Accidental Multiverse Planeswalker

05 In Star Wars

Another fairly big one at 31,000 words. I also finished well before my Halloween due date. LOL

The Phantom Menace Isn't So Menacing.

Turmoil has engulfed the Galactic Republic for the first time in decades. The taxation of trade routes to outlying star systems from the core systems is currently in dispute. Hoping to resolve the matter with a blockade of deadly battleships filled with their droid army soldiers, the greedy Trade Federation has stopped all shipping to the small planet of Naboo as an example.

While the congress of the Republic endlessly debates this alarming chain of events, the Supreme Chancellor has secretly dispatched two Jedi Knights, the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy, to settle the conflict. He didn't realize that the Jedi Council would only send one Jedi Knight and his Padawan.

The Consular Class Republic Cruiser Radiant VII dropped out of hyperspace near the planet of Naboo. The Trade Federation initially refused them entry, because their blockade was perfectly legal. After a short talk, they reluctantly accepted their Ambassador status and allowed them to land on one of their Droid Control Ships.

It was quite stupid of the Viceroy to have given the Jedi access to the ship they were actually on and not a decoy. The Cruiser landed in one of the main bays and the two Jedi, with hoods drawn up to hide their faces, left the ship and a protocol droid met them and led them to a meeting room. Meanwhile, the Viceroy contacted his benefactor, Darth Sidious. He advised them to kill the Jedi and to begin the invasion of the planet.

Both of these actions were highly illegal and the Viceroy listened anyway. Heavy weapons were deployed in the landing bay where the Consular Cruiser was parked and they opened fire without warning. The ship exploded in a bright fireball...

...and a slightly charred figure was flung out of the explosion across the main bay, skidded for a dozen feet, and came to a stop beside some shipping crates that were near the droid army landing ships.

The Jedi in the meeting room felt the huge disturbance in the Force and activated their lightsabers and prepared for an attack. The room started to fill with smoke, a deadly pathogen, and they held their breaths to stop their bodies from imbibing the toxin that was sure to kill them. Droids eventually showed up to open the door and checked to see if they were dead.

The Jedi were far from it and attacked those there to kill them. A brief battle happened, which was quite easy for the two experienced fighters. They were only simple droids and barely fired their guns at all. Simple reflected blaster bolts took them out and using a light Force Push would knock them out. It was quite pathetic, really.

The Jedi and his Padawan quickly moved through the ship, following the flow of the Force, to lead them to the living beings that had tried to kill them. The Jedi used his lightsaber to start cutting through the doors to the bridge while his Padawan protected him from being distracted by the droids that attacked occasionally. Suddenly, the blast doors behind the main doors slammed closed and he had to change tactics.

Instead of cutting, he changed the settings on his weapon and jammed the lightsaber into the middle of the door and let the energy of the blade do the work. They normally didn't work that way, so it took a lot of skill to handle it and not burn yourself on the melting metal. The Jedi trusted the Force implicitly and knew he would be through the door in only a few minutes.

He did not have a few minutes.

Heavy Droidekas rolled down the hallway towards them.

“Master! Destroyers!” The Padawan shouted and the Jedi stopped what he was doing and prepared for the assault.

The droids stopped and unfurled quite far away, farther away than the Jedi's and Padawan's powers or their traditional weapons could reach. The droids had thick energy shields appear around them and then they opened fire with heavy blasters mounted on their arms.

“We need to retreat.” The Jedi said as they did their best to deflect the heavy blaster fire. When there was a brief lull in the shooting, they used Force Dash and fled from the immediate area.

The Droidekas tried to follow and shoot them, only to find an empty hallway.

The two moved through the ventilation shafts and dropped down into the main landing bay near where they had landed previously. They snuck over to the many shipping crates and ducked down to spy on the droids moving around.

“Battle droids.” The Padawan said. “It's an invasion army.”

“This is an odd play for the Trade Federation.” The Jedi said and looked over the droids loading onto the dozen ground assault ships. “We've got to warn the Naboo and contact Chancellor Valorum.”

“But.” The Padawan prompted.

“We should split up and stow aboard separate ships and meet down on the planet.” The Jedi said.

The Padawan was about to respond when he thought he heard something move nearby. “Master.”

“Uhhhh.” A garbled voice groaned.

The Jedi froze as he felt a very large disturbance in the Force.

“Master? Are you all right?” The Padawan asked.

The Jedi didn't respond and moved over and around the crates they were hiding behind. He held his hand out and felt a very strong life force, so he used Force Pull and was shocked when a partially burned man was dragged over from beside the crates.

“Uhhhh.” The man groaned again.

“How in the Force did he get here?” The Padawan asked.

The Jedi held up a hand and placed his hand over the partially melted face and closed his eyes. His eyes jerked as he felt the Force show him how the man had appeared. He jerked his hand back when he tried to see more than that.

“He came from the Consular ship's explosion.” The Jedi said.

“Master, we can't take him with us.” The Padawan said.

“Hmm.” The man hummed and twitched his one working finger to point to a set of straps that both the Jedi and the Padawan hadn't seen before.

The Jedi huffed and looked at his Padawan. “Help me secure him.”

The Padawan sighed and did as ordered. He knew this would slow his Master down with the extra weight, except when he lifted the half-burned man, he weighed almost nothing.

The Jedi felt almost nothing be strapped to his back and used the Force to feel where the man was in relation to his own body and limbs. “I'll be careful moving.”

“Hmm.” The man said.

“Let's go.” The Jedi said and he went into one of the landing craft to hide and his Padawan entered another.


It took some time to launch the assault ships and they descended into the atmosphere. I was grateful that the droids had been kind enough to include air on all of their ships, since it wasn't necessary for droids to breathe.

Once the ships landed, the Jedi carefully left the main landing craft and snuck into the surrounding forest. I had copied his ability with the Force and I slowly reached out with it and felt the Force of the planet. It was in fluctuation at the moment with so many enemies bent on destroying everything. I could even feel the large machines moving through the forests and killing the animals and the trees.

“Hmmmmm.” I said from the Jedi's back.

“You can feel it, too?” The Jedi asked.

“Hmm.” I responded.

“There's not much we can do.” The Jedi said.

“Hmmm. Hmm hmm.”

The Jedi chuckled. “A one man army, are you?”

“Hmm.” I said and created a Mule for him to use.

The Jedi reached out and touched it, testing that it was real, and I felt him use the Force to check it. “It's not an illusion. You created this.”


“How does it work?” The Jedi asked.

“Hmm hmmmm hmm, hmm hmm.” I said in my best scolding tone.

The Jedi nodded. “Yes, I suppose I am an idiot for asking that.” He said and climbed aboard. The controls were simple and clearly marked. “I'm sorry for doubting you.”


The Jedi unstrapped me from his back and carefully sat me down, which I was grateful for. He secured me to the seat and started the Mule up. It worked just like a hovercar and we started to float through the trees. The Jedi followed the Force and quickly found his Padawan only a mile away and came to a stop.

“Well done, Master. You found me before the droid patrols.” The Padawan said.

“You need to thank our mystery guest.” The Jedi said and I gurgled a laugh.

“You're joking.” The Padawan said and took a fighting stance, just in case any droids showed up.

“I never joke.” The Jedi said and started flying the machine again.

We travelled for some time and the Padawan brought down several droid flying machines before we reached where the Jedi wanted to go. Unfortunately, we were a little too late to warn the Naboo about the invasion, because the main droid armies were currently assaulting the capital city.

“Hmm hmm hmm.” I said and the Jedi looked at me as I created a dermal stripper on my lap.

“I don't know what...” The Jedi stopped talking when a little pamphlet appeared. “We don't really have time for this.”

“Hmm.” I said, accusation in my working eye. At least both weren't welded shut this time.

The Jedi sighed. “Obi-wan, read the pamphlet and do as the man asks.”

“Hmm hmm.” I said and another device and another pamphlet appeared.

The Jedi stood up. “My Padawan will help you while I scout the enemy.”

“Hmm!” I said and created a secured wireless terminal. I had been a very busy man while working for the Alliance and maintaining their automated bases and communications satellites.

The Jedi picked it up and turned it on, only to catch his breath as the device connected to the local security grid, as it was designed to, and then it displayed a map of the city that was in the city's databases. He gave me a look, as if to say we would be discussing this later.

“Obi-wan, get to work.” The Jedi said and jumped out of the vehicle and ran off. I wasn't surprised that he took the device with him. It was a very useful tool and I had designed it that way.

“I'm sorry about Qui-gon.” Obi-wan said and quickly read both pamphlets. They were fairly small and easy to understand, even if you couldn't read the words, the pictures were pretty self explanatory. “These are barbaric devices.”

“Hmm?” I asked.

“A nice soak in a bacta tank will fix you up in about a week or so.” Obi-wan said.


Obi-wan couldn't help himself and smiled. “I don't happen to have one on me right now.”

I sighed and Obi-wan touched my shoulder.

“If we weren't in the middle of an invasion, I would take you to the closest medical facility to get you healed.”

I used my sole working finger as I pointed to the device and then at my mouth.

“Oh, I see.” Obi-wan said. “This is going to hurt.”

I nodded and he quickly did as the pamphlet instructed and removed my lips, gums, and most of my tongue. He used the generator to trace over the areas and I used my spells and abilities to boost it as much as possible.

“How are you now?” Obi-wan asked.

“Mostly functional on the inside.” I said. I had been healing myself a lot during the long trip. The Mule wasn't intended for long distance treks over planets and only for short hops from the ship to nearby towns.

Obi-wan looked down at me and then at my face. “You seem to be okay with this.”

“It's not the first time I've been like this.” I said.

My words seemed to have surprised him.

“My name's John. John Hansen.” I said. “I'd offer to shake your hand; but, my hands are a little occupied at the moment.”

Obi-wan smiled. “I am Obi-wan Kenobi and my Master is Qui-gon Jinn.”

“Can you do my other eye and then start on my right hand? It hurts like crazy to do it this way; but, it's the only option I have to heal before my own healing and regeneration will fix the damage.”

“This really is barbaric.” Obi-wan said and quickly did my other eye before he moved on. He didn't strip one finger at a time on my hand like Simon did, though. No, he cleared off the whole top of my hand in a couple of seconds and then used the dermal generator to start growing it back. When it was filled, he did the bottom of my hand.

I had to cancel my silence spell to tell him to do my elbow. Once I had free movement, I snatched the devices away from him and showed him the proper way to use them.

“It's still barbaric. You're just going slower and causing yourself more pain for longer.” Obi-wan said.

I did my left hand and the elbow and then I really got to work.

Qui-gon returned ten minutes later and he looked only slightly surprised that I had my face back and my arms regenerated. “I've found the Queen. She and her retainers are being held captive in her throne room.”

“Hostiles?” I asked and kept working on my main joints, just so I had movement. I could work on the parts in between later.

“Thirty soldier droids, six Droidekas, and ten of the humanoids.” Qui-gon said.

“Are they guarding or surrounding?” I asked.

“Is there a difference?” Obi-wan asked.

“Yes. One is them keeping others out. The other is keeping them in.”

Qui-gon looked thoughtful for a moment. “I believe surrounding.”

“Then ambushing them will be easy.” I said and finished with my ankle as I made clothing appear around myself to cover up most of the damage. “Are we going in subtle or making a scene?”

Qui-gon looked at Obiwan. “Is he serious?”

“I'm almost mobile again.” I said and started on my toes. I went across them at the base and repaired them, so they at least let me walk. “All right, I'm good enough for now.”

“Do you really expect me to allow...” Qui-gon started to say and then caught his breath as I disappeared in front of him. He reached out to touch me and I wasn't where I had been.

“Are we going in the Mule for subtlety or are we going in with guns blazing?” I asked and appeared behind the Mule.

“We don't fire upon sentient species.”

“You do realize they are robots and are as dumb as their programmers?” I asked and he didn't look impressed. “So, decided yet? Sneak or smash.”

Qui-gon and Obi-wan exchanged looks again. “Sneak.”

“Okay. Put these on.” I said and handed them each a nice cloak.

“We have Jedi robes already.” Obi-wan said.

“Put it on and quit talking. You'll give us away.” I said and put on another cloak of invisibility.

“You really are disappearing.” Qui-gon said. “Not even the Force can detect you.”

“That's good to know.” I said from beside him. He didn't jump, which was a little disappointing. “With those cloaks, you can do it, too.”

Qui-gon nodded at Obi-wan, giving him permission, and Obi-wan disappeared from sight.

“I can still see out myself and I can still feel and use the Force.” Obi-wan said.

“Lightsaber?” Qui-gon asked.

The hum sound of one activating sounded and the blue energy blade came out from inside.

“So, it's not all encompassing.” Qui-gon said.

“Not if you open it and stick something out.” I said and stuck my hand out. “It's for sneaking around.”

“We will need to attack at some point.” Obi-wan said.

“You won't really need cloaks to hide then, will you?” I asked and he shook his head. “What about attacks of opportunity?”

“What do you mean?” Qui-gon asked.

“Like this.” I said and pointed my disembodied hand at a large and rapidly approaching droid tank before I cast Bombarda Maxima. The spell hit the front of the thing and exploded, as that was the spells function, and the tank's front shattered and it crashed and skidded for about twenty feet before it stopped.

“I've never seen the Force do that.” Obi-wan said.

“That depends on if you class Force powers and magic powers into the same category.” I said and both the Jedi and Padawan sucked in breaths as I reached out with the Force to grab the tank and squeezed my hand into a fist. The tank seemed to implode and the droids still active inside were crushed before they could climb out.

Qui-gon seemed to glare at me and I smiled back at him. “Don't do that.”

“It's all right. I wasn't abusing the Force or falling to the Dark Side.” I said and they looked surprised. “I'm merely getting even for them destroying all those forests coming here.”

“You're not seeking revenge?” Qui-gon asked, quite blatantly.

I chuckled. “Once I'm fully mobile again, I'll go back and repair all of the damage.”

The two men stared at me with blank faces.

“No, it won't take as long as you think.” I said and made a wand appear in my hand and vanished the tank, then waved the wand at the surroundings and they reformed and repaired themselves.

“That... that was both the Force and whatever you are.” Qui-gon whispered.

“I asked the Force for help.” I said and made the wand disappear, then did the same to the Mule.

“Hey, we needed that.” Obi-wan said.

“No, we have something better.” I said and a damaged tank appeared in front of us. “Just give me a minute to fix it and we can go right through their own formations.”

They stood there and watched as the tank reformed and became pristine. I walked over to it and popped the hatch to climb in. It was really awkward not having all of my muscles active.

“How did you do that?” Qui-gon asked.

“When I touch things, I gain a copy of them.” I said and ducked down inside to sit in the driver's seat.

Qui-gon and Obi-wan slid inside and closed the hatch.

“You didn't touch it.” Obi-wan said and sat at the gunner controls.

“He did.” Qui-gon said. “With the Force.”

Obi-wan looked surprised for only a second and smiled.

I created another security viewing device and checked it. “It's clear to the main avenue.”

“Approach the palace from behind. It's the least populated.” Qui-gon said and checked his device. “I've never seen anything like this before.”

“That's because I invented it.” I said and started the tank up. It rose up and I checked the readings, then used the controls to bring us forward and rolled down the slight hill we had been hiding behind to observe.

“You are quite talented.” Obi-wan said.

“I needed a way to monitor other people's security networks and the Infiltrator was born.” I said and poured on the speed.

“You are going faster than the droids usually pilot.” Qui-gon observed.

“Yes, and I'm testing to see if anyone but the droids notice.” I said and he nodded.

We weren't surprised when no one noticed. Even the droids barely glanced at us as we passed. They were busy gathering non-resisting people.

“They really are a peaceful people.” I commented.

“Yes. No planetary weaponry or even gun emplacements around sensitive areas like the palace.” Qui-gon said. “They don't even have a militia plan in place.”

I chuckled. “No wonder the droids thought taking over here was easy to do. It actually was.”

“Most people don't like conflict.” Obi-wan said.

“Most people don't live exciting and death defying lives like us.” I said with a laugh and pulled the tank around the back of the palace. “Where are they keeping the queen?”

Qui-gon highlighted the room on the device and mine pinged.

“Nice and easy access.”

“It's ten stories up and there are no stairs on this side.” Qui-gon said.

“Who needs stairs when you can fly?” I asked and parked the tank. “No observers are around, so I'm vanishing the tank.” I said and stood up.

“Won't we need it again?” Obi-wan asked as he and Qui-gon stood.

“No, we need to fly out of here.” Qui-gon said. “May I keep this device?”

“Sure. I can always make more.” I said and handed mine to Obi-wan. “Have fun with it.”

Both men nodded and we dropped a couple of inches to the ground as the tank vanished.

I created a broom and they gave me odd looks. “Relax. I'll do the flying.” I said and tied two ropes and made foot hooks on the ends. I hopped on the broom and lifted up to hover and their looks didn't change. “Yes, I'll explain more later.”

Both of them nodded and stepped into the foot hooks and held the ropes. I flew us straight up and stopped at the throne room's level and used the human reveal spell and then made another security viewing device. I combined the data from the two and nodded as I let the Force confirm it for me.

“Gentlemen, shall we?” I asked and dissolved the viewscreen and pointed my wand at the huge stained glass window.

The two men nodded and drew their lightsabers, so I switched the window with the space across the room near the wall, to get it out of the way, and the three of us jumped in through the opening.

The droids didn't know what hit them as we tore through them in only moments. Using the force and their lightsabers, the Jedi and Padawan cleared out one side and I waved my wand at the rest and vanished their heads. The way they reacted would have been comical if it wasn't so sad. Whoever programmed them was an idiot.

