Abyssal Road Trip

25 - It takes a village

Julia leant against the balcony railing, studying the street below, just taking in the moment. The scene below wasn’t a modern nightlife, but neither was it a true medieval setting. Magical crystals embedded into building fronts emitted clean glows, illuminating the streets in comforting brightness. A few families heading home at this late hour walked down the road in front of the Silver Chalice. Youngsters held in their parents’ arms, while older siblings plodded tiredly alongside.

Curiosity had her turning on ‘Soul Sight’ to look over the closest family, to examine their Souls. They weren’t perfect, but they indeed were not the horrific Souls seen within the Abyss. They were what they seemed: individuals, strengths and flaws alike, their various personality traits wrapped together in a complex shifting state. Just flawed Souls the same as herself. Watching over them allowed a tightness to ease inside her. Perhaps because the Power could perceive more than foulness, or energy that made the mind reel. It let her see the essence of people. Know them, not as they presented themselves, but who they were behind their masks. It felt almost too intimate watching these quiet moments filter down into their Souls, yet Julia didn’t want to look away.

I’m never going to have kids now!


Knowledge and a memory reared up at that thought, making her shudder in disgust. The emotion pushed aside a growing sadness that had blanketed her since the hearing.

So do NOT want to have a Cambion. Stupid Demonic lore, thanks ever so much.

Is that why I’m so desperate to give Livia back her own life?

She’s not family, but it’s still a chance to bring a life into the world. Are human reproductive instincts rearing their head? Or something else after having looked desolation straight in the eye?

Suppose I descend into that instinctive Demonic state again. Would it even be me that came out the other side?

Enough, Julia. Wallowing isn’t going to put you one step closer to your goals.


If you’re ever to get free from the Abyss, you need more information.

Neither Verdandi nor Torm knew what her hidden state meant or about things she had thought normal. Though she had at least learnt the secret of Torm’s hidden wolf-like visage was because of his celestial nature. It was just as well she’d never used Soul sight on him. The closest thing she could picture was something similar to a hound archon from D&D; yet with features more wolf than a hound. Though he had used a completely different Norse term, that was something like a wolf servant. Their divine tales were different here, as Týr hadn’t lost his hand to Fenrir.

Instead, while the other Norse Gods had grown concerned about Fenrir’s growing strength; Týr continually tried to dissuade them from their attempts to chain him. Yet the others persisted and repeatedly failed, before finally purchasing a chain from the Dwarven Gods. While Fenrir had considered the chain’s thinness suspect, Loki had still manipulated him into trying his strength against it. The others had kept Týr in the dark about the plan, so he hadn’t been in Ásgarðr when Loki arrived with the chain.

Upon his return, when Týr crossed the rainbow bridge into Ásgarðr, he had heard Fenrir’s enraged howls. Rushing towards the sound he came upon Fenrir lunging and thrashing, streams of blood darkening his coat. The thin chain anchored to Yggdrasil had cut into his neck and shoulders, yet he continually threw his strength into trying to get free. Confronted with the injustice of Fenrir chained before he had yet to harm another, Týr felt compelled to act. While the chain could hold against Fenrir’s strength, it couldn’t hold against Týr’s blade wielded in the cause of Justice. Hearing the call of Heimdallr’s horn, and Fenrir’s delighted howl, the other Norse Gods, rushed to the world tree.

The melee that ensued saw family against family as the others endeavoured to chain Fenrir again. The battle between them raged, with Týr and Fenrir protecting each other against their combined forces. The pair should have been quickly subdued, but a God as powerful as Týr acting within their portfolio wasn’t one easily denied. The fight ended when Fenrir pushed Týr out of the road of a strike that could have been deadly. The blade still cut deep though, and as Týr’s shield fell to the ground, the damage was evident. Confronted by what they had wrought, the other’s stopped fighting, and pulled back, remorse cooling their blood. Neither Fenrir nor Týr had escaped the blow unscathed, and Týr’s arm laying on the ground sent shock waves among them.

