Abyssal Road Trip

71 - Getting to know you.

Bells of flight later, they landed on a hilltop whose slope ran straight into the edge of the swampland. Grey dead trees wrapped in vines made of rattling bones and tendons grew from the stagnant water and foul earth. Dotted among them, Julia could see the waterlogged faces of the Damned pressing up against the underside of the water. Bubbles of air infrequently erupted from the mouths of those held within its decaying embrace.

The bursts of air allowed an influx of vile water to stream into their mouths. Their eyes, long frosted over in death, widen further in horror as water flowed into their screaming maws, only to relax in resignation when it finished. The water should have filled them, yet Julia saw the cycle repeat.

Watching their chests inflate again, True Sight made it clear it hadn’t been oxygen in their lungs but a miasma of decay that the water had somehow formed within them. Julia didn’t need Soul Sight to know the Damned here were likely reliving everything rotten they had ever done in life. The Abyssal punishments always seemed to focus upon the worst of a Damned’s living activities.

The dank odour had grown more vigorous as they approached the swamp, Julia could see the stems of giant mushrooms hiding within the shadows of the trees. Fungi radiated from each mushroom in lines through dark water and wrapped around the feet of the Damned. It was shifting position in time to the eruption of air, as though a fisherman playing with the fish caught upon its hook.

Something had cut a channel perhaps 20 metres wide through the swamp near where they had landed. It had also cut a matching notch through the hillside and seemed set up to allow barges clear passage. The water itself didn’t look deep enough to allow a boat of any substantial draft to travel safely, though.

“Where did your sisters, or is it family, get assigned?”

“Family is most accurate. Most involved in this spat are securing the known Portals where they enter Àluga or involved in operations on more dangerous Planes. You said I get no questions, and yet you’re asking them of me.”

“I’m not asking questions about you personally,” Julia responded.

“Still, I get to ask one. When did you join the Order?”

“That’s a personal question. Try something else,” Julia replied. While not worried about information she could learn from others, Julia also didn’t want to encourage crossing that line.

“So, I’ll take it that was you that caused the fuss. The one with the Blood Monk class that shouldn’t have had it, and Souls screaming in the courtyard. But that aside, let’s set to disrupting passage through this channel. What spells of yours might help?” asked Ebusuku, the smile twisting her lips showing she was well aware of the abrupt subject change.

What fuss did she hear about?

“I’ve not yet learned many earth spells that have a permanent effect. Loosen Earth, perhaps Aggravated Flaws,” Julia proposed, looking along the channel for options.

“Use Aggravated Flaws on any cracks down near the waterline. Once you extend them enough, it should cause sections to collapse and trigger an avalanche. I’ll keep watch.”

“I’ll start further into the hills so we cause the most material to collapse at once.”

Julia’s attention was already on the channel as she considered Ebusuku’s instructions and reviewed the spell’s effect.

[Aggravate Flaws: The spell extends any cracks or flaws in material softer than diamond out to the maximum cubic effect of the spell. A single casting can affect material up to two and a half metres cubed.]

Now to find a suitable area and then expand its flaws. I can’t just use inventory if she goes scrying again; I didn’t feel it happening during the planning session.

{{If you didn’t feel a thing, then I guess it wasn’t good for you. }}


{{Oh, I thought we were getting on so well. Fine, spread those cracks. You’ve weaponised your body already.}}

{{This isn’t quite ‘moon over bourbon street’, but you’ve got nothing covering your crack, you know. }}

Exploring the channel revealed perfectly smoothed sides extending straight through the hills as far as Julia could see. When she approached the dark waters, a maggot-like form - nearly a hundred and fifty centimetres long - moved beneath her towards the water’s surface. A twisted, feminine face leering at her from one end prompted the use of Analysis and confirmed that, other than its ugliness, it wasn’t a threat.