“Please forgive the intrusion, your highness.” Qui-gon said. “We are ambassadors sent by Chancellor Valorum.”

“It seems the negotiations have failed.” The planet's governor said.

“The negotiations never took place.” Qui-gon said and that surprised the Queen's retinue and the other politicians. “It is urgent that we contact the chancellor.”

“They've knocked out all of our communications.” The head of the Queen's personal guard said. “Men, grab those guns.”

The guns from the droids were quickly retrieved and checked.

“There's not enough for all of us.” One of them said and handed his gun to the head of the guard.

“May I?” I asked and he gave me a searching look.

He saw my half-charred state and handed me the gun.

“Thank you.” I said and the image of the gun appeared in my head. I waved a hand over it and it repaired itself, then I handed it to the head guard, and formed another to give to the man that gave it up, then five more to each guard that was weaponless. Everyone stared at me in shock.

“There's no time to explain.” Qui-gon said. “We need to leave the planet as soon as possible, before they secure the rest of the surface and have complete air superiority.”

“Ambassador, I will not abandon my people.” The Queen said in a stoic voice.

“I've felt the truth with the Force. If you remain here and don't do as they wish, they will kill you.” Qui-gon said.

“Your highness, I believe our best bet is for you to go to Coruscant and plead our case in front of the Galactic Senate. Senator Palpatine is awaiting you there and will assist you.”

The Queen looked pensive. “Whatever I decide will result in great danger for us all.”

“You must be strong, my queen.” One of her handmaidens said, reassuringly.

“If we are to leave, we must do it now.” Qui-gon said.

The Queen sighed. “Very well. I will go to the senate.”

“The transport bay is this way.” The head of her personal guard said and we rushed out of the throne room and made our way to where the ships were launched from.

I kind of cheated and held onto my disillusioned broom and let it drag me along, just so I wasn't hurting myself by trying to keep up with everyone. We soon arrived and found the bay was occupied with droid soldiers.

“There's too many of them.” The head guard whispered.

“Don't worry about that.” Qui-gon said. “We will all walk calmly to the Royal Starship as my Padawan crosses the bay and frees the pilots.”

“There are not enough men, or ships, to make much difference against an entire invading army.” The planet's governor pointed out.

“Tell them to not waste their lives needlessly.” I said and everyone turned to look at me. “I can send out automated ships for a distraction. Have the pilots actually be of use and have them assault the camps and surrounding troops. The ships look like they can fly circles around the really slow droid controlled soldier drop ships, too. Disabling them should be a priority after saving the people.”

“He does have a point, my queen.” The same handmaiden said.

The Queen looked at me and her eyes roamed over me. “I see you have seen battle.”

“More than I would like and less than I should have in some cases.” I agreed. “Once we clear out the droids in the bay, I'll start sending out the drone ships.”

“What is your name, stranger?” The Queen asked.

I smiled and stepped forward, then I gently took her hand and bent over as I kissed the back of it. “My name is John Hansen. Please forgive my appearance, your highness. I always seem to be hurt in this way when travelling to a new world.”

“I certainly hope you haven't travelled much.” The Queen said.

“This is the fourth time I've travelled to a new world.” I told her. My short stop in the Buffy-verse didn't really count, since I didn't travel there normally or nearly died to leave. “This is actually the best condition I've been in afterwards.”

The handmaidens gasped and the Queen looked like she had sucked on something sour.

“I apologize. I didn't mean to upset you. Any of you.” I said and copied her Diplomacy ability and then went to each of the handmaidens and gently took their hands and kissed the backs of them. They all blushed, especially the one that spoke. I also knew her secret. The others all came up as 'Queen - Decoy' and she came up as 'Hidden Queen - Handmaid Disguise'.

“We are wasting time.” Qui-gon said.

“Yes, I'm sorry. These lovely ladies distracted me. Even in my damaged state, I couldn't help myself.” I said and they blushed again. “Please, allow me to enter the hangar first and I'll distract the ones by the Queen's ship.”

Qui-gon nodded, so I winked at the handmaidens before I hunched over and did my best crippled man impersonation. I took tentative steps and let out low moans of pain as I slipped into the bay. I immediately gained the attention of the droids. They didn't say anything until I was almost at the Royal Starship.

“Halt! Identify yourself.” The one with a yellow marking on his head and chest said.

“I'm just... uhhhh... the maintenance man.” I said and touched the ship. I groaned again as the image appeared in my head called 'Naboo Royal Starship - Modified J-127 Nubian'. It has a hyperdrive, deflector screens, and energy shields. I chuckled. I wish I had this on the last trip!

“You do not look like a mechanic.” The droid said.

“The last ship I was on, exploded spectacularly.” I said and several gasps came from the hallway. “I'll be fine in a couple of weeks. Sooner if I can find a bacta tank somewhere.”

“You have no tools.”

“What? These tools?” I asked and reached behind my back and created a copy of Kaylee's tool belt with a bunch of tools on it. She really was the best mechanic in the Verse.

If the droid could look stunned, it would have. As I walked by the squad guarding the ship, I touched each different one to gain a copy of them. I was going to have a lot of fun modifying them later.

When I was behind them, I reached out with the Force to grab them and made a fist. They were instantly made into a single ball of metal and I threw it across the bay into the command droid of the squad guarding the pilots. It crushed his chest and hovered there, as I wanted, and I opened my hand and the ball tore apart and shredded the other droids.

“That was quite the distraction.” Qui-gon said as he led everyone over to me.

“I only meant to get their attention, then I realized my act had all of their attention.” I said with a smile. “I couldn't let that advantage go to waste.”

The Queen nodded to me before she and her retinue bid farewell to the planet's governor and boarded the ship. The governor ordered the pilots to initiate the plan to start attacking the droids and then looked at me.

“The ship looks like this.” I said and created one of the automated sentry ships. The heavily modified Firefly immediately powered up. “Protect the people as much as possible while shooting every droid ship out of the sky and every tank on the ground.”

“Yes, sir.” The female voice said.

“I wish I could give you energy shields.” I said, my voice said.

“As do I, sir.” The ship said and lifted off.

“Good luck! Your sisters are coming right out to help!” I shouted and the ship shot out of the hanger bay at full speed.

“That... I did not just see that.” The governor said.

“I'm not done.” I said and created another. I gave it the same prep speech and then it was away and I kept going.

“You may have just saved this planet.” Qui-gon said as the fifteenth Firefly flew away.

“No.” I said and we entered the royal ship. “Without shields, they won't last long against ships that have them.”

“And you are going to add them?” Obi-wan asked.

“As soon as I get a chance to.” I said and walked with him up to the cockpit.

“This is going to be dangerous.” The pilot said and powered the ship up. “The blockade has dozens of ships that will fire on us.”

I chuckled and he gave me a death glare. “Relax. I covered the ship with an Illusion.”

“An Illusion? Of what?” Obi-wan asked.

“Space, of course.” I said, just as several emergency calls came from the other pilots in the bay, asking why there was a piece of space where the ship was supposed to be. “You see? We'll be fine.”

The pilot responded and said it was a disguise, then lifted off. We shot out of the hanger bay and we could see the Fireflys zooming around and destroying tanks and hovercrafts all over the capital.

I created a communicator and hit the call button. “Girls, remember. If you're going down, head for the biggest group of droids and let the reactor go.”

“Yes, sir.” A chorus of female voices responded.

“Thank you for your sacrifice.” I said with gratitude. “Shoot straight, fly fast, and aim to misbehave.”

The ships laughed. “Goodbye, sir.”

“Goodbye.” I said and clicked off.

The cockpit was quiet after that exchange.

The Royal Starship broke atmosphere and the pilot winced when he saw the blockade in front of him. It took him a minute to realize that no one was shooting at him. He whipped his head around to look at me.

“Would you shoot at something you can't see and don't know is there?” I asked.

He gave me a blank look for a few seconds, then barked a laugh.

We flew around the blockade and the ships didn't notice us at all. As soon as we were far enough from the planet, the ship jumped into hyperspace.

“AHHH!” I yelled and dropped my my knees. My head was suddenly pounding and I didn't know why.

Qui-gon put a hand on my shoulder and I felt the Force flow over me and cover my mind. “You're completely unprotected from feeling or sensing everything when a ship jumps into hyperspace.”

I felt the headache recede and looked up at him. “I don't understand.”

“When you breech the barrier of light, you pass by worlds full of people at a pace that a force sensitive mind has difficulty with, without extensive training.” Qui-gon said.

“Maybe I don't want to upgrade my ships.” I said and he smiled.

“Obi-wan can instruct you during the flight to Coruscant when he isn't studying and meditating himself.”

“Can you offer his skills and time like that?” I asked.

“I am his Master.” Qui-gon said.

I opened my mouth to comment, then changed my mind. That was not a debate I needed to have right now. “Thanks for the offer. I'll consult with him as soon as we get settled in.”

Obi-wan nodded.

“If this was a perfect universe, we would arrive in six hours on a straight course.” The pilot said. “Because the planets and other things are in the way, we have to navigate around them.”

“How long?” I asked.

“About a day and a half.” The pilot said and gave me another look. “You might want to raid the ship's stores for some bacta creme, or something to put you to sleep for the trip.”

I chuckled. “Don't worry about me. I plan on immersing myself into a bacta tank as soon as I can.”

The pilot nodded and went back to observing the controls.

“We should report to the queen that we have gotten safely away.” Qui-gon said and Obi-wan and I followed him to the queen's quarters. “When we leave hyperspace, please drop the illusion surrounding the ship.”

“I already did.” I said and he raised an eyebrow at me. “I kind of cancelled it when all that stuff slammed into my head and I was trying to fight it off.”

“We can begin the lesson in a few hours, unless the queen needs us for something before then.” Obi-wan said as Qui-gon hit the admittance chime for entry to the Queen's private meeting room.

“Thank you.” I said and the door opened with the queen's head of security giving us a little glare, then he stepped out of the way. “At least he's competent and diligent.” I whispered to Obi-wan, who nodded.

“We've come to report that we escaped through the blockade without incident.” Qui-gon said and the stoic queen looked surprised for several seconds before regaining her composure.

“I must ask how that was possible.” The Queen said. “There were dozens of heavily arms ships.”

“Mr. Hansen provided the means by hiding the ship. The Trade Federation didn't detect us as we flew by them.” Qui-gon said.

“Is this true, Mr. Hansen?” The Queen asked.

“Please, call me John. Mr. Hansen was my father. Every time someone says it, I have to resist the urge to look around and see where he is.”

Two of the handmaidens let out soft laughs and the Queen's mouth twitched in a smile.

“Yes, it was my ploy.” I said and waved a hand at the wall and changed it to look like empty space. The handmaidens gasped.

“That is an interesting ability... John.”

“It's only a minor one, your highness.”

“You covered a ship with that and it's only a minor ability?” The Queen asked.

“Gentlemen? A demonstration.” I said and pulled my cloak's hood up and disappeared. Qui-gon and Obi-wan raised their hoods and disappeared just after I did.

The security guards looked very uncomfortable.

I dropped my hood and pretended to take another cloak out of my pocket. “I would gift you one as well, if you so wish.”

The Queen looked at her handmaidens and back at me.

I walked forward and held the cloak out.

“As generous as this is, I cannot in good conscience accept...” The Queen started to say, then stopped as I handed the cloak to the first handmaiden. I then pulled out another and gave it to the next one, then another and another until all five handmaidens had one and I took out one more to present to the queen.

“John, you are too kind.” The Queen said and accepted the cloth. “It feels like the finest silk.”

“It also compresses and fits into a small pocket.” I said and slipped mine off to fold up to the size of my palm and put it into my pants pocket.

“I would grant you a reward for providing myself and my people safe passage from our oppressors.”

“Your highness, that isn't necessary.” I said. “I didn't do it for any reward.”

“Padme.” The queen said. “This man is injured and cannot properly care for himself. Please bathe him and advise him on the appropriate dressing protocols on Coruscant. If he is to accompany us and continue to keep us safe, he will fit in properly.”

“My queen.” Padme said and bowed her head slightly.

I opened my mouth to protest and Qui-gon's hand touched my arm. I didn't speak and let the handmaiden lead me out of the meeting room through a different door. When the door closed behind us, I lightly touched her arm to get her attention.

“You don't have to do this.” I whispered, in case anyone in the room could hear us.

“The queen ordered it.” Padme said with a smile. “It shouldn't take long to set up and we can have you clean before you know it.”

I sighed and nodded, so she led me into a large bath room that didn't look practical at all. It really didn't take much time before the bath was ready. “Before I start stripping, it's not going to be pretty.”

“If your neck and arms are any indication, I can tell.” Padme said. “Do you want me to help?”

I looked down at my hands and nodded. More hands made quicker work, after all. By the time I was down to just my underwear, Padme was silently crying.

“Don't look for a moment, all right?” I asked and she nodded as she turned her head away. I switched the underwear with the air by the floor and climbed into the bath. “You can look now.”

Padme did and she didn't look any happier that I was hidden in the bath. “John, you... why are you not screaming in pain?”

“I do that when I'm healing myself.” I said and she looked surprised. “I believe Obi-wan called it barbaric.”

“I... I don't want to know.”

“Are you sure? It's quite horrific and stomach churning.” I said with a huge smile.

Padme shook her head and smiled a little, stopping her tears. “Let's get you bathed and dressed decently.”

Mission accomplished. I thought. “I don't know what the queen's problem is. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my clothes when I was a farmer on a farming planet.” I defended myself. “It's not my fault that my clothing is probably centuries out of date. Oh, wait.”

Padme laughed softly and carefully washed my chest. “Why are the burns only on certain areas?”

“I've been stripping off the dead flesh and muscles before regrowing them back. I didn't get far before we found you and I skipped most of the in-between parts and focused on just repairing the joints for movement.”

Padme stopped washing me and stared at my face. “You're serious.”

I lifted one of my legs out of the water and she could clearly see the normal flesh around just my knee and my ankle. “I've put off working on the rest until I can research bacta tank technology.”

“That really is barbaric.” Padme said, her voice firm.

“Well, it was all I had at the time. The first time, I had to do skin grafts and healed normally over a very long period of time. I was even in a wheelchair for a lot of it.”

“Oh, no.” Padme whispered.

“The second time, it was only a comet and pretty much crushed my bones. It didn't take me long to recover after that. The third time was...”

“Stop! I don't want to know.” Padme said and she put down the soft scrubbing brush and cupped the side of my face. “How can you be so calm after all of that?”

“It's kind of the price I've inadvertently paid to travel.” I said and her face was sad. “I didn't know that was happening at the time. I thought I was dying each time and then I wake up and I'm somewhere new. After that, I try to find and build a life for myself.”

“Why? Why would you...”

“I'm not going to stop living my life, just because I get hurt. Of course, I regret leaving friends and family behind each time; but, I can't really go back once I've moved on.” I sighed. “Sometimes, there's not really anything to go back to.”

Padme leaned in and gave me a very light kiss on my lips. “I'm very sorry about that, John.”

I couldn't stop my smile. “I suddenly don't feel too bad about it, Padme. I wonder why?”

Padme blushed and couldn't stop her smile, either. “Don't get any funny ideas, Mr. Hansen.”

“Do you mean like waiting until you're older to ask you to accompany me on proper date? One that doesn't involve planetary invasions and insane escapes?” I asked and she blushed harder. “It might be boring in comparison, your majesty.”

Padme gasped and leaned back from the tub.

“No, I won't tell anyone.” I said and held a hand out for her to take.

Padme hesitated for a moment, then put her hand in mine. “You have me at a disadvantage.”

“I'll keep your secret if you keep mine.” I said with a knowing smile.

“What could you possibly tell me that could match mine?”

“Your assumption that I crashed a ship here and was caught in an explosion, is only half-right. I didn't crash a ship. I travelled here from another universe through that explosion.”

Padme's mouth dropped open and she stared at me.

“Yes, it's happened before, which is why I said this time wasn't as bad. Some of my abilities lessened the toll on me, I think. I barely had to heal any of my internal organs this time and none of my bones were broken. Of course, finding someone with a connection to the Force right away, was a huge bonus for me.”

“Why?” Padme asked.

“It's helped me immeasurably.” I said and felt grateful to it, which it seemed to like. “Also, once I'm healed and we go back to Naboo, I can heal and restore all the forests and things that the droids are destroying while trying to fight the population that's not actually fighting.”

Padme sighed. “They just don't understand, do they?”

“Not even a little bit.” I said with a laugh. “The Trade Federation thinks your people are trying to trick them into a false sense of security and are going to turn the tables on them and take them all down by allowing themselves to be captured without a fight.”

“John, we are a peaceful people...” Padme started to say.

“I know, Padme. Your highness. Queen of Naboo and Queen of the Naboo.” I said with a smile and she smiled back. “That's why whoever is behind all of this was sure of the Trade Federation's success in subjugating your people. If it works on a planet that they know won't fight back against both their taxation and their illegal occupation, moving on to a real target after practising, is going to be simple for them.”

Padme gave me an intense look, as if she wore the makeup and wore her royal outfit. “You are saying that my people are being harmed because it is a test for the droids to learn to invade properly.”

“That is exactly what I believe.” I said and it was my turn to touch her cheek and cup the side of her face. “Don't worry, Padme. I've decided that I'm going to keep helping you.”

Padme blushed. “John, you... you know that I...”

“Yes, my Queen.” I said in a normal tone of voice and let her face go as I smiled warmly at her. “Believe me, when I decide something, I do everything I can to complete it.”

“Are you really going to help me free my people?” Padme asked.

