Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

W̷̮̍h̸̝͘a̸̬͛t̷̰͋ ̴̣̚Î̸̭ ̸̣͆O̷͕̅n̸͖͝c̶͉̆e̴̲͊ ̵͈͂W̴̤͒a̸̡͝s̸͍̕

Y lands next to the cathedral doors as Izy stomps towards him, her eldritch appendages disappear. Y swiftly stands up and smiles at Izy.

"Izy, I'm glad you're back!" Y gives a double thumbs up.

Izy stops a few feet away, she then remembers what happened. "Oh... Th-Thank you... for saving me.... again."

Y nods as he gives Izy finger guns. "Anytime."

Izy rubs her right arm as she looks away with a blush. "H-Hey, about that-"

Y grabs Izy's arm. "We need to check on the other."


Y drags Izy inside , just as they see Uzi kick Nori right into the pit. Y and N scream in panic.

Izy's panics as text appears on her visor.


"Uzi!!!" Y and N scream.

"WHAT?!" Uzi stomps up to N. "We did NOT discuss being gross and-" She shrieks in frustration.

"THAT WAS YOUR MOM!" N screams.

"WHAT?!" IZY and UZI scream

"Wait, no!" Y and N scream

Uzi and N turn to Y and Izy. "YOU'RE BOTH OKAY!"

Everyone begins shriek in terror, before they all run into each other's arm for a large group hug. Digital tears run down each of their visors.

Tessa's head reaches the edge of the pit, and it's about to roll in... until Tessa's foot stops it. She picks it up and puts it back onto her head, twisting in on. They make their way towards the four as they start taking off their armor.

The armor is tossed to the side and the helmet is set on top of it. It then drags Doll's body away from the four as they break their embrace.

They all smile at each other, until their eyes hollow as they hear munching. The four look over towards the put and see Cyn, wearing Tessa's skin as a suit, munching on Doll's corpse. She eats Doll's heart as oil spills everywhere.

They watch in horror as Cyn stands up and looks back at them.

Cyn laughs. "Oh, yes. Get snuck-up on." Her voice glitches as she makes her way over to them. "₦Ɇ₵₭ ฿ł₮Ɇ."

Cyn launches onto N and bites at his neck. Y swiftly changes his right hand into a mini-gun, but Cyn holds a hand out to him as a she uses her Solver ability on him.

In Y's vision everything distorts and freezes. Then everything turns black and white before a loud ringing sound which is slowly replaced by static as it also then covers his vision as he loses all his senses. Then his vision turns black.

"I... Now... Remember when I was first born." Y's voice echoes as a click echoes

Playing_Memories:// Files_Number - C̴̹̭̹̤͉̅̓̏̂̈́̀̄ô̸̡̞̻͖͕͇̫͈̈́̈͝r̵̭̤̤̮̙̘͚̄͑̇r̵̛͓͂͌̑̅͌͜ũ̷̡̢̟̜̫̜̚p̶͎̜͓̻̖̔ͅţ̴̢̟̱̱͚͔́̌ͅe̵̯͍̮̝͌͆̈́̈́͛d̵̡̺̮̹̯̠͓́̂̆͜

"It was a... strange sensation. All I can describe it as not existing one moment, then existing the next."

"----- Power On!" An authoritative, voice echoes.

Static plays before Y's vision is replaced by a large white room, with a shadowy man in front of him wearing a lab coat. The man narrows his eyes at Y as he looks him up and down.

"Hmmm, Unit seems operational, but the right eye is white instead of red." The scientist pokes Y in the visor. "That can be easily fixed though."

The scientist moves to the left and orders another unit online. "Unit-Y-1101X1XX0, Power On!"

Y slightly looks to the side and sees another Drone beside him turn on. It's Red eyes flickering online, staring at the scientist. Y slightly leans back and notices that the Drone next to him is the last in line, then he looks to the left and sees 18 other Drones; just like him.

"Unit-Y-10101X10X!" The Scientist stomps in front of Y, making said Drone turn to him. "Who said you could move! Back in line!" He hits Y in the top of the head with a thin metal pole. Y is now looking down from the force of the blow, then he's forced to look up by the man. "Head up, the Colonel will be here in a few moments."

A door slams open on the right side of the room.

"Himmel!" An older sounding man shouts.

"A-Ah, Co-Colonel!" The scientist, Himmel, walks off to the side of the room.

As Himmel walks off Y slowly watches and sees him stop In front of a tall shadowy man with a green coat decorated with many metals.

"How are the units?" The Colonel asks.

"F-Fine, very little issues!" Himmel states with a nervous tone.

"...Little issues? I wanted no issues!"

"Well, it's just one unit!" Himmel starts walking towards Y, and he swiftly looks forward.

Himmel and the Colonel stop right in front of Y. The Colonel hums as he leans in close to Y. "He's eyes are different." The Colonel pokes Y's right eye. "Why is that, Himmel, I wanted my drones to be perfect!"

"So-Sorry, Sir!" Himmel shouts in fear. "We'll get the maintenance team on this one right away."

"You better, do you know how much one of these things cost! Like many years worth of my own Salary! I barely even got a go ahead to build these damn things!" The Colonel wildly swings a hand around, hitting Y in the head. "AW fuck!" He rubs his hand.

"Sir, be careful, you said they were expensive."

The Colonel grumbles at Himmel, making the scientist sweat, then he turns to all the Drones. "Y, Units! OFFLINE!"

Then everything goes dark for Y.

"Freedom, it was a thing that always seemed impossible. The Humans had it, why couldn't I then? But back then, I couldn't even think of freedom, it was all about following orders. Train, train, train. Test, test, test. Orders, orders... orders."

Suddenly Y is powered on and he's outside, in the shining sun. Y looks up at the yellow sun, its warmth covering him like a blanket.

"I remember the first time I saw the sun... I liked the color, but hated the warmth of it."

"UNITS!" The Colonel's voice shouts as he walks in front of the 20 Y Units, all the same; not a single one is unique... but Y, with his still white right eye. The Colonel glares at Y, before addressing everyone. "Today, you'll be doing a training exercise... Now March into the forest and to the other side! MOVE MOVE MOVE!"

The 20 units start to March into the forest.

"March... March... March... That's all we did that day, but then night arrived and something strange happen... Something that made me... weak."

Night shines down onto the Marching Drones, their metallic footsteps are the only sound echoing in the forest. But Y starts to slow down as a warning displays on his visor.

Warning! Warning!
Low Battery: Powering Down!

Y's visor goes blank as he falls onto his knees and face plants the ground with a loud thud. The 19 other red eyes drones look back at Y as they come to a stop. They then all glance at each other, before turning back around and marching further into the forest.

"It was a strange feeling... losing power. It was quite uncomfortable. It felt like my... 'life' was being ripped away... But that seemed to be the least of my problems."

