Abyssal Road Trip

55 - Let's Dance

Julia held out a rough cloth bag to the bathhouse’s owner.

“If you could have someone put those inside Moke’s room, please?” Julia asked, giving the bath owner a friendly smile.

“Should I have someone fill a bath for yourself?" asked Selby. "I’m sure your husband won’t be out for a while."

She took the bag from Julia as she spoke with a smile lighting up her features. The older lady had over a head in height on Moke, let alone Julia’s current form. Grey was already salting her blond hair, even though she only looked to be in her late thirties. Lines creasing her features fought with the vitality in steel-grey eyes, the energy of them lending strength to her broad face.

“Moke claimed I was his wife, did he?”

“He seems a good sort, if fond of his voice. Just being how you’re alone on the road together and all.“

{{Sticking their nose in our business. }}

((A friendly lady, it seems. It would be good for you to speak to someone less frustrating. ))

“We’re not married. I kill monsters, and he writes songs about their slaying.”

“You ain’t got no weapon though. How would a lass like yourself be killing monsters?”

“It's a kind of Magic,” replied Julia dryly, knowing the expression would be meaningless

“Oh, I’ll just be taking these through to him then.”

“Wise,” Julia said, her voice not having raised above a soft purr throughout the conversation.

Fuck, why did I say that? It sounded like a threat.

Julia touched Selby’s mind lightly as she moved away quickly. Fortunately, the woman’s thoughts were safe enough.

#Must be a battle sorceress, tight strung, certainly don’t seem like the scholarly type. Hopefully, no trouble from this pair, though they’ve paid well and paid good coin. I’ll have to get those clothes buried. They smell too foul to risk burning inside; I don’t want them stinking up the furnace. Not sure I want to burn them even nearby.#

Julia withdrew her touch with no hint of trouble from the lady’s mind or sense of Moke stirring trouble.

When Moke came out wearing the clothing she put together, Julia’s lips twitched despite her efforts to keep a straight face. The red cotton shirt and pants might appear as if the dye had run. Julia, however, enjoyed the magic eye effect of the bonking skeletons he currently wore. Lighter sections of pink and orange cloth throughout the red let her eyes trace the kama sutra.

“At least you’re clean.”

“I look as cheerful as a summer dawn. The dye has run interestingly. Think dyers could do this intentionally?” Moke asked. Striking what Julia imagine he intended as a dramatic pose.

Does he like them? Fuck!

“Let go,” huffed Julia, caught between amusement and wanting to strangle the bard.

“Thank you, Selby. My apologies again for the foulness of my clothing. I hope you find someone to slay them properly.”

“We’ll make sure they’re properly dead, Master Moke. May fortune favour your music,” Selby said as Julia slipped out the door.

As the door closed behind Moke, he gave Julia a grin.

“I’m more famous than I knew, hadn't told them I’m a Bard.”

“Truly shocking,” Julia said, turning to go.

It’s the era, and tailors don’t have ready-made clothes on hand. I should have gotten him the ones way too big instead of making those.

Moke led the way through the inner gate, stating their intention to visit High Justice Verdandi, being sufficient for the questioning guard. Yet as they entered the Temple square, Julia felt the same intense gazes fasten on her.

“My dear, you have got admirers here,” Moke said, stepping to one side to let her walk beside him.

“I’m not your dear Moke. But yes, it seems my looks bring all the boys to the yard.”

“They can’t see your face, and female guards are staring as well,”

“Whatever,” said Julia, pointing toward Týr’s temple, “that way.”

“I see,” Moke said, walking faster than Julia would prefer, given the attention on her. Movement among the square’s trees brought a halt as Julia's gaze followed motions among the uneven ground.

Early morning practice?

The man moved with a flowing grace that was beautiful even as Julia’s knowledge translated the motions. As their step took them across the roughness of rocks and roots if they’d been in combat, high blocks, eye gouges, broken noses, assorted strikes, and kicks would have flowed with them. Julia could see the man’s lips move as he instructed the figure following him in what to do next.

