Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

10 In Aliens

Whew! Another chapter and it's almost 10,500 words. It's close to a record for a single day's work. LOL

Ellen Ripley had been in stasis for 57 years in an escape shuttle after destroying her ship, the Nostromo, to escape a lethal alien creature that slaughtered her crew. She was rescued, purely by accident by a deep space salvage crew, and sent back to Earth and the orbital station there.

She was soon debriefed by her employers at the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, who were skeptical about her claim of alien eggs in a derelict ship on the exomoon LV-426, mainly because it was the site of a terraforming colony called Hadley's Hope.

Ripley tried to restart her life after finding out her daughter died years ago and she had no family left. No one would hire her in anything higher grade than a grunt worker and she did the best she could. It was hard, considering she lived in a tiny one room compartment, barely had any money, and the nightmares she suffered kept her awake most nights.

After contact was lost with the colony, a Weyland-Yutani representative named Carter Burke and a Colonial Marine Lieutenant called Gorman, approached Ripley to accompany them to investigate as a consultant, because she was the only one they knew that had experience with the creatures. She was still traumatized from her alien encounter and only agreed on the condition that they exterminate the creatures and are not going there to recover them.

A short time later, the mission was organized and the constructed team members were put into hypersleep and sent off to the colony on an automated military spaceship named Sulaco. Upon waking when the ship neared its destination, Ripley was introduced to the group of Colonial Marines and an android named Bishop, whom she immediately hates, because an android had contributed to killing her crew.

When the starship entered orbit, a dropship loaded up with the passengers of the ship, delivered the expedition to the surface of LV-426 where they find the colony mostly wrecked and completely deserted. Makeshift barricades and battle signs are inside and no bodies could be found, which made the Marines nervous.

A short investigation of the rest of the colony, revealed two live alien facehuggers in containment tanks in the medical lab, and a traumatized young girl nicknamed Newt. Apparently, they were the sole survivors and the marines couldn't accept that, so they checked the computers and located the colonists by their implanted ID tags.

It made no sense why they would be gathered beneath the fusion-powered atmospheric processing station. The excessive heat alone would be extremely uncomfortable for a long period of time. After a short discussion, they decided to head to the station to recover the colonists.

The entire structure seemed normal as they descended the floors, until they neared their destination and discovered that the corridors were covered with odd looking secretions and formations. The Marines continued on and found the colonists near the center of the station. They were cocooned up and seemed to be served up as offerings to the opened eggs in front of them.

“I've got a live one here!” Someone shouted and the Marines gathered around the colonist that was partially embedded into the malformed wall.

“K-k-kill... me.” The woman pleaded.

“Don't worry, miss. We'll get you out of there and...”

“No! You have to... to.. AHHHH!” She yelled and her chest bulged out, then it kind of exploded and a disgusting black worm-like thing burst out of her chest. The Marines reacted and shot both the infant alien and the colonist with multiple pulse blasts from their rifles. Unfortunately, this caught the attention of multiple hidden aliens around them.

“I've got movement!” Hudson shouted.

“Where?” Hicks asked and readied his shotgun. Two others prepared to fire their flamethrowers and the two heavy plasma gunners added backup connectors to their guns and smiled.

“Everywhere! It's all around us!” Hudson shouted.

Then the ambush began.

Fireballs, plasma bolts, and pistol fire filled the area and men started screaming. The large and tough creatures were relentless as they attacked the Marines and they quickly captured or killed many of them before anyone even knew what was going on.

“F-fall back.” The inexperienced Lieutenant Gorman whispered from safely inside the APC. He had panicked and lost his ability to command or to think of what to do next.

Ripley grabbed him and shook him. “Goddammit, do something!” She shouted and the man froze. “ARGH!” She yelled and threw off the headgear.

“Let's get out of here!” Hudson shouted and Hicks used a shotgun to cover the others that were still alive and the harried group slowly retreated.

They're never going to make it. Ripley thought and ran to lock Newt into her seat, then hopped into the driver's seat to take control of their armored personnel carrier. She drove it down several corridors and ramps to approach where the Marine signals were coming from. Unfortunately, there was a wall in front of her.

Ripley was committed now and she poured power into the APC and rammed right through the wall and into the area that the solders were arriving at. Corporal Hicks, Private Hudson, Private Vasquez and Private Drake were the only ones left.

“Marines! We... are... leaving!” Hicks yelled and Vasquez and Drake unload their ammo into the approaching creatures.

Hicks and Hudson climbed into the APC and Vasquez entered next. As Drake tried, an alien appeared and Vasquez put several plasma bolts into the creature, blowing out part of its brains... and spraying its acid-like blood all over Drake. He yelled in pain and his flamethrower lit up the side of the APC and part of the inside through the open door.

Vasquez yelled for him and Hicks held her back, because the man fell and stopped moving. Hicks convinced her he was gone and tried to close the side door. An alien grabbed onto the sides of the hatch and Hicks begged for help as he drew his shotgun.

“Eat this!” Hicks shouted and shoved his shotgun into the creature's mouth and pulled the trigger.

“AHHH!” Hudson yelled as the alien's head exploded and some of the acid sprayed onto his upper arm.

They shut the door and Ripley jumped back into the driver's seat to gun the engine and backed up from the damaged wall. She turned the APC and gunned the engine again and took off as fast as the APC could go.

It took several ramps and long corridors before the APC breached the loading bay docking hatch and sped out of the facility. It hit several small hills and rocky formations as Ripley kept the power at full. Lieutenant Gorman was injured when a few small cargo containers stored overhead fell and hit him in the head.

“Ripley! You've blown the trans-axle! You're just grinding metal.” Hicks said and put his hands on hers. “Ease down. That's it. Ease it down.”

The APC came to a sudden stop when the momentum alone couldn't keep it going. Wounds were quickly tended to and then a heated discussion happened where they tried to decide what to do.

“We should call for retrieval, get back up to the ship, and nuke the site from orbit.” Ripley said. “It's the only way to be sure.”

“You can't just destroy a multi-billion dollar company investment.” Burke said.

“They can bill me.” Ripley said, sarcastically.

