Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒

Miss M̸͓̏̇e̷̙̊?̵̛̭̙̠͌͝

rorrE rorrE
cinap ton od ,degamad era uoY

Wind violent blows as the crunching of snow reveals several pairs of footsteps approaching as the red text flashes.

"Woah!" A male voice shouts as foot steps rapidly approach. "Y! Are you okay?"

"Does he look okay, N?" A female voice calls out, then she mutters. "This won't do, how are we gonna get our pens if he's outta action?"

Then a second female voice speaks, slightly sadistically. "We just need to round up a bunch of workers and slaughter them, then we can feed their entrails to him. Then he'll be all better!"

rorrE rorrE
deriaper eb ot sdeen ssabmud sihT

"But shouldn't he already be nearly repaired, V?" N asks the second female.

"Who are you?" V asks.

Everyone remains silent as the winds violently blow.

The first female sighs. "Great! Just great! Y is outta action and you let a group of Worker Drones get away, N!"

"S-Sorry, I got distracted by something shiny- I-I mean they were just really fast!" N defends himself with a slight stutter. "Sorry, J."

rorrE rorrE
nwoD gnittuhS :rewoP woL

"Well, shit, that ain-"

Everything goes silent.




A pencil INTENSELY draws on a blue piece of paper as a female mutters to herself.

"Drop the two, carry the three and huzzah!" The female silently cheers. "I have done it!"

"Izy!" A tired voice calls out.


Sitting at a desk is a small Worker Drone with light purple hair with two straight-down pig tails, each with a hair band on the lower end. Also black bandanna on the top of her head. She has dark purple eyes that are slightly scared at the moment. She has a purple unzipped hoodie on with a black shirt underneath that says "It's not a phase, Dad!" Then she has dark pink socks with black boots on.

Her name is Izy Doorman and currently she's sitting in a classroom with many other teenage robots. On her desk is a large blue paper with a drawing of a sum sort of weapon. She looks to the front of her class to see her teacher staring at her.

She looks to the front of her class to see her teacher staring at her

"Please pay attention to the class." The teacher says in a monotone voice.

"Hiding." Izy, narrating her actions, shrinks in her desk as she notices everyone staring at her. "Sorry." She replies in a small voice.

The teacher then looks to the other side of the class. "And Uzi, please sit on your desk correctly."

"Bite me!" A female voice yells.

Izy looks at her "older" sister Uzi and sees that she's crouching on top of her desk.

Uzi has neon purple eyes and dull purple hair. She wears a black striped beanie with glittery bobble at the tip, and black boots with long, dark purple socks. She also wears a black hoodie with a white emblem on the front depicting a battery with two bones going across it, creating an "X" shape. The bottom of the hoodie has two white stripes wrapping around it, and the left sleeve has a white radioactive symbol on it. She also has a black choker around her neck with a skull and the number "002" on it.

She also has a black choker around her neck with a skull and the number "002" on it

The Teacher sighs. "You two Doormans are always causing trouble."

"Sorry." Izzy whispers.

"NOT TRUE!" Uzi shouts as she points at her teacher. "You just have it out for us!"

The Teacher rolls his eyes. "Can you two just pay attention for a few minutes."

"Never!" Uzi shouts as she throws her arms up, making Izy just shake her head. "Join me Izy, and we shall take down the corruption of the school!"

Izy slides down into her seat to where her eyes are barely visible. "Please don't drag me into this."

Sometime later after school ends Izy is back at home in her room. She's sitting at a workbench with many tools and equipment lying about. She has her tongue sticking out as works on a small weapon with a screw driver.

Her room is dark purple with several posters pinned to the walls. A few blueprint papers are taped onto the walls behind her work bench. Tools and scrap metal are scattered on the floor. The only "clean" thing in her room would be her bed with pink sheets.

"Almost... There." Izy mutters before she smiles and drops her screw driver. "HUZAH! I did- OW" She sticks her tongue out. "Bit my tongue! Bit my tongue!"

Izy shakes her head back and fourth with her tongue out, before she calms down and returns to normal. She then grabs the small weapon on her bench and holds it up.

"Finally, I did it, a successful prototype!"

The weapon is a type of pistol shiny silver with blue glowing lights on it.

The weapon is a type of pistol shiny silver with blue glowing lights on it

Izy smiles at her reflection in the metal. "It may not be as cool as Uzi's railgun, but mine is actually finished!"

