Abyssal Road Trip

50 - She's so mean

Greater Teleport placed Julia near the crevice that held the Necropolis’ exit. Yet it wasn’t the end goal; instead, she hoped to stay clear of prying eyes. Telepathy’s net found no one nearby, and Julia activated the conduit rod. Its command phrasing targeting Culerzic was the only control she had. While it wouldn’t open within a solid object or a shielded location, it otherwise connected two planes with no guidance possible.

The conduit trip was off-putting, but at least uneventful, and Julia found herself on the edge of a strange orchard. Fat, bloated trees were somehow flourishing in barren soil, ladened with fruit. Yet the ground so dry even the slightest breeze lifted dust in its wake. Large gaping cracks crisscrossed the arid landscape around the trees. Their very existence brought into being by the absence of anything else alive.

Touch and the command word returned the conduit rod to her grasp. She was quick in storing the thing away, even as it tried to twist towards her hand. Julia let the dry air leech the fluid that remained in its wake from her fingers. Meanwhile, Analysis provided information on the fruit that hung from the bloated trees nearby.

[Famine Fruit: These ripe fruit taste of blighted earth, dust ladened and crammed with the taste of desiccated flesh]

I bet Demons likely think it’s another treat.

Time to see who paid the piper.

With the memory of the stone ledge underfoot, foul-smelling air, and the screaming Souls about her, Julia willed Greater Teleport to shift her. Then it was suddenly a reality, and that sickening breeze was rubbing against her skin again. Julia felt as repulsed as when she’d first arrived, yet oddly shielded from the shock of its appearance. For its scale, it was still one of the most horrific things she’d seen. Yet, it could no longer make her mind reel or draw her into its grasp.

Though it wasn’t comfortable and remained repulsive, Julia felt her mind and will take it in stride. Not cut off in shock, just able to deal with the landscape laid out in all its horror. The spikes were stretching out from the blood fields, and their screaming sounded the same. Yet now felt as if mere background noise hissing against her awareness. When she looked over the closest spikes, it was obvious which one the servant had meant.

Flight carried Julia from the ledge, and with wings idly trailing behind, she drifted downwards. A dretch close to her goal fell to its knees under the pressure of Dominion’s aura. It didn’t warrant attention from her, though, even as it grunted out its desire to serve. The simple words it managed in Abyssal, making no impression as her eyes took in the form ahead.

Where other husks appeared as mortal flesh, there was now among them a moulted male who varied in colour like foundry slag. Its screaming movements and pain-filled eyes the only sign that it was once human. A maze symbol stood out embossed on its chest. Yet this puzzle was a trap as Julia’s eyes found no exit, unlike any puzzle book. The circle’s edge completely sealed and raised far higher than the rest. Its details were as fine as capillaries, and through sharpened corners, the energy within flowed. A spot of light started down the spike's shaft while Julia tried to recognise the husk's face. Its presence reminded her that within the distorted flesh was a Soul.

“I don’t even recognise you!”

{{Hurt him, he hurt us!!}}

The pain in its eyes bulged greater at her words as if it had gained a horrified understanding. The truth of them and her confusion amplifying every pain it felt. With her attention focused on it alone, she activated Soul Sight and looked. Even buffered by the Ki, scream and motion came as one, and clawed thumbs buried in its eyes. Aware, it could feel every moment as she dug within its skull. Yet its torment only amplified by what Julia could see within its Soul.

“You sent them as well! You sick maggot, I didn’t know your fucking name. Even with looking into your Soul, it doesn’t ring a bell. I know it from your Soul, yet never heard it from you. What was the most you said? Here’s your order. Would I like salt? How did that make me yours?” asked Julia. Her words hissed low and cold in Abyssal, reluctant to use English with so many ears about. Yet as she vented, it was clear they knew everything Julia said.

“So he let you know how little you meant, and this language. I can’t even remember you saying Hi. Yet you thought I was yours. If I was a prostitute, it wasn’t your right to judge. It would have been my choice, not yours. So you’ve had your fun; I hope it was worth the rest of time.”