The blade had struck Týr just above the elbow and severed his arm cleanly; the limb when cast to the ground had rolled near to Yggdrasil. Before Eir, who had not joined the battle, could seek to restore Týr’s limb; the world tree had already absorbed it. Fenrir injured, but still capable of fighting, had wanted to continue the battle. Yet his fury drained when Týr offered the lost arm as weregild for the offence of his family. Saddened Fenrir’s howl had echoed over the bloodstained ground, and where it had fallen a thick mist rose. The fog soon parted, and the first of the ‘Vargr Drangijaz’ (Wolf Servant) came to be in Ásgarðr. Fenrir commanded those born from his blood and Yggdrasil's power to serve Týr. Forever to remind them of the obligation he felt owed to his battle brother.

Torm likely can smell Ylva’s desire but can keep it in his pants. Either that or he just isn’t interested in chasing mortal tail.

Turning off ‘Soul Sight’ Julia headed back inside, knowing she needed to learn about the new entries in her Profile. Procrastination had dug in its claws since some of their names set her teeth on edge.

The room they had provided was luxurious. Or maybe Julia’s perception of things had already become warped. While the room wasn’t much compared to a modern hotel, but it was darn comfortable and far from plastic in its feel. A four-poster bed featuring a wool stuffed mattress took up a chunk of floor space. Yet there was still enough room for four padded armchairs clustered around a table to receive guests, along with cupboards for storage. Though they had engraved a different theme in this room to her eye, it possessed a similar masterful quality to the dining room they’d used.

Pushing a chair away from the table, after positioning it, so both doors were visible, she sat down. Julia mentally turned back on the notifications. Unexpectedly silence was the only result instead of the spray of ‘pings’ she’d thought would hit her awareness. Focusing on the record the ‘System’ provided, Julia willed it to scroll back. Ignoring recent skill and power level-ups, she readily found the cause of the injury near the gate.

[Alert: Mana backlash sustained after losing control of internally manipulated energies.

Health Lost: 257

Achievement: Boom, Boom, Baby I

Requirement: Sustain ten per cent of your maximum health from mana backlash and survive.

Reward: +1 Willpower, +1 Endurance, +2 levels to Mana Resistance

Achievement: Boom, Boom, Baby II

Requirement: Sustain over a quarter of your maximum health from mana backlash and survive.

Reward: +1 Willpower, +1 Endurance, +3 levels to Mana Resistance

Achievement: Boom, Boom, Baby III

Requirement: Sustain over half your maximum health from mana backlash and survive.

Reward: +1 Willpower, +2 Endurance, +5 levels to Mana Resistance

Achievement: Touched by the Abyss

Requirement: Sustain over a quarter of maximum health from a single injury involving Abyssal energies

Reward: Abyssal Adaptability increased by one rank.

Achievement: Deeply touched by the Abyss

Requirement: Sustain over half your maximum health from a single injury involving Abyssal energies

Reward: Abyssal Adaptability increased by one rank.

Reward: Perseverance and Mental Resilience have combined and evolved into Mental Hardening.


[Skill Lore (1 -> 2)]

Scrolling back further revealed other notifications which listed the accumulation of energy charge and projected damage.

Need to pay more attention to the notifications. Note to self, don’t switch them off again until I have more knowledge.

Just in case, Julia concentrated on her profile control and added little symbols for charge build-up.

[Profile Control (16 -> 17)]

Hopefully, that will work as I intend,

That was ouch, but those Abyssal Adaptability jumps might help me survive. At least they'll help me level other resistances faster.

“Okay, well time to bite the bullet.”

Moving on before another reason to delay things presented itself. Julia took the time to review the Profile and examine each of the recent additions with Analysis.

Analysis: Power Corruption

[Corruption: The power allows an entity from a lower plane to corrupt a Soul they have successfully tempted. It is the primary power used by Succubi to allow them to gain sway over innocent Souls. The ‘Dream Sending’ spell form is one way to establish a mental connection usable for corrupting a Soul. However, the Soul has to respond to the Demon's temptations, refusing to do so blocks this power’s effect. However, this doesn’t stop the Demon from trying again on future occasions. The more intimate the interaction, the faster the Soul’s corruption occurs if they give in to the temptation. ]

Analysis: Power Demonic Pact

[Demonic Pact: A Demon can use this power to form a bond with a living Mortal. This bond provides the Demon with a connection to the mortal’s Soul. If they die while the bond is in effect, the Demon gains the Soul regardless of planar location. The mortal in returns gains increased capabilities above their usual limits, depending on the type of Demon they form a pact with. If the Demon possesses sufficient ranks in this power, they can step between planes to the mortal’s location. The formation of the bond requires the mortal’s agreement, but the Demon does not have to inform them of the consequences. The Demon can break the bond at will after they have formed it. Doing so will cause it to backlash onto the mortal, but the Demon suffers no ill effects. ]