Suddenly the lights on the gun turn red and it begins to shake.

"Uh oh."

A red beam shoots out of the gun, making it kick back and hit Izzy in the face; sending her to the floor. The energy round slams into the wall and goes right through it. Uzi scream comes through the hole.

"IZY!" Uzi

Izy groans as she holds onto her head and stands up. She stands at a short 3'8". She blinks a few times and her eyes go hollow as she sees the hole in the metal wall. She runs up to the hole and stares through it to see Uzi, in her room, glaring towards the hole. A large burn mark is on the wall next to her head.

"What the heck was that?!" Uzi yells.

"Minor setback?" Izy shrugs her shoulders as sweat drops on her screen.

Uzi huffs. "You set back nearly hit my amazing rail gun!" She holds up railgun.

"You set back nearly hit my amazing rail gun!" She holds up railgun

The lights flicker out on the railgun and Uzi sighs. "Damn it!" She turns back to her desk.

Suddenly their father calls out to them. "You girls are not causing trouble right?"

"No dad!" The two shout.

"Haha! Good, now I need to get back to staring at this door for no reason!"

Izy grabs a paper off the ground and puts it over the hole, before putting tape all around the edges. "Hehe, there... fixed." Izy taps her fingers together as she looks down at her gun on the ground.

Several hours later Izy is outside the safety of the bunker as she's laying on the front of a old deserted car, messing with the engine.

Several parts go flying behind her as she throws them. "Huzzah!!" She reaches behind her and pulls out a screw driver with a red handle. "Lucky screw driver, never leaves home without it."

Izy starts to stab at the engine and more parts go flying. Then she giggles and slides off the car as she holds a spark plug in her hand. "Here we go! Exactly what I needed, now to get home without get caught."

The short Worker Drone starts to walk off, until she hears flapping in the distance. She hums and looks up to the sky to see several glowing yellow lights in the sky coming towards her direction.

Izy starts to shake as her eyes go hollow. "Oh no..." She swiftly runs over to the car and opens a back door and hops inside, closing the door behind her.

She breathes heavily as the flapping of wings approaches and something slams onto the roof of the car, causing it to dent in. Izy nearly screams in fear but she slams a hand over her mouth.

Footsteps stomp over the roof of the car, and then hops off. Yellow lights shine through the frost covered windows. Izy slams a hand over her visor as digital tears fall down it.

Something scratches along the end of the car as the yellow light moves around the car, shining inside. A psychotic laughter echoes outside the car, making Izy curl up into a ball and let out a quiet whimper.

Another crash is heard. "V!" A female voice calls out. "What are you doing, let's go!"

A huff is heard right outside the window Izy's under. "I thought I saw a Worker Drone, but it must've been my imagination."

"We don't need to worry about that now. We need to get these parts to Y."

"Guys." A male voice whines. "Why do I have to carry all the parts, they're kinda heavy."

"Stop whining, N." The second female voice orders. "This will help you build character."

The male gasps. "Character development. Nice!"

The Murder Drone beside the car takes off into the sky and everything goes quiet as the wind howls. Izy uncovers her eyes and mouth, digital tears still streaming down her face.

She slowly and shakily opens the car door and pears outside, finding nothing but a desolate highway full of abandoned vehicles. She hops out and sees large claw marks along the side of the car.

She lets out a shaky breath and looks up to the sky. Text appears on her visor.

I just torqued my pants.

Her visor returns to normal as she stares in fear at the sky. Then she slaps the sides of her cheeks. "Okay, time to go home!"

A little while later Izy arrives back at her home and she quietly opens the door, and peers her head in. She blinks a few times, before slowly entering. "Sneaking... Sneaking, oh yeah, sneaking."

She keeps looking around, seeing nothing but darkness, she slowly closes the door and starts to slowly walk towards her room. Until the lights suddenly turn on and her dad standing with at the wall with a finger on the light switch.

Until the lights suddenly turn on and her dad standing with at the wall with a finger on the light switch

Text appears on Uzi's visor.


"Where have you been, young lady?" Khan Doorman asks Izy.

Izy's visor returns to normal as she looks over to her dad and gives him a nervous laugh. "Hehehe, Um... looking at the cool bunker doors?"

Khan narrows his eyes at the short Worker Drone, before he laughs and smiles. "Haha! Just like when I was young, sneaking out to check out those perfect Bunker doors. Now I won't get mad at you this time, but next time, I may be a little unhappy. Now get off to bed, you have school in the morning."

