Abyssal Road Trip

42 - Under new management

When Julia heard the boots clicking on the stone, her first thought was amusement that the Succubus could still walk. Second, was wondering why it hadn’t just left. Turning on Telepathy, she got a sense of questions from her. Still, Julia kept on sorting through the goods the cambion had placed in his Pouch. Though her back was to the door, it didn't concern her. The unblinking steel eyes nestled among the elongated claws removed that blind spot. As it entered, Analysis again confirmed the information previously seen. With all its details showing, its relative strength weaker than her own unless there was some trick at play like Tras'laqì.


[Name: Klipyl

Species: Lesser Succubus

Class: Succubus

Level: 10 (MAX) / 16

Health: 443

Mana: 96

Defence: 22

Melee Attack Power: 43

Combat Skills (s): Bite [J] (14), Claws [J](20), Tail Strike [J](15), Thrown Blades [J](2)]

“So how do you fly without wings?” the succubus asked, her wings preening around behind her.

I shouldn’t just think of her as another Succubus. There are possibilities here. It has shown caution that I can leverage.

“How would you like to earn some more coin?” Julia asked. She was hoping to get away from explaining her Flight.

How do I tell them I had expected Flight to work the same as a games flight magics?

Another case of Intent? There are certainly enough examples of it being needed in the Abyss.

“Oh, so now you want to play? Well, your big friend upstairs certainly had his fun with me.” Her voice purred as it shifted from curious to desire in an instant.

Fun! It sounded like he was screaming in rage. I’d heard of angry sex. That was something entirely worse.

It might have well been a thin wall between us.

“I want to talk about something different,” Julia said, trying to keep from rolling her eyes.

“So what do you want to do? Change into something bigger than him?”

“Who owns this building now?” asked Julia. Her mind was bouncing possibilities around as ideas bloomed—so many options.

“One or both of you do. Between you two, there certainly isn’t anyone left of the former owners.”

To the victor go the spoils.

“I take it you’ve heard of Usd’ghi?” Julia asked, trying to emulate the chaotic style of Lêdhins questions.

“Not mixing with anything involving Covens,” she responded. Her eyes were widening as she backed away.

“Klipyl, are you sure you want to do that?” asked Julia, having gotten her ‘Use’ name from the analysis.

“How do you know my name?” Klipyl asked, freezing where she stood.

“Why haven’t you Ascended?” asked Julia. The Analysis had shown Klipyl had maxed her racial level. Yet it wasn't clear why she was still Lesser. If Demons craved power, then why hadn’t she progressed? With the warehouse dealt with, it was time to learn more.

((Careful child. You might show your hand. ))

{{Make her ours. }}

{{We could tie her in knots. If not, Lêdhins could, for us.}}

“I can’t.”

What the fuck?

“You’re stuck at Lesser Succubus?” Julia asked, her voice edged with genuine disbelief. She had wondered why a stronger Demon would need to trigger any except a Bestial.

“If you know my name, I’m sure you know lots. I thought you were weaker than me, and now I'm sure it's a trick. You feel a lot stronger than before. I do not know how you hide the rest. You don’t use wings to fly, can change your form so completely, and I can’t even touch your mind. I won’t ask your game.” Klipyl said, shaking her head, “But I don’t care what you have planned. I’m not crossing those Hags, for anyone, or any coin.”

[Sense Motive [B](4->5)]

{{Fear. So sweet, eat her up and spit her out. }}

((Fear, so predictable. Lust is a fierce emotion, but so is fear, and greed.))

Fear, desire. Two sides to the same coin. Is that what drives her assumptions?

“If you would not be crossing them? If you could get them to even favour you.” Julia asked, trying to put herself in the mood she wanted to project. Channelling the mood when thoughts of broad shoulders and powerful muscles made the last words purr from her mouth.

“How would I do that?” Klipyl asked her tone now almost overflowed with curiosity and desire of her own.

“We took care of thieves for them. Stupid thieves that stole from their grey field’s caravan. I’ll let them know you helped us get inside.”

“Is that really what this is? But the two of you did that; I was just a hired decoy. Why would you give me any credit?”

“They don't need to know the arrangement. You could gain more than the coin,” said Julia, throwing the bait for her to chase.

“Such as?” asked Klipyl, suspicion and greed apparent in her voice.