{{What more can we do to them? At least the words make him hurt.}}

With a twist, she pulled claws from the ruined sockets of the husk’s eyes and watched them regrow. After a glance at her blood and gore-soaked fingers, a hand lashed out and twisted low. The scream changed in pitch as she acted, and a pincer snapped shut. Then it gagged as Julia shoved the husk’s dick into its screaming maw. A hunk of flesh wedged deep into its throat as the husk regrew its loss.

{{We can do that! Rip it off again!}}

“You hurt them as well. So choke on this for now. I’ll come back to make sure you’ve not lost it. Now you can’t even scream properly. You are a muffled piece of snot. Blades of your vileness twisting through your guts and lungs. Have fun wiggling on those. You called me a Succubus with your desires, but what did you do to them?”

They’ll only tell you what will hurt you.

Lêdhins warned me. So Sarah’s chained in hell and no idea what fate his words would have gotten Rach. Feel the arrows of the Erinyes’ wrath doesn’t sound good at all. I know the greek powers are here. What can I do if those sick fucks have their hands on my friend?

How is this right? It would have been her wedding soon.

“So you get to feel every bit of pain we do. Guess I’m going to have to find plenty of fights. You know who’s talking to you, don’t you.” said Julia, nodding at the acknowledgement from eyes and Soul.

“You’re paying his price. I’ll claim my pound of flesh from you yet, and I’ll claim payment for the others. I will need some research into how. But I don’t even have to worry about you going insane. Very ironic that it’s my Will that keeps you sane now, considering all that’s happened. That’s only a hint of what you deserve. I’m never going to give in. You will know every agony I can ensure you feel.”

((Don’t damage yourself to achieve vengeance on one already suffering their fate. ))

With the beat of wings audible over the closest screams, Julia didn’t even look around. Focused will and power took her away to nominal safety. The scoured familiar rock suddenly underfoot, with her gaze directed out over the cloud bank below.

Pity he missed out on all the fun climbing up here. There are colours I didn’t play with last time.

Will that bring him more pain than his current impalement? Though pushing my safety to rush payback isn’t smart.

Need to be doing something other than worrying about safe words J.

There are Souls I can help at least. So the Necropolis or the Night elves. Which first?

As a random thought came to mind, Julia shrugged and withdrew a purple skull coin from her inventory.

{{Tails, we find someone to fuck!!!}}

I’ll be spending time in both. So Skull for Necropolis, crest Ternòx.

When the coin flip provided her with the crest, it disappeared away. A short time later, Julia stood within a stone passage with the weight of Ternòx all about. The passage turned, became a dead-end in one direction and a sealed cave in the other. The sheer randomness of the conduit not having delivered Julia somewhere useful for travelling. Ironically, it had provided her something unique, a place offering a slight measure of security.

While someone else could still find this cave, maybe I can use it for a retreat and storing replaceable gear here.

I’m hard to scry, so if I learn enough to set wards, I can make it even safer. Not exactly home among the gum trees, but it’s something.

“I met a strange lady, she made me nervous. Sounds like my life now; even the band name matches,” Julia said. The words echoed back to her from the uncaring stone. Eyes taking in the empty cave illuminated by the glowing fungi clinging to the one wall,

“Just add more grimoires to the list of stuff I need.”

In an empty spot near the cave wall, Julia started carving a pattern into the stone. When the interlocking S, R, J were clear on the rock, Julia knelt and let the sense of surrounding stone seep into her through Harmony. Eventually, it linked thoroughly with the cave's essence, and a notification pinged against her awareness.

[Earth Mana Affinity Unlocked!]

Guess I’ve ended up with a Succubus cave. Still, it’s cleaner than Dad’s man cave.

I should take advantage of this find since I needed to take some time out to study.