As Julia took another step forward, the man stopped and looked up, and Livia readied herself. Though as her eyes fell on Julia, she moved forward in a sprint, each step carrying her across the broken ground with a speed that spoke of Ki Movement. Julia crouched as Livia threw herself forward and hugged her tight. The little girl already having grown in the months since she’d seen her, the glow of her crystalline blue eyes even brighter still. The man followed with restrained energy, every step but a flicker of motion. His delay in looking over Julia and Moke was all that allowed Livia to reach her first.

“You weren’t a dream. You weren’t.” Livia said, gripping her tightly as the man continued his wary approach. His attire and appearance more classic middle eastern than anything Julia had seen here. A loose laced shirt and trousers almost covered him from neck to toe except for his hands. His hawk-like features were ageless, and dark eyes shone with a sharpened will from a youthful face.

((Rewards for courage come in many forms. ))

“Peace, child. Are you sure you know her?”

“Yes, Master Farhad. This is Julia. I’d know her anywhere,” Livia said, not relenting in her hug as Julia held her in return.

“I should pay your Master my respects," said Julia.

“I’m so glad you came. Víðarr said you were just a bad dream.”

“I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me,” admitted Julia

“We killed the evil men together and freed my old teacher. And then you watched the stars with me and made the pain stop. Why wouldn’t I want to see you? Did someone tell you that?”

She remembers, oh boy, why is she not freaked out?

“I think I’ll need to speak with Víðarr. Is he about?” Julia said an arctic cold swirled within her voice.

{{Oh, he lied to our playmate and us. Let's kill him. }}

((Good intent doesn’t justify wrong actions. His or yours, child. ))

[Ki Meditation [Ad] (37->38)]

“No. I think Víðarr is helping some village deal with Gnarls. They’ve been raiding winter stores,” Livia said.

“I would like to know the one who saved such a special child,” said Farhad

“I’m nothing important, and I was happy to save Livia,” countered Julia.

“Modesty is not the truth, and I would know you properly,” said Farhad, gesturing off to one side.

He wants to spar, some sort of Martial Zen thing.

Learn about someone through the techniques they use, or how they use them?

{{ PLAY TIME!!! }}

(( He wishes an honourable exchange. ))

“Of course. Livia, this is Moke. If he says something improper, let me know, and I’ll scold him,” Julia said, giving Moke a warning look.

“I would not speak of a child in that manner,” said Moke, affecting an offended tone.

“The improper things don’t have to regard her Moke,” Julia said.

“Why does your clothing show people in coitus?” Livia asked as her eyes looked over Moke's garb.

Oh, so busted.

“Coitus?!” exclaimed Moke, looking down at his clothes, a new appreciation showing on his face.

“It's Latin. It means engaging in sex. Yes, Livia, I see the patterns of bones positioned based on the writing by Vātsyāyana. I’ve not seen a scroll of those writings for many years.” Farhad said.

“I know, but I never. Julia, you, oh, you didn’t. I have something from you wrapped all around me, oh my.” Moke said, his voice extremely excited.

“Did you mean things like that, Julia?” asked Livia, nodding at her acknowledgement.

“Exactly like that,” Julia said, exchanging a smile with Livia.

“Okay, then I’ll keep a tally. There is one for him.” Livia paused, looking over the skeletons, “Though lots and lots for you.”

Cheeky little miss!

Julia removed her cloak and handed it to Livia as she straightened.

“That’s fair, I guess. Though I thought you’d be on my side. You can use this. It's cool today, and you’ve been training,”

“Justice has no sides but Truth. I’ll be fine, but thank you,” Livia said, sniffing at the cloak. “It even smells like you.” Livia beamed at her and cuddled it in her arms for a moment.

Well, I’ve been schooled. However, she looks delighted with that cloak.

As Livia wrapped the cloak around herself like a blanket, Julia moved smoothly over to where Farhad waited and bowed politely. The guards about the square had grown tense as they watched their motions.