“Yes, I will... right after you finish scrubbing my butt.” I said with a straight face and rolled onto my side to present it to her.

Padme burst out laughing and tossed the scrubbing brush at it. It bounced right off and onto the floor.

“Your highness! I can't feel any scrubbing! I think it's numb!” I joked and she kept laughing.


“Now you look like a proper member of the Queen's retinue.” Padme said and adjusted the elaborate 'suit' that I now wore that was borrowed from the planetary governor's wardrobe. It was quite uncomfortable and stiff, which was probably why it was that way, just so you could fit into the retinue without standing out.

“Thank you very much for the help, Padme.” I said, my voice full of gratitude.

Padme gave me a searching look, then seemed to decide that I was telling the truth and nodded.

“I won't lie to you, unless you want me to.” I said and she looked surprised. “Yes, you can tell me to.”

Padme paused in her movements, with her hands on my chest, and her gaze was penetrating. “No, John. If you are to be my advisor, the truth about all of this is what I will need to figure out. I need you to help me with that.”

I put my hands on hers and smiled warmly. “I give my word that I will do all that I can.”

Padme smiled back. “Thank you.”

“I suppose I must be presented to the Queen for her approval.” I said in a haughty voice, which surprised her. “Please lead on, trusted handmaiden.”

Padme was stunned for a moment, then she beamed a smile at me. “Right this way, Mr. Hansen.” She said and led me from the dressing room. “The Queen will be quite pleased.”

“It is my fondest wish for that to be so.” I said and followed her into the Queen's meeting room. The Queen and the other handmaidens were quite surprised at the change in my demeanor, especially when I spoke like an Alliance noble. I had years of practice with that and it came out naturally.

“You are a delight, John. You will fit right in and no one will know you are not a normal member of my people.” The Queen said.

“It is an honor to serve, my queen.” I said and gave her a half-bow as I gently took her hand and kissed the back of it. “If I have any say in the matter, it will be for years and perhaps decades to come.”

The Queen and the handmaidens gasped.

“You... would make such a vow?” The Queen asked tentatively as she glanced at Padme.

“I would.” I said and smiled. “As a personal adjunct to Queen Amidala and not to the Queen of the Naboo. I wouldn't want my attendance to your royal personage to end if you somehow lost the title, or abdicated, and someone else was made queen.”

That made the handmaidens exchange looks.

“Mr. Hansen... John.” The Queen said. “My people have a true democracy. I was elected Queen just recently. My term will end in three years and I will be able to run again. If I win once more, my time as the queen will end at the end of it.”

That sounded similar to the President of the United States. Two terms and that was it. I thought. “My stipulation to remain with you personally and not with the Queen of the people, was a wise one.”

“Was it?” One of the other handmaidens asked.

“Shumi!” Someone gasped.

“Not all rulers deserve a people's loyalty. They have to prove their devotion to their people and be willing to put their own lives aside while taking care of them.” I said and looked from the Queen to the handmaidens. “I've seen you all stand up for them and your willingness to risk yourselves to save them, even running through a blockade to call for help.”

“John.” Padme whispered.

“I usually find myself in harrowing situations when I arrive on a planet, so when I found myself on Naboo and in the middle of an invasion, I was pretty sure which side was the right side.”

“Only pretty sure?” One of the handmaidens asked.

“Well, I was half blind and crippled at the time, so I couldn't quite figure out which side had tens of thousands of robots assaulting a peaceful people.” I said, which made them all smile. “Your world shouldn't need someone to defend it. Unfortunately, the circumstances have dictated that you need someone to fight for you.”

“And that person is you?” The Queen asked.

“When I find something worth fighting for, yes.” I said. “I am just as peaceful as the next person. However, when I have to fight, you will find no one more suited for the task.”

The Queen gave me a penetrating stare. “So, peace through overwhelming force?”

I barked a laugh, startling her and the handmaidens. “No, your highness. Force begets force. Enforcing peace with violence or trying to rule with it, only causes your own downfall by ensuring even more violence to overthrow you.”

The Queen looked thoughtful.

“Being a tyrant automatically creates opposition.” I said and she nodded. “Repressing people creates hate and resentment as well. They will fight for their right to be free and will do desperate things to remove the tyranny from their lives. Some by fleeing and some by fighting back.”

“You have some experience with this.” The Queen said.

“I do. I actually helped create a solar system that was both part of a repressive hierarchy and also not a part of it. It was a peaceful place with six planets and seventeen moons. I helped terraform the planets and moons for people to live their lives in peace, away from conflict.”

The Queen and her handmaidens looked quite pleased by this news.

“I worked very hard for years to construct and reinforce an automated security grid that surrounded the entire star system and protected it from any aggressors, be they natural or man-made.” I informed them. “Once I'm healed and we remove the invaders, I'll devote myself to implementing a similar system for Naboo and its moons.”

“Just the planet and not the star system?” The Queen asked.

“Every journey begins with a single step, my queen.” I said and she nodded, understanding that it would take time before it could be expanded to include the whole star system.

“Then I believe accepting you as an actual member of my retinue, and not just in name or to hide your presence, is in order.” The Queen said. “Please step forward.”

I did so and she ran through a standard vow of service to a ruling monarch of the Naboo people, with the caveat that the name was changed from 'Queen of the Naboo' to 'Queen Amidala'. I agreed.

“I formally welcome you to our service, Advisor Hansen.” The Queen said.

“I humbly thank you for accepting me, my queen.” I said and gave her a half bow.

“Please leave us for the evening. I have things to discuss with my handmaidens about what I will wear when we arrive on Coruscant.”

“Of course, your highness.” I said and bowed my head to her, then to the handmaidens, and strode from the room. I went to my assigned quarters and Obi-wan was waiting there and meditating. I sat down in a similar pose and joined him in meditation.

Half an hour later, Obi-wan spoke. “I'm glad we are not starting with the basics.”

I chuckled. “I've spent years helping my adopted daughter to deal with a chaotic mind and sorting her memories. Sitting still and letting the Force flow through me is quite calm in comparison.”

“I can imagine.” Obi-wan said. “The first exercise is recognizing the Force as a benevolent energy that permeates and flows through all things and that all living things create it.”

“Done.” I said. “What's next?”

Obi-wan began to teach me the basics of the mind exercises he had learned to attune himself to the Force, then to stem or change that awareness for different situations. Jumping to hyperspace was only one of the times where dulling the connection was necessary.

I listened and accepted that was how the Jedi did things, except I somehow knew that it was also wrong. Changing your connection to the Force only altered the connection and didn't actually help you manage the flow of the Force. I wasn't sure why I picked that out so quickly, though. It wasn't like I had a lot of experience with the Force to compare it to anything else.

I have to figure it out on my own. I thought and that felt like the right answer to me, so that's what I did for the next eight hours. Obi-wan sat there and meditated with me and neither of us spoke or thought about going to sleep, despite it being 'nighttime' on the ship.

I ended my meditative state when the door chime sounded. I stood up and went to the door to open it. “Good morning, Padme. What a pleasant surprise it is to see such a lovely young lady, first thing in the morning.”

Padme blushed slightly and saw Obi-wan sitting on the floor in a meditative pose. “I'm sorry, did I interrupt something?”

“Of course not. We were just meditating.” I said. “May I ask what has brought you to me on this fine day?”

Padme gave me an odd look. “How do you know it's a fine day?”

“I saw your face when I answered the door. What other kind of day could it be after that?” I asked and she blushed again.

“B-breakfast.” Padme said.

“Ah! I would be delighted to join you. Should I change, or is this meal not only with you?”

Padme looked a little flustered. “The Queen...”

“Of course. Let me just freshen up a bit.” I said and waved a hand over my chest and the wrinkles and folds I gained on the suit from sitting and meditating, disappeared. “Lead the way, Padme.”

“Of... of course.” Padme said and she walked away.

“If you need me for anything, contact me on this.” I said and tossed a tiny communicator to Obi-wan. He caught it without looking and I left at a fast walk to catch up to Padme.

The breakfast was actually with the Queen, her head of security, the handmaidens, and a diplomatic aide. The table was crowded and the conversations were stilted and difficult to follow. I stayed beside Padme and only spoke when spoken to. Trying to carry on four or five conversations was not my idea of a good meal, because the people speaking barely had any time to eat.

I waited until nearly everyone left before I spoke. “That was the first time I've had a meal where almost no one else ate any food.”

“We have working meals all the time.” One of the handmaidens said as she started cleaning up.

“Oh, I've had hundreds of those. We usually pause occasionally and eat, just so we're not starving ourselves. This was the first one I've had where the food was practically ignored by everyone except me.”

“Is that why you barely spoke?” The Queen asked.

“Not really. I just didn't want to keep track of all the different subjects being discussed.” I said and handed my plate to the closest handmaiden, Padme. “It was much easier to respond when spoken to.”

“Is the way we conduct business not to your liking?” The Queen asked and everyone seemed to grow quiet.

I chuckled. “Your highness, you can conduct your business however you wish. I am an advisor, not your conscience or your minder.”

“But, you don't approve.”

“It doesn't matter what I approve or not. I advise, not dictate.”

The Queen gave me a pointed look. “Then what would you suggest I do?”

“Have an enjoyable breakfast with good company and normal conversation, then have the meeting.”

“That was a normal conversation.” The Queen responded.

“No, that was an intense discussion of politics and what your role should be when pleading to the Galactic Senate.” I said and she looked slightly confused. “My queen, having a conversation is like when you are alone with the handmaidens and discuss if I'll become even more handsome when all of my muscles are grown back and I don't look like a walking stick.”

The handmaidens made surprised sounds and the Queen looked a little embarrassed.

“I wouldn't discuss that with your diplomatic aide, though. He might have a heart attack.” I said and one of the handmaidens laughed softly. “What you could do is ask how he is, if this is stressful for him, and if he slept well last night. Having a normal conversation with him will help him relax.”

“I will... take that under advisement.” The Queen said.

“You can have authority over their lives and still be sociable and friendly, your highness.” I said and stood. “It takes practice to achieve a good balance between commanding your people and making friends with them.”

The Queen nodded and I half-bowed to her before I left the room.

“How did he know we talked about him?” Shumi asked.

“Do you think he has listening devices planted around?” One of the others asked and the girls gasped.

I walked back inside the room and they stared at me. “I have ears and can easily hear through open doors.” I said with a laugh at their surprised faces and closed the door behind me. Let them think about that for a while.


The rest of the trip to Coruscant passed by without incident. I even had a tour of the ship and met the astromech and repair droids in the small hanger bay. When I touched the closest one, I gained 'R2 - Astromech Droid' and it had an ability called 'Droid Speech'. I couldn't resist the temptation and copied it.

Let me tell you one thing right now. Droids are hilarious when they talk to each other and know the humans around them can't understand them. I had a very hard time not laughing while I was berated for my stupidity and then insulted and called a dirty meatbag and a lower lifeform because I needed to breathe.

Also, they cursed like Jayne did, which was damn near all the time.

Like I said, hilarious.

We had three more meals, all of which I had to share with the Queen's entourage, which I was formally a part of. I wasn't surprised that her political advisor and her security head didn't really want to talk to me, even though the Queen picked me as her personal advisor. I suppose it was because I just showed up out of nowhere and I was suddenly very close to the Queen and her handmaidens.

They didn't realize that just being polite and mimicking people's attitudes will easily ingratiate yourself into their good graces. It was almost an automatic thing if you just played along. Even if you know nothing about the proper rules and details of etiquette, they will accept you. A bit of time at a data terminal to research their religious and personal beliefs, helped a lot as well.

As a point of fact, the Naboo people were fiercely loyal. When they committed themselves to someone, by friendship or marriage, betrayal is considered a high crime. If married and adultery is committed, the spouse is usually put to death. Quietly, of course. No one was to know it happened, to save the family honor.

That actually fit perfectly into my own mindset, because I usually found someone and then devoted myself to them completely. I didn't agree that an adulterer had to die; but, I never had to worry about that. I didn't plan on doing anything with anyone until they were ready.

The Naboo Royal Starship entered Coruscant space and nothing happened. No attack, no delays from us landing, or anything. It made everyone nervous, even the Jedi and his Padawan. They both felt a fluctuation in the Force and knew that something was going to happen as the ship landed in the designated landing area.

I felt the disturbance as well and I didn't try to suppress it or ignored it. What I did do was adjust my plans. I wasn't going to stay in the background and avoid being seen, like I had discussed with the Queen and her handmaidens. I felt like I needed to be out front to gain attention, just like I had back in the Naboo Palace's hangar bay. So, I would do just that.

As soon as the ramp lowered to let us off of the ship, I walked as quickly as I could down it to get in front of everyone. No one commented, because we were meeting several people and they could see me try to be first.

“You must be Chancellor Valorum!” I said in a happy voice and took his hand to shake it. “Thank you for allowing the Naboo delegation to land without being challenged. It made our approach quite peaceful.” I had an image of 'Chancellor - Hidden Advocate' appear and smiled.

The man looked surprised for a moment, then composed himself. “You are welcome.” He said and took his hand back. “And you are?”

“John Hansen, newly appointed advisor to Queen Amidala. Her planet is being besieged illegally by the Trade Federation, so I'm here to help her to defend her rights to kick them off of her planet and out of her star system.” I said and turned to the other man as the Queen and her entourage gathered behind me. “You must be Naboo's trusted senator, Palpatine. It's so nice to meet you.”

The man didn't step back like I expected and accepted my handshake. “I wasn't informed of your appointment, Mr. Hansen.”

“That's because it happened during the trip here.” I said and the image of 'Republic Senator - Hidden Sith Lord' appeared in my head. “Master Jedi, what's a Sith Lord?”

Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and Palpatine sucked in sharp breaths.

I felt lightning flow over my hands and looked into the senator's eyes as they turned red. “Never mind. He's attacking me.” I said and cast Stasis on the man. I was quite tempted to copy some of his abilities, except the Force I was already connected to, warned me that I would very slowly be corrupted by them.

Instead, I cast an organ liquefying curse on the man, a blood boiling curse, then stepped back to draw my wand. A moment later, Senator Palpatine was a blood splatter on the landing pad. I didn't bother holding back when casting that spell. We all felt the tremor in the Force as the source of a lot of evil was extinguished.

“John, you should have left him alive.” Qui-gon said in a disapproving voice. “The Force looks badly upon those that take life needlessly.”

I chuckled. “You're kidding, right? I felt the tremor like you did. The Force was relieved that a great evil was just removed.”

Qui-gon opened his mouth and sighed. “It did feel like relief.”

“What just happened?” The Queen asked in her stoic voice. “John, why did you kill my senator?”

“I think I inadvertently stopped whatever mechanisms were being put in place to alter things in the Senate.” I said and looked down at the blood splatter. I waved my wand at it and vanished it, so it couldn't be collected. I had some experience with people being brought back in new bodies, so I wasn't stupid enough to leave any blood laying around like that.

“I do not think you can remove a Sith Lord without consequences.” Qui-gon advised me.

Just then, another tremor came in the Force and evil energy seemed to coalesce nearby as a ghostly image started to form of a wrinkled old man wearing a dark cloak.

“I don't think so.” I said and pointed my wand at it and performed the spirit exorcism spell. The thing let out an ungodly howl and was consumed as the energy creating it was quickly dispersed. I felt utter joy flow into me as the spirit was destroyed completely and both Qui-gon and Obi-wan gripped their chests and put a hand on my shoulders.

It took them several minutes to compose themselves, then they went back to their calm selves.

“I believe we need to report to the Jedi Council.” Qui-gon said and didn't let my shoulder go.

“I'm sorry, I'm part of the Queen's retinue. Until she no longer needs me, she dictates where I am to be when it's not at her side.” I said.

“I have called an emergency session of the senate to hear your pleas.” Chancellor Valorum said.

“My Queen, we have an emergency senatorial meeting to attend.” The political advisor said.

“Then I will remain at her side.” I said and walked over to stand beside the Queen and beside Padme.

“The Jedi Council will want to meet you.” Qui-gon said.

“I believe the Jedi preach about patience being a virtue.” I said with a smile and a couple of the handmaidens giggled.

Qui-gon sighed. “Very well. Obi-wan and I will report in and you will be contacted later.”

“Obi-wan has my comm device.” I said and Obi-wan nodded.

The Jedi and Padawan left at a walking pace. We followed and turned in a different direction.

“Why don't they use Force Run all the time?” I asked as I, the Queen, and her retinue walked with the Chancellor.

“It's quite taxing if you're not used to channelling the Force.” The Chancellor said. “Or so my advisors say.”

“It does take some getting used to.” I said. “What time is the meeting?”

“In two hours. It should be enough time for the Queen to be dressed appropriately to be seen in the senate.” The Chancellor said and nodded to us before he took a different turn and left.

I was led to the Naboo's assigned quarters and what followed was two hours of busywork. The Queen was done up in ceremonial garb and her face was painted to reflect her people's beliefs and religion. It was quite ornate and not functional at all. I doubt she could run in the outfit if she had to. If I had a choice in things, she wouldn't have to run anymore.

I hadn't been idle during this time and had created a command droid with yellow head and chest markings. I ordered it to go to the Trade Federation's contingent and to gather intelligence and electronic documents to prove what they were doing. I also gave him a security device. I just hoped that he managed to get in to let it work.

It wasn't until we were approaching the senatorial chamber that my droid came back to me and handed me the security device. I thanked him and told him to guard the entrance to our seating area.

The next two hours was the most boring time I had ever experienced. I had sat in on meetings with Amelia when she was the Minister of Magic and had even been crippled in a hospital bed for months, and they weren't as boring or monotonous as this senate was. The Queen, actually Amidala this time, was almost hoarse as she argued her planet's position. I put a hand on her shoulder when she paused in her arguments.

