Abyssal Road Trip

21 - Take what's mine

“You tell me what's going on and I’ll free her. It’s that simple.”

“Leaving her untainted by your stain?” The Priest said, contempt and disbelief colouring his tone.

“Again, I’m in the dark here. We’re speaking the same language, but I don’t understand.” Julia replied, trying hard not to reach for him.

“She’s right beside you, Demoness. Bound to you. How can you not see her?”

He gestured towards her right, yet even with Mana Sense still going, there was nothing there.


Soul Sight

As it activated, the Power exposed within the Priest sent her reeling backwards, mentally and physically. The energy coming from within his flesh dimming the daylight in comparison. Only her supernatural quickness and battered resilience stopped her from going sprawling. Catching herself against the door of the Wagon, gaze snapping downwards, instinctively seeking safety from the light of that searing force.

In her enhanced sight, the essence of her form showed through its current false visage. Shadows of light burned within alien flesh, illuminating through its physical appearance. Spectral faces shaped as if glowing wisps rippling within, their hollow forms taut against a prison of skin woven from Heat. That Heat prevented her from learning the full details of their lives. Julia felt nothing for their captivity nor desperation, given their profession. The Souls were all somehow aware of their situation as if the Abyssal Heat making up her form captivating them made their fate known.

Instead, her mind reserved all sense of horror for the child’s Soul standing in the air beside her. Julia shuddered as the sight revealed the perversion of a mother’s feeding in progress. A blotted vein knotted cord of spiritual flesh trailed from within her right breast to its mouth. Even as horror burst to life in sullen embers, the veins pulsed and throb. The emotions sight perceived pulsated inside herself, surging yet fading even before she felt them. The cord pulsed and vibrated, spewing the negative emotions like poison into the child’s form.

She saw it echo with pain and horror Livia felt in the moment her death rang out, and memories rush into Julia. The sense of a dark prison grasping her Soul instead of the beckoning of Janus’ doorway. Seeing Julia’s face appearing above her in the dark space, and the rush of energy soon after cascading into her. Anger replacing sorrow, which became a torrent of pain, fury whirling through her as she drank more yet hungered still. Hungered for Power, for revenge, feeling the Heat whispering to her as the locked gifts of life activated again.

It held a bloodied hand out to her, offered form and power, so she took the hand and drank from its flesh. Drank all that it offered and more besides. Torrents of burning emotion-filled every fibre, and she screamed for a way out. Her/Their Power took flight, and she knew they could get her/their revenge. With that first kill still echoing in them, she left that blood-stained room and hunted those who’d already left. Instincts surging as the demon’s insights and her will moved as one, slipping in to feed first on the greatest threat. The Priestess, the commander, the caster all fell. After the last of them, the fun and screaming truly began.

[Soul Sight ( 6 -> 12)

Demonic Lore ( 20 ->[B] (2) ) ]

There is still hope.

“How did this happen? Tell me how to help her! Please!“

“What tier of fallen are you? How do you not know this?”


“Impossible for you not to know then. What trick do you think to achieve?”

You know so much about Demons. Do you bargain with them often? Note to self: be careful of this fucker.

“I don’t know what happened. I want to help free these people, so I freed you. I didn’t know about the child’s Soul. A summoner called me. He killed her to do it. I knew she'd died but not about being bound to me,”

“I know that it needs no such sacrifice for a Lesser Demon. Perhaps if you were a Greater Succubus, I’d believe that lie.”

“I don’t know if it needs it or not. He thought it did. I read it from his mind. He was sloppy with the circle. I found her heart after I got free. I was asking him what he’d done, and then. We linked and came after the unworthy hunting. After that ended up here and freed some people. Want to free the rest?”

“Step aside and let me out then. ”

Turning off her Soul Sight, Julia nodded and backed up without looking at him; keeping her hands in the open as she moved. The Priest followed smoothly, unfolding himself out of the Wagon’s door, taking care in every action to avoid brushing metal.

“Perhaps you can provide some instruction while we free people? Who knows what will happen next.”

“You are a strange one, Succubus. I don’t know what game you are playing yet. You will stay where I can see you at all times.”

“I thought you had no tongue, white one. What language is that you speak?” Ari asked.

“The language is celestial, Ari. I’d suggest you pay more attention to your lessons in Mielikki’s groves. If you thought she had no tongue, it’s because she tricked you. Her kind does that well. Be extremely wary, Ari. I don’t know what game she’s playing or who for as yet.”

“What kind is she?”

“Succubus.” The Priest answered his eyes still intently fixed on Julia despite her backing up carefully and not making any gestures towards him.

Guess since I can Blink, the possibility of a sudden move occurring is a given.

