Abyssal Road Trip

4 - The only way is up.

Julia sat on yet another ledge with her head tilted back to look up at the clouds above. Even with the undulating sense of distance, it seemed the clouds were getting nearer. However, she still hadn't reached the clifftop, and the cloud bank blocked its view at some point. The demonic flesh that housed her didn't grow tired, but mental fatigue from focusing on the climb had worn at her.

The number of slip-ups she'd made had reduced at first as she gained in Skill but recently had increased again. So when the route upwards approached another ledge, taking a break had seemed sensible. It was a chance to re-centre herself and try to identify the best path for the next stage of her climb. Screams from the horrific plain below rang out, suddenly sounding as if they were just below her feet, and Julia fought to keep her attention firmly on the cliff face above.

The trip so far had allowed several Skills to advance, and she had even gained some resistances. Unsurprisingly, the primary Skill improvement was Climbing, but it hadn't been alone. Catching herself several times with Flight, the Power and its associated Skill had both levelled. Yet the Skill increased faster than the actual Power. The only theory she had was that the Power kept her airborne, while the Skill determined how efficiently she could fly. Preventing gusts of wind from slamming her into the cliff had led to some quick levelling.

At one point, she had frozen motionless against the cliff face when the sound of wings had become audible on the wind. The 'ping' of notification showing Stealth advancing seemed to confirm something close enough to see her. Even after the last increase of the Skill, she had attempted to remain motionless against the rocks, not knowing if the unseen visitor would swoop back around.

The sound of wings wasn't the only challenge she encountered during the climb. Airborne dust and rocks that struck at speed had crossed her path several times. Being scoured by those gusts had been less fun than waxing a bikini line. As she climbed higher, the gusts of wind hadn't just been searing hot but sometimes carried actual flames. The flames had hurt, but with nothing on her to ignite, they were short-lived. One gust would strike her with flames, and the next swept them away. The worst of them had only been in contact with her a short time, but had been more than hot enough to crack chitin.

A quick check on her profile had shown her health rising upwards at a steady pace, the momentary burst of flame having removed at least 8 points from her health. Before she resumed the ascent, she saw the cracks on her armour seal themselves over, and the health in her profile ticked upwards. Yet as she had risen, the force of the wind had also been increasing, hammering her with physical blows.

Like the documentaries she had seen on TV, where buildings amplified air currents, the cliff seemed to increase the strength of the winds. However, the down draught effect seemed reversed, though as she had thought given the name, the winds would have eased as she got higher. Instead, the force was continuing to grow more vicious. She didn't know if physical science had any implications here or if something else was at play.


Name Julia Amanda Diane Earnst True Name

Species Least Succubus Level 1

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed)

Class Blood Monk Level 1


Defence 22 Health 30


Strength 16 Faith 5

Endurance 20 Magic 20

Quickness 20

Intelligence 22

Willpower 25

Charisma 16

Resistances Acid - Minor (5), Cold - Minor (5), Mana Resistance - Lesser (8), Mundane Materials - Lesser (10)


Abyssal Adaptability (2), Blink (1), Detect Thoughts (1), Energy Drain (1), Flight (4), Mana Sense (2), Shapeshift [B] (1), Soul Sight (2)


Active -

Acrobatics (11), Analysis (2), Climbing [B] (11), Disguise (9), Fly (14), Intimidate (5), Mental Resilience (12), Meditation (7), Perception (13), Perseverance (4), Stealth (8), Taunt (1), Unarmed Combat (7)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore (5), Arcane (1), Demonic Lore (9), Planar Lore (7), Planar Portals (6)

Available Skills Points 33

Available Knowledge Bonus 10

Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English


Since I gained health when I chose my class, hopefully, it's like an MMO or RPG, and I'll keep gaining health with each level.

I've gained Perseverance as a Skill. Does it back up my stubbornness or something more?

I wonder - Analysis: Perseverance.

