Abyssal Road Trip

53 - Dirty Deeds, done dirt cheap

After listening to her instructions, Moke opened the conduit and climbed up through the unsettling passage. Julia could hear him muttering to himself about wet passages usually being more fun. When he reached the end and looked back with an ashen complexion, Julia wondered if he had changed his mind.

“Eakcï come quickly,” Moke called.

The name Viper pronounced phonetically in his mortal tongue instead of Abyssal was odd, but it still worked. When Moke opened the conduit, and while climbing, a barrier had prevented Julia from putting even a finger within it. Now she could race through the passageway, shrinking in size to let her fly through it quickly, not wanting to delay. When Julia arrived at the other end, it was clear what had upset Moke. His attention still on the scene in front of him; she closed the conduit and stowed it away.

Sand rustled underfoot as she stepped to his side and looked down at the destruction revealed in the dawn’s light. The sight in front of her was ironically more like she had expected, having encountered an Egyptian previously, yet it was also far less. Sand stretched away behind them, while in front courses of tumbled stones and shattered rock provided enough detail to determine their location. The great pyramid of Giza and the Sphinx were but broken rubble, hardly a stone’s throw from where they stood.

“What happened?”

“We’re in the lands of the Nile,” said Moke, his voice heavy with sadness. “I dreamt of seeing the Nile, but not like this. Why did they destroy the Pyramid of Khufu? They drove us from our lands. But why did they destroy our people’s legacy?”

“Who drove you out of Egypt?”

“The Great Wyrms, with their armies, they drove out all the peoples of the ten kingdoms. The Norse, Gaul, Romans, Greek, Hittites, Nubian, Persians, and the Slavic.”

“That’s only nine with the Egyptians.”

“The Romans split between brothers, and each founded their own kingdom.”

“What about other cultures?”

“There were others?” Moke asked, looking at her with obvious confusion.

“I know the history, but this was centuries ago. Our gods commanded us to flee to the west. The magi enchanted riverboats to sail the ocean, but limited time forced them to leave many behind. Warriors, townsmen, farmers alike buying time for those chosen to escape. The survivors found themselves joined by others on the ocean beyond the lands of the dead. Great water elementals guided them to the currents that carried them west. It was a fleet stretching between horizons, such a fragile existence, yet in such hard times, there was still greed. Odin slew the Greek god of the ocean, and Mars slew their war god to prevent treachery. Their forgotten lords of the oceans and war had sought to blackmail the other Gods, seeking their pantheon to have supreme rights in the unknown lands.”

((Even God’s can die, but the price can be high. ))

Images of devastation trickled up out of Julia's memories at the thought of Gods clashing near mortals.

“Ouch, how do the rest take that?”

“They had no choice, the Greek's Gods were far from their place of power. And since they no longer had one to command the waves, nor guide them in battle, Odin, Mars and Ra marshalled the others and imposed peace. In the end, they negotiated that Tyr’s Justice bound all the Gods on the rest of the journey.” Moke said. The pain he felt clear as his gaze moved over the ancient destruction to which he was now a witness.

“Can we leave? I used to dream I would see the Nile, the magnificent temples, and their beauty in the shimmering heat. This is not what I dreamt.”

Julia took in the pain showing within his Soul even as she felt the trickle of them through the Pact they had forged.

((You purified Livia. ))

Memories of cleansing Livia’s Soul of Demonic energies came to mind, and Julia sadly smiled. The reminder had her focus on the Pact and intent sealed off the flow of Abyssal energies between them.

[Demonic Pact (6 -> 8)]

Does that mean it worked? Maybe I can avoid corrupting his Soul.

“I’ve got an idea. I just need to see if I can get it to work,” Julia said. As she offered the dimensional bag to Moke, a thought made her pause.

“Were there people already in those lands?”

“The Elves and Dwarves were there to greet the fleets; their Gods had told them of our arrival. They provided maps showing where we could settle. Now the kingdoms help them hold the various monstrous threats away from the civilised races. Though the last invasion of gnarls from the south-western deserts cost the Slavic calvary and west legions much to repel.”

“Okay. Unless you want to wait longer, we can go,”

“Let's go,” Moke said. As he put his hand in the bag, she willed it to hold him. Then Teleport took them to the remembered knoll, with a jarring change of light. When Julia release Moke, he blinked in the moon's light and peered about.

“How did it get dark? Where are we?”

