Abyssal Road Trip

47 - Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Dust

Thanks for the massive amount of warning. Though being fair, you said I’d regret ever trusting you.

At least I should get some experience in here. Whether I can find a way out alive, that’s another thing.

((Echoing remnants of forgotten ages. ))

What was that?

Julia waited, wondering where the barely heard whisper had come from.

Great, am I unlocking Demonic Instincts? I thought I heard something, and it wasn’t in my ears.

Though it didn’t sound Demonic, it sounded sad, lonely.

((Even Gods die, child. Death draws when it doesn’t claw. ))

I need to get moving.

Julia leant against the barrier formed by the edge of the Darkness towards the dim light of Ternòx one final time. With that last gesture, she put her back to it and glided forward with measured steps. Fortunately, the wall of darkness that this place had seemed from outside wasn’t the case within. The depth of it though challenged the pressure of Ternòx’s mass that had loomed about her for weeks. The intensity of darkness teasing release as flickering lights appeared and vanished, and reappeared deeper still. It was some time before Julia saw a more consistent yet still erratic glow ahead.

A turn bought with it a transformation from a raw cave tunnel into far more. The passageway widened past another threshold, and between steps, the thing changed. Becoming sprawling body lengths across, yet seemed to offer nothing but vulnerability. With nearly about twenty metres of open space between walls, there was plenty of room for enemies to surround her. Likewise, the rough stone ceiling disappeared beyond sight, hidden by an obscuring fog.

The looming texture of it, soft yet harshly uncaring. It was blocking the glow provided by guttering candles that lingered on long-forgotten candelabras. Insubstantial, they provided illumination from the flames’ last moments. As one guttered completely and vanished, another appeared, fighting to maintain its last moments of existence. The light from the flames painting moments against the wall of mist over ahead. Casting shadows from other places, with hollow furnishings and people projected against the surroundings, stone and mist alike. Their erratic glow, pushed back by those mists, flickered over funeral niches from floor to beyond only as far as they allowed her to see.

Though whatever cremated remains, they might have held appeared long absent. The cracked memorial plaques bulged outwards into the passageway to reveal hollowness within. Smells tickled at the edges of awareness, rich loom after a long rain mingled with the dryness of parchment. Against exposed flesh, papery sensations of old fragile skin mingled with an abrasive harshness of sand and dust scouring, enfolding her with promises of the end.

Buttery sweetness of bone marrow danced on her tongue, fighting rancid decay as faded floral arrangements misted the air with their dying perfumes. Memories of days long past tried to echo in her mind. Regrets and things forgotten teased at Julia’s awareness, loss, so much loss. Echoing with the decay of life, the entropy of mortal existence. Time, Death, and Entropy consuming all things into oblivion, yet held here in their last moments.

Julia turned on both Mana Sense and Soul Sight, and the surrounding walls lit up with energies. Twisted strands of power draped everything in sight. Energy sought to brush against her, but the Abyssal Heat seemed to hold it at bay. Awareness of the strands aided against the forces that tried to overwhelm her physical senses. It also gave her uncomfortable knowledge. Within the empty niches, Soul energy had left an imprint behind. The place's power had forced compliance upon those brought here and dragged them from their resting places to serve.

Danger Sense didn’t scream. It sang and grumbled, whatever was beyond the threshold reeking of danger.

[Danger Sense [Ap](22->23)]

I don’t fulfil the horror movie trope, where the girl who has sex gets killed first.

Though I fulfil the one about going off alone. Well, fuck.

Allowing Ki to layer under her skin, Julia looked over the floor carefully before stepping out at an angle. There didn’t appear to be any funny plates on the stonework, but wasn’t it supposed to be common to trap tombs? While the mists obscured visible light, what it didn’t do, however, was to block the Souls' light. After clearing the initial few distances across the passage to make it to the memorial wall, Souls came into sight above. Scuttling forms lit up by Soul and Mana energy alike quickly came down the memorial walls.