[Perseverance: Those that refuse to take the straightforward path find this Skill beneficial. As it boosts willpower effects to continue along with a chosen course of action when others would grow disheartened.

Analysis raised (2 -> 3)]

I increased my Intelligence, yet I didn't even think to try that trick before now. Guess it mainly increases my potential, but potential unused will not help me.

So this place provides context-sensitive help, how user friendly of them. Wonder if they have the paper clip involved in torturing the damned Souls.

Hi, I'm Clippy. Would you like to know all the vile actions that created those toys tickling your insides? Or the total length of the suppository on which you now perch? These fun facts and more are readily available.

Analysis: Mundane Materials - Lesser.


Analysis: Mundane Materials.


So I can't just think of the phrase I have to provide a focus. Or am I missing something? Why did that work on Perseverance just before?

Analysis: Arcane.

[Analysis raised (3 -> 4)

Arcane: This Skill provides knowledge of the forces of the universe behind the veil of the mundane. Higher Skill level shows a greater understanding of the hidden forces: divine, magical, or planar.]

Analysis: Shapeshift.


Analysis: Shapeshift Power.

Analysis: Power Shapeshift.

[Analysis raised (4 -> 6)

Shapeshift: This Power provides the possessor with the ability to change aspects of their form. It limits details of alterations to the user's attributes, imagination, and overall level of power. Increases or decreases of size and or mass are possible, and this capability increases with higher Skill levels.]

A double jump in Analysis skill level, well, that is nice. Figure out the trick and get a reward? Wonder why I had to include that it was a Power I was trying to understand.

Analysis: Resistance Mundane Materials.

[Analysis raised (6-> 7)

Mundane Materials (Resistance): The possessor takes less damage when struck by objects crafted from ordinary materials: rock, bronze, copper, iron, etc. It does not protect against elemental effects even if the source is mundane; fire hurts. Don't play with torches.

As with all Resistances, it can be overwhelmed if damage taken would exceed its rank's damage protection threshold.]

Oh, I wonder.

Analysis: Spell Shapeshift

[ is not in range of Analysis.]

Okay, when I tried to analyse it before, there was something else called Shapeshift, so it just went System says No!

So when I was looking at the Dretch earlier and focused Analysis, it was explicit what I was trying. But when using Analysis on something I can't immediately see, or a concept, unless it's unique I need to be specific. I also didn't get a rank up when it failed, but now I know more. Guess it doesn't give freebies or hints.


Trolling bitch. I wonder if I had a higher rank in Analysis, would it give me more information on things tougher than me?

Turning her attention to the plains below, Julia swallowed her disgust and waited. After a time, the undulating distance effect finally let her see a moving figure more clearly.


[Demon: Immature Dretch

Level: 1 / 1

Class: Thug

Health: 30

Mana: 0

Defence: 13

Combat Power: Smash (1), Grapple (1)

Analysis raised (7-> 12)]

Okay, now that's good.

I learnt a bunch more, and it jumped Analysis ranks. I also know that I've got a higher defence than those fellows, well, really, at least that one.

A shrill shrieking sound started up, and the noise seemed to be rapidly approaching her location. The shrieks had caused Julia to jump and climb to her feet in surprise. However, as she looked up, the source of the noise was rapidly apparent. A falling soul had burst through the clouds and was heading directly for the cliff face, only slightly along from her current perch. Unlike Souls falling to the plains below, this one was aware of its fate even before it had impacted.

As it closed, the Soul was or at least viewed itself as female when the figure hit the rock and sunk into its surface. The solid material rippled and splashed like a diver hitting the water before partially reforming behind it. The cliff face had become watery where the Soul had struck, though it was dark and silted water that didn't cascade away from the cliff. Though it was well under the surface, Julia could still make out the figure's outline within.

