Abyssal Road Trip

65 - Warning

Usd’ghi smiled as Julia sat down, though as strange as ever, her gaze was becoming a familiar sight. The intensity of the red stars within the mist conveyed her anticipation clearly to Julia.

“What do you have for me, youngling?”

“I’ve three thousand Souls to process,” Julia said, her tone deliberately casual.

{{Such a hardship. }}

“Three thousand! You bring me the sweetest of work to manage. Are these?” Usd’ghi asked. Her excited voice softening, the Hag’s lips twitched, as the red in her gaze brightened even further.

“All Souls for the white coins,” said Julia.

“Viper! You’re already far beyond any Reaper I’ve known,” Usd’ghi said, the words filled with energy and excitement.

Wonder how much she's been getting from the coins these make?

“The bad news is I don’t know if I’ll be able to bring you more,” said Julia, aware of all the Souls she hadn't captured.

Usd’ghi snorted in amusement at Julia’s words and cackled in pleasure before she spoke.

“I’m not one to turn down the new, but I don’t demand it. What you’ve brought already has advanced plans by decades,”

“The change in the colours of the city guard?”

“A minor token for my family, but a symbolic kick in her cunt. Since her little bitches controlling the city wards let them find you, I took offence,”

“Well, I have a new challenge for you, but it's not Souls for coinage; however rare, it's energy instead.”

“Energy? What have you found in your travels?” Usd’ghi asked, voice still bright with glee though her smile broadened further.

I need rid of it.

“I overdid the harvesting, Souls got loose, but I gained his essence from them,”

“Why tell me?” Usd’ghi asked, her amusement stripping away as quickly as it appeared.

Does she find anything amusing, or is it all just an act?

“With my limited power, I feel it would make me a target,”

“Yet you offer it so openly to me. What do you want for it?” Usd’ghi asked. Her posture straightening, as it always did when she was ready to haggle.

“Consider it a gift for future considerations,”

Usd’ghi blinked in surprise, and a puzzled frown twitched her lips downwards.

“You should have spawned as a Hag, not a Succubus. What a waste,” Usd’ghi said, giving a shake of her head.

“My thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment,”

{{Fine, she could use a mud pack, but why give away the complete bath. }}

Do you want to have him hunting us?

{{No one knew till you yapped. }}

As far as we know. But neither of us knows how to handle this energy safely. Do you want to risk it consuming us? Or be a pawn of Set?

{{Oh!!! Get rid of it now. Okay, just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t looking to fuck us up. }}

“As you should, youngling, as you should. You have the energy inside you, so we'll need to get it out and yet contain it. The easiest option will be to shed some blood.”

Concern sparked in Julia’s mind till the arcane lore she’d learnt caught up.

“So I tie the power to the blood flow. Will that pull it from me and yet contain it?” Julia asked, hoping she understood.

“Exactly, youngling. Now let us find a bowl for blood offerings,“

Of course, the hags have bowls for blood.

“Only a bowl?” Julia asked, working with Harmony to keep her voice calm.

“Well, getting you to stand in one of the blood pools would be silly,” Usd’ghi said.

One of?

{{Oh, can we have a bath? We both like baths. }}

“After all, it’s too difficult to drink from those. Now, come with me. Might be best to have multiple bowls on hand, to save stabbing you repeatedly.” said Usd’ghi, heading for the office door.

The last comment made Julia twitch, but as the door opened, she followed along.

As the black energy pool within dried up, Julia watched the blood flow out from the blade's hollow core. Its haft seemed a metal tap extending from Julia's stomach. The blade’s enchantment kept the wound open against Protean’s regeneration, the blood flowed without issue as her health continually recovered. It hadn’t taken one bowl before the air was pungent with a blend of decay, stagnate water and even fouler odours. As the fifth bowl filled, the air had long thickened into a miasma. From the progress in Julia’s profile, it was clear she’d need to fill another. Usd’ghi sounded quite content, that's if her sighs and the occasional smacking of lips were any sign, as she slowly sipped on the first bowl.

“You’ve outdone yourself. What I extracted from the coins was diluted compared to this power. I shall remember this gift of yours,” Usd’ghi said, setting aside the first bowl and without pause picked up another.

