Abyssal Road Trip

13 - Contact

The activity around the gate still looked like it had when Julia first passed through it. Well, except for the absence of the very distracted guard. Now her ability to return with ease was known Julia's pace slowed, as her mind started turning over a new set of options. Demons, or so it seemed from the limited sample of just herself, didn't need sleep. So there was no way to guess if the night would cause any behaviour change in the City at all.

'Danger Sense' screamed, as reality ahead shimmered, and cracking noises echoed from behind her. Thoughts fleeing from screaming instincts, she willed 'Blink' to shift her location. In her new perspective, the gatehouse's position to her left confirmed City's wall was to her back.

[Danger Sense (10 -> 14)]

From the potentially improved position, she gained little comfort, with the space near the gate, rapidly emptying. The fleeing Demons were obvious in their efforts to keep their eyes off her and the four newly arrived Succubi. Three of them positioned in a tight formation at the back of the Square. The fourth, who would have appeared in front of her, was even now turning smoothly to face her.

They were the most consistent Demons she had encountered so far. They wore identical clothing, coloured in the same, deep red, green and dulled silver. The guards wore these exact colours, but all in different clothing styles, even when their species were identical. The standard colour scheme had been the only indicator of their role, aside from her 'Analysis'. The 'ladies' needed no such help to speak of their duties; they were killers.

The Succubus from earlier gave the appearance of being nothing more than an empty sex toy, being used by another. The new arrivals though, well it was clear from their spiked horns to the serrated edged boots. They weren't there for anyone's pleasure, but their own. Their very body language laid claim to space about them, their posture poised like the jaws of a trap.

The guards' clothes were rough, ill-fitting fabrics, erratically combined with poorly cured hides and ill-tended weapons. The apparel worn by the quartet were strange finely smoothed leathers, silken fabrics without any apparent error in their cut. The guards only blunt lazy muscle, more a speed bump even to her than a threat. These Succubi projected a promise that destruction might be the kindest of releases from their attentions.


[Demon: Greater Succubus






Melee Attack Power:

Combat Skill(s): ]

Intending to flee, she focused on returning to the city depths, hoping to shake them. Stepping off fast, only to hiss and retreat from the spear of pain that seemed to split her leg from toe to groin, yet the hud showed not even a blip in health.

[Danger Sense ( 14 -> 18)]

Are you just going to keep increasing? I know I'm in danger.

"Now. Now. Trying to go somewhere, my false Sister?"

The words etching the air were quietly spoken, and wouldn't have carried over the din that had been on every street. Indeed, moments earlier, they wouldn't have been audible here. With the last 'civilian inhabitant' having already vanished, they carried menacingly instead. Shimmering barriers seethed into existence around the outskirts of the Gate's Square.

Demonic Self-preservation instincts. Check. Wait, false Sister?


How does she know about my hidden status?

"So ignorant. Who taught you our Path? Who sent you here?"

"I'm training myself. I seek to be stronger."

Oh no.

Analysis: Blood Monk

[Class: Blood Monk - the primary advancement path followed by those Succubi making up the 'Sisterhood of Blood'. These Assassins have been continually employed in the Shadow Wars between factions for eons since their founding. ]

[Demonic Lore (19) -> [B] (3)]

Oh, motherfucker. System. You. SonOfaBitch.


There was no point in 'Danger Sense' even giving a warning. Still, it screamed, as visible Power leapt the gap between them. The impact smashing Julia to the ground; freezing mana broke through chitin, and burnt into flesh. The Mana constricted around her, and chain-like bonds squeezed her flesh tight to the bone. An agony that challenged the inferno of Ascending loomed like a tidal wave, but before it could peak, she beckoned her Ki to her in surrender.

So is passing out like still being able to be Dizzy. I still don't think Demons sleep. You can smack their off button though.

The idle thought was the first thing that came to her when awareness swam to the surface reality. The second thing was she was again naked; she wasn't Barbarella, so why did she keep losing 'clothing'. Then her perceptions did a better job; she blinked at the weight of darkness that smothered her.

She felt as if hung in midair, pressure clamping in spots along the bone ridges of her now outstretched Wings. Her skin exposed to air and the only other pressure sensations were as disturbing as they were apparent. Tentatively, she flexed her neck and confirmed the obvious presence of a cold band encircling it.

Letting her Ki drift and cycle through her, allowed the rising panic to wash away. The veneer of Heat overlaying the Ki was as clear to 'her' in its falseness when fighting the Lurkers. Though strangely, it also felt more substantial than before, in power yes, but also in that falseness.

[Power: Harmony unlocked.

Harmony (1)

Monk class bonus skill points added on Power unlock.

Harmony (1 -> 9)]

Talk to the hand.

Letting her fingers flex with drifting slowness, she felt nothing obstructing their motions. Her perception of the 'hud' confirmed her Health had recovered. Though she was sure it had plunged before she fell into the Ki.

So I assume that was spell casting—both the barriers and the Power of the attack.

[Arcane (3 -> 5)]

Mentally selecting her 'Wingless' form, she willed the change, only to find herself just waiting as nothing happened.

[Time Sense (12 -> 13)]

Assume I didn't die, as then I'd appear on the other plane again.

Prison. I could end up wishing she'd kill me.

Sensory deprivation torture? Is this their version of a waiting room? Hello, I prefer reading aged periodicals. Heck, breast cancer screening is more fun. You get things squeezed all cold there as well.

Stop J. You got a new power, check it out.

Analysis: Harmony


Oh fine.

Analysis: Power - Harmony

[Harmony: The development of this Power enables Ki to grow beyond the boundary of flesh. It allows practitioners to obtain a connection to the physical and spiritual aspects of existence. As they improve this Power, they can unlock a range of additional Powers. They also gain synergy between various physical skills and their Ki depending on their Focus. ]

Interesting, but doesn't seem like it's going to get me out of here immediately.

