I owe you a million dollars!”

“I told you she'd say yes!” Gloria said and came in through the medbay doors.

“You bet a million dollars that I'd say yes?” Taylor asked, once again shocked.

“No, that you'd hem and haw about it and reluctantly agree.” Gloria said with a smirk and bent down to kiss the baby's forehead. “John bet that you would agree right away.”

Taylor gave me an odd look. “John, I...”

“Taylor, you said yes.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “I hope you noticed that neither of us said you would say no.”

Taylor nodded and leaned against me.

“Time for pictures!” Gloria said and a camera appeared in her hands.

“Ah! No! I look horrible!” Taylor said and covered her face with a hand.

Glori laughed. “Baby pictures, Bug Babe! He's going to be the new hot commodity, now that he's a part of the world!”

“Looking like me is only going to make it worse, I'm afraid.” I joked and Taylor couldn't stop her laugh.

“You guys are terrible.” Taylor said and held the baby up to be photographed.

“But, you love us anyway.” Gloria said and took dozens of pictures of the baby before she stopped and sent them to Eye. “Your message box is going to explode in a few minutes.”

“You didn't!” Taylor gasped.

“He's too adorable to keep a secret!” Gloria said, excitedly.

“He doesn't even have a name yet!” Taylor responded.

“You better get on that.” Gloria said and glanced at me. “Any thoughts, John?”

“I think Daniel is a fine first name.” I said and Taylor gave me a sexy look. “I'm not sure there's a male form for Annette or Anne Marie for the middle name, though.”

“I think the closest would be Annelie.” Taylor said and then she gave me a sheepish look. “I've been researching names for a while.”

“Beep beep.”

I chuckled as Taylor blushed from embarrassment. “It's all right, Taylor. I don't mind that you've been searching for a couple of years for a good name.” I said and gave her a kiss. “I think it's sweet.”

“It really is.” Gloria said and sat down on the bed. “Can I hold him? I am going to be his auntie.”

Taylor nodded and carefully handed the baby over to her.

“Aww! He's so adorable!” Gloria gushed and made appropriate baby sounds.

“We did good work.” I said and hugged Taylor, who beamed with pride.


No one objected to Hyperion stepping in and providing Taylor with a stable home for her brand new son, not even her father. The wedding was one that was held like a state occasion and everyone showed up, both civilian and cape alike. Some were in costume, just because they liked the attention, and a great time was had by all.

Everyone congratulated Taylor for landing the most eligible bachelor on the planet, which made her laugh. She knew that John had only been with two women before her, Gloria and Alexandria, and the latter hadn't lasted very long because she couldn't handle the fast-paced lifestyle that was Hyperion's everyday existence.

Taylor didn't begrudge her new husband spending time with his eternal love, mainly because Glamazon was such an accommodating woman and her personality let both her and Hyperion have lives outside of their love for each other. It was a very liberating feeling for Taylor, to know that there was someone else that was willing to let her be happy, even if it was with the man they both loved above all others.


Time passed and the looming threat of Endbringers eventually faded completely from the population's consciousness. It wasn't brainwashing or anything like that. It was just that years had passed and no major threats to the world had happened. It made even the most paranoid people relax, which meant that everyone was starting to accept that they were safe from catastrophes.

There were still earthquakes, tornadoes, mudslides, hurricanes, tidal waves, and volcanoes that capes would be called together to deal with, which made them all feel useful as they dealt with the consequences of environmental disasters. Their powers were seen in an even better light as the people saw the kinds of heroes that they could look up to and appreciate.

The entire world was a better place.


Two centuries later, I stood on the top of the latest apartment building being built in Africa. It was a hundred stories high and was the size of a normal city block. It was a unique design that Dragon's granddaughter had come up with and I appreciated both the simplicity of it and the self-reliance the building contained.

Farms, recreation areas, living spaces, office spaces, and businesses needed to let a local community run without outside interference, made it the best innovation that I had ever seen. It was designed like a colony ship that wasn't actually a space-faring vessel. The funny thing was, it could be easily converted into one. As a joke, I sent the modified design to Theresa and she sent me a hundred electronic kisses.

“Dad?” Danny said from behind me and I turned to look at the young man that was in charge of the project. “You're moving on, aren't you?”

I smiled sadly and walked over to him. “Your mother decided to not take the regen option this time.”

Danny sighed. “She's been a little sad since granddad decided not to and passed away.”

I put a hand on his shoulder. “He couldn't stand being away from your grandmother after Taylor made a life for herself and didn't really need him to take care of her anymore.”

“Mom wasn't like that.” Danny said to defend her.

I chuckled. “No, she wasn't. She begged and pleaded with him every damn day to climb into the tank.”

Danny smiled. “Yeah, that's more like her.”

My eyes went to the young woman beside him. “I hope you're not considering passing up the option.”

“Hell, no. I'm staying with Beth for as long as super-humanly possible.” Danny said and Beth smiled.

“I'm glad.” I said and let his shoulder go. “This world has improved well past what I ever thought it would. You should stay for as long as possible to shepherd it into the future.”

“Beth agreed that we'll try having kids in a few decades.” Danny said and I had to laugh. “What? That's plenty of time with the regen tanks.”

“I know. I was laughing because people used to believe that if you didn't have a child before you were thirty, it was getting late and you better hurry up if you plan on having one.”

“That's unbelievable.” Beth said. “Why would they give up their lives and careers so early?”

“Because people didn't have the option to stay as young as they wanted and for as long as they wanted.” I said and gave her a warm smile. “Enjoy yourselves, live your lives, and love each other for all your worth.” I put a hand on her shoulder. “The only real riches you can ever have in your life, are the people you love.”