[Demonic Species: Larvae

Level: 5

Class: None

Health: 40

Mana: 0

Details: Larvae or Lemures are evil Souls that have progressed beyond the stage of the Damned. Either through the evil acts they conducted in life or by a determination to gain power during their punishment in the Abyss. Larvae are nascent Demons not yet strong enough to gain a proper Demonic form. Other Demons often use them in trade or as snacks. If they survive for long enough in the Abyss, they’ll strengthen into actual Demons. Otherwise, their energy releases into the Abyss, to continue the cycle.]

Soul Sight matched what Analysis showed her of the Larvae’s twisted life in the service of Set’s church. A female priestess indoctrinated into the church as part of her family’s faith. Able to channel the power of the Divine, she arranged novitiate service with the Church of Set without hesitation on her mother’s orders.

“Help me. Get me free.”

She almost gurgled the noise of the words out of the stagnate waters, as Julia regarded it with horrified fascination.

“You chose who to serve in life already. Do you even remember the choice you made?”

“My family chose for me. I will serve you if you help me now.”

Yeah, like I could trust her to live up to that.

((It will steal power from him if he loses petitioners as well. ))

((Even if she doesn’t remain in your service. He would still lose the reservoir each petitioner represents. ))

{{Plus, we could always hunt her down and destroy her for tiny shards. We’ll need loads of stronger demons to Ascend. }}

Fuck! This is a bad idea with little miss bossy here.

Julia reached out her will and compressed the shard slivers clear to her within the Larvae, and felt the Abyss seize them from her grasp.

[Least Succubus Formed

Home Plane: Pandemonium

True Name: Desperation of the Ill-Rewarded

Oath of Service to Lady Eakcï]

What a True Name! Fuck! I don’t want to know their True Names. That stinks of the Lady’s BS.

{{ What a Larvaely bunch of coconuts! }}


{{ I’d hope so. Let’s find her and check later! }}

Before she could second guess herself, Julia headed along the channel. As she flew onwards, more Larvae disappeared from the dark water into the Abyss’ grasp. True Sight picking out even those laying at the bottom of the foulness. After each Ascension, Julia could feel their True Names being engraved into her awareness as the minuscule droplets of Power bled from the Plane. When the channel through the hills rose to a high point above the water, Julia scratched claws into its impossibly smooth stone. It gave way as easily as that of Culerzic’s cliff; Julia watched the tip of a nail slide through it like butter, leaving an extended cut behind. The first casting didn’t achieve what Julia had hoped. The cut she’d made in the stone elongated barely more than a hand’s length.

[Mana Spent: 4

Aggravated Flaws (1->2)]

If at first you don’t succeed, fry, fry a hen.

Protean extended claw-tipped tentacles from Julia’s body; some stabbed deep into the rock face; others raked erratic scratches into it, both above and below the waterline. This time when she cast the spell, dust puffed out from the holes, and the scratches lengthened from every spur she’d set in stone. The stone changed from merely scratched and marked to appearing like a car window hit by a brick: scratches and holes spider-webbed everywhere.

[Mana Spent: 4

Aggravated Flaws (2->3)]

{{Cast, Cast, Cast again, casting’s so much fun! }}

{{Yawn now. I’d rather be watching playschool; at least they tell you to cum inside. }}

Were you listening to that conversation with Lêdhins?

{{I’ve always been here! }}

Her expertise with the spell and Mana Finesse increased during the massive undertaking.

[Aggravated Flaws [Ad] (34->35)

Mana Finesse [M](1->2 )]

[ Vacuum [B](16->17)]

“That’s sure one way to kick him where it hurts,“ Ebusuku declared, having appeared beside Julia once the last rocks had finished sliding into the channel. The amount of casting had drained her Mana lower than it had been in ages, as cracks had extended till finally sections of rock had fallen away. The exposed rock beyond had let Julia place the centre of the spell’s effect further and further into the rock-face as it had progressed.

Though even with the rock fallen away, the groove hadn’t caused a collapse. The overhanging rock instead sat there with all the stubbornness of a weathered cliff face’s overhang. After getting fifteen or more metres into the rock with no give apparent, Julia had changed tactics. She weakened areas along the groove’s ceiling in irregular intervals before casting Vacuum within the groove. The spell’s explosive air pressure changes buffeted the already damaged segments, with increasing force as her casting improved, till she finally caused an avalanche of debris from one section after another.