The forms seemed shaped more of coherent energy than anything else. However, swirling slivers of bone and ash moved endlessly within their outline. Material that solidified into clawed hands, guiding them in a head-first descent towards her. Hollow eyes sockets made from ash alone held within a baneful white light that glared down.

Guess no one has come this way recently.


[Undead: Cremated Revenant

Class: Fighter

Level 10 / 10

Defence: 30

Health: 480

Mana: 0

Melee Attack Power: N/A - Successful attacks apply Vampiric Touch

Attacks: Claws [J](25)

Details: Forced back into service after death, this entity no longer has a full physical form to possess. Instead, its cremated remains are used to anchor the Soul. Unlike other Revenants, its agony drives it to attack all living beings. It will savagely attack anything not Undead, rather than seeking those who wronged it in life.

Condition: Incorporeal entity defence applies to physical attacks.]

Seeking to retreat into the narrower passageway, Julia found the same barrier that blocked her at the bridge seemed to be present here as well. A second test across the passageway at least brought her relief that her Blink still worked within. It seemed whatever force had set this place up allowed for no retreat, tactical or otherwise. As she shifted places, more of the Revenants started down from the mists above.

I have Ki Infusion to make sure I can hit them, but let’s see what this does.

The spell form came quickly into being with surprising ease. Though she had practised with other energies, this one seemed to respond quickly to her call. White shimmering power filled the tracing missile as it shot upwards. Striking against the first of the Revenants, the missile impacted hard. The empowerment of Jade Court Mana, not agreeing with whatever bound them here. Unlike the Nox, it didn’t seem able to slip away from any of the effect, as a combat notification came to her awareness.

[Mana Spent: 7

Base Damage: 36 Damage

Energy vulnerability applied: 72 Damage]

The injured Revenant didn’t wait for a second attack and leapt downwards. The others still higher on the wall stopped only for a moment. When they resumed, they were dropping faster in their gravity-defying head first descent. Whatever drove them more interested in attacking her than self-preservation. Though as the first eight followed it streaming downwards, the glimmer of more Souls showed above.

I guess all they have to look forward to is being held here longer.

It seemed only a faint semblance of mortal memories might be the only thing slowing them. When the injured Revenant finished the plunge to the floor, the ash and bone rose like a bag of dust hitting the ground. But as it reformed, the Revenant moved towards her smoothly, with no hesitation.

Damage and healing summaries only.

[Profile Control [Ap](1->2)]

The Revenant's first attack, though, confirmed while it wasn’t as fast as the Nox. Julia still found herself struck as the entire arm changed impossibly. The attacking limb turned sharply, and bones shards suddenly formed jagged claws. Shining with a glistening red power, they racked across her side.

[Damage Sustained (Resisted): 25 (718)]

Taking a page from its book, Julia replied in return. As it leapt to follow her retreat, Blink set Julia down behind it, well out of arm’s reach. Protean extended an arm, and while Ki mauled past its protections, the black pulse of energy drain fed.

[Ki Strike: 64 Damage

Energy Drain: 36 Damage - debuff - quickness and passive applied

Energy Drain: 36 Healing (743)]

Analysis continued to confirm the mass of damage that she’d applied was still present. But Julia was aware the numbers weren’t all on her side.

Now, if only there weren’t a bunch more of them coming down. Down 7 mana and 1 Ki, but back at full health for now.

As the Revenant moved to attack, Julia didn’t even try to dodge away. Instead, she sought to get inside its attacks. The Battle trance warned her of the swirl forming claws and slashing power. Protean slipped her past the attacks, swaying under one strike even as it turned. A slash of jagged claws struck at eyes, too later, as Danger Sense and Battle Trance mingled warnings. Yet as the Revenant struck her arm, she feinted a dodge, dropped flat extended with Protean and rose again on its other side.