Izy nods. "Yes dad." Izy walks past her dad and into her room, nearly tripping over a wrench as she reaches her bed.

She hops onto her bed and takes out her lucky Screw Driver and the Spark Plug and sets them on the nightstand next to her bed. She then flops onto her back and starts up to the ceiling.

She then thinks back to the moments in the car and she shivers and shakes. "Dear Robo-Jesus, that was terrifying."

Izy sighs and closes her eyes as text appears on her visor.

Sleep Mode: Activating.
Nightmares: Active




toobeR metsyS
nO gnirewoP

Through a screen with a large crack on the right side, that's seemingly suspended mid air, we see three Drones standing in front of it. Some slicer hair slightly covers the right side of the screen. There's steady hum from behind where the screen is. Black oil covers the ground along with many parts of Worker Drones.

"Is it working?" A male Disassembly Drone looks up at the screen. He is Serial Designation N

The male has neon yellow eyes with short silver hair parted to the left. He has four-fingered hands, two tiny glowing dots behind the legs, a black headband with five sections of lights on it, and a long black tail ending in a syringe; the headbands and syringe both contain Nanite Acid. He wears a black winter coat with a fur collar and a black pilot hat.

He wears a black winter coat with a fur collar and a black pilot hat

Red Text flashes on the screen.

toobeR metsyS gninnigeB

A female Disassembly Drone walks right below where the screen is and looks up to it. Her Serial Designation is V.

V has neon-yellow eyes and a silver bob cut. As with other Disassembly Drones, she has a black headband with five sections of lights and a long black tail ending in a large syringe containing Nanite Acid. She wears black, short-sleeved crop coat with fur collar and cuffs. Her legs are painted black up to her thighs, resembling thigh-high socks.

Her legs are painted black up to her thighs, resembling thigh-high socks

"It seems to be working." V states.

Red text flashes onto the screen.

%01 ta toobeR

In the background a second female Disassembly Drone crosses her arms. Her Serial Designation is J.

J has neon-yellow eyes and silver hair in twin pigtails tied with black ribbons. Like the others, she wears a black headband adorned with five light bulbs filled with Nanite Acid. She also has a thing black tail ending in a large syringe containing Nanite Acid as all Disassembly Drones have.

She also has a thing black tail ending in a large syringe containing Nanite Acid as all Disassembly Drones have

"It's gonna work." J states. "We found the best power source for the Boss, so there's no reason for this to not work."

Red Text flashes onto the screen.

%51 ta toobeR

N points up at the screen. "Um, but the parts that are usually yellow are red. And that's not normal."

V waves a hand as she walks back to the other two Disassembly Drones. "Pfft, Y'll be fine. He's pretty strong."

"But then how did he get to looking like that?" N motions up to the screen. "If he's strong then whatever did that to him, has to be stronger! And that's kinda scary, cause something strong then him has to also be stronger then us."

Red text flashes onto the screen.

%02 ta toobeR

The three Drones stare up at the screen, all with worry on their faces.

"Come on, Y..." J mutters as sweet falls on her visor.

Suddenly sparks shoot out from the screen as red text rapidly flashes as everything starts to glitch.


More sparks start to shoot out from the screen as a loud whining sound grows from the screen.

"Shit!" V shouts.

"What's going on?!" N shouts in confusion.

J runs off to the side and a loud slam is heard and everything glitches for a few seconds and then all goes dark.

"What just happened?" N asks.

"I-I have no idea." J slightly stutters.

"Come on, Y, stop being lazy and repair yourself so we can go slaughter those Worker Drones!" V shouts.

J then speaks up. "Come on, let's go get more parts for him, then retry all this."

"Great Idea, J!" N says with enthusiasm.

"I always have great ideas."

Three sets of footsteps walk away and everything is silent except for the wind. Then a female robotic voice laughs echoes as yellow Text flashes on the screen.

ksiR ta era uoY

Then a yellow three arrowed symbol flashes onto the screen.

Then a yellow three arrowed symbol flashes onto the screen

Yellow Text flashes onto the screen.

?eM ssiM

The three arrow symbol flashes onto the screen several times, before it freezes and a circle forms around it.


Absolute S̵̯̱͐̄ǫ̶̹́͗͘l̷̏͜ǘ̶̟͖̈́t̶̤̟̱̽͊̿ï̸̢̟̈́̿o̴̡̪͆n̴̫̫͒







2558 words


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