“No Ki powers?” asked Julia.

“Use all your skills and powers. I can feel Ki drifting through you, though it feels different, angry instead of its normal calm. ”

I hope that’s just the Abyssal Veneer.

“I’m self-taught,” offered Julia, not sure how to explain.

“Indeed, anger in form, yet with a calm voice. Very intriguing. Torm said you were an interesting individual, for your kind.”

“He told you about my secrets?”

“No, though he said not to judge. If he disapproved of you, I doubt we’d be here talking now. Though given the effect you had on Livia’s life, I’ll grant you are exceptionally different. One moment,” said Farhad and raised his voice as he looked about the square. “This is customary among our Path. We may look to be seeking to injure, but it is not your place to interfere.”

“Setting the ground rules,” said Julia.

“Always best among the Norse. So many hotheads,” Farhad said, before punching towards her face, with no sign to warn of the intent.

Reflexes and danger sense swayed her back just away from the blow, and Farhad smiled, his posture still neutral.

“I want to cheer for them both!” Livia said, her excited whisper to Moke carrying.

The whisper drifted through Julia's awareness as Harmony and Battle Trance wrapped together. Ki Armour sheathed her in cold red flames, even as Farhad’s skin shone, a blue mist illuminating beneath his skin.

“Before form, there was but Chaos,” said Farhad, as he flowed forward into a short stance, though different in style to anything she’d seen.

“You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star,” Julia replied, mirroring him in a short stance of her own.

“I’ve not heard that before,”

“A philosopher, by the name Friedrich. He was a favourite of someone important to me,” said Julia. When she'd hit difficulty in saying father, Julia followed the path of least resistance.

Farhad's first attack started slower than the initial punch, but the attacks quickly gathered pace. Battle trance clarified that Farhad was holding back, but that wasn’t important. The dance between them was the exchange, the knowing. As Farhad punched yet again, Julia swayed aside, guiding his arm across his body while closing in. Only to find his punch change and flex-back as an elbow strike that required her to retreat. To duck would have invited his fist to hammer down towards her face.

A low sweep from Julia snapped high, only to end as their shins clashed. Julia dropped to sweep low again and cut the air under Farhad’s feet. His flip continued away, twisting in motion as if he’d found solid footing in midair. A crouching front kick surged towards his chest. Where its force had broken a Nox’s neck, Farhad’s palm slid it away as motion changed again. Knee bending against an unseen perch, Farhad’s kick cut the air. Motion dipped her barely under its force in time, even as Julia slipped away he came down to earth.

As a spear hand drove towards her chest, a reflex block shifted it away. With fading motions, Julia gave ground quickly, then tumbled forward to meet him. Feet were lashing towards his face. Then Flight's power lifted her above his block and striking reply. With its power shifting her momentum, Julia released Flight and tumbled away towards the trees. Farhad dropped the kick aimed to cleave her previous path and moved in time with her.

Strikes, kicks, and blocks blended with flowing movements as Farhad pushed her techniques harder still. When he broke through her defences, Ki Armour and bones alike broke, and the pace would ease a time. An audience gathered as they fought, filling the air with shouts of encouragement and groans of sympathy. Still, none moved to interfere, though the town and temple guardsmen needed to make some keep clear.

As they fought, Farhad mirrored her techniques back with varying improvements. So differing from his style, it was apparent whenever he added teaching to their fight. From ground to air, and even among the trees' branches, Farhad’s ‘knowing’ of Julia turned further into unspoken instruction. Unrelenting pressure forcing her to change, adapt to stretch beyond.

“Master Farhad, I wish to speak to my guest.”

Verdandi's voice interrupted as a fist descended and knocked her from a perch amid the branches. Julia rolled with the blow and let Flight’s power catch her descent. Body twisting, she released it and landed lightly, poised even as Farhad joined her.