“Why are we even discussing this? In case you didn't notice, we just got our asses kicked!” Hudson said.

“As the senior company man here, it's my decision that matters.” Burke said.

“Actually, this is a military operation and I believe that Corporal Hicks is the ranking officer here.” Ripley said.

“Ripley, you can't put the fate of an entire species into the hands of a grunt.” Burke said and then realized what he said. “No offense.”

“None taken.” Hicks said. “I say we call for retrieval, get back up to the ship, and nuke the site from orbit.” He gave Ripley a small smile. “It's the only way to be sure.”

“You're crazy.” Burke said.

“Since you're just a consultant, I'm ignoring your opinion.” Hicks said and called for the dropship to come and get them. “Let's get outside to wait.”

They put Gorman onto a stretcher and carried him out to be close to a more open area for the dropship to land. Hicks lit and threw out a landing flare and Ripley looked around for the ship. She saw it approaching and was about to wave, then saw the thing list to the side.

Oh, no! Ripley thought. “RUN!”

The small group scattered and ducked for cover as the drop ship hit the ground and started to become a rolling fireball. They just barely got out of the way as it passed by in a screaming wreck and then it impacted the base of the atmospheric processing station and blew up in a huge explosion.

Ripley lifted up from hugging Newt to look at the thing, to make sure it wasn't going to reach them, and saw a slightly smoking body be flung out of it. The others started to recover and looked over at the fire before gathering themselves up and taking stock of any new injuries. Hicks ran over to where Gorman had been left, completely defenseless, and tossed a piece of fuselage off of him.

“Newt, stay here.” Ripley said and quickly walked over to where the body had landed. She fully expected that whoever it was, would be dead. She wasn't quite sure why she need to go check. When she knelt to check for a pulse, the man stirred.


“Uhhhh.” I groaned. I felt burns over a lot of my body and I didn't care. I had just lost the most significant love of my life and it didn't matter what condition my body was in right now.

“Oh, my god. You're alive.” A woman's voice said in a whisper.

“I wish I wasn't.” I responded and she caught her breath.

“Don't say that.” The woman said. “No matter what happened, there is always something to live for.”

“You sound like a psychologist.” I tried to open my eyes and discovered that they were melted shut.

“My shrink says so, too.” The woman said with a serious voice. “I really hate that bitch.”

I couldn't help it and laughed. It was mostly a gurgle because of my burned lungs; but, it was still a laugh. I really didn't think I could laugh after what just happened.

“Don't worry. We're getting out of here as soon as possible.” The woman said.

“Where's here?” I asked and was grateful that my mouth still worked.

“The same place it was when you landed here. LV-426.”

“I just got here.”

“What do you mean? You came from the dropship explosion. Aren't you the co-pilot?”

“Sure. Let's go with that explanation.” I said.

“Are you saying you're not him?” She asked.

“You just said I was.” I responded.

“That's not the same thing.”

“Well, then.” I said with a huff. “Who do you want me to be?”

The woman fell silent and didn't answer me.

“I guess we're not going to be leaving now, right?” A young girl's voice asked.

“I'm sorry Newt.” The woman said and I felt her turn away from me and hug the girl.

I quickly created twenty bacta needles and used the Force to lift them and inject myself all over, including my eyes. I wasn't sure why I was doing it, though. I just felt like I had to, despite my internal struggles.

“You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your fault.” Newt said.

“That's it, man! Game over, man! Game over!” A man's cracking voice shouted. “The fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?”

“Maybe we could build a fire and sing a couple of songs, huh? Why don't we try that?” Another man asked.

“We better get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon.” Newt said. “They mostly come at night. Mostly.”

“What comes at night?” I asked as I stood up and I formed clothing around myself. I wasn't sure why my Prismatic Regeneration finished so quickly and I didn't care.

“Oh, my god!” The woman gasped and turned to stare at me. “How are you healed?”

“Magic and science combined.” I said and blinked my eyes at her. I kind of recognized her and couldn't place from where. “Tell me your name.”

“It... it's Ellen. Ellen Ripley.”

I almost felt the neurons as they flashed across my brain and remembered who she was. I slowly looked around and I didn't really recognize anything, so I looked back at her. “What's the current situation?”

“We're fucked!” A young man wearing a marine outfit exclaimed.

“Shut up, Hudson!” Another marine shouted at him and looked at me. “I'm Corporal Hicks and we were sent to LV-426 to investigate if aliens really have taken over the colony here.”

I let a smile grow on my face. “Let me guess. You just lost most of your squad inside the facility behind me.”

“Yeah! Like I said, we're fucked!” Hudson shouted.

“SHUT UP!” A Hispanic-looking woman yelled.

“I'm Carter Burke. I'm the rep for the Wayland-Yutani corporation and...”

I reached behind my back and formed a pearl-handled eight shooter before I pointed it at his head and pulled the trigger. The back of the man's head exploded and the body fell to the ground. The three marines shouted in surprise and reached for weapons that they no longer had, because they were out of bullets.

“Don't look, Newt!” Ripley shouted and hugged the girl to hide her face.

“That asshole ordered the colony to check out that alien ship.” I said and holstered my pistol on my hip. My long duster coat formed around me and everyone stared as a large shotgun appeared on my back. “Go into the base and secure it, using the plans in the computer and deploy the autoguns in the main attack routes.”

“What are you going to do?” Hicks asked.

“I need to take out some frustrations on some alien monsters for the next few hours.” I said and I turned around and walked towards the fire that was still burning in front of the facility.

“Wait!” Ripley shouted and I turned back to her. “We need to evacuate!”

“I'll handle it when I come back.” I said and turned away again. “The transmitter is busted and you can't remote pilot the second dropship without going out to the transmitter beacon in person.”

“You can't go in there alone!” Hicks shouted.

“I won't be.” I said and walked on as ten Separatist Battle Droids formed behind me. I drew the shotgun from my back and waved my hand at the fire to extinguish it. “These animals deserve what's going to happen to them.”


Ripley stared after the man that had just been partially burned and was now a tall and handsome man with whatever the hell those black armored things were. She sucked in a sharp breath when the man somehow made the fire disappear and then a blue energy shield covered him. Each of the ten robot things formed one as well and they entered the facility.

