Abyssal Road Trip

418 - I got you

Amdirlain’s PoV - Outlands - Outpost of the Monastery of the Western Reaches

Amdirlain danced close to Sarah for over an hour, relaxing in her arms. Though the style had shifted repeatedly, Amdirlain had controlled her nervousness at choosing dances that let them hold each other. Sarah’s complex themes gained sweeping energy, and Amdirlain delighted in the reaction dancing stirred. When Sarah moved to steal a kiss, Amdirlain didn’t pull away.

She said my kisses were a starting point.

When Sarah’s warm lips brushed against hers briefly, pleasure and anxiety tingled through Amdirlain. Butterflies kicked up a frenzy in her stomach, and her face flushed deeply in the short time the gentle kiss lasted.

“You were enjoying the dancing, I take it,” breathed Amdirlain. “Did I get brownie points?”

“Yes, and you were being romantic, even if I never expected to enjoy letting someone lead me,” said Sarah. “You got half your morning freed up and spent a chunk of it dancing with me. Lots of points scored.”

“Will I get in trouble if I admit to multitasking?” asked Amdirlain.

Sarah hummed. “That depends on what multitasking you were doing. I could feel a lot through the mental link you maintained.”

“Mostly using Harmony on Dareios’ Change Self,” admitted Amdirlain.

The soft brush of warm lips stole Amdirlain’s subsequent admission. “That was the purpose of the exercise: to relax and feel the Power.”

“I’m trying to be open,” protested Amdirlain.

Sarah smiled. “Was there anything I couldn’t feel from your link?”

“No, but I thought some of it might mingle unintelligibly,” said Amdirlain.

“I could hear you absorbing many songs,” said Sarah. “A background of noise buzzing in your thoughts. What was most of your active attention on?”

“You, and not messing up dancing with you,” replied Amdirlain.

Sarah glanced at Dareios and Gilorn. “Would you two give us some privacy, please?”

Gilorn disappeared, and Dareios followed her lead, though Amdirlain heard him reappear near Kadaklan’s manor.

He’s scored a mentor already.

As Amdirlain noted Dareios’ first step towards the front door, Sarah cradled Amdirlain’s face. “I love you, and I know your brain will never be one hundred per cent on me alone.”

“I’ll try,” sighed Amdirlain.

“It’s not something to worry about, as sealing other songs off puts you in danger,” replied Sarah, caressing Amdirlain’s face with her fingertips. “And that is the last thing I want. The numbers in your profile are so anticlimactic when you can follow the chemical reactions in plants and individual blades of grass all across the mountain. I felt how much of your focus was listening to all the music from me. You’ve got a perfect memory, so why were you so intent on memorising my song?”

“I was trying to drown other fears,” admitted Amdirlain.

Sarah cupped her face. “Are you going to run off if I kiss you the way I want to kiss you?”

“I don’t know if that would provoke more butterflies or quieten them,” admitted Amdirlain, licking her lips nervously.

“More butterflies?” questioned Sarah. “Not sharing that through the link.”

“I’m trying to contain my fear of messing up,” Amdirlain replied nervously. “Self-doubt is a plague, but I thoroughly enjoyed our kiss.”

“How much?” breathed Sarah, leaning in close.

You’re such a failure as a romantic, Amdirlain.

Amdirlain bit her lip. “It made my world seem better and swallowed my fears.”

“Anything you need to do to overcome fear is fine with me,” said Sarah, now close enough to touch noses in a light Eskimo kiss. Their proximity let the warmth of Sarah’s breath spill a sweet aroma into Amdirlain’s nostrils. Sarah’s theme flared with a bright glee that gave a moment’s warning before she gently claimed Amdirlain’s lips.

The tender kiss became increasingly fervent, and Amdirlain sighed into Sarah’s mouth as hands traced along her sides and came to rest on her hips. With slow swaying dance steps, Sarah guided them towards the platforms until Amdirlain’s back pressed against a pillar. With her pinned there, Sarah’s hands lifted to cling to Amdirlain’s shoulders as their kissing quickened. Amdirlain’s focus locked onto Sarah’s heartbeat as it gained a fevered tempo. A soft rumble echoed in Sarah’s throat, and she slipped away from Amdirlain’s lips only to bestow more hungry kisses tracing down her neck.