[Damage Sustained (Resisted): 25 (718)]

An observation in the Trance caught its swinging counter before it began. Without even the need for conscious thought, Protean took her beneath the sweeping claws. Not even rising again, but instantly reformed to allow a flurry of Ki infusion blows to hammer into its side. Ki held in the flesh, instead of pushing outwards, met the strange energy of its form. The magic binding it shuddered under hammering blows as black pulses drank its power through sudden cracks.

[Infused Damage (4 strikes): 136

Energy Drain: 144 - (debuff - quickness and passive applied x4)

Energy Drain: 144 Healing (743)]

The Revenant staggered from its injuries as Julia felt the rush of stolen energy fill her again.

{{Yum Yum. So tasty. Feel their pain.}}

((Perversion of the dead's rest. ))

I feel like a Yo-Yo.

Energy drain had hurt its quickness, slowing it well below Julia’s pace. It failed to dodge as Ki and energy drain administered the final blow.

[Ki Strike: 64 Damage

Energy Drain: 36 Damage - debuff and passive applied]

The energy that held it together came apart in a muted, imploding sigh as its magic released without the Soul. Even as the form came apart, Julia had pulled the Soul into her flesh. Its anchor of ash and bone crumpled to dust with it gone at last. The Soul didn’t even scream as the Ki infusing her set it into stillness. The first wave of the other Revenants, their ash features set in lines of hatred and jealousy, dropped to the ground, ready to attack en masse.

Blink switched her location, and the Revenants swirled about to change direction. The lines of energy that bound the Souls and remains together easily traced with Mana Sense. Though they could change direction fast, they couldn’t move through each other; the spell forms bindings seemed to force a separation between them.

Blink shifted her again and put her back towards the barrier that was preventing her retreat.

Tank and spank? Wonder what most Succubus would make of that term. Also, why J? Bad to give up space that will allow you to dodge. Let them get in each other’s way, not block you.

The eight of them rushed at her as more joined the fun on the floor. As Julia finished a spell form, a white patch appeared on the floor in front of the lead pair. The Jade Court mana powering the Trip ripped into them, clashing with their existence as they crossed it.

[Mana Spent: 7

Casting success: 18 Damage

Energy vulnerability applied: 42 Damage]

Even if they don’t regenerate, I won’t be able to inflict enough damage before I run out of Mana.

This might hurt but burn baby burn.

All notifications off. I’ve got no time for distractions.

With a spell form readied, she appeared in their midst. As the first lashed out with jagged glowing claws, she let the spell fall into place. Instead of tying a thread off for it to activate, Julia kept its mana supply flowing. Jade Court mana exploded from the cloak as the strikes rained against her. The celestial energy blocking their attempts to feed. The Demon they could feel just out of reach beckoned to their hatred, despite the damage they had sustained. When they surrounded her at last, Julia exploded.

The cloak formed of Jade Court mana stretched around every extension. Spikes stabbed out into those closest and went deep inside their forms. Mana rushing through, burning her flesh and foe in its wake. The calmness of the Ki held her as the rushing power buffeted flesh. As Julia let it dissipate, blackness drank to restore the damage, and their forms collapsed. Even as mana surge ceased, Blink carried her clear as the Revenants surged forward.

That hurt. Mana surge cost me 168 health, glad the energy drains got through.

A normal wizard would have more mana than health. BBQ wizard, anyone?

Though it was a lot of mana to kill 8 of them, down to 68 mana and 141 Ki, and there are still twelve or more.

While facing the closest chasing her, the eyes still set along nested claws confirmed the truth. Lights shone through the mists further in as the ‘more’ descended. Blink moved her again, set at the pursuers’ heels. As they whirled to chase again, infused fists and blackness struck out. Red claws raised and slashed the first found purchase along the flesh. While her claws stabbed in return, the Ki infusing them easily now. Though not because she expected it to, her acceptance had led to the Ki’s own. In her travels since the grotto, they’d ceased to be just a tool to use and become a part of her instead.