“We shifted far west, so the Sun hasn’t come up yet. We’re south of Eyrarháls,” said Julia.

When Julia's form shifted to her mortal shape clad in leathers, Moke simply raised an eyebrow.

“You go from immortal beauty to mortal magnificence so easily,” Moke said.

Give it a rest. Happy that you're actually taller than me now?

Julia ignored his comment and formed a cowled cloak, only to rip it from herself. The drop in health already healed even before he took it from her hands.

“You’ll need to cover up, don’t want to alarm anyone if travellers spot us after dawn,”

“Indeed, they might take me for one of the eastern peninsula's swamp folk. Some are far less civilised than others,” Moke said.

“By the way, what about the Basteti?”

“They don’t seem to care about having a kingdom of their own. Though their communities are welcome nearly anywhere they want to settle since they are skilled rangers and scouts. They even have several communities living within the Elven forests. What are we going to eat?”


Julia frowned when Moke started laughing. It wasn’t that funny, but Moke just laughed harder when she frowned and tapped her foot. Though it was clear, he wasn’t mocking her, and the laughter seemed an almost desperate release. When she played into it by crossing her arms and glaring, the laughter grew hysterical.

“Goof,” said Julia after he finally calmed.

“You got me out of there, yet you completely forgot about food,” Moke said, his amusement still clear in his voice.

“You focus on the big issues first. The smaller stuff normally is easy to solve,” said Julia, rolling her eyes at him.

“So what do you suggest for solving it? Oh mighty one, because normal food would be good.”

“Rabbit? Berries?”

“It’s not the season for berries that I know as safe to eat. I used to travel with a ranger, but I never paid attention. Just ate what they told me to and stayed away from anything else.”

“Useful are you. I don’t have any local coin on me, even if anyone was awake to sell food. Do you have any of that coinage on you from your yowling?”

“Yowling! Why?”

“Don’t think you’ll want to keep them. Why don’t you use them to pay me for dealing with a certain priest?”

“Why do you want coin for killing him?“ asked Moke, as he untied a pouch from his belt and extended it, “Don’t tell me you’re an assassin and a beauty. Well, if so, please consider this payment for his assassination.”

And there he goes again. Maybe I should take on a hideous shape to shut him up.

{{No. }}

((Vanity comes in many forms ))

“I’m an assassin and other things. Thank you for the coin, yet we’re still no closer to food.” Julia said, letting the purse disappear. “Well, I know some people at Eyrarháls. When dawn comes, I’ll get you some food and come back? Do I want to know what you ate in recent weeks? ”

“Beauty is important,” said Moke. Julia could tell from the look he gave; that the earlier change in subject was evident to him.

“Moke, why should it matter how a person looks, especially a Succubus? I can change my appearance at will to be beautiful or a horrific monster. Some people get trapped in bodies they despise and judged because they’ve either stopped caring or because they want to change their outer flesh.”

“True, a person’s happiness matters most. Bast is my people’s Goddess of Protection, but she also teaches us to protect our Souls with pleasure, beauty, music and song so we might find joy.”

Well, how do I break this topic? Just jump in feet first?

“Your mother is a High Priestess. How is she going to react to my having formed a Pact with her son?”

“How did you know that? Did Setau set this up with you?” asked Moke, anger and suspicion edging his voice.

Maybe try tact next time J.

“Moke, I see things, plus why would your enemy ask anyone to get you out of the Abyss?”

“Alright, you have a point. Still, it is disconcerting. May I know what else you see?”

“Well, I know you’re a Bard with some training as a fighter. You have training in short blades, bows, and some illusion spell forms.”

“How can you tell the path someone is walking?”

“I can. It’s how I immediately knew, when I paid attention at least, that you weren’t a Cambion. When we formed the Pact, then I learnt you're the son of Feme, one of Bast's High Priestesses,”

“How did you say her name?”

“Your mother’s name, did I get it wrong?”

“No, the Goddess’s name. They taught me that none but strongest among the Demons could pronounce a God of Light’s name.”

“I just can. Sit down and tell me about Setau. What happened with him, and where can I find him?”

Julia didn’t wait for Moke and just sat down where she had meditated months previously while cleansing Livia’s Soul. When she went still, Moke just looked at her, the weight of his gaze heavy.

“I’ll listen, while I work,”

“Work on what?”

“Clearing the Abyssal blight from your Soul and getting the curse off you. I’m sorry for the way it reacted to the Music,”

“Music, what music?”

