Abyssal Road Trip

402 - Adaption

Amdirlain's PoV - Outlands - Outpost of the Monastery of the Western Reaches

When Roher headed off, he left Amdirlain a memory crystal with more of his children's antics. Amdirlain set it on a table and projected illusions of random incidents from within.

Sarah sat across the table from her and watched Amdirlain smile and laugh at the youngsters playing with forest creatures.

"Are they growing at a standard pace for elves?" Amdirlain asked. "They seem small for their age compared to my nephew and niece."

"They're not much slower growing than humans, but their emotional maturity lags a bit," replied Sarah. "Once they hit thirty, they keep an appearance of around sixteen for twenty to thirty years and then slowly mature. At least they're all not sprouting like Gail did."

Amdirlain nodded happily. "Never thought I'd be watching someone's home movies again."

As the children reached out in sync to steady a fawn, Sarah caught Amdirlain's misty-eyed expression.

It'll never be my children that I get to watch while they play and have fun. Despite no biological clock ticking, I still crave an opportunity to have children. Is that odd? People likely would find me weird. Are my life's regrets still driving me there as well?

Sarah nodded towards the memory crystal that still sat on the table. "Those children are only alive because of you."

"I'm not looking for a consolation prize, Sarah," replied Amdirlain. An aching hollowness fought against Amdirlain's mental barriers, and she shut down the illusion. "Kli will be here shortly."

"Is she on the move?" asked Sarah.

"She's heading for the river at present," explained Amdirlain. "Not sure if she plans to have a wash and a swim or if she's catching fish for someone."

Sarah snorted in disbelief. "Does Kli go fishing a lot?"

"I think she uses it as a pretext to sit and talk to other people fishing," explained Amdirlain. "She's very adaptable about how she lends people an ear to listen to their woes."

Adaptability: how do I teach that?

She walked over and dropped off the edge of the platform. As Amdirlain moved, a glow washed through the empty region of the training hall. Millions of short melodies compressed through her intent created a myriad of floating platforms laden with non-lethal traps, turrets that fired spinning orbs, and illusionary rings that defined an ever-changing course. The complexity of music was a minor version of what Ori had used to create her arena; though being laid out as a three-dimensional obstacle course added to its complexity.

[Crafting Summary: (Hazard Enchantment)

Training Course x1

Total experience gained: 13,584,160

Olindë: +13,584,160

Perception [S] (148->149)

Note: That's a lot of pea shooters you've got squeezed in.]

When a group of students assembled near Master Lu's manor, Amdirlain was still fine-tuning the enchantments within the obstacle course. With insufficient time left to push her limits while trying it out, she stopped work and messaged Klipyl to advise her that others were joining them today.

Klipyl wore only her white ribbon, with her hair slicked back and still damp from a dip in the river. Her dusky skin gave off a sun-warmed vibrance. "Hey, Sis. Do you have many students coming to earn enlightenment at your feet?"

"I'm not exactly in a position to teach enlightenment. How about I stick with teaching them to hurt their foes?" replied Amdirlain.

"They can let light into the skulls of evildoers then," declared Klipyl, the twitch of her lips giving away the giggles in her theme. Her archon’s trumpet appeared held lightly clasped in her left hand before she shifted to a two-handed grip beneath the mouthpiece and playfully swung it about, the air whistling with its passages. Amdirlain took in the two-metre length with its bulbous smoking pipe end, beneath its embellished golden exterior enchanted adamantine; the dense metal meant the instrument to weigh nearly a hundred and twenty kilograms.

"Have you been practising your dramatics?" asked Amdirlain.

Klipyl nodded cheerfully. "Sarah says I should also consider proper victory poses."

"Please don't," sighed Amdirlain. "It might send the wrong message to people fighting with you."

"I didn't say victory poses were for battle," quipped Klipyl, and she licked her lips saucily. "More when I cause partners to signal their surrender."

Amdirlain groaned and hid her face in her hands as replies raced through her mind.

The giggling Klipyl patted the top of Amdirlain's head. "It's alright. You can share your dirty thoughts with your little sister."