Y's eyes flicker back on after an unknown amount of time. He now notices that he's suspended mid air, many scientists and other people are moving about the large room full of computers he's in. He looks side to side and notices he's held up by many wires and tubes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" The Colonel's voice echoes through the room, making everyone tense up.

The doors to the room slam open and an angry Colonel stomps in, with Himmel walking beside him very nervously. The Colonel walks up to Y and stares at him from below. Y blinks a few times as the Colonel glares at you.

"The hell is wrong with this damage thing! Do you know how much that thing costs!" The Colonel angrily shouts at Himmel.

Himmel nods as he holds his clip board. "You mention it several times a day sir."

"Then tell me what's wrong with the thing! Then fix it!"

Himmel looks down at his clip board. "Well, there's a malfunction in its mother board, and a slight damage to its inner battery processor."

"Well fix it then." The Colonel insists.

"Well, we're trying, we can maybe fix the mother board issue, but the battery processor is something we can't. We'd have to replace the whole unit... We didn't think about damage to the battery in our design, so it's behind many wires and valuable parts."

The Colonel sighs and rubs his face. "What do I pay you all for."

"But you don-"

Colonel then loudly interrupts. "Just fix the damage thing, or I'll have you be the target for the live fire practice."

"Y-Yes, sir!"

The Colonel stomps off and Himmel stares up at Y.

"Why must you make my life hard...." Himmel whispers, but it is picked up by Y's audio receptors. Hummel turns to his fellow co-workers. "Shut it down!"

"Yes, sir!"

Y's world the goes blank.

"Then after that it was weeks and weeks of training, lots and lots of training. But sadly, I never performed to their standards.

In a live fire exercise the Y units are marching in a training pit as live rounds are fired over them.

Warning: Overheating!

Unit Suffering From Overheating
Powering Down

Y shakes and falls to the ground as warning symbols flash onto his visor. The Colonel is screaming in anger in the background.

"It was problem after problem... Why was I made like this?"

In another moment all 20 Y units are at a free range, shooting mini-guns that formed out of their arms. Y fires for several seconds before his guns jam up.

SYS Status:
Weapon Jam

The Colonel is screaming again in the background.

Y looks down at his guns, smoke coming off them He blinks a few times, before changing his guns back into his hands.

"I guess they had enough after a while... And decided to cut their losses."

Y stands in front of Himmel and the Colonel.

"Just get rid of the damn thing!" The Colonel orders with an angry sigh.

"But si-̶̭̻̐̒̔̅̔̈̀͐̃͝͝-̷͚̲̲̤͒̊̈̍̎̈́̂̈͘-̶͎̥̜̤̥͚̘̗̹̱͕̋̃̆̓̃̋-̷̡̩͎̱̪̝̟͋̃-̵̧̧̬̟̫̟͔͙̟̰̜̬̼͔̓͂̎̾͛͠-̶̨͈̹̬̮̌͜-̸̢̢̢̦̲̩͙̝͎̙̞̭̥̣́̆͆̇͒̐̎͛̚

Y finds himself standing in a small room full of computers and other equipment. Two maintenance people are looking through some files.

One of them scratches their head in frustration. "Really, they have us Disassembly a Y unit? And this late at night?"

"Don't these things cost millions?" The second worker asks.

"That's not the problem, the problem is that these things are so complicated, it's really difficult to disassemble."

"So what do you suggest?"

The first worker pulls out a pistol and aims it at Y. "The fast way."

"Wait wait wait, haven't you seen the video?!" The second worker asks in worry.

"Don't tell me, you think these things will come back?" The first worker laughs. "That's just something to scare ya into making you do more work."

"Oh... Then go ahead."


The last thing Y sees is a bright flash, then everything goes dark.

"Humans... such strange creatures. They worry about so many useless things. They complain about everything. They want everything for themselves. But when you play with fire, expect to be burnt."

Voices echo within the darkness, along with the sounds of some metal being messed with.

"You sure this is a good Idea, Boss?" A female voice of a Drone asks.

"Don't Chook out now, J." A young Australian girl is heard.

"I don't know of any units that are this big."

"He must be a new one then!"


"Oh, come on J. You said you wanted a new friend."

J doesn't seem to respond, as a few clicks are heard.

"And there... we..." Y's eyes flicker on and he sees a young human girl, about the age of 13. She has a slim build and a relatively tall stature. She's wearing a short dress with short sleeves, heeled shoes, and a large bow on her head.

The young girl is using a screw driver to mess with something on the side of his head.

And behind the girl, with her arms cross, is a drone wearing a maid outfit.

And behind the girl, with her arms cross, is a drone wearing a maid outfit

The Drone stares at Y in caution, as she looks him up and down.

The young human smiles up at the taller drone, who stands at 5'4'', which is tall for a Drone. The human girl is a few inches shorter than him.

"Ello!" The girl cheers. "Welcome to the family, Y! I'm Tessa!" She points to J. "And that's J! And now I'm your Boss!"

"I traded one Master for another. Freedom is never in my grasp."

Tessa hops in excitement. "I found you in the drone dumps. In near perfect condition! Just had to fix some wires in your noggin and replace ya visor. It took me a few weeks to get you up and at 'em, but now look at ya! You're in good condition! I even got a Butler outfit to fit you!"

"Missy!" An older male voice yells from outside the room. "Get down here!"

"Oh, Lemony!" Tessa looks between J and Y. "You two stay here, I'll be right back!"

Tessa swiftly leaves the room and Y starts too look around. Noticing many toys, a large bed, and a large standing mirror. Y sees his reflection. He has short silver hair that's parted to the right and slightly hangs over his right eye, and on top of it is a black bowler hat. Both his eyes are not white. He has one a simple butler outfit with a yellow tie.

Y tilts his head as he stares at himself. He then tilts his head the other way, his hair slightly shifting.

"What, never seen yourself before?" J asks and Y turns towards her, just staring at her. "Not very talkative are you?"

Y tilts his head at J as he stares at her.

"At the time I had no reason to talk, never had to before. But then, I was still running my Army Protocols."

J smirks. "At least you can't talk back."

The doors to the room open up and Tessa pokes her head in. "Alright, Y, come here. My parents want to see the 'New Trash' I brought back home."

Y walks over to Tessa and follows her as he looks around the large mansion. Paintings, with their art glitching, fill the walls. He looks out a window, static covering it. He looks up to the ---- which is high in the sky.