[Combat Summary:

Harmony [Ad] (42->44)

Ki Infusion [Ad] (42->44)

Ki Strike [Ad] (43->44)

Acrobatics [J] (29->39)

Battle Trance [Ad] (31->35)

Fly [Ap] (28) -> [J] (5)

Acrobatics, Fly and Climbing combined and evolved into Agile [Ad] (2)

Perception [J] (32->35)

Unarmed Combat [M] (1->2)

Grandmaster Teaching Session: 4,000

Blood Monk : + 4,000


He’s a grandmaster. No wonder I thought he was holding so much back.


[Agile: Increased ranks in this skill enhance the possessor's efficiency and movement capabilities, whether physically undertaken or via a Power. This also has high synergy with various melee combat and performance skills.]

It does so much more than it says on the box. I could feel the difference within that session. It must have melded partway through.

“Thank you for your instruction. I’ve learnt much from you, Grandmaster Farhad,” Julia said, bowing deeply with respect.

Farhad returned the bow before he spoke, while weapons beat against shields in approval from guards about the square.

“You would make an interesting student. I learnt much, as well. Perhaps another time you might incorporate things beyond the Monk’s path,”

“If you wish, but I have limited time today,” said Julia.

“I will be here years yet.”

“Isn’t she wonderful, Master Farhad?” Livia asked, holding the cloak almost reluctantly to Julia.

((It smells of you. It is part of you. ))

[Sense Motive [Ap] (10->12)]

“You can keep that one, I’ve another,” said Julia, as another cloak appeared, and Julia settled the hood in place.

“She is indeed remarkable,” said Farhad, “Livia, we should resume while Julia speaks with Verdandi.”

“I’ll just put this away, Master Farhad,” Livia said, giving a bow to them both before she hurried off.

Farhad waited till Livia was out of earshot before he spoke again, and Julia saw Torm standing cross-armed talking to Moke. Tension through his arms and frame as he regarded the Bard with calm intent. Verdandi's stern calmness settling the square’s energy, their audience moved to depart.

Wonder what Moke said; Torm looks ready to strangle him.

“You put her on a special Path that takes lifetimes to walk,”

“She did indeed,” said Verdandi, “Julia, welcome back, I’d word you were underground.”

“I found a lost sheep, far from home, and thought I’d return him to the surface,” Julia said, gesturing to Moke.

“Indeed, I spoke briefly to him, an interesting fellow. Much like other Bard’s in the service of Bast,” Verdandi noted.

He serves Bast, and I have a bond with him, oh fuck.

“I knew his mother is a High Priestess. I didn’t know he served her as well,” muttered Julia, unsure how to deal with him.

“Torm says you have another guest about. I think we need to talk, don’t you,” Verdandi said, the tone stern.

Oh boy. She wants answers; that’s fine.

“We do indeed, and they are part of why we’re here. We came to get a curse removed from Moke, but it shattered with the dawn today.”

“Let us go to the Silver Chalice, then we shall and talk in comfort,” suggested Verdandi.

“Comfort indeed, their baths are lovely,” agreed Julia, just the thought of relaxing in one bringing forth a smile.

“I might need to write notes,” Verdandi countered with a laugh.

“Yep, of course, I just meant afterwards. Sorry been wanting to bathe there again since I left,” Julia admitted, her smile turning rueful.

“It’s alright, best to move on before I need a 'Hearing' for Torm’s weregild,” suggested Verdandi.

“Torm’s weregild, who did he hurt?” Julia asked.

“No one, yet.” Verdandi said, turning; she called out, “Torm, we’re going to the Silver Chalice for refreshment. Why don’t you get everything settled down after this morning's entertainment? Moke join us,”

Not waiting for acknowledgement, Verdandi strode away. Julia bowed to Farhad again before she moved quickly to match Verdandi's pace.

“Did you do something to Moke Julia?”

“I broke the curse, and it did something that invoked his bloodline,” explained Julia.

"Does he know?"

"Not yet," Julia replied, unsure how to even bring up the subject.

“Oh child, what will I do with you?” murmured Verdandi.

“I don’t know,” huffed Julia.

“Well, that makes two of us,” quipped Verdandi.