“To Ascend.”

“Why would you do that? Why should I believe any of this?” Klipyl asked, the questions laced with doubt cut off when Julia moved.

The action hadn’t been violent, just an outstretched arm. A palm moved to rest above the desk. When the eyes on Julia's back confirmed her attention, it was then lines of children’s Soul Gems suddenly appeared under her fingers. Whether it was the number or their presence, it made the Succubus’ eyes widen. Julia held herself ready to store them again in an instant if Klipyl made any move on them.

“You’ll find the broken remains of the shipping crate in the next room,” said Julia, as the Soul Gems vanished again.

“How do I know you didn’t just put it there?” asked Klipyl.

“You don’t, for now. But I’m sure you’ll hear the Coven claiming this group's destruction soon enough. For messing with their shipment,” said Julia, keeping explanation brief as she waited for Klipyl to decide which way they were going to jump.

{{Make her bend.}}

((Lure her with the temptations of power and profit. Use their tools against them. Hidden desires. ))

Not that I can trust her to stay in that direction. The risk of involving the Coven’s name, they could just swoop in.

Fuck it, it’s leverage, and they could swoop anytime, anyway. Not like I have a power base to keep them out.

“What’s the deal on offer?”

“First, sell everything worth a coin or a scrap in this place. Then convert it to a place for your customers. The local whores can set up an establishment instead of working the streets. Having to give kickbacks to the bartender to even get in the door. The Miners from Hrz’Styrn are expanding in this region. There will be more business to profit off if they know where to find you easily.”

“They do have more crews coming through. And mercenaries killing Bestial Demons. You’ll want to get that front wall repaired first.”

“No, I’m leaving that stuff to you.”

“What do you mean? How do I explain all this to those I’m selling to?”

“Hire someone to fix it. You tell them your dealing with the remains of those who crossed the Coven of Hollow Stars. It will correctly imply you work for stronger Demons because you do now. However, do not speak of myself or Lêdhins, other than to acknowledge our existence. No names, no descriptions. Is that clear?” Julia asked.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained, don’t want to haul any of it with me, and no idea who to sell it to here.

She might think it’s something to hold over us when I don't care if someone finds out.

“Well, you’ve still not given me your name. You wish to remain unknown in this matter?”

“Unknown, yes, unpaid no. There are only those two requirements. You do not speak about us. The second is you pay me my share, or I’ll take it another way. Call me, Viper.” Julia said, and between one word and the next, the claws changed. Spikes suddenly shrouded around Klipyl’s form, striking the floor, doorframe, and slipping past into the crates behind her. While Ki shredded everything else, Julia left Klipyl unscathed.

“That’s understandable,” said Klipyl, her voice calm except for a minor breathless hitch.

Darn it. Did I just get her rocks off?

{{Kill her now? Or play with her later? Decisions, decisions.}}

((Do not wound them. Kill them.))

If it screws with me, it’s dead. No second chances.

{{I’d screw with her, so bouncy. We can smell all her Heat! Can smell the hours of fucking.}}

“Good. Sell everything that remains about the goods here. I’ll expect a sizeable amount given the number of ingots, and weaponry alone. I know you’ll steal. So I’ll make this simple. If I feel you've taken too big a cut, I’ll cut something from you.”

“How much is too much?”

“If you push your luck, you’ll find out,” Julia said, still running Analysis over the items on the table.

“Yes, Mistress,” Klipyl said as soon as the surrounding spikes retracted, she moved away. Her aura came alive to Julia’s senses with that statement.

“Did I say you could go?” Julia said, her voice softly questioning.

Julia didn’t even try to emulate a snapping drill sergeant. It would feel so fake, and if it felt fake to her, others would feel it too. Instead, she focused on dealing with it like it was a mundane question. Just dealing with a vendor who caused a priority incident, making it clear management was not happy. She let the authority that Klipyl had submitted to press upon her and found it felt like digging into the Succubus' skin. The feeling was intense, delightful and too dangerous to rely on. She needed to know how to get this right.

I've got to make it always sound like an order, or a rebuke, not a suggestion.

The succubus blinked back into place as if she’d never left.

“Set your imprint into this,” Julia said.

Amusingly the Succubus seemed almost nervous when Julia tossed her the empowered Dusk Emerald that had turned up amid the loot.