The Queen turned to me, almost with resignation on her face. “John, I'm in the middle of something.”

I smiled. “If I may speak on your behalf, my Queen?”

She looked like she was going to refuse, then nodded before she turned back to face the senate. “I will pause for a moment to let my personal advisor speak on my behalf.”

That caused a slight ripple of surprise.

I stepped forward and stood straight. “I wish to speak of the travesty being perpetrated...”

“I object!” The Trade Federation exclaimed. “There's no evidence that we are doing anything.”

I smiled. “Thank you for volunteering as an example.”

“Wh-what?” The alien looked stunned.

“You see, there are currently three floating platforms here on the senate floor; and yet, the Naboo people are the only recognized ones. Why are there two competing people trying to steal our right to speak for ourselves?”

That caused a very large ripple of dissent with the other world representatives.

“Have you ever seen anyone else have the defiance of authority that the Trade Federation are showing right now to both the chancellor and this august body? Why are they constantly interfering and trying to stop us from speaking, in clear violation of the Galactic Senate's Rules of Conduct?”

The ripple increased and everyone was chatting about it now.

“How dare you say such things about our delegation!” The Trade Federation representative said. “I submit a motion to have this man censured and removed from this chamber for his inflammatory accusations!”

“Thank you very much for proving my point.” I said and he looked shocked, as did everyone else. “The Naboo are the ONLY recognized speakers at the moment. Submitting a motion without first seeking the attention of the Chancellor first and to be recognized, you have violated at least six of the senate's mandates to stop utter chaos from reigning in this chamber.”

The talking from all of the member worlds was quite loud. No one was trying to stay quiet at all, so I looked at the Chancellor and nodded.

The Chancellor accepted this chance and tapped his gavel to get everyone's attention. “I thank the Naboo representative for pointing out the grievous mistakes that the Trade Federation and their ally have been committing here this day, and on every other day that a motion concerning the Trade Federation has been on the docket to be examined.”

A collective gasp came from nearly everyone, even from the people behind me.

“It is my duty and right to enforce the Rules of Conduct, so I hereby censure the Trade Federation for the very thing they accused the Naboo of. Your speaking platform will be returned to its spot and will be deactivated until such time that you are called upon to answer the accusations being laid against you by the peaceful people of Naboo.”

“NO! I will defend our position and I DEMAND to be heard!” The Trade Federation representative shouted. A lot of the member worlds groaned at his stupidity. I just smiled.

The Chancellor nodded at the alien beside him and the Trade Federations' platform went dark. The clearly shouting and gesticulating aliens inside it, were sent back to their quite distant spot in the wall of platforms as a shield popped up around it. Their ally retreated without having to be forced to do so.

“We will review the Trade Federation's actions at the next regular senate meeting.” The Chancellor said and nodded at me. “Please continue your plea.”

“Thank you, Chancellor.” I said and looked at the security device. “The first thing I dispute is the Trade Federation's taxation on something they do not own.”

A little uproar came from several people.

“They have a set contract with the Naboo people for Plasma, which the planet is rich in. It is at a set and fixed price, which they then quadruple and sell to the rest of the galaxy.”

“THEY GET IT THAT CHEAP?!?” Dozens of member worlds yelled as one.

“Yes, they do. The idiots are taxing the Naboo exports at a ridiculous amount, essentially letting them acquire the Plasma for free.”

“Can you prove this?” The Chancellor asked. “No records of such things have reached this chamber.”

I almost laughed at him admitting that he knew and couldn't give the senate the proof himself. “Of course, Chancellor.” I said and activated the broadcast button. “If you have a central display, please turn it on and let everyone see the documents.”

The man smiled and quickly hid it as he nodded to his aide.

A huge holographic display appeared in the middle of the chamber and the documents of the cost for Plasma and the shipping charges they were gouging from the Naboo, were clearly marked and shown.

“As you can see, the Trade Federation is in clear violation of their own contracts by the taxation.” I said. “The current blockade they have of the planet doesn't affect them at all, since they get both the Plasma and the shipping costs right back. Their invasion of the planetary surface is actually immaterial to the contracts they are violating.”

Someone gasped from behind me and I reached back a hand. Padme took it and I gave it a squeeze before letting it go.

“It benefits no one in the senate to enforce a sales contract that literally subjugates an entire planet's population into slaves.” I said.

It was deathly quiet for a moment, then the entire senate erupted in shouts, hollers, and calls for the contracts to be nullified immediately.

The Chancellor let it go on for several minutes, then he let another small smile appear before he slammed his gavel again. “Does anyone submit a motion to nullify the illegal contracts and to allow the Naboo people to sell their Plasma at a reasonable rate?”

Over a hundred platforms lit up for attention and the Chancellor nodded.

“I accept the nomination from the Twi-Lek Delegation and acknowledge the hundred and sixteen secondary votes.”

That made a lot of people laugh.

“The Trade Federation contracts with the Naboo are hereby dissolved.” The Chancellor said and everyone applauded. “The penalties for breaking the contracts are quite severe.” He said as I intentionally brought them up on the display and everyone gasped. “As per the requirements, the Naboo people are hereby awarded one-third of the Trade Federation's assets as compensation.”

That shocked everyone, especially the Trade Federation.

“If the assets are not turned over by the end of the day, according to the contract, half of the assets will be forfeited.” The Chancellor said and then a rare chuckle could be heard. “By the next morning, Galactic Time, all assets must be turned over.” He looked over at us. “I suppose a previous queen signed this travesty?”

“Yes, Chancellor.” I said and highlighted the name on the document. “I can only assume that the Trade Federation expected the Naboo to break it soon after they signed, once the federation started the illegal taxation. They never expected the Naboo's peaceful demeanor would frustrate them for years and into action, breaking their own contract.”

“That's why they wanted me to sign a peace treaty! They would gain ownership of the whole planet!” Queen Amidala exclaimed, apparently ignoring her stoic image. “John, how did you discover this?”

“Just because I wasn't responding to people's conversations when I wasn't involved, that didn't mean I wasn't listening.” I said and turned to whisper to her. “Shall I shock the Senate some more?”

Queen Amidala didn't even have to think about it as she smiled. “Please do.”

I chuckled and flicked the files to download to the Chancellor's display and showed the things my droid had stolen from the Trade Federation's delegation. Shouts, yells, and accusations flew across the expanse of the Senate Chamber. When I turned back to look, the Chancellor was staring at me.

“I'm sorry, I think I hit send by mistake. I was only reviewing those documents.” I said. My calm voice convinced no one. “Let me just cut the feed.” I said and sent it to all the terminals in the chamber for them to download it instead. “Oops.”

The handmaidens behind me giggled and laughed as their private terminals lit up.

“I think I should have left you back home.” Queen Amidala said. “I'm glad I didn't. I just should have.”

I smiled and sat down beside her, then we watched the senate go over the files that the Trade Federation had in their databases. There were a lot and most of them were incriminating. The cowardly Trade Federation representatives were long gone from the chamber.

“I think you will own all of those ships in orbit of Naboo by the morning, your highness.” I whispered.

“I think you're right.” Queen Amidala said.

I was.


The next morning, the Queen of Naboo owned the Trade Federation and I was brought into the main Jedi Council chamber by Obi-wan Kenobi.

“Eager to see you, we are.” A little green alien said.

“I would like to shake hands, if that's all right?” I asked. “I haven't met many aliens and I don't know the proper protocols for social interactions with most species.”

“Wish to touch a clawed hand, do you?” Yoda asked and laughed with cackle. “Do so then, you must.”

I smiled warmly and walked over to him with my hand extended. “I'm John. John Hansen. It's nice to meet you.”

“Yoda, my name is.” The little green alien said and shook my hand with his small clawed one. “Met your expectations, has it?”

I chuckled. “More than met, my little green friend.”

“Oh? Friends already, are we?” Yoda asked.

“You didn't attack me with Force Lightning when we shook hands, so I'd say you're a much better choice as a friend than Senator Palpatine would have been.”

“Asked to see you for this reason, we have.” Yoda said.

“We were wondering how you could have detected a hidden Sith Lord that a few of our numbers have been in contact with.” A black man said.

“It's one of my abilities.” I said. “When Qui-gon touched me, I knew he was a Jedi. When Obi-wan touched me, I knew he was a Padawan, even though he's stronger in the Force than Qui-gon.”

Several people sucked in breaths, one of which was Obi-wan.

“What of my secrets, did you find?” Yoda asked.

“That you're not as cute as the females of your kind.” I said and nodded my head to the other little green alien.

Yoda laughed with a cackle and the female's cheeks went a bit darker green.

“Actually, you're the Grand Master, the Holder of the Jedi Code, and your connection to the Force isn't an ability, it's a part of you as a being.” I said, to his surprise. I looked at the female again. “May I take your hand and confirm that, young lady?”

Yoda laughed again and the female blushed.

“Do so then, if you must.” She said in a deep and sultry voice.

I felt a shiver go down my spine and I couldn't tell if it was the Force or my own reaction. “You sound very similar to my last wife.” I said and walked over to her, then I knelt on one knee and held a hand out to her.

“Yaddle, I am.” She said and put her tiny clawed hand in mine. “Escaping you, your thoughts are.”

“I know. I just... I loved her very much.” I said and bent down to kiss the back of her hand. “Thank you for reminding me.”

“Saddened by the loss, you are not.” Yaddle said, her face now a quite deeper green color.

“No, she lived a good life and she died both happy and loved.” I said. “Hearing your voice just brought it back to the forefront of my mind and I'm grateful.”

“Her abilities, you should inform us of.” Yoda said, almost like an order.

“Jedi scholar, the Holder of the Light, and I was right. She is a part of the Force and it's not an ability.”

A few members of the council gave us interested looks.

“Wished you had not revealed that, I do.” Yaddle said with a sigh.

“Why?” I asked as I walked back to the center of the chamber and held out my hand to make it glow. “Its use would be quite detrimental to the Sith.”

Everyone in the council chamber gasped.

“Stop! You cannot use it like that!” Yaddle said and she used the Force to push me away. Or tried to.

I let the Force flow through me instead, which surprised everyone. “Is it because I'm not devoted to your religion?” I asked, genuinely curious. I stopped using the ability and she seemed to relax.

“It is because it takes decades to harness the Light to use against evil.” Yaddle said.

“Don't worry about that. I believe the Force and I have come to an understanding.” I said.

“Enlighten us, you should.” Yoda said.

I glanced at Obi-wan and smiled. “He asked for it.”

“No, don't!” Obi-wan exclaimed as I opened myself up to the Force and let it flow through me. It instantly filled the room and everyone was immediately frozen stiff at the pressure.

“Can you feel it? The energy is exhilarating. It's not forcing people to use it or to abuse it. It just... is. It exists. That's it.” I said and let the feeling fade as I let the Force flow back to the way it was before. I also gained copies of the Jedi that were in the council chamber.

“Powerful, you are.” Yoda commented.

“That? No, that was the Force. I wasn't doing anything. If I was going to do something like that on my own, I might have killed you all by mistake.” I said and they were once again surprised. “I trusted the Force to show you that it was okay with me.”

They were all quiet for several minutes.

“Master Qui-gon mentioned you have other abilities.” The black guy said.

“Yes. I can cook. I can clean. I can rub women's feet with enough skill to make them orgasm...” I said and two of the female Jedi blushed slightly.

“Other abilities, he meant.” Yoda said.

“I know.” I said and looked at Yaddle. “My boast may not work on your feet without practice.”

Yaddle laughed a sultry laugh and I was a little disappointed that it wasn't like Zoe's. “Available, I am not.”

“Oh, you almost had me there.” I said with a laugh. “Available, pause, I am not. I was so close.”

“John, you shouldn't joke around with the council.” Obi-wan advised me.

Yaddle's face went a little greener as she blushed. “Correct, the Padawan is.”

“I wasn't joking. I was flirting.” I said and all the women gave me searching looks.

“Personal things should be done on personal time.” The black man said.

“Wait, I have to make an appointment to flirt with a woman? Where's the fun and spontaneity in that?” I asked and turned my head to look at a very pretty pink skinned alien. I thought about asking her for some personal time, then changed my mind. I just smiled at her and looked back at Yoda. “So, what do you want from me?”

“Know your abilities, we wish to.” Yoda said.

“I only ever fully disclose that to my chosen mate, since no one else really needs to know.”

“Danger, you pose.” Yoda said.

“So do you. So do the weapons you wear. So does a stick.” I said and nodded to his cane. “Anything can be a danger.”

That made the council pause.

“Wise words from someone so untrained in the Force.” A male alien said in a pompous voice.

“I don't need the Force to be wise, just like I don't need the Force to be powerful.” I said in a copy of his pompous tone, which surprised him and a few others. “That doesn't mean I'll reject it when it so freely offers help to those that seek its guidance.”

Several of the council nodded.

“What plans do you have?” Yoda asked.

“I am currently an advisor to the Queen of Naboo. I plan on helping her save her people from the illegal oppression and to make her star system safe from any other aggressors.” I said. “It will take a while. Years, perhaps. Then again, she now owns all the Trade Federation ships, droid factories, and droids.”

“What are her plans for a droid army of her own?” The black man asked.

“She has sent word for them to pack everything up and remove themselves from wherever they are currently and to go to the Naboo system for relocating and reprogramming.” I said. “I will probably be put in charge of that, since I have the most experience with working with automated systems.”

“When do you leave?” The pink skinned female alien asked.

“We are scheduled to depart as soon as Queen Amidala finishes up the paperwork for the asset transfers and negotiates all of the new contracts with the worlds that were being overcharged by the Trade Federation.”

“They are going to be rich.” One of the others commented and I didn't miss the disappointed look on the pink skinned female.

“They already are rich.” I said. “This just ensures no one else will come after them for the same thing. They are a peaceful people and having machines to protect them, independently, is going to let them continue to live their lives without strife or worry.”

“That view, you share.” Yaddle said.

“I do.” I said and smiled. “Peace through overwhelming defense.”

Yaddle smiled and nodded, probably because she shared that viewpoint as well.

“Both Qui-gon and Obi-wan have told us about some of the things you've done.” The black man said. “Would you be willing to give us a demonstration?”

“That depends on one condition.” I said and he nodded. “Can I handle your lightsaber?”

I knew that at least one of the women on the council caught the innuendo when I saw her smile.

The man frowned. “A lightsaber is a very personal thing.”

“My apologies.” I said and turned towards the smiling woman with an odd tentacle like thing on her head. “Would it be more appropriate to ask a woman to let me handle her... personal thing?”

Her smile widened and she stood. “I certainly hope that you can handle it.”

I chuckled and walked over to her. I didn't have to do this, since I had already touched everything with the Force. I was just confirming the image in my head and I also somehow knew that this woman wanted me to do this.

“Please excuse me, Master Jedi.” I said, formally.

She stared into my eyes as I used a hand to ease her robes open. “Please, be careful.”

“I know. It could... go off... at any moment.” I whispered to her and she had to clamp her mouth shut to not react. I knew she had a sense of humor. I thought and carefully slid my hand inside her robes and lightly touched her waist, then I moved my hand down to her belt. I didn't have to unhook it or anything, just touch it for a few moments.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” She asked in a whisper.

“Immensely.” I whispered back as 'Generic Lightsaber' appeared in my head again. “It's too bad that I'm leaving so soon.”

“Yes, it is a tragedy.” She whispered and I stepped back.

“Thank you for allowing me the a privilege to touch something so dangerous.” I said and bowed slightly to her.

She nodded her head back, understanding that I meant her and not the lightsaber.

I walked over to the middle of the room again. “A demonstration of my abilities is what you asked for?” I asked and several of the Jedi Council members nodded, almost eagerly. I held my hand out, palm up, and created a lightsaber. I then created a belt for it and then put on the belt and hooked the lightsaber to it.

“That wasn't very impressive.” The pompous voice said again.

“That's my backup weapon.” I said and created another lightsaber, proving I didn't already have one stashed somewhere, then I copied the black man's lightsaber fighting skill. I turned on the weapon and the white light seemed to shock them. I held a hand out to the pompous alien and waved for him to attack.

“You are arrogant.” The alien said and stood.

“I've never touched a lightsaber before that gorgeous Jedi Master allowed me to.” I said and took a defensive pose and let the Force flow through me. “You want to see what I can do. What better way is there to do that than doing what you all believe only trained Jedi can do?”

“I will defeat you easily.” The alien said and drew his weapon. “I hope you are humble when losing.”

“I can't ask the same of you.” I goaded him.

He activated his blue lightsaber and attacked with a sideswipe. I easily blocked such a simple swing at my chest and he looked surprised. He started to attack at a faster pace, as if training someone, and I blocked everything. We could all feel the alien's frustration and he started to boost himself with the Force. His attacks came faster, the swipes changing from my chest, to my head, to my feet.

I blocked them all.

He let out a guttural sound and his blade glowed a little brighter. He changed his attack stance and I instinctively knew that he was going for a kill shot, right for my heart. I was going to let him, just to make a point.

“No!” Several of the council members shouted as the alien dove for the shot and his lightsaber was aimed at my heart.

Time seemed to slow down as I turned off my blade. The look of triumph on the alien's face was a little scary, because he was going to kill me 'by accident' and then probably claim that he thought I was going to block the hit like all the others.

I was going to block this one as well, only he didn't know that. His blue lightsaber hit the Protego spell I cast silently, enhanced by the Force, and it stopped the attack right above my heart. Having his move blocked had thrown off his stance and he seemed shocked as he stumbled backwards to try and recover.