“We really need to go.” Newt said.

“We really should.” Hicks said. “If we have to secure that base from attack...”

“Not the whole thing. Just the main living area.” Ripley said. “Depending on the plans, anyway.”

Hicks nodded and the small group of survivors carried Gorman across the space between where they were and the base. They left Burke's body where it was.


The aliens were dying too easily. I tried handicapping myself and switched to the pistols. It took a lot more shots to put them down and my frustration at travelling alone abated somewhat. I wore transfigured sunglasses made from Albus Dumbledore's glasses, so I knew where every alien was and carefully took aim, drew them into attacking, and then removed them from the face of the planet.

At one point, I even brought forth a group of Dementors to see if that would work. They completely ignored the aliens and went after the people that were cocooned and technically still alive. I left them there to keep working and my droids and I moved through the main alien living area. We smashed eggs, slaughtered alien workers, blew up alien attackers, and tore apart their architecture.

It was long and gruelling work and it was just what I needed to distract myself from my situation. Not the one I was in at the moment. The one I was in metaphorically. I had to leave everything behind again and not in a good way. Seven and her Collective were dead, Gloria was shunted off to another universe across dimensions, and I was all alone.

I felt fury build up inside and put my pistols away and formed a heavy repeating blaster, like I had given Teal'C when we were fighting the replicators. I yelled my frustration as I poured endless blaster bolts into the main hive of the Queen and killed her soldiers and workers.

My droids and I entered her lair and saw that she was poised for birthing eggs. Her lower body was attached to what could only be a fertilization chamber and it was laying eggs constantly.

“I am going to hunt down your entire fucking race and I am going to exterminate you all.” I spat at her.

The Queen hissed at me and struggled to break free of her constraints.

“Don't bother getting up. I was just leaving.” I said and formed a thermal detonator. “Buh-bye!”

The Queen hissed at the thing as it flew through the air towards her and then it exploded. She blew apart from the explosion and an acid stain in nearly her exact shape, burned through the metal wall behind her.

“That was cool.” I said and took out a wand and cast Incendio on everything in the room to burn it into acid and ash. “Let's go. We have more work to do.”

“Yes, sir.” The Battle Droids said and followed me out of the room.

I didn't bother repairing anything I could see, because I wanted it to blow up. I did have a security panel check and see how long I had, though. “It seems my clearing the nest out has hastened the countdown to only a few hours.” I said and then laughed. “Hey, buddy! Want to go hack an unknown alien computer before the planet is destroyed?”

“Beep beep!”

“I knew you would.” I said and created a Mule and extended the back for the droids. I flew the hover-vehicle along the same route that Ripley had used and exited the facility a lot faster than she did. I flew over to the main base and parked. “Stay onboard and shoot any of those creatures you see or detect.”

“Yes, sir.” The Battle Droids said and raised one arm each and pointed them outwards.

I went inside the facility and the security device beeped happily at me. “Find me the ship location, too.”

It beeped at me again and I stored it behind my back as I walked on into the facility where the barricades would be set up. I avoided them and crawled up into the air ducts. I felt out with the Force and didn't find any aliens, so I crawled on and dropped down behind the barricade and behind where the autoguns had been set up. I walked down the hallway and entered the command center.

“How the hell did you get in here?” Hudson asked.

“Through the air ducts.” I said and each of the Marines cursed. “They aren't on the colony plans.”

“No shit.” Hudson said.

“It's almost time to leave.” I said.

“Why almost?” Hicks asked.

“I need to destroy that alien ship and the eggs it's carrying first.” I said and Ripley nodded. “We have three hours before the fusion plant in the atmospheric processor station explodes.”

“Fuck the aliens! Let's just go!” Hudson exclaimed.

“I can drop you off at the ship in orbit first.” I said.

“That's actually a good idea. We can prep it for returning home.” Hicks said and looked at Ripley. “Hey, beautiful. Do you need a ride home?”

Ripley chuckled. “You better be talking to Newt.”

“Good god, no.” I said angrily and they all looked at me. “She's just a little girl!”

“Jesus, buddy.” Hudson said. “Relax, it was just a joke.”

“Propositioning a child is not a joking matter.” I said and ignored the shocked looks on Ripley's and Vasquez's face as I turned to face the android named Bishop. “Have you finished your analysis of the alien organism?”

“Yes. It is a fascinating creature.”

“Have you uploaded the data to the ship for transport back to the company?”

“Of course. That's standard procedure.” Bishop said. “It's in the encoded and secured database. It's just too bad that we can't take the samples with us.”

“Yes, too bad.” I said as I held a hand out towards him and covered him in the Force, then I made a fist.

The loud crunch of him being compressed into a softball size was quite loud in the practically silent command center.

“Jesus Christ on a stick!” Hudson shouted. “What the fuck was that?”

“I was ending a threat to our safety. It could have sabotaged the hypersleep pods and not even realize it had done it.” I said and saw Ripley's nod before I walked over to the door. “I'm going to the medical bay to destroy the live samples. They shouldn't have been moved or placed strategically to infect you yet.”

They just stared at me and I smiled as I left the command center and went to the lab, feeling out with the Force the whole time. Nothing was poised to attack me, so I entered the lab and the two live samples were still in their fluid suspension tanks. I took out a wand and cast the blood boiling curse at them and then Impervious on the glass containers.

Ten seconds later, the facehuggers exploded and the acid floated through the fluid and hit the sides of the containers. I nodded at them being contained and vanished their remains. I did the same to the other dead samples and had the security panel destroy all the medical data in the computers. I healed Gorman and took him with me back to the command center.

Hicks, Hudson, and Vasquez had pistols out and pointed at me.

“Piss off, you idiots.” I said and used the Force to crush the guns. “If I wanted you dead, I would just leave you here.”

Ripley gave me a pointed look. “You do realize we are almost out of guns and ammo, right?”

“What? Guns like these?” I asked and pretended to pull five fully filled M41A Pulse Rifles out from under my long duster coat one at a time and tossed them onto the table display in the center of the room. I dug into my pockets and pulled out a dozen clips of ammo for them. “You need these, too.”