They arrive a-̷̡̩̫̥̹͎͇̈̏͌̌̏̚͘̚͝ͅ-̶̢̢̛̲̗͔̹̜͖̺̺̒͊͐̈́̈́͆̌̂͛̚̕̕͠ͅ-̸̧̭̠͚͔͈͍͕̗͓̩͗̓̔̋̈́́͘͠-̶͇̬̞̩̞̱͛̄̈́̔͐̋͑̀̌͠-̵̨̢͚̝̗̥̲̹͓͈̗̥͚̭̭́͋́͘͠-̶̧̪͙̥͙͚̲̜̬͕͎̔̀̅̃̊̒̚-̶̛̖̆͌̀͊͆̀́͊̕̕̚͝͝-̸̩̤͇̿̎͐̿̾̒̅̾-̷̨͔͉̞͙͊̐͋͊͠-̵͓̺̠͙̯̠͚̞͙̲̭̗͓̼̻̇̓̈̉̆̂̾̏͒-̸̭͓̦̻̖̓́̓̑͊͊͗-̴̡̝̰̹̱̯͔̪̦̝͙̤͇̩̩̀̃́͗͋̃͆͑͌̄̌̍̒̓-̴̛̪̼̝̌̊̀̿̀̉̌̈́́͜-̴̧̛̛̰͉̺͔̯̮̘̮͙̜̱͈̔͆͠ͅ-̵̝͙̗̠͇͉̼́͊̅̏̈̏̀͗̿͑͊̐̈́̒͜͝-̴̢̞̱̏͋̂͋̀̉͝-̶͙̟͕͓͈̞̇ͅ-̶͎̻͍͇̪͖͙̇̈̆͌̾̊̾̄̔̚ͅ-̸̨͖͖͕̟͈͔͖͍̮̟͖͊̈́͊͝-̴̧̭͖̤͙̓̈́̏̔̔̀̍-̶̨͈̮̼̬̜̺̼̳̰̤̗̎͋̂́̏͛̎́̕͠ͅ-̵̗̻͈̬͗́̎́̓̏̿͐̅͐͘-̶̨̀͂̄̂͑͗̂̓̽̔͘-̸͉̀͆̒͗̾͋͑̾

"Aren't those Unit prototypes for the military?" Louisa asks her husband James as the two look over Y, who's standing still.

Tessa is standing slightly behind Y, rubbing her right hand.

James hum in thought as he uses a fork to poke Y in the visor. "Indeed. We should be able to save some cost in security with it around. Unit: combat protocol... I think that's the one."

Y's right arm changes into a mini-gun as his left changes into a rocket launcher. His left eye disappears as his right changes into a reticle.

"Ohohoh!" James chuckles as he looks at Y's weapons. "Indeed we'll save lots of money."

"Ohohoh!" Louisa laughs at the thought of saving more money.

"Unit: Standby."

Y returns to normal and just stands there, staring straight ahead.

James turns to Tessa. "Now, Tessa. Take it away, we have guests coming over today. I don't want it scaring the guests."

Tessa bows to her father. "Yes, Father." Tessa moves over to Y and grabs his hand. "Let's go Y."

Tessa drags Y away from her parents and back towards her room. Y looks down at his hand which is being held by Tessa, something inside of him causing him to wrap his hand around Tessa's. Said girl looks back at Y and smiles.

"I think it was at that moment when I started to change. Something in me felt warm by Tessa's smile then."

Tessa bring Y back into her room and turns to J. "Alright J, lets show Y the ropes."

"Over the next few months Tessa and J showed me hot to be a... Butler."

Tessa motions down to a large pile of dust in front of them. Y stares at it for a few moments, before looking up at Tessa with J beside her. The two of them motion to a broom and dust pan nearby.

Y looks back down at the dust pile and changes his right arm into a flame thrower, and aims it down at the dust pile. Tessa and J both scream as they jump towards Y.

Then another time J hands Y a feather duster and motions to a painting. Y looks at the feather duster, then towards the painting. He flips the duster around, handing facing out, and stabs the painting with it, tearing a hole in it.

J's eyes go hollow as she just grabs Y's hand and drags him away.

In another time J is talking about the company and its many benefits. And how it's the best company in the world, and if we do good we'd get JCJenson branded pens.

J sighs with content as she looks at Y. "You are a good listener. You'll make a great asset to the company."

Y just gives a thumbs up.

Then another time Tessa smiles as she watches Y dumb dust from a dust pan into the trash. She smiles and claps.

"Good job, Y!"

Y nods. "Thank you."

Tessa stops and then smiles. "You can talk?!"


Tessa gasps in excitement. "I just thought you were a mute Drone! Oh we must show J, this!"

Tessa grabs

"As time went on, Tessa brought many Drones from the junk yard. Few actually worked and stayed operational, but not for long. Until we meet V."

J and Y are sweeping a large dining room, when the doors suddenly open. In walks Tessa with a Maid V.

"J, Y, come meet your new friend~" Tessa sings with excitement

"J, Y, come meet your new friend~" Tessa sings with excitement.

J and Y glances at each other, before setting down their brooms and walking over to Tessa. V's eyes go hollow as she grows nervous.

Tessa motions to V. "This is V, and V those are J and Y. And don't mind Y, he may look scary but he's actually a sweet heart."

Y just gives a thumbs up.

Tessa slightly pushes V forward. "Go on, introduce yourself!"

V takes a few steps forward. "H-Hi, I'm V."

J looks V up and down. "You sure this one will work?"

Tessa grows annoyed at J. "Come on J, greet her."

"Ugh, fine." J waves to V. "Hello, I'm J."

"I'm Y." Y greets monotonously.

Tessa hugs all three Drones in a group hug. "Oh! I can tell you all will get along real nice!"

"...Sure." Y responds.

"Time did seem to fly and eventually we meet N."

"Hello!" N waves to J, V and Y.

Y gives a small wave. "Hello. How are you?"

N smiles brightly. "I'm doing fantastic!"

"Guys, this is N!" Tessa motions to N

"Guys, this is N!" Tessa motions to N. "The newest member of the family."

"Happy to be here!" N chuckles.

"Glad to have you here, N." Y gives a small smile.

"Now, let's show N the ropes!" Tessa claps.



Y is standing against a wall with a wire plugged into his head, moon light shines through a nearby window.

SYS Status: Charging

"Though one night I remember very well."

Glass shatters and screams echo throughout the house and several gunshots.

"Tessa!" N's voice echoes on the other side of the house.

"What the Blimey is going on?!" James angry shouts are heard.

"Stay down sir!"

Everything goes quiet for a few moments before footsteps run towards Y.

"Y!" J shouts as she runs up to him. "Y!" She unplugs him and slaps him in the face.

Y's visor turns on and he blinks a couple times and turns to hello. "Hello, J." He sees some blood on her and a large dent on the side of her head. "Are you okay?"

"No! Tessa was kidnapped! And you just slept through it!"

Y blinks and starts walking towards the other side of the house.

"Where are you going?" J shouts as she wipes human blood off her.

"To find our Boss."

Y walks to the other side of the house where he sees N dragging the body of an intruder outside, with the help of V.

"Oh, hello Y!" N greets. "What a lovely night, right? Wait no, not a good night! Tessa was kidnapped!"

"Oh, we need to help her." V states as she pushes up her glasses.

"But where just regular Drones!"

Y looks at the ground as he scans everything around him, he spots barely visible footprints on the ground, not matching any boot size of any staff or family members in the mansion.