“You were in pain, and then you started clawing yourself. It’s a pity you didn’t get to listen to it.”

“There was no music when I appeared. Trust me; if there was music, even someone cutting off a foot wouldn't stop me from paying attention.”

“Apparently not, since I could hear the music from the Grotto there. It comes from the crystals and Souls singing in the Burning Grotto,”

“There wasn’t any music that I could hear,”

“I’d try to project it to you, but I can’t read your mind. So I doubt you’d be able to hear anything I sent to you,”

“I know why, but I’m sure I shouldn’t be telling you my secrets. Since you can see so much already, plus you are a Demoness,”

“That’s fair, and please don’t tell them to me. I have ties that could put any secrets you share at risk,”

“A Demoness and you tell me that. You are nothing like the Succubi at the brothel,”

“Speak, tell me what happened, and where I can find this Setau. I take it he is the High Priest that dropped the curse on you? What did you get up to?”

“I’ll have to give you some context. The Church of Set had a new temple being constructed five days west of Thebes. Its final dedication went wrong, but no one knows for sure exactly what happened. All the information available is what the Charter house told groups sent to investigate.”

“Charter house?”

“Interrupting the performance of a Bard is vulgar. Please keep that in mind; this is twice now. They monitor and, to some extent, organise the mercenary teams in Egypt. Under the charter of the King, they may issue charters to groups or force them to disband. Now be still,” said Moke, his tone light-hearted in contrast to his words.

Is that what I’d call adventurers or purely mercenary units? Both?

“The Hollow doesn’t count; you interrupted yourself,” Julia said.

“Now three, do you have any idea what your aura feels like?” asked Moke. The moon’s light allowed Julia to see the disbelief clear in his eyes.

“Keep going with the information on the temple and High Priest,”

“I’m sure you practice being frustrating, Eakcï,”

“Indeed, I do. I’m told all younger sisters do now spill the details.”

Moke frowned at her in confusion before he continued.

“The previous King, Khufu the second, had permitted the Church of Set to construct a new complex near the village of Damietta. After decades of work, it was nearing completion, and they had a final ceremony planned for Set’s feast day. Instead, it was a massacre, the only survivors were those not dedicated to that temple. So the Charter house only had limited information,” Moke said. Before setting back against the edge of the knoll, near Julia.

Julia visualised the Pact, changing the cable into a cord of arteries between them. As Moke spoke, she focused on drawing the Abyssal taint from him first, watching as pieces of it lifted clear, leaving wounds across her perception of his Soul.

“When the day of dedication drew new, the High Priestess in charge hadn't returned from a pilgrimage. She was to bring back offerings of condemned Slaves and a special altar for the heart of the complex.”

Condemned Slaves?

{{We could have killed them as well. }}

((No, that would not have happened. ))

Memories of slaughter flickered in Julia’s mind as nights overlaid each other. A sense of molten rage and hatred roiled across her. People were screaming and straining against their chains or running with weapons. Blood from a hole torn in a slaver’s throat, the warmth spraying delightfully over her skin. The blackness drinking their Soul into her form. Livia was beside her, pointing at another Slaver, and Demonic essence pumped through the twisted bond that had existed from breast to mouth. The sense of something looming behind her, its presence steadying even as she ran for the next slaver.

The moment stretched with screams, and echoes of deaths flickered in her awareness. Then it left suddenly in the space of Moke inhaling.

That felt like I was killing them and enjoying it too much. But what else was that with me? Was that the demon, and I was the one slaughtering them?

“The other priests ordered the celebrations to start before the feast day, likely hoping to appease Set with other offerings. When people had gathered on his feast day, a barrier surrounded the complex. As it did, Demons appeared within, and they started slaughtering the priests and faithful. The survivors escaped by jumping from the outer wall but the barrier prevented others from jumping with them. They fled the screams from within, not sure if the Demons could pursue. When they got to Thebes, they reported the events to the authorities, rather than Church of Set discretely, as I’m sure they would have preferred.”

“Did the authorities force the Church to fix things? What’s the situation with condemned slaves? Are they murderers, or folks seized in a slave raid?” asked Julia.