Hudson cursed for about thirty seconds before he grabbed one and checked it, then he nodded at Hicks and Vasquez.

“I'd rather have my rig.” Vasquez said.

“I didn't find any around here.” I said with a shrug.

“I'll make do.” Vasquez said and taped two clips to her thighs and hefted the rifle up to hang on her shoulder.

Hicks did his up as well and gave me a look. “You wouldn't have another shotgun hidden under there, do you? Mine kind of melted.”

I pulled out a copy of my own. “It's called a Haymaker.”

“Why?” Ripley asked.

“Whatever you shoot with it becomes hay.” I said and added a box of custom ammo for it.

“Fuckin' A.” Hicks said and slipped it into his back holster before he loaded up the belt with shells.

“Is everyone ready?” I asked and they all nodded. “Then let's go.”

“It's going to take ten minutes to open up the doors.” Hicks warned me as I walked over towards the door to leave the room.

“Who needs doors?” I asked and quickdrew my shotgun, impressing everyone, and shot six times into the wall beside the door from the floor to the ceiling. I took a step forward and kicked. The wall easily crumpled and broke apart.

“Fuuuck me.” Hudson whispered.

I walked out through the new door and reloaded my shotgun as I went down several hallways to a good spot to leave, and I repeated my trick on an external wall before I stepped outside and took a shooting stance. Vasquez gave me an appraising look as she walked by me in her own shooting stance.

“Clear.” I said and she repeated it while looking in the other direction.

We walked around the side of the base towards the Mule.

“Where did that thing come from?” Lieutenant Gorman asked.

“A different place than the Battle Droids.” I said and handed my shotgun to Ripley before I helped Newt climb into the Mule and strapped her in. “Now it's your turn.” I said and picked Ripley up and put her into the next seat and strapped her in.

“Hey!” Ripley exclaimed and Newt giggled.

“Thanks for holding my gun.” I said and took it from her to holster it.

“You... wait, hold on... you just...”

“Distracted you.” I said and climbed into the driver's seat. “Hold on, everyone.”

They were all shocked when we lifted up into the air about six feet.

“What is this thing?” Ripley asked as I added power and flew us away from the base towards the landing pad.

“It's called a Mule.” I responded. “It's a low powered hovercraft used for carrying cargo from landed ships to small settlements on outer rim worlds.”

Ripley gave me an odd look.

“I made it bigger years ago and then made it bigger again for us all to fit on it.”

“That wasn't... never mind. Where are we going?”

“To a ship.” I said and flew around the small landing pad to pass us out of sight, then created a normal Firefly ship without any automation. I brought us around and everyone stared at the 81 metre long ship that kind of looked like a firefly. I used the Force to open the cargo bay door and then flew us inside and parked as the ramp closed behind us.

“I don't want to know how this can be here.” Hicks said. “Get us airborne as soon as you can.”

“Five minutes.” I said and ran for the cockpit. I started the pre-flight checks before siting down and then started the ship up when I sat. I had it all done four minutes later, then added power to the ship and lifted off. I used the Force to check the ship and nothing was on it or sticking to it, so I flew us up and out of the atmosphere.

My security device beeped at me and I took it out.

“Go ahead and override. We have priority passengers onboard.” I said and the military ship opened up the landing bay for me. The door closed as soon as I landed and the place pressurized. I left the ship powered up and ran from the cockpit to the cargo area to open the ramp. “We're down and pressurized.”

“Thanks for the lift.” Hicks said and he led the other marines off my ship.

“You be careful down there.” Ripley said and picked Newt up.

“You take care of that little girl.” I countered.

Ripley smiled. “Both statements are redundant for us, huh?”

“They always are.” I said and watched her walk down the ramp.

Newt waved to me from over Ripley's shoulder and I waved back before I hit the ramp button and ran back to the cockpit. I checked the monitor and nodded when the others entered the ship proper and left the landing bay. I immediately upgraded the Firefly into a fully automated one and it took off at its best speed and the doors opened for us.

We flew down into the atmosphere and the security panel gave the Firefly the coordinates for the ancient alien ship. It took us there and landed at a far enough distance to shoot anything that came out of it and still be close enough for me to escape when the fusion reactor in the atmospheric processing station blew up.

I ran out of the ship with the ten droids with me and we held our weapons at the ready. We easily made our way inside and I burned everything with magical fire as we walked through the hallways to the main chamber that was filled with alien eggs. I filled the space with fire as well and waited until they were all nothing but ash before I went over to the giant being that was strapped into the flight chair.

“You stupid bastards.” I said and incinerated him as well before I took out the security device. “Let me know if you need more power.”

“Beep!” It responded and got to work.

It took nearly half an hour before the ship started to power up. The Infiltrator was quite happy with itself as it recovered all the data from the ship's computer.

“Set the self destruct to match the fusion reactor.” I said and it beeped a couple of times. “I could copy it, if I wanted to have this disgusting thing in my head. I don't.”

“Beep boop.”

“Yeah, I miss them, too.” I said and waited for it to finish.

When it was, the droids and I left at a run and climbed aboard the automated Firefly. She took off and flew us right back up towards the military transport. Or tried to. It hailed us and warned us about approaching and being fired upon.

I sighed. “Goddammit. Why does everyone try to stop me?”

“Beep beep boop. Beep.”

“Okay, yes. I can be a bit arrogant sometimes.” I said. “Take the defenses down anyway. I should be on that ship when it jumps.”


Five minutes later, the landing bay opened again and the Firefly flew us inside and landed. The security panel had to close the bay and pressurize the area, because the local computer refused to.

“I should tell you to gut the thing, except it's needed for the trip.” I said.

“Beep boop boop.”

“What do you mean, maybe not?” I asked and listened to a series of beeps. “That's actually a really good idea. Let's go.”

I left the ship with the Battle Droids and dismissed the Firefly and created a Naboo Imperial Starship. I walked over to the door into the military ship and it was sealed. I could easily see through the little window to the other side, so I had the Battle Droids board the Naboo ship and apparated to the other side of the door.