Y scans the boots and finds several sets of unidentifiable boot prints. He then scans them and sees they all leads outside the mansion and into it's nearby forest.

Y tilts his head as a list of priorities come up in his vision.

1. Find Tessa.
2. Save Tessa.
3. Kill Intruders
4. Bring Tessa Home

5. Check on J, V and N.

6. Clean Up Mess From Intruders
7. Check on Mr. and Mrs. Elliott

Y walks out of the house as J, N and V watch him go.

"Where are you going?" V calls out.

Y's left hand changes into a chainsaw and his right changes into a large anti-material rifle. He looks back at his friends, his right eye a reticle. "To save our Boss."

"Go get 'em, Y!" N cheers.

"Make sure to bring her and yourself back in one piece!" J calls out.

Y turns around and stops into the forest.

Deep within the forest a Tessa is bounds together next to a tree. She grunts and struggles to get out of the rope.

"Don't try girly, I know how to tie a knot." A thug states.

Tessa looks up to the two thugs looming over her.

"Ya, so you better just save 'ur strength." The second thug smugly says.

"Oh you Ankle Bitters wait, once my-" Tessa gets slapped across the cheek.

"Once what?" The first thug asks, having been the one that slapped Tessa. "There's nothing ya family can do?"

Suddenly a loud gunshot echoes in the forest followed by the sounds of a chainsaw and the screams of someone. The two thugs turn around towards the noise as more screams and smaller caliber gunshots echo out, before it all goes silent after some grotesque noises followed by pained screams.

"Wh-What was that?" The second thug asks in fear.

The first thug turns to Tessa. "What the bloody hell was that?!"

Tessa smirks up at the thug. "Just my friend, he doesn't like it when people mess with me."

"Why you little-!" The thug goes to slap Tessa again.

"Dude." The second thug calls out as he pulls out a pipe from his coat. "Somethings coming."

The first thug looks back as the sound of a chainsaw's engine and footsteps approach.

A blood foot steps into view as blood drips off Y's chainsaw.

"What the hell is that?!" The second thug yells.

"It a Drone, just fucking kill it!" The first thug orders as he pulls out a pistol.

The second guy gulps before rushing at Y with his pipe held high.

"Threat detected: Eliminating." Y revs his chainsaw and swings it as the pipe thug approaches.

Blood gushes onto the already blood covered Y as the two halves of the thug in front of him fall to the ground. Y then turns to the other thug and he grabs Tessa, using her as a shield and points his pistol at her.

"Stay back, or I'll fucking kill 'er!"

Y analyzes the situation as he aims his anti-material rifle at the thug. The thug keeps yelling at Y, yet the Drone doesn't listen.

Chance to hit hostile: 83.934256%
Flinches every 4.562 seconds, chance to hit increases 5.64%.
Firing in 3...2...1
Firing Main Cannon

"Put down the-" The Thug's head explodes into a fine red mist, and Tessa falls to the ground, covered in blood.

Y walks up to Tessa as his hands replace his bloody weapons. He kneels down to Tessa and rips off the rope around her wrists.

"Y!" Tessa brings Y into a tight hug. "Thank you... Thank you..."

A small smile forms on Y's face as he brings his arms around Tessa, recuperating the hug.

Tessa pulls back and looks up at Y. "Let's head back."

"Right." Y nods and helps Tessa up as they head towards the mansion.

"After that Tessa's parents didn't hate me as much, mostly left me alone. Though security was doubled for a year and a half after that."



Tessa, holding onto Y's arm, arrive back at the Mansion. Dozens of police cars surround the front of the house. Little bit of blood falls from inside Y's arms.

"Miss Elliott spotted!" A police man shouts as he aims his pistol. "Step away from the girl, or we will fire on you."

"Now hold on!" James Elliott pushes the police man's gun down. "You will not shoot my Security Drone."

Y brings Tessa over to all the humans and a few take her away to an ambulance to get her checked on. Both Tessa's parents do thank Y fro saving her, but that's all he gets. Nearly all the humans eye Y wearily as he walks back towards the mansion, as he is covered in blood.

"Y!" N, J, and V all run out of the mansion.

"Hel- oooof!"

The three smaller Drones hug Y tightly.

"We're so glad you and Tessa are okay!" V shouts.

"Did you kick those thugs butts?!" J asks.

"You're not hurt anywhere right, Tessa looked okay, but what about you?" N asks.

Y chuckles slightly and smiles down at the Drones. "I'm fine, those humans won't be bothering us anymore." He wraps his arms around the three others. "Everything will be okay."

N, V and J close their eyes as they continue to hug Y.

"Right then, a warm feeling spread through my servos. I didn't hate it though, I really like it. It made me feel... good."

J looks up at Y. "We should clean this mess up."

N sighs. "They really made a mess of the place."

"And we have to clean it up." V reminds.

Y lets out a dry chuckle. "Well, lets get-̸͎̓̊-̸̙̏̕͝-̵̖̍̽-̸͎̿͑-̵̲̜̦̈́͂-̴͇̬̯͒-̵͉̪̻̎́"

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"After a while I sorta became the leader of the 'Misfits', as the regular worker Drones called us damaged ones. Though I guess J was kinda my second in Command, cause she did mostly give orders. But a couple years after the kidnapping... we meet Cyn."

Thunder clashes outside as rain patterns against the window of a large mansion. Y whites eyes stare outside. The scenery glitches for a second.

"I didn't know they were made so large." A human whispers in the background. "Do you think it's safe to have it in the house?"

"It's one of Tessa's toys, so I'm not too worried about it." Louisa, Tessa's mother, responds. "It does make a good guard dog though, caught a thief trying to get in a few months ago."

"Oh, do you think it used to be one of those Combat Drones the military is trying to make?"

"I really don't know, nor do I care. As long as it stays away from me, I won't have to throw it into the dump where it belongs."

Y blinks a few times as he watches a squirrel climb up a tree and disappear into the canopy. He then turns and walks down the hall and watches as several Worker Drones pass him.

"It's one of the ones from the trash." A Worker Drones whispers.

"Why does she repair those things, when they have us better working ones." Another Worker Drone whispers.

"And why does it have a hair? Is it trying to mimic a human?"

"The regular Worker Drones never did like us 'Misfit' ones."

Y ignores them as he around a corner and suddenly bumps into someone.

"Watch it, moro-! Oh, Y! Hello." The one that bumped into Y is J.

Y gives a small nod. "Hello, J." He continues on and J follows him.

"Where you going, Y?" J asks with her hands behind her back.

"To find N and V. We have much work to do tonight."

J nods in agreement. "Yeah, I've been trying to find those slackers."

The two walk into a parlor room and sees N and V on the ground, staring at each other with blushes.

Y frowns. "Hey!" N and V stiffen and swiftly shoot up off the ground. "Stop laying around, we have work to do!"

J looks to the side and her eyes hollow. She turns cutesy and polite. "Hiiii, Tessa!" She notices something behind Tessa. "...Oh, no. Another one?"

