Academy Heroine’s Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 368

Chapter: 368

A massive mass of magic plummeted towards the earth.

If it were to hit the ground and explode, not only the city but the entire surrounding area would be swept away, turning into a wasteland where nothing could survive.

This was tantamount to the end of the world.

However, the heroes had no means to stop it, even knowing this.

They were working to evacuate the citizens as far from the epicenter of the explosion as possible, but that was essentially a futile struggle.

Unless a miracle were to occur.

The sense of despair seemed to weigh down everyone’s heads, causing the heroes to all gaze toward the ground.

Yoon Si-woo was no exception.

Once sworn to be everyone’s hope, he had resolved this time to solve the matter with his own power. Therefore, the self-blame and helplessness kept him from lifting his head. He only managed to do so when he heard the sound of heroes stepping away, devoid of strength as they evacuated.

At that moment, he noticed Scarlet quietly looking up at the sky, lifting her head.

In this situation where everyone was bowing their heads in despair, her posture caused her to stand out starkly.

Yoon Si-woo couldn’t help but think, looking at her, that she must not know the gravity of the situation since her eyes were dim and her ears were unable to hear.


So Yoon Si-woo approached her to take her hand.

He wanted to write a message in her hand to let her know the current situation.

And it was then that Yoon Si-woo could see it.

“Scar, let…?”

Her eyes were directed precisely at the mass of magic falling down.


The vacant gaze lacked focus.

It was clear that her eyes couldn’t see.

Yet, in her eyes, facing the end, a small spark that still burned brightly informed Yoon Si-woo that she was aware of the situation.

She knew it, yet she hadn’t lost hope.

“Yoon Si-woo.”

At that moment, the only girl who hadn’t despaired in the face of doom spoke to the boy holding her hand.

“Tell everyone.”

“Tell everyone what?”

“Tell them I have a way.”

Seeing the determination and resolve on the girl’s face, the boy realized what she was planning.

So Yoon Si-woo shook his head subconsciously, murmuring,

“No. Don’t do that. Please.”

He wanted to dissuade her, to make her give up her resolve.

But ultimately, he couldn’t.

Because he too was a hero.

As long as no miracle happened, the end could not be averted.

And thus, the girl decided to become the miracle for everyone.


“What, what do you mean…!!”

Sylvia shouted, hearing Yoon Si-woo’s words.

In response to her probing shout, Yoon Si-woo recalled what he had just said to her.

“…Scarlet plans to use up all her remaining strength to burn that magic as much as possible.”

Sylvia’s eyes shook as she processed the plan Yoon Si-woo conveyed.

She understood immediately.

If Scarlet could indeed burn the magic with her ability, the explosion’s impact would lessen, giving the remaining people a chance to survive.

That’s why, in the current situation where there were no special countermeasures against the magic, the plan Yoon Si-woo spoke of was the only way to create even a sliver of hope.


“How can you, how can you say that…!!”

It was a plan that Sylvia could understand with her mind but not easily accept with her heart.

“How can you ask Scarlet to sacrifice more than she already has…!!”

Scarlet had already made a tremendous sacrifice for them.

In the battle against the Witch of Gluttony, she had overused her powers, becoming unable to move on her own.

To make her use her powers again, to ask for another sacrifice…

That was just too,

“Too cruel…!”

The guilt and remorse she felt toward Scarlet filled her heart.

Asking Yoon Si-woo to suggest something more was like adding more weight to an already unbearable burden.

It was hard to bear and made her angry, leading Sylvia to clutch Yoon Si-woo’s collar in frustration.

But as soon as she did,


Sylvia had no choice but to release her grip, her expression contorting.

Yoon Si-woo, caught in her grasp, had eyes filled with sadness and pain.


In truth, Sylvia knew.

That he wasn’t the right target for her anger.

Yoon Si-woo, who cherished Scarlet more than anyone else, wouldn’t have come up with such a plan.

So her anger was essentially an impossible task.

Because the only person who could make Yoon Si-woo accept such a plan was just one person in this world.

Scarlet, herself.

“Ugh, huh….”

In the end, Sylvia couldn’t hold back her tears.

She felt so sorry, and wronged.

That Scarlet was once again planning to sacrifice herself for them.

But at the same time, she had no justification to stop it.

So, while crying, Sylvia began to chant a spell.

To bid farewell to her dearest friend, who had decided to sacrifice herself for everyone until the very end.



Did she suddenly sense the increased presence around her?

The girl tilted her head.

But soon realizing their identities, she murmured with a wry smile.

“…Haha. Are you all here to say goodbye?”

Around her, as if confirming her words, were all her acquaintances.

