Abyssal Lord Of The Magi World

Chapter 73 - Zitra

As Zatiel closed his eyes and concentrated, he could see a dark space where a glowing light was present, this was his soul, the purest and most important piece of his being.

Above the core of his existence, he could see how two words were forming in a language so strange that it makes him feel like it was able to encompass anything.

The awakening of a True Name was a slow process, so Zatiel remains motionless, focusing all of his mind into the Words of Creation that was forging his True Name. This name will accompany him throughout his entire life until he dies, and his soul shatters.

The racial aspect of the True Name in the case of Neo-Demon should come from a combination of the characteristics from their bloodline and their Chaotic Core that contains the essence of the species due to the first being assimilated by the last one, creating a single composed name. But in Zatiel's case, it was different.

Due to the level of his bloodline being so ridiculously high from the beginning, to the point it was connected with the laws of creation itself, it was able to materialize a separated part of the True Name, so in the end, Zatiel had a section created in part by the golden sun and another created by his chaotic core. However, still, they were his, and no matter if they were to copy his body to an atomic level, this name will never repeat.

Even before they were completed, the two names were showing great contrast. The one on the right looks like it was made from golden lava of the center of the brightest star in the universe. While the other was completely different, it was like darkness itself materialized and forged the words. However, despite the feeling of inexistence, Zatiel could still see it.

"I was under the assumption that the Words of Creation that will form my True Names, will be related or at least similar to my previous name, even if I died and was born again, and my bloodline and race are different to demons. The changes in my personality must have been more than I thought."

In Zatiel's mind, the faces of a small boy, a dumb girl, and a group of underdogs came out, making him smile.

"It's for the better, even if it is the part related to Neo-Demons, it gives a feeling much deeper than my previous True Name."

When the names were completed, Zatiel could feel how his body was enhancing itself, due to the appearance from the Words of Creation next to his soul. The one that was forged in lava was 'Natux', and the other, that seems emptiness itself, was 'Dexisus'.

When Zatiel focused on Natux, it gave him the impression that he was seeing the birth of life and how it flourished, filled with vitality and endless possibilities. As for Dexisus, it was the opposite. It was like watching a world decaying and all the life in it ending, going back to nothingness.

Despite the nature from one of the components of his True Names being an antithesis from the other, for some reason, when he saw them one next to the other, he felt harmony. As if from the moment they existed, they were meant to be connected.

Now they were finished, Zatiel was going to test the effects of these words. True Names have a passive and active effect, greatly varying depending on which laws they are connected to.

From the passive effect, he was able to assess an increase in his vitality, which was already monstrous for a Rank 1 due to his bloodline and enhancement on all the spells related to necromancy and the use of negative energy. Also, in this passive state, the Words of Creation will improve his soul's affinity with the laws that they are related to.

For the test of the active effect, Zatiel chose to start with Natux. The moment he does it, his skin turns golden immediately like it was made from pure gold. As he assesses his body with the help of the chip, he was able to estimate that his vitality was increased by a factor of two. His endurance was monstrous. For a moment, he felt like as long as a cell remains from his body, he would be able to regenerate himself. Of course, this was just an illusion due to the immense power, but it may be possible in the future.

"Hahaha, this is awesome! As expected from a name that was born from the strongest bloodline that I have ever seen, together with my will and personality," Zatiel's excitement could not be contained as he felt the amazing effects from Natux, after all, even after the third evolution, his previous True Name wasn't able to provide a powerful enhancement like this one.

Now using Dexisus, Zatiel felt a dark current originating inside him running through his body before it materialized itself in his hand like a dark aura. Conjuring a simple flame, he adheres the darkness to it. His power was enhanced by almost 50%, with a decaying effect adhering to the spell that will rot the body of the ones who are touched.

"The enhancement it provides is an offensive one, and even though its power is not at the level of Natux, it will be useful in a battle. Besides, as the transformation of my body continues and my existence as a Neo-Demon improves, the name will be improved and evolve to a higher version of itself. And even now, it is more powerful than my previous True Name when it first appeared."

Zatiel was extremely satisfied with his True Name, especially when he remembers that this is just the beginning. They will evolve, improving his powers even more. Although he felt that more things remained hidden in those words, True Names and the Words of Creation are vast and obscure even for him.

"With my True Name awoken, and my rune crafting skills improving by the day, I will be able to display an immense power by the time the expedition happens."


In an immense underground cave that extended for kilometers, an individual was floating in the center. What was unique about this was that every corner, even the most remote and hidden, was filled with light. Still, in the place, no object could generate such a marvelous sight.

The origin was the person in the air, the radiance came from her. She was a stunning woman with a perfect face and a delicate body. Anyone who sees her would feel like she was the purest and holiest being in the world.

A man enters the cave running in the direction of the woman. His body was imposing, and his expression intimidating. Still, when he reached the area under the woman he kneeled with a respectful and somewhat fearful expression.

"Princess Zitra, I came from the tower, the moment I heard your summons," The man didn't dare to look at the woman directly as he spoke.

Even after the man spoke, Zitra's eyes remained closed and didn't talk. A few minutes later, she opened her eyes and looked at the visitor, making him shiver.

"There will be an expedition to the Endless Forest. Since you, Siru, are the Rank 2 under my command that has made the greatest contributions, you will go."

Zitra's words sound like a compliment, but her expression was indifferent. Even though it was considered a favor, she gave no room for any negation.

"Thank you, your Highness, I will do my best," The man nodded and expressed his happiness, but even now he keeps looking to the ground.

"When you are there, I need you to gather some information about a new runemaster whose work is widespread lately."

"Is your highness referring to the Daybreak runemaster?" After thinking for a moment, the man gave a guess.

"Oh, you know about him," For the first time, Zitra looked at the man with attention.

"Yes, your Highness, his runes are appearing a lot lately, and they have a sort of logo that looks like a sun rising in breaking the night, hence his name. Recently the amount of his work that is reaching the market is growing very high. Yet, the quality has not diminished at all."

"Tell me what you think from his abilities as a runemaster," The expression of Zitra was still indifferent. Still, there was a glimpse in her eyes.

Siru found it very weird about his master asking about a Rank 1 runemaster, but he didn't dare to ask and just answered.

"He is very talented, his runes have great effects, and the requirements are bearable, but it is not something other Rank 1 runemasters aren't able to do," Siru's answer was objective without any sort of prejudice.

"And what if I told you he is less than twenty-four years old and the time he has spent as a runemaster is less than 7 years. Also, he is not part of any type of power. His abilities came from himself, without any type of apparent help."

Siru was shocked when he heard that, having reached that level in so little time and only using his abilities to do it, it was something he finds almost impossible to believe. Still, he knows that the princess will not be wrong.

"He is a genius! Compared to those talented runemasters that the empire nurtured."

"During your trip, you will collect all the information you can from the ones sent by Heinz. In the remote chance he turns up, deliver my personal invitation for him," Zitra command was more profound this time, as an unbreakable order.

"I will do, Your Highness, but if I may speak, is a Rank 1 runemaster worth your invitation?" No matter how good rank 1 runes were, they still could not be something that would inspire desire in a mighty Princess of the Empire, according to Situ's thoughts.

"Rank 1 is indeed useless, but if I wait for him to reach Rank 3, do you think he will come to see me and accept to become part of my forces easily? And in the minimal chance that he breaks past that level, even I would not be able to have him as a subordinate."

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