But geez this guy is an arse. Maybe he enjoyed being locked in a box? Is it a fetish?

She heard Ari’s bow tense behind her in a thrum of motion. The sudden clicking of chains receding made it seem as if others were wise enough to get clear.

“She freed some people, but what power she was using, I don’t know. She didn’t touch any except for Olaf’s face after he kissed her check.”

“I’ll see to cleansing them later. Watch her. No one gets within arm’s reach. What happened to the Priestess?”

You're a dick, Ari. I just unchained you. You're both arses.

Well, this is one an enormous pile of shit you just jumped feet first into it J.

“I killed her in her tent. She would have caused issues if I hadn’t dealt with her first.” Julia said.

This is a pain in the arse. I can understand both of them but speak only to the Priest.

“Ari if you can lead the way to her tent but be careful she claims to have killed her. Succubus, you follow a distance behind him.”

“Call me Amanda, not this one, or Succubus.”

“You give out ‘Use’ names so freely. Wanting your or another Demon’s ‘Use’ names known on this plane for another sloppy summoner to use. Is that your ploy?” The Priest, tone harsh inflections gave the musical nature of the celestial language a metallic undertone.

It's not a 'Use' name Arse. It might be one of my old names, but Profile says I renamed myself J.

So wish I had ignored Ari, and just freed people myself.

“Oh, for crying out loud, no. Have it your way though, pick a name to use as long as it’s not hey you or late for dinner.”

“Move Succubus. Ari lead please.”

Aquila stated his demand to her in the same tongue Ari had been speaking. Apparently familiar enough with Demon's to know she'd understand, and his tone clear to Julia he didn't have trust for her.

“Fine, just tell me what’s she saying. I don’t understand Celestial. Sylvan and Elvish yes, Celestial no.”

‘“Nothing important.”

Fuck you, Aquila. I want to learn Elvish. Then I can tell them to live long and prosper.

Turning to follow, her eyes sought Ari, who had already moved. He led the way, looping clear of the wagons and toward the tent which awoke to claw in her memory. Her eyes fixed on the woman’s sleeping face as she lay on her side asleep. Waiting and watching her breath softly, a poniard formed from chitin and bone, a flickered step, the crunch as it drove home. Body twitching, the vibrations of the skull’s bone scrapping up her arm as it shook in its death throes. Head pinned to the camp bed’s mattress on the spike driven through her temple, like a butterfly on display.

Conversation ceased she played with her Telepathy as she followed Ari. Preferring the distraction of other thoughts, and concerns to the effect watching Ari’s muscles seemed to have on her. From most, she read a mix of concern and relief the freed felt. Relief at seeing the Priest they thought of as Aquila, mingled with the unfamiliar face under guard. Others she steered clear of as the rawness of pain in their thoughts were clear. If Livia was feeding off emotions, she didn’t want to provide her more fuel. The notifications pinging for Telepathy every time she was able to make sense of a new mind.

“Will you answer a question?”

“No.” Aquila snapped back at her, his tone not having improved.


“The only thing staying my hand from you at present Succubus is my concern for my Novice’s Soul. You’d be wise to mind your tongue, lest I see if I can free her another way.”

“I can understand your concern for her. I want to help her. How do I undo this bond?”

“Do nothing yet. I’ll explain what I know once I regain my possessions.”

Yes, cause I'm just a woman, I recognise that dismissive crap tone. You care about your crap but won't even talk while we walk. Have trouble chewing and walking at the same time?

“You know you are awful bossy for a young bloke.”

“How is it you are so ignorant, Succubus?” Aquila asked, his tone seemed to imply stupid and his words and Julia felt her teeth clenched.

Roman's bet they were another culture where women were just possessions. He didn't even call her by name only my Novice. Are possessions more important to him than a child?

“I said you could call me Amanda.”


“I’m tempted to call you more names, but I want Livia safe. A child’s safety is more important than winning an argument.”

Even if the argument is with a complete bossy type A Arse with control issues, and a stick up said orifice. His nose looks a bit Roman bust styled. That’s right. Janus was a Roman God, crossroads or something, not just content for a Buffy episode. So Egyptian, Norse, Roman, plus who knows what else I’ll find in this place.

Letting out a sigh, she offered an olive branch to the roman fellow.

“I’m very new. Lots to learn. I’ve visited precisely one city, One stronghold and two planes of the Abyss. I climbed a cliff, charred, broken and scoured flesh in a cloud bank. Fought a bunch of Lurkers, triggered an Ascend without knowing enough. Bullied past a Cambion. Entered said city. Ran afoul of some older, what did you call me, Fallen of Eros? Got summoned cause a knowledge demon tricked the sloppy summoner and gave them my ‘Use’ name. Does that answer your question?”