“Yes, Mistress,” Klipyl said. After a few minutes, the gem was glowing, and Klipyl stepped towards her.

“Did I say to move?” Julia asked, her voice calm and distant in the hold of the Ki.

“No Mistress,” said Klipyl and froze in place.

After a few more minutes, Julia slowly extended a claw from her back out towards Klipyl. The spike’s end transforming into an elongated hand with bladed fingers as it neared her. It positioned itself as if waiting for Klipyl to place the gem in it, but she didn’t fall for the trap this time.

So the question is, did she fall for the trap last time? Playing the game? Or is she taking cues from my expectations?

“Good. When we return, if your results are high quality, you'll receive further rewards." Julia said, extending another claw, with a coin pouch suddenly hanging from it. "Now give me the gem and then start your work.”

Klipyl nodded and set the gem into the palm in front of her. Snatching up the pouch, Blink shifted her gone. Julia's sense of her didn’t fade at once, though. It was clear she wanted power and control in her existence as well. A pleased groan came through her awareness of the retreating Succubus.

Yeah, I did. Far, far too excited now.

[Dominion [Ap](7->9)


Sense Motive [B](5->9)

Haggling [Ap](9->10)]

So did it go up because she submitted, or because of something else?

Nice that I can level the base even with the aura in play. Maybe it’s giving them guidance?

Julia carefully looked over the imprint Klipyl had provided her.




Lesser Succubus


10 /10 (MAX)


948 (700)

Home Plane









Melee Attack Power























Spell Forms

Charm Mortal (6), Dream Sending (5), Implant Command (5), Surge Emotion [J](19)


Air (1), Acid (1), Cold (1), Electricity (1),

Fire [Im], Mundane Materials [G] (1)

[B] = Beginner. [Ap] = Apprentice. [J] = Journeyman. [Ad] = Adept.


Blink [Ad] (4), Change Self [Ad] (3), Corruption (5), Demonic Pact (5), Flight [J] (12), Mana Sense [Ap] (5), Telepathy [Ad] (2), Translate Languages [J] (29), Vampiric Caress [J] (24),


Active -

Abyssal City Navigator [J] (5), Acting [J](17), Agile [Ad](3), Bite [J] (14), Claws [J](20), Danger Sense [J](2), Haggling [J](4), Pain Tolerance [J](22), Perception [J] (2), Seduction [J](1), Sense Motive [J](20), Stealth [J](22), Tail Strike [J](15), Thrown Blades [J](2)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore [J](29), Demonic Lore [J] (29), Planar Lore [J](5), Factions - Ternòx [J](9), Factions - Hrz’Styrn [J](12)


Abyssal, Infernal, Planar Common

Was Klipyl just playing along because she thought I was giving her cues? Or just enjoying the game?

But the aura wouldn't have kicked in if she hadn't submitted willingly or it forced her to do so.

She’s over thirty times my mortal age, and yet still submitted to me? Just existing idle with no drive to improve and move on?

Bunch of high Journeymen and an Adept ranked skill though.

Could I end up like that if I don’t get out?

I know being in charge of someone that age shouldn’t be a factor, but this takes the cake.

{{She bows to the deadlier monster. }}

Julia shuddered as possibilities occurred to her that were things she didn't want to dwell on.

Analysis: Agile

[Agile: Increased ranks in this skill enhance the possessor's efficiency and movement capabilities, whether physically undertaken or via a Power. This also has high synergy with various melee combat and performance skills.]

So is that what Lêdhins meant, or is this something else? Guess it makes more sense than something like nimble feet since it’s for all environments. I vote for 'Slippery little sucker', that would make sense for a Succubus.

When Lêdhins still hadn’t come downstairs a while later, Julia went up to find out what was going on. Only to find him sitting around knocking back some sort of drink, still very naked.

“Put some fucking clothes on, will you!” Julia snapped, turning around as soon as she realised his state.

{{Just cause you can get off on firm muscle alone.}}

“Where the Succubus go off to?”

“Klipyl went to get some others to come to pick through what’s worth trading and sell it for us.”

“Why? I was taking a break who said anything about being done?”

“Well, you are now. Guess you shouldn’t have let her put anything at all back on,” said Julia, amusement clear in her voice.