Analysis: Vacuum

[Vacuum: Creates a one-metre sphere of near-vacuum. It damages anything caught inside the sphere because of the air being rapidly forced out and then returning to the created void. As the caster’s skill with this spell increases, the extent of the vacuum caused and the velocity of the air’s motion increases.]

“A few Wizards with Earth Affinity and shaping spells will resolve it easily enough. What’s this channel’s purpose in the first place?” asked Julia, her gaze seeking places that might still collapse.

“Will they? It’s far easier to destroy than build or clear. They’re for moving goods and petitioners around; why waste mana on them? Though I was talking about all the Larvae that Ascended. Guess all that Willpower comes in handy.”

“For many things.”

{{Like not immediately running the fuck from her?}}

“Guess there will be an influx of Succubi in Hrz’Styrn. Though I’m curious how you made some Ascend that weren’t close to ready.”

“Shall we continue to the next target?” Julia asked, the conversation having taken one turn after another she wanted to avoid.

“If that’s the way you want to play it,” Ebusuku replied, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Haven’t even begun playing.”

“Ascending Larvae is an achievement for a newly risen Succubus and doing so at a distance is almost unheard of. Most can’t manage it even when touching another Demon before they’re Named at least. It must be nice to have the Abyssal Affinity so young.”

Oh, crud! Bastard Lêdhins could have mentioned the Affinity requirement, so much for it just needing mana manipulation.

Ebusuku’s smile broadened as her gaze tightened on Julia before it flicked down across the rocks blocking the channel.

“There is family you should meet. It seems I won’t have to ask questions when you show cards so easily.”

“Why point it out then?”

“We’re back to asking questions. Just as well it’s one I don’t mind answering. If you’re on guard it makes the game more challenging, and I prefer a challenge. I’ve been bored so very long, and you don’t match what they believe,” Ebusuku replied, almost quivering with constrained excitement.

“Most see only what their prejudices allow them to see.”

“That includes yourself, young Succubus, even if it is challenging to learn anything from you with detection spells.”

“The wards of Ùeqräkas tripped easily enough,” countered Julia, wondering about the differences between the various wards that she’d encountered.

“Wards looked for specific things, and if you cross a threshold unexpectedly, it’s easier for them to bypass your Willpower to learn things.”

Was it my increased Willpower making the wards in the Xhaliáma’s rooms ignore me? Or that plus my Hidden state? So many questions.

“Safer to be on guard always.”

“See, you’re learning. Don’t question, just make statements, let the others converse; if you are fortunate, you’ll learn from whatever the careless spill. I’ll answer what you left unasked. The wards of Ùeqräkas operate as an imprint does. Passing through the gate, it likely picked up your class without the Sigil of the Sisterhood present. That would have alerted those monitoring the wards to your presence. As for being unguarded in your dealings, why ever be unguarded?”

It matches what others, including Usd’ghi, had implied or said outright.

Ebusuku’s gaze narrowed at her own words, and before Julia could reply to distract her, she raised a hand to still her.

“You’re far younger than I had any expectation to believe. You are a puzzle, young Succubus, an interesting puzzle indeed. It seems this assignment won’t be as boring as I expected. At least it will be fun while I unravel all your mysteries.”

I’d prefer to keep all my pieces to myself.

“After being bored for a very long time, I’d imagine any novelty becomes intriguing,” said Julia, in the hope of steering the conversation away.

“Oh, it does, it does indeed.”

Ebusuku drifted closer to Julia till she was barely an arm’s reach away, and her words softened liken unto sultry caresses, purring over Julia’s skin.

“I’d so want you to meet our Progenitor’s mother. I think she’d be interested in you as well. Pity the Order’s Sigil, makes that a challenge, perhaps when she’s next in the Abyss for a visit.”

“You’re very careful with their names,” Julia observed, wondering how much attention saying either would cause.

“Powers know when you speak of them, but sometimes Powers know when you speak of others in their places. Best to avoid naming those who should be regarded with care. You’re getting the hang of asking questions with statements. This will be fun; it’s like playing games with my newest siblings.”