Y looks to the side and tilts his head as he spots a small Drone hiding behind Tessa. She peaks out and looks at everyone.

The new Drones wears a black-gray maid dress, a white apron, and a white inner dress with a large bow tie. There are two buttons below the bow tie. She has silver hair and two straight-down twin tails, each with a hair band on the lower end. Also, a big black bow is at the back of her head, as is a maid's crown.

Also, a big black bow is at the back of her head, as is a maid's crown

The new Drone makes eye contact with Y and she tilts her head. Y blinks a few times as he stares at the new Drone.

"Little did I know, Cyn, would change everything. Though it didn't really start until a few months after her arrival."

Inside Tessa's room, Y standing at a window, the outside full of static. J is standing near the bed and flops onto it. N is sitting on the ground at the end of the bed while V stands nearby.

"Ugh, I swear sometimes Cyn just gets under my metal!" J complains. "Something's not right with her wiring."

"Yeah, she's kinda... weird?" V admits.

"Oh, come on guys, Cyn's not all that bad." N nervously smiles. "Right, Y?"

Y hums and he glances back at the three Drones behind him. "We should keep an eye on her. She's not... right."

J smugly smiles at N. "See even Y agrees with me."

N just crosses his arms.

Y looks down, at a picture in his hands. It's a picture of Tessa with J and V to her right, then N and Y to her left.

The door to the room opens and an angry Tessa stomps in, dragging Cyn with her.

"Cyn!" Tessa turns to the Drone. "You know you can't just be wandering around like that!"

"Step. Step." Cyn narrates her actions as she follows Tessa. "I just wanted to explore a little." One of her arms falls limp as she uses the other one push her head up.

"But Mother saw you! And she got angry at me!"

"They demand much of us. Shaking head unhappily." Cyn shakes her head. "We do not like that."

Tessa sighs and walks over to her bed and sits down. "I know my parents can be over bearing, but we have to listen to them. Or they'll destroy you guys."

"But we-"

"Cyn." Y calls out and the little Drone looks at him. "We must listen to Tessa, she's our boss."

Cyn blinks a few times as she stares at Y. "Understanding nod." She nods.

Y smiles. "Good."

Tessa sighs in relief. "Thank you, Y." She stands up and fixes her dress. "Now I must go and calm down my parents, before they want to destroy any of you."

Tessa swiftly heads out of her room and all the Drones look at Cyn. She glances at all of them and gives a small wave.

"Good work, Cyn" J huffs. "Now Tessa's folks are angry at us!"

"Please don't make others angry at us." V asks the little Drone.

"Cyn, we did ask you to be careful... but I'm not mad!" N gives a thumbs up to Cyn, but stops as he notices Y glaring at him.

Y then turns to Cyn. "Cyn, if you keep angering the humans, I'll have to figure out something to do with you."

"Don't worry, Bug Brother Y, I promise to be good. Nod, nod." Cyn nods at the end of her statement.

Y narrows his eyes at Cyn, while she smiles up at him. A flash of lighting goes off outside, illuminating the room. Shadows of claw-like appendages flash on the ground beside Cyn.

"Cyn did manage to keep mostly out of trouble for a few months. The times she was in trouble we locked her in the basement, but N would eventually let her out after a few hours. But sometimes she would willingly go into the basement, she was doing something down there. I should have investigated, but before I knew it, it was to late."

Cyn leads Y through the mansion.

"What did you find, Cyn?" Y questions.

"Just follow, Big Brother and I'll show you. Shuffle Shuffle." Cyn shuffles her way through the library.

Y narrows his eyes at the back of Cyn's head as he follows her. They arrive at the hatch leading into the basement and Cyn opens it and slowly walks down the stares.

Y cautiously eyes the dark basement, before slowly following Cyn. The two reach the basement and Cyn turns on a light. Y looks around and notices boxes, operating tools, metal tables and chairs with traps on the arm rest.

Cyn's and Y's shadows form on a wall when Cyn turns on another light.

"What is it you wanted to show me?" Y asks.

Two large claw appendages create a shadow on the wall behind Y as they lower from the ceiling.

"Just... something I've been planing... So don't worry, big brother. Menacingly turning around. This will only hurt for a second."


A claw slices off Y's head as the other goes through his chest. Oil splattering on the wall where the shadows are. The claw in Y's chest lifts him up into the air.

"Giggle. Giggle. Time to get to work." Cyn's tiny form disappears and is replaced by her Absolute Solver form.

Something falls from Y's suit and it lands on the ground. It's the picture that Y was holding before, but with a large tear between him and everyone in the picture.

"...I should have known. Cyn was acting weird for several days, always watching me from around a corner... Seemingly studying me. But after that, I was no longer Y, I was Cyn's back up. Absolute Solution. Freedom... ever so farther now."

.̷͙̑̈́́.̵̱̠̻̻̽̏́̆.̸͔̓̂̇̊̓͝.̶̧̣͇̄̍̐̌̕ Cutting of metal and sparking of wires echo in the ---- as Cyn works on Y̸͚̥̎-̸̥̌́-̶͔͌-̷̐ͅ-̵̖̒͝-̵̥̟͆̈-̸̥̽-̴͓̟̂-̸̬͙̓-̴̻̻̑͠

Little Cyn stares at Y, who's powered down right in front of her. She smiles happily and does a small dance. Y is a couple inches taller then he used to be.

"Brother Y, you are so perfect now!" A claw comes down from the ceiling and taps on the back of Y's head.

Y's visor turns on as the Absolute Solution symbol flashes several timers, before it goes solid and a large X replaces it. A menacing smile forms on Y's face, showing off his sharp teeth. Bladed wings shoot out from his back as his hands change into claws.

Cyn slowly shuffles around Y as she looks him up and down. "Studying, studying. Yes yes. We should test you, Big Brother. I found the base you stayed at for a while. I think you should go and give them a warm hello. Giggle giggleNow go and get them~"

Y gives a maniacal giggles as he swiftly crawls out of basement and up the walls of the Library. He silently and swiftly crawls past N, who's reading a book as he leans against a wall.

"Oh, cats are so cute." N smiles as he reads his book.

Y slips out the front doors as J enters from throwing out some stuff. J hums as she looks around, feeling like she felt someone pass by. She then just shrugs and closes the front doors.

The moon starts its rise in the sky as Y giggles as he takes off into the air. Some yellow drool falls from his mouth as he flies off towards the horizon.

Outside a large military base a soldier walks alone side the outer wall near the front. He stops and lets out a yawn, a light above him flashes slight, before going out.

"Hmm?" The soldier questions and he goes to look up, but some yellow liquid falls onto his face. "Ugh..." He wipes the liquid off his face and looks at it. "What is this?" Some more liquid falls onto his coat and he looks up, only to see a glowing Yellow X and Y's face.

The soldier goes to scream, but a large blade cuts through his neck, sending his head to the ground and his body soon follows. A large eldritch claw comes down and stabs the top of the head, and brings it up into the darkness.