"Proper victory poses will likely require thorough research and feedback," said Amdirlain as she took her hands away. "Be sure to get a proper oral presentation from each individual questioned."

"But they'll have already surrendered," Klipyl replied. “They might give me only lip service.”

"Then they'd best be eloquent in their acceptance of your terms," declared Amdirlain.

"Or at least moan sweetly," Klipyl nodded smugly. "Okay, I'll make them put their tongue to work until I get their point. Speaking of waggling tongues, rumours are already doing the rounds about the pair of you."

"I guess I should have restrained the public displays of affection," sighed Amdirlain.

Klipyl rang with cautious notes. "Oh, yep, well, don't worry about rumourmongers—everyone knows they need things happening in other people's lives to keep themselves happy. Where is Sarah?"

"I heard a Planar Shift going to The Exchange, so she's likely picking up something for the forge or workshop."

"I can listen," offered Klipyl. “If there is anything you need to talk about.”

Amdirlain's composed smile didn’t add a speck of warmth to her gaze. "I'm getting that offer from many people."

"Raw emotions can leave you vulnerable to situations where you're easily wounded," said Klipyl. "The challenge is figuring out if you need time to let them settle or talk to the person before your perceptions form around the wound."

"I've been told I need to take time," replied Amdirlain.

"Not what you were looking to do?"

"No, I needed to take time," said Amdirlain.

Klipyl pursed her lips. "Needed."

"Need," corrected Amdirlain.

"Ahh," Klipyl nodded. "What scares you?"

"What scares you?"

"Sometimes, I get this weird feeling that I'll never be good enough compared to other celestials," Klipyl replied. "That then turns into me wondering if the Titan will decide he made a mistake and will send me back."

I’m not the only one that feels like an imposter.

"I'd find you and pull you back out," offered Amdirlain.

Klipyl immediately teared up and put her head on Amdirlain's shoulder. "Ahh, sis loves me."

"I've got a history of bucking the rules," advised Amdirlain. "Us strange individuals need to stick together."

"I showed you mine," said Klipyl. "Care to share?"

"How often does that work?" asked Amdirlain.

Klipyl's lips curved with a mischievous smile, and her gaze shone. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Amdirlain laughed and shook her head at the incorrigible response.

"You can tell me what's on your mind," reassured Klipyl. "I won't tell, and you can lock the memory away so no one will know."

"Would you prefer an enchanted pendant, ring, or earring?" asked Amdirlain.

"Clit barbells," gushed Klipyl. "No one ever has one of those for sale. I wouldn't want to order a custom one as someone might slip something into the enchantments."

Klipyl and Sarah are friends, so she's not the person to talk to now. I wonder what Sarith would make of all my stupid insecurities.

"Have the ones you can trust been too prudish to make them for you?"

"That's been the issue," sighed Klipyl. "I asked some artificers I’d trust, and they looked mortified."

"Sarah would know their dimensions better than me," offered Amdirlain thoughtfully. "And she could also easily enchant them."

"Oh," squeaked Klipyl. "I feel so silly."

"She could also likely make you a bunch of other useful items for entertainment."

"Oh, that sounds good!" Klipyl squealed. “I’ll check when she's back. Do you think she'll return today?"

"I wouldn't expect her to be gone too long otherwise, she would have said," advised Amdirlain.

Klipyl nodded happily and waved to the obstacle course. "Do the floating rings do anything special? They're bobbing about weirdly."

"Markers to fly through as part of my training," explained Amdirlain. "They move erratically to challenge my manoeuvring."

Amdirlain explained the other challenge in the course, and Klipyl squealed excitedly.

The explanation drew to a close when Amdirlain heard Master Lu arrived outside the courtyard with twenty students in tow.

Does Jinfeng care about giving her students every advantage possible? Her theme is nervous. I thought I'd been clear that it was her choice to bring as many observers as she wanted, or hog my time herself.

As Amdirlain considered the group, taking in their levels and skills, Master Lu Jinfeng bowed again.