Ebusuku froze in mid-motion action of moving away as she finished speaking and turned back to Julia.

“Oh my, how delightful. Did any speak to you? Or just give you orders?” asked Ebusuku, her smile wide in excitement.

“It seems someone else is asking questions now.”

“I’m not worried about answering questions from you now, fledgling. None so blind they cannot see. The Castellan is too wrapped up in her issues to see what’s happening right beneath her nose. It’s clear now you were never in a brothel or a harem. You’re too naïve, too raw, and yet so calm. Do you manage that through sheer willpower or something more? How did you get past the cliff patrols?”

“None so blind they cannot see.”

“That’s not an answer.” Ebusuku said, giving a pout.

“I know.”

The smile Ebusuku gave Julia at that response showed the predator back in full force. It was a smile that curled her lips just enough to show a hint of fang before she started heading further along the line of the hills. Julia quickly joined her, and as they continued flying, she felt her Mana pool slowly refill as she cycled Mana and Ki inside her.

“Are we having fun yet?” Julia asked, continuing on before Ebusuku could speak.

“Why yes, aren’t you?”

“I don’t remember seeing this channel marked on the target list,” Julia commented, seeking to draw their interest away from her.

“It’s not, but the team in the next region has an outpost that this channel heads towards.”

“I take it your intent is for travellers getting blocked to pass news there is trouble about before they attack,” Julia said.

She wants an alert to get out early, and when the Team hits their target near here they’ll get smacked—all without her having done anything directly.

(( Those that seek to take advantage of your targeting Set will distract from your own actions. ))

“What a question to ask.”

“It wasn’t a question.” Julia’s tone holding the conviction of her assessment, even though she wondered how much trouble Ebusuku was looking to cause other teams.

“If you answer one question for me, I’ll consider introducing you to someone important. How old are you, Succubus?”

“You’ll consider?! No way, I know how that goes. I answer. You consider the question and then say No. Plus, important to you might be someone I want to stay clear of, little bloodthirsty predator.”

“Bloodthirsty predator, you say the sweetest things. Just as sweet as the fire within your eyes,”

{{Oh, flirting with the old Succubus. You naughty girl you. }}

“There other things living in the swamp. Any dragons?” asked Julia, really wanting to change this conversation’s track.

“There are black dragons, but I’ve only a vague idea where some lair. Why?”

“Why do all the work ourselves?”

Julia just gave her a shrug, having let her tone lighten as she considered the options for mayhem.

[Acting [J](16->17)]

“What did you have in mind?" Ebusuku asked, the question causing her to slow and focus her gaze on Julia.

“Dragons are possessive, are they not? What if some naughty Demons from a nearby town stole some of their treasure?”

“Getting through their wards undetected would be an interesting challenge, but if we can, they’d trace anything stolen. They treasure every coin like they’re all cherished possessions.”

“Know of any settlements that provide offerings to keep the dragons away?”

“Even Demons tread warily around the older Abyssal Dragons, regardless of breed. It’s why I have a vague idea about some locations. The Sigil will alert them if you pass through their wards with it.”

“Something to handle carefully then.”

“Handle carefully. What a curious choice of words for a Demoness. Just like your provocation in the square was planned and finessed. Another curious observation I would share the Abyssal phrase Blood Monk means essentially one who has dedicated themselves to the blood of an elder, one of the primordial beings. But that’s what it meant back before the Titan’s precious Elves died out. Then She grabbed it for her Order’s Prestige Class. Its changed much over the years.”

Ebusuku paused, but instinct and habit both made Julia hold her peace to see where the recounting led. Yet even that restraint seemed to attract amusement into Ebusuku’s gaze as she continued.

“Though part of that phrase was also used as the Abyssal word for orders, now dead, of mortal fighters. They had a depth of spirituality, a connection to what Mortals term the Eastern Celestial Courts, the Jade Courts or something similar. Mortals called these fighters ‘Monks’, and due to their dedicated state, the Demons that fought them fell back on that old Abyssal term to refer to them. I saw your fighting, the fires that wrapped around you, and the way your punches broke through Demonic flesh. Very effective, and as you displayed, deadly.”