Stillness in the whirlwind of motion, Ki held her mind calm while flesh wheeled and turned. A misplaced strike slid off a foe, and blackness drank uselessly against the framework of mana. Its form held power tight within, blocking all theft while the barrier remained. Yet claws that landed on her striking arm drank health with mocking ease. In return, clawed toes grew on a striking foot and raked a revenant from hip to knee. Power flowed as Ashes drifted in the wounded’s wake.

Their hunger drove the Revenants to swarm, and Julia flowed and moved from place to place. While the magic that formed them shielded against attacks, it also caused strain between them. Their energies' containment didn’t allow them to pass between or even draw close to each other. However, strikes that pierced too far through one would wear the claws from another. Revenants drank down health as blood splattered the floor, and more went without a mark. They attacked in a flood of hatred and sought to drown with the ferocity of their assault. Karate had been her mortal release, but no normal martial art can deal with such numbers. Nor was it intended for foes without true flesh. It was a foundation she needed to grow beyond.

Skills and Powers linked. One option ended, another took its place, where alone they weren’t enough, joined they grew greater. The peaceful mind from Ki Meditation supported the Battle Trance's understanding of Perception’s information. Noting what Foes were doing and what actions she needed in return. As furious foes left openings, Acrobatics, Protean, or Blink would position her to feast. Front kicks would turn into raking claws, ripping mana away from all it held. A dodging roll from one would disappear and turn into a strike against another far behind it. Only to fall to land near a third and slither away in a stream of flesh between foes. Aura taunting in her wake, and they’d turn into each blocking pursuit. In that moment of stillness, a nest of claws might stab backwards before she vanished away.

Time lost meaning as Demonic flesh set aside mortal limits and fatigue. Till at last alone, Julia knelt on the dust-covered stone. Centred amid a silent storm, waiting for the victory’s final prices to heal. Ki and Mana dancing patterns within the flesh, guided by the subtle strength of Meditation. As before, power imprisoned the Souls, but now instead of inflicting agony, they drifted in a mist of peaceful silence.

[Combat Summary

Cremated Revenant x 47

Total Experience Gained: 39,480

Monk: 18,200

Wizard: 3,080

Succubus: 18,200

Monk Levelled Up!

Succubus Levelled Up!

Trip [Ap] (3 -> 4)

Cloak [Ap] (3 -> 10)

Blink [J] (13->15)

Dominion [Ap] (14->15)

Energy Drain [J] (5 ->9)

Ki Infusion [Ap] (7-> 15)

Mana Sense [J] (16 -> 17)

Protean [J] (5->7)

Acrobatics [Ap] (19) -> [J](3)

Battle Trance [Ap] (25) -> [J](3)

Bite [Ap] (12 ->16)

Claws [J] (4->6)

Danger Sense [Ap] (23->30)

Mana Manipulation [J] (9->11)

Perception [J] (3->7)

Unarmed Combat [Ad] (3->6)]

I’m collecting Souls here. Let's go with the hunch that this was a setup.

Figure she didn’t buy my evasion or at least wanted to test it.

I never saw the list of jobs she gave him. Did she even give Lêdhins any jobs or just instructions to keep her updated and find trouble?

What was really in the storage device besides payment?

Has he reported back to her?

Does it matter? I need to stay the heck away. But I agreed to bring Souls only to her.

If I don’t, then I’m breaking the deal, and who knows what that would cost.

How many am I going to end up harvesting by the time I’m out of here? Then again, if he’s not protecting me, then what have I brought.

But in fleeing his protection. Is that voiding the deal or breaking it since I’m preventing her from fulfilling it?

Double guessing can’t even cover this mess. How many layers do I need to go? Is time on my side?

The wind echoed whispered screams and taunting moans called from the paths ahead. It's prompting however decided no choices; for set within Ki's stronghold, Julia made her own decisions. When the healing completed, and energies restored, a true hunt of the accursed began.

{{No fair! Make them scream. }}

((Peace can be found; even amid the most violent of storms. ))

((Decide child. Both for yourself and those your choices place in your care. ))

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