Even while evacuating the citizens, they had rushed here, risking danger just to bid farewell.

Since this gathering was full of those who wanted to say something to her, normally, it would have taken days just to say goodbye.

However, unfortunately, there was a dark shadow looming above them, still growing ever larger.

Considering the limited time and the girl’s impaired communication, the farewells were brief.

“…I can’t believe I’m relying on a child like this. What a failure as an adult.”


Gentle pats on the shoulder.

“…Scarlet, my friend.”


Through quick embraces,
the comrades who had shared both life and death on the battlefield, along with those friends she made at the academy, conveyed their heartfelt goodbyes to her, each in their own way.

And when the time came for her last farewell,

“Ugh, sniff… huuh… huuuuh…!!”


The weeping Sylvia clung to the girl, unable to contain her emotions, which were welling up inside her.

It was because she couldn’t accept the fact that she had to part forever.

“I don’t want to…! I don’t want to…!! I don’t want to say goodbye…! Scarlet!!!”

“…Oh dear, are you crying again? You really are such a crybaby, Sylvia.”

The girl chuckled as she wiped Sylvia’s tears with her hand.

But the more she did, the more tears Sylvia shed, for the realization that this familiar kindness was coming to an end was too much to bear.

In their farewell, Sylvia wept more bitterly than ever before, holding the girl tightly.

At that moment, the girl carefully held Sylvia’s hands and said,

“Sylvia, I have something to give you.”

“Give, give me something…?”

Intrigued by the promise of a gift, Sylvia slowly opened her palm at the girl’s urging.

The girl handed her a ring adorned with a red garnet, symbolizing their genuine friendship.

Why, why was she returning it? Did it mean she no longer needed it?

Receiving back the ring she once gifted turned Sylvia into a torrent of emotions.

However, right before she broke into tears, the girl asked,

“Do you remember, Sylvia? The day I got this ring back from you.”

Of course, she remembered.

How could she forget?

The day they had overcome countless challenges and finally became true friends.

Sylvia nodded slowly, and the girl smiled at her, saying,

“I was truly happy to become friends with you, Sylvia. There were few moments in my life as joyful as that.”

Sylvia wanted to shout that she felt the same way.

“Whenever I look at this ring, it reminds me of that day, fills me with happiness. So for me, it is the most precious thing in the world.”

Those words were nothing short of blissful.

Yet, she found it hard to express more than a nod, fearing that speaking would cause her emotions to spill over once again.

“So, I want you to keep this, Sylvia. I hope it reminds you that a friend named me existed. Can you do that for me?”

Hearing that request, Sylvia thought it was exceedingly foolish.

Even without such a request, she would never forget her for a lifetime.

But, just like the engraving on the ring in her hand, and the one she wore,

It was the request of her first and most precious friend, who would be unlike anyone else in the world.

The only answer was clear.

“Ugh, yes… Yes, Scarlet…”

Sylvia replied, gripping the ring tightly, her face a mess of tears and snot, as she prepared to bid farewell to the girl at last.

And now, only the very last person remained.


“…Yoon Si-woo.”

It was now Yoon Si-woo’s turn to embrace the girl in silence.

However, he remained completely frozen in that embrace.

Because he thought that if he spoke a goodbye, if he let go of her hand, it might become the very last time.

The truth was, it was not Sylvia who wasn’t ready to let go, but rather himself.

Yoon Si-woo trembled as he held onto the girl, realizing this.

And perhaps he felt something in that tremor.

“Yoon Si-woo.”

The girl gently pushed him away.

In response, Yoon Si-woo flinched, gripping the girl’s hand tightly.

She didn’t forcefully remove his grasp.

Instead, she simply placed her other hand softly over his held hand, wrapping it gently.

“Thank you for everything up to now, really.”

That single phrase was filled with so much meaning.

Yoon Si-woo bit his lip.

He realized he could no longer hold onto her.

So, slowly, he released his grip, letting her go.

Then, the girl smiled at Yoon Si-woo and said,

“Leave the rest to me.”

She always used to say that.

That she trusted him the most in the world.

True to those words, her smile was full of trust.

And for the first time, Yoon Si-woo felt frustrated by her blind faith.

It was because he wasn’t as strong as she thought he was.

In reality, he was someone weak enough to still desperately suppress the urge to hold onto her, to keep her from leaving….

Yet, wanting not to disappoint her, Yoon Si-woo mustered a strong smile and responded to her.

“…Yeah, leave it to me.”

He didn’t know if she heard that answer, but she smiled reassuringly.

And then, with a powerful flap of fiery wings,

A small Phoenix flew toward the dark sun.

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