It didn't seem as if any torture was going on; instead, energy moved to encapsulate the Soul within the cliff's rock. The power shrouding the Soul was visible even to her regular sight. Well, as standard as a Demon's sight could get; nothing yet had shown to her what spectrums of light were perceivable at present. Julia could see the energies were forcibly reshaping the Soul. A shell formed and pressed it almost as if it was melting into a mould. It forced power from the Soul into every crevice of the mould by the rock's pressure, and stubs of wings grew from its back.

Yep, this place does not follow physical limitations. And why should it? It was a Soul. Not a body smacking into the cliff, so why should it splatter? Guess they wanted to store and process it whole and not just drop it in the meat grinder.

[Abyssal Lore (5 -> 6)]

So stronger souls stay intact and transform rather than break down.

[Demonic Lore (9 -> 10)]

So. Skills can either give you the knowledge or are a record that you've learnt something.


[Demon: Gestating Succubus

Level: 1


Health: 10

Mana: 0


Combat Power:

Analysis raised (12 -> 13)]

Bracing herself mentally, she focused her attention purely on the gestating form and activated Soul Sight again. This time she got far more detailed personal history, yet the overall impact was far less. Still, the details she saw sickened her, the effect of the abuse that had twisted the Soul, and the choices made from that distortion. In the end, there had been no bitterness, no regret, and certainly no fucking guilt. Instead, they had revelled in what they had become. They had enjoyed the adrenal rush of avoiding detection as much as their perverted hunts.

[Soul Sight (2 -> 3)]

Yeah, that is a case of nurture pushing someone to doom themselves. Okay, rest time is over. I don't know how long that baby Succubus will cook for, but let's see if I can get to a safe distance.

Focus on a single individual, and the whole place doesn't light up like a torture porn Christmas tree.

Taking a risk, she activated Flight and used it more like guided levitation and worked her way upwards. Using her increased Fly Skill, Julia kept herself close to the cliff face, and instead of handholds or foot placements, she braced her hands against the rock. Julia tried to ensure the cliff remained within arm's reach and prevent face planting from sudden wind gusts from behind her. After all, if her arms even partially braced, she might gain the time to adjust and avoid becoming a headbanger.

Julia had gotten quite a distance before a sound like breaking concrete resonated from below. Opting to perch and hide on the nearest ledge, she tried to keep flat while watching the process of it breaking from its womb in the cliff face. Motionless and watching, she resisted peering around as the wind carried the sound of wingbeats to her ears. It wasn't clear what had brought the flyer here at such a convenient time. Julia was just glad it hadn't been the case for her arrival. Laying still against the ledge, she focused on watching the activity occurring below.

The cliff's surface had stretched oddly like hands were pushing outwards through bubblegum. It was just as strangely alien as seeing one baby stretching within Sally's belly. Belly stretching was weird to watch; odd-shaped lumps and bulges would appear almost at random. Even though Julia knew the new family member would be a nephew and not a Xenomorph, she couldn't help teasing speculation. Sally hadn't appreciated Julia's enquiries about the originating star system of the alien parasite living within her.

Mal and Sally's eldest, Mitch, and he had been in an active state that day. Usually nocturnal as a possum during that last trimester, but maybe all their laughter had ruined his sleep. He had been wiggling around and pushing against Sally's interior with varying parts of his body. The memory of soaking peacefully in the pool with her brother- and sister-in-law hit her like a physical blow.

Trying to focus on pure Meditation, she avoided flexing her hands, not wanting to make any motion that might be visible. Just as when she focused on the climb, Julia kept herself set within the moment. With the urge to cry from the loss pressed down and buried deep inside her. Later, when there was safety, then there would be time to mourn. Not now; it would have to be later.

[Meditation (13 -> 15)

Mental Resilance (11 -> 12)]

The rock continued to stretch as the gestating Succubus wanted out, and it would not take no for an answer. Julia figured it had only been 5 minutes at most, and it already wanted to break free.

[Time Sense unlocked.