I followed the security panel's directions and entered the hypersleep chamber and saw the remaining people preparing to enter the pods. I walked along the pods and took out a tricorder to scan them.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Hicks asked.

“You can't use pods one, three, five, eight, nine, ten, or twelve. They've been tampered with.” I said and closed the tricorder and pretended to put it away as it dissolved. “The computer of this ship tried to stop me from coming back and now I know why.”

“That means there's only five pods available.” Ripley said and counted the people there. Gorman, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, herself, and Newt.

“Yeah.” Hicks said and looked around the chamber, as if more pods could be easily found.

My security panel beeped at me several times.

“Thanks, buddy.” I said and smiled at them. “Well, I've got the coordinates for the trip back. Who wants to stay awake while going back to Earth?”

“Your ship can travel that far?” Ripley asked.

“Sure. It has a hyperdrive and now has a star map to compare to the others I've gathered over the years. Plotting a proper course should only take another hour or so.”

“Beep beep.”

“Half an hour. R2 has a passion to take revenge on humans that try to pervert computer data to kill others.” I said with a smile.

“I think Newt and I will take you up on the offer.” Ripley said and hugged the little girl.

I glanced over her and admired her svelte and slightly muscular form wearing just a pair of panties and a thin tank top. I pushed those thoughts out of my head and smiled as she caught me looking at her.

“Despite how desirable you look right now, and my disappointment at what I am about to say, you can wear clothes for the trip.” I said and she smirked at me.

“I want to join you.” Vasquez said and then sighed. “We're military and have to use the transport provided.”

“Can I tell you all how stupid it is to leave no one onboard a ship in orbit to rescue you if anything happens?” I asked and the four marines looked uncomfortable. “I suggest writing a report about that or something, Gorman. It might get you a promotion.”

Gorman looked happy about that, then he sighed and shook his head. “I don't deserve command.”

“I'm glad you realized that. You should transfer to a nice office job or something.” I said and he nodded. I turned to Newt. “Let's get you suited up for a fun space flight, okay?”

“Okay.” Newt said and held her arms out for me.

I scooped her up and hugged her. “You are going to be the most stylish and cutest little pilot in the galaxy!” I exclaimed and Newt giggled as I carried her into the locker room.

Ripley followed me inside and watched as I pretended to pull different outfits from one of the lockers and made Newt laugh by showing her clown costumes, onesies of teddy bears, lions, and cats, and even a small version of Queen Amidala's royal costume. The funny-looking hat made Newt laugh really hard.

“Oh! Here it is! The best pilot uniform in the whole galaxy!” I said and pulled out a child-sized Starfleet uniform in the blue style. Both Ripley and Newt made appreciative sounds. “It's comfy, tough, and has a little badge that lets you talk to anyone else that has one.”

“Really?” Newt asked.

“It sure does.” I said and knelt beside her. “Let's get you dressed up and you can try it out.”

“Okay!” Newt said and then laughed as I tickled her and cast cleaning charms on her. I changed her out of her currently oversized sleeping clothes and gave her new and properly fitting underwear before I dressed her up in the uniform.

“Don't you look awesome?” I asked and opened the locker again and she looked into the mirror I had created.

Newt nodded and looked at her chest. “Where's the badge?”

“Right here.” I said and created one for her. I attached it to the right spot and then showed her the one I wore. “You just tap it and say your name and who you want to talk to. Like this.” I said and tapped mine. “John to Newt.”

“John to Newt.” Came from her comm badge at almost the same time.

“Then you tap yours and respond. It's that easy.” I said and smiled at her.

“I wanna try it!” Newt said.

“Okay, I'll go around to the other side of the locker room while Ripley gets dressed and you can call me.” I said and started to walk away. “Remember, my name is John.”

“Okay!” Newt nearly shouted.

I chuckled and walked to the other side of the room before I shouted. “Try it!”

“Newt to John!” Newt's voice shouted out of my comm badge and her giggle echoed throughout the locker room.

I tapped my comm badge. “John here. I'm in this strange place and all I can hear is a pretty girl giggling. Is that normal?”

Newt's giggle came through the room and the comm badge again.

“I guess it is.” I said. “Let me know when Ripley finishes changing.”

“She's petting the uniform like mine.” Newt said and giggled again.

“Tell her it's just as comfortable as the underwear she's wearing.” I said and Newt repeated it.

“She says it really is and doesn't know how you knew her size.” Newt responded.

“I surrounded her with a fundamental element of the universe and know her measurements exactly.” I said. “I did the same to you, too. I want you both to be comfortable and to relax for the trip.”

“Ripley wants to know how long we travel.” Newt said.

“It can be the same length as the military transport, at about three weeks, if she wants it to be.” I said. “We can shadow the thing and try to make sure nothing bad happens.”

“She said she would like that.” Newt said. “She has her clothes on now.”

“I'll be right over. John out.” I said and tapped my comm badge before I walked over. “To end a call, just tap your comm badge again.”

“Ripley wants a badge, too!” Newt said and pointed to Ripley's chest.

“Of course.” I said and held one out to her.

Ripley gave me a pointed look.

“I can put it on you if you want me to.” I said with a smile, implying I would grope her if given the chance.

Ripley huffed and softly laughed as she attached it herself. “Understood.”

“I knew you would.” I said and led them out of the locker room.

Three wolf whistles came from Hicks, Hudson, and surprisingly, Vasquez.

“Looking good.” Hicks said as he stared at Ripley. “Uh... both of you do.”

“They sure do.” Vasquez said. “Now I really regret that I can't go with them.”

“We'll be flying alongside you and keeping watch.” Ripley said.

Hicks seemed to relax after hearing that.

“Okay, people. Let's get in the pods and we can be on our way.” Lieutenant Gorman said.

“You're not going to stay up and watch the fireworks?” I asked.

“I've seen simulations of it before.” Gorman said and climbed into hypersleep pod two. It closed up and he immediately fell asleep.

“Have fun staying awake.” Hudson said and jumped into the number four pod and went to sleep.

“Good luck.” Vasquez said and entered number six and went to sleep.

“I wasn't allowed to say I want to go with you, not with witnesses around.” Hicks said. “Being a proper example for the others is hard.”