{{Finger licking good. I wonder if we’re still inspiring Moke’s fingering }}

Eventually, the blood that flowed felt empty of energy, and Julia pulled the dagger free. At first, the blade resisted being shifted, when it finally moved it withdrew with a wet sucking sound. Centred on where it had been, a spider's web glistened through the ivory skin of her abdomen. The mark had appeared when the power had nearly finished leeching; a blackness rising to create hollows through her skin and leaving flesh untinted to form the web's threads. The circle of its edge brushed her navel, dipped towards her waistline, then rising to cut along her side, before curving upwards along her lower ribs. A quick reforming of flesh removed the appearance, but as Julia watched, it emerged again. The blackness welled up from the residue and traced a path to where the blade had been. A pool of ink whirling outwards till it completed the symbol.

Though the energy pool felt empty, a thick residue still coated its exposed sides. A residue that now extended from the empty pool to the mark upon her skin. Its presence sent an itch across Julia’s skin, as if a gaze was lingering upon her from far away. Julia set the dagger and bowl aside before examining the mark, tracing it lightly, and the faintest of energy pulsed to her touch.

“The aspect of its power has marked you, not him, just the power.”

“I feel like something is watching me,” Julia said.

“Did you believe them still connected to this energy? I wouldn’t be drinking it if that was the case. No, you stripped it free from the Souls and him. The energy is on a divine scale; so not surprising if you felt its weight upon you. Pure power, a delightful treat untainted by Abyssal corruption. Even tied to your blood, it stayed distinctly separate.”

“Another strangeness?”

“Yes, but I find you delightful for them. You have a Wizard class, try to gain an understanding of the power that now marks you. The affinity of Destruction is powerful, though incredibly difficult to gain, and this divine power is destruction at its most fundamental. Don’t worry if you take decades or more to gain it,”

Destruction? It makes sense since it’s one of Set’s major aspects. I have a spiderweb tattoo on me, and it's not coming off.

{{We could have kept it no fair! At least the Hag loves you! Could have been worse, at least it's not a tramp stamp. }}

“I encircled the new processing containers while you were absent, so we’ll be able to process quickly. Go ahead, you'll find them just through there. I’ll be there shortly after I finish this lovely gift,” Usd'ghi said, gesturing to another exit from the room.

“Very well,” Julia said, as she rose Usd’ghi spoke again.

“Your Klipyl passed through a few cycles back. A pretty little morsel that now I’m told has steel within. Whatever you did to her best ensure it doesn’t cut you. She calls you her Lady now, but who knows what she might do in the future.”

“What’s life without risk,”

{{That's my line. Get your own. }}

V you sensed your brother do you feel something watching.

((Yes, yet I can’t say what. ))

Can’t say or can’t tell?

((I can’t tell the source. Our bridge limits much. ))

Usd’ghi snorted with suppressed laughter and shooed her from the room. Julia headed off, struggling to maintain her composure as the feeling of being watched grew stronger. Within the rest of the warehouse, the air’s smell quickly cleared, shifting to that of cold stone. A young hag looked up from a grimoire as Julia went past and spotting her returned to the book. An examination of the circle around the processing tank showed it appeared to be the same pattern etched by Usd’ghi on her last visit.

The tank's size and shape made it seem a small grain silo, stretching ten metres above her head. As Julia stepped within the circle, the feeling of being watched abruptly cut off. Relieved, Julia set about releasing the Souls into the container, and the screams began. By the time its wards showed it was near capacity, Julia had placed a thousand Souls within. The Souls screamed in the same hatred and rage as the others stolen from the Dedicated. Julia was still looking over the tank when the young hag carried over a large crate of processing discs, looking between Julia and the tank as she approached.

“How do you bring in so many?”

{{She just sucks cause nothing sucks seeds like success. Nope, you don't do that either. No seed crossing your lips. }}

“Where does the crate hook up?” Julia asked, intent on avoiding the question.

“I’ll do it. I don’t want it broken,” said the hag, keeping a tight hold on the crate.

{{How about we break her arrogant arse? }}

At B's remark, an amused smile lit Julia’s lips, and she stepped away from the container, leaving the Hag to do the work.

Yeah, just because Usd’ghi acts friendly when we deliver treats doesn’t mean everyone is happy to see us.

{{She's got a bad temper, maybe reforge it.}}

A mental image of the hag’s head laying on an anvil, with Julia’s fist hammering into it, formed within her mind. The sudden rigid set of Julia’s features prompted the Hag to pick a path well clear of her position.

The enchantments on the new tank made the whole processing far faster. It was only a few bells later while the second batch crystallised that a hag entered from where Usd’ghi had been alone. The hag who entered wore the same dress as Usd’ghi but appeared nothing like her. Instead, they had youthful features with smooth tight skin and solid black flames in place of eyes. Flames that drew attention, making it hard to take in her face's sharp, feral features. Though Julia saw the last strands of white hair darkening as if a matt ink was soaking down their lengths.