Time sense (1)]

The noise source showed itself when a blow-up sex toy with wings, a hardcore dominatrix outfit, and a nasty attitude came into sight. Its wings were beating fast against the air as it hovered off to one side. It certainly wasn't clear why it continued to pump its wings when Flight had worked to move Julia without wings on her back. Maybe, for the Succubus, it was just instinct, or it thought it looked badarse with its vicious-looking wings thrashing about to hold itself aloft.


[Demon: Succubus

Level: /





Combat Power:

Analysis (13 -> 15)]

It took a little longer before the cliff face cracked open like a shell hit by a hammer, and bits of it went tumbling away. The force from within bowed the lower surface outwards. The lower section of the 'shell' formed yet another one of the cliff's ledges as the material first drooped then hardened now the gestation was complete.


[Demon: Least Succubus

Level: 1 / 1

Class: Succubus

Health: 30

Mana: 10

Defence: 14

Combat Power: Claws (1)]

[Analysis (13 -> 20)

Initial training levels completed rank advanced to Beginner.

Analysis [B] (1)]

Try again, maybe.


[Demon: Least Succubus

Level: 1 / 1

Class: Succubus

Health: 30

Mana: 20

Defence: 14

Combat Power: Claws (1), Bite (1), Tail Strike (1)

Melee Attack Power: 20

Magic: 20

Details: Least succubus - the lowest manifested entities of lust within the Abyss. ]

[Analysis [B] (1 -> 3)]

Okay, that is something to remember; it doesn't just give information on more formidable foes; it provides more info the higher it ranks. So, just cause it tells me something has a way to attack doesn't mean it doesn't have any other options.


[Demon: Succubus

Level: /





Combat Power: ]

Okay, too tough to learn anything; let's wait things out.

She could make out the Succubus snarling something at its Least kin still perched on the ledge. The sneer on its face was derisive and menacing in equal measure. After the third time it spoke, it seemed to run out of whatever patience it possessed. Pulling a cat-o'-nine-tails from a loop on its belt, it lashed out, the attack too fast for Julia to even track.

The newly 'hatched' Succubus had no chance to avoid it. Most of the weighted strands smacked across its face and shoulder, but a few seemed to lock themselves about her neck. The stronger Succubus pulled back hard towards it with the whip, and its wings angled to send it away from the cliff. The combined force yanked the Least Succubus off the ledge to tumble in the open air. Even as it fell away from the shelf, they both vanished from sight.

Wonder if it face-planted wherever they ended up? I would guess it teleported away.

[Stealth (8 -> 12)

Arcane (1 -> 2)

Demonic Lore (9 -> 10)

Meditation (15 -> 16)

Sense Motive Unlocked.

Sense Motive (1)

Danger Sense Unlocked.

Danger Sense (1)]

Feeling paranoid that it might return, she waited and listened for some time before finally rising to her feet and resuming her climb. Her Flight Power and Fly Skill had increased, but she wanted to improve her Climbing Skill further while she had this chance. Plus, this was far less hurried than Flight, and the slower movement might help her avoid attracting attention from afar.

[Stealth (12 -> 13)]

I'll take that as a 'Yes', but I thought the troll didn't give hints. Though technically, that might have been a reward, not a suggestion.

Looking up again, Julia still couldn't determine how far the cliff's top was from her current spot. However, it looked like the cloud bank was now below the clifftop, even though when she had first started the climb, the reverse had seemed the case. Julia had to wonder, with the distances shifting so erratically, would anything in here prove reliable.

Is it not just the perception of distance that shifted? Maybe the actual space fluctuated as well? Perhaps I misjudged it with all the undulating that had been going on. Or heck girl, perhaps the clouds just got lower, not like you've been keeping an eagle eye on them.

Okay, stop it, J. Set that aside, be in the moment. Cliff to climb, scholar stuff and half-arsed guessing later.

Kick in the pants completed; attention reverted fully onto the cliff face. Once again, she moved through what had become a habit: picking out the useful handholds, then footholds, setting hands into place, move feet, rise via legs. After each motion, check on balance, foot placement and that handholds were secure before shifting to the next spot, and her ascent continued.

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