“Slave raiding is illegal unless you are talking about hitting a humanoid encampment. They make poor slaves, though some use them in mines. Any breach of the treaties would condemn the parties responsible in return. Condemned are murderers, rapist, anyone guilty of major crimes where the King doesn’t waiver the punishment to a lower court’s authority. The King asked the Charter house to direct the investigation. Their lead team found the barrier in place and forced Set guardsmen in first. It allowed them in, but they never returned. The Charter house groups tried to breach the complex next; I was in Memphis. Otherwise, I would have entered with my friends.”

So the follower’s of Set break rules all over the place.

Slave raids, rape, murder, rules what rules those are things for other people. I so hate them.

Yet talk about ripples; what else have I kicked off? Though somethings, I’d like to kick.

((Hate can poison you. ))

“And died with them?” asked Julia.

“No one knows if they’re dead. It could have just trapped the Charter house teams in there. The barrier has the whole place wrapped up in spatial and death mana. Your interruption count keeps going up,” Moke said. Though the look he gave Julia seemed still mockingly stern rather than angry.

Death mana? Oh boy.

“Then I’ll add another. Tell me about the barrier’s appearance?”

“A dome of darkness that appears as if the light of the sun is dying on its way inside. The King stationed detachments to keep an eye for anything coming out. Why?”

“I’m not sure. I’ll look into it after we remove your curse."

An entry to the Necropolis on the material plane? If it is, those that went inside are likely dead.

“When I returned from performing at a noble's celebrations, I found my companions had joined the efforts. After learning what happened, I acted in anger and wrote a song to mock the Church of Set and Setau's failure. A completely awful song, yet it received recognition and sticks in one’s mind. The arse Setau told me he was quite furious after noticing the musicians at the palace had been strumming parts of it in court. He was even less happy when I told him they'd been playing it for weeks," Moke said, a mocking smile lighting his feature for a moment before he shook his head.

"Of course, after which, he smacked the curse on me and dumped me through a portal. Not to my slow death, as I’m sure he hoped; instead, I wasn’t far from Zôhma; I followed the trail of some miners returning to the settlement. Various magics allowed me to survive the food, rancid air, and I found work at the Hollow. Weeks later, you came into the bar like a whirlwind, smashing it with your aura and flames.” said Moke.

Bad guy gloating?

When he finished, Julia waited, and when Moke didn’t speak again, took it as permission.

“You’re clear of the Abyssal blight, but the mana of the curse isn’t coming off. Though I should say it does, but it seems to renew itself faster than I can draw it away.” Julia said.

“I thought that would be the case. Unless Setau dies first, we’ll have to find a stronger High Priest; even then, he’ll know its broken. Setau isn’t the strongest High Priest, but still letting him plan wouldn’t be good.”

“Safer to kill him first then,”

“Much. But Setau has the temple guards protecting him, along with other High Priests and lesser Priests about,”

“So where can I find him?”

“That part is simple. The main Temple in Thebes, Setau, is one of the High Priests in charge of the Temple of Thebes. He’s also their representative at the King’s court so he rarely strays far,”

“Well, why don’t you describe the place, and him,”

“What you’re just going to slip in unnoticed?”

“That will depend on their wards. Is it a public temple lots of non-dedicated worshipers coming to offer appeasements and things?”

“Yes, some worship Set, but most just offer appeasement, especially during the season of storms.”

“Is it public knowledge where all their temples are?”

“Most of them. Yet every Church has hidden temples, though their reasons vary. Why?”

“Later, for now, I need a reliable description of that Temple and him if possible,”

“Please, I’m a Bard I’ll paint you a picture of words,” said Moke, affecting an offended tone.

“Well, get on with it,” Julia said, poking out her tongue at his tone, “though while I’m gone, if the mental shielding is something you can remove, at least consider doing so. Or what conditions you’d want me to meet first. I would like to share my memories of the song with you. I never learnt to sing, even if I had I know I couldn’t do it justice.”

“A Demon caring what I’d feel comfortable doing, the beauty of a song, or doing something justice. You are a strange one. Perhaps I should teach you to sing,”

“There won’t be time. I can’t stay in the material plane long this time. Now paint your picture of the temple,”

Need to get back and ensure Usd’ghi doesn’t stay annoyed; whatever Salia said.

Julia lay on the floor beside the maid’s bed, as she mentally followed her dreaming mind through the temple complex. The maid’s dreaming mind reacted with delight at being promoted to the High Priest Setau’s maid.