Trying to move upwards with Flight, she felt nothing, but it was hardly surprising. Stretching her arms to either side, then forward and back, as best she could. Julia felt no contact with anything but determined she wasn't constrained further by any bounds. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she slowly stretched and extended her feet, legs, and finally arched her body out into the darkness.

The pressure on the wings turned painful as she started to push her legs out further. Though it didn't disturb her meditations, she merely acknowledged it as she continued her endeavours. She was almost at full stretch when she felt her toes touch against an unseen wall. Alternating each foot till she was planked, poised between toes and wings.

[Acrobatics [B] (4 -> 5)]

Hard to soar like an eagle, when pinned like a butterfly.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

Letting her feet fall downwards, she pushed into their swing and back again. As they came forward like a pendulum, she arched with the momentum and drew them upwards to flip herself between the clamping pressure points. Then flip again, and again; eventually, the screaming pressure ripped her Wings from her back. As an activity, she voted it as one, not to repeat.

[Acrobatics [B] (5 -> 8)]

The fall wasn't long, but with no way to know how far she would fall, the landing wouldn't have scored any points. Her face and shoulder were first in finding the floor, as it interrupted her descent; the rest of her body slapped hard against it.

Mundane materials resistance, I love you so much.

Her fingers traced over a rough surface that felt as abrasive as sandstone. Rising to her feet, she felt blood dripping from the deep wounds on her back. Her improved regeneration also doing nothing and her Health continued downwards.

Can't do anything about that. Wings didn't drop on me, and nothing to use for binding the wounds. Either I'll stop bleeding, or I'll find out how the 'respawn' works.

Left-arm held across her torso to serve as a bumper, she felt across the ground with pointed toes. Right arm stretched out in front; her brain recalled the night goggle scene at the end of Silence of the Lambs.

Yeah, I don't need the 'System' thing to troll me.

I've got that covered; All by myself.

It seemed to take longer than expected before the outstretched hand touched against the wall. Julia wasn't sure though if it was just the small, careful steps prolonging things. However, by the time she had found stone under her hand, her Health had stopped going down.

So I have normal Demon regeneration, but not my improved Power.

Something in here disabling things. Or the collar doing it? Doesn't seem to stop Ki flow though. That will teach me to joke about safe words.

Now I need an incompetently stupid guard to come in and be too slow to notice me free. Lovely door, where are you? Here boy, Schmackos.

The stone of the walls was smooth under her fingers. Stepping carefully sideways, with slow movements tracing her fingers over the rock. Eventually she 'thought' she eventually completed a proper circuit of it.

[Time Sense (13 -> 14)]

The regularity of each corner making her sure the base of her cell, at least, was the square end of a pillar. The smoothness of the stone seemed unbroken, however low or high she had reached.

Mana Sense. Nothing.

Soul Sight. Nothing.

Flight. Again, nothing

Cycling her Ki faster, she invited it along her arms and felt the Power of it burn in her hands. The release of her invitation, had it flow away again unused.

Ki. Check.

After tracing another four circuits tracing stone, she stood with her back to the wall and stepped towards the centre. Kneeling to sit seiza, she rested the palm of her hands against her thighs as she meditated. Letting herself drift along with the Ki, regular flexing of her fingers the only things that counted any time.

[Time Sense ( 14 -> 15)]

There was no heartbeat even within herself; no breathing; no sounds; no light.

The prison cell's trio was all there was, lingering together in silence.

Her. The Ki. The Darkness.

Sinking deep into the Ki ocean, her sense of self flowed away, melding, blurring with them both.

[Harmony (9 -> 10)]



True Name

Species Lesser Succubus Level 1 /10

(Variant: Hidden Mortal Soul - Cursed) Shards (0 / 20)

Home Plane Culerzic


Blood Monk

Level 14

Defence 49 Exp (109,999 / 110,000)

Melee Attack Power 50 Health 340


Strength 20 Faith 5

Endurance 24 Magic 20

Quickness 25

Intelligence 25 Ki 81

Willpower 40 (Current Base:

Charisma 20

Resistances Air (2), Acid - Improved (6), Cold - Minor (5), Fire - Immune, Mana - Improved (1), Mundane Materials [G] (1), Poison - Minor (5), Electricity - Minor (5)

Powers Abyssal Adaptability [B] (6), Blink [Ap] (18), Energy Drain (9), Flight [B] (11), Ki Strike [B] (15), Harmony (9), Improved Regeneration [Ap] (12), Mana Sense (3), Shapeshift [Ap] (10), Soul Sight (6), Telepathy (3), Translate Languages (1)


Active - Acrobatics [B] (8), Acting (9), Analysis [Ap](7), Bluff (10), Climbing [B] (20), Danger Sense (7), Disguise (9), Fly [B] (9), Haggling (13), Intimidation (2), Ki Meditation [Ap] (7), Mental Resilience [J] (4), Pain Tolerance [J] (4), Perception [B] (16), Perseverance [Ap] (11), Profile Control (11), Seduction(11), Sense Motive (1), Stealth [B](12), Tactics [B](4), Time Sense (15), Unarmed Combat [J] (9)

Knowledge - Abyssal Lore [B](6), Arcane (3), Demonic Lore (19), Hidden Lore (3), Planar Lore (7), Planar Portals (7)

Available Skills Points 33

Available Knowledge Bonus 14

Languages Abyssal, Infernal, Common Celestial, English

Inventory (2): Numerous Lurker Acid Glands, Lurker Membranes, Lurker Antennas, Lurker Shell Sections

Maximum Weight 20 Kilo (Inventory Full

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