((She is no longer a Demon Lady. A new Dark power has risen. ))

“Oh, Youngling, an excellent gift indeed. So long I’ve been sitting on the cusp, now it is mine,” Usd’ghi said. The intonation and volume were the same, but the crackling of age was no longer present. Power resonated within her words like an oncoming storm, and the hag who had been helping went wide-eyed. The new crate for the tank set aside with a thump as she bowed low in homage.


{{So she got a happy ending. I should be so lucky. }}

“Epochē,” Julia said, giving a tight bow.

“Indeed, though no need for formality from yourself, Usd'ghi will be fine. No longer just Lady, finally a Demigoddess, a wondrous change in so short a time. Your actions moved my planned ascension by centuries. I am well pleased. I saw an interesting symbol in my vision of the Titan’s wall and knew it was you. Already faithful of your own Eakcï, and yet a Lesser Succubus, it seems you don’t do things by halves youngling,”

“I helped someone get payback. A relative got excited by it,”

“A candle of black jade, with a flame of blood, circled by broken chains and bones, most interesting,” said Usd'ghi, a knowing smile curling her lips.

Oh, thank fuck, she doesn’t see it the same way!

"You’re surprised I knew it was you? How could I not? The name in its presence is quite distinctive, even if mauled by the mortal tongue. I’m saddened you didn’t tell me yourself. We will need to talk later about so many things,” Usd’ghi said, walking to the bench holding the cage of ivory coins. As she ran her hands over the rows of coins, the white drained from them, returning them to their original metallic appearance.


Usd’ghi walked over to the young hag and touched her on the shoulder.

“Go send messages to the elders, tell them to set things ready, then gather at home. I’ll be along shortly,” Usd’ghi said, the steel in her words leaving no room for questions.

The hag just nodded and scrabbled from the processing chamber. Usd’ghi waited until the door closed before she spoke again.

“I sensed an air of vengeance around your symbol, little wonder with what she did to you. I think your faithful and mine might work well together, though most of mine live within the Abyss. Now clear and refill the tank; I wish to see if I can draw the energies directly,”

Fuck, this could go bad.

{{You think?! Wait, you do? Well Gosh.}}

With the Soul gems removed, Julia refilled the tank, and while stepping away, found Usd’ghi suddenly blocking her. A hand was resting on a folded wing, locking her in place with the lightest touch. When Usd’ghi slid her other hand into the tank, the screaming cut off as the Souls' colours immediately dimmed. The colours swirled then started bleeding out of the Souls, drawn into Usd’ghi's flesh. Flesh that darkened as the energy flooded into it before it returned to its greyish hue, Julia’s position affording an unrestricted view of the process.

“Delicious. Though strange, you still provided a more pure power than what their Souls alone kept,” said Usd’ghi, standing so close Julia could feel Usd’ghi's flesh burning against her own.

{{Oh, do we get a playmate? }}

{{She’s actually pretty now in an edged way. So much lovely power, no longer in need of a paper bag, and no dick. We'd both win.}}

“Maybe the rest of the emotions interfere with the absorption of it,” said Julia.

“Did you truly believe I would never understand the reason for the purity, little one?” Usd’ghi asked, having smoothly switched to high Elven even as the Souls started to crystalise. The musical words echoed oddly from the hag's lips, steel raking against a whetstone with every syllable. Flames within the eye sockets burned brighter when her gaze locked on Julia’s, and the sense of being watched via the mark crashed down again.

“What?” Julia asked, the question startled from her lips.

Fuck. Come into my parlour, said the spider to the fly. She'd didn't even have to ask me to come for lunch I walked myself in.

How much does she know now that's got that hook and line in me?

{{Boned and not in a good way. }}

“Hush, youngling, no lies or protests. Did you think I needed another to send messages for me? I remember opening my eyes to the last note of your people’s Song ringing through the emptiness of the Abyss. The way it echoed, dying off with the resonance of the Titan’s hammer, never left me. The fading echoes of all the wondrous things your kin sang about for him poised so high above us. Races fair and foul that you brought alive to seed his worlds, and leak their corruption here upon their deaths. Then you all went away and left us in the remains. We will have such delightful fun together, you and I, while you learn what that singing has wrought and get to experience the rest of eternity here. Along the way, I’ll be there to reap a harvest when you rip the feathers from the holder of your leash.” Usd’ghi said. Breath softly brushing over Julia’s skin when she leant closer still, and the flames in her eyes ate the light. The words boiled with an acidic venom even as her strange gaze looked to be focused far away.