The storm of butterflies rampaged to the beat of Sarah’s theme, filling her mind. Swept up in its urgency, Amdirlain pressed her body closer, enjoying the heady scent and quivering tempo that rang through both of them. As Sarah’s heated kisses lingered along the side of Amdirlain’s neck, she tried to arch back to allow Sarah better access, only to be restrained by the pillar, and a desperate groan escaped. As she tried to get into a better position, her fingers dug into Sarah’s back, bringing forth a pleased chuff.

Sarah’s soft exhalations sent a flush across Amdirlain’s form, teasingly moving her mouth along a hairbreadth from contact. The occasional contact drew more groans from Amdirlain, and her fingers worked along Sarah’s back.

With Amdirlain’s kneading fingers egging her on, Sarah alternated between devouring kisses and tracing the muscles along Amdirlain’s throat with delicate flitting licks that sent flames of desire to burn restraint away.

When Sarah finally eased off, Amdirlain was wide-eyed. A frustrated passion thrummed through her flesh, aware that she’d looped a leg around Sarah’s hips at some point.

Did I mess that up? Clumsy. She really likes my neck. Dragon instincts?

‘That wasn’t clumsy,’ projected Sarah. 'And yes, I enjoyed your reaction as well. You are deliciously flexible.'

Amdirlain coughed sheepishly. “You weren’t meant to hear that.”

“I’ll take your lower guard as a compliment,” Sarah huskily replied.


Sarah put a finger to her lips. “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, my love. Any apologies to be made should be mine. As I said, I let you set the pace. I’ve been trying to behave, but after that dancing, I’ll need to cool my blood if we’re still taking our time.”

“Was it just the dancing that pressed your buttons that much?” questioned Amdirlain sheepishly.

“I’ve certainly no complaints about your dancing or openness to those kisses, my love,” Sarah breathed warmly. “Dancing with you felt like a mating flight.”

Is she wanting to ensure I believe it?

I told her I wanted to take it slow and didn’t consider why she was so happy to be dancing.

The apology on her lips prompted Amdirlain to bite the inside of her mouth. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Our souls had been linked for so long. How much influence does that have?

“Falling in love with you was no accident and involved no coercion,” Sarah said reassuringly, her gaze still locked on Amdirlain’s. “You could hear me. Why second-guess yourself?”

“I felt badly out of practice and clumsy,” admitted Amdirlain.

“We can learn what you like together. Did you enjoy yourself?” purred Sarah.

Her blush returned with a vengeance, and Sarah’s gaze fixed on her lips. “Did you prefer me kissing you or teasing along your throat?”

“I’m not choosing,” coughed Amdirlain. “None of my prior experience got that steamy. Well, I thought it had been steamy, but I was so very wrong.”

“We’ll have to do something about that then,” Sarah said with a smug smile. “Perhaps we should include a spot in your schedule for kissing practice.”

“Yeah, well, I won’t object to that,” allowed Amdirlain. “This gives me nervous butterflies.”

“Are you having second thoughts now?” asked Sarah, caressing her face.

“No,” Amdirlain said, waving her hands helplessly. “It’s just I feel so clumsy and awkward.”

Sarah smiled, and her gaze blazed like a furnace. “Maybe we won’t need Kli’s help after all, just time to get comfortable.”

“She might have sensible suggestions to progress things and avoid mishaps,” said Amdirlain. “She’s got experience in that regard and might have good suggestions.”

Gosh, I’m just repeating myself endlessly. Holy heck! I can face demons, and Eldritch beings yet stumble with simple communication now?!

“True. Kli has had a lot of success in guiding couples,” agreed Sarah. “Originally, I’d more than partly meant my suggestion to her as a joke. Who’d have guessed that a Succubus would handle couples counselling so well?”

“Serendipity,” said Amdirlain.

Sarah snorted loudly and wrapped her arms around Amdirlain again. “We could go upstairs and just hug. That’ll let you cool off as well.”

“Let’s do that,” agreed Amdirlain.

“What’s the bet she suggests something involving nudity?” quipped Sarah; despite her light-hearted tone, the heat in her gaze was clear.

I’m not sure Sarah wants to cool off, but I need to soak my mech’s heat vents.

“I think we’ll tone down whatever she comes up with,” mumbled Amdirlain, feeling her flush return.

Will something happen to disturb things, or will we get the rest of this session to ourselves?

When they ventured upstairs, they relaxed into each other’s embrace.

The midday chimes were ringing when Klipyl entered the training hall, and a mental hail from Sarah signalled their location.

Klipyl called out as she strode towards them along the viewing platform, waving happily. “Hey. I got your message, sis you wanted to speak?”

“I asked you here to speak with both of us,” clarified Amdirlain.

Klipyl glanced between them in surprise. “Ahh, why? I thought you’d made up?”

“I’m getting used to past life baggage,” said Amdirlain. “My gender preferences in a partner didn’t involve females. She gives me steamy kisses but part of my brain still tries to skip sidewards.”

“Well, in that case,” Klipyl looked at Sarah. “Do you have issues with picking a male form?”

“That’s not fair to Sarah. I can hear her Soul and love. Why should I ask her to change for my convenience?” Amdirlain objected.

“Because you’re still getting used to each other and learning if you’re compatible. You might find she does nothing for you in bed,” replied Klipyl.

Amdirlain went red.

“Or she might have already pressed your buttons, and that’s a pointless concern,” continued Klipyl, “Anyway, most species don’t have the option of their partner changing their appearance, but since you have that advantage, why not appear as you each prefer? Why make things more difficult for you if you’re physically attracted to a different form? I mean, it’s just a Draconic Shroud, right? Shindraithra can look however she wants.”

Why is Klipyl using Sarah’s draconic name as well?

“Sarith said something similar,” replied Amdirlain.


“She said I was making things hard on myself,” said Amdirlain. “But it’s not about just Sarah’s appearance.”

“Do tell,” prompted Klipyl. “You know your choice of name is also making things harder. Try using a Dragon name at times to shake things loose.”

Okay, she’s trying to shift my outlook. Was Bahamut doing the same thing or just because he knew Sarah’s original life?

“If we took that route, I would feel shallow. It would say that I can’t accept someone’s love because of how it’s wrapped up,” explained Amdirlain. “A person is more than just their skin, gender, or species.”

“Okay, I can accept that is your feeling on the subject, and there isn’t any point in avoiding one difficulty and introducing guilt instead,” Klipyl waved towards an upper platform. “Why don’t we go up further? There is less chance of anyone bothering you, and we’ll need a padded table, some towels, and privacy.”

“What are you up to?” questioned Sarah.

“No, it’s what you two will get up to, not me,” Klipyl replied before giving Amdirlain an exaggerated wink. “Would you prefer first to be the toucher or the touched?”

“What do you mean?” asked Amdirlain suspiciously. “I was just after a suggestion, a course of action to pursue later.”

Klipyl gave a sulky pout before exhaling sharply, tossing her fringe about. “Fine. Massages. Controlled touch is a powerful tool when trying to relax about another person’s body. The rules are simple: back massage only—warmed scented oils are nice—and stick between shoulders and hips, no straying further to avoid souring things by moving too early. I’d suggest you learn to relax with each other for at least a few weeks. Honestly, you could go through this for a century or two. Anyway, take turns bringing pleasure to the other person with a massage. Even without Mortal muscle tension, someone caressing your skin feels so yummy. The thought of it alone gives me good shivers.”

“That’s a starting point?” Sarah asked, smiling at Amdirlain. “We could do the massaging with clothing on to help you relax.”

“It’s beyond the normal starting point I give people,” admitted Klipyl. “Some of what I normally suggest you already seem to do, so we’re going further than I normally start with an unfamiliar couple.”

“What do you normally get them to start on?” asked Amdirlain. “I’ve got enough issues. Try slowing things down a bit.”

“Hugs, telling the other person something you appreciate about them each day, and tell yourself something positive each day.”

“Why that last one?” asked Amdirlain.

Klipyl’s brows lifted. “I thought that would be obvious. If you’re angry with yourself about things in your life, you’re less open to hearing good things from others. That can range from just turning a deaf ear to your state of mind, being paranoid and believing the other person is just trying to butter you up for something they want. Most angry people are paranoid and closed-minded. By being positive about yourself first, you react to others saying positive things with less suspicion.”

“How did you learn that?” asked Sarah. “Pretty sure it wasn’t something I was in a state to tell you.”

“By listening to people’s minds,” admitted Klipyl. “Someone happy is more open to hearing positive things from others. Their minds react differently when hearing compliments. If you tell a person in pain they did a good job, it might soften their mood somewhat, but being in less pain is still pain. Giving someone who is mellow and relaxed a genuine compliment can turn their relaxed state into a happy one. Not that all people react to words, but lots do.”

“What do you normally suggest to someone to get themselves into a receptive mood for compliments?” asked Amdirlain.

“Regularly tell yourself something good about yourself or read a positive note,” instructed Klipyl.

“Have you been sharing tips with Sarith?” asked Amdirlain.

Klipyl shook her head. “We’ve spoken, but no tip sharing.”

Do I ask her what Sarith meant when she threatened Kadaklan with setting Klipyl on him?

“I’m fine with you rubbing my back, clothing or not,” said Sarah, her lips curled in a saucy, inviting smile.

Amdirlain felt the heat suddenly radiate from her skin in a full-body flush.

“So, bare skin?” purred Sarah.

“Clothing,” yelped Amdirlain. “Your kiss fried my brain earlier. I’m presently overloaded on physical touch.”

Klipyl laughed happily and leaned forward to pat their knees. “I love you both, and I’m so glad for you. Remember, nothing worth doing is easy. While I’m all for you two starting massages immediately, it’s always your choice what to make of it and when you use it.”

“Up to you, my love,” said Sarah casually.

“I’m pretty sure your blood needs to cool more,” replied Amdirlain. “I know mine does.”

“Ohhh!” cooed Klipyl, interlocking her fingers in front of her stomach. She pivoted back and forth, directing a knowing look Amdirlain’s way. “To know enough to give you the best advice, I will need details.”

“No,” huffed Amdirlain sternly.

“That’s not fair,” protested Klipyl playfully. “I’ll happily give you blow-by-blow details anytime you want.”

I hear too much as it is.

“How are you finding learning to smith?” asked Amdirlain.

Klipyl grumbled momentarily about the change in subject before she gave a bright grin. “Another hobby that involves pounding, what’s not to love?”

As Amdirlain groaned, Klipyl laughed and wiggled happily about on her chair.

A Dragon Gate formed at the mountain's base and hummed with the same strange pitch that Amdirlain had previously heard. The man who stepped across its threshold seemed to carry part of its energy with him in a wooden box in his hands. Amdirlain examined the elaborately carved box he’d brought and delved inside its padded interior to take in the smaller Ki-infused jade container. The white jade was a fist-sized sphere with salmon swimming across its surface, and inside it was an orb of glass and steel that spun in its centre.

It’s a strange nested gyro sphere. Each part is decorative in its own right.

The man looked up towards the mountain’s height before he lifted into the air and started towards Master Cyrus’ manor. Behind him, the Dragon Gate closed, and its disruption to the Outlands’ theme vanished. Amdirlain wasn’t surprised when, shortly after he arrived at the Manor, Cyrus sent a Message advising her of the need to postpone their afternoon session. Though the vague wording stirred Amdirlain’s curiosity, she didn’t eavesdrop on Cyrus and his guest.

♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫

I’m sure I won’t be up to using some of that advice anytime soon.

“Do you think we should be here when the dragons arrive?” asked Amdirlain, looking to change the subject after Klipyl’s departure.

“Their arrangement is with Livia,” said Sarah, wrinkling her nose in contemplation. “It might be better if we’re not. If you’re about, then some dragons might take you as the power behind the throne, so to speak, given your guest status here. At a minimum, I’d suggest not to be part of greeting them, though you might want to let Livia know you’ll be away. Don’t you have an afternoon lesson?”

“Cyrus has a guest,” advised Amdirlain absently.

“Your brain is jumping about,” snickered Sarah. “Does Klipyl’s recommendations have it doing a soft restart?”

“Fuck yes, after suggestion four, I felt like a living blush,” Amdirlain clamped a hand over Sarah’s mouth as she howled with laughter. “She’s a brat, years of singing innuendos, and I was dying.”

Sarah got herself under control, but her eyes still twinkled with mischief. “Okay, brain reset for you. Pick a random item from your to-do list.”

Amdirlain picked one with a sharp exhale, and her focus pushed the embarrassment away. “Gilorn wanted to experience a Planar Seed being created, and if I give myself more time, it’ll be easier to smooth the music.”

“How badly did you hurt yourself last time?”

Amdirlain grimaced. “Let’s just say it was dramatic.”

“Then please don’t rush,” stated Sarah.

“I noticed you didn’t say don’t do it,” observed Amdirlain.

Sarah caressed her face and tucked a stray hair behind Amdirlain’s ear. “You’re the one deciding what you need to do. Should I come along or leave you in Gilorn’s care?"

“We’ll be floating between planes in the chaos streams,” advised Amdirlain.

The gagging sound Sarah gave in response drew a smile from Amdirlain.

“Should I take that as a no?”

“I take it that I’ll see you in the morning?” enquired Sarah.

“Shouldn’t need that much time, but it depends on how much I learn in the process,” replied Amdirlain. Dispatching a Message to Gilorn, she provided her with the music of a Demi-Plane.

“I’ve my own studies and students to deal with this afternoon,” advised Sarah, and she lightly kissed Amdirlain farewell.

Amdirlain coughed and playfully fanned herself when Sarah let her go.

“Be back soon,” said Amdirlain, and she vanished from the hall.

While she waited in the Demi-Plane, she expanded its boundary, using the effort as a warm-up exercise. She diligently took in the changing theme, intending to grow it slightly larger than Earth-sized. Gilorn appeared hovering nearby when the expansion had only reached the two-thirds mark, but she didn’t speak until Amdirlain stopped expanding the Demi-Plane.

“Are you only creating the one Planar Seed?” asked Gilorn.

Amdirlain regarded Gilorn with concern. “I’m not planning to create planar seeds continually. If I didn’t have a long-term purpose for the watery Plane we discussed, I wouldn’t create it.”

“If I have other species that need places to live in the heavens?” questioned Gilorn.

“What species did you have concerns about?” asked Amdirlain. “The souls going to the heavens can adapt somewhat to the environment. The energy of the heavens supports their needs.”

“There are other species besides aquatic ones that could do with places that allow them to move about as they once did, not just exist,” clarified Gilorn.

“Do you have a specific species in mind?” repeated Amdirlain.

“There might be,” hedged Gilorn. “I’ll admit I hope this won’t be the last time I hear the creation of a Plane.”

She does love creating things. Did Ori instil that in Gilorn deliberately?

“I’ll let you know if I have reason to create another,” reassured Amdirlain, and she opened a Gate into the Chaos stream. Gilorn set protections about herself before following Amdirlain through the Gate. “I’ll warn you in advance the size isn’t close to the efficiency of Orhêthurin’s efforts. Her planar seeds were smaller than the tip of my little finger."

“She could do many things. Even now, some I’ve no idea how she managed,” replied Gilorn. “If I compare all the time she spent training me to what she could do alone, I didn’t help her create enough to repay the effort. While I was off listening to the music yesterday, I came to a conclusion that saddens me. Would you give me your perspective?”

“I’ll listen, but I’ve got so much baggage that I might not give the best insights,” cautioned Amdirlain.

“That’s alright,” replied Gilorn. “I would appreciate it if you would tell me what you think of my conclusion.”

Amdirlain nodded.

“I think I was merely a part of a safety net she established for the realm,” stated Gilorn. “She trained me so that she could allow herself to die without guilt. For billions of years while I slumbered, she readied herself to die, where if I’d been awake, I might have stopped her from being so lonely.”

There are so many people damaged by the flow-on effects of despair.

“Oh, Gilorn, that is not on you at all,” reassured Amdirlain. “While I can understand your feelings, Orhêthurin was broken long before you.”

“Then why are the mistakes of her past something you’re focused on fixing?” questioned Gilorn abruptly.

Her tight tone drew a frown from Amdirlain. “What would you suggest as an alternative?”

“Go back to the plinth. Your species blocked your Realm Step Power. Get rid of the curse so you can leave,” said Gilorn.

I never told her that, and few know. I’ve got enough of my own issues without other people pissing in the pool.

Amdirlain’s nostrils flared, and her hands balled into fists. “Did someone speak to you while you were off listening to your creations?”

Gilorn chimed in frustration. “Why do you insist you need to stay?”

“Avoiding the question is a yes. I stay because I decided I would,” replied Amdirlain. “I will not abandon people I can help, and I will not abandon my family and those they care about. You don’t have to tell me who you spoke to, but stop being the messenger for them. You’re welcome to give me facts and details, but I’ll make my own decisions.”

“Until you put yourself into a position where the choices are taken from you,” corrected Gilorn.

“Gilorn, please set this aside and stick to teaching me True Song,” advised Amdirlain. “Whoever decided to pluck your strings about this has given you some bad advice.”

“Isa is a puppet of Luck when it holds onto her oaths of service. Will you make yourself a puppet?” asked Gilorn. “What Concept will you serve unknowingly and lose your will to?”

Sudden understanding erased Amdirlain’s frown. “Thank you for your concern, Gilorn. I'm sorry someone tried to strike through you.”

“You should leave before that happens,” insisted Gilorn, her voice tight with worry. “Please leave as soon as you can.”

Amdirlain glided to Gilorn and gently rested a hand against her strings. “Gilorn, would you leave?”

“No,” cried Gilorn in a sharp run of notes that scraped painfully. “But you should get yourself safe.”

They did a number on her.

“What did they say to you?”

“Many things, and they showed me more—that you’ve more enemies than you know, and you’re blind to danger,” wailed Gilorn, the stars in her frame blazed and shifted frantically. “Even if you break through, you’ll always be drawn to conflict, and with how much you insist on punching up, something will crush you one day.”

“You and Orhêthurin spent time creating many things,” said Amdirlain. “Did you spend much time around other beings?”


The answer had Amdirlain suppressing a smile that wiped away her annoyance.

“Gilorn, even if I could go somewhere else, I wouldn’t stop being that person, except I’d be that person marred by knowing I’d run out on people,” replied Amdirlain softly. “No matter what I do, I want to be able to look at myself in a mirror and respect the person I see. Would you want to stop creating?”

“You can create other places, and you’re in danger here. Other realms don’t have those with historical grudges against you,” insisted Gilorn.

That’s not entirely true, as Ori certainly made at least some enemies. What about those whose prisoners she stole or wherever the devils came from? Alright, let’s deal with this head-on. There are very few beings it might have been.

“Gilorn, have you considered whoever you spoke to doesn’t have my best interests at heart?” questioned Amdirlain. “Even if it was one of the aspects, it doesn’t mean they want what I want. They’ve motives of their own. I told Nicholaus I’m not his daughter, so perhaps whatever friendship they had for Ori, they now consider it void. Why would they have loyalty to a stranger when they’ve powers of their own to which they’re merely conduits of access?”

“They spoke of Ori respectfully. I hadn’t considered that they wouldn’t treat you with the same care,” admitted Gilorn.

“Custodian made it clear they’re not allowed to clash but compete through others,” explained Amdirlain. “With me remaining in the realm, that will shift the playing field between them. Another consideration is that I would still be well served by becoming far stronger before I can go to another realm.”

“They said the cons outweigh the benefits of waiting,” replied Gilorn. “Even with all you’ve suffered, you’ve been fortunate, and there are foes no aspects can aid you against.”

“Why did you try to convince me?”

Gilorn thrummed sadly. “I don’t want anything to happen to you. I heard the scars on your Soul, the wounds you bear. They said what you’ve suffered might be nothing compared to what is still to come, and I don’t want my mother hurt further. You cheekily called me Móðir, but Orhêthurin was my creator, Amdirlain, so to me, you’re still my mother. I’d rather you be angry at me than hurt.”

“There is another option, Gilorn,” offered Amdirlain. “They warned you about the risk with a simple goal: to provoke you into actions that would break our trust. You’re a force for Creation. We’ve been creating together, and I intend to make much more. Would they want to strengthen Creation’s hand?”

Amdirlain pushed the niggling sense of betrayal aside and shifted them through the Chaos stream, setting them outside the original Demi-Plane she’d created to store the reservoir of Celestial waters.

“I hadn’t considered that,” admitted Gilorn, and her tone hardened. “It was Laodice. She said she felt you’d go into a war you couldn’t win. She did not wish the cause of war to be strengthened through your loss.”

Yeah, she’s fighting a different sort of battle now. I’m getting tired of people trying to manipulate me. I still don’t know if Laodice’s request for me to help Naamah was upfront or to get a rejection from me and set my path in a different direction.

“They can play games thousands of steps ahead, so they might well have done that to manipulate me into the very reaction I just had,” advised Amdirlain. “Just like she might have tried to get me to side with Nam purely to prevent me from siding with them.”

I had no way to tell what game Laodice was playing; all I could do was focus on what felt right for me to do. Isn’t that the same thing I need to do with Sarah? A Dragon’s instincts drive them to a powerful mate, and she admitted I set things off for her by the way we danced. I shouldn’t second-guess things when I’ve stirred her up. Dancing was the right thing to do for both of us.

“Were you intending to ally with them?” questioned Gilorn.

Naamah is too much of a wild card, and I can no longer just shed my arm the way I did last time I was in her grasp.

“She’s too dangerous to play games with. We had a mutual enemy in Balnérith, so I gave her a tool to aid her hunt,” replied Amdirlain. “Let’s move along, shall we?”

“Very well, my apologies for interfering, Am,” replied Gilorn, the stars within her frame dimming.

Amdirlain motioned to the distant Demi-Plane.

“I’m going to create the Planar Seed around the metaphysical boundary of this Demi-Plane and then rupture the Demi-Plane to feed an initial surge of materials into the Plane.”

“Is that to speed up its growth?”

“It should be a nice catalyst to help the new Plane stabilise since this Demi-Plane has been accumulating Celestial-infused waters for some time,” agreed Amdirlain. “Also, the surge of dimensional energies should reinforce the inner boundary. I don’t want anyone getting into this Plane before I’m ready for it to change phases.”

I need to figure out how to handle any mortals on Culerzic before I open the floodgates, but that’s a problem for another day. This Plane will skip its weapon stage and become an aquarium unless I figure out that challenge.

After her prior experience, Amdirlain didn’t play around but ignited Phoenix’s Rapture even before she started to sing. The Primordial energies drove back the Chaos from around them, and Amdirlain’s intention sheltered Gilorn from harm. The increases in her True Song immediately made itself felt as her health trickled downwards far slower than during her last effort, and Amdirlain added Universal Life to the mix—the reserves of Ki in her pool easily keeping ahead of the strain supporting the songs required of her. With the increases in the Power Amdirlain found it easier to manage the mammoth effort, and was able to focus on smoothing out the notes involved. She deliberately slowed the pace of the songs even further to give her time to correct notes as the melodies wound along.

The tendrils that formed the Plane’s skin stretched over thousands of kilometres, surrounding the Demi-Plane and interlinking in a tighter pattern than she’d managed previously. As the threads sealed at the last nodes, Amdirlain ruptured the inner Demi-Plane and felt the new Plane’s rules take hold. The Chaos within the boundary immediately morphed into Celestial water at a pressure that rivalled the depths of an oceanic trench. As the Plane shifted away into its new dimensional state, Amdirlain heard the boundary expanding fast, the Plane’s skin inhaling energy from the surrounding Chaos.

[Do you wish to merge Dominion, Energy Drain, and Universal Life into Phoenix’s Rapture to evolve into Phoenix’s Bastion?]

Amdirlain immediately used Analysis to assess the Power offered.

[Phoenix’s Bastion:

Details: Your rate of healing (passive and non-passive) is further increased, and the passive rate now also applies to allies when they are within your flame aura. They also share your aura’s improved physical and magical defences. The health loss the flames inflict on enemies can be directed toward yourself or those sheltered by your flames.

Shapeshifting abilities remain the same as provided by Phoenix’s Immolation.

Rebirth activation is still accessible once every five hundred years; it now causes five times your missing health in damage to all material and non-allied individuals within three times your flame aura radius.]

A Power upgrade to keep people safe and improve my chances. I’d go for it if only there weren’t multiple catches. There was an or involved in who I’m healing with the redirected health. If I take that, I won’t be able to use Energy Drain as part of my attacks, and I’d have to relearn Universal Life. If something’s resistant to Primordial energy, it won’t be hurt at all, so no health is restored except for regeneration. It also means no extra healing if I’m in a situation where I don’t want to, or can’t safely, activate the aura.

Still, I’ve learned something new. I was using different powers together, and it offered me an upgrade. I should look into using different powers together while I’m under pressure.

Amdirlain pushed the notification away and considered the crafting summary.

[Crafting summary

Planar Seed x 1

Total Experience gained: 2,500,000,000

Olindë: +2,500,000,000

Phoenix’s Rapture [G] (112 -> 113)

Resonance-Prince [G] (7 -> 8)

True Song Genesis [G] (59 -> 61)

Perception [S] (170 -> 175)]

Isa really shouldn’t have offered that bet. Was Luck working against her this time?

While creating the constructs rewards a lot more experience for the effort involved, creating a Planar Seed pushes the Power harder. Last time, I couldn’t learn as much because I barely managed the seed’s creation.

“There were so many places you could have improved that performance,” critiqued Gilorn.

Amdirlain smiled. “Yeah, why don’t we go back to the training hall? You can take me through each one.”

“Of course, I felt there were some elementary ones you missed addressing,” replied Gilorn.

With a slight grimace, Amdirlain shifted them to the Outlands.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.