Ripley laughed and nodded. “Sweet dreams.”

Hicks nodded back and entered the number seven pod and went to sleep.

“We better go before the ship's computer decides to cut the air off or vent us into space.” I said and Ripley gave me a stern look. “What? Newt knows there's dangers in space. Don't you, Newt?”

“Affirmative!” Newt responded and gave me a thumbs up.

I chuckled and picked her up to hug her, then I handed her to Ripley. We walked all the way back to the landing bay and the security panel had to pressurize the bay again. I did not tell Ripley I told her so, because she gave me a pointed look and nodded. We entered the bay and Ripley gasped at the sleek looking royal starship.

“Only the best ship can be used for her royal highness, Newt!” I said.

Newt giggled and I led them up the boarding ramp. The ship's opulence was apparent all over the interior and Ripley gave me several pointed looks as we went up to the cockpit.

“There's four seats and the one on the right front is for the pilot.” I said and started the pre-flight check. “There's no need for straps if you don't want to wear them. This is a luxury ship, despite being faster than a lot of other ships in its class.”

“I've never seen a ship like it.” Ripley said.

“The reinforced chromium heavy armor really makes the ship stand out.” I said and the bay depressurized as I lifted off and the landing bay doors opened. I flew us out of the military ship and up and around to fly parallel to its course. “I wonder why they make the ships so large if they are mostly automated and no one except the passengers are onboard?”

“I... don't know.” Ripley said.

“Well, we're tied into the ship's navigation coordinates and I can hand the copied flight plan over to R2.” I said and sat back. “When was the last time you ate?”

Newt's stomach rumbled and she blushed a little.

I laughed softly to stop her embarrassment. “You should hear mine when I forget to eat! It can shake the whole ship sometimes!”

Newt giggled and lost the blush.

“What would you like?” I asked her. “Anything you want, just say so.”

Newt whispered something and I smiled warmly at her.

“I'll have them done up in a few minutes.” I said and handed her a small granola bar. “You can munch on that until they're ready.”

Newt opened the wrapper and took several small bites from the chocolate covered treat.

“Ripley? Any preferences?” I asked her.

“Anything's fine.” Ripley responded.

“I haven't made dog food in a while.” I joked.

Newt burst out laughing and sprayed granola bar everywhere.

I laughed, too. “You got some good distance with that one, Newt.” I said and swiped my hand over the mess and it vanished.

“How did you do that?” Ripley asked.

“Magic.” I admitted and stood. “I'll be right back with some food.”

Ripley gave me a skeptical look before she looked at Newt's face and saw that the little girl completely believed me. “We need to talk about this later.” She said to me.

“My answer won't change.” I said and snapped my fingers to make a one foot tall cuddly teddy bear appear and he was wearing a blue Starfleet uniform. “Hold my co-pilot for a bit, will you?” I asked and handed the bear to Newt.

She let out a little squeal of delight and hugged the thing with both arms.

I left a shocked Ripley and a happy Newt in the cockpit and went to the galley. I wasn't sure why my bad mood hadn't lasted like I thought it would. I did have a burning desire to hunt down every one of those alien ships and to utterly destroy them, so maybe that's where all my sadness and anger went?

I shrugged and got to work. I had some food to prepare for my passengers.


Just as both ships started their journey away from the exomoon, the explosions on the surface lit the place up like it was being converted into component atoms, just like when Seven's moon exploded. It sent me into a depressed mood and I didn't speak for several hours. It was just too close to what had happened to me and I couldn't handle it.

It wasn't until Newt climbed into my lap that I let my emotions out and I hugged her and cried. Tears poured out of my eyes and I sobbed and made sounds that I never thought I would. Newt's grief was unleashed with mine and she hugged me back and cried as well. She had lost everything, too. Her family, her home, and everything she owned was gone. She had nothing left and we both cried really hard over it.

Ripley couldn't take it and she joined in on the hug and cried as hard as us. Her life was a mess and she had lost everything, too. Her daughter, her career, and anything of real value was gone. The bribe of getting her flight status returned was worthless, once the company heard about what happened on LV-426.


A week later, there was some kind of emergency on the military transport. My security device cut off the computer's automated response and used the ship's scanners to see that it was all faked. A computer glitch that was really hidden commands from the Wayland-Yutani corporation, had sabotaged the ship because it brought nothing back from the mission.

They weren't going to make any money and decided to cut their losses. The problem came when the hypersleep pods shut down without waking the passengers up first. They were supposed to be shunted into the lifeboat to 'save' them from the imaginary fire and the power cut off from them when they didn't.

“Dammit, we have to get in there.” I said and flew the Imperial Starship closer. Several particle beams came from the military transport and glanced off of the shields. “Oh, fuck you.” I spat and poured power into the engines and rammed into the side of the ship where the landing bay was.

My armored ship tore through the heavy doors and I landed the ship right beside the doorway into the military ship.

“Stay here! I'll be right back.” I said and ran from the cockpit. I sealed the ship and formed a space suit around myself as I apparated outside. I used the Force to hold myself in place, instead of letting myself be blown out into space, and created a portable shield generator that Starfleet used to seal large breaches until repairs could be made. It mag-locked to the deck and I set it up and then activated it.

Pressure returned to the bay, because the airflow hadn't been cut off, and I ran over to the inner door and waved at Ripley and Newt staring out the viewports. I entered and ran to the hypersleep chamber and saw that they were all dark.

“Dammit, dammit, dammit!” I shouted and used the Force to tear open the occupied pods.

I touched Gorman's neck and there was no pulse. I quickly gave him several electrical shocks and used healing spells on him before trying CPR. It didn't work. I tried Hudson next and nothing changed. I went to Vasquez and she didn't respond, either. I sighed as I walked over to Hicks and did the same procedure. Nothing I did worked.

“Ripley to John.” Ripley said.

I tapped my comm badge. “John here.” I said with a sad voice.

“Fuck!” Ripley spat. “Those fucking bastards!”

“Yeah.” I whispered. “What do you want to do?”

“What can we do?” Ripley asked. “They are going to blame me again, because I'm the only survivor!”