“What are you planning to do?” Julia asked, her voice but a whisper as she felt for the Bonds in terror, and found them muffled to her inner sense, no matter how she reached. The hand against her skin was fixing her in place, no matter the attempts to shift form or position.

“Not so hasty, I plan nothing against you since you can't even remember that time. Show me that steel of yours. You’re in a circle carved by my hand, so know I could have already crushed you. Fortunately for you, little Anar Souled, that's not my plan. It will be fun to watch the fates of those who would cross you. Perhaps you should have used a different dagger, my little Herald, but at least I didn't have to peel you open for the truth. Still no mists around you, yet I have seen an important choice you freely made. I care not for ANY of your dealings or Pacts made with others outside the Abyss when they do not threaten me. I would however harvest, from any Dark Power you bring down, in the Abyss or without. Are we agreed?”

How does she know I was a Sun Elf? Is this going to make things worse?

((The choices are always yours. Hags keep the terms of their deals, even if rarely the spirit. ))

“I… Agree,” said Julia, focusing her determination to be free of this place even as she spoke, and the last word etched the air.

“Good, much better. Now, as a token of our deal. I will do two things for you,” Usd’ghi said, returning to Abyssal, the tone of it more pleasant than what the hag speaking High Elven did to Julia’s senses.

“What is that?” Julia asked, not bothering to keep suspicion from her voice.

“A means to change your home plane and tell you what hunts you from the planar gap.”

The tone of Usd’ghi's words turned enticing as she spoke of hunting.

“What do you mean?” Julia asked, at a loss to guess at whatever Usd’ghi had learnt.

“The layers of the planes form rings around the Titan's spire. Between the layers and the inner and outer rings, there is a gap where the planes don’t quite touch. Rather than the mingling of the elemental planes, that causes the quasi elemental zones, it's a place of pure Chaos. A relic fed from you and left a mark, and it has tasted you again since. Yet its essence was different, steeped in greater Chaos. Lêdhins’ device travels through that gap directly. Did you take injury while using it?”

[Planar Lore [J] (2->4)]

“Yes,” Julia said, remembering the injury on their first return from the Grey fields to Ternòx.

“That makes sense given the mark and wound, however, healed though it is, there are traces within you. Perhaps you’ll even tell me how it ended up in that place—that thing of Chaos amid such Chaos. Since you seek to bring him down, you’ll need to destroy it at some point. It’s alive enough to worship and would anchor him. My advice never to pick fights with a foe that you can only hurt.”

Words I'll remember for others. What you toss in the ocean comes back on the tide.

“How do I destroy it?” asked Julia, her voice gaining further strength.

“What’s in it for me?” Usd’ghi asked, a smile sharpening across her now thin lips.

“Isn’t he one of those whose end you’d want to harvest?” asked Julia.

“Well done. Let us talk in my office. I find the idea of an unblemished Succubus so deliciously ironic. It makes me wonder what choices the Titan will offer you,” Usd’ghi said, stepping away from Julia at last. As she moved, Julia felt the muffling of the Bonds and Powers lift away.

“Or you can leave here, and I’ll consider all our dealings void. As a final sweetener, I’ll even tell you what that spike did. If you decide quickly.”

Sounds like it wouldn't be only the dealings voided.

{{I want to know what she means.}}

With those words, Usd’ghi kept moving, and after a moment of furious consideration, Julia followed.

Usd’ghi smiled as Julia took a seat and set a glass of Skëll milk upon the table before her.

“Since you’ve refused all else, I’ve offered you refreshment wise,”

Julia looked at the glass and flicked her gaze back to Usd’ghi.

“Suspicious? Only now? If you wish to be suspicious, then you should have considered with more care when I offered you the dagger.” Usd’ghi said. A gesture at the door caused it to meld seamlessly with the wall.

“You’ll cause such tidal waves of chaos, and I’ll get to reap the end of those caught within while you last. What shall we talk about first?”

“The spike”, said Julia, making no move towards the glass.

“Lêdhins told me you had been harvesting the Nox you killed,”


“I picked up a few hand daggers,”

“Yes, you got a few if that means twenty. Are you seeking to learn how to enchant those to corrupt a true name?”