“Even those with evil intent in their hearts, will be blocked by an overwhelming defense.” I said and I was suddenly surrounded by six council members and Obi-wan, with Yaddle right in front of me, all with their lightsabers drawn to defend me. “I will always remember that look of triumph on your face when you thought you had killed me.”

“No, I... that was... an accident.” The alien said, weakly.

“Review the recordings, we will.” Yoda said. “Intent, easy to feel.”

The alien sighed and turned off his weapon. He was quickly relieved of it and led away as my defenders turned off their weapons and hooked them on their belts.

“I'm tempted to ask what's going to happen to him.” I said and lightly touched Yaddle's shoulder. “You just had to be in front to take the next attack, didn't you?”

Yaddle laughed her sultry laugh. “Know me well, you do.”

“Thank you.” I said sincerely and looked at each of the others that had jumped in to defend me. “Thank you all.”

“He was dishonorable in his actions to actually try to harm you.” The pink skinned woman said. “This was a demonstration and not a duel or a sanctioned match between competitors in the arena.”

I smiled and held out a lightsaber. “Would you like a back-up weapon? You just have to replace the crystal with the color of your choice if you don't want to keep the blade white.”

She looked shocked at the offer. “I... I shouldn't accept. A Jedi's weapon is...”

“Personal, I know.” I said and winked at the woman that let me touch hers. “Would you accept this as a token of my thanks?”

“You can make as many of these as you want, can't you?” She asked as she took it.

“Many many more than that.” I said and passed one to each of the three male council members that had jumped in to help, gave one to an also surprised Obi-wan, and I bent down to look at Yaddle. “Would you accept a back-up weapon as a thank you?”

“Use the normal size, I cannot.” Yaddle said and then she caught her breath as one the same size as hers appeared in my hand.

“Unlike a lot of the normal things I have that you can't use, this I can make small enough for you.” I said in a teasing voice.

The woman with a sense of humor had to stifle a laugh and Yaddle's face was a dark green as she accepted the weapon.

“Horrible flirt, you are.” Yaddle said.

“I really am.” I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek before I stood. “Please accept my apologies if I embarrassed you.”

“More aroused than embarrassed, I am.” Yaddle said and the woman with a sense of humor barked a laugh before she could stop herself.

“End the meeting here, we should.” Yoda said.

If I wasn't mistaken, that was a smirk on his face.

“Before anything else happens.” The black man said. “If we have need of you...”

“Obi-wan has my comm signal. It might only work if I'm in the local system, unless he bridges it to an interstellar comm system.” I said and bowed to the room. “It was a pleasure meeting most of you.”

The black man nodded and Obi-wan led me from the chamber.

“Even I felt that dig at the end.” Obi-wan said.

I chuckled and pat his shoulder. “He's a little too arrogant to think that I meant him as well.”

“Master Mace Windu.” Obi-wan said.

“I doubt I'll ever see him again... or the others.” I added. “Once I'm back on Naboo, I've got a lot of work ahead of me.”

“I don't doubt that.” Obi-wan said. “I haven't heard of a planetary defense grid before.”

“I didn't either until I found one, worked on it, and copied it for my own use. Heavily modified, of course.” I said as we walked down a long set of stairs. “I'm actually tempted to take a side trip to the industrial sector to see what things they have and any manuals and things they can give me.”

Obi-wan gave me a skeptical look. “They wouldn't give you anything.”

“Ha!” I barked the laugh. “I meant when I buy a whole bunch of things.”

“How will you do that?” Obi-wan asked. “You don't have any money.”

I grinned at him. “Queen Amidala, in her infinite wisdom, has granted me five whole percent of the Trade Federation's reparations.”

“Oh, sweet ancestors!” Obi-wan swore.

I laughed, because I always enjoyed making the Jedi react in some way.


After suppertime the next day, I was walking with the Queen and the rest of her entourage across the landing strip, when I felt a tremor in the Force. I didn't question it and reacted appropriately at the warning.

“Everyone stop!” I shouted and they all did so. I stepped forward and created a wand and cast a Protego Maxima dome over the group, reinforced with the Force.

The shrieking sounds of a fast approaching ship were heard and everyone turned to look. A sleek black ship with red markings streaked through the sky. Its blasters activated and they shot down two passing hover vehicles that were in the way. The people's screams were cut off when the vehicles exploded.

The ship turned slightly and took aim at the fully exposed landing area. The group behind me screamed and huddled together, sure of their upcoming deaths.

I hit my communicator. “Pilot and crew! Abandon ship! Now! Now! Now!”

The ship's heavy repeating blasters started up again and three double bolts impacted on my magic shield and were deflected off into the air and impacted the building behind us. The crew of the ship ran down the ramp and behind them were the four R2 repair droids.

The screaming stopped as the handmaidens calmed down from not being dead, then the bolts strafed over to the Naboo Imperial Starship, probably because the pilot of that ship saw them running from it. The handmaidens screamed in rage this time and I had to cancel the Protego Maxima spell over the group to cast a wall version of Protego to cover everyone instead.

The deadly energy bolts were still deflected; but, they just barely went over our heads and the heat from them was intense. Just over the retreating crew's heads was the Imperial Starship. The bolts tore into the cockpit and along the fuselage to the engines. The tremor in the Force was huge this time.

“Everyone down!” I shouted and changed my shield back to a dome as the crew and droids reached us. I made it much smaller this time, because I knew that the explosion was going to be a bad one. The fuel tanks for planetary flight had been completely refilled and this was going to be scarily spectacular.


The handmaidens and the men screamed as the large fireball flowed over us and the burning fuel was sprayed everywhere. I ignored that as the last thing I saw before the flames covered us completely, was the black ship seemed to slow down and turn to witness the destruction.

“Come on... come a little closer.” I whispered and felt out with the Force. “Check to see if we're really dead. Come on. Come on.”

A hand took mine and I turned my head to see a very scared Padme. I wasn't sure why I did what I did next. I just felt like she needed reassurance, so I leaned forward and kissed her. It was quite chaste and hopefully let her know that everything was going to be okay. I broke the kiss when I felt the Force react and I needed to act right now!

“I'll always protect you, my Queen.” I whispered to her surprised face and then I turned and aimed through the flames as I let the Force guide my arm. “Bombarda Maxima!”


I suddenly felt that the shield wasn't going to be enough for what was coming and waved my wand around in a circle as I cast the strongest Stasis spell that I could on everything around us. The burning fuel stopped flowing, the fire stopped moving, and everything seemed to go very quiet.

“J-John, what... what's happening?” Padme asked me as her hand tightened in mine.

“Hopefully nothing, Padme.” I said in a normal voice. “I need my hand back for this part.”

“Oh! I'm sorry about that.” Padme said and blushed before she let my hand go.

“Don't be. I'm not.” I said and lightly touched her cheek, then I stood and looked at the mess around us. The fuel and flames stopped me from seeing anything, so I started to wave my wand at it and vanishing it. Since it was a 'point at and vanish it' spell, it didn't remove much with each casting. I had lots of magic, so I didn't stop working as I cleared out the fuel and flames around the entire dome.

The others under the protective dome saw what I was doing and were muttering and chatting about me performing actual magic. There was a collective gasp when they saw what I was revealing.

Right there in front of the dome shield, barely ten feet away from our faces, was the flaming wreckage of a ship and a very angry red-skinned man was half revealed within the flames.

I suddenly knew who this was, thanks to the Force I had channelled into the Stasis spell. “So, you are the apprentice that Obi-wan warned us might be coming for revenge for removing your master.”

Even under stasis, I felt the man's anger boil. I vanished the main parts of the wreckage blocking him from sight and removed the threat that the rest of it posed to us and the landing area, by moving it off to impact the side of the building a safe distance away.

“The Sith Lord revealed himself and attacked me. I defended myself. He lost. Now it's your turn.” I said and pointed my wand at his face. “Thanks for not making me hunt you down.”

The man's angry face almost looked surprised as I cast a bunch of curses at him, the same ones I used on his master to weaken him and his connection to the Force. It was then that I remembered Yaddle's ability. I reached out towards him and called forth the Light.

An ungodly howl, almost like a spirit being consumed, cut through the utter silence around us. The red face in front of us withered and seemed to be drained of something. I felt the Force and its joy at the evil within it being assaulted. I trusted this feeling and let the Light travel through this... Avatar of Evil... and back to wherever he had gained his connection to the Dark Side of the Force.

I felt another slight tremor in the Force and Yaddle suddenly appeared beside me. “I'm not going to ask how you came through my shield.”

Yaddle gave me a happy smile. “Feel you call the Light, I did.”

“Ah, then give me a hand, will you? I'm pretty much letting the Force do all the work and its feeling... frustrated? Unfulfilled?”

“Know this, I do.” Yaddle said and took my free hand. “Share connectio-OHHH!”

The Light coming out of my hand quadrupled in brightness as Yaddle's own abilty seemed to merge with my copied one. Everyone had to turn away from it, except for Yaddle and myself. We could easily see through the brightness and looked at the withered thing floating in front of us.

“Scared, evil is.” Yaddle whispered. “Felt that, never has it.”

“I can tell.” I said and stared at the Sith apprentice. “I can feel more of them, now that you're here and directing the Light's shine. There are at least four.”

“Sense them, I can.” Yaddle said. “Inform the council, I will. Not being followed, Rule of Two.”

I thought about that. “You mean Master and Apprentice?” I asked and she nodded. “Maybe they were dismissed? Failed a test or something?”

Yaddle looked surprised, then she smiled. “Huge hole in Rule, you found. Smart, you are.”

“Hey, you don't have to sound sarcastic when you say I'm smart.” I said.

Yaddle laughed her sultry laugh. “Caught me, you have.”

I laughed, too. “I suppose we should finish this. Are you okay with me ending this thing?”

“Already dead, he is. To the Dark Side, he surrendered his soul.”

I nodded and let her hand go, except her connection to the Light I was emitting didn't end, which meant she was going to feel this part. “Bombarda.” I said and the red skinned man became mist, still trapped in stasis. “Exorcizantur Exspiravit.”

A ball of white light shot out of my wand and hit the mist and seemed to engulf it. There was another ungodly howl as the ball shrivelled up and then with a little pop, it was gone. I vanished the mist and ended the Light ability I was using.

Yaddle stood there, completely shocked. “Actually destroyed a force ghost, you have.”

“My second one.” I said and she nodded. “I suppose the council didn't quite believe that part of Qui-gon's report.”

“Now, they will.” Yaddle said and hugged herself. “Dangerous, you are.”

“Yes, I am.” I said and knelt on one knee beside her to put my hands on her shoulders. “For evil to exist, all it takes is for good people to stand by and do nothing.”

Yaddle shivered slightly and then looked into my eyes. “My species, I wish you were.”

I laughed softly. “I like you, too.”

Yaddle smiled. “Go, I must. Called together, an emergency council will be.”

“Thank you for coming to my rescue again, Yaddle.” I said and leaned in to kiss her cheek. “Good luck, and good hunting.”

Yaddle's face went to a darker green. “Yes, dangerous you are.”

I let her shoulders go. “I promise to not use the Light like that again.”

“Smart, you are.” Yaddle said with a smile.

“I said to not say that sarcastically, dammit.” I said and she laughed.

“Farewell, John Hansen.” Yaddle said.

“Farewell, Yaddle.” I said and stood up.

“Your highness, her retinue, her crew, her droids. Farewell.” Yaddle said and nodded, then she walked away.

“That was interesting.” Padme said in a flat voice.

“Yes, it was.” I said and turned to her as I ended the Stasis spell. “We both know nothing can happen and teased each other. Harmless flirting can break the tension in a room quicker than arguing or fighting can.”

We all ignored the sounds of the black ship's wreckage impacting the building's wall behind us.

“Are you always doing that?” Padme asked me, quite pointedly.

“Of course not. Joking can be used as well.” I said and gave her a pointed look in return. “Sharing several significant moments with someone, isn't the same thing as harmless flirting. I don't go around pressing my lips to just anyone, Padme.”

Padme looked a little embarrassed.

“You never have to feel insecure about that.” I said and took her hand as I put my other hand on the cheek of her face. “I'm going to wait for as long as you need me to wait for you. I give my word that no other woman will share my bed.”

Several of the handmaidens made sad sounds at that.

“However, as you saw with Yaddle, my resolve won't stop me from kissing a cheek or two in thanks.” I said and the whispered chatter among the handmaidens began again.

“Please refrain as much as possible from assaulting my handmaidens with your lips, Advisor.” The Queen said in her stoic voice.

I couldn't help but smile, because my resolve wouldn't include her until she was out of her disguise. “Of course, your highness.” I said and bowed slightly. “Thanks will only be shared when earned and in private.”

The Queen's lips twitched, because she understood that she was included now. “In the meantime, perhaps your abilities can somehow return our destroyed ship to working order.”

“I would be happy to, right after the security forces finish their inspection of the wreckage.” I said and waved to the squads of troops running out onto the landing area.

The next two hours were both frustrating and satisfying for everyone. Not only was an evil revealed and defeated, they attacked in the open and it couldn't be covered up. Hundreds of witnesses had seen the destruction and reported the attack. I was pretty much interrogated the entire time and I had been very tempted to give them a pensieve and a copy of the memory.

I had also been praised for my quick action and saving the queen and her people, as well as stopping the landing platform from being destroyed and possibly killing hundreds if it broke off and dropped down to the lower levels. The burning wreckage from the Imperial Starship had been bad enough.

“I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything to save the beings in the hover vehicles.” I said, sadly. “They were too far away for me to do anything about it.”

Padme took my hand again. “You can't be held responsible for not saving them. You didn't shoot them down.”

I sighed. “The events came into play because of my actions.”

Padme turned to look at my face. “So did the Naboo people gaining a robotic army to defend it instead of invading it. So did you coming to the queen's rescue back on Naboo, despite how hurt you were.” She looked at my neck. “How hurt you still are.”

“I bought a bacta tank and the relevant medical droids and devices to take with us back to Naboo.” I said.

Padme smiled. “The ship, the cargo, all of our clothing and items, not to mention the fresh food, was lost.”

I smiled back. “All fully insured and covered. We'll have replacements for everything by tomorrow or the next day.”

“We don't have a ship to put it all in.” Padme said.

“Sure, we do.” I said and waved my hand at the landing platform. An identical Naboo Imperial Starship appeared. There were shouts of surprise, lots of running feet, and a few cheers. The cheers were from the Naboo people and the droids. Even happy, the damn things cursed like crazy and made me laugh.

“Show-off.” Padme whispered.

“I'm just distracting them from the investigation. They didn't know how to stop asking the same questions in different ways, even though they were getting the same answers every time.”

Padme smiled at me. “You're just tired of the praise.”

“Maybe a little.” I said and looked around briefly, then stepped close to give her a hug. “This will feel much better when I'm fully healed.”

“Do you mean for me?” Padme asked.

“For the both of us.” I whispered and let her go. “Let's get everyone's attention and remind them that we need to go buy clothes and things for the trip.”

Padme nodded and held my hand as we did just that.


The Jedi Council tried to assign a Jedi to accompany us. I asked the queen to refuse at first, then asked her to request the one that had associated with us the most, Obi-wan Kenobi. Their response that he wasn't a Jedi yet, set off a little debate and a lot of humming and hawing by the council.

It was eventually decided that Obi-wan could take the trials, whatever they were, and would join us when he was done. It delayed our departure by another day and we were okay with that, because it meant more fun shopping for me in the industrial district and more clothes shopping for the handmaidens.

We departed with the newly minted Jedi Knight, Obi-wan Kenobi, on his very first assignment as a liaison to the Naboo people. It was a prestige posting for the young man and he looked quite pleased by the compliment that we had specifically requested him, even if it was kind of against the code to show emotions. He was also allowed to remove his Padawan braid that he had grown since he was a child.

“It's kind of a relief to lose it, if you can believe it.” Obi-wan said as he held his long braid in his hand. “I almost thought I would never remove it.”

I chuckled and put a hand on his shoulder. “When you become a man, it's time to put away childish things, including the fear of remaining a child and your desire to hurry and grow up.”

Obi-wan gave me a searching look. “That fits my situation almost perfectly.”

I smiled and let his shoulder go. “If you'll forgive my forwardness, have you laid with a woman yet?”

Obi-wan turned his head to face forward. “She was a beauty and...”

“There's no need to tell me the details, my friend.” I interrupted. “I've read the Jedi code and I think you all take it a bit too literal.”

Obi-wan turned his head to face me again. “What do you mean?”

“The gist of it is to not form attachments that can be used against you and force you down the path to the Dark Side, if you lose them and seek revenge.” I said and he nodded. “It says nothing about being in love, having family, friends, acquaintances, a long string of lovers, children across the galaxy, or anything like that.”

“Yes, it does. Those are attachments.” Obi-wan said.

“Are they? What if you didn't care about them? What if you went around to every planet and had sex with a woman, just to get her pregnant, and then left? There's no attachment, correct?” I asked and his face changed to be thoughtful. “What none of you are considering is if you always push others away, you will always be alone, even when surrounded by others.”

Obi-wan's thoughtful face went blank as he thought about that.

“It wasn't until Yaddle appeared to help me against the Sith apprentice that I started to really think about her and her situation. As the only female of her tiny species on the council, with the only male around that is old enough to be her great grandfather, she must feel terribly alone sometimes.”

Obi-wan could only nod.

“It made me think of all the Jedi. If you never form normal lasting relationships, even if you aren't as physically alone as Yaddle must be, you are just as emotionally alone as if you were a singular species trying to survive in a harsh galaxy.” I said and then smiled. “It's a good thing I arrived when I did, because now you might not die as an old wrinkled bachelor without any kids! Ha ha!”