Analysis: Spell Forms

[Spell Forms: Are pattern or frameworks that can be charged with Mana to produce particular effects. There are several ways to learn spell forms: class, species-level ups, or via study, are the most common but not the only mechanisms. As the spell form increases ranks and level, it is possible to alter the parameters to shift its effects within particular limits. The caster can add no effect that requires energy outside their affinities. Large changes to a form’s parameters cause exponentially increases in Mana cost.]

Analysis: Mana Affinity Mental

[Mana Affinity Mental: Any spell that influences its targets thoughts, behaviours or dreams requires the caster to have access to this mana. These spells bypass physical protection, only power, skills, or spell forms that protect the mind, or boost willpower help to resist or negate these spells.]

Analysis: Mana Affinity Abyssal

[Mana Affinity Abyssal: The Abyss existed before any physical realm, but in the eons, since it has become corrupted. Any spells a caster can invoke normally requiring fire, disease, death, corruption or entropy mana, can make use of this energy instead. However, all spell forms cast with Abyssal energy have two significant issues. First, if a mortal caster uses this Affinity, they corrupt their own Soul with no need for Demonic interaction. Second, the target can block the empowered spell forms with celestial protections of any kind. Though they cannot block them using the normal relevant protection. A spell designed to protect from evil will block a fireball spell formed with Abyssal mana, but fire-resistance will still allow part of the damage to take effect.]

Analysis: Mana Affinity Jade Court

[Mana Affinity Jade Court: The eastern celestial courts allow mortal Souls to access this Mana normally only through the form of Ki. Some spiritual priesthoods gain this mana affinity to empower spells instead of channelling a blessing from a God. Outsiders are never taught the spell forms or the process in attuning to this mana by members in good standing. However, most protective spells can use this mana to invoke their effects, though there may be changes in the spell form’s appearance. ]

Analysis: Charm Mortal

[Charm Mortal: Causes the subject to consider the caster their friend. This does not give the caster control, and the target will assess any 'requests' as if a friend asked it. If requests go against the mortal’s moral compass or self-interest, they gain additional opportunities to break free from the influence. Even if they don’t break free, they won’t act on the request and will try to influence, or force their ‘friend’ away from the course of action. If the influence is broken at any time, they will be aware of whatever activities they were influenced to conducting.]

Analysis: Dream Sending

[Dream Sending: Allows the caster to reach into the dreams of a target. If the casting is successful, the caster controls the dreamscape; otherwise, the dreamer is aware of them and has control. Whoever has control can manipulate the dreamscape and eject other parties from it, if so desired. A dreamer removed from their dreamscape cannot return to sleep that rest period and accumulates a fatigued state. The caster can voluntarily allow the dreamer to be fully aware of them, making this spell useful for long-distance communications. Proficiency in its casting influences the proximity required to the dreamer, allowing it to reach between planes with enough skill. ]

Analysis: Implant Command

[Implant Command: Allows the caster to implant an order within the target subconscious mind, and a trigger condition. The target won’t be immediately aware of the action they are to undertake. Allowing the caster to cause them to do things they wouldn’t normally do. The target can attempt to resist the spell when cast upon them, and when it triggers. Extended actions will allow them multiple chances to break free of the influence. If they break free, they will know who implanted the order.]

Analysis: Spell Surge Emotion

[Surge Emotion: Successfully effecting a target allows a caster to escalate desired emotions within them if present to any degree. The feeling has to be present in the target for this spell to work. A sociopath can’t feel compassion or remorse from the use of this spell, though their self-assurance is an option to influence. The caster can push anger into a rage; rage can become a murderous frenzy.]

Analysis: Bite

[Bite: This skill doesn’t increase the sharpness of one’s teeth, merely let one inflict damage more efficiently. Instinct and experience knowing where to bite make up this skill; otherwise ruthlessness in biting places that sentient beings normally wouldn’t. Possessed typically by animals or non-humanoid monsters, some individuals less fussy about what they put in their mouths have developed this skill as well.]