“You weren't supposed to be. Only five of the pods worked, remember?” I said and she gasped.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Ripley cursed.

“That's my thought, too.” I said. “Any ideas?”

“Let it blow up anyway.” Ripley said. “If they want to remove any evidence of the mission, let them.”

“All right. I just have a few things I want to check out first.” I said.

“Don't take long. Infiltrator said the countdown is a short one.” Ripley said.

“Tell him to reset the computer's processing time from One to One to One to Ten.”

“BEEP beep BOOP!” Came over the comm signal.

“I'm sorry you didn't think of that, too.” I said and ran out of the hypersleep chamber and went to the weapons storage and copied a few things I didn't have. I was sure that the Battle Droids were going to like being upgraded to have heavy plasma weapons. I copied a few things, like plasma pistols and three different types of grenades. Frag, plasma, and flash-bang.

I left there and went to the maintenance bay and copied a plasma cutter, the personal forklift loader that was like a mechanical suit, and the military dropship. I was a bit surprised that it didn't have heavy weapons on it, until I saw the power plant was only limited and wouldn't last long without recharging from the main ship after several flights.

I also touched replacement heavy plasma weapons for the large military transport and grinned when they were classed as 'planetary assault weapons'. I then copied the miniature nukes that were just short fat missiles that were loaded into single shot launchers onto the drop ship. It didn't hurt to have them, anyway. Clean nukes were pretty rare.

“Okay, I'm done.” I said and ran back to the landing bay. I entered the Imperial Starship wearing my normal clothes and both Ripley and Newt tackled me and hugged me. “I know. I'm sorry.”

“Infiltrator showed us the footage.” Ripley said. “You did more than I thought you would.”

I had to chuckle at that. “I'll wash my mouth off later.”

Ripley smiled and nodded.

“Let's get out of here.” I said and we went back to the cockpit. I lifted off and dissolved the shield emitter and flew out of the landing bay. The security panel beeped at me and then the ship behind us exploded in a bright flash of light as the massive fusion reactor blew.

“Now what?” Ripley asked.

“Well, you're technically dead, as is a little girl named Rebecca.” I said and both Ripley and Newt looked at me with surprise on their faces. “Since you aren't those people anymore, why don't you become new people?”

“Beep boop.” The security panel said.

“You hacked the military communications?” I asked it.


“Nice going.” I said and smiled at Ripley. “He can insert whatever identity you want into the system and no one will ever know the difference.”

“But I look the same. What about my old identity?”

“You're deceased, so it's shuffled off to the archives. Infiltrator can change the visual and the handprint recognition to something else and have your new identity with your real ones.”

Ripley lightly touched the security device and stroked the edge. “Thank you, Eye.”

“BEEP!” The device shouted and went dim.

“What just happened?” Ripley asked.

I tried to not laugh and couldn't help it and laughed for several seconds.

“What?” Ripley asked again.

“It's the computer equivalent to... ahem.” I said and glanced at Newt before whispering. “Getting off.”

Ripley barked a laugh and then smiled as she carefully took her hand off of the panel. “I guess I need to be more careful.”

“Naming him sure surprised him.” I said and checked the navicomputer. “Any preference of where to go to rest before we start the hunt?”

“What hunt?” Ripley asked.

“We're going to scour the galaxy for more of those alien things.” I said and chose a nice colony planet that was a day's travel away in hyperspace.

It had been a surprise to me that the local ships only hopped through hyperspace in short jumps and didn't stay inside and rode it out. It was no wonder that it took them months to get anywhere.

“We're going to exterminate them all.” I added to convince her.

Ripley caught her breath and then stared at me. “You're serious?”

“Deadly serious. I need to keep my anger focused on something, too.” I said. “As far as I'm concerned, those aliens are responsible for us losing what we cared about the most in our lives. It's only fair that we pay them back for that.”

Newt nodded and sat in my lap. “Affirmative.”

Ripley shook herself slightly and nodded as well. “I'm good with that plan.”

I smiled and took us into hyperspace.


The colony was more than happy to have visitors, especially paying ones. The chromium ship helped a lot in that respect, too. Trading some real food to them for services, earned us a lot of both respect and good will from the colonists. We took the mayor's offer of a tour and he showed us all the good work they were doing to prosper and live a nice and quiet life.

I heartily approved and over the two weeks that we stayed there, I secretly did what I could to help the colonists with that lofty goal. None of them noticed me replacing their weak corn, potato, and rice crops with lands of my own with the same crops. They were hearty and healthy and needed to be harvested three times as quickly as the normal crops.

I left them instructions on what to do to maintain them, then Ripley, Newt, and I flew off to begin the hunt. Ripley sucked up weapons and tactical knowledge like a sponge and she really enjoyed flying the Imperial Starship between lessons.

We soon arrived at the first landing site from the alien spaceship's database and needed to get ready. Dressing Ripley up like a Galactic Stormtrooper in bright white armor made her laugh, because she couldn't decide if I was playing a joke on her or not. I was, because I could just give her a personal shield device. Instead, I dressed up as one myself and loaded up on weapons and ammo.

“Let's go have some fun!” I shouted and raised a fist into the air.

“Yes, sir!” The ten Battle Droids with their new heavy plasma rifles responded.

“Spread out and leave nothing alien alive!” I ordered and we marched down the ramp and spread out. Ripley came with me and we went to the alien ship. I did the same thing as the last time I entered one, burning everything in sight.

We weren't surprised when we entered the main chamber and saw that it was identical to the last ship. Ripley helped me light the place up with gunfire as the Infiltrator security panel now named Eye, easily entered the alien computers and pilfered the data to compare it to what he already had.

When it beeped at me, it was time to go. I grabbed it and tossed several plasma grenades into the pilot's chair, then ran for it with Ripley right behind me. The Battle Droids were already back and reported in that all live aliens were destroyed and a bomb was placed in the main nest where the Queen's body was.

“Eye, sync it with the alien detonation.” I said and it beeped at me. I lifted off and flew away from the destroyed colony planet. I didn't bother looking back as the dual explosions lit the planet up. I still couldn't face an explosion of that magnitude yet. Maybe I never would be able to.