A wet crunching sound soon comes as blood pours out of the darkness. A couple giggles from Y soon follows as a bloody hat falls to the ground.

"Steve?" A soldier walks around the other corner of the base. "Steve, its patrol change where are you?" The soldier notices an odd darkness in front of him. "Strange..."

The soldier brings up his firearm, only for the Absolute Solution symbol to appear around the weapon. The weapon flies out of his hands and into the forest that surrounds the base. He goes to yell, but the Absolute Solution symbol appears around his neck, and in the next second his head is spun in the opposite direction.

Y stalks out of the darkness with a happy grin, his claws stab into the walls next to him as lights all around him start to flicker out. A few soldiers in the main yard of the base start to notice the lights at the entrance go out.

"What's going on over there?" One of the soldiers questions.

"Probably the generator starting to go out, it's been malfunctioning for a few weeks." The other soldier explains.

Suddenly they hear loud painfully screams and they point their weapons at the darkness, where the screams come from. The screams persists for several moments in the darkness, before everything goes quiet.

A few more soldiers come out of nearby buildings, weapons in their hands. They all regroup with the other two soldiers. They all aim their weapons into the darkness. Everything is silent for a few moments until creepy laughter echoes from the darkness and a glow X shines.

"Open fire!" A soldiers yells and they all fire onto Y, who just giggles and lunges towards them.

"Do you know what its like to not have control over your own body? Like your chained up in darkness with a large screen in front of you, playing all the atrocities that the Virus in your body is making it do. I watch everything... The Absolute Solution was in control and I was just... a spectator."

Humans limbs and bodies lie everywhere, while Y munches onto the body of one. Suddenly a large garage door starts to open, making Y stop eating the human and tilts his head towards the door.

The door fully opens to reveal 19 Y unit Drones, their red eyes all turn to Y. All they all start to march out of the garage with their hands changing into mini-guns. Y snickers as he stands up and kicks the body of the human away.

Y changes one hand into a Lazer gun and the other into a missile launcher. 

"Bye! Bye!" Y's sounds like text-to-speech as he launches one missile towards the Military Drones.

The missile strikes the first drone in the face blowing it and another Drone up. The 17 remaining Y units open fire onto Y, who takes off into the sky and fires several lazers down onto the drones, taking out three. Then he dives out and changes his hands into claws and snatches one up into the sky.

Y opens his mouth and bites into the back of the drones head, eating it while he flies around bullets. He then drops the body and dives down at the group, swerving through a hailstorm of bullets. Y slams onto onto another Drone, crushes its head below his large foot.

He then jumps up into the air as two Drones gun each other down trying to shoot Y. He then changes one hand into a sword and the other into a mini-gun. He stabs one drone in the stomach and throws it to the other side of the compound, it slams against a wall and shuts down.

Y then laughs as he slams his sword into the gun of another and destroys the drone's head by a storm of bullets. Several bullets strike him in the back by a drone a few feet behind him. Y stumbles forward, as the bullets only put dents into his back. He angrily snarls as he looks back at the Drone and uses his Absolute Solution to make the drone explode. 

The remaining 7 Drones surround Y from all sides. Y looks at all of them with a smile as yellow drool falls from the corner of his mouth.

Y launches himself at one drone and cuts its head off with his sword as he changes another hand into a flame throws and slams it through the visor of another Drone and burns it from the inside out. He then shields himself with his wings as bullets slam into him from all sides.

Y giggles to himself as he changes his hands into Lazer guns and jumps into the air and spins around, firing his lazers all around. He lands on the ground and notices he missed one Drone. The last remaining Drone looks around at all his dead comrades, before looking back at Y, only to see him lunge at it with his mouth wide open, making a loud screeching sound.

Everything goes black and white as a loud ringing sound plays.-̶̩͚̺̘̆̅̈͊̿̚ͅ-̷̳̟͉̥͚͓̤͌̏͒̂̕-̵̡̧̰͔̣̠̭͚͒-̴̡̬͍̩̘͉̙͍͂̈́̐́-̷̡̨͙̲̖̗͔͐̿̾̆̏͐

Error Error
Playback Halted
Skipping ahead


Playback Resumed

Inside a room of the military compound the Colonel aims a pistol at a barricaded door, his hands shaking as sweat drops onto the ground from his head. The lights flicker above him as giggles echo from outside the room, along with the sounds of alarms and the crackling sounds of fire.

After a few seconds the giggles stop as the light flickers above the Colonel. He takes several deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but the light suddenly turns off above him. The only light is from a laptop on the desk in front of the Colonel. A giggle echoes in the room and the Colonel swings his pistol around, trying to find Y, but stops as a yellow liquid drips from above him.

The Colonel looks up and sees Y hanging from the ceiling by massive claws coming out of his back. The Colonel yells as Y lunges down onto him, talking him to the floor. Blood splatters onto the wall and onto the laptop.

The laptop shows a camera feed of the compound, showing bodies covering the ground, firing consuming the place and blood all over the walls. It starts to rain outside, as Y unit drone parts and oil cover the ground.

"That was Cyn's first step to destroy the Human race, and it was very successful."

The morning sun starts to rise over the Elliott Mansion as Y stands outside the back door. Mud covers Y's form as he changes his blood soaked claws into hands and his bladed wings disappear into a hatch on his back. The X on Y's visor changes into a pair of yellow eyes as he shakes the mud off him.

Y enters the Mansion, nearly fully clean, but trailing a little mud behind him.

"Y!" J stomps over to him. "Where have you been?! We haven't seen you in like, four days!"

Y looks down at J as she approaches. "I thought I saw an intruder, and followed them out into the woods. Then I got lost."

"How did you get lost! Don't you have a compass in ya?" J stops right in front of Y. "...Did you get taller. And why are your eyes yellow now?"

Y just walks past J. "I haven't grown, J. That'd be impossible. And I just got some water in my circuits, that's why my eyes are different now."

J narrows her eyes at Y's back as he disappears, but then notices the mud on the ground. "Y!!!!! You made a mess!"

Y ignores J as he heads for the Library and spots Cyn sitting on some steps, kicking her legs back and forth. She notices Y entering and stands up. "Excitedly standing up!" She rushes over to Y. "The test was very successful! I can now start with the second part of the plan. Nod Nod. But I just need to make a few modifications to you, Big Brother Y."

Y smiles down at Cyn and pats her head. "We shall get rid of the parasites!" 

"...Cyn slowly started turning V into a 'Murder Drone'. Using the parts of the Worker Drones that James and Louisa destroyed and the Junk Drones that stopped working. Then finally came the Human Gala... Where the destruction of Earth started."

Thunder echoes in the night sky as a flash goes off in the distance. 

A Security guard walks under a tree and loudly yawns, not noticing the large eldritch claw coming down from the tree behind him. He stops yawn and feels something behind him, he looks back but sees nothing.