“Enough. I’m trying to think.”

Don’t strain yourself too hard. Arse. Powerful Arse but still an Arse.

Eros, a Greek god, associated with love or something. So servants of a God of love fallen to become lust demons. Okay, go figure. How did the original fall? Look at Zeus wrong when Hera was in the line of sight?

They were just fiction at home. Here, well, oh, boy.

Right, back to Greek being on the list as well.

She’d tucked the slavers who had been outside the tent inside a wagon bed nearby, and it seemed no one had moved them yet. Inside, the large command style tent the Priestess had been using. Julia was glad the heat of the day hadn’t hit cause dead don’t smell pleasant, especially when there is no breeze to clear the odour.

Worse odours in the Abyss.

“So you weren’t lying about her being dead?”

“She was a problem. So I apparently I thought I’d put a pin in her and come back to it later.” Julia said, her eyes flickering to Ari. But he seemed not to be worried about being left out of the loop while they conversed in Celestial. Ari had just calmly observed her as she'd entered the tent, his focus not shifting from her.

Mana Sense

Sweeping her Mana Sense over the inside of the tent, only two chests and a scattering of objects felt as if they had energy.

“I sense Mana from those, so unless she has something stored in her Inventory, that should be your enchanted gear. No idea how you’d get her inventory content back if she had that.”

[Mana Sense (7 -> 9) ]

“What is this inventory you are talking about, Succubus?”

How are you so ignorant, Priest?

“I’m ignorant, must be nothing but ramblings,” Julia said, and couldn’t help but smile sweetly at him as he glared in return before she continued.

“Livia, we both want to help her so don’t go all I shall smite thee, hip and thigh. I feel I should point out you were dismissive when I asked a question. Yet you expect answers when I refer to something you don’t know about. Doesn’t that strike you as a touch well ironic?”

“You seek that which you do not possess Succubus.”

And you have no sense of humour.

“First, not asking for payment for freeing Livia. Second, not even going to insist you answer anything. I merely prefer for you to cut the rudeness when I ask something. Now considering I opened your prison. How about some politeness at least? You answering nothing will not stop me from wanting to help Livia. She is not you. I am not punishing her for your choices. IF you don’t want to answer, then tell me you will not answer. Does that sound fair?”

“You speak a lot for a Lesser Demon.”

“Really! You don’t say! How about an answer?”

“I do not wish to answer,” Aquila said, the muscles in his jaw flexing as he chewed out the words.

“How about this as a peace offering? Inventory is a Power that some individuals can get. They gain access to an extra-dimensional pocket tied only to them. It’s limited in size, but can grow.”

“Interesting. Yet its something I’ve never heard of previously. So how do I know you aren’t lying?”

“Well, just think Analysis Inventory.”

“What is Analysis?”

Julia looked at Aquila like he’d grown a second head.


“Enough, there are people to free.”

Sounds continued to run off Aquila’s lips as soon as he finished his retort. The chant he started was musical like celestial, yet she couldn’t catch the words. They seemed to melt from understanding even as she heard them. The sound carried a light in her Mana Sense, shining with Power and a hint of something beyond her understanding. As his chant finished, a stream of objects erupted from the chests, and a series of them floating spun in the air by Aquila. The rest spun in the air for a moment before rushing to return to the chests.

“Neat spell,” Julia said, her eyes looking at the objects that seemed to do cartwheels within arm’s reach of Aquila.

“Janus blessings to the traveller come in many forms.”

Looking through the objects, Aquila selected a small looking bell from among the things and directed his attention at Ari.

“Bell of the Traveller’s ease. Stand where you have a clear view of as many people as possible. Ring the bell only once. It has a limit on the number of travellers it will bless each time. Unless there are many children among them, expect only twenty people freed each time.”

“So just go around and ring the bell three times, while looking at folks?” Ari asked, looking at Aquila for confirmed after he carefully took the bell from him.

“Yes. If the bell stops sounding, it has run out of Mana, and I’ll need Janus’ blessing to renew it.”

“Sure you don’t want me sticking around to help keep an eye on her?”

“It’s fine. You can go, Ari. I asked for your escort for protecting others, not my own. Besides, I didn’t know where this tent was, now did I.”

“I knew it! But wait, you think I lie.” Julia said, her crooked smile and a roll of her eyes providing volumes of snark, even though celestial tried to mitigate the message.

“You are a Demoness.”

“Well, I’ll leave you folks to your sing-song chatter. I’ll go get the villagers free since you feel able to protect yourself.” Ari said, taking the bell by the ringer to ensure it didn’t sound out.