With the fungi providing light, Julia set to investigating the grimoire. Flight settled her in the air with far more comfort than any lounge. Cycles passed quickly, piecing together the grimoire’s instructions, mingling with martial arts sessions as Julia considered battle’s lessons. The grimoire itself was only sufficient because of Yngvarr’s previous instructions in mana flows. Even then, Julia resorted to spending what knowledge points she had into the arcane to avoid misunderstanding. However, that rush of knowledge also required time spent in understanding what she'd gained. When battered terrain about the grotto attested to sufficient proficiency, Julia figured she’d delayed long enough. While it was tempting to learn more, she needed to get actual practice in the learnt spells.

[Shock Bolt: Causes a bolt of electrical energy to erupt from the caster’s hand. This unguided attack travels in a direct line and will cause damage to a single target. ]

[Shield: Creates a round shield capable of deflecting physical attacks under the guidance of the caster’s mind. Opponents take no damage from merely coming into contact with the shield.]

[Spike: This spell causes an energy spike to stab out up to four metres from the surface targeted during the casting. They can cause it to activate immediately, after elapsed time, or by an event. (presence of fire, movement of an object). Total wait time allowed for a spike spell depends on the caster’s proficiency.]

[Lightning Bolt: Causes a surge of energy to erupt from the caster’s hand. The bolt will travel onwards in a straight line unless earthed out and will damage all entities along or near its course. The caster’s proficiency determines the bolt's length and damage sustained. The maximum range is thirty metres.]

[Shock Blast: Causes an electrical blast to radiate out five metres from a targeted location. Placement range and damage depend on the caster’s proficiency.]

[Spirit Barrier: Erects a barrier against incorporeal foes. The barrier works most efficiently when the affinity of the Mana opposes the entity. It causes no damage this form only holds foes at bay. The shield’s duration depends on the caster’s proficiency.]

[Slow: Applies a temporal delay into the target’s physical perceptions. This leaves the subject vulnerable, subject to disorientation, and with slowed reactions.]

Tones of pure sweetness were echoing through the cavern when Julia appeared within it. The song’s every note now reverberated energy through the cavern. Even with the song stronger, Julia could see the Elven Souls' shadows within the rock hadn’t faded. When her shadow touched against the first, the gestation process triggered. The pace of distortion unaffected by the song's strength as the forces twisted and moulded the Soul present.

With sharp steps, Julia backed away from the rock face and started casting. With each casting improving the last, she set Jade and Primordial Mana's spikes between her and it. As the womb broke open, it leapt forward towards her; and the spikes triggered, stabbing deep into its form. Before it landed, a mass of earthen energy smashed it against the back wall of its womb. Earth Mana merged into Lightning Bolt became a torrent of energised stone that it couldn’t avoid in mid-air.

Its shoulder looked broken when it rose again, and power had cut channels in its torso and legs. Yet still, it dashed towards Julia, despite the injuries. Slow greeted it when the distance closed, the effect of the spell apparent in its broken grace. Julia stepped inside its flailing strikes. Its twisting blades glanced off Ki Armour’s aura. In reply a flurry of Ki Strikes backed by Energy Drain’s blackness caved in its warped chest.

[Combat Summary:


Nox Echo x1

Killing blows: 1

Solo kills: 1

Exp Gained: 2,250

The defeat of entity one Tier higher: 450

Total: 2,700

Demonic Shards Gained: 1

Experience distributed between classes:

Blood Monk : +840

Wizard: +1,620

Succubus: +240

Spike (1->11)

Lightning Bolt (1->2)

Slow (1->2)

Ki Armour (1->2)]

Their song rose in triumph and greeting as the golden Soul raced deeper into the grotto.

I don’t know what’s happening with my friends yet. So I’ll help as many of you back to your Kin as I can; while I figure out what I can do.

So assassin doesn’t level cause I just want to set them free?

Soul Sight guided her to the next form, and Julia observed its form distort and flesh filled out. The distraction of adjusting the profile’s feedback far too little to avoid understanding. Aware of its empty hollowed sockets still filled with hate, as its womb ruptured and it launched to attack. Ki Armour rippled Ki’s heated veneer across her form, and spectral flames licked at the surrounding air. Blades twisted and stabbed towards flesh, but Julia found it slower compared to the first fight. As Julia’s replies cracked its organic armour before Danger Sense rang out. Teleport carrying her away as another leapt across the distance towards the pair. As they fought, the sound of other wombs rupturing rumbled through the air.