Tongues is just doing its thing, and I hear the same words.

Julia felt Zen State absorb the twitch of concern before it even caused a ripple within the state. Just another facet of information shared from Ebusuku. It was clear she had recognised the effects of the Ki, even disguised by Abyssal energy filming it over.

She’s seen a Monk’s Ki. I don’t like where this story is heading.

“I had a playmate from among them for a score of years, a selfish individual, uptight, arrogant, delightfully vigorous, but very dedicated to his physical self-perfection. He could do something very similar, except his flames didn’t shift between black and red as yours do, nor taste of the Abyss. Those orders of Monks died in dragon fire a thousand years ago. Believed they were escorting people to a haven only to find they’d stuck their head into a trap. Then again, you also fight like a Primordial. You bite, claw and smash apart anything that gets in your way. You dodge away when I expect you to attack, yet attack when I expect you to dodge, and often attack the very limb that’s striking at you. Even more curious given you have Protean which few not exposed to Primordial forces can master.”

Did she get on with a Wuxia-style arse that only cared about themselves? Those guys are nearly always pricks.

I was going for the erratic moves of Jackie Chan, never studied Drunken Kung Fu, but I loved his movies.

Where’s she going with this? Her tone is almost mellow, not an accusation?

If Protean needs being exposed to Primordial forces, how did she get it? Though she makes herself sound old, so lots of time to have done so.

“I’m told your Blood Monk class strengthens Willpower, and his Willpower certainly grew stronger the more he advanced. Isn’t it good that neither the Castellan nor the Lady has had any involvement with Mortals since they lured the Night Elves to such a foolish end?”

“I thought the Lady needed a mortal cult to be a Demon Lady,” Julia questioned. Though it was tempting to remain silent, she needed to learn more.

“Ignorant. There are two types of Demonic Lords and Ladies. Those that have the Power immediately, and others who grow into it. She would need Mortal faithful to climb higher in the ranks of the true Powers. Can you ever see her wanting to be vulnerable to the vagrancy of another’s choice? Nice attempt to side-track the conversation, little Blood Monk,” Ebusuku responded, giving a smile edged with delight.

“I had no weapons. I felt the class offering gave me the chance to use the claws I had,” Julia said, remembering back to considering eagle strike. The monstrous things she could form were more like massive gryphon claws than anything so mundane.

“Monk is for very focused and disciplined individuals. Why choose that and not Succubus?”

“I saw a group of Dretch raping another. Saw one tear a hole open in its side, when there wasn’t an orifice free for his dick. I had no desire to be torn apart by a gang of them. A patrolling Succubus ripped another Succubus from her ledge near where I was hiding. The distance distortion could have allowed them to see me without me knowing they were even close. Wouldn’t you want the ability to rip out the throats or break the bones of anyone that dared to try either with you?”

{{All the truth, just not actually an answer.}}

“I don’t suppose you’d tell me which Primordial offered you power for service? Not even a hint? Though you’d do better in Hell. Focus finds better rewards there; here it’s just seen as a threat.”

Even with the correct answer, they take it in the wrong direction.

“Hell isn’t an option, the Sigil, remember. Do you feel threatened by me, Ebusuku?”

“How did you end up in the Abyss, rather than the Hells? The Abyss attracts Souls ripe with Chaos, not those that plan as you do.” Ebusuku stated, giving a confused shake of her head.

“Not like I had any choice in where I arrived. Maybe I’m naturally destructive. Isn’t that a chaotic thing?”

“You offered to help break her hold? Why?” Ebusuku asked, a stern, interrogative tone sliding into her voice.

This isn’t an alliance of convenience between her Progenitor and the Lady, that figures.

“I got chained without even an invitation to join. Heck, it wasn’t even a blatant threat to join. It was a fact already accomplished without explanation, nor regard for my preference. Why wouldn’t I want my freedom as much as your Progenitor does? If she gains her freedom, wouldn’t there be rewards for those that helped?”