Obi-wan huffed. “I'm not going to let you dictate who I can spend time with, John.”

“Good!” I said, to his surprise, and I clapped his shoulder before I walked over to the door of his room on the ship. “Now apply that resolve to everyone in your life, and you're on the right path to living your life like the Force wants you to.”

Obi-wan stared at me as I left and I went to my own room. We were flying out to the hyperspace jump point and I wanted to be relaxed in my own room when we entered it again. I just sat down and started to meditate as the ship activated the hyperdrive.

My mind was suddenly flooded with thousands of feelings and desires, I felt millions of minds of both humanoid and creature, and I didn't try to block them at all like the Jedi told me to. Instead, I did as the Force wanted and let them flow through me, unhindered. Like water through rock, it eventually carves a path no matter what you do, so letting it do that made the headache I expected to have, be completely avoided.

The door to my room opened and I opened my eyes to see Padme enter. She carried several datapads and walked over to the bed.

“I've brought the information on the bacta technology and the background medical texts that led to the creation of the technology.” Padme said as she sat beside me.

“Thank you, Padme.” I said in a soft tone of voice and took the display devices from her. “Do you want to sit here and watch me study, or do you want to talk?”

Padme gave me a shy look. “Am I so transparent?”

I smiled and took her hand. “No. I want to know all about you, too.”

“You do?” Padme asked and I nodded. “Okay.” She said and then fell silent. She didn't say anything for several minutes.

“Why don't I start?” I asked and she nodded several times, clearly grateful. “Well, I was born on a farm. Not in a hospital or anything, either. In the house with my dad as the doctor, even though he was a farmer.”

Padme gasped. “Oh, no!”

I laughed. “Don't worry. He was in charge of all the births on the farm for years before I came along. He was an old hand at handling it.”

“Oh, what a relief.” Padme said and held my hand tightly. “I was worried you were going to say there were complications.”

“Well, he did forget that he needed to cut the umbilical cord.” I said with a smirk and she gasped. “There was a mad scramble around to look for something to finish the job...”

Padme sat there and listened to me talk for several hours before she finally gathered up the courage to ask to see my belly button. It was quite endearing, considering she already saw it when she bathed me.

We spent the whole trip talking and I never did get to read up on the bacta technology before we arrived on Naboo.


The small and quite advanced medical bay was set up inside my new home that was suspiciously located right next to Padme's family. I didn't question why the property had been vacant, then did a discreet search of the local records. Both properties on either side of the family was bought by the state when Padme became Queen Amidala.

It was a normal thing to protect the Queen's retinue in a similar way, so her handmaidens also had their families in a more safer environment. At least they didn't have to ever worry about arguing neighbors or fights over property lines.

Instead of being shoved into the large bacta tank right away, I created a dozen medical droids and a half-giant female, gave her their medical knowledge, and had her teach it to me. Thanks to working on organizing my own mind, it only took a week to learn everything I could about bacta technology.

The bacta tank, also known as a rejuvenation tank, was filled with the special healing agent created by an alien race called the Vratix, that promoted rapid healing. Funnily enough, the fluid was called 'bacta'. The tank alone was just over 100,000 credits and weighed in at a staggering 500 kilograms (or 1,100 pounds).

The accompanying equipment was nearly as costly and twice as bulky and weight intensive. It was all usually found in dedicated medical hospitals, on board capital ships, medical frigates, and in some major military bases. They were never found in a room inside a private residence on an outer core planet.

I felt a little honored to be the first to do so, because it was a very interesting field. The Vratix grew a crop called kavam, a substance that was combined with a bacteria and something like a synthetic amniotic fluid, to create the bacta.

*When a patient was exposed to bacta, the bacterial particles within sought out wounds and promoted rapid tissue regeneration while preventing the emergence of scar tissue. Bacta was often thought of as a miracle fluid and seemed to be effective against almost every type of injury and ailment across an incredible cross-section of species throughout the galaxy. It was considered the best medicine available anywhere.* (quoted from Wookipedia article on Bacta)

I was very, very grateful for this. The medical droids examined me and determined the severity of my injuries. I would only need to spend four days inside the tank and on a ventilator while wearing what was essentially an adult diaper. No contaminates were allowed entry into the fluid.

Then I had a very weird idea. Really, really weird. I asked the droids if I could switch out my flesh for another and then heal it into myself. If I did, would I gain the abilities the flesh had on someone else?

The medical droids stared blankly at me for three seconds and then shut down. They wouldn't turn on again.

“I guess it doesn't compute.” I said and erased them all and created twelve new medical robots. I didn't ask them the same question; but, I now had the germ of an idea and would need to delve into it secretly. It was on hold for now, because I had delayed my own regeneration long enough.

Everything was set and I called Padme, discreetly of course. “You will be happy to know that I am finally going to submerge myself.”

“That's great, John! I promise to be there for your emergence and I'll even bring the sponge for your much needed bath afterwards.” Padme said. “If the documents didn't state it, the solution absolutely stinks and you'll be smelling and tasting it for weeks afterwards.”

I laughed. “I look forward to it. The bath, not the smell.”

“See you then.” Padme said and hung up.

I put on the connected diapers and the ventilator over my mouth, then slipped into the tank. It was going to be a long four days, since I couldn't really see out through the fluid to watch the viewscreen displays and I couldn't bring any viewers into the tank with me. No contaminates meant no contaminates. The cloth and ventilator were specifically made with materials that the bacta ignores.

The people that sold me the bacta tank wouldn't tell me what it was and I could find no references to it anywhere on any database. I considered going to the Vratix home planet and talk to them, then decided that was way too in-depth for me to go, just to try and make something for me to do while inside the tank.

I wasn't allowed to meditate, either. The Force could interfere with the process and I didn't want that to happen. So, sleep is what I did for most of it. I could honestly say that I hadn't slept so much in a very long time. Not all at once, anyway. I tingled all over and I could even feel my hair changing and regrowing from the quick patchwork that I had done.

The buzzer sounded, like I was a piece of meat being cooking in an oven, and the top of the tank opened up. I popped up out of the fluid like a cork and the ventilator was taken off of me and several devices were used to flush my sinuses and my throat in an instant.

I pulled myself up to my feet on the platform above the tank and I felt that flow of energy through me that signified I was completely healed. Several towels were used to wipe me off, just so I wasn't dripping bacta everywhere in the medical lab, and I slipped off the adult underwear. I was quickly checked there as well.

“Healing and regeneration: Complete.” The medical droid said in a mechanical voice.

“Remind me to fix your voice synthesizer later.” I said.

“Reminder: Adjust medical droid voice. Scheduled Time: Later.” The droid responded.

“Your AI, too.” I said with a chuckle and ignored it adding the addendum as I walked down the stairs.

“By the ancestors.” Padme whispered as she stared at me. All of me.

I was back to my full six feet of height, six inches taller than her own five feet and six inches. I was also quite muscular, thanks to all the farming I did as a young man and during my adventures in Smallville after my recovery.

“I'm really glad I didn't invite anyone else over for this.” I said and picked up the robe I had left down on the chair to my computer terminal.

Padme made a bit of a sad sound when I put the robe on.

“I believe we have a bath appointment.” I said and she quickly pulled out the same scrubbing brush that she had used on me during the first bath she gave me. I smiled at her and she smiled back, she took my hand, and she led me to my own bedroom and the attached bathroom. I didn't bother asking her how she knew where my bathroom was when she hadn't been in there before.

What followed was an hour me trying to not laugh my ass off and Padme having a lot of fun trying to bathe me. She was grinning like a fool as she had me do all these ridiculous poses to 'get at all the good spots' and to 'make sure I was really clean'. The last pose was the best and I couldn't stop my laugh as she asked me to present my butt for her to finally get clean.

I mentioned something about 'never refusing a request from the queen' and she responded with something like 'that was the right attitude', then we were both laughing as she actually scrubbed my butt. I politely ignored the several caresses that were not quite a part of the scrubbing.

I was quickly dried off and I dressed in an appropriate suit to meet guests at the palace, and Padme led me to the luxury hover-limo waiting for us. We had an important dinner date with the Queen and her handmaidens to get to. The shock on their faces when they saw me fully restored, was priceless.

For the first time in a while, the meal passed and was a relatively quiet affair. It was a little concerning that they were so subdued, until the meal ended and I found out why.

“I believe a round of thank yous is deserved.” The Queen said in her stoic voice.

Why you little conspirator. I thought and glanced at Padme, who blushed. “I believe I said before that I would never refuse a legitimate request from the Queen.”

As I stood up, the handmaidens did as well. I smiled at the closest one, Padme, and took her hand and kissed the back of it, then I held the hand as I leaned down to kiss her cheek.

“Thank you for putting your life on the line for the Queen and your people.” I said to her, and her blush was pretty intense.

I went to each handmaiden and did the same thing as I also praising them for their bravery in the face of danger. I ended by the Queen's side and she looked both flustered and full of anticipation.

“Of course, the one with the most bravery and who constantly risks her life to protect the ones most precious to her.” I said and kissed her hand, then I leaned down to kiss her cheek for a split second longer than the others. “Both I and your people thank you for your hard work in preserving the royal personage.”

“I knew he knew!” Shumi gasped.

“Shumi!” The other handmaidens gasped. Padme just smiled.

I let the Queen's hand go and I could see her blush behind the makeup. “I have no idea what you're talking about.” I said with a knowing smile and the handmaidens giggled. “Thank you for allowing me this private audience.”

“It is us that requested it.” The Queen said. “We wanted to be the first to see you back to yourself.”

I bowed to her. “Now that I am restored, I can start my work in earnest.”

“We do have an inordinate amount of droids and droid ships on the planet's surface.” The Queen said.

I smiled. “No, I meant fixing all the damage the droids did during their march to the cities. I'll head over to the main survey teams and get the latest damage assessments in the morning.”

“You really can restore the forests?” One of the handmaidens asked.

I pointed to the plants hanging near the window and cast Growth on them. They caught their breath and rushed over to see the blooming flowers, even the Queen.

“These aren't supposed to bloom until next year!” Shumi exclaimed and took a smell of them. “It's real and not an illusion.”

“John, please do what you can to help. Some of those forests are centuries old.” The Queen said in a normal voice and not the normal stoic version.

“I give my word that I will have many of them back to they way they were by the end of the month.” I promised and all of them gave me happy smiles. “I shall retire for the evening, your highness, ladies.”

“Goodnight, John.”

“Goodnight.” I said and left the dining room. I decided to ignore hearing one of them say that for the first time in their lives, they regretted their monogamy laws. Padme's shout that she didn't, made me smile.

The next morning, I found out that a single Gungan had died during the initial invasion and had been crushed by a Trade Federation droid soldier deployer. When the Gungans were approached, they denied any knowledge of any Gungan being banished to the surface and said good riddance to him, because no one had to deal with him anymore.

Not that he officially existed, because he was stricken from their records. No one spoke his name, so we cremated 'The Unknown Gungan' and scattered his ashes over a small flowerbed near where his remains were found. The flowers eventually wilted and died.


I kept my word to the Queen. During the day, I would travel to huge miles-long tracks of destroyed forests and restored them to remove all traces of the droids passing. It shocked the survey teams on the first day, then they accepted me as a Force Adept with nature and then found every little thing wrong for me. It was almost funny at their quick turnaround in attitude.

In the evenings, I worked on the droids and figured out their programming. Their very simple programming. I had been right and the Trade Federation programmers were idiots. The droid programming was full of errors. It was a wonder that the things were able to walk and shoot straight, it was that bad.

Changing the blockade ships out to become monitoring beacons was going to take a lot longer than I wanted it to. So, I cheated. I created the Alliance-like automated relay stations and connected them to the Trade Federation mainframes on their ships. The advanced programming quickly overrode the inferior programming and sussed out all of the Trade Federation's secrets.

They had all kinds of droids available and I hadn't suspected it from rooting through their computers. Protocol droids, cleaning droids, labour droids, medical droids, engineering droids, maintenance droids, astromech droids, power droids, scout droids, servant droids, tutor droids, and even pilot droids. Those weren't the interesting ones, however.

Security droids, assassin droids, interrogation droids, heavy battle droids, droidekas (rolling shield droids), and even some of the ships were AI controlled and moved on their own. It was both amazing and terrifying. If anything ever went wrong with them, their self-run automated droid factories would just keep churning out more and more droids, for as long as they had resources.

There would never be an end to them, so I quickly stopped that code from perpetuating and uploaded it to all the ships and droids. There would be no uprising or overrunning the humanoids in the universe.

I paused as I thought of that, then had another weird idea. If there were no humanoids left in the universe, would an automated factory consume all the available matter in the universe and leave the stars to burn out and then consume them as well? Would the next big bang as the universe collapses, use the metal as a source for the planets and create silicon based life forms?

I laughed and pushed that thought out of my head and kept working. I had a lot to go through and then I had to strip an Imperial Starship to modify one of my automated Fireflys. She would have everything she need to protect herself. I wasn't going to lose another one as a distraction ever again.

The fifteen Fireflys I had left to defend the Naboo, had all taken out dozens of ships and a hundred tanks each before they were critically damaged and intentionally flew into the giant landing ships and blew their reactors. I was sad about that and also very pleased, because the Naboo recognized them as sentient and held a memorial for their defenders when the invasion was over.

I would give her heavy armor, energy shields, droids to deploy to keep operational, featherweight enchantments to counter the heavy elements inside, reinforcement barriers, extra deflector screens, and everything else I could fit on her. She was going to be a fearsome fighter with the upgraded energy weapons as well. The heavy ion cannon from a droid tank would fit nicely under the cockpit, too.

I was going to have a lot of fun.


My quite hectic life settled down after the creation of the Firefly Mark 2. She was such a kick-ass ship that I actually added back in a crew compartment for two crew and a passenger berth for six. I also named her Serenity, to honor the ship she was based on and she became my personal ship. I even created a full wall of mirrors for her and the AI's reaction to seeing her new chrome armor was noteworthy.

“I'm beautiful.” Serenity said in a soft voice. “I'm so bright and shiny.”

“After the way your sisters fought so valiantly, I had to reward that by giving you the best of the best.” I said and pat her fuselage. “If you're ever under heavy turbolaser fire and lose your shields and your deflector screens somehow, the heavy chrome plated armor will deflect the shots long enough for the droids to get the shields back up.”

“You even did my shuttles.” She said with a bit of awe in her voice.

“I wouldn't leave them bare metal and let them touch your beautiful body.” I said and ran my hand along her side and went up the small loading ramp that was now on the side of the ship and not behind it. “Let's go for a test flight and show you off to the palace.”

“I thought you would never ask.” Serenity said and waited for me to sit in the pilot's seat. “Would you like to take the controls for our first flight together?”

“I thought you would never ask.” I said back to her and we both laughed.

Ten minutes later, we buzzed by the palace, circled around, and came in for a landing beside the Imperial Starship and its matching chrome plated armor.

“She may have worn it first; but, I wear it better.” Serenity commented and I laughed.

The Firefly at 82 meters was a little longer than the Imperial Starship, which was only 76 meters. Serenity was also thicker in the middle and a bit wider. She was definitely a full bodied ship in comparison to the sleeker Royal Starship.

“You don't have to be jealous, Serenity.” I said and pat her console. “She's only a transport.”

“Are you going to modify her, too?” Serenity asked.

“It's against Naboo law to add firepower to the Imperial conveyance.” I said and left the cockpit. “I've debated adding in a couple of recessed blaster repeaters, then I looked up the penalties for it.”

Serenity was quiet for a moment, because I assumed she was looking it up. “Are they crazy? Why would they blow it up and commission a replacement?”

“They are fiercely anti-violence.” I said as the exit ramp opened.

“That is quite ironic.” Serenity said.

“It's definitely something to admire.” I said and I wasn't surprised when the handmaidens and some of the queen's security force walked out onto the landing area.

“I see you finally finished her.” Padme said and gave me a tight hug.

“I have and she's wonderfully capable.” I said and waved towards the ship. “Would you like a tour of Serenity?”

“Yes, please.” Padme said. “It's nice to meet you, Serenity.”

“You as well, Padme.” Serenity said.

“You adjusted her vocals as well?” One of the other handmaidens asked.

“I wasn't going to let the first ship in the protection fleet have stilted speech.” I said and introduced the handmaidens and the security guards to Serenity. I then took them on a tour and showed them the droids for deployment, the energy banks for the weapons, the ammo storage, the extra power reactor, the gunner bot for the turret weapons, and the controls in the cockpit.

“You really converted her back into a passenger ship?” Shumi asked.

“I thought about just letting her do all the flying, then realized it would be fun if we could fly together.”

“It was.” Serenity said. “The factory should have the first shipment of Crybaby satellites ready by this evening, so you have time to stay for supper.”

“Thanks for letting me know, Serenity. I think I will.” I said and looked at Padme. “Would you mind if I invited myself over?”

Padme beamed a smile at me. “I think the Queen would insist, now that you're here.”

“I'm glad I always have a change of clothes available.” I said with a chuckle. “I'll get changed and meet you inside.”

“We're in the informal dining room tonight.” Padme said and gave the other handmaidens a pointed look, then she stepped up onto her toes to give me a quick kiss. “Change quickly.”

I nodded and she left with the others.

“I would like to do that someday.” Serenity said.

“I haven't seen or met anything even close to a human analog for droids, except for a nanobot clone of an evil man with delusions of grandeur.”

“No, thank you. I'll wait for you to get it right.” Serenity said.