Dominion is still active, silly.

As they untangled themselves, J stepped in and buried rabbit punches in the second’s ribs. The Ki and blackness broke through protection and bone. With the Nox already pressed against each other, Julia kept the pressure on with further blows. They struggled awkwardly, trying to get clear of each other. Still, barbed legs raked and thrashed, breaching Ki Armour with forceful kicks. While Julia kept in motion, and attacks tried to keep them tangled together. They twisted and turned against her in return. When they separated and lashed kicks from different angles; Julia dropped and spun, pivoting on a braced arm as a spinning leg sweep impacted each. The Nox’s spiked feet anchored deep enough that there was no give to let legs flex; instead, they broke.

[Combat Summary:


Nox Echo x2

Demonic Shards Gained: 2

Total-experience distributed between classes: 5,540

Blood Monk : +5,130

Succubus: +410

Ki Armour (2->12)

Dominion [Ap](17->18)]

The crippled foes had proved easy enough to finish. Though more Nox seemed cooked sufficiently to join in, they’d held back concealed from sight.

What is the deal with these things? They just take their own sweet time unless they can directly see me.

With a trip spell loaded with Jade Court Mana, Julia threw it toward a distant opening. The foe within dashing forward even as the spell landed. Its momentum sent it sprawling, yet when it regained its footing, it charged. The motion turning into a broken field run as it dodged one shock bolt and then another. Its course took it past other unresponsive openings before Julia cut loose. The Jade Court charged Shock Blast was a siren’s call to all it touched. Their flesh and the stone about them awash with smoke from the energy’s touch, four others joined the assault.

Hi boys and girls. Is it playtime?

With attention to the leading Nox, Julia pushed stimulation to share the same flaying experience with it.

[Stimulation Success boosted by Dominion

Willpower 52 vs 42

Level Totals: 70 vs 40

Stimulation[B](18 -> 19)]

In reply, its wordless groan was equal parts of pleasure to pain, and it ran faster still.

Kinky bastard!

Julia reinforced the fading Ki Armour and set its flames flickering to life again as it leapt forwards. It was close to landing when her front kick hammered into its chest. Transformed hands stabbed for flesh even as Julia’s kick stopped it cold. The impact from the momentum and the kick echoed through them both. A palm block against its forearm deflected a rushed stab. Julia turned with the motion and shifted position with it. The Nox turned to stab again, and Julia slipped low. With its twisting blade sliding along her face, Julia’s punch drove its turning knee to lock and break. Support for its turn gone, it fell forward into her rising elbow strike: Force and its momentum combined to snap its neck. The Soul fled for the depths with a look of grief towards the others.

Don’t worry, mate. They'll be with you soon.

Skills level best when challenged. Five on one, well, are four on one enough? Or do I need more?

When the closest leapt, Julia crouched and sprang. Its face thudded against her foot. The full force of the rising front kick and its jump clashed to crush bone. Blackness drinking as it fell. Yet lifeless blades still sought flesh. Teleport cleared her from the tangle, and Julia landed back past the dead. Settling in a back stance, she waited, watching their anger change to caution.

Critical hit cockpit, mech disabled. Okay, three on one, but they’re taking things seriously now. What is it with the leaping shit they do? They can’t wait, so it goes kill kitty kill?

With glances exchanged, the three spread out. Two flanked her as the middle strode forward with their liquid grace. Julia settled into Battle Trance and waited for the dance to start. When they came, it was in a flurry. Blades and their anger-filled motions cut the air. Julia’s movement flowed with their own, surrendering unneeded ground to the momentum of their rage. Palm blocks deflecting their blows aside, and every contact let blackness drink. Their blades, twisting for her flesh, slid along Ki’s veneer of flames. Dominion’s aura taunting them; they gave no heed to danger. With Battle Trance aware of Energy Drain’s successes. Their every attack turned against them. Blades slid across her Ki Armour while blocks let the blackness drink repeatedly.