In the dream, the passages of the Temple had grown more ornate, with hieroglyphs and murals more frequent on the wall the closer she had gotten. It should make it easy enough to trace her way there. The dreaming maid even inserted a glimpse of the High Priest sitting at his desk. Julia left the maid when her own fleeting fancy added being selected as a concubine on the spot.

[Dream Sending (5->6)]

Getting into the temple itself had been easier than Julia had expected. It wasn’t like any religious building to her, with workshops, gardens, and even a small lake, within the perimeter of the walls.

While nominally within Thebes, it was a small community unto itself; with even fields and orchards inside the boundaries. The wards around the temple proper didn’t even ripple as she touched them and parted to allow her entry. Almost as if they recognised and even welcomed a Demon within.

This is not the Succubus you are looking for, I’m just Hit Man without the bar code, and more arse.

Taking a form similar to the dreaming maid, Julia swayed through the temple carrying a covered wine jar as an excuse. They’d fixed dimmed magical crystals in the passages, but for her, there was more than enough light. The main Temple building was quiet, and Telepathy frequently brushed against sleeping minds as she moved through it.

Not night owls.

The wards on the High Priest’s chamber looked to prevent unauthorised teleportation in or out. Julia stored the jar and slid a thin tendril under the door itself; ready to flee at the first sign of alarm. When she brushed the energy of another ward just inside, Julia tensed; yet, like their outer ward, it didn’t respond with alarm. Extending her perceptions to the filament, the High Priest’s current entertainment explained its reaction. Two succubi were currently providing him stress relief by putting on a show. Their elongated tongues clearly visible in what seemed a carefully posed sixty-nine, as they probed deep between each other’s folds. Julia brushed aside a force that drew her gaze to the Succubus on top.

Fuck toy and sex shows R’ us? The balcony looks to have different wards.

From their minds, it’s clear they’re mostly bored.

Why not just have mortal concubines? The type that won’t try to lay claim to your Soul. Or that not a thrill any more?


[High Priest Setau

Race: Human Egyptian Descent

Class: Priest

Level: 55

Age: 47

Health: 550 (605)

Mana: 1155

Defence: 14

Melee Attack Power: 42

Combat Skills: Short Blades [Ad] (5), Heavy Blades [Ad] (10), Mana Finesse [M] (5). Access to various blessing and curses.

Details: A later son of Khufu the second, Setau is a political appointee in his cousin’s court. His title in the Church is due only to his own political manipulations, and his mother’s influence. As he hasn’t evolved the Prestige Class to gain it on merit alone.

Demonic Pact with Tliphañ

Condition: Fatigued, Drug altered perceptions]


[Name: Salitha

Demonic Species: Succubus

Class: Succubus

Level: 6/ 30

Health: 654

Mana: 810

Defence: 35

Melee Attack Power: 51

Combat Skills: Claws [Ad](31), Bite [Ad] (29), Tail Strike [Ad] (20), Wings [Ad] (15), Blink [J] (18), Teleport [J] (5), Various spell forms - Affinity Mental, and Lightning.

Details: Spawned from the delta waters in the plane of Àluga, this Succubus belongs to the faction commanded by Set, a Lesser Power in the Egyptian Pantheon



[Name: Tliphañ

Demonic Species: Succubus

Class: Temptress

Level: 9 / 44

Health: 1,672

Mana: 4,736

Defence: 45

Melee Attack Power: 91

Combat Skills: Claws [M](13), Bite [Ad] (42), Tail Strike [M] (3), Wings [Ad] (41), Greater Teleport [Ad] (13), Aura: Allure [M] (2), Various spell forms - Affinities Mental, Abyssal and Fire.

Details: Spawned from the delta waters in the plane of Àluga, this Succubus belongs to the faction commanded by Set, a Lesser Power in the Egyptian Pantheon. They have evolved the Scout and Succubus classes into the Prestige Class of Temptress, available with each at level 30.]

With them all currently distracted, Julia slithered under the door and blended with the stonework. What Soul Sight showed confirmed her plans, with the visions of rape and torture it provided. As he sat up to get a clearer view Julia saw her moment, changing and teleporting while he breathed in to speak. The fleck of dust she’d become riding in with his breath. At the junction of his lungs, the mote became a spiked shape drinking blackness, and the thrashing started.

“He’s in trouble, maybe even dying.”