I laughed and transfigured my clothes to a proper outfit for eating a meal with the Queen of Naboo. “I'll leave my comm open for you.”

“Thank you, John.” Serenity said. “Enjoy yourself.”

“I should. They all like me and are envious of Padme for snagging me first.”

Serenity laughed softly. “You humans are silly.”

“Hey, don't listen to those R2 units. I told you that they were bad influences.”

“No, you said they were hilarious and I agreed.”

“I said that out loud?” I asked.

“Yes, you did.”

“I think I really am crazy.” I said and left the ship as a whole bunch of cursing beeps and boops and Serenity's laughter rang out behind me.


A month later, the entire Naboo star system was completely protected. A hundred Fireflys roamed the system, interacting with each other and their droids, the droid command ships, the automated relay stations, and the deep space stations that were the intermediary points for transshipping the Plasma cargo.

With so many new people visiting the system, a budding tourism trade started up and people started inns and hotels for visitors. Information stations were created as well and it let the visitors know some of the primary customs and laws they should follow.

Life continued on and more meetings were held, another trip to Coruscant for several more senatorial meetings that needed the Queen's presence, because the new senator wanted to make sure that she knew the Queen's position on certain issues. None of us minded getting away and thanked the nervous woman for giving us an excuse to come back for more sightseeing and shopping.

Her confidence grew while we stayed for nearly a month. When we left, she was fully versed in the Queen's views and was adamant in her defense of the Queen's position. No one tried to attack the Imperial ship as we travelled, because six Fireflys were on constant guard, with Serenity as the lead ship. We went home and life continued on.

With the danger over, Obi-wan was reassigned and we threw him a planet-wide celebration for his help over the time he had been there. His efforts with the recovery after the droid attacks, had endeared him to all of the Naboo people. He left with a heartfelt thank you to me, and my promise to come whenever he called for help.


A few years later, there was a report of some kind of separatist movement assaulting innocent planets, so the Naboo pledged ten thousand upgraded drone ships and their carriers to the efforts to stop the aggressors, with a thousand Fireflys as escorts and commanders. The uprising was quickly quelled and a Sith Lord named Count Dooku, a rich noble hiding out on a planet named Geonosis, was discovered.

The Jedi Council moved in mass and he was captured, as was one of his apprentices. Yaddle found two others, one was even hidden within the Jedi Temple's young Padawan recruits. She used the Light to sever the apprentice's connections to the Dark Side of the Force and they were put into a detention center for rehabilitation and possible re-education. Once the taint of evil was gone, they were almost completely different people.

Count Dooku on the other hand, believed he was justified in the wrongs committed against him and refused. He was put in prison and would be held until he repented. None of us believed that was going to happen. His assets were seized and distributed to his victims, a precedent that the incident between the Trade Federation and the Naboo had established. Everyone was happy about that.

Several of the larger droid manufacturers were found to be in league with Dooku and the Separatists, so they were all shut down and their assets seized and sold off. Of course, I couldn't let that pass me by and bought out the stock. Just the walkers and fast moving vehicles would be fun to play with. As with the Trade Federation droids, their programming was atrocious and I had more work to do.

There was also a disturbing report of a clone army being grown on a remote planet called Kamino. It was quickly investigated and the order was cancelled, the misappropriated funds redirected, and the training of the clones stopped. Of course, there was nowhere on the planet to maintain so many people for a long period of time without money. So, I suggested that Naboo take them and put them on one of the moons.

“John, we can't feed that many people, either.” The Queen said.

“You don't have to worry about that, your highness. I already converted the moons completely into perfectly livable farmland with cities and towns in strategic places.”

“You... already completed...”

“You didn't think I spent all of my time touring the automated ships and doing maintenance runs, did you?” I asked with a grin.

The handmaidens laughed softly. Their giggles had grown as they did and they were now eighteen and quite the beauties, especially Padme and her official Queen Decoy, Sabe.

“We can also keep an eye on them. If anyone tampered with the clones or made them into automated drones without a will of their own, we can do what we can to help them.” I said.

“You have a suspicious mind, John.” The Queen said.

“I just can't stop thinking that they would need to have a fail safe of some kind or a hypnotic suggestion buried in their heads.” I said. “I met someone once that was experimented on in a similar way, and she was a mess when she managed to escape their control. I can't help but think that someone made thousands of clones from the same man and there is no way that they would let their investment rebel or run away.”

The Queen discussed it with the others and nodded. “Very well. We will take these clones and give them a home.”

“We should add in the stipulation that we are only taking the clones currently in residence.” I said and she gave me a pointed look. “If they already took some of them away or shipped out a few batches already, we do not want to be held responsible for them.”

“That is an excellent point.” The planetary governor said. “We will add that in immediately and make the offer.”

So, the vaunted clone army was to become a brand new settled colony in the Naboo system.

They were a little lost about what to do when they arrived, until I told them that they could still be who they were meant to be. They just weren't going to be risking their lives across the galaxy. I also said that I would need to shake all of their hands to welcome them to their new home. They laughed for several minutes, then they saw I wasn't laughing.

“I want to greet you all personally.” I said with a smile as the large colony ship landed on the moon that was to be their new home. “Who wants to be first?”


“I really hate being right.” I said as I sat down to eat with the Queen and the handmaidens.

“Do enlighten us to your plight, John.” The Queen said.

“The clones all had kill switches in their heads.” I said and the ladies gasped. “They were microchips with biological attachments to the cerebellum and amygdala, with a small explosive attached.”

“Oh, no.” Padme said and gripped my hand hard. “What are you going to do?”

“I already did it.” I said and they gasped. “No, I didn't detonate them. I vanished them and the biological attachments. I then injected them with my refined bacta fluid in the main artery to get it right to the brain.”

“They let you do that?” Shumi asked.

“Once the first fainted from having part of his brain disappear, they didn't object to him being healed. He woke up after a minute and he was fine. He didn't even have a headache.” I said and then chuckled. “When it happened to the second man, then they stared asking questions.”

“You told them.” The queen said.

“Yes, and that was a mistake. A hundred of them died before I could cast Stasis on them all.”

“NO!” The handmaidens yelled.

“Unfortunately.” I said, sadly. “I never suspected them just knowing about it would set the thing off. It has a fail safe that if the person with it wants to get it out, it blows up.”

“The amygdala connections.” Padme said. She had been visiting a lot the last few years and picked up a lot from just being around me.

“Yes, and it's the first time I've ever regretted being honest.”

Padme pulled me into a hug and held me. “John, it wasn't your fault.”

“I might eventually believe that.” I said and held onto her. “Someday.”

Padme eased her hold on me and looked at my face. “That someday is today. Even if you somehow knew the thing would explode if they wanted it out, telling them about it shouldn't have triggered it so quickly. If they really are all the same man, then they all would have died if that was true.”

I opened my mouth to respond, then I thought about it and realized that she was right. “You are a brilliant woman.” I whispered to her and leaned in to kiss her. It was still chaste, because she wasn't ready for more than that; but, I held it and moved my lips a little to make sure she knew that I was kissing her.

Padme made a little sound of pleasure, then she stiffened and broke the kiss. “J-John, I...”

“I know.” I said and gave her another light kiss. “Thank you for not letting me get depressed about this mess.”

“You're welcome.” Padme whispered.

“We must decide if we should made that a part of the official announcement.” The Queen said.

“Oh, no! I hadn't thought about that!” Padme gasped. “If there are other clones out there, especially if they are being used as shock troops or for covert operations...”

“Telling them about it might put an end to the schemes of whoever is using them.” I said with a sigh. “I made a decision like this before, and it weighed heavily on me at the time. I justified it by calling it a preventative measure; but, it still resulted in children being killed, so they wouldn't grow up to be as bad as their criminal parents that were grooming them as their replacements.”

Padme put her arms around me and hugged me. “Is that why you're so adamant that people are protected from conflict?”

I nodded. “I did a horrible thing, just because I could. I knew I was saving the world from future strife by eliminating the evil elements from society, before they could do more than harass their fellows. The problem is, I did it with little more than a command to the troops under my command at the time.”

“You are working very hard to change that programming in the new droids.” Padme said.

“I've already stopped the perpetuating code to overthrow the humanoids that they had embedded in their programming.” I said and they all caught their breath. “The super battle droids, the assassin droids, and the interrogation droids, were the worst. It was almost every second line in their code.”

“No wonder they find it so easy to violate the laws and kill.” The Queen said. “I assume you are finding similar programming in the clones?”

“Unfortunately, yes.” I said and rubbed my face. “Dealing with one hidden assassin took years of work to get her back to herself. I don't know if I can handle doing thousands of them.”

“Can you teach your techniques to someone else and let them take over?” Padme asked.

“No, my abilities don't work like that.” I said and looked at her. “I've tried to copy my own skills onto someone else and it doesn't work. I need someone else to have the skill to make the copy and give it to a teacher, who can then teach others.”

I also couldn't use my powers on myself and create a copy of myself. Having more of me running around would make my work go a lot faster. No matter what I tried, I couldn't create a 'Generic Hansen' or whatever I would be called as a copy. It was both frustrating and a relief in the end.

After I had thought about it for a while, I finally decided that it was a good thing that there wasn't someone else around with my powers.

“I guess there's nothing to do but to do it.” I said and the handmaidens looked a little sad. “I'll set up some cameras and record the sessions with the small group that volunteered to try it. If we broadcast that over the viewscreens several times a day, it might help the others.”

“We can only hope.” The Queen said.

After a short pause, I spoke. “On the positive side, I've successfully recreated my small medical lab in the palace, one each in the security buildings for the police in each city, two in the medical buildings in each city, and one in every clinic across the planet and the moons.”

The Queen looked happy, despite the mandate to remain impassive. “Thank you, John. My people will be very grateful for your generosity.”

“I promised to help the Naboo people as much as I could as your adviser.” I said and she nodded. “I am also sharing my successful experiments on the reworked bacta formula with the medical technicians and medbots.”

“You are doing a lot more than we ever thought you would, John.” Padme said.

“Are you still refusing the droid controlled weapons platforms for the palace roof?” I asked with a grin.

They all laughed, even the Queen. I laughed, too. Getting life in prison shouldn't be that funny.


Time passed and Queen Amidala ended her second term in office with roaring applause and a planet-wide celebration. She refused a ratification to the constitution that would allow her to run for a third term. She claimed that their system of government had worked for hundreds of years and it didn't need to be changed, just because everyone liked her. The entire population laughed and applauded more.

With her no longer Queen, Padme showed up at my place the night after the celebrations. She had a nervous look on her face and my contracts to the Naboo people in her hands.

I took the datapad from her and smiled warmly. “How long do you want me to continue these for?”

Padme lost the nervous look and her back straightened. “For the extent of our marriage.”

I barked a laugh and she smiled. We both knew that marriage was for life. “Very well.” I said and pressed my thumb to the scanner and gave my approval. I handed her the datapad back and then dropped to a knee as I produced an ornately carved box that made her shiver.

“You didn't!” Padme gasped.

I opened it and she gasped again. Inside was a copy of the Naboo's Sacred Engagement Stone, shrunken down to be mounted on a ring. “I couldn't wait to fly us around the planet to take you there.”

Padme blushed deeply and held a hand out for it, so I took it out and slipped it onto her finger. “How long have you had this?”

“A week after we came back from Coruscant the first time.” I said and she caught her breath.

“Before you went into the bacta to regenerate.” Padme whispered.

“You are brave, intelligent, beautiful, and your heart is a bit too big for you to keep all to yourself.” I said and she blushed again. “Your handmaidens are more your sisters than employees and you've always encouraged that.”

Padme nodded. “They risked their lives every day for me. I couldn't treat them any less than family. It wouldn't be right.”

I smiled and stood as I took her into my arms. “Is there room for one more person in your heart?”

Padme smile up at me. “John, you're an idiot. You've always been in there. You just didn't know it until you met me.”

I laughed and she laughed, too.

“I like your laugh.” I said.

“I like your smile.” Padme said.

“I like your indomitable will.”

“I like your dedication.”

“I like that you get jealous when your sister handmaidens compliment me.” I said with a smirk.

“I like that you kept your word and have never done anything with anyone, even though I know you like Sabe.”

“I like that even though she's your double and takes your place, she can never replace you.”

“I like that you waited for me to be ready and you never pushed me for anything. Besides a bath.”

“Hey, the queen ordered them!” I said and she squinted her eyes at me. “Oh, right. Sorry.” I said and cleared my throat. “I like that you enjoyed spending time with me, even if it was for a bath, which was fun.”

Padme smiled. “I like that you have a cute butt... after it's cleaned.”

I snorted and barely held in my laugh. “I like that you can joke and be funny without losing your composure.”

“I like that I can relax around you and you don't hold that against me, especially when I was dressed as the Queen.”

“I like that you never had to hide yourself or your emotions from me, even as the Queen.” I whispered.

“I like that I can say the same thing about you.” Padme whispered back.

“I like the feel of your lips on mine.” I breathed and moved down slightly and briefly kissed her.

“I like that you respect my beliefs.” Padme breathed back and pressed her thigh to my crotch and felt my erection. “Even if neither of us wants to wait for the wedding night.”

“I like... is that enough? Tell me it's enough for tradition's sake.” I said and stared into her eyes.

“It is, so shut up and kiss me.” Padme said and pulled my head down to kiss me passionately.

For nearly twenty minutes.

I was impressed, because if that kiss was any indication, it was going to be a long three months for the both of us to wait for the wedding. A very long three months.


The wedding was a spectacular affair, as was the custom for marrying a previous head of state. It was also another planet-wide celebration. By this point, I honestly thought that they would use any excuse to have one. Padme's wedding dress was two hundred feet long and so white that it almost glowed.

All the handmaidens that had ever held office were hired to carry the thing for her, except her own. Those handmaidens were her bridesmaids and Sabe, her Queen double, was her maid of honor. She looked very happy to not be in the primary spotlight for once.

I stood across the aisle from her with Obi-wan Kenobi as my best man. I had been a bit too busy the last few years to make any real friends besides him. I wasn't sad about that, since I had plenty of time to try and find more, now that I wasn't being run ragged making the planetary defense grid.

The wedding was being broadcast system-wide, to the moons as well. It was also being recorded and copies would be sent to the Senate and the nearby systems. That normally wasn't done, but Padme was being asked by the newly elected Queen to consider becoming the new senator for the Naboo people.

Padme and I knew it was a bribe to have our wedding so widely broadcast, because it was expensive to buy that much time on the interstellar networks. She was still seriously considering taking the job when the latest senator's time in office was over. My suggestion that we should hire her as an aide to keep her in the Senate and up to date, made Padme quite happy.

Padme's father stopped beside me with Padme on his arm and he glared at me, because I was assuming responsibility of her as her husband, which was his only job in his eyes.

“I thank you sincerely for granting me this boon that I can never repay.” I said to the man, which surprised him. “A daughter is a precious thing, something to be treasured and cherished.”

“She really is.”

“I should remind you that no matter what she becomes, Queen, Senator, Wife, and someday Mother...” I said and Padme blushed. “...she will always be your daughter.”

The man looked very pleased by that. “Then I have no problem handing the responsibility for her care, welfare, and happiness over to you.”

I bowed slightly to him and he handed me Padme's hand. “I accept this honor and will do everything in my power to make sure that she becomes everything she ever wants be.”

He bowed slightly back and stepped over to where the family sat and his wife hugged him.

“Thank you for saying that, John.” Padme whispered as we stepped up onto the little dais in front of the Royal Marriage Conductor.

“It was the truth.” I whispered back. “Plus, I knew he didn't like that I proposed to you as soon as you left office.”

Padme laughed softly. “I think it was because you gave me a copy of the Engagement Stone. No woman in their right mind would refuse you if you put that on their finger.”

“Those pesky monogamy laws rear their ugly head again.” I joked and she lightly slapped my arm.

“Hush. It's starting.” Padme whispered and I nodded.

Two hours later, we were officially married, legally banned from sleeping with another person, and told the penalties for flaunting the law in public. We were properly chastised and then told to kiss.

I had to make a spectacle of it to match the occasion, so I set off the hidden fireworks as our lips met. Explosions of confetti and streamers were next and everyone applauded like crazy. I broke the kiss and Padme gave me a glare for a second before she laughed.

“You just couldn't resist, could you?” Padme asked as we walked down the aisle.

“Resist? I planned this before I proposed.” I said and she laughed. We waved at the guests and the floating cameras, to make sure we were letting the people that were there and that were watching at home, that we knew they were there and we were including them as well.

We climbed into the luxury hover-limo with the wedding party and went home to change, then we went to the reception.

The reception was in a giant auditorium and after the first opening dance together, we spent most of our time there walking around and talking to people, thanking them for being there and sharing this time with us, and occasionally dancing with chosen others. Her mother and I, Padme and her father, then she danced with the new Planetary Governor and I danced with the Queen's handmaiden.

“I sorely wish that you had signed on as the Queen's Advisor and not as Queen Amidala's, Mr. Hansen.” The pretty young woman whispered into my ear during the slow song.

“I can still be hired as a consultant, your highness.” I whispered back and she caught her breath. “Please, relax. I am well versed in the workings of the safety measures in the palace and when the queen must go out in public.”

She sighed. “I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. You have been there for nearly eight years.”

“Yes, and nothing happened in all that time, except two kisses with a handmaiden and quite a few hand kisses with the others and the Queen.”

She softly laughed. “I knew that rumor was true.”

“I couldn't favor just the one when others were looking.” I whispered. “It would be too distracting and bring unwanted attention to just her.”

“I agree. Hiding in plain sight was a very smart move on Amidala's part.”

“I believe she will be keeping that name when she accepts your job offer in two months.”