[Combat Summary:


Nox Echo x5.

Demonic Shards Gained: 5.

Total-experience distributed between classes: 13,850.

Blood Monk : +7,790.

Wizard: +2,050.

Succubus: +4,010.

Shock Blast (1->2).

Ki Armour (12) -> [B](5).

Ki Infusion [Ap](28 -> 30).

Dominion [Ap](18->19).

Energy Drain [J](9->10).]

In the end, Julia bowed respectfully to the three golden Souls. Their motions hesitant, yet they spread arms and hands to her in return—the simple gesture filled with a peaceful, ethereal grace. Sadness and thanks shone in their glowing eyes before they fled.

I wonder if they’d move as gracefully in the flesh as they do as Souls? It makes the Nox’s grace look like nothing.

Now I want to spar with a living Night Elf deeper in this place. I’m sure I’d learn so much.

Well, three of them didn’t challenge Battle Trance enough for an insight. Let’s see what I need.

Julia's smile widened with a look at the curving wall and the shadows ahead, and Ki Movement sped her steps. Eyes taking in every prisoner's twisting as the aura woke it, she ran. With so many taunted and prepared, Julia’s Teleport returned her to the start. Ruptured holes in the rock waited for her in so many places. Shock blast called the beginning, and as the Nox came forth, another shot out, beckoning more to join.

You are a cray-cray girl.

The song swelled greater still, with each Nox destroyed. Wafting scents of crisp night air and blooming flowers pushed back against the stagnant oppression of the earth. At first, with minor changes, and then greater strides, it crested the crater’s outer ridgeline. Through it, all Julia’s Battle Trance kept her in motion. As every time the battle slowed, a spell went forth; and more Nox came from their wombs to join the fray. Sent to destruction by a spell, fist or form, the one constant was the thirst of blackness.

Barbed kicks and misjudged stabs sipped or drank. Demonic blood from their wounds and hers painted the floor with their battle’s flow. Sudden shields and Slow tainted reactions added to the mix. Yet, in the chaos and death’s wake, the dance continued. Each form falling, adding to their dance halls’ song. Tones, so pure and sweet, trumpeted through the air. Their purity making the Heat within their forms groan and creak. Battle Trance’s focus drew on Mental Hardening’s strength, and the music lent Julia grace with its pain. Julia slid and tumbled through their midst and when intentionally surrounded added focused will to Dominion’s taunt. When they lunged as one, she changed and drank. A nest of spears and lances having bloomed where they landed. The rush of Souls made the music surge, and within untapped wombs, stone bubbled and Demonic shells melted.

As their Demonic shells rejoin the stone, Harmony joined Ki to embrace the music. On the cusp of powers, hers and theirs, smothering the Heat of form between them. Julia’s will grasped for Teleport, and it took her away. Steam rose in waves from flesh as Julia knelt in front of the interlocked letters to wait and heal.

((Sorry child, it is so beautiful. We can have it again. Your dancer’s grace showed promise. ))

{{Oh, that pain, so bad it was so delicious. Did it make you wet?}}

Night elves certainly know how to show this girl a hot time.

Julia, you are cray-cray.

The addition of so many shards will certainly have Usd’ghi even surer I was born of the Abyss instead of a Soul.

I’ve seen so many Demons, some with centuries yet barely any levels, while others I couldn’t read. I need to push myself, or days will disappear with nothing achieved.