Not that I care about the reward.

“You answered questions, and so honestly. Even if part of your answer was other questions. Very well, we’ll see what she thinks of you when we’re done here. But if you lie to her, she will hunt you down. No matter what it takes, Monk,” Ebusuku said.

Well, fuck! Why can’t I just soak in the wading pool for a change?

{{It’s filled with faecal matter. Better to swim where we’ll be challenged to get stronger. }}

((B actually has a point. ))

{{So do you boy-o. Big of you to say though, V. Wait? Are you? Big, I mean, where it counts? }}


“Have a lot of experience in Hell?” asked Julia.

“I’ve been there frequently. I find it relaxing.”


“Devils plan, meticulously. If you stay alert, it’s easier to get hints of danger coming from their plans than random whims.” Ebusuku said, her gaze scanning the ground underneath them.

“How do I know this offer isn’t a random whim?”

“You don’t, and neither do I. In the meantime, let’s go to war, shall we.”

That could be taken so many ways.

{{I know.}}

((Indeed. ))

“Total war it is,” Julia stated firmly.

“Total war?” Ebusuku queried, the tone of her voice clearly conveying her puzzlement.

“A war unrestricted, where the goal is hurting the foe however and wherever you can. No limits considered; not trying to capture places, just destroying them and their ability to wage war.”

“Oh, to get you to the Hells, it makes me excited just thinking about the fun we could have there.”

“What do you lust for Ebusuku?”

“Like most of my family I seek Death. We lust after experiencing that last fleeting moment of awareness within a foe. The way their body tenses trying to fight it off then relaxes when their awareness shatters. Mortals twitch afterwards; it’s so disconcerting, planar entities at least lay decently still. I’d rather be killing Demons or Devils, but Demons are more plentiful, and need to be put in their place. More fun to play with anyway, they do unexpected and, erratic things. Devils, you can lead by the nose once you have enough experience. Their various breeds are so consistent in reaction to mental games.” Ebusuku explained, delight at the demise of others clear in her voice.

What, they’re murderous semi-lust bunnies? Demons need to be put in their place?

“Why the lust for Death?”

“Mother’s belief is the first woman lay with an angel of death, or perhaps Death itself, when they conceived our Progenitor. It leaves us all looking to see that daddy of our Progenitor’s again, I suppose. So sad.”

“So you’re not into fucking everything in sight?”

“Please, no. We’re descendants of She who left the first man alone in the garden fucking his animals rather than agreeing to fulfil his lust. Left paradise apparently, rather than submit to being his fuck toy - once he tired of sticking it in whatever animal cunt was on offer. We decide, not anyone else.”

{{You could decide too, but for crying out loud, pick someone soon. }}

We’ve got eternity. Does half a million years count?

{{ NO!!!!!!! }}

Stop with the pathetic Darth Vader scream! So you can wait a long time?

{{Wait up! I gave the wrong answer; I was screaming about eternity. Yes, it matters. }}

{{See if you can make me stop the screaming, I’ll stamp my feet as well. }}

B’s sulky tone reminded her so much of Mitch having a little boy tantrum with a cute pout that giggles started bubbling. Zen State didn’t crush them in ice. Instead, it accepted the amusement as part of the moment and kept her unruffled in appearance as they flew.

“Why did you have a playmate?” Julia asked, risking another question since Ebusuku was so forthcoming.

“We hunted and killed so much together over so many Planes of existence. It was delightful till he went back to challenge the grandmaster of his order and lost. He’s likely in the Hells or reincarnated somewhere now, another cog in the endless cycle,” Ebusuku recounted. The recollection started with a dreamy breathiness that frosted into annoyance.

Does that mean she misses him?

{{Who the fuck knows! }}

“Where next?”

“Outposts called Kerma, Saqqara, Buto, and then Giza are the next four.”

I recognise two of those as Egyptian place names. At least everything isn’t named after his ego.

“So I’ll assume your father was a Primordial.”

“Oh well done fledgling, well done. Yes, I get my Protean from my father’s side.”

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