Analysis: Claws

[Claws: This skill allows for the most efficient use of claws present on any limb or body extension. It will enable the possessor to inflict damage on foes via their claws more efficiently. Skilled combatants have learnt to seek exposed places and position themselves where they can strike most effectively.]

Analysis: Tail Strike

[Tail Strike: This skill allows the possessor to strike efficiently at any target within the range of their tail. Allowing the user to attack foes behind them or within their tail’s angle of flexibility. The extent of inflicted damage depends on the construction, and nature of the tail used.]

Analysis: Mental Hardening

[Mental Hardening: This skill provides the user with mental armouring and improved recovering ability. For enduring actions, or a course that saps at one’s will to continue. This skill will provide a multiplier effect to the possessor’s strength of will. The user can maintain clarity of thought and action under adverse conditions. When developed into higher ranks, they can endure even places that would break their species’ senses without ill effects.]

Okay, so yes a bunch powers that get marked as a hard pass.

Corruption is going to do exactly what's on the label. An intimate connection, yeah, okay. Does that mean it won't matter if I want to corrupt them or not? I don't want to be the Abyss. Why would I push an innocent into it?

More questions. Are these questions that would be of concern to a Succubus? Somehow I doubt it.

Pity the attack skills didn’t just accumulate into unarmed combat. Yet considering the state I was in killing the slavers, it's not surprising.

Need to check those items from the Priestess body. The other bling stuff in the Pouch though can wait till I’ve got a few days.

Quickly setting the loot from the dead Priestess' body on the table, Julia checked each of them with Analysis.

[Scorpion’s Kiss: Wearing this ring causes any melee strike made by the wearer to inflict a struck foe with giant scorpion venom]

[The Agony of Horus: Wearing this ring allows blessings channelled from Set to have increased effectiveness depending on the phase of the Moon. When Horus’ eye is blind in the night sky, up to eight blessings in a day will have their maximum effect on their subject. Anyone wearing this ring that cannot channel blessings of Set is blinded and continually wracked by pain. They cannot remove it until they receive a prayer of absolution from a follower of Set.]

[Ring of Silent Motions: Wearing this ring suppresses all the noise made by the wearer through moving, It will not conceal the sound of any talking undertaken by its wearer.]

[Bracers of Missile Negation: These bracers protect from missiles only. Any missile will fall harmlessly away with its momentum spent upon contact with the wearer.]

[Analysis [Ap] (6 -> 7)]

So one nasty gag gift, and a couple of decent items among them.

After considering viable options for passing the evening, eventually, Tras’laqì’s book appeared on the table. Opening it with the required care, Julia got to work, hoping to abuse at least one loophole in his request. There was far more than she had expected within the book. Unsurprisingly, it wasn’t just a book with names as he’d implied. While the authors had crowded the pages with Abyssal script, reading fast wasn’t an issue.

The dawn light found the table clear again, and as the Alert made itself known, she smiled at a particular Soul.

Julia looked over from the Soul to meet Livia's intent and concerned focus

“Don’t look, Livia,” Julia said, waiting till the little girl looked away before she continued.

Mentally touching the Soul drew it partially out of her form. As its essence fought to escape, Julia deliberately focused on exactly how to consume a Soul shard from it. The rush of energy that followed was bitter and jagged. But some things she wouldn’t risk. Investigating earlier Julia had found the Souls that had contributed shards. Caught up like flies in amber, they appeared as if moth-eaten in Soul sight, yet their vital parts were still intact. When Wajet’s Soul rejoined the others, it was in a very different condition.

Stroking fingertips across Livia’s still concerned features, Julia gave her a smile of reassurance. Heading downstairs, she had to wonder how long it would take to get their plan started.

I still need to find somewhere to practice.

“Julia, I would assume.” A light tenor interrupted, calling from behind her before things got rolling.

Even as the kids started grumbling at the interruption, Julia glanced in the voice’s direction. Since they’d pronounced her English name in the same way Verdandi had; hopefully, there was some good news. Glimpsing the loose shirt and breeches, all stitched with unfamiliar symbols, Julia straightened and paid more attention.

Why do so many of the guys around here have to be tall? I should have kept my Succubus form’s height. Darn it.

Like most men about the town, the speaker was taller than Julia, but they were at least a far more reasonable height. Though still far too close to 180 cm, it was enough to mean she’d be looking up awkwardly when standing close to them. Their dark red hair though was not what she’d expected, especially since it looked as if someone had woven streaks of the sunset through it. Then again, the fineness of features matching to the whipcord leanness of his build wasn’t something she’d expected either.