“Still trying to give me black balls. Who said I bothered taking it off her. Doesn’t exactly stop access, does it?”

“Lêdhins, I don’t need to know. She’s stuck at Lesser Succubus.” Julia said, wanting to change the subject fast, as she moved back down the stairs. Out of sight enough not to see him, but still not have to yell.

“So?” asked Lêdhins before she heard him go back to drinking, and no sounds of dressing.

“We’re doing an exchange. She sorts this place out as in sells what hasn’t ended up broken. Gets the place converted to a business and running. Then she gets forced to Ascend.”

“You mean you’re trading her, not we,” said Lêdhins, his tone unrelenting.

“You’re the one that can force her to Ascend,” Julia said, trying to keep her tone of voice even.

“Guess you should have considered that before setting up the deal.”

“You could consider it part of protecting me if I’ve got an establishment,” said Julia, trying to keep her tone reasonable.

Not like I can run my idea past him when he tells me not to trust him.

“That’s getting you dead when it's too profitable.”

“Oh, I might have mentioned who we did this job for, that should cause some hesitation. Plus, you’ll get a share.

“It will only cause hesitation if you are paying the Coven. Why do I need funds? If I want coins, I just take another job. Not like I’m going to starve if out of work. Worse case I go hunting something for an Alchemist or Enchanter, then I’ve got coin again. Being hungry for a coin or twenty can be a driver.” Lêdhins said, smugly.

“I plan to pay the Coven, will have to sort out how much. You might as well take a share because I told her your name. So Demons would think you’re getting weak if others just walk over the place.”

“Then there’ll be some more dead ones.”

“What happens if they’re close rivals trying to piss you off?”

“Still dead Demons.”

“Stop being a pain in the arse, take your share,”

“Nah, that’s your job, you’re a pain in my arse. You need to level your classes more. You’re showing more energy.”

“You should know I’ve got Assassin now as well.”

“I told you not to tell me stuff.”

“And I need your advice in training, so hard to get accurate information in that regard if I don’t tell you my deal.”

“Need to go fight stuff using the class you want to level most with no crossovers. Or spend lots of time training in class-specific activities like Alchemy and Inscribing skills for Wizard.

“Or killing stuff just with my spells. Or just with or without claws?”

“If they aren’t intelligent foes, or you’re not killing for profit. Then you don’t get Assassin levels. It levels best for bounty or jobs where you’re deliberately killing for rewards.”

Guess I kill Nox around places like the Grotto and see what happens. Just no intention to harvest any more of the hand daggers or plating.

So since he's paying me with information and training, it's for-profit?

“Where can I find the most stuff that I can cut through the fastest?” Julia asked.

Instruct this Abyssal newbie boss.

“We’ll find something after you get this mess underway, and we deliver the cargo,” Lêdhins said.

“Where do we go for that?”

“I’ve got an item that shifts me and those nearby I want to between planes. It’s a little random, can be a few hundred kilometres off-target. Fortunately, it always sets you down in an open space. Doesn’t matter getting to the grey fields though it will matter getting back.” Lêdhins explained.

“Hence the planning after we return?” Julia asked, wondering where the heck they’d end up.

“Indeed,” said Lêdhins.

“Is it a planar portal?” Julia asked, hoping what Usd’ghi said about the technical loopholes would count.

“Can’t just move those around. Why do you ask?”

“Always need to learn more,” Julia said, trying to come across as a smart arse.

“I’m sure. Pretty sure I’ve told you about asking questions,” said Lêdhins, a frown appearing.

Still avoided the Sisterhood topic.

Darn thought it would take longer for him to get back into a gloomy mood after fucking for that long.

Then again, it didn't exactly sound like they were having a purely good time.

“Have you? I don’t remember. I’ll let you pick over the gear up here. Not sure what smells worse, the buckets of cum or all the dead you’ve still got in here. You didn't think to move them before screwing her brains out? Let me know when Klipyl gets back.”

“Why bother moving them? Where will you be?” Lêdhins asked as he looked through a nearby crate for another bottle.

“Downstairs practising Teleport instead of Blink between the stacks. Hopefully, I don’t lose a limb.”


“Losing a limb would require healing,” Julia said, the unseen smile clear in her voice as she walked away.

“Smart arse,” said Lêdhins, his voice only a mock growl this time.

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