"Lady Am, my apologies if I misunderstood your direction to bring everyone I wished to share the lesson time with. If this group is too large, they've already agreed on priority for who should stay," advised Jinfeng

Maybe the wording of my invitation was too cynical, but let’s check the group’s attitude.

"Who are the first two?" asked Amdirlain. "There won't be any observers today."

Towards the middle of the group, there were spikes of jealousy within various students' melodies, but they all kept their expressions calm. At the surge of pride from a stern hawk-face Persian student in the front row, Amdirlain expected him to be one of her students.

Without hesitation, Master Lu stepped to the side of the group and gestured for the two nervous youngest at the end to come forward; both looked barely sixteen. The man clasped his hands before him and bowed to Amdirlain, and the others behind him followed his example. "Thank you for honouring our martial brethren, Lady Am."

"I shall entrust the youngest of the martial pavilion to your instruction," said Jinfeng, bowing respectfully to Amdirlain as well.

The rest of the group straightened and looked to Jinfeng to be dismissed.

Though there was a mix of emotions in Jinfeng's theme, deception and jealousy weren't among them, and so Amdirlain lifted a hand to halt them. "Might I ask your reasoning for their selection?"

"They've only just begun to learn the jai, so I'll leave them to learn from your style alone so they might progress the fastest," replied Jinfeng. "Others might find that blending the styles hampers their progress."

"A challenge they were prepared to accept previously?"


Amdirlain nodded. "Then you can all stay."

"If I had picked the oldest two students?"

"Why ask questions about what might have been? You made your choice," replied Amdirlain.

Jinfeng smiled and bowed again, with her students quickly copying her. "You honour us by taking the time to teach, Lady Am."

"We are simply martial brothers and sisters training together, aren't we?" commented Amdirlain. "We have things we can teach each other. Would you introduce me to the members of the martial pavilion, Master Lu?"

Jinfeng gave a pleased nod and worked through the lines, introducing each student to Amdirlain and giving her a concise summary of their experience. After that, Amdirlain lined up with Klipyl between the observing platforms and the blue barrier of the sparring area. Though a few looked at Klipyl curiously, none commented on her presence.

Many of the unarmed techniques I use have similarities to those taught in one martial art or another at the monastery.

"How many of you have fought with your life on the line?" asked Amdirlain. "A monster or Human? Just lift a hand, please."

When only a third of the students signalled real-life experience, Amdirlain nodded. "No one can properly convey how actual combat differs from any training, and hesitation in any fight can mean death. Your ability to adjust is as important as reaction time. That's why I'll be looking to get each of you to focus on the adaptability of your form."

Amdirlain started with the regular drill she took Klipyl through and taught more complex moves to the students who exhibited greater proficiency.

"I know many of your classes include set drills when you're learning," said Amdirlain, and a few students nodded. "I don't take that approach. Please spread out so you have plenty of space around you. You'll get signals to show the danger, but it's up to you how you react."

"What sort of signals, Lady Am?" asked Jinfeng.

Amdirlain smiled. "Unmistakable ones. Expand into the marked sparring areas if you want plenty of space."

The first attack was a transparent illusion of a goblin lashing out with a clawed hand at stomach height. Some students simply evaded the strike, while others counterattacked. As soon as they were clear of 'danger,' the illusion disappeared.

"The first was an interesting illusion but didn't stay that way. Don't they normally disrupt if a person is aware of them?" Jinfeng asked.

Klipyl giggled. "Lady Am projected it into our minds, not through mana."

"You'll each need to react to my signals, and what you each see will vary depending on your proficiency and current reaction time," advised Amdirlain. "How you react to what you see is your choice, but I'll keep track if you're too predictable. I'll take the limited moves we've gone over into consideration. Stepping back or into an attack can transform the situation even without a block or counter. Name one of them."

With that, Amdirlain pointed to the youngest boy in the group.

"Someone with a staff if it gets you inside their reach."

"Where can that go wrong?" asked Amdirlain, pointing to the senior student. "With that weapon or another?"