Julia ruefully glanced about, noting the changing shadows as she did. Bells had passed, matching to Julia’s awareness.

[Time Sense [J](3->4)]

Reminding me I need to level you more? Or did you level because you synced yourself and did your job?

It was long bells and a hurried meal later before Julia got her bath. Water lapped around her, stretching out; she matched Verdandi’s sigh, the large tub’s water enfolding them both.

“I can understand why you wanted to bathe here. I’ve only used the Temple’s baths in Eyrarháls,” admitted Verdandi.

“It's lovely, a party-sized tub of pure yumminess,” confirmed Julia.

“Julia, I could tell you are keeping your own counsel on your plans. I’ll respect that and just wish you well; I’ll trust whatever you are planning is suitable. Though remember, vengeance and justice come from very different places,” cautioned Verdandi.

Julia scrubbed her hands across her forearms, just the memory of the High Priest's Soul making her feel unclean. “Honestly, I’m not after that. I want peace for their victims and for them to stop.”

“Focus on it, and you’ll do well. You’ve given me a lot to speak to the Jarl about, and it will probably go to the royal council,” declared Verdandi.

Julia spotted the muscles in Verdandi's shoulders and arms bunching like she was bracing herself for a fight. “It’s a bath. You’re supposed to relax in it, not get tense talking about the work ahead.”

Okay, so she will not let it go.

“How long will you need?”

“Fine, be that way. I need information; just let them know plans are progressing. Moke can report the information to you as well, that might settle any concerns,” suggested Julia.

“Or increase them depending on what he learns. It’s a problem that has been going on for centuries, it seems,” countered Verdandi.

“There is that, but the alternative is a direct conflict between Churches. Or trying to get the ear of the Egyptian king and hope spies don’t overhear,” argued Julia.

“At the very least, I believe the Jarls will further increase border patrols. We had already increased them after your last visit. But the scale of it was unknown. It explains some villages we thought lost to Gnarls or Hobs. I’ll know more after the Jarl has time to speak with me tomorrow.”

“Are the Gnarls why Víðarr is off and about?” asked Julia, keeping her tone light.

[Acting [Ap] (23->25)]

“My, you did that well, so lightly phrased. What’s he done?” questioned Verdandi.

Unsure about the connection between them besides a younger Priest to his superior, Julia almost hesitated to reply, but decided to bit the bullet. “Told Livia to consider me a bad dream while I was still in town."

“Men,” said Verdandi, in that universal tone.

“Indeed,” agreed Julia.

“Ruffled feathers from being told to pull his head out of his arse, I’d say. Interesting way to put it; I’ve used it since,” said Verdandi, amusement in her voice.

“There was someone in need right in front of him, and he was ignoring them to argue about me. He needs to stop that sort of shit,” Julia said.

“Given the Celestial’s state, he likely felt helpless. You were there, and the altar knocked him down too easily for his comfort or pride,” offered Verdandi.

“So he needs more experience and confidence?” asked Julia, glancing at Verdandi’s face, and found her gaze met.

“Don’t we all find things that are beyond us, whether battle or arguments? Some folks handle that better than others. Better to support them growing stronger than cast them aside,” Verdandi said, her tone reassuringly firm rather than critical.

“Alright, you have a point. I was a stranger to him, and an entity he’s normally right to go oh smite now,” said Julia.

Verdandi nodded and reached out to pat Julia encouragingly on the arm. “There you go, you'll learn to see both sides of a situation yet.”

“Fine, I’ll keep it in mind,” retorted Julia glibly.

“Good now. I believe we were relaxing after all the bad news you had for me.”

"What are Gnarls?” asked Julia.

“Relaxing or talking about those abominations?” asked Verdandi, her mouth wrinkling as if she'd bitten into something foul.

“You started the work talk. I need info on this world,” countered Julia.