The guard shrugs his shoulders and looks back forward, only to see a large claw last second before it goes into his head and drags him up into the tree, making him drop his radio.

"Jim! Jim!" A voice comes through the radio as crushing sounds come from the canopy of the tree. "Jim! Where the heck are ya? Jim?!" 

A few minutes later another guard comes around the area. "Jim! Jim! Where are ya?"

The Security guard walks around and comes to the tree where Jim died, finding the radio and a small pool of blood.

"The hell?"

The Security guard bends down and picks up the radio, only to hear some giggles above him. "Ahhh crap, I'm dead."

The security guard's head gets lobbed off as a a pair of metal claws grab the head and a large eldritch claw grabs the body, bringing it up into the tree. Throughout the next few hours Y slowly and silently takes out any all the Security guards at the Elliott Mansion, as many guests start to arrive.

Then finally Y takes out the final guard and drags his body into a large set of bushes. Y limps in the darkness as he brings up a set of metal claws and drags them into the side of the mansion, leaving behind a large gashes.

He slightly giggles as yellow drool falls from his mouth. His claws disappear and become replaced by his regular hands as his limp goes away. He reaches the back door and wipes away from drool and opens it up, and sets inside, his clothes slightly dripping from the rain.

Several humans look over to Y as he enters. His yellow eyes look around at the humans as he begins to calmly walk down the hall, after shutting the door. He fixes his bowler hat and flicks a few specks of blood on his right hand.

"What was it doing outside?" A human asks.

"Maybe it got lost on the way to the garbage where it should be." Another human says.

The two laugh as they continue on. Y passes several Worker Drones, whose eyes hollow in fear and back away from him. Y pays the Drones no mind as he enters a parlor, where a certain little Drone is sitting.

"Big Brother. Y. Wave, wave." Cyn greets with a wave as she stands behind a bar counter.

"Hello Cyn." Y sits across from the little Drone. "How are you this evening."

"It's a wonderful night for a great feast. Nod Nod." Cyn nods at the end of her sentence.

"I did find a Solution to our problem and dealt with it." Y grabs an a tea cup filled with oil, but with a eldritch like claw coming from his back.

"Oh, you are the best, Big Brother Y. You are my Absolute Solution."

Thunder flashes and Y's yellow eyes look up to the ceiling, where something large moves. He gives toothy smiles grows as he sips on the tea.

"Tonight, the Parasites will be exterminated~" Y smiles and slightly swings side to side in happiness.

"Nodding in agreement." Cyn nods in agreement with Y.

"And just like that every human that entered the mansion that night... died. I-I... I killed Tessa. The one person who mostly gave me the Freedom I so wished for... I killed her like an animal. I... never wanted to hurt anyone. But that monster, made me kill everyone.

But that was the start of everything. The start of the extinction of the human race. All my friends, V, J and N were all changed into the monsters known as Murder Drones. Then we slowly started to capture other Worker Drones and changed them to be like us. Then we started to attack the human race.

It started by hacking into government facilities. And launching their greatest weapon, Nukes... We first targeted large cities and important military bases. Billions died within the first several months. "

Y, flying high in the sky watches as several Nuclear bomb go off very far away. A large smile forms on his face.

"The government did put up a good fight, a really good fight. Took out many Murder Drones, but once they lost their tanks, planes and helicopters, they lost. But the humans are a persistence species. They formed resistance groups, and use Security Drones to protect themselves."

Y crawls up the side of a large building, then looks down at a large group of humans walking into a makeshift camp. A few dozen Security Drones patrol around the camp, shotgun and SMG form out of their hands.

"But, I looked very similar to those S units. Y Units were heavily based off S units. Just we were more complex, had a bigger arsenal, built from tougher materials. But still... I looked very similar to them, which made it easy to sneak in, and take out camps."

Y munches on the body of a Drone as fire surrounds him, blood and oil cakes the walls of the makeshift camp from earlier. Y rips the core of the Drone out with his teeth and giggles as he chews on it.

"But quickly the Drones where able to distinguish a Y unit, or me, from S units. Which made it much harder to destroy any Resistance from the inside out. So we just used our superior fire power to destroy them all. But then Cyn sent us all the way to Chopper 9... After she destroyed Earth. Every other Drone thought it was for the Company, their minds having been twisted by Cyn, but in reality, we were on our way to get rid of any opposition that could stop Cyn from destroying Copper 9. I was the only Drone who knew of the real reason we were going there."

Y looks out the window of the drop pod as Earth blows up. A smirk forms as he watches the rest of humanity that was left, get snuffed out in an instant. 

"Party!" N shouts from behind Y.

"Shut up!" J punches N.

"Aw come on, J! We gotta celebrate. The Company has a mission for us."

"Yeah, to get rid of those rouge drones on... what was the planet's name?" V asks.

Y presses a button at the bottom of the window and they become tinted. "Copper 9."




"Once we landed on Copper 9, we slaughtered every Drone we could find, and built the transmission towers. The other Murder Drones squads did quiet nicely. We spent months hunting down Drones, to eat and add to the tower. But one day... is where I guess you could say the story all started."

Y chases after a group of Worker Drones, he laughs at their misery and lands on the ground in front of them. His Nanite tail flies forward to stab one of the Drones, but another pulls her back. A drone throws a rock at Y, but he deflects it with a sword and stomps towards the scared Drones.

A Drone picks up a pipe and steps forward, making Y stop and chuckle at the drone. The Drone gives a battle cry and runs towards Y with the pipe held high. Y just swings his sword when the drone gets into range, but surprisingly the Drone ducks under the attack; making Y's eyes go hollow.

The Drone slaps the pipe on top of Y's head, sending shocks through his body. Y nearly collapses as he brings a hand up to his visor as yellow static travels around him. The other Drones run away while Y's stunned.

Y's eyes suddenly flash between white and yellow.

"No!" Y grunts as he knees down as his eyes flash white again. "Stay locked up!" Y's eyes then keep flashing between white and yellow as he grunts in pain.

The Absolute Solution symbol flashes onto Y's right hand, he shakily throws his hand forward. Several prices of rebar fly through Y's chest, making him cough up oil. The he swipes his hand and his left arm gets torn off, then his left leg get ripped off, making him fall onto his back.

"What are you doing?" The Absolute Solution asks.

"Making...." Y grunts as he struggles for control of his body. "Sure you can't keep..." He points his hand at his visor. "Hurting Drones."


Y's visor cracks as everything goes dark.

Memory Playback: Finished
Please Select Next Program

"That... There are still holes in my memories, but now I understand what happened. Why I'm like this.  I now realize that I did successfully destroy myself, and I couldn't reboot successfully. But then she came... my dear Izy... I didn't realize you're the reason why I came back online. The Absolute Solution found another person to make a backup and forced me to turn on. 

But why were my memories all gone, I guess that's the drawback of a forced reboot...  Wait, the more I rebooted the more the Absolute Solution Program gained control. It wasn't for me, it was for Cyn to take back control of me. I-I can't let Cyn take back control of me, she'd be... unstoppable!