Beth looked at Danny and he smiled at her. “I think I understand.”

“I'm glad.” I said and let her shoulder go. “Good luck. I hope...” I stopped talking and gave Danny a hug. “Goodbye, son.”

“Bye, Dad.” Danny said and I let him go. “Say hi to mom for me.”

“You don't want to come along?” I asked.

“No, I'd rather remember her as she was the last time I saw her.”

I nodded in understanding. “Be good to each other.” I said and stepped away, then the transport beam scooped me up and deposited me into the transporter room.

A second later, I was in the mansion and heard laughing from the living room. I walked into the room and Gloria sat there with a very old Taylor. Her long grey hair was as curly as it always was and her face was covered in laugh wrinkles.

“I'm back.” I said and they both turned to look at me.

“How's Danny?” Taylor asked and raised a shaky hand up to me.

I took the offered hand and sat next to her. “He's with Beth and they said they're having a kid in a couple of decades.” I said and she looked proud. I gave her a passionate kiss, just like I did every time I saw her.

“Mmmm.” Taylor moaned and broke the kiss. “Pervy bastard.”

I laughed and kissed her hand several times. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

Taylor nodded and let out a sigh. “I've put this off for too long already.”

“You don't have to do this.” Gloria said and took her other hand. “We can give you a new body and...”

“Thank you, Gloria... but, no.” Taylor said. “I'm done with this kind of existence.”

“You're as stubborn as ever.” I said and she smirked at me. “Do you want me to assist?”

Taylor thought about that, then shook her head. “No. Where I'm going, I... I can't take you with me.”

I leaned in and gave her a tender kiss. “I love you, Taylor.”

“I love you, too.” Taylor said and looked at Gloria. “Thank you for allowing me to have the life I've always wanted.”

Gloria smiled at her and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “I fought tooth and nail to have it, so why would I object to you wanting the same thing?”

Taylor huffed and nodded. “You're a good woman, Gloria. I'm sorry I couldn't... you know.”

Gloria gave her a sultry look. “I'll regret for a long time that I never took our Bug Babe to bed.”

Taylor blushed and then laughed with a wheezing cough. “You can still make me blush, you minx!”

“I've still got it.” Gloria said proudly.

I shook my head at their antics. “We'll stay here just long enough to make sure you're taken care of.”

Taylor took a deep breath and let it out. “Thank you. Thank you both.” She said and closed her eyes. “I'm ready.”

“Good luck and godspeed.” Gloria and I said at the same time and kissed her cheeks at the same time.

Taylor blushed again and then she took two shuddering breaths before her body slumped down and stopped breathing. We waited for several minutes to make sure that she was really gone, then we called the authorities to report her passing. I made a fake body out of wood and transfigured it to look like her, so no one would use her DNA or organs for anything, and stored her real body.

An hour later, her fake body was taken to the hospital and Gloria and I were left alone.

“Funeral pyre?” Gloria asked and I nodded.

We went out back and I prepared it, then we set it on fire and placed Taylor's real body on it. A dozen fireflies and two dozen mosquitoes flowed around us and seemed to be watching the fire. We ignored them and I said a few words of love and commiseration, then I increased the fire's power and Taylor's old body burned up completely in only a few minutes.

Gloria stepped close to hug me when the fire died out and the bugs around us flew away. “I think I'm regretting my decision now.”

“No, Gloria. You need to do this.” I said and kissed her with as much passion as I could. “You've got everything you need to complete it, so I want you to do it.”

“John, I... what if...”

“We'll find each other again.” I said and touched my temple. “I have you in here now. Even if it takes millennia to meet up again, I know it will happen. We are destined to be together.”

“Just not all the time?” Gloria asked with a sigh.

I smiled and held her tightly. “If my time in that weird summoned world taught me anything, it's that the powers that are working against us, will work that much harder if we're together for too long.”

“Are you sure that didn't count?” Gloria asked.

“Oh, I'm sure it did. They took me away from you while we were between worlds. I'd hate to think what they will do if we're too happy together.” I said and her eyes widened. “I think the time before that was when Seven's moon lab blew up and shunted us off into different realities.”

Gloria gasped. “No! That was... an accident.”

“Was it? Nine Seven of Nines couldn't maintain containment of a single Omega particle?” I asked and she sighed. “I think it's time you made the trip you've been planning ever since you started travelling with me.”

“There's no guarantee that...”

“If I am with you, it will never happen. My power will always block it.” I said and let her out of the hug as I stepped back. “I was warned about that, remember? No matter how much I want to go somewhere, I can never go where I want to go.”

Gloria nodded sadly and stepped back as well. “I really don't want to go on without you.”

“I know.” I said and waved at her ankle. “Do your best. Concentrate. Remember.”

Gloria held a hand down towards her ankle. Her sock unfolded and revealed her mother's original necklace that had her dimensional energy inside it. It was interwoven with the fabric of the sock and she knelt as she placed a hand on it.

“I love you, my dearest love. My heart. My soul.” I said and Gloria gave me a sad look. “You need to really want this, Gloria.” I said and sent her a mental command over the old interlink signal that we had shared with Seven of Nine.

“OH!” Gloria gasped and then she glowed a bright orange before she disappeared.

“Goodbye, my love.” I said and looked over to the bugs that were hidden in the bushes. “Goodbye, Taylor. You were the reason I was here and now you're the reason I'm leaving.”

The bugs chittered and made noises with their legs and carapaces.

“I love you, too.” I said and pat my chest where my heart was, then I brought out my Chi and covered myself in my magic.

A moment later, I disappeared and moved on from that world.

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