Newt called Ripley 'mommy' less than a month later when she rescued the little girl from a wild pack of weird dog-like things on a colony planet we were taking a break on. She was very grateful for the personal shield belt and Droid blaster weapons I had given her, because they had saved her and Newt from a horrible death.

The colony manager apologized for not warning us about them, because everyone knew about them and they all assumed that we did as well. Plus, there were signs posted in public areas.

Ripley punched the colony manager's lights out before I could.

“Nice right hook.” I said, appreciatively.

“Thanks. I've been practising.” Ripley said.

We left without saying goodbye or sharing any replicator technology with them.


A year and ten more destroyed alien infested colonies later, I woke up from a nap and Ripley was in my bed. She had a look on her face that said she needed me, so I nodded and we spent the night together.

It was warm, and tender, and we shared each other as much as we could allow ourselves at the time. It was just sex and we weren't really emotionally invested in each other. There was no real passion or desire between us because we just needed someone to hold. Surprisingly, we were both okay with it only being that and nothing more.


Newt grew up learning everything we could teach her between raids on alien worlds. Piloting, weapons, fighting, hacking, tactics, and strategy were the main subjects. She took a particular interest in cooking and I showed her everything I could do while also teaching her about experimenting and not letting the 'rules' of a recipe constrain her too much.

By the time she was eighteen, Newt was a kick-ass hardened veteran of a nearly decade long alien war that was being waged across the galaxy. She had her own armor, her favorite weapons, and her chosen combat techniques.

Newt proved herself capable during the last colony raid and stumbled across a smaller hidden alien nest that wasn't connected to the main nest. She tore it up and used her combat abilities to kill the warriors and the recently grown Alien Queen that would replace the current one that was getting old.

The squad of Battle Droids backing her up ensured her victory with a planted bomb and then retreated when she ordered them to, after she tossed in several plasma grenades to wreck the Queen's reproduction sack.

Newt returned to the ship with a determined look on her face and stripped off her armor, right there in the main entrance to the Imperial Starship.


“Newt? What are you doing?” I asked as I walked up the ramp towards her.

“I just kicked an Alien Queen's ass, all on my own, and now you're mine.” Newt said and pulled off her under-armor suit to leave herself in just her underwear.

“Excuse me?” I asked and tried to not stare at her very nice chest in her bra.

“You and mom aren't together, despite how long we've been on our own.” Newt said and started taking my armor off. “I'm claiming you for myself if she doesn't have the resolve to keep a man like you.”

“Newt, you can't just say stuff like that.” I said and I wasn't sure why I wasn't fighting against her stripping me off.

“You love me.” Newt said as she peeled off my own under-armor bodysuit.

It wasn't a question and I answered it anyway with a nod.

“I love you, too.” Newt said and kissed me passionately.

I felt my emotions flare inside of me at her declaration. All of the emotions I had been repressing for years, came flooding back and I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her just as passionately.

I wasn't sure how we made it to my bed. I only knew that I had a woman I desired under me as I made love to her. I made sure that she knew it and made her scream my name in pleasure.

When I finished, I damn near blew her apart from the force of it. Newt yelled with passion as she had an orgasm and my love for her overflowed down there and poured out of her in a steady stream.

“Keep... keep going!” Newt begged. “Give me more of your love, John!”

I didn't refuse her request and kept going.

Neither of us noticed the ship taking off or most of the planet exploding below us.


Another two decades passed as we scoured the galaxy for every alien outpost. We were all weary and tired from the extremely long fight and then suddenly, it was all over. We successfully nuked an entire planet of them, their apparent homeworld, and we were done.

The flood of relief was euphoric and the three of us hugged and held each other for what seemed like forever and only a few minutes at the same time.

“I think... I think I'm going to bed.” Ripley said. She was 66 now and looked very tired.

“Us, too.” Newt said. She was 38 and looked just as tired.

“Goodnight.” Ripley said and hugged her daughter tightly, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and went to her quarters.

Two days later, after we hadn't seen or heard from her in several hours after sharing a meal with her the night before, we found her dead in her bed.

Ripley had passed away from heart failure.

She kept saying she was fine and wouldn't accept any bacta treatments or use the regeneration chamber. Now I knew why. She knew there was nothing to be done about a congenital heart problem except for surgery, and she refused any invasive medical procedures, because of her old nightmares.

“At least she died peacefully in her sleep.” Newt commented.

I looked at Ripley's face and it did have a bit of a smile on it.

“What should we do with her?” Newt asked.

“We could stuff her and mount her in the co-pilot's seat.” I joked and Newt barked a laugh, smacked my chest, and shook her head.

“Be serious.” Newt whispered.

“How about we strap her to a nuke and drop her on the alien's homeworld as one last 'fuck you' to the damn things?”

Newt grinned. “Now you're talking sense.”

We did exactly that and I stared at the massive explosion through the cockpit's viewport. It actually made me happy and it was cathartic and kind of soothing, too.

“I know.” Newt whispered and kissed me. “Gloria would have loved the gesture, too.”

I nodded and held Newt until the explosion petered out. “So, where to now?”

“Let's go blow up Wayland-Yutani's main company building on Earth.” Newt suggested and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

“Now you're talking sense.” I repeated her words and she laughed.


Newt passed away eighty years later of old age. She had refused the second dip in the rejuvenation chamber and I accepted her decision. I stayed with her on Earth until she died and then strapped her to a nuke, flew out to the sun, and parked right at the edge of the chromosphere, the inner part of the sun's corona.

“I still don't know how you did it, Newt.” I said and lightly kissed her lips. I had shut off the shields and the ship started to shake and melt from the intense heat from being only 1,200 miles above the sun's surface. “You helped me deal with everything that happened and I had no clue you were doing it.”

Newt didn't respond and I felt the internal heat of the ship spike as the environmental systems failed.

“Thank you, love. Thank you for letting me mourn and getting me to open my heart again.” I said and picked up the detonator. “Perhaps I'll find a version of you again. You're just too special to not have more of you out there, somewhen.”

The ship started to crack apart and I smiled.

“Say hello to Seven of Nine for me.” I said as my protection flowed over me and I pushed the button.


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