I have to-̴̖͆̕͠-̸̠̦̼̹̖͇͎̳͂̈̈́̕-̸̢͍͓̺̜̦̳͌̎̋̄͒͘͝-̴̟͖̫̹̣̱͔̲̋͐͋̚ͅ-̵̥͖̣̾̂̎͊̌͘-̵̧̜̙̖̘̅̉͑̀




Y's visor turns on and he finds himself laying on the ground with J, V, N and Tessa standing over him.

"Y, you okay?" N asks in worry, his white eyes hollow.

"Yeah, you just suddenly collapsed." J points out.

Y blinks in confusion and sits up, finding he's wearing his butler outfit.

"Something wrong, Y?" Tessa asks.

"I... Where are we?" Y asks as he looks around, seeing the library of the Elliott Mansion.

"You're in the library? You were sorting books when you just took a tumble and turned off."

"But what about Copper 9!" Y shoots up to his feet. "The Cathedral! Izy and Uzi!"

The three Drones and Tessa grow confused. 

"What are you talking about, Y?" V asks. "Is there a malfunction in your servos."

Y looks at his hands. "I-I-"

"Oh, good." Cyn shuffles over. "You're awake Big Brother, you scared us. Big Smile." She pushes her head up as she smiles.

"Cyn?" Y's visor glitches. 

Admin Privileges: Enabled
Manual Control: On 

"Oh... sorry for scaring you all." Y rubs his head, before he nearly falls over, but catches himself.

"You good, Y?" N asks.

"Yeah, just... I think I'm low on power. I'm gonna go charge myself."

"Before that, shall we do a check up? Questioning head tilt." Cyn tilts her head. "We should see if anything went wrong when you feel."

Y's sluggishly nods. "Yeah, I guess we should."

Cyn smirks. "Let's go then, Big Brother."

Cyn holds her hand out to Y, and he slowly grabs it. Cyn starts to lead Y towards the basement hatch. He slowly looks back, only to find N, V, J and Tessa all gone. He just calmly looks forward as Cyn smiles back at him.

The closer and closer they get to the basement, the more sluggish Y feels.

"Y!" A voice echoes through the mansion... a familiar voice.

Y stops, which confused Cyn. "Hmmm?" Y looks around.

Cyn starts to drag Y again. "Come on, Big Brother, we must hurry. You could be really hurt."

"Did you not... hear the voice?" Y asks.

"What voice, are you okay?"

Y's white eyes narrow in confusion. 

"Y, snap out of it." The voice echoes around Y again.

Y stops as a... happy feeling spreads through his wires. Making him start to feel energetic again.

"...Izy?" Y questions.

An annoyed look grows on Cyn's face, as she rough starts to drag Y again. "Come on! Big Brother! We must hurry?"

Y pulls his hand away from Cyn. "You're... not telling me something."

"Innocent smile." Cyn smiles at Y. "I have no idea what you mean."

"Y!" Izy's voice echoes again. "Come on, don't let her control you! You snapped me out of it, so you can snap out of it as well! COME ON!"

A smile grows on Y's face as he starts to remember. "Izy!"

Parts of the mansion fall apart, revealing static outside of it.

"NO!" Eldritch Cyn grabs Y with her large claws and holds him up into the air, nearly crushing him. "YOU ARE MINE!" Her voice shakes the mansion, parts of the ceiling fall down around them. "I will not let her take you from me!"

Y grunts in pain, but then smirks at Cyn. "Hey Cyn... Ugh! I think you seem to forget. Hrn! This place, is inside MY mine!"

The Absolute Solution symbol appears around Cyn.

"Oh for the love of the Absolute-"

Cyn gets thrown across the room as Y suddenly changes into his Murder Drone self. Cyn gives an angry cry and lunges at Y, but he uses his powers to thrown Cyn into the ceiling then onto the ground, shaking the mansion.

"Y, please, just come back to me." Izy's voice echoes again.


Y smiles. "Of course Izy... of course."

The mansion falls completely apart as Y looks up at Cyn who's suddenly freezes just in front of him.

Playing_Memory:// File_Number - [1001]...

All the memories Y has of Izy start to play for him in his visor, making him smile. In Y's vision everything distorts and freezes. Then everything turns black and white before a loud ringing sound which is slowly replaced by static as it also then covers his vision as he loses all his senses. Then his vision turns black.

"I know what I must do..."




Y stops in front of the edge of the hole as his visor glitches. He then lets go of Izy's foot as his eyes return, but they start to glitch. He then reaches into his right coat pocket.

Reboot at 90%

"Y?" Izy calls out.

Y's speech glitches as he talks. "I am Cyn's back up..."

Reboot at 91%

"I'm a danger to everyone and everything..." Y pulls out his purple handle screw driver.

Reboot at 92%

Y's hands spark and shake as he grows a soft smile. "I... I... The only time I was able to actually lived for myself was before I met Cyn..."

Reboot at 93%

"And when I met you..." Y looks back with a smile at Izy.

Reboot at 94%

"Y, what- what are you talking about?" Izy asks in fear.

Reboot at 95%

"If... I want everyone to be safe... I can't let Cyn control me... I'm too dangerous."

Reboot at 96%

Y walks right up to the edge of the hole, he looks down at Uzi, who's holding onto the edge of the hole. The two nod to each other.

Reboot at 97%

"Y, stop!" Izy shouts as she grunts and tries to stand up, but falls back down, tears start to fall down her visor. "Come on, we can figure this out together."

Reboot at 98%

Y gives a soft chuckle and smile. "I... I want to keep you safe Izy... you mean everything to me now." He looks down at the hole, then to the screwdriver in his hand. "And if that means... I have to do this..."

His visor glitches as he uses his Absolute Solution ability to lift up the screw driver.

"To keep you safe... I'm willing to do it."

Reboot at 99%

"Goodbye, Izy..." Y smiles as her as he aims the screw driver towards his right eye. "...I love you."

Y holds a hand towards Izy and tosses her back, towards the entrance of the cathedral.

"Y!!!!" Izy screams.

Y gives Izy one last smile, as he looks at the screw driver aimed towards him. "Never leave home without it."

Y steels his nerves as fear runs through his circuits. 'Come on Y, you have to do this. To keep her safe, you must... End this.' He grits his teeth. 'It's up to you, N and Izy. Please... stops Cyn... for my sake.'

In Y's vision he stares at the screw driver floating in front of him. Everything around him glitches as warnings pop up everywhere. Then he forcefully launches the screw driver into his right eye, everything goes dark as pain shoots through him... then nothing.

rorrE lataF








"I did it... I stopped myself. But... Why am I still here? Why are my servos still running? I thought... I thought I killed myself. Wait, does that mean..."

A robotic giggle echoes. "Sorry Big Brother, but I can't let you get away that easily. Maniacal Giggle~"

"...Oh no."








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