“She told you she was?” The handmaiden asked.

“No, I saw her pouring over the updated laws and the Galactic Senate's Rules of Conduct.”

She softly laughed again. “Since you are going with her, the Queen would greatly appreciate having you as a consultant.”

“I would be honored. Please tell the Queen I will visit with her, at her convenience, after the honeymoon.”

“Where will you be going?” She asked.

“Padme has always wanted to visit the other beacon of peace in the galaxy, Alderaan.” I said.

“I think most Naboo have wanted to visit there at one time or another.”

“I know it won't be the same as going there yourself; but, we will be there for a month on various tours and staying at their resorts and vacation spots. I would be happy to send you copies of the recordings.”

She eased back slightly to look at my face. “That would be lovely, thank you.”

“You are quite welcome.” I said as the song ended. I carefully took her hand and bent over it to give it a light touch with my lips. “Thank you for this dance. Please give my regards to the Queen.”

She blushed slightly. “I will.”

I smiled at her and led her over to the Queen's entourage, bowed to them and went back to Padme.

“What was that about?” Padme asked in a whisper as we walked over to the Planetary Governor's family to talk with them.

“Just her hiring me on as a consultant to accompany you to Coruscant when you become her senator.” I said and her steps faltered. I easily caught her and let her right herself without anyone noticing.

“How did you know I was thinking about accepting the post? I haven't discussed it with you yet.”

“I saw you studying the senate's conduct rules.” I said.

Padme looked embarrassed. “John, I... I was just...”

I brought us to a stop, just short of the Governor's family. “You don't have to explain anything, Padme. Like I told your father, I will fully support your decisions and will do everything to ensure that you do the best you can do.”

“We should talk about it before I make any decisions. I just wanted to see if I could handle the post if I chose to take it.” Padme said.

“I know.” I said and she relaxed. “I also know that once you make your choice, you will do everything you can to complete your objective.”

Padme smiled. “You are already working to let me accept it.”

“The Queen regrets that I only signed on as Amidala's advisor, so I offered to let her hire me as a consultant.”

“I assume she liked that idea.”

“She was slightly delighted.” I joked and she laughed. “Let's not keep the governor's family waiting to meet the new senator that's assuming her post in two months.”

Padme gave me a quick kiss and we spent the remainder of the night making the rounds with those we hadn't talked to yet.

By the time we left, nearly everyone on the planet was discussing how happy they were that Amidala was going to be their new senator and would continue looking after her people.


Alderaan was everything that Padme had envisioned. The peaceful life, the relaxed atmosphere, and the welcoming people. It was perfect in her eyes. The planet's senator was back home between sessions as well. Bail Organa and his wife gave Padme and her new husband personal tours of the best places. They even offered up their home to stay in for their vacation.

They would soon be grateful for silencing spells, because Padme was a bit of a screamer. It was always the quiet and reserved ones that really let themselves go when in bed. Her husband John couldn't have been happier about that. Hearing the noises she made, had him teasing and pleasing her a lot more than he normally would. Padme didn't object at all.

The month seemed to pass by like it hadn't happened and all four of them had the best time of their lives. Padme and John because of all the wonderful things they saw and experienced and Bail and Breha for seeing their home through the eyes of people enjoying it for the first time.

With only a few days left to the honeymoon, Padme became sick. She tried to play it off as nothing, until John touched her forehead for several moments and then he sucked in a sharp breath.

“Medical bay. Now.” John ordered.

Padme had never heard that tone of voice from him before and reacted instinctively with a nod of agreement. Bail and Breha went with them and after a short examination, the results were given.

Padme was pregnant.

Padme was both pleased and upset, because she was about to accept a job that would take her away from her birth planet for years. She wanted children, because she loved her husband very much. She also wasn't quite ready to be a mother at only nineteen.

“I wish it was me. I can't have children and...” Breha said and then gasped. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't say that at a time like this.”

John gave Bail a significant look. “May I touch your wife and examine her? I've been studying medical technology and procedures for years now.”

Bail looked doubtful and turned to his wife. “Breha, it's up to you.”

“There's nothing you can do. We've tried everything.” Breha said.

“It doesn't hurt to try, does it?” John asked.

Breha sighed. “All right. Give me a moment to change and you can have a look down there.”

“That won't be necessary.” John said and both she and Bail looked surprised. He walked over to the woman and knelt by her to put a hand on her forehead and on her belly. After a moment, he took both hands back. “I'll be right back with something to give you a full scan.”

No one said anything as he left. When he came back into the room, he dragged a large machine behind him. He set it up and asked Breha to lay down. He turned the machine on and it took ten minutes to fully scan her belly area. They were quiet until John hit the display button and a fully integrated hologram appeared above her belly.

“What kind of technology is that?” Bail asked, almost frantic.

“Proprietary.” John said and reached over to put his finger deep into the hologram. “There's a blockage right here. The reason your wife can't get pregnant is her eggs can't get to where they need to be and you can't fertilize them.”

Bail looked uncomfortable and Breha blushed.

“If you will allow me, I'll remove the blockage and you can continue to try having children.”

“YES, PLEASE!” Breha yelled and then blushed harder.

“I believe my wife has spoken.” Bail said and no longer looked uncomfortable. “When can you perform the surgery?”

“That depends on if you can keep a secret.” John said.

“We'll sign anything to get you to do this.” Breha said. “I've wanted to have Bail's children since we were married four years ago.”

“Then please excuse the intrusion.” John said and waved his hand to make a split in Breha's dress above her abdomen. Bail and Breha stared as a needle of odd-colored bacta appeared out of nowhere and then Breha gasped.

“What is it?” Bail asked her and took her hand.

“I just felt... a little empty.” Breha said and looked at John. “What did you do?”

“Vanished your fallopian tubes.” John said and slid the needle into her belly. “Now I'm temporarily giving you regeneration and a heavily modified bacta fluid to replace them.”

Bail and Breha watched as he put the needle in the other side of her belly.

“Why didn't that hurt?” Breha asked.

“Numbing solution on the needle and the hole heals because of the bacta.” John said and tapped his wrist thirty times at one second intervals and then hit the button to scan Breha's belly again.

The hologram disappeared and they waited for the ten minutes for the scan to finish. When the hologram appeared again, they didn't need John to point out the now clear tubes.

“I can't believe it.” Bail said and his hand went into the hologram, as if he could touch where the tubes had been replaced. “It's real, isn't it? It's not a trick?”

“I think we are both the luckiest men in the galaxy right now.” John said and Padme blushed.

“I agree.” Bail said and looked at his wife. “We can't let our new friends have a child grow up lonely, can we?”

Breha blushed. “I... I can finally... give you an heir.”

Bail laughed and gave her a kiss. “You're the queen of Alderaan, dearest. He or she would be your heir.”

“Our heir.” Breha corrected.

“Our child.” Bail said and gave her another kiss. Neither of them saw her dress be repaired, the device fading away, or Padme being thoroughly kissed by her husband.

When they left the medical facility, Padme was no longer worried about becoming a mother. That John was extremely happy and had donated two full bacta medical rooms to the medical facility as thanks for the emergency appointment and pregnancy confirmation, she claimed had nothing to do with it.

A month later, Padme accepted the job as senator and made the pregnancy announcement... as well as Bail and Breha's pregnancy announcement, ensuring their royal family would continue. She also announced that Alderaan had ordered their own automated planetary defense grid from the Naboo people.

Everyone rejoiced and they threw another planet-wide celebration, which confirmed my theory that they would use any excuse. Padme and her two remaining handmaidens laughed. The others had found husbands of their own and wanted to start families as well. Padme and I had inadvertently started a kind of revolution.

The previous senator had been ecstatic to be kept on as a senatorial aide, especially because she would be acting senator for the year or so that Padme returned to Naboo to have her child and to nurse it. With Padme's recommendation, she would retain the office after Padme's first term as a senator ended.


Padme gave birth to twins and she couldn't have been happier about that. She chose Luke and Leia as the names, after famous people in her own family, and both babies looked just like her. She voiced her concern that they didn't have any of my traits and I laughed, because our hair was the same color and they were only babies. We would have to wait for quite some time before we would see if Luke would be short like his mother.

Naboo had another planet-wide celebration in response to the double birth. I groaned and complained about it and Padme and her handmaidens laughed at me.

A month later, Bail and Breha welcomed a son and he looked exactly like Bail, which made Breha and their entire planet happy. So happy in fact, that they had a planet-wide celebration. I commented that it must be contagious and we infected them when we were there. Padme just laughed and laughed.


More and more planets ordered defense grids from the Naboo over the years and their defense was proven several times by brief resurgences of the Separatists and the crime syndicates trying to maintain their stranglehold on the poorer planets and their economies. They were quickly smacked down by the droid defensive armies, to everyone's delight.

The Galactic Senate charged the offenders with fines so outrageous that it bankrupted their planets and their assets were seized and dispersed to their victims. Slavery was abolished practically galaxy-wide when they all bought out their slave contracts and became their own owners.

Tatooine became one of the best resort planets in that part of the galaxy for their endless beaches. No one knew that I had discreetly gone in and created many of the water features and thought they were just undiscovered. It was one of the best pranks that I had played on the Hutt's Crime Syndicate by giving their former slaves a thriving economy and a booming business.

Eventually, the attacks slowed down and then stopped. It was becoming too costly to try and take over a planet by force in order to steal resources that were not that expensive to buy, anyway. Resource rich planetary populations rejoiced at the news. Naboo and Alderaan threw planet-wide celebrations. Padme and her handmaidens didn't even wait for me to complain about it before they laughed at me.

The kids grew up happy and fulfilled and were young adults. Their lives were their own as well. I made sure to give them the resources and options to become whatever they wanted, just like I had for their mother. She was now the Planetary Governor and couldn't have been happier. The galaxy had been at peace for over a decade because of her efforts and those of a similar mindset in the Senate.


My experiments with bacta had come to an end. I had failed, time and time again, to graft Kryptonian flesh onto anything. It would always heal into itself and never onto the testing materials. It just wasn't possible to fix things with that line of thinking, so I wasn't going to gain their powers at their full strength.

Also, there was no such thing as DNA research or splicing genes into things to share traits. My attempts to try and introduce the medical droids to the concept, forced them to shut down and they wouldn't restart. I sighed and gave up.

My last experiment was something that I had been working on for decades and had finally completed. It took a lot of work, a lot of odd tweaks, and a lot of playing to get it right. I decanted the tiny tank and the medical droids cleaned the specimen up. A bath was prepared and the cleaning droids made short work of scrubbing the specimen clean.

“How do you feel, Yodel?” I asked the little green alien.

“Feel odd, I do.” Yodel said as the droids gave him appropriate sized clothing.

“You've spent about six months bathing in bacta to rejuvenate your body by a few hundred years.” I said and he looked surprised.

“Eight hundred years old, am I not?” Yodel asked.

“If my guess is right, you're only about 560.” I said.

“Surprised, I am.” Yodel said and flexed his little clawed hands and his larger clawed feet. “Reluctant, the Force is.”

“Oh! Sorry about that, my little friend.” I said and created a female copy of Yaddle and copied over her abilities to him before I let her fade away. “Meditate on that for a few hours.”

“Intriguing, this is.” Yodel said and sat down right there on the floor and did as I asked. He sat there for three hours and then opened his eyes. “Felt me, she has.”

“Ha! I knew she would sense anything I did with the Light.” I said and helped him stand up. “I've got an appropriate sized ship prepared for you.”

“Meet me on Dagobah, she will.” Yodel said.

“There are enough food stores to last you both for quite some time. If you need anything else, just send a comm message.” I said.

“All that we need, the Force will give us.” Yodel said.

I nodded and handed him two lightsabers in his size that he hooked on his belt. “You know she is going to try and fight you to test you, right?”

Yodel laughed the same cackling laugh as Yoda, only more robust. “Rambunctious, she is.”

I nodded. “Go have some fun and tell her I sent you.”

“Knows this, she does.” Yodel said and walked over to the door. “Hunt you down for it, perhaps.”

“Ha! She'll be too busy with you, my friend.” I said. “Tell her it took me a while to figure out the best way to thank her for being my friend.”

“Need balance, she does. Given it, you have.” Yodel said and left.

“I certainly hope so, my friend. Force knows she needs someone to be there for her.” I said as the door closed behind the little green alien.


Galactic unification happened two hundred years later. Peace and tranquility made every being happy and they lived their lives as they always should have. Free of strife, conflict, and worry. It was an idyllic place and people strove to improve their own lives and those of their fellow beings.

The Galactic Senate became a meeting of the minds and technology and information was shared freely. No one had any secrets and the harmonious feelings melded together and the Force rejoiced... for the most part. There was just one problem that it had to deal with. Something that wasn't quite as harmonious as the rest of the galaxy.


“You don't need to do this, John.” A grey-haired Padme said as she hugged me close while we lay in bed together.

“My dearest love, I always take a round trip to the automated security stations in the system during this time of year.”

“I know. I just... this time... I feel uneasy.” Padme whispered.

I closed my eyes and I didn't feel anything in the Force. No tremor, no wavering, or even a hint that there was anything going to be wrong. “I'm sure that everything will be fine.” I said and gave her a passionate kiss.

Padme moaned and she slid her body along mine. “Once more before you go. Please.”

I chuckled. “You always get like this after a dunk in the rejuvenation chamber.”

“That was the greatest invention you have ever created.” Padme said and we joined together once more.

Half an hour later, I left her asleep in the bed and showered, dressed, and went to my ship.

“Good morning, Serenity! How's my favorite girl?”

“Still disappointed that you haven't built an analog for me to inhabit.” Serenity said.

I laughed and climbed aboard. “You've witnessed and even participated in the experiments. I'm sorry that certain technologies don't exist here.”

“So am I.” Serenity said and closed up, then lifted off as I took the pilot's seat. “You still can't get the medical bots to work on anything smaller than a cell.”

I laughed again and reclined in the seat, letting her fly. “I even tried to adjust their programming and they wouldn't start up. Talk about frustrating!”

“You are just too smart for them.” Serenity said, sarcastically.

“You've been talking to Yaddle, you minx!” I said and laughed once more.

“We may have exchanged a word or a thousand.” Serenity said.

“No doubt!”

“She's still angry that you made her a husband without telling her.”

“Ha ha! Tell her I love her, too.”

“I already have.” Serenity said. “Coming up on the first stop.”

“Great! This should only take a few minutes. The maintenance and engineering droids keep everything running perfectly.”

We docked with the first automated security station and I entered to check things over. I was right and everything was fine. I copied the logs and entered my arrival and departure time, then hopped back aboard Serenity.

“Onward and forward, my lovely conveyance!” I said and pointed to the next station.

“You do realize I can eject you into space, don't you?” Serenity asked me as we left the docking bay.

I sat down in the pilot's chair and placed my hands on the controls. “I may joke around; but, you really are the culmination of decades of work and innovation.” I said and ran my hands over the controls, caressing them. “I've never worked so hard to build something else in my life.”

“Now there are tens of thousands of me flying around the galaxy.” Serenity said.

“No, my dear Serenity. There is only one of you. You are the first. The others I copied and made before I converted you into my own personal ship. None of the others have a seat in them for me. None of the others have flown with me like you have.”

Serenity was quiet for several minutes. We docked at the next station and I did the same checks and received the same results. Everything was fine. We left there and went towards the next station.

“John, if it was possible for an AI to love someone, I would love you.” Serenity said.

“That means you do.” I said and smiled. “By the way, I don't call you my favorite girl for no reason.”

The ship seemed to lurch a little before it docked to the next station.

“Hey, are you all right?” I asked.

“I'm fine.” Serenity said. “Hurry up and do the checks. This is going to be a long enough day as it is without you wasting time talking to me.”

I laughed and pat her console. “It's never a waste of time talking to you. If it was, I wouldn't leave my comm on all the time for you, would I?”

She didn't respond and I entered the station. Something felt off as soon as I stepped onto it and I couldn't place it. It wasn't until I was in the command center that I realized there were no droids moving around. I quickly did the checks and several red flags popped up. It was strange. Half of the droids blew their motivators and the other half were working to fix them. For three days.

I checked the communications system and it had a red flag. It was sending and receiving the automated updates like usual; but, it wasn't sending out the error reports like it was supposed to. That was why no one had noticed the damages and the errors.

“Serenity, there's some kind of cascading failure going on here that's targeting the smaller systems.” I said over the personal comm channel.

“Of course there is, right after I said to hurry up and stop wasting time.”

I laughed and started to work to hunt down the cause. I stayed there for nearly half an hour before the overhead lights changed to red and every blast door in the station slammed closed.

“John! I've been ejected from the dock and the blast doors just slammed closed!” Serenity exclaimed. “I can't get back to you!”

“I know!” I said and started typing. “Oh, no. No, no, no.”

“What is it?” Serenity asked.

“The cascade failure has made it to the reactor core. It's failing.” I said.

“John! I'll blast out the bulkhead on the command center! Get back and I'll catch you after the decompression!”

“You can't. I forbid it.” I said.

“JOHN!” Serenity yelled.

“The automated defenses would destroy you.” I said and sat back as I watched the countdown. “Please, don't try.”

“John, you can't just sit there and wait to die.” Serenity said in a soft voice.

“I can't apparate out. I would shred myself trying to go through the energy shields.”

“John, please... don't... don't leave me.” Serenity whispered.

“My favorite girl.” I said as the countdown hit five seconds. “It doesn't look like I have a choice.”

“John! I love you!” Serenity exclaimed.

“I love yo-”


The last thing I felt as the station exploded around me was the Force.

Balance must be maintained.

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