As Ari left the tent, Julia indulged her curiosity somewhat or at least tried to do so. Yet felt a touch frustrated when the Analysis attempt only provided her with the name Aquila, and a Class of High Priest. There wasn’t even any sign that his Health, Mana or anything was unknown, it just wasn’t present, nor was there any indication of his actual Race. While he looked mostly human, liquid silver wasn’t exactly something that screamed normal Human.

“So are your eyes silver cause you’re a High Priest, or because of your species?”


Taking a bundle of cloth from amongst the floating items, he folded it out into a messenger satchel. A very plain messenger satchel which stayed flat; even when he was stuffing in items that should have caused it to bulge.

“I’d ask you about the bag Aquila, but you’d likely just say No. So if that’s all your stuff, rest is hers.”

{{My things.}}

Julia walked over and tapped a pouch sitting by the camp bed that been among the glowing items and willed it into her inventory. The pouch vanished, and she saw confirmation of its storage. As Aquila finished up, she pulled some rings and wrist bracers from the corpse.

“You would loot the dead?

“No,” Julia said, just to give him a taste of his own medicine.

“You are taking things from her remains. You are looting the dead!”

“No. Oh, that wasn’t a question. The villagers can have everything else, including the stuff in the other command tents. I have taken absolutely zero things from any of them so far.”

Oh wait, except a dagger, and a potion that I don't want to admit having. But I looted nothing last night.

“You are looting her body.” He said, the tone in his voice making the language ring like steel.

“Aquila, I’m pragmatic. She doesn’t need any of it as she is, and if she comes back from the dead, I still don’t want to let her have them. Technically, you’re also looting the dead. She took your stuff, yes, but she did so when you were alive. She stole yes, but doesn’t mean you’re not looting. The little one’s waiting. Oh, and the inventory power exists. See?”

Tilting her hand towards him so he could see the items she held before they vanished. Seeing the muscles in his jaw clench, she wondered if she had pushed his buttons a little too hard. It took him a little while to regain his composure, and it tempted Julia to ask if he needed a time out when he finally spoke.

Pretty sure he's going to kick me back into the Abyss as soon as Livia is free. Was likely going to be his play from the get-go. Game on.

“Let’s find a spot in the Sun outside, and I’ll take you through the process, Demoness, ”

“Guess I’ll pick us a spot then, Priest.”

After finding a spot in the sun she sat down straddling a fallen tree, using branches as a backrest. As Aquila fussily picked a spot on its rough wood, Julia couldn’t help but give him a flat look. Ari had already set the closest folks free and disappeared by the time he finally sat further down the log facing her.

“How do you know what to do?” She asked, tiring of his delays after what she’d seen.

“Records of the order, I just had to recall the details I’d read. It’s possible to get an entity to recover their energy from a Soul they’ve enslaved, and free them. The main issue is it can only occur prior to the Soul being taken from their plane.”

“I didn’t enslave her!”

“Succubus, I can see she has a Slave bond with you. Why do you persist in lying?”

“The summoner bound her to me. The bond was there already when I found her heart. I saw from her that it activated then, and energy from me flowed into her. I wasn’t aware of it prior to you telling me. Soul sight isn’t something I have active regularly.”

“Regardless, you will need to focus on the energy she has taken from you and draw it back from her,” Aquila said, his tone firm yet edged it with doubt.

“Ok, so how do I do that?”

Aquila, you are such an arse. I need a t-shirt that says Can’t judge a book by its cover applies here. In the Abyss they don’t know I’m hidden, and neither does he. The way he carries on; even if he’s heard of it, I’d likely just get the old, I’m lying attitude.

“You still have your memories of what caused the pain. Focus on bringing those memories fully to mind. Use the memories to pull related emotions back into you. Also, you need to focus on not letting her feed further, or they will cycle. You will relive the moment and reclaim the emotions.”

“I’m going to relive the moments for all the emotions she’s consumed? Did she feel everything I’ve felt from those emotions?”

Aquila shook his head, “Not to my understanding. A Soul perceives things differently. For disembodied or Bound Soul emotions are like Mana: they provide them Power, provide them access to Powers and Abilities they possessed in life. You will relive the moments as the emotions return to you, something I’m told Demons enjoy is extremes of emotion.”

“Well. This will not be fun!”

“Again, with the lies, Demoness. What are emotions to your kind but sauce for the dish?”

“You know nothing, Jon Snow.”

How your favourite TV shows turn out, should be a low priority J.

“My name is Aquila.”

“Whatever just proves my point. Do you have the means to prevent noise from going anywhere?”

“You don’t need to know about my capabilities,” Aquila said, the tone even more edged with suspicion.

“Fine. But if, or when I scream, and not in a fun way. Have something ready to block the noise. Unless you want to attract attention to the villagers.”

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