J. Trouble. Viper.

True Name


Lesser Succubus


5 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed)


(126.1/ 200)

Home Plane






Blood Monk


723,555/ 800,000



134,230 / 150,000



540,470 / 550,000



3,400 / 4,000


55 (Ki Armour Active: 76)

Melee Attack Power





Unallocated Point: 4















200 Base: 40 Bonus: x5








Abyssal, Darkness, Earth, Jade Court, Lightning, Mental, Primordial, Spatial, Time

Spell Forms

Mental: Charm Mortal (6), Dream Sending (5), Implant Command (5), Surge Emotion [Ap](5)

Lightning: *Lightning Bolt (18), *Shield (9), *Spike (11), *Shock Blast [B](3), Shock Bolt (9), *Tracing Missile [J] (3),

Time: *Trip [J](1), Slow (18)

Darkness: *Cloak [Ap](14)

Mana: Spirit Barrier (1)

*Denotes forms available allowing casting with alternative Mana affinity

[L] = Lesser. [M] = Minor. [I] = Improved. [G] = Greater. [Im] = Immune.


Air (2), Acid [I] (6), Cold (5), Electricity [M] (14),

Fire [Im], Mana [I](1), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (10), Primordial [L](1).

[B] = Beginner. [Ap] = Apprentice. [J] = Journeyman. [Ad] = Adept.


Abyssal Adaptability [Ad] (7), Corruption (5), Dark Sight [Ap] (12), Demonic Pact (5), Dominion [Ap](28), Energy Drain [J] (22), Flight [J] (2), Greater Teleport (Self) [J] (8), Harmony [Ad] (7), Ki Armour [J](2), Ki Infusion [J](9), Ki Movement [J] (17), Ki Strike [Ad] (9), Mana Sense [J] (17), Protean [J] (9), Soul Sight [J](17), Stimulation [B](19), Telepathy [Ad] (4),Translate Languages [J] (16)


Active -

Abyssal City Navigator (2), Acrobatics [J] (10). Acting [Ap](18), Alchemy (9), Analysis [J](14), Battle Trance [J](11), Bite [J] (1), Claws [J] (10), Climbing [Ap] (1), Danger Sense [J](6), Inscribe (9), First Aid (1), Fly [Ap] (6), Haggling [Ap](15), Leatherworking [B](3), Ki Meditation [Ad] (7), Mana Manipulation [J](34), Mental Hardening [J] (27), Pain Tolerance [J](10), Planar Sense [Ap] (28), Perception [J] (11), Profile Control [Ap](2), Sense Motive [Ap](6), Spear [J](3), Stealth [J](15), Time Sense [J](3), Unarmed Combat [Ad] (13)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore [J](3), Arcane [J] (8), Celestial Lore (15), Demonic Lore [J] (2), Elven Lore (1), Hidden Lore (11), Planar Lore [J](2), Planar Portals [Ap](3), Rune Lore (9), Skill Lore [B](8), Undead (5)

Skills Points


Knowledge Bonus



Abyssal, Infernal, Celestial (Common), English, Norse, BrÍn Hand sign, High Elven

Special Abilities




Max Capacity

80 Kilograms - Used: 44


The Agony of Horus. (4) Messenger’s Loop, (1) Dagger of Tracking

Bracers of Missile Negation, Planar Conduit

Runes: Air Stop (50), Earthen Spike (50), Lightning Spike (50)

Clean Flasks (30)

Alchemy Field Kit, Rune Inscribing Kit, Materials Processing Kit,

Assorted Abyssal Coins, Dominator Travel Leathers (Damaged),

(20) Nox Hand Spikes, (20) Nox Back Plates

(1) Storage Pouch capacity 40 kilograms (empty)

Empowered Dusk Emerald

Worn / Carried

Amulet of Portage. Ring of Silent Motions. Scorpion’s Kiss.

Cube of Memories

Dominator Travel Leathers (assumed form via Protean)

Amulet of Portage

Capacity: 20 kilograms - Used: 0


Harvested Damned Souls


Innocent Souls Corrupted


Soul Shards Available


Innocent Souls Bound


Soul Shards Consumed


Corruptions Failed


I gained points to allocate, but heck, one hundred thousand experience each level of Monk now.

It won’t take long to recover, but I think I’ll need to find another place to play.

So explore the tunnel near the portal for the cube to record while I hunt? Then where? One thing at a time.

Increase my tier level and then go back to the Necropolis.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.