“Go,” she said, startling the distracted kids, and spun back to throw the leather stuffed ball. It looked like it would cover a suitable distance across the common, but it wouldn’t completely clear it. As the kids raced off to see who’d get initial control of the ball, she turned back and moved over to the speaker.

“Sorry, been starting their rest day games. Who knows, there may have been fines involved if I kept them waiting. Do you work with Yngvarr?”

His looks are like the moon elf from Ari’s memories. Not as cute, and his skin is darker, more like a Spanish complexion, rather than the ghostly pale white.

“No Yngvarr is what the town residents call me. It’s easier on them.” Yngvarr replied, his voice shaded with puzzlement as he considered her. “You are indeed a curiosity.”

“Thanks,” Julia said, trying to keep the automatic dryness from her voice, “that at least is better than some reactions I’ve gotten lately. Though you to me are also a curiosity, with no offence meant.”

“None was taken. You’re politer than some about the Jarl’s household. I believe some matters need addressing.” Yngvarr said, turning and moving away on the street towards the inner gate. “Shall we leave the children to their rest day?”

Shaking her head at his back, as despite the questioning tone, it was more a summons. Julia did what he seemed to expect and followed.

Bad Elfie!! No!! Wait, it’s okay. You’re wearing breeches. I’ll just be back here, wouldn’t want to crowd you.

Her hand flexed and wiggled against the gossamer touch beside her, as it seemed that Livia wanted to play as they walked.

“Yeah,” Julia breathed softly, moving to close the gap that had already opened.

Julia decided she had a slight issue, and not only that, but Yngvarr ultimately failed all the stereotype checks. He didn’t live in the Jarl’s residence; even though he was nominally the Jarl’s magical adviser. Also, didn’t live in a tower; even though Yngvarr was a Wizard. Nor did they make their home in a grove of magical trees, which was quite disappointing to Julia. Even if she hadn’t been, well, a Demoness, romance was also never going to be an option since they batted for the same team. However, there was eye candy aplenty to choose from, even if that was all it was going to be. Since it was readily apparent that Yngvarr and Alfarr were together. The consolation was they both looked darn fine in a pair of breeches.

Decent looking, ok well darn cute Elvish mage, and rugged Norse warrior; and neither male was on the market. Break hearts all over the place, why don’t you. Well, they certainly make an interesting couple.

Turning her attention back to the Crystal ball sitting in front of her, she tried again to get it to work. Forming an image of the summoning chamber in her mind, she tried to connect to the mana in the item. If only the summoning chamber would show up in this darn thing. Then Yngvarr could see it, and we’d be able to get this show on the road.

Hello operator, can you hear me?

It certainly seems to work for Yngvarr differently as well.

Why does everyone else’s approach to this magic stuff not work for me?

You say Tomato. I say Tomahto. Potato, Potahto. Just work will you.

Instead of trying to push a connection to form, Julia instead let Harmony resonate within. To be open to the world, that was her key. So it wasn’t a slight issue. Instead, it was just a difference in her foundation. Instead of trying to push towards it, she had to accept instead, opening to it, and allowing them to draw together. Harmony, in that power’s fullness, Julia and the Orb simply stopped being apart.

Energies shimmering from the orb, Yngvarr looked over to find an image hovering within its depths. Though the image warranted attention, it wasn’t his immediate focus. Instead, it was an incredibly confusing entity’s face showing the oddest thing possible. To be clear, a Demoness with her eyes closed, seemingly at peace; rated high on his list of strange.

Since Julia couldn’t enter the Temple, Verdandi had taken the practical approach to establishing another space. It wasn’t clear if Yngvarr had realised that area would be his casting chamber until he had already agreed. To be fair, he had been engaged in apparent academic discussion about the requirements to purify ‘a’ space for the blessing.

Then, between one point and another, it dawned that he’d already given consent to use his chamber. Though perhaps clued in when Verdandi’s assistant had started on preparations in front of him. Then, rather than the pair arguing, Julia had seen an eye roll from the wizard. Given the laughter from Alfarr, it was not a first for this sort of antics between them. The assistants had even ushered them all out of the space to let them work.