The unconcerned voice in Abyssal was close by, though his flesh muffled the words. Telepathy picked up its perceptions and the gloating that shone from its mind. As the pressure of desperate breaths dug her form deeper still, Soul Sight ignited a cold ire the more she looked within him, yet there was too much she needed to know. The succubi leant close, and Telepathy filled Julia with an awareness of their delight. A hand slapped down as he scrambled for Set’s symbol. Only for the grip to force him upright so the Succubi could lick pain-wracked flesh as desperation grew. Together the pair writhed against him, mocking him for his oncoming death till finally, life departed.

“He’s dead, but I can’t feel his Soul through my pact. Did you steal it?”

“No. Perhaps we should kill more while we’re here,”

“I wanted his Soul. He didn’t tell me another had first rights to it,” as they stood she delivered kicks in time with their words.

Oh shit, I don’t know if they’ll stick to the guilty.

Spikes that had shredded flesh withdrew and Julia teleported to appear in her mortal form naked before the door. While the weaker one hesitated, the stronger succubus smiled and charged at her lithe, exposed form. Julia ignited Ki Armour’s flames as the Succubus drew close to strike.

While stepping forward as if to meet the charge, Julia faded left to kick. Yet a lashing tail swept out to block her leg in time. The tail’s strike tempered her kick’s momentum and slithered off Ki Armour’s flames. Tliphañ’s aura crackled against her will, and Julia pressed closer still. A snarl from the Succubus sounded just before tracing missiles hits had lightning burning over skin. Tliphañ grabbed with hands suddenly awash with black Abyssal flames.

Assumptions J? No wonder the bitch charged! No time to cast.

Julia let Jade Mana ripple within Ki Infusion as she whirled to avoid the grab. Still, one hand’s claws dug into Ki Armour and cut in to rip flesh away. Pain drifted across awareness as blade-shaped spines lanced from her back. Mana wreath blades cutting into demonic flesh with the pressure of her turn. As a burning hand tried to grab again, Julia reappeared behind Tliphañ. Only for her to flicker and reappear with burning claws striking against her side. Lightning erupted even as Julia teleported again, its force ripping the air where she’d been.

I need to lock one down fast! They can’t move through the walls. I hope.

Tliphañ having caught the blast pushed up from the broken door. Julia reinforced Ki Armour over lightning blistered flesh before Tliphañ struggled free. Even as Salitha formed another spell, Blink placed her near the bed. With both in view, Julia started a casting of her own. As the Temptress teleported again, lightning flared from Salitha's hands and Julia leapt with its strike. Her spell already completed and held in Ki as the power rent against the Ki's flames.

Thrown away with Armour flames breaking and shifting flesh, Julia's will forced Teleport’s move. The force of motion carrying her now spiked form crushing Salitha to the wall. Red Lightning rippled as they both bounced back. Power surged and smashed Salitha's blood-soaked flesh into the wall again. Spears ladened with Ki struck down and blackness drank. Julia's eyes caught the oncoming wall of flames. Smoke from bedding and bodies filled the chamber’s air.

As Abyssal flames scoured remains, and stone alike, a still burning form appeared behind. Tliphañ screamed as lines of hooks from throat to crotch stitched their flesh together. Demonic blood slicking the surrounding floor as barbs erupted clear through. Blackness fed while the surprise of Julia’s slumping weight and Flight shoved them to the ground.

{{Well, at least you got a happy ending. Slip in something more? Oh, it makes me quiver.}}

((Your imagination is a strange thing, child. ))

Julia shuddered against pain and revolting thoughts; while Tliphañ screamed and her flesh tore. Black flames and drinking blackness spread agony that quashed an attempted spell, as the Mana within Ki Infusion swam from Yang to Yin. When dust swirled in the air, at last, Julia lay healing on the bloody ground and watched the ashes float.

There I velcroed your arse bitch.

As she forced herself to shrug aside the combat summary, the echoes of raised voices and booted feet rang through the temple halls.

[Combat Summary:

High Priest Setau x1

Succubus of Set x1

Temptress of Set x1

Demonic Shards Gained: 2

Total-experience to distribute: 7966

Blood Monk : +1,266

Wizard: +1,300

Succubus: +2,700

Assassin: +2,700

Assassin Level Up!

Additional experience awarded for contract completion:

Assassin: +1,000

Abyssal Resistance Unlocked.

Abyssal [L] (1->5)

Electricity [M] (14 -> 16)]

Tendrils extending on the way to the door gave Julia a chance to grab a few valuables. Unfortunately, she was still inside the wards when the sound of boots and snapped commands were already at the door.

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