“The longer you leave Gnarls in an area, the worse the situation becomes. They can breed with any race and often have prisoners for larger broods, but the offspring is always pure Gnarl. Vicious and bloodthirsty, as they age and feed, they evolve into more dangerous forms. While they start in height between kobolds and goblins, young, their skin is loose as if ready to slip from a corpse. As they feed, muscle and fats fill the loose skin until they develop and grow. They can get enormous band leaders the size of Ogres or war chiefs taller than Hill Giants. Though fortunately, they take years with lots of food to gain that size, so they sometimes end up fighting amongst themselves.”

“Crud. What’s the largest encountered?” asked Julia.

“The elves say there was one before we arrived that declared itself an Emperor. It controlled bands of Orc, Hobs, all down the western coast, and Manes in the north. Its skull wouldn’t fit inside the main gate of the town. The Wood Elves still have it, as a reminder, not to let Gnarls fester,” explained Verdandi.

“How would large ones get enough food?” gasped Julia.

Verdandi shook her head at Julia's disbelief. “After a time, it doesn’t matter. The ‘Lord’ ranked move from feeding on flesh to mana, and just keep growing over time, from what we can tell.”


“Indeed, Fuck! It’s also why this situation with that Church concerns me so," offered Verdandi. The Gnarls have been too active of late, bands appearing in times and places where they should have crossed patrols."

“Getting organised help?”

“Gnarls can be organised enough to cause significant damage. But destruction is one aspect of its religion, so it's something to look into.”

“Could he branch out to lure Gnarls to him?”

“They have their own dark gods, though they may have an alliance. It would seem risky, though; the Egyptian kingdom could also become overrun.”

“Just some more fun to keep in mind,” said Julia. Picking up the wine bottle, she offered to refill Verdandi’s glass, tucking it back in the iced bucket once done.

“To smiting evil scumbags!” Julia declared,

“And to Justice, Julia. Don’t focus on the smiting. Focus on what’s right,” Verdandi corrected before clinking her glass against Julia’s own.

“Bathing with a Succubus, High Justice. What would people say?”

“I’m relaxing with someone I trust and have fought beside before the next storm arrives. Your presence is far stronger than it was last we met, no doubt related to your situation.”

Let's skip that part.

“Relaxing, yes,” said Julia, sipping at the wine and enjoying its taste even as it failed to warm her within.

Don’t even get a tingle. I just hope I’m not forced to betray her.

“I’ll see about ensuring Torm doesn’t strangle Moke,” Verdandi said after a moment.

“Thanks, but he’s on his own. Has Livia been well?” asked Julia, wanting Verdandi’s view.

“Very well, she’s a remarkable child, very calm and considerate of others. Settles a few of the more energetic novices though they are older. She's got friends amongst them.”

“Good,” sighed Julia happily, glad Livia was settling in well.

"What else is on your mind? You look troubled when you should be relaxing?"

It was Julia's turn to pull a face as if she'd bitten into something foul, but she didn't hesitate in answering. "Moke's friends are likely dead; I'm not sure I want to end up being the one to confirm it."

"I wondered why you opted for a bath, given what they said. Don't you think he and their families deserve to know for sure?"

"That's the problem. If Setau's memories are right, I think they're in the Necropolis."

Verdandi flinched at the Abyssal word and then nodded.

"Not a good place to end up unexpectedly. Though I will ask, how will you feel if you are just slightly too late?"

Verdandi patted her arm in acknowledgement of the unsaid as Julia moved to get out of the bath.

Julia stopped while drying off as a thought crossed her mind.

"Want to hire a really cheap assassin for killing undead in there?"

"They say there is more undead in there than stars. What's your fee?"

"One bell chime of bathing time for every one hundred undead destroyed."

"Done," said Verdandi, shaking her head in amusement, "Must be the cheapest bounty I've ever agreed to sponsor. I'll talk to some summoners about your friends."


"Don't thank me yet. We've no way to know if calling them forth is possible, or if they're still sane. You spoke of being reluctant to tell Moke his friends are dead. You can understand my reluctance to find out your friends are worse off than that."

"I need to know."

"Indeed, and so does Moke and his friends' families."

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