Finally allowed back in, Julia found Livia’s body lain out in the middle of the chamber covered with a shroud. It did nothing to conceal the smell present. However, that wasn’t what twisted Julia’s stomach in metaphysical knots. It was more knowing what was under the shroud and hoping Livia would have no recollection. The bloated, broken shape that Yngvarr had retrieved from Wajet’s residence had been a pitiful sight. It was fortunate that the blessing didn’t require the body to be pristine or even intact. Instead, the more remains present, the less effort channelling the blessing required.

As the chant started, the edge of the shroud rustled in a non-existent breeze; golden light spiralled into existence over the body. During the chanting, the junior Priests attending Verdandi turned as one and bowed respectfully at the manifestation of their Deity’s power. As the energy faded, Julia could feel Livia being drawn away from her, the link between them stretch. Almost in time to Verdandi’s musical casting, they moved to either side of the body.

Kneeling together, their hands touched the fabric of the shroud, and they turned it back away from her face. Revealing Livia’s feature now in a pristine, but a still lifeless state. Golden light and azure blue shone, then flashed as one, when Livia’s body, no, when Livia inhaled, and Julia felt the bond between them snap. Light splitting apart as the golden energy winked out, and the azure spilt downwards into Livia as she continued to breathe.

Livia looked almost as if she was just waking from sleep. Her eyes roamed under still closed lids, before open to signal her return to the world again. A pair of startled priests rocking back as she looked at them with orbs shimmering with the deepest crystal blue. Worried about what had happened to Livia, Julia used Analysis almost as a reflex. Verdandi’s instruction not to use Soul Sight during the ceremony had made sense. Yet now Julia would have preferred some hint about what had happened.


[Name: Livia P. Luci senatoris filia

Race: Human (Enlightened Soul)

Class: Monk (Former novice)

Age: 10

Level: 1

Defence: 15

Melee Attack Power: 7

Combat Skills: Unarmed Combat (1)

Child: Daughter of Senator Palinurus Lucienus]




True Name


Lesser Succubus


1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed)


(0 / 20)

Home Plane






Blood Monk


111,999 / 180,000



0 / 2000



27,640 / 30,000



Melee Attack Power


























Darkness, Time, Mental, Abyssal, Jade Court

Spell Forms

Charm Mortal (5), Dream Sending (5), Implant Command (5), Surge Emotion (9)


Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold (5), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (11), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (5), Electricity - Minor (5)


Abyssal Adaptability [Ad] (6), Blink [Ap] (21), Corruption (5), Dark Sight (1), Demonic Pact (5), Energy Drain (14), Flight [Ap] (12), Harmony [J] (31), Improved Regeneration [Ap] (23), Ki Movement [Ap] (11), Ki Strike [Ap] (2), Mana Sense [Ap] (8), Shapeshift [Ap] (13), Soul Sight [Ap](8), Telepathy [B] (2), Teleport (Self): 5, Translate Languages [J] (6),


Active -

Abyssal City Navigator (1), Acrobatics [B] (4), Acting (19), Analysis [Ap](7), Bite [Ap] (5), Bluff (16), Claws [Ap] (14), Climbing [B] (20), Danger Sense (9), Disguise (19), First Aid (1), Fly [Ap] (1), Haggling (15), Intimidation (19) , Leatherworking [B](3), Ki Meditation [J] (16), Mana Manipulation [Ap](19), Mental Hardening [J] (15), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [Ap] (8), Profile Control (17), Rope Use(1), Seduction(16), Sense Motive (11), Stealth [Ap](17), Taunt (5), Tactics [B](9), Time Sense [Ap] (7), Torture (2), Unarmed Combat [J] (12)

Knowledge -

Abyssal Lore [B](9), Arcane (14), Celestial Lore (10), Demonic Lore [J] (2), Hidden Lore (9), Planar Lore (7), Planar Portals (9), Skill Lore (2)

Available Skill Points


Available Knowledge Bonus



Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English, Norse

Special Abilities




Max Capacity

25 / 50 Kilograms

Stored Materials

Assorted Lurker glands, meat and materials. Tras’laqì’s book of names. Ring of Silent Motions. Scorpion’s Kiss. The Agony of Horus. Bracers of Missile Negation.


Harvested Damned Souls


Innocent Souls Corrupted


Soul Shards Available


Innocent Souls Bound


Soul Shards Consumed


Corruptions Failed


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