"If they're armed with a knife, the closer you are, the more danger you’re in. You want to control their limb from beyond the limit of the blade. But if you give them too much space, they might throw the knife, or if an ally is closer to them, you've left them vulnerable."

"Adaptability requires you to be as aware of your surroundings as possible. That will require more advanced exercises," advised Amdirlain. "Let's begin."

The following illusionary attacks came without pause, ranging from giant rats to lumbering ogres depending on the level Amdirlain could hear within the student; aside from the first, each faced opponents suitable to their levels. When the youngest started to falter in their efforts, Amdirlain let them rest and recover, increasing the pressure on the older students. A few of them 'died' against the scenario they faced, and Amdirlain replayed the events and discussed their choices mentally. When those who'd needed a breather recovered, she provided them with a warning before restarting the illusionary foes. Eventually, the sparring session wound down after Jinfeng came undone against a trio of fire giants.

A swarm of memory crystals floated from Amdirlain's hand and one stopped hovering between each student. "Those contain records of today's training so you can review the foe's positioning and your own. Consider what you might have done differently. To access them, concentrate on the crystal. They are only accessible by the person I've presented them to. I hope you all found today's session interesting and useful."

"Might we use techniques from other styles besides yours in these sessions?" asked Jinfeng.

"The important thing is practising what works," replied Amdirlain. I'll teach you moves I've learned or figured out through experimenting. If you have other styles to draw upon, ‌do so. I only set it for today's lesson to increase the pressure."

"This has been an interesting session, Lady Am," said Jinfeng. "I noticed some foes became quite sturdy. Do they continue to escalate?"

"That is my intent, but it is slightly unfair to jump immediately while strikes and blocks are being learnt," replied Amdirlain. "Though that doesn't mean their increases in strength will remain consistent. I noticed some students let their Ki Armour falter."

"What sort of foes do you find formidable?"

Klipyl anxiously waved at Jinfeng. "You don't want to know. Lady Am fights the nightmares."

Now they've got Klipyl using that title as well.

"Oh?" questioned Jinfeng

"I'd prefer not to go into details," replied Amdirlain, tilting her head to the young students listening in. “There are foes too dangerous to discuss, and I don't like to do so unless someone is at risk of falling into their traps.”

"I've faced demons in battle," insisted Jinfeng, her mouth tightening.

Prickly pride; is it because she gained Immortal Spirit so young or because of her martial Dao? Kadaklan cautioned me that those following such paths can be more aggressive and ego-driven.

Amdirlain nodded understandingly. "I'm not belittling what you've faced. There are things I've faced recently that even twenty years ago would have crushed me."

"What led you to face such foes, then?" asked Jinfeng,

"I can't rule out reckless stupidity," laughed Amdirlain. "They are foes outside of this realm's rules and that of many others. So alien their mere presence and writings can corrupt and destroy."

"That sounds ominous," allowed Jinfeng.

"Where I come from, there is a saying: play stupid games, win stupid prizes," said Amdirlain. "I played a reckless game with one of them and ended up with my spiritual net severed across my lower abdomen. That's when I met Master Kadaklan. Master Cyrus introduced us, and he helped me regrow it. It was a relief since I thought I might have cost myself my legs forever."

Jinfeng went pastry white. "You're not a Mortal?"

"No, I'm not," agreed Amdirlain. "But I'm not an Immortal as you know them either."

"My curiosity about such a foe is presumptuous," offered Jinfeng, bowing apologetically.

"Don't worry, Jinfeng, I find it understandable. I'm always looking for tougher foes to push myself against, but these foes are mentally and spiritually corrosive," cautioned Amdirlain. "If you have a trip back to your normal dining rooms, you can use the platforms here."

"Most have next sessions closer to here than their dormitory dining halls," advised Jinfeng. "If they hurry, they can make it to the dining hall before the end of the meal service."

Amdirlain gestured upwards to the first platform. "I set the time for this training, so please accept my hospitality. The items that provide refreshments can also prepare full meals. When you touch the trays, just focus on the food you want, and it will create suitable dishes. The furnishings’ enchantments will clean your bodies and clothing."