“That wasn’t what I believe they did. I was more interested in the pain caused by them, I want to stick spikes into all present,”

“Oh, you’ll be a joy to work with,” said Usd’ghi, her voice purring with excitement.

Nice way to have life choices called into question. Get praised by a Demoness, wait, Dark Goddess, even worse.

“Corrupting a true name? I thought she learnt it by eating the seed it makes,” Julia said, puzzled by what Usd'ghi meant.

“She learnt the resulting true name, after the corruption in the spike mauled you. Just the same as the corruption wraps the Lómë Souls in those sweet little Nox shells. The pain that it causes when it's stuck into you, is not it learning about you. Rather it's mauling your essence, seeding its corruption as deep as it can into your nature. Given what you are, it was merely a flesh wound on your hidden Soul instead of full corruption of the Abyssal essence. The flower's centre forms a seed with the name it has set within,”

“She only learns the new name?” Julia asked.

“What else does she need to control? That's all she desires and all the enchantment delivers, I’ve tested it a few times. It's limited and wasteful. She despises the word no; it’s a shame any said yes. I could have ended her if more Lómë had spines and not wilting stems to hold up their brains,”

“If she’s a control freak. How did she come to be in the Abyss?”

“Control freak, what an interesting phrase. From what I learnt back then, the Dukes of the Hells were waiting for her, with their very detailed plans. So she swallowed her pride and fled here instead,”

The casual display of knowledge rocked Julia back, and her gaze narrowed as she spoke. “How did you learn about their plans?”

“Dear, do you know so little? Succubi exist in both the Hells and the Abyss. Such useful gossips, even those that descend from Lilith. Hard to tell between them, unless Sigils mark them,”

The words quickly dashed a thought Julia had to find her friends.

“So this mark is still telling you stuff?” asked Julia, gesturing at her side.

“Emotions are such interesting keys to motivation. One cuts through self-deceptions so quickly that way. Do you have a grimoire with blank pages?”

That's not a yes or a no.


“Well, I’d give you a rune or a tool to anchor yourself to another plane. But considering the look you gave that poor milk; perhaps you’d like to learn the spell instead since you have Abyssal affinity.”

“How much do you know about me?” Julia asked in a whisper.

“I’ve your true imprint, with so many interesting revelations. Since it was willingly given, or at least willingly drained from you, I learnt so much. And now I know another key to Lêdhins. I wonder what I’ll find within him. You should know when someone is telling you the truth, it doesn’t mean it’s the whole truth. Just as you told me your truth and left so much aside. The dagger did what I said it would, and more besides,”

{{I take it back, not a playmate. }}

((I never felt the touch. ))

Fuck! And I don't know what else it did.

“Now, now, don’t fuss. You’re certainly safe from me till you’ve destroyed the feathered bitch. I’m sure a bright thing like yourself will have proven useful before then. If you believe you’ve already proven that, you’ll just need to remain so. Correct?” asked Usd’ghi.

“I would hope so,” Julia said, sure that things weren't as simple as Usd'ghi put them.

“How do you have eight affinities, including Abyssal?” probed Usd'ghi.

Julia had already begun embracing the Harmony, and at Usd’ghi’s question, held the shock within its ice, only to feel B tow it into the depths. The link between them beckoned for more emotions that her focus was wrapping within the ice.

{{Wabbit Season! I’ll eat our feelings. You put that logic to use and listen. }}

“I couldn’t say with certainty, but some events can be insightful,” Julia replied cautiously.

Julia let the link do as it asked, and Harmony buffered the calmest of logic as rage and shock drowned in the depths.

“Interesting. Don’t let that icy rage of yours let you do anything rash.”

“I prefer to act with clarity," acknowledged Julia. "Perhaps I should take time to consider things after I gain that spell’s details from you.”

“That might be best. I’d hate for a youngling to break herself while she's still useful,” Usd’ghi said, the tone matching the predatory smile dancing on her lips.

Can Usd'ghi see only the eight that I set to show? Or more of them? Yet she called the link with Moke a Pact, not a Bond. I’ll need to make sure any spell she gives me actually does what's on the label. So what did she learn? My Profile never showed me I had anything but a Mortal Soul.

((She sees things through her own perception of reality. ))

{{Big sister is watching, pity she’s still watching the reruns. Or is she? Trust no one! }}

You were fine with me dying. Remember!

{{A girl can change her mind. }}

Julia pulled the grimoire she'd gained from Usd’ghi and set it on the table, and felt B continue to drink the anger and shock away.

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