Jinfeng smiled in appreciation. "That is most generous of you."

"I hope no one will take offence if I don't join you for the meal. I've matters to take care of before my morning session," said Amdirlain.

"Do you have other sessions scheduled today, Lady Am?" questioned Jinfeng.

Darn, one-way street casualness. If I returned to using Master Lu on her, she'd likely think she did something wrong.

"Only a session with Master Cyrus working on a Ki Blast technique," replied Amdirlain. "Most of what I have planned starts tomorrow unless someone gets back to me sooner. Why do you ask?"

"You seemed to restrain yourself fighting Master Payam and even more so myself," noted Jinfeng. "I wonder if there would be an opportunity to see what you were capable of myself."

"If you're not busy next time I'm sparring with Master Cyrus, you can observe," replied Amdirlain. "Though I don’t know when that might be. Our sessions have focused on Ki techniques lately."

Jinfeng raised her left hand in a flat palm, set the knuckles of her right fist against it and nodded. "I would appreciate that greatly, Lady Am."

Okay, note to self: find the difference between the hand positions. Her theme sounded respectful, and the action looked like a tai chi salute. Maybe it’s because I had provided training?

"If you want to continue these morning sessions, I'll see you all at the same time tomorrow," said Amdirlain.

As Amdirlain headed towards Sarah's forge, Klipyl gave a merry wave goodbye and walked beside her.

"I hear Sarah ding-dinging away," commented Klipyl, in time to the hammer's odd two-beat tempo. The alternating beat between the shaping of the metal and the anvil tickled at the back of Amdirlain's mind.

When she pushed the door open, the pair paused in the doorway to consider Sarah, dressed in thick boots, heavy cotton pants, a sleeveless shirt, and a leather apron. The corded muscles in Sarah's arms flexed as she continued to hammer. With light hammer strikes, she had flattened a piece of steel the length of her forearm and the breadth of her hand into a thin plate. A chain attached to the forge's bellows kept them pumping regularly through Sarah's ability to manipulate metals and minerals.

"Dressed up to encourage proper forge safety?" Amdirlain asked. The light from the forge gleamed off Sarah's skin and mingled with memories of sunlight on Syl's bare skin. The aeons of loneliness that Orhêthurin had endured seemed like a warning for her own life.

You were an idiot for letting yourself get swept up in emotions.

Sarah nodded but didn't take her attention away from the length of steel. “I have to provide a proper example. If I didn't, eventually, someone in here would say, ‘She doesn't use an apron, why should I?’ Even if they don’t say it to my face, they might act on it later.”

Orderly appearances and proper processes.

"Does that mean you're also taking on normal apprentices?" asked Klipyl. "I thought you'd just be teaching the various experienced folks new tricks."

"If someone wants to learn and can arrange payment, I'll teach them," replied Sarah. "Since that's the way it works around here."

"But what about me?" sniffed Klipyl. "I don't have contribution points."

"Don't be a dumb arse. Family doesn’t get charged," grumbled Sarah, and she nodded to the bellows beside the forge. "If you're serious and not being a goof, keep the coals close to white."

"That's how apprentices start?" questioned Klipyl.

"Normally it's part of building their strength, but for you, it's just about getting used to how fast the coals will cool," replied Sarah. "If you're working a forge by yourself, you need to plan your work around that or devise a way to maintain its heat."

Klipyl started towards the bellow, and even though her back was still to them, Sarah cleared her throat. "Clothing and boots."


"Apprentices need to do things properly," replied Sarah. "You just heard my reasons for being safety conscious."

"I don't have any other clothing," protested Klipyl.

“Not that it was suitable, but what happened to the dress you wore to meet the Fey?”

Klipyl winked. “I gave it away to a nice girl with magic fingers. That was the only extra clothing I had.”

Amdirlain snorted and quickly cast a series of Fabricate; a set of clothing, boots, and apron that matched Sarah's appeared on a nearby bench.

"Anything else?" laughed Sarah. "Even using Fabricate Am could whip you up some fancy clothing."

She didn't even have to turn her head. Despite the forge and heated metal, the odour of the Mana and the cloth was evident.

"What about a pretty tiara fit for a princess?" clapped Klipyl.

Amdirlain laughed. "You're going to get those on your own."

"No fair," grumbled Klipyl before she moved over to wiggle into the clothing.

"I'll leave you to your fun," advised Amdirlain.

"Bye-bye," said Klipyl.

Sarah set the length of cooling steel back into the coals and looked over. "Are you training with Kadaklan and Cyrus today?"

A trill of notes that echoed Roher's theme closed in on her through the Plane's boundary. A moment later, an orb of spinning notes hovered invisibly next to Amdirlain, and she listened to Roher's eager words.

"I was," admitted Amdirlain.

That's the first time I've heard the transition of a Message into a Plane. Increases in my Perception combined with Resonance-Prince? With my increased levels, I'll need to upgrade my device. I should make something more generic in case we need to deal with some angry Fallen.


"A Message from Roher," answered Amdirlain with a crooked smile. "It seems the Lómë have spoken for my morning, at the very least."

"Not just going for a quick meeting?" asked Sarah.

Amdirlain nodded. "Roher said the Lómë councils have invited me to meet them in an open forum."

"Meet with all the councils," asked Sarah. "That could go sideways."

"No, meet with everyone," corrected Amdirlain. "Large decisions beyond the day-to-day organisation of things aren't to be heard and determined by small groups."

"They're running an Athenian-style democracy?"

"It's not like their population will exceed eight million, and Resonance lets them hear from a distance," replied Amdirlain. "Some might get bored eventually, but for now, ‌complete transparency isn't a phrase they give lip service to."

"You mean I got dressed for nothing?" grumbled Klipyl.

Amdirlain shrugged. "Sorry, Kli. I only heard the song target my name just before it arrived."

"You could always go find someone to help you get undressed," proposed Sarah.

"Oh, that's a good thought," Klipyl purred before she pouted. "But it's breakfast time for them, so I'll strip myself."

I’m wasting Sarah’s time.

"You two can stay if you want," proposed Amdirlain. "I'll just toss Roher the device through a Gate, and you two can sort out whatever is needed here."

Sarah shook her head. "No, I'm coming with you. Klipyl's a big girl. She can find plenty to amuse her or learn while we're away."

Klipyl wiggled her eyebrows dramatically. "You know it, baby."

"I'll dispatch messages to Kadaklan, Cyrus, and Roher, and then we can head to Vehtë," advised Amdirlain.

"Are you going near the kingdoms at all?"

"Not anytime soon," stated Amdirlain. "Until I hear from Danu, I'll keep off the continent completely."

"The Lady of the Forest?" questioned Klipyl.

Amdirlain nodded, and after considering her new strength, she created a crystal staff and embedded the summoning effect, which only Sarah was allowed to use.

[Crafting Summary

Staff of Fallen Binding x1

Total experience gained: 5,500,000

Olindë: + 5,500,000

Note: Those who call you now need some mojo or help. Are you sure you need it that strong to deal with Naamah's helpers?]

If they're already weaker than me, how did they capture Castellan? What caused the problem with using Analysis on them? Not having it developed enough, or did my level jump change things?

The staff makes the obstacle course seem lightweight. Should I have put more effort into it?

Amdirlain set it to hover by Sarah's forge. "It’ll summon any Fallen whose name you know. With that set, I’m ready whenever you are."

"Let me get this to a useful stopping point and we can go," replied Sarah.

"What are you making?" questioned Amdirlain.

"I'm just practising normal metalwork," replied Sarah. "I'll even out the sheet and use it to make a storage box. That will give me a sample object to show them security enchantments."

Amdirlain dispatched messages and settled to wait, meditating to calm her wild thoughts. As Sarah promised, it didn't take long before she finished up and vanished to the Material Plane. A few moments later